Case Study #12: “Incurable” Crohn’s Disease Cured with High-Dose Vitamin D3 Therapy – 5 People Who Cured Lifelong Crohn’s Disease

  It is hard to watch TV these days without seeing a commercial for a drug for Crohn’s disease being…

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Sunscreen Causes Skin Cancer!

      (Make sure you check the new update at the end  concerning the recenly published study about tanning…

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Case Study #9 – A Doctor Cures His Psoriasis with Vitamin D3!

  Watch almost any television/cable channel today and you will be bombarded with commercials for drugs that all claim to…

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Case Studies #16-Vitamin D3 Can Prevent & CURE Erectile Dysfunction!

Vitamin D3 deficiency occurs when the body is not able to get adequate amount of vitamin D3. This can lead to higher risk of various conditions and diseases such as diabetes, influenza, bone diseases, allergy, and cancer. Case studies are examined Recent studies have also found a link between vitamin D3 deficiency and erectile dysfunction.

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Case Studies #13 -High Dose Vitamin D3 CURES Rheumatoid Arthritis

An estimated 70 percent of the population in the U.S. are deficient in vitamin D3. The deficiency is due to…

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