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Why 80% of Us Are Deficient In Magnesium
Monday, November 20th 2020 at 5:30 pm
My Note- It has recently been discovered that magnesium plays a pivotal role in regulating the blood level of Vitamin D3, boosting it when it gets too low, tamping it down when it gets too high. If someone gets no benefit from Vitamin D3 supplementation there is a good chance it is due to a magnesium deficiency. Keep in mind correcting a magnesium deficiency is difficult and can take weeks of multiple dosing throughout the day. Also taking high dose Vitamin D3 without magnesium supplementation can induce magnesium deficiency symptoms. I have personal knowledge of someone having the first panic attack in their life after a month of taking 20,000 IU of Vitmamin D3 per day for plantar fasciitits without taking magnesium. It cured the PF by the way, but scared the beejesus out of the D3 user!! end note-JB
Magnesium deficiency is ALMOST ALWAYS misdiagnosed because it does not show up in blood tests – only 1% of the body’s magnesium is stored in the blood.
Most doctors and laboratories don’t even include magnesium status in routine blood tests.
Thus, most doctors don’t know when their patients are deficient in magnesium, even though studies show that the majority of Americans are deficient in magnesium.
Doctors have not been using the appropriate test for magnesium – their serum blood tests just distort their perceptions. The blood test tells you almost NOTHING about magnesium in your body..if you test low in blood magnesium it means you are likely having severe critical health issues and are about to die…Magnesium has been off their radar screens through the decades that magnesium deficiencies have snowballed.
Symptoms of Magnesium Deficiency
The first symptoms of deficiency can be subtle – as most magnesium is stored in the tissues, leg cramps, foot pain, or muscle ‘twitches’ can be the first sign. Other early signs of deficiency include loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, and weakness. As magnesium deficiency worsens, numbness, tingling, seizures, personality changes, abnormal heart rhythms, and coronary spasms can occur.
A full outline of magnesium deficiency was beautifully presented in a recent article by Dr. Sidney Baker. “Magnesium deficiency can affect virtually every organ system of the body. With regard to skeletal muscle, one may experience twitches, cramps, muscle tension, muscle soreness, including back aches, neck pain, tension headaches and jaw joint (or TMJ) dysfunction. Also, one may experience chest tightness or a peculiar sensation that he can’t take a deep breath. Sometimes a person may sigh a lot.”
“Symptoms involving impaired contraction of smooth muscles include constipation; urinary spasms; menstrual cramps; difficulty swallowing or a lump in the throat-especially provoked by eating sugar; photophobia, especially difficulty adjusting to oncoming bright headlights in the absence of eye disease; and loud noise sensitivity from stapedius muscle tension in the ear, tinnitus”
“Other symptoms and signs of magnesium deficiency-the central nervous system is markedly affected. Symptoms include insomnia, anxiety, hyperactivity and restlessness with constant movement, panic attacks, agoraphobia, even seizures, dizziness , falls, hallucinations, confusion, and premenstrual irritability. Magnesium deficiency symptoms involving the peripheral nervous system include numbness, tingling, and other abnormal sensations, such as zips, zaps and vibratory sensations.”
“Symptoms or signs of the cardiovascular system include palpitations, heart arrhythmias, and angina due to spasms of the coronary arteries, high blood pressure and mitral valve prolapse. Be aware that not all of the symptoms need to be present to presume magnesium deficiency; but, many of them often occur together. For example, people with mitral valve prolapse frequently have palpitations, anxiety, panic attacks and premenstrual symptoms. People with magnesium deficiency often seem to be “uptight.” Other general symptoms include a salt craving, both carbohydrate craving and carbohydrate intolerance, especially of chocolate, and breast tenderness.”
Magnesium is needed by every cell in the body including those of the brain. It is one of the most important minerals when considering supplementation because of its vital role in hundreds of enzyme systems and functions related to reactions in cell metabolism, as well as being essential for the synthesis of proteins, for the utilization of fats and carbohydrates. Magnesium is needed not only for the production of specific detoxification enzymes but is also important for energy production related to cell detoxification. A magnesium deficiency can affect virtually every system of the body.
One of the principle reason doctors write millions of prescriptions for tranquilizers each year is the nervousness, irritability, and jitters largely brought on by inadequate diets lacking magnesium. Persons only slightly deficient in magnesium become irritable, highly-strung, and sensitive to noise, hyper-excitable, apprehensive and belligerent. If the deficiency is more severe or prolonged, they may develop twitching, tremors, irregular pulse, insomnia, muscle weakness, jerkiness, leg and foot cramps.
If magnesium is severely deficient, the brain is particularly affected. Clouded thinking, confusion, disorientation, seizures, marked depression and even the terrifying hallucinations of delirium tremens are largely brought on by a lack of this nutrient and remedied when magnesium is given. Because large amounts of calcium are lost in the urine when magnesium is under supplied, the lack of this nutrient indirectly becomes responsible for much rampant tooth decay, poor bone development, osteoporosis and slow healing of broken bones and fractures. With vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), magnesium helps to reduce and dissolve calcium phosphate kidney stones.
General Symptoms-
- Physical and mental fatigue
- Persistent under-eye twitch
- Tension in the upper back, shoulders and neck
- Tendonitis
- Headaches
- Pre-menstrual fluid retention and/or breast tenderness
- Low energy
- Fatigue
- Weakness
- Dizziness, Falls
- Confusion
- Nervousness
- Anxiousness
- Irritability
- Seizures (and tantrums)
- Poor digestion
- PMS and hormonal imbalances
- Inability to sleep
- Muscle tension, spasm and cramps
- Calcification of organs
- Weakening of the bones
- Abnormal heart rhythm
here’s some new ones for SEVERE MAGNESIUM DEFICIENCY !
-increasing sensitivity to various smells!
-excessive thirst
-extreme hunger
-frequent urination
-dry mouth
Sores or bruises that heal slowly
Dry, itchy skin
Unexplained weight loss
Blurry vision that changes from day to day
Frequent or recurring skin, gum, bladder or vaginal yeast infections
For a much more comprehensive and actually shocking review of the effects of magnesium deficiency, please take a look at my new book (often free and never more than $3.99) about Vitamin D3 and its 5 cofactors. there is a large chapter on magnesium deficiency, causes and effects, along with some shocking real life stories-Also note my new book also describes how those taking high dose vitamin D3 can aggravate an underlying magnesium deficiency by using up one’s magnesium stores at a very fast rate-why? Because magnesium is Vitamin D3’s most important cofactor. This explains why many doctors have noticed an increased rate of falls in people given high dose Vitamin D3 in single large doses. The book also describes some rare cases where magnesium deficiency aggravation by high dose D3 has triggered severe confusion, and even hallucinations over a one month period!
US Amazon link>>>>
![The Miraculous Cure For and Prevention of All Diseases What Doctors Never Learned by [Jeff T. Bowles]](
Jeff T. Bowles
If you are going to buy magnesium pills they are relatively cheap, but if you really want to save 90% and more you can buy the bulk powder. This really makes a difference when buying melatonin or Vitamin K2 or resveratrol, etc… . Vitamn K2 pills can cost 30X more than gold by weight! Or you can buy the powder for just $15 per gram! Here is a link to an article about how to save 90%+ on all your supplements while getting the highest quality!>>>
Over the last year, I have suffered from severe insomnia. Stragely, I feel fairly normal during the day. For about two years prior, I took about 6,000 iu of vit D a day. And then upped my dose to 10,000iu for three months…then the insomnia started. But. I have always been a good sleeper until last year. I have tried small amounts of topical magnesium (I stopped all vitamin supplements when the insomnia starrted because I didn’t know what was causing it), but the magnesium just activates the stored D and makes my sleep even worse. So I am scared to take magnesium (actually,I am afraid to take anything – this insomnia is horrible!), but I KNOW I need magnesium! What do you think? Please help, any advice is appreciated. I am miserable…
Hello Kara thanks for writing…..
I have always worried that high dose Vitamin D3 might lead to insomnia in some people given that it is the get up and go “summer is here” hormone…So if you have D3 induced insomnia I dont think magnesium is going to help you that much…What you might want to try is to take high dose melatonin, which is a hormone that increases right before and during your sleep and if you take high doses of it, it can make you sleep for 14 hours a day just like a baby..sleep sitting up in a moving car….and it feels good like when you were a teenager- that kind of sleep. There are a few articles here on this website about mealtonin just click search and type the word melatonin and you will find them. A woman can take up 75 mg a ngiht and it will act as birth control in addition to makeing you sleep. it also prevents alzheimers and will grow hairt back n balding men!!! and if you start soon enough it reverses menopause!!
now one thing when I took melatonin and high dose d3 on the same day for a period it seemd that the melatonin adn the d3 cancelled each other out ….Very high doses of d3 would make me sleepy and I would sleep extra like feeling exhausted after a day in the sun..While high dose melatonin by itself could make me sleep a lot too..When I took them both together on the same day the sleep efect of both was greatly diminished. So if I were you I would start at 10 mg of melatonin a night and once you are used to it double the dose …keep doubling til you get to 80 mg a night….
I have to update this advice..Sorry Kara while doing more research I learned that taking high dose vitamin D3 will actually eat up your magnesium even faster! As magnesium is D3’s major co factor…One symptom of magnesium deficiency is insomnia! So while melatonin should help you get to sleep..My prior advice was wrong..Magnesium supplementation SHOULD CURE YOUR INSOMNIA!!! you just need to take more of it maybe 2x a day…best to get extended release magnesium they sell it at
Hi, I’ve just finished reading your Vitamin D3 Miracle Book a few weeks ago. I’ve been taking D3 50,000 IU K2 5000 mk4 1000 Mk7 I’m not sure how much magnesium and omega to take so I’ve only been taking the recommended dosage on the bottle which isn’t enough. What do you recommend? Which K2 do you recommend? I’ve been using Thorne which only has mk4 then I switched to innovix mk4 and mk7
HI k2 can cost a fortune you can get eally cheap and pure powder from [email protected]
I buy 5 grams of mk4 and 5 grsams of mmk7 and mix together here is some dosing info I send outy and will add to book soon
taking calcium with high dose d3 is generally not a good idea as the only danger that high dose d3 can
be causing too much calcium in your blood or aggravating a magnesium deficiency…
after I took 20 to 25,000 IUs of d3 a day for a few months my d3 blood level was 125 ng/ml
normal range in US is 30 to 100 ng/ml
but you can’t get the healing results/disease cures/ chronic issues unless your d3 level is about 125 to 150 ng/ml
take d3 based on your weight
I will now paste in an email I send out when asked this question I will update my recent bbook with this info soon
a good place for blood tests is to order them from
they will send you a sheet you take to neerest labcorp who will draw yur blood
you will then get test result by email in 3 days…You do not need an appointment at labcorp
but find one that is not crowded I found one in Chciago that never had a wait…and one that had about a 40 miunte wait
the most important test is blood calcium…as long as it is in the normal range you have nothing to worry about as d3 itself is nontoxic…can only be bad if it elevates your calcium too much…also nice to know your blood d3 levels..
if you get the blood panel for $140 that gives d3 calcium levels adn many otehrs…
dont worry about the magnesium results as they will tell you nothing.
I would suggest
800 mcg (micrograms) of the mk7 tyype of K2 with each 10,000 IU of d3
4000 mcg = 4 mg of the weaker but more natural mk4 type of k2 with each 10,000 iu of d3
you can get $15 per gram k2 of both kinds fomr [email protected]
check out the info at about peter taking k2 in pill form will cost a fortune
I woudld also take anywhere from 250 mg 2x per day of extended relase magnesium to 500mg 2x a day or even 750 mg 2x a sday
as much as you can handle for a 1 year period if you think you are mag deficient or are taking high dose d3 if you have diarrhea after
1week or so cut down the doaage until you are ok with it..
I get the extended release kind fromm it stays in yur blood for 6 hours at a time..must have high blood levels all the time
to reverse deficiency
boron if you get the little 3 mg pills 18 mg 2 x per day with some zinc piccolinate 50 mg 2 x a day
if you take borax laundry powder (20 mule team) take 1/8th a teaspoon 2x per day
Sorry for the typos>>>Typos save tiem !
Is it necessary to test for ionized calcium or is the serium calcium test adequate? What is the difference between these two tests? Ionized calcium is a very expensive
I think the serum test is adequate…
So how much calcium should one eat/supplement with every 10,000 IU of Vitamin D? Thanks
HI there
you should NEVER take any extra calcium when taking high dose d3 calcium from your diet is plenty
in fact one of the possible ways high dose D3 can be bad for you is by causing excess calcium to go into your blood causing hypercalcemia.
That is why you also have to take vitamin K2 with high dose D3 as it helps move calcium out of the blood and back into the bones.
You mentioned magnesium powder, so I was wondering why you buy the LEF tablets?
Do you know where you can get the magnesium powder at all?
Thanks Jeff
hi there yeah if you weant to save a fortune you can get magnesium from Peter at
you can read about him here>>>
but if you ae more inteerested in convenience you can use’s or some other kind of extended release magnesium but tit will cost you more..
the cheapest and most effective way to cure a magneisum deficeiny is to mix powder ito a drink and sip througout the day
HI Jeff, thanks for all you do. Question, since the LEF Extended Release Magnesium has both Magnesium Oxide and Magnesium Citrate, which magnesium powder do you recommend to add to water? I am not sure if both are necessary
HI Wendy either are OK but I hear that magnesium oxide is more likely to cause diarrhea
but Im sure mag citrate will do the same at higher doses
Best to try and take small amounts throughout the day so it is in your blood all the time
That is how your tissues gradually pick it up over a year or so
My calcium level is severly low even though I have been taking Calcium 1200mg plus 3d and Vitamin D2000mg.
I do have problems with cramping of toes, calf and legs. If I have a Magnisium Deficiency could that cause my body NOT to absorb the calcium and D that I have been taking resulting in extremely low bone density on the chart?
HI Claudette You should read my book the miraculous cure for and prevention of all diseases what doctors never learned it will teach you about D3 and the 5 cofactors. First off your d3 dose is way too low to do anything.. Also if you want to get calcium into your bones you need to take 45 mg of Vitamin k2 each day you can get the Mega k2 pill form . That is how they treat osteoporosis in Japan You probably want to be taking 10,000 to 20,000 IU s of d3 per day based on your body weight. Also to build strong bones you also need to take at least 18 mg of boron 2x a day it will give you very hard bones…Your cramping is being caused by a magnesium deficiency which is difficult to fix Ill send you some emails on that