The HIGH-DOSE Vitamin D3 CURE for Multiple Sclerosis – Now Sweeping the Planet – Case Studies #14

A Most Amazing Story of Dr. Coimbra and
the 1,000’s of his Patients around the world
that have Been Cured of MS with
High-Dose Vitamin D3
(Doses of 50,000, 100,000, 200,000 to as High as   1,000,000 IU of Vitamin D3 per day)

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The Cure For Yellow Toenail Fungus-High Dose Vitamin D3- Case Studies #17

What follows is an excerpt from my book about my High Dose Vitamin D3 experiment over a 1-year period. I describe my almost life long quest to cure the yellow toenail fungus (also known as – onychomycosis) that one can pick up from running around barefoot in the gym showers. After years and years of trying various treatments  I accidentally discovered that high dose Vitamin D3 will cure  under-the-nail yellow toe nail fungus. It takes as long as it takes for your toe nails to grow outcompletely-about  9 months in my case. You can put Rogaine (minoxidil) on the nails each day to make them grow out faster if you are in a hurry.

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Make Your Immune System Kill the CoronaVirus-COVID-19 Before It Makes You Sick! -HOW? Or Why Many People Infected with COVID-19 Never Have Symptoms.

I will be so bold as to predict that IF YOU TAKE 20,000 IUs  of Vitamin D3  per day- You will never get sick from COVID-19!

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The Upcoming Covid-19 Outbreak in MEXICO, INDIA, BRAZIL & the Southern Hemisphere?- Predicted Hot Spots.

Can we predict the future hotspots for COVID-19 in MEXICO, INDIA AND IN lands south of the equator? I think…

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The Latest Anti-Aging Breakthrough!- Senolytics / (very affordable) Fisetin

The Latest Anti-Aging Breakthrough!- Senolytics/ (very affordable) Fisetin  Jeff T. Bowles 8/29/2019 In the last couple of years, anti-aging researchers…

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