The Upcoming Covid-19 Outbreak in MEXICO, INDIA, BRAZIL & the Southern Hemisphere?- Predicted Hot Spots.

Can we predict the future hotspots for COVID-19 in MEXICO, INDIA AND IN lands

south of the equator?

I think the answer is yes.

(Get much More Information about Covid-19 and how to Prevent the next Pandemic at )

The important factors to consider are

  • The presence of mountain ranges (especially north-south ranges). (Can block D3 producing Sunshine)
  • The months when RAINY SEASON OCCURS  (Southern Mexico and India)
  • Hours of annual sunshine (relates to populatioons Vitamin D3 status)
  • The median age of the population (Production of Vitamin D3 in the skin is impaired in the elderly)
  • The percentage of dark/darker-skinned individuals (Production of Vitamin D3 in the skin is impaired in darker-skinned individuals)
  • Effect of the unknown “living near the water” factor (actually how much Vitamin D3 rich fish are eaten by the population)

How can we completely prevent the coming pandemic south of the equator? If everyone takes the sunbathing for 1/2 hour equivalent of Vitamin D3  or 20,00 IUs per day , then there will be no pandemic this winter south of the equator.

If massive supplementation is not implemented, the pandemic will get pretty bad  and will peak at the end of August or in early September.

For a much more in depth analysis see my new book-

How to Stop the Next Panemic Before

18 Fascinating Stories and Articles

About Covid-19 and the Spanish Flu

Available at

So let’s start with a world map with the equator shown.

To predict future hotspots, lets first look for significant mountain ranges in South America, Southern Africa, Australia, and New Zealand, and Indonesia.

Topopgraphic map of South America:

Well right off the bat  we can see that the Andes mountains run all the way up and down thougb the middle of Columbia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia and Chile an Western Argentina.

Argentina Ethnic groups

Ethnic groups:

European (mostly Spanish and Italian descent) and mestizo (mixed European and Amerindian ancestry) 97.2%, Amerindian 2.4%, African 0.4% (2010 est.)


And  Southern Chile can get quite cold with weak sun as it is far from the equator. Here is  a picture of Santiago  the capital of Chile, I was guessing there would be moutains in the picture  before I even started looking for it>

Median Age of  Chilean population (pretty young) :

Chile > Demographics. Median age: total: 34.4 years. male: 33.2 years. female: 35.6 years (2017 est.) Definition: This entry is the age that divides a population into two numerically equal groups; that is, half the people are younger than this age and half are older.


Age structure of Chilean population:

0-14 years: 19.98% (male 1,827,657 /female 1,754,253)

15-24 years: 14.63% (male 1,337,663 /female 1,285,514)

25-54 years: 42.94% (male 3,851,775 /female 3,845,195)

55-64 years: 11.32% (male 957,872 /female 1,070,975)

65 years and over: 11.13% (male 836,489 /female 1,157,869) (2018 est.)

Hours of annual sunshine

Sunshine & Daylight Hours in Santiago, Chile

  • Mean hours of sunshine in Santiago range from 3:02 daily in June to 10:23 daily in January.
  • The longest day of the year is 14:13 long and the shortest day is 9:46 long.
  • The longest day is 4:26 longer than the shortest day.
  • There is an average of 2462 hours of sunlight per year (of a possible 4383)…

Total sunsine hours  look pretty good.

Largest Ethnic Groups In Chile

Rank Self-Identified Ethnic Background Share of Chilean Population
1 European 59%
2 Mestizo 25%
3 Mapuche 9%
4 African 4%
5 Aymara 1%
6 Others 2%

So the bottom line is that Chile while looking like a good place for an outbnreak due to its proximity to tall N/S mountains

Also all habitable land in Chile looks likes it is close to the Pacific Ocean suggesting there might be a near the water effect  that suppresses the virus….We will solve this mystery at the end of this book)

So. Overall  the risk for a bad break out in Chile looks low as Chile has many factors arguing against a bad out break, Lots of sun hours, a young population, mostly non black opopulation, and the living by the water factor. It does have the mountain factor to offerst some of the good points. 

Special areas to look out for would be Chilean nursing homes especially those with elderly black residents.

How about Brazil?

Mountains in Brazil

Mountain Metres Feet Range Notes
Pico da Neblina 2,995 9,826 Serra do Imeri Highest in Brazil; 2015 measurement, previous measurements of 3014 m (1966) and 2994 m (2004)
Pico 31 de Março 2,974 9,757 Serra do Imeri Shared with Venezuela; 2015 measurement, previous measurements of 2992 m (1966) and 2973 m (2004)
Pico da Bandeira 2,891 9,485 Highest in Minas Gerais, Highest in the Brazilian Highlands
Pico do Cruzeiro 2,861 9,386 Unconfirmed elevation[1]
Pico do Calçado 2,849 9,347
Pedra da Mina 2,798 9,180 Mantiqueira Mountains Highest in São Paulo state
Pico das Agulhas Negras 2,791 9,157 Mantiqueira Mountains Highest in Rio de Janeiro State
Pico do Cristal 2,770 9,088
Mount Roraima 2,734 8,970 Guiana Shield Shared with Venezuela and Guyana – Border tripoint elevation[2]
Pico dos Marins 2,420 7,940 Mantiqueira Mountains
Pico do Barbado 2,033 6,670 Highest in Bahia
Pico Paraná 1,877 6,158 Serra do Mar Highest in Paraná
Morro da Boa Vista 1,827 5,994 Serra Geral Highest in Santa Catarina
Morro da Igreja 1,822 5,978 Serra Geral
Morro das Antenas 1,750 5,741 Serra Geral
Monte Caburaí 1,465 4,806   – is the northernmost point of Brazil
Pico do Monte Negro 1,398 4,587 Highest in Rio Grande do Sul


Largest Ethnic Groups In Brazil

Rank IBGE Ethnic Designation Share of Brazilian Population in 2010 Census
1 Brancos (White Brazilians) 47.73%
2 Pardo (Combined European, Native, and African Ancestry) 43.13%
3 Pretos (African-Brazilians) 7.61%
4 Amarelos (Asian Brazilian) 1.09%
5 Indigena (Indigenous Brazilian) 0.43%

Age structure: Median Age 32.

0-14 years: 21.89% (male 23,310,437 /female 22,414,551)

15-24 years: 16.29% (male 17,254,084 /female 16,758,140)

25-54 years: 43.86% (male 45,449,158 /female 46,151,759)

55-64 years: 9.35% (male 9,229,665 /female 10,296,824)

65 years and over: 8.61% (male 7,666,845 /female 10,315,429) (2018 est.)

Things look pretty bad for Brazil based on the skin color on average being ratehr darker  and elss able to make D3 in the winter sun.


Total population of All of Africa is only 1.29 billion. Less than the population of either China (1.38 billion)  or India (1.36 billion)




Thabana Ntlenyana mountain in Lesotho, which reaches an elevation of 3,482 metres (11,424 ft), is the highest mountain in southern Africa. It can be reached from the Sani Pass from South Africa which involves a 1000m climb up one of the hardest 4WD passes in Africa (sharp hairpin bends and 1000m drops without barriers).

  • The population density in Africa is 45 per Km2(117 people per mi2).
  • The total land area is 29,648,481 Km2 (11,447,338 sq. miles)
  • 8 %of the population is urban (587,737,793 people in 2019)
  • The median age in Africa is 19.7 years!

Prediction: Southern Africa should be mostly free of the COVID-19 epidemic deaths due to its almost non-existent elderly population.However , with lots of black skin, its hard to say,there could be a lot of infections.




Tallest mountain Southern Australia

Meters        feet

South Australia Mount Woodroffe 1,435 4,708


Australia population by Age group

Age Both Sexes Population Both Sexes (%)
Total 25,597,574 100
00-04 1,691,301 6.6
05-09 1,626,659 6.4
10-14 1,609,226 6.3
15-19 1,514,670 5.9
20-24 1,599,898 6.3
25-29 1,786,086 7
30-34 1,885,386 7.4
35-39 1,847,595 7.2
40-44 1,582,082 6.2
45-49 1,724,154 6.7
50-54 1,533,874 6
55-59 1,587,811 6.2
60-64 1,431,790 5.6
65-69 1,236,358 4.8
70-74 1,120,521 4.4
75-79 768,904 3
80-84 524,012 2
85-89 325,223 1.3
90-94 155,069 0.6
95-99 42,247 0.2
100+ 4,708 0

About 19% of Australia’s population is over 60 years old and at risk.

Australia Age structure and Population pyramid


Ethnic Background Of Australians

Rank Principal Ancestral Ethnicity or Nationality Share of Australian Population
1 British 67.4%
2 Irish 8.7%
3 Italian 3.8%
4 German 3.7%
5 Chinese 3.6%
6 Aboriginal Australian 3.0%
7 Indian 1.7%
8 Greek 1.6%
9 Dutch 1.2%
10 Other 5.3%


The bottom line is we can probably expect a hot spot to occur in the north west mountainous part of Australia around which there there are many aboriginals  living.




India is a speacial case

Image result for India map Equator

India is just above the equator in the Northern Hemisphere. thee is lots of dark skin in the country. However, the population Vitamin D3 levels afre not controlled by the typical 4 seasons, but rather by the sunny and rainy seasons. the rainy season in India is June through September, so expect to see a terrible epidemic in India that peaks in September at the end of the rainy season.  UNLESS OF COURSE EVERYONE STARTS TAKING 10,000 (typical woman) TO 20,000 (typical man)  IUS  OF VITAMIN d3 PER DAY (BASED ON WEIGHT)

One Good factor is the age structure of India, mostly young>>

See the source image


Also not too much in the way of mountains>>>

See the source imagePopulation density>>>
See the source imageThe worst outbreaks are likely to occur in the southernmost  part of India where there is a dense population amngst the North/South mopuntain ramnge.



When is Rainy Season in Mexico?

Rainy season in central and southern Mexico lasts roughly from May or June through October or November. Hurricanes and tropical storms can go hand-in-hand with the rainy season, so if you’re traveling during this time of year, read up on hurricane season travel as well. Rainy season is not really a concern for travelers to northern Mexico or the Baja Peninsula, as it rains so little there.

See the source image

See the map below- Covid=19 Infections and Deaths Likely to Be the Worst in the Rainy  (red and orange ) areas of Mexico  and the epuidemic will end  in November 2020.

See the source image




6 thoughts on “The Upcoming Covid-19 Outbreak in MEXICO, INDIA, BRAZIL & the Southern Hemisphere?- Predicted Hot Spots.”

  1. I own both your books and i am confused.

    I have psoriasis and low levels of vitamin d about 19 level.

    For my understanding vitamin d3 = 10,000 UI and 200mcg of K2 MK7 per…

    so if you took 50,000 ui you need 1000mcg of K2 MK7

    What i don’t get is how much magnesium to take and what kind?

    Please help.

    1. Hello Brendon

      I will paste in an email I send out when asked this quetion I will update my recent bbook with this info soon

      I would suggest

      800 mcg (micrograms) of the mk7 tyype of K2 with each 10,000 IU of d3


      4000 mcg = 4 mg of the weaker but more natural mk4 type of k2 with each 10,000 iu of d3

      you can get $15 per gram k2 of both kinds fomr [email protected]

      check out the info at about peter taking k2 in pill form will cost a fortune


      I woudld also take anywhere from 250 mg 2x per day of extended relase magnesium to 500mg 2x a day or even 750 mg 2x a sday

      as much as you can handle for a 1 year period if you think you are mag deficient or are taking high dose d3 if you have diarrhea after
      1week or so cut down the doaage until you are ok with it..

      I get the extended release kind fromm it stays in yur blood for 6 hours at a time..must have high blood levels all the time

      to reverse deficiency

      boron if you get the little 3 mg pills 18 mg 2 x per day with some zinc piccolinate 50 mg 2 x a day
      if you take borax laundry powder (20 mule team) take 1/8th a teaspoon 2x per day

        1. Hello

          I buy 5 grams of each from [email protected] for about $160 or so (total) and mix them together 50/50 and I take the mixed powqder.

          usually abuot 50 mg a day yes that is 50,000 mcgs…. to make sure my veins and arteries remain decalcified

          If I had to pick just one I would go for the mk4

          1. Hi there

            Most people take k2 and d3 all at once in the morning with a meal…many people take it anytime of day..but some people find the D3 keeps them up at night if they take it in the evening so those sensitive people take it in the morning…

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