From: hazel
To: [email protected]
Sent: Tue, Jan 11, 2022 3:06 pm
Subject: OMG!
See im better just a few days back on it….
And now im doing the mega K (dang it why I didn’t listen to u the first time!)
Anyhow all is great. Doing the magnesium several times a day with the extended release.
Not fixed but in the right direction. When I stopped it, my legs were weak again and pain was really bad.
My nails all cracked or broke and became weak again.Feeling better! yay!
From: Stylianos
To: [email protected]
Sent: Sat, Jan 8, 2022 2:47 am
Subject: Re: HI some info you can use for your newsletters on covid fell free to plagiarize as I am not posting this anywhere at the momentI used to get wasted every winter with colds (no fever though, I generally have low body temperature) , terribly congested nose (nightmare) and after the cold passed, I used to have a chronic cough that went away only when spring and warm weather arrived.
During the last two years, where I started taking more than 5k, then 10k, 20k, 40K,and now 20K iu d3, I never get sick anymore.
but I don’t go out a lot ( almost no clubs, parties, restaurants, and bars, due to covid and general alienation that’s dominant ), so I cannot compare the 2 last years with the past. I also work from home. The more social I am, the more infections I get…
Regardless, I am definitely fortified now, I am sure.
Also, I don’t get any gastrenteric infections in the summer, like I used to have.
Plus eczema, psoriasis gone
awesome Im going to add this to the search engine!!!
I will bet you can go out and party and French kiss some dirty skank-hos with horrible colds
and sexually transmittable diseases
and walk away unscathed!!! go for it and report back!
Melanie M.
5.0 out of 5 stars I Want To Try His Theory
Reviewed in the United States on December 30, 2021 Fibromyalgia
Verified Purchase
I really like this guy and I think his theory is worth exploring. I’ve been taking it 50,000 IU for one week and I don’t feel any fibro pain???
—–Original Message—–
From: Y. David P
To: Jeff T. Bowles<[email protected]>
Sent: Wed, Jan 5, 2022 6:04 am
Subject: Vitamin K2 and HEART RACING plus HYPERTENSION</[email protected]>Dear Jeff,
My name is David, I am living in Berlin, Germany, and I am very much interested
in your amazing research !
I bought all your books and studied them carefully, after which, inspired by them,
I begun to use myself your D3-protocol with additional K2, Mag, Zinc and Boron
supplementation. I’ve been doing this for a month so far, and had had only good
results until now. I am 50 y.old and generally very healthy.
But after the successful trial of your protocol on my myself, I recommended it
to my mother, 80 y. old, generally healthy, but having a history of hypertension,
requiring her to take daily pills to manage her hypertension condition.
She have been taking 20000 IU of D3 daily, plus 2 capsules of SuperK from LEF,
plus Mag, Zinc and Boron according to your recommended dosages.
Now, after two weeks on this protocol, she has developed some disturbing
symptoms, of HEART RACING and HYPERTENSION, not experienced by her
before she started using your protocol.
I remembered what I read in your books about such conditions being a symptom
of too much vitamin K2, depleting the calcium from the soft tissues and bringing
them back into the bones, so that the calcium level in the blood would become too
small, thus causing these cardio-vascular symptoms.
Upon this consideration, I begun giving her in addition to a general MultiVitamin
and MultiMineral supplement, an additional Calcium supplement.
Then I said to my mother to lower the dose of K2 to only one SuperK capsule a day,
still keeping all the other components of your protocol like D3, Mag, etc. at the same
level. Her hypertension symptoms became much less, but the heart racing remained.
After this I recommended her to stop taking SuperK altogether and switch to the
Vitamin K2 from, taking 4 capsules a 200 mcg K2 of MK7 type,
while taking 20000 IU of D3 daily. After this change, her heart racing and hypertension
symptoms remained on the same level, which prompted me to set her daily dose
of K2 to be even less, taking only 3*200mcg of K2 from VitaminExpress.
Her hypertension symptoms improved but the heart racing remained.
After this we decided, yesterday, to stop taking K2 altogether, while still continuing
taking the daily dose of vitamin D3 (20000 IU) plus Mag, Zinc and Boron as usual.
After skipping only one day taking K2 (no K2 at all for one day), her heart racing
symptoms seem to have disappeared and the hypertension also improved !
Dear Jeff, what can you recommend us in this situation ?!
Should she keep taking D3 WITHOUT K2 ?
Could it be dangerous causing the calcification and atherosclerosis ?
Should we lower the dose of K2 ?
Should we take another type of K2 ?
Or should my mother stop using your protocol altogether ?
What do You think ?
Best regards,
David P
Hello David
Yes you have uncovered a perplexing puzzle I have been looking at for years and I have finally come up with what I think is the right answer.
Both and or either Vitamin D3 and Vitamin K2 (especially the MK7 type) tend to rapidly deplete your magnesium. So the hearty racing and blood pressure changes are actually caused by aggravating an underlying magnesium deficiency which is triggered by either or both D3 and K2…
The problem with taking al the cofactors at once is that the D3 and K2 get into your system very fast..and starts eating up your magnesium faster…While it takes a much longer time to increase your magnesium levels D3 and K2 levels can jump up in just a day or two..To increase the magnesium levels in your body takes two weeks to a month before you start getting a meaningful increase in your tissue magnesium.
And to fully correct a magnesium deficiency can take a whole year!
So if I were her and you I would stop the D3 for a month or two don’t worry the d3 stays in your fat and does not come down for 6 weeks to 2 months while the other cofactors come down you might want to keep taking a little born zinc and k2 of the mk4 type…
Now she should then work on reverse her magnesium deficiency which is hard to do I will send you an email on that
After a month or so of reversing the Mag def…she can then slowly add the d3 and k2 back and watch for symptoms
let me know how it goes!!!
From: Michael
To: [email protected]<[email protected]>
Sent: Tue, Dec 28, 2021 12:59 am
Subject: Re: dosing info</[email protected]>hello jeff, i have been taking a bunch of supplements. Recently for a while i stopped for some reason.
Anyhow, i am feeling the beginnings of a cold. mucuos on my throat that seems to have migrated to my chest a bit. i had some food poisoning yesterday,
it seems that may be lingering. i noticed a dry cough prior to that. what do you recommend?
I have the active form of vitamin d. How much? what else? how much? ty, michael
On Tuesday, December 28, 2021, 10:47:55 PM PST, <[email protected]>wrote:</[email protected]>
hello active d (Calcifediol) I would take 10,000 a day equivalent to about 50,000 iu of regular d3….
quercetin and vit k2 are also good antivirals
Sent: Thu, Dec 30, 2021 9:09 pm
Subject: Re: dosing info
thanks, feeling much better, have been taking d and k2 and other stuff, will get some quercetin, a little bit in the throat and lungs, clearing up… ty
From: Power Guy Night Urination frequent nocturia
To: Jeff Bowles<[email protected]>
Sent: Wed, Dec 29, 2021 10:13 am
Subject: Another benefit! Very unexpected!</[email protected]>I can hardly believe what I just discovered! I thought you might be interested.
I’m not sure you’ve experienced this issue. For maybe 10yrs I’ve had to get up once or twice through the night to pee. I never thought I’d sleep through the night again! Its just part of getting old that you can’t change. Very annoying! And I just noticed i don’t have this problem now! I can’t remember when I last had to get up in the night to pee. I’m pretty sure it wasn’t boron that has made this positive change because i started that 2yrs ago and I surely would have noticed this before now. This has to be the result of taking zinc and copper that I started around end of sept. AMAZING! I have another big reason to thank you! Thanks again Jeff!!!
wow that is amazing!!! I have heard from some people mostly women who have to get up and pee several times a night
but they noticed that the high dose d3 stopped that problem
so maybe they already had enough zinc and copper in their systems and just needed the d3???
From: Jim T
To: Jeff Boweles<[email protected]>
Sent: Fri, Dec 24, 2021 6:16 pm
Subject: Re: Boron</[email protected]>I took 18mg in pills of boron yesterday my hands didn’t hurt yesterday, today 24 mg pain going away.
Joe Owens
5.0 out of 5 stars No more plantar fasciitis
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 4 November 2021
Verified Purchase
Got rid of my plantar fasciitis after two weeks of 10,000 IU a day. Brilliant book.
Hazel 12/15/2021Anyhow I want to tell you also about 2 hours ago I was sitting at my desk and I stood up.
This is the first time in more than a year I had no pain upon standing.
I don’t want to get my hopes up but I think you’re saving my life!
OMG! I am telling you. I am so thrilled you are giving me so much hope.
I prayed I’d either die or find a cure and then that night I found your video.
From: Mindy
To: [email protected]
Sent: Wed, Dec 15, 2021 1:17 am
Subject: Prostrate cancerHi Jeff,
I read your book on D3 and wanted to get your recommendation for my Brother who is diagnosed with prostate cancer.
I was a little bit of confused in the book on what to take for prostate cancer.
Your assistance is greatly appreciated. Thank you!
—–Original Message—–
From: [email protected]
To: mindy
Sent: Wed, Dec 15, 2021 8:10 pm
Subject: Re: Prostrate cancer
hello there Mindy did you read this book? if you read he section on vitamin k2 you will find out that the event that precedes prostate cancer development is the calcification of the peripheral zone of the prostate….so Prostate Cancer is basically a disease caused by Vitamin K2 deficiency with a vitamin d3 deficiency component…
Vitamin K2 charges up osteocalcin hormones which takes calcium out of soft tissues and puts it back in the bones….Vitamin K2 is found in the fat of the milk of grass fed cows (spring a summer grass) men who drink fat free milk tend to have a higher rate of prostate cancer due to not getting much K2 in their diet…
when osteocalcin is charged up with K2 it takes calcium out of your soft tissues and puts it back in the bones. When you ae K2 deficient osteocalcin works in reverse putting calcium into your soft tissues
there is also a section on cancer where a number of people have put their cancer into remission by taking 50000 ius a day of d3 but they were both women the dose depends on your weight I would suggest he takes a high dose vitamin k2 supplement like mega K2 from it has 45 mg of k2 = 45,000 mcgs 2 or 3 x a day and then he might want to experiment with high dose d3 he also needs cofactors like magnesium zinc and boron and beta carotene it’s all in the book!
Hi Jeff this is suman from India.
I have alopecia on my upper lip.there is slow growth of hair..alopecia is there since 2 yrs..N my hair also got thin not because of is male baldness.
I have a autoimmune disorder.i have been taking 60k ius of d3..for 2 months n magnesium n calcium as per u r book.
Pls suggest me
Dosage of d3 n calcium n magnesium..
I want to cure auto immune n alopecia n male baldness
Hello Suman
thanks for writing
regular alopecia is often caused by zinc deficeincy you should take 100 mg of zinc picolinate everyday
you might want to alos take 6 mg of copper that is needed with zinc but it is best to take them at different times of day
as far as male pattern baldness goes…read my book on extreme dose melatonin high dose melatonin every night, will gorw your hair back in about 4 or 5 months if it is not too far gone..maybe 100 mg a night under the tongue right before bed
it works by boosting your progesterone levels and progesterone prevents Testosterone converting to the bad form of testosterone DHT which causes hair loss
there will be side effects and things you need to know so read the book
From: Binod
To: [email protected]
Sent: Mon, Dec 13, 2021 11:01 pm
Subject: Beta Carotene doseHi Jeff,
taking D3 – 20000 iu
K2 mk7 – 1400 mcg
magnesium (oxide form) – 680mg x2
zinc – 30 mg
boron – 6 mg
not taking beta carotene… how much should I take? or I shouldn’t take beta carotene? as you have written in book (the miraculous cure for and prevention of all diseases) that beta carotene at 20 mg daily linked to lung cancer.
good relief in my left foot joint pain, more energy..
now continuing d3 regime for my chronic fatigue syndrome (low grade fever, feeling of malaise, tiredness etc)
my last d3 level was 109 ng/ml (4 months back), what d3 level should maintain?
hi there yeah oddly too much beta carotene increased lung cancer risk in smokers
you probably can just eat a few carrots every day or take a multivitamin with 5000 iu of beta carotene in it…
109 mg is a great level here in the US we have a reference range of 30 to 100 considered normal
now if you want to cure autoimmune diseases or trigger tissue remodeling you need a d3 level of 125 to 150 ng/ml
but for good health 100 to 109 is great Jeff
999 replies from
2 weeks ago
Just two doses of 60 k IUs in a week my anxiety depression is reduced Social anxiety is also managed
5.0 out of 5 stars Great Book
Reviewed in the United States on November 29, 2021
Verified Purchase
I really enjoyed this book. Very insightful I have been taking D3 for a couple of weeks now. Not large dosage yet. I started taking it when i heard it helped in the defense against covid. Funny thing is I had been in remission with my lupus for over 25yrs and it recently came back. Had many blood tests ran and it is back. New doctors and my RA doctor says yes I have lupus but he wont give me any lupus meds needs more blood work. Not sure I have any left? Anyway by coincidence of taking the D3 for only 2 weeks my energy is up and my pain is gone and that’s at 2000 iu a day.. Oh and I stumbeled upon this book because I was looking too see if 2000 a day was to much lol. It’s a God send for me.
Well Jeff… Good Afternoon!!!😃
Before I contacted you, I took a dose of 2 Life Extension Extend-release Magnesium pills: 500mg and a 2 Doctors Best High Absorption Magnesium pills: 200mg. That’s a total of 700mg. And after hearing back from you the first time took it again. And when I woke up at 11pm and saw the last emails, took them again.
Jeff, all day I was dragging around in pain from my hips down to my feet, even had a bad headache.
My calf hurt the worst. I started to feel so weak. This morning at 5am…. No pain! And I don’t feel weak this morning. Amazing!
So you think I should up my Magnesium to 500mg 3x a day? Or keep it at 700mg?
What about the K2? I have Life Extension: Super K Elite and Super K. how much should I take?to push Calcium back in to the bones?
Thanks so much for making me feel better 😃. I have so much to do this month and now I can do most of it😜Thank You,
Donita W
hi there
great news
you absolutely need to keep taking magnesium for a year to fully reverse a magnesium deficiency
keep taking higher doses until you get diarrhea extended release is best as you want it in your blood all day long
if the diarrhea lasts more than a week cut the dose back until you get just loose stools
stay at that amount for about a year
you can probably start taking d3 again in 2 months
you should take lots of k2 to push the calcium back into your bones ( but don’t worry too much
it takes along time for d3 to cause excess calcium in the blood maybe 5 months or so and it is very rare
high dose d3 causing magnesium deficiency is much more common and occurs quickly)
you can get a really big k2 pill from called mega K which has 45,000 mcg of k2 = 45 mg
you also want to add zinc picolinate 50 to 100 mg a day and boron maybe 12 mg 2x a day
unless you have arthritis then you want to take 30 mg 2x a day also take a beta carotene pill each day or eat some carrots
also with zinc picolinate you might want to get a copper supplement and take 8mg a day GNC sells a good 2 mg copper pill
From: joanne
To: [email protected]<[email protected]>
Sent: Wed, Dec 8, 2021 2:51 am</[email protected]>Hi Jeff,
Sorry to bother you but just wondering if you could please advise on a magnesium issue? I have your book and free book and am often on your website – I also ‘bore everyone to death’on the wonderful effects of vit d3 , ( with k2 and cofactors -got the family and even got a local pharmacist on board) .
Anyway I’m trying to clear my psoriasis and am trying to up the dosage and hoping I clear like the doctor did . Highest I’ve taken is 20k and blood work came back at 175 Uk. My issues is that I suffer with lack of bowel movement and sometimes breathlessness , so I take more magnesium ( yesterday took 3000) and nothing happened!! I eat very healthily and not overweight . The question is it safe to keep upping the magnesium at this dosage to bowel tolerance ? Am a bit scared as I’ve only read you advised a lady on your website to take 1000 in morning and 1000 in evening?
Also at 20k , I seem to experience my psoriasis getting slightly worse – is this a reaction I have to bulldoze through before it gets better?
Many thanks from UK for your great work
Regards ,
lack of bowel movement and sometimes breathlessness ,
hi there these are magnesium deficiency symptoms so you need to up the magnesium dose as high as it wants to go until you get diarhea
stay at that dose for a week and if the diarrheas doesn’t stop lower the dose a bit until you just have loose stools
you will get diarrhea before you overdose on magnesium it is actually the main ingredient in laxatives
to get a cure for autoimmune disease you need to get a blood level of d3 of 125 to 150 ng/ml
at 175 UK your blood level is only 175/2.5 = 70 ng/ml just enough to aggravate your psoriasis
here is what you might want to do…stop the D3 for now…work on fixing yo0ur magnesium for a month or tow….then see if you can take 20,000 a day with no problem continue taking lots of magnesium it will take a year to totally fix it…..but before then you might be able to get you blood level up to 125 to 150 without any magnesium symptoms when you can do that I am not sure… will just have to experiment I will send you some emails about magnesium dosing let me know how it goes!!
oh and keep taking the other cofactors when you stop the d3 because D3 stays in your system at least 6 weeks after you stop taking it it comes down slowly and it continues to eat up the other cofactors.
12/7/2021I am very light skinned and burn in the sun and I live in Illinois. Because of lupus I am not suppose to be in the sun. I hadn’t been bothered by it for 35yrs I was in remission. I found out I had it when we moved to Az. and my arms and face broke out in soars and I was tested for lupus and found out I had it. I always blamed the sun. Now I have come to a different way of thinking about all this. My father had RA and my niece has lupus, so I think I have always had it. I found myself sitting in the sun a lot this last summer and it felt so good. No sunscreen and I didn’t break out with the soars like I did many years ago.. The only way I knew it was back was because I was so tired all the time
and my knee hurt. Pain in my knee is gone now and I am not tired but Iam afraid if I don’t get back on my D3 I will be. I know 2000IU is not a lot and I am amazed
that it worked so fast for me so I must of been really low.
Thanks again,
Botchi translated from Japanese
1.0 out of 5 stars I didn’t fit
Reviewed in Japan on September 24, 2021
At first, IU was 10,000, and I couldn’t feel the effect, so I increased it by 10,000 to 60,000 IU, and the atopy worsened.
I was also taking K2 and magnesium, but this happened, so I think it depends on the person.
over120th translated from japanese
5.0 out of 5 stars High dose of D intake is extremely safe (with k)
Reviewed in Japan on April 29, 2021
Verified Purchase
There is no problem with taking a large amount of vitamin D. Concomitant use of vitamin k is necessary. I have ingested 50,000 to 100,000 IU. Periarthritis of the shoulder took 5 months last time, but this time it almost improved in about 2 months. Awakening in the morning is refreshing. It is full of vitality at night.
Hi Jeff, 12/6/2021Thanks for your great books. My son, recently 22 years old, has been taking 28K IU per day D3 (Life Extension 7K IU X 4 per day) and he swears it’s cured his asthma! He’s been on Advair/Brio since he was six years old. Now he doesn’t need it.
I started him with the high dose the beginning of summer 2021. As he goes to school in the UK, I was concerned about his blood level testing; if he tests! (I know they are based on different values there). He dropped to 14K IU and right away his asthma came back so he went back to the 28K IU. He’s in Scotland so it gets dark at 3PM in the winter!
Thank you.
my story:
by SusanI am taking between 60,000 iu to 140,000 IU daily for the last 2+ years, without remission of Sjogren’s syndrome and neuropathies (small fiber) that go with it. My skin diseases (hidradentitis suppurativa / acne inversa) and seborrheic dermatitis on my scalp hasn’t cleared either. Rosacea as well. Seems like vitamin D helps, it reduces my disease activity, but nothing like a miracle promised. After 1 year on 140.000 IU, i started to have very severe pains, it started with the menstrual cycle (and actually my Sjogrens onset was from the hormonal shot so this is big factor), – and since then I couldn’t tolerate high dose. For months on/off took me long to figure out high dose makes my pain unbearable. When i stopped for 2+ months pain was gone, i still have other symptoms as the pain was never dominant but neuropathy making my mobility limited, fatigue, headache, parotid pains 247 , sticky saliva… – but the pain added to muscles (i think fibromyalgia or even worse) from D, reduces when I don’t consume massive doses.
I tried on and off 10 times.
i took also magnesium every few hours, the only brand that helped me, ionic magnesium good state – which helped extremely with many sympotms that got worse from D, mental symptoms, neuropathy reversed partially etc. but also, nothing close to remission.
my disease still active.
boron and zinc picolinate, B2, have no benefits that i am aware of.
i will continue to dose higher as I know it’s a factor for autoimmune, in my case quite big,, but it cant cure it , and so far I know it works for about 10% rhuematic patients in Europe. Number seems to be higher in Brasil so I am contemplating it might be linked to hispanic/black vs white skin color, or they’re simply lying.
Seems like Coimbra got it wrong in many ways and the dose shouldn’t be determined by the PTH only as it might exacerbate autoimmunity if too high, I do need genetally 50,000-80,000 iu but probably after a year or 2 also less, hard to know now my ideal dose when i stopped tolerating 140.000 IU abruptly after full year.
i am still searching, 30-40,000 iu seem to make no issues.
But this treatment is nothing like promised.
forgot to note, in 20 years of my small fiber Neuropathy, i never had acute attack. It is non progressive or slowly progressive.
Only occassion when i had a attack very very severe that i never recovered from, was after 6+ months of 60.000-80.000 IU.
I am absolutely sure vitamin D in this moment it was very short attack, provoked immunity.
I Got 10 New symptoms..very severe leg arms weakness, pains, loss od sensatiin, hair, and worsening of POTS. New onset dizziness, fainting.
Supplementing magnesium later helped maybe 20-30% reverse this damage, but did not fully reverse it. I have nerve loss.
So overall high dose vitamin D can ne dangerous too.
Great help
Reviewed in Germany on January 25, 2017 translated from german
Verified purchase
I found the book a little difficult to read. It has more of the character of a scientific study and is largely in English. So only 4 stars.I also read his book on Vitamin D3 which helped me a lot. And then bought this book. Unfortunately, I can only tolerate melatonin in very tiny amounts. But it’s amazing what it does. My entire quality of life has improved significantly. I sleep wonderfully, the quality of sleep is indescribable and I am much more relaxed. I also had a hormonal problem resolved. I have a hormone-related blood clotting disorder that has become life-threatening due to the hormonal changes during the menopause. Since I have a drug intolerance, I was constantly afraid of life. Since I’ve been taking melatonin regularly, these problems have been minimized. I am incredibly grateful for that. Big thanks to Jeff
(5.0 out of 5 stars) Like new born after three months!
Reviewed in Germany on October 21, 2021
Verified purchase
I came across the book by chance and suffered a neck and headache for over 8 years.
In the last few years I was very tired day to day, bad sleep, poor concentration, depression and sports that I did in Tegel did not help me.
I read the book and we did therapy with my husband for 20 days, then on vacation 3 weeks only certain hours in the sun when the VD could refuel, my values were 38, now 3 months ago my values are from today 121, I feel like I was born again.
I get up at 5 a.m. every day, go swimming for an hour and spend the whole day giving my clients my positive energy. I’m back like 10 years ago !!!!!!!!
Alistair NortonHi John, my family and I have all taken VitD3 and K2 for the past 11 months, unfortunately in June we all contracted the virus, but to ours surprise we all had extremely mild symptoms,including my wife who suffers from Asthma !
In Fact we all agree, we have all suffered with far worse colds in the past. (None vaccinated.)
Ole R
6 hours ago (edited)
I have Ulcerative colitis (inflammatory bowel disease) that have been active for over 10 year. From covid-19 info on YouTube I got information about vitamin D. I went to the doctor and measure vitamin D level, and I had a low level. Then I started one year ago to take vitamin D every day. After a couple of weeks I started to get better. After a couple of month the disease disappear (is inactive) .Mark Parker
I started taking 3000 IU a day after a flare up of UC in Dec 2019, when I found out it was an immunoregulator (good timing for the Since then, I’ve had 3 Vitamin D blood tests, incrementally increasing my dose finally to 10,000IU (+K2), and getting where I wanted to be >50ng/mL, (actually at 70ng/mL). Since taking the Vitamin D, in the 2 years, not only have I not had any UC flare ups, I’ve not had any flu or colds, unless you count a minor sniffle that lasted about a day. What did surprise me was that the occasional aching back and joints I had also disappeared. I regularly tell my friends the importance of Vitamin D, and some take it, but often forget for weeks at a time, some still think it’s a coincidence.
From: Beverly
To: [email protected]
Sent: Wed, Nov 17, 2021 5:30 pm
Subject: Re: also if you are having tooth can gum problems you vcan easily cure them by rubbing coq10 on your teeth andf gums until tghey get better then starrt takingThat’s awesome!!! You sure have helped a lot of people, along with yourself, over the years. In just six weeks of high-dose D3 + co-factors my arthritis pain was history. Bunions are shrinking. After going up to 30k IU a month ago, a weird cyst appeared over my right eye. Gross—and yuuuuge! It hurt too. Doctors prescribed broad-spectrum antibiotics or surgery. Nope. Bumped D3 to 40k, then 50k. Cyst shrinks a bit each day and doesn’t hurt. Wonder if D3 “smoked out” a problem?
thanks Bev
yeah one weird thing that happened to me on high dose d3 was almost over night a real long skinny skin tag just shot out of my skin right under my eye brow
I yanked it off and that was that ..I think there must have been something embedded in my skin for a long time and it got ejected !
To everyone:
also if you are having tooth can gum problems you can easily cure them by rubbing coq10 on your teeth and gums
until tghey get better then start taking an oral coq10 pill everyday for the rest of your lifeonce I started this I never had to go to the dentist ever again it has been 25 years
before that I used to have bleeding receding gums and occasional cavities and lots of toothaches!!
the Japanese are smart they put it in their toothpaste
Showing results for coq10 and periodontal disease
Search instead for coq10 and peridontal diseases
Role of coenzyme Q10 as an antioxidant and bioenergizer in … › articles › PMC2991687
by S Prakash · 2010 · Cited by 70 — The results have shown that oral administration of CoQ10 increases the concentration of CoQ10 in the diseased gingiva and effectively suppresses advanced periodontal inflammation[17,27,28] and periodontal microorganisms.
Effectiveness of CoQ10 Oral Supplements as an Adjunct to … › articles › PMC4576635
by S Manthena · 2015 · Cited by 27 — Existing evidence indicates that gingivitis precedes the onset of periodontits. Therefore, CoQ10 supplementation along with scaling and root planing can prevent periodontitis by reducing gingival inflammation.
Research Suggests that Coenzyme Q10 Supports Gum Health … › research-su…
Feb 17, 2012 — Research Suggests that Coenzyme Q10 Supports Gum Health and Decreases Gum Disease. Coenzyme Q10, also known as Ubiquinol, is a fat-soluble vitamin like substance found in nearly every cell in the human body. Its fundamental role is that it moves electrons during reduction and oxidative cellular functions.
Pipeline: Coenzyme Q10 and the Treatment of Periodontitis … › 2006/12 › pipeli…
by D Flanagan — COENZYME Q10 AND PERIODONTITIS. Periodontitis is an inflammatory disease process resulting from the interaction of a bacterial attack and host inflammatory …
COENZYME Q10 (CoQ10) — Ridge View Dental › blog › coenzyme-q10-co…
Dec 26, 2019 — How can Coenzyme QoQ10 help with gum disease such as Periodontal disease ? Periodontal disease is an inflammatory response to bacterial …
Coenzyme Q10 and its Role in the Reducing Periodontal … › coenzyme…
Mar 5, 2014 — Coenzyme Q10 and its Role in the Reducing Periodontal Disease. Dr. Jim here! Current research from the Mayo Clinic is suggesting that …
Amazing CoQ10: Repair and Heal Periodontal Disease … › amazing-coq10-repair-and-hea…
The body’s ability to heal and repair periodontal tissue depends in part on an adequate supply of CoQ10. Gingival biopsies have revealed subnormal tissue levels …
Supplement to Improve Gum Disease | Periodontal Associates … › supplement-to-im…
Sep 20, 2017 — CoQ10 helps to keep periodontal disease under control by oxygenating muscles within our gums as it increases the production of energy in the …
How to Use CoQ10 to Combat Gum Disease – ARIIX Israel … › isr › coq10-to-combat-gum-disease
Oct 10, 2016 — Two clinical human studies from 1971 and 1974 concluded that gum tissues from people with periodontal disease show a deficiency in CoQ10.
Coenzyme Q10 – What You Need to Know – Ask the Dentist › Dental Nutrition
Aug 30, 2019 — Coenzyme Q10 deficiency can lead to gum disease, heart disease, chronic fatigue syndrome, cancer, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s, and …
Look translated from Japanese
4.0 out of 5 stars Vitamin D saves the world
Reviewed in Japan on January 23, 2020
Verified Purchase
I tried to overdose vitamin D3 before reading this book. The good points of overdose are that the symptoms of hay fever have almost disappeared, that I haven’t caught a cold, and that I haven’t been able to sit down. At first, 20,000 iu improved pollinosis, and now I’m experimentally taking 70,000 iu. Don’t forget natto and vitamin K2. It’s been about a week since I started taking 70,000 iu, but I’m in good shape. I got up better and fell asleep better than when I quit smoking. The pollen season is about to begin, and this year I’ll try to see if I can go without a mask. And I’m glad I read this book to get a deeper understanding of the potential of vitamin D3. I wonder if I can read it two more times (laughs) The reason why
there are four stars is that the Japanese translation is strange and difficult to understand.
Those who are interested in vitamin D should read it.
Addendum In the
summer, infectious diseases lymphitis and hypoaponeuritis of the foot are complicated, and when the liver value is low, D3 is overdose and hypercalcemia blood I became ill and suffered from nausea and dizziness.
You should stop if you have any injuries or inflammation. I thought I’d die ~Jeff’s note- unfortunately Amazon has turned off commenting on reviews so I cold not tell this person that the high dose D3
has triggered magnesium deficiency symptoms becasue he was not co-supplementing….dizziness is a mag def symptom
nausea could be a hypercalcemia symptom if he wasnt taking k2 with the d3..or it could also be a mag def symptom
5.0 out of 5 stars Very interesting content translated from Japanese
Reviewed in Japan on September 21, 2021
Verified Purchase
When I took out 5000 IU of vitamin D as a measure against corona, it became strangely cheerful, for some reason my family. And the painful left knee is no longer painful.I was wondering, but after reading this book, I was convinced.
I would like to order Vitamin K and increase the amount of Vitamin D.
After a while after increasing the amount of vitamin D to 20000 IU, my gastrointestinal illness became worse. After investigating various things and taking out whey protein, it was cured. If you think about it, you need protein to repair your body. Maybe I was on a diet now.
5.0 out of 5 stars if you want to break free from illnesses
Reviewed in the United States on October 20, 2019
Verified Purchase
Thank you Jeff T Bowles for this clear and brave book. I used your advice on D3 and K2 and also the confidence that you inspired to actually try this cure. It took me more than a year to actually break free from the asthma symptoms. This were not the only changes that I made in an attempt to get better. Previously I changed my diet to raw food and then to a more balanced one which was gluten-free and mostly plant-based. But the real break through was achieved in weeks after trying the D3 mega-doses advised in this book. I hope everyone will get some health improvement after using adequate vitamin doses.
5.0 out of 5 stars Treating my lifelong asthma
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on October 6, 2012
Verified Purchase
I have had Asthma for over 50 years, and had a variety of Steroids inhaled and pills such as prednisolone, I also take Salbutamol. My peak flow is is usally below 430, but after taking 60,000ui of Vitamin D3 and 6 Super K for nearly 3 weeks my peak flow is around 450. I feel my lungs getting stronger by the day. I also have Osteoarthritis in the base of both thumbs, both knees (one being replcaed in 5 weeks time) and various other aches and pains, particularly neck and right shoulder causing facial numbness at times. I take Co-Codamol to keep the arthritic pain under control. I also have seasonal Hayfever.
I am 60 years of age and am fed up with Doctors always treating the symptoms and not the cause. They are now days driven to make money for their practices by the Government who in turn are dictated to by the big Pharmaceutical companies who all drive to make huge profits.
I thought after reading these books that I have nothing to lose, I sent off for a D3 test by post and found I had a D3 level of 22ng/mL. I contacted Jeff whose email can be found in these books and to my surprise had an instant reply, he was helpful, informative as I was confused with the UK results being in nmol/L and the USA results being in ng/mL he converted my results and surprise surprise I had a very low D3 hence all the problems. My Thumbs are begining to get less painful, I have way more energy, my brain seems revitalised and all this in just 3 weeks. Wow I am a convert.
I fully recommend these books for anyone who is serious about getting off routine prescribed drugs and to heal themselves. I was a SRN for many years and am appauled at the overprescribing of toxic drugs such as Statins etc. I am hoping that the therapy will lower my cholesterol which is 7.4 the GP is obsessed about getting me onto Statins! NO WAY!! This was after an indulgent holiday!! I also have Tinnitis in both ears and hope it will help this as well.
Keep an open mind, read and take time to read the reseach papers linked in the text, Jeff is really onto something and should be praised for bringing it to the general public.
5.0 out of 5 stars I am cured thanks to vitamin D
Reviewed in the United States on January 3, 2017
I from Brazil, sorry my english. I have multiple sclerosis, I discovered 5 years ago, I lost my right side movement, so I started the vitamin D treatment, 1 year later I was already “normal”, I have normal life today, I do gym, I run and I do not have any sequels. My dose is 80,000 IU of vitamin D
From: Lynn Y
To: [email protected]
Sent: Fri, Nov 12, 2021 10:13 am
Subject: Confirming Right Amount of K2Hey Jeff,
You recommend taking 800 mcg (micrograms) of the mk7 type of K2 for each 10,000 IU of D3. OR 4 mg (4,000 mcg) of the weaker but more natural mk4 type of K.
I’m taking 60,000 IUs of D3 to hopefully recover from lupus and RA.
So, if I understand correctly, that means I should take 4800 mcg of Mk-7 or 24,000 mcg of Mk-4.
I found the Life Extension Mega Vitamin K2 High Potency for Strong Bones which has 45,000 mcg of K2 Mk-4. It’s such a tiny one pill dose that I wanted to make sure that only Mk-4 is OK and that I am getting enough.
After 2 months I am gradually feeling better.
Thanks so much,
Lynn Y
wow that’s great news keep me posted….yeah
you can take the 45 mg lef pill the more k2 the better no toxicity with k2
and at that dose it is good for osteoporosis and will decalcify your arteries
how much do you weigh?? if you want to do the Dr Coimbra protocol he recommends taking
1,000 IUs per kg of body weight per day
also are you takign the other cofactors as mentioned in my 2019 book??
magnesium boron zinc and beta carotene
high dose d3 can trigger deficiency symptoms in any of thee cofactors usually it is magnesium that is depleted first
which can lead to blood pressure changes anxiety heart rhythm disturbances dizziness falls a whole bunch of other stuff
let me knw I can send you the magnesium chapter from the book
Dear Mr. Bowles, 11/10/2021 depression bipolarI’ve increased my total intake of Vitamin D3 to 13000 IU (spread over 3 medications; the main one is a 10000 IU Vitamin D3 tablet, combined with Vitamin D2). I’ve already given up my tricyclic antidepressant, and have cut my intake of Lithium (as Lithium Orotate) to 30mg, with no ill effects so far (I do not intend to jettison Lithium entirely as it has many health benefits, in my opinion).
Kind regards,
Hi Jeff,
How are you? Well right to why I’m writing..🤗🤗🤗. I’ve take the Vitamin D3 from your book and others as a challenge to become the most healthy me I can be. I have read more then 13 books on it and talked my Doctor in to ordering test to see where my levels are. I asked my Doctor to read a book on vitamin D3. As of right now I’m not sure if he has, but he seemed game to see where I was going with all this. So today, someone from his office called me about some of the test results. I will pick up the results tomorrow and see for myself. But a few things are causing me questions…
Investors been taking high dosage vitamin D3 on and off since 2012. I didn’t have a formulation of what all I should be taking together at that time, which caused me to go on and off taking it. But this year I just committed to taking it no matter what, and really diving deep in to learning more about. So I started read more books. I started a regimen with vitamin D3 and supplements to put my Lupus into remission. And it has. All the awful symptoms that came with the disease seem a thing of the past. I was feeling great and hopeful. Then I took the J&J vaccine, and my world started spinning out. 4 hours after the shot, I had pain shooting down my leg and calf pain. Each month has brought on more pain and weakness, and tingling and numbness in my feet. And it appears to be on and off which is confusing. I have other problems that have appeared too. So today, I called J&J hotline and reported the problems I have been having since June to them. Then I called my doctor for a ultrasound. Also today, I received a call from his office about my test results and some of the things I was told made me think the things I am feeling may come from my vitamin D3 use. I was told that a lot of thing were normal but no real values. But the request of the doctor to take a calcium supplement, it was low. And to reduce my vitamin D because my levels were higher than 150. I was told my parathyroid was low, it was a 11 and my vitamin B12 was too high! I plan to go get the report tomorrow. But, now as I look back at things in the books, the parathyroid being low, along with the calcium being low, cause cramps and pain, that I seem to be having. Are they from the Covid vaccine, or they from my use of high dose vitamin D3. 300,000iu?, I really don’t want to have my doctor shut this down because I feel better and felt better till that shot. And the pain in my leg is really painful, that I have wondered is it a clot or just sciatica pain? Where is the muscle weakness coming from? And what can I change to test that it’s not my vitamin D3 use?
So do you have any ideals?
Thanks for helping, ask me anything that I may have left out, this pain is draining my brain too😨🥲.
Donita Whello Donita
have you been taking magnesium?? High dose D3 without magnesium can cause magnesium deficiency symptoms which include pains in the legs and cramps and many other things
so you need to stop taking d3 for awhile and start reversing your magnesium deficiency which is hard to do I will send you some emails about it
dont worry ther high levels of d3 will remain in your system for about 6 weeks so even if you don’t take it you will be fine…
To: [email protected]
Sent: Mon, Nov 8, 2021 6:32 pm
Subject: more on magnesium dosingHi Bart
thanks for writing I will send you some dosing emails…the key thing to look out for is magnesium deficiency symptoms when you first start high dose d3
d3 gets into your system relatively fast over a month or so while correcting a magnesium deficiency takes 40 weeks to a even if you pop a magnesium pill with your high dose d3 if you are really magnesium deficient it won’t be enough
but dont worry too much mag dwef symptoms aren’t that common
I recently heard from a guy who was doing fine taking high dose d3 and magnesium then his doctor told him to stop all supplements for a detox….
after a week or so he started getting magnesium deficiency symptoms and they got worse and worse…he didn’t know what was going on!!
painful skin, painful tingles in his feet, heart racing, very bad digestion problems, an intolerance to some ordinary smells, insomnia, etc.
turns out the magnesium pill he was taking was just enough to prevent d3 from using up all his magnesium so when he stopped the d3 nd magnesium the d3 stayed in his fat for at least 6 weeks to 2 months and levels remained high
and then he was getting no magnesium !!! and boom! >>symptoms his doctors had no idea what was going on!!!
From: Beverly Brown
To: [email protected]
Sent: Sun, Nov 7, 2021 4:28 pm
Subject: Re: High-dose D3 resolving ankylosing spondylitishere’s the story:
I’m a 58-year-old woman who ran competitively 30+ years ago. Not good enough to qualify for the Olympics, but training with a coach who ran in the ’68 and ’72 Olympics enabled me to win a little money in local 5Ks and 10Ks. That season ended and I remained reasonably fit taking exercise classes, lifting weights, jogging a few times a week, etc. But in 2015, I pulled a muscle sprinting and instead of healing, it only got worse. Arthritic inflammation settled in my lower back, in the lower-left L5-S1 area. Determined to heal, I taxed the limits of my employer’s generous health insurance; I spent thousands on traditional and alternative remedies. Physical therapy, acupuncture, massage, various shots, pills, salves, and anesthetic patches. No medical interventions delivered lasting results. Not even a radiofrequency nerve ablation. A 2018 MRI confirmed degeneration in the facet joints: ankylosing spondylitis.
I believe in healing prayer (actually SAW a woman’s leg grow even with the other in a healing service…a whole other story), so I had people pray over me and I prayed over myself. That worked better than anything. Remission would sometimes be immediate, but pain always returned. Finally in 2019 I prayed, “Lord, arthritic pain is NOT part of your kingdom, so I know it’s not your will for me to be in pain. But clearly there’s some other way you want to resolve this. So what is it? And Lord, you know subtlety doesn’t work with this daughter of yours, so please make it plain!” The answer came in the form of this scripture in a devotional: Psalm 103:5, which I turned into a prayer thanking God in advance for showing me what to do.
I waited and watched. Kept praying. Slapped on anesthetic patches and popped ibuprofen when the pain was horrible. Got depressed. Gave up on exercise, except walking. Gained 20 pandemic pounds stress eating between March and May 2020. A friend and a Facebook group educated me about intermittent fasting. Then, the most random thing ever, I ran across Dr. Steven Gundry’s “Plant Paradox” book at a beach rental. So, I learned when and what to eat for better health. Pounds melted off through December of 2020, when I hit my goal weight. Arthritis lingered through this past summer, when someone in a Facebook group related to Gundry’s program mentioned Jeff’s books. What? You mean, just upping your vitamin D supplements treats all these things? Naw!!! But I didn’t see a reason NOT to try.
In August 2021, I began doing one-meal-a-day fasting to the letter (instead of sneaking snacks throughout the day). Between September and October, I gradually upped D3 supplementation from a meager couple thousand IU a day to a robust 40,000 IU a day, plus the cofactors (magnesium, K2, boron, and zinc) and various other supplements recommended by Dr. Gundry. My D3 level went from 35.5 in April to 134 at the end of October. Arthritis pain *literally* evaporated for a few weeks. FINALLY! FREEDOM! HALLELUJAH! Everybody who knows me is getting an earful. My back feels a bit pinchy now, but I believe it’s due to remodeling taking place. I believe structural repairs are underway. Bunions at the base of both big toes are shrinking. And a yuuuge @#&!! granuloma on my right eyebrow that popped up a couple of weeks ago is also shrinking. This is the best I’ve felt in 50+ years!
Biggest concern is am I taking enough cofactors? Forgetting an afternoon round of magnesium resulted in foot, leg and hand cramps. Not sure I’m doing this exactly right, and do hope and pray my body is tough enough to weather any innocent supplementation mistakes. Once everything is repaired, what then? What does maintenance look like? What’s sustainable? Affordable? Time will tell, but I’m here for it.
A bit of advice to any grammar/spelling nerds (like me) put off by Jeff’s free-wheeling style of writing: Get over it. It’s the 21st century. Open databases of every kind imaginable are available for regular people to mine for useful nuggets. Solutions to every conceivable problem are “hiding” in plain sight. Praise God for someone like Jeff, who is willing to pore over literally tons of minutiae to bring us answers. The internet has democratized data to the point that any of us with the will and a way can share analysis to make the world better. I believe Jeff’s work and the community he has created is the fruit of a generous spirit that desires people to be healed of disease. If I can see past the style to embrace the substance, you can too.
End of testimony
Robin L
7:56 AM (15 hours ago)
to me
Are you familiar with NAC? After surviving Covid last December I started taking it as well.
I posted my Covid story on your blog but I don’t see it.
Update to it is that since I have been on your (5-factor) protocol for about 9 days
my Long Covid symptom seems to have gone away! Thank You!
Robin L
From: Sty
To: [email protected]
Sent: Tue, Oct 26, 2021 6:31 pmhello Jeff,
In other news, I finally received bulk melatonin powder, I take 60mg, right now, it’s quite ok with me. No erection issues with melatonin, as always.
Insomnia (difficulty falling asleep fast) has been a concern for me since my teen years, when I was taking the university entrance exams period, it’s now gone.
I take 1-1.5 g elemental Mg in citrate form ( also 100-120 mg Zn and 1000- 1200 mcg K2, 40K IU d3, 25000 IU beta carotene almost every day
(or skipping it to take 12mg astaxanthin ), all skin issues ( eczema, body or scalp itching etc ) gone!!! I think boosting beta carotene usage
made a difference to my skin, vitamin d3 high dosage needed significant amounts of beta carotene, plus it gives me a healthy skin colour without sunbathing)
Good Morning: 10/25/21
Your first book about Vitamin D saved my life after I was diagnosed with Celiac Disease and systemic Candidiasis.
I am reading the first two chapters on line but would love to have a copy of the new book since I cannot get it on Amazon.
If there is a cost, please let me know how to send the money to you.
J. Jefferson9:55 PM (2 hours ago)
to me
Hello Jeff:
How have you been? I thought I will share whats going on. Just got back from my primary doctor earlier and he loved the progress I made. Test results were awesome, vitamin D is more than 150. I will now bring it down to 52,360 IU of vitamin D because my PTH went from 15 (Vit D was 113 when PTH was 15), now down to 10. I also take Vitamin K2. In the evening We went to the gym, I am noticing I am doing awesome working out. Had a pt evaluation about my shoulder. We all were amazed. Shoulder has full motion, but I still dont have control over it to much. I will add to my exercises arm strenghting exercises.
I just stopped taking magnesium because of low blood preassure.
m: PowerDate: October 15, 2021 at 11:10:38 PM EDT
To: Jeff Bowles<[email protected]< p=””></[email protected]<>
Subject: It is a Miracle!
Hi Jeff,
Once more I can’t thank you enough! You are a genius! You are amazing! I could go on and on! I believe I have experienced yet another miracle!
For 20 yrs I’ve had spondylitis in my lower back and substantial bone loss, losing 1.5” of height by age 40. Vitamin d, calcium and ibuprofen were all that was recommended by my doc and 2 specialists. One recommendation was good but 1000iu daily did nothing noticeable for me. The other two perhaps were not even so good for my health.
4yrs ago my hips were painful and failing, hip joints were getting sloppy, it hurt to sit, stand, move, sleep, etc. I began to read about every vitamin that seemed important. I suspected my diet. I started b12 and magnesium supplements. Your books really made sense and I tried high dose d3, I couldn’t tolerate 10000iu, terrible wierd stiffness above 6-8000. But at 6-8000 my hips tightened up and the inflammation went down along with the pain and that extended use of my hips roughly another 2 years. Eventually this wasn’t enough and my hips were beginning to fail again, knees too.
2 yrs ago you solved my hip failure problem when you pointed me to “the borax conspiracy” by Walter Last. At 200mg/day in just a couple weeks it felt like my hips had already half repaired themselves. Also my knees were getting a little better, back pain from a disc that kept me awake many nights was much better, and in time my overall health was much improved confirmed by my eye doctor. But I still had some stiffness caused by d3 and I had incredible hip pain for my first 10-20min out of bed every am. Also, persistent spondylitis, lower back inflammation and stiffness.
Thanks to the addition of boron I was now able to attempt high dose D3 up to 120000iu for over 1 week and that did some good things but it aggravated my 30yr old, come and go, not too serious, tennis elbow, now much more painful and problematic. It seemed to me there was still something missing that is causing my lingering problems.
About 4 weeks ago you suggested zinc in higher doses. I was already taking zinc once a week only, concerned about copper deficiency if I took too much. I can only tolerate 50mg zinc at one time and at just 50mg 2x per day in about 3 weeks my tennis elbow is now barely noticeable! My knees seem to be almost back to normal too, it’s amazing! Thank you mr Bowles!
If all that wasn’t good enough! the big one…my lower back inflammation is gone! This could be just a remission but I feel so nimble, so healthy, so free to move, no more morning stiffness, it’s absolutely amazing!
Your website is great! Your books! Your books are the best deal on the planet! Must reads for everyone that wants to be in control of their good health. You are genius! I’m 60 and I now feel as good as 30 something! Just 4 yrs ago I felt horrible. I was worried about a retirement filled with pain, now I can’t wait!
For the record I’m currently taking 10-12000iu D3 every day, and 2-300mg borax, 140ug k2 mk7, 200ug selenium, 500mg magnesium, b12 sublingual, extra b vitamin supplement, 1/3 tspn baking soda, 2.5g vitamin c, multivitamin, 100mg zinc, fish oil w omega 3 and qc10, quercetin, no more French fries or McDonald’s and no regular prescribed meds. I still have very slight hand stiffness from vitamin d so I think I need to try beta carotene and that could be it. Everyone is different but this is working really well for me!
I can’t thank you enough Mr. Bowles!
Thanks a million!
From: Linda W
To: [email protected]
Sent: Sun, Oct 3, 2021 10:28 am
Subject: Re: LOVED YOUR BOOK on D3!Hi again!
Hope all is well with you!
Still sun lamping – taking vitamin D, K2, vitamin A and magnesium. Sleeping GREAT and good energy all day long. I feel AWESOME!! (thank you!! )
Have been doing all of that for 6 weeks now and waiting for lab results to see if any changes in levels
.In the meantime recently been diagnosed w/type 2 diabetes. I noticed at the end of your D3 book,
there was a link to an ‘incredible blood sugar solution’. The link no longer goes anywhere and I don’t see a blood sugar book by you on Amazon.
Can I buy the book directly from you?Thank you for all you do!
HI Linda
No I never wrote a book on blood sugar but I have heard from a number of people who say after about 6 months or so of high dose d3
their blood sugar comes down and they can stop or reduce their diabetes meds…
However if they give you metformin you might want to take that anyway as an anti aging suppl, is
one of the few drugs that increases the maximum lifespan of rats and mice and prevents cancer…
and people with diabetes who take metformin live longer than normal people who don’t take anything
the tried and true way to get rid of a recent type II diabetes diagnosis is to lose weight and exercise!!
From: Egbert K translated from German teeth tooth
To: [email protected]
Sent: Mon, Sep 27, 2021 4:20 am
Subject: Your book ” High Doses – The Miraculous Effects…..”Dear Sir Mr. Jeff T. Bowles,
my name is Egbert, I am 59 y. old, 182 cm tall an d approx. 88 kg. I am an enthusiastic reader of your book
” High Doses – The Miraculous Effects……” I started with 20,000 IU D3 on 08/01/2021
and had the first successes after 4 weeks
. Ostheoarthritis stopped, blood pressure normalized, tartar stopped……in a word: I’m thrilled.
—–Original Message—–
From: Nathan
To: [email protected]<[email protected]>
Sent: Tue, Sep 21, 2021 11:50 pm
Subject: RE: D3 Energy</[email protected]>Hey Jeff,
Just a quick update. I seemed to have fixed my mag deficiency over a few weeks. I got back on the vitamin D which seemed to have corrected my lifelong energy problems.
I then got rundown or sick for a week or so. Lots of bad smelling sweating in the night. Then on the day that lifted I had a cyst on my back I’ve had for about 10 years burst. It felt a bit sore and I noticed it was weeping, and sure enough when I squeezed it it all came out.
That was something I thought I could use as a tell since you’d had a good result there. And sure enough it healed
suzie vMr Jeff T Bowles thank you I would love love love to have a copy.
I also need to tell you I fired my neurologist and got rid of my MS 1 year after finding you on youtube
and I also ordered your book on D3 the same book my neurologist has on her bookshelf in the office,
and boy was she shocked to know that I know hahaha
thank you love the knowledge you share. peace and love.
5.0 out of 5 stars It’s a book review, or my personal experience … translated from Japanese
PRIVATE in Japan on July 17, 2021
Verified Purchase
I have been practicing protein / megavitamin therapy for about a year and a half, and I have increased vitamin D to 20,000 IU a day. As a result, I was able to improve my physical condition considerably (depressive symptoms were alleviated, overeating and vomiting was dramatically reduced, skin problems were reduced, etc.), but I still had eggs, dairy products, and meat. When I ate it, I had a very itchy eczema (prurigo nodularis) on my scalp. (A few years ago, a delayed food allergy test showed a strong reaction to eggs and dairy products, so I did not get it again, but empirically it gets worse when I eat meat, so I almost refrain from these. However, I ate it occasionally),but after reading this, I gradually increased vitamin D, and when I increased it to 60,000 IU, I didn’t get any eczema at all!
I tried eating a lot of eggs and meat, but nothing happened. I originally liked it, so I’m very happy to be able to eat it.
I was thinking, but about a month later, I was suddenly ill. I felt tired and it was hard to sit in a chair, I couldn’t walk at normal speed, I felt like I walked slowly for 5 minutes and stopped. The state where it goes up.
When I was examined at a nutrition therapy clinic and tried a test that I could buy online, I found a
strong reaction to eggs, casein, etc. in the delayed food allergy test. Moreover, the reaction was stronger than when I tested it a long time ago.
When I took Vitamin D, I didn’t have any symptoms on my skin no matter what I ate, so I ate a lot, but just because I didn’t have any symptoms on my skin, I could eat an inexhaustible amount of food that I had allergies to. That’s not the case.
From now on, I will take vitamin D and refrain from foods that have allergic reactions in the test for the time being.
This is an individual experience, but I reviewed it with the hope that it would be helpful as much as possible.
Atopy man
5.0 out of 5 stars Atopy heals translated From Japanese
PRIVATE in Japan on September 16, 2021
Verified Purchase
Originally I took vitamin D, but this book is amazing. When I changed from 4000 to 20000, my body became quite motivated, and in my case, my metabolism got better at first, atopy became itchy, and then it got better.
As the internal organs become stronger, I can eat a lot.
You can get supplements on the iherb site. It’s cheap and the quality is good.
Magnesium and vitamin k are also essential.
Maki translated from Japanese chronic cough
5.0 out of 5 stars It is a good book with the passion of the author.
There are some strange Japanese translations, but I can read them without any problems.
PRIVATE in Japan on May 3, 2021Great good book.
I have a genetically weak bronchus (parents have the same symptoms), and my parents and children have a constitution that does not stop coughing. Once I started coughing, it took several months to heal. I’ve been taking various vitamins in mega for a long time, and I also loved vitamin D supplements, but it was 5000 IU / day. Recently, I started coughing again, and I increased the dose to 10,000 IU and 20000 IU and took vitamin k properly, but it didn’t heal at all. I knew that D was important for the bronchi and immune system, so I was disappointed because I couldn’t feel any effect. However, after reading this book, I was convinced that it would be okay to increase the amount more than before, and today I drank 70,000 IU in 3 divided doses. Then, about 3 hours after I finished drinking 70,000 IU, the bronchial air flow suddenly improved, making it easier to breathe and no longer coughing. Then A also drank 30,000 IU today. A is often said to have excess disease, but there are also large individual differences, and it seems that there are people who can safely drink even 100,000 IU if they are taking protein well except for pregnant women. Also, it seems that pregnant women should have less than 10,000 IU. Overall, I’m taking mega nutrition, but it has no effect on my constitution that keeps coughing, and I felt the effect for the first time today. I plan to return the amount to D10000IU and A10000Iu when I get well with this amount for a while, but if my immunity weakens or if I have any symptoms, I realized that it would be effective to take it with a mega even for a short period of time. I think that it is easy to be absorbed if you take vitamin K together and take it with oil such as butter, olive oil and meat fat because it is a fat-soluble vitamin.
Also, I have chronic symptoms such as depression and the feeling that my head is not refreshing, but I also feel a change in that. The inside of my head becomes clearer and the story comes out fluently. This change is amazing in one day. However, I did not feel any change at 20000 or 30000 IU a day, so if vitamin D deficiency is serious, supplementing a large amount of D may be effective even for a short period of time. I think there are individual differences in the amount of effect you feel.
5.0 out of 5 stars It works Addendum 1 tranalated from Japanese
Reviewed in Japan on July 6, 2020
I have had psoriasis for 30 years. The ointment didn’t work and I took a high immunosuppressant, but it didn’t work, and when I stopped it, it became worse than before. After reading this book and taking 1 tablet of 1000 IU Super k of vitamin d3 for 1 week, the itchiness has decreased. I’m surprised that the rough heels have improved before I knew it!
I feel that my neuralgia has eased. I will continue and write a review again. I’m glad I met this book.
Postscript I
have been taking 3
Super K tablets of Vitamin D3 for 1 month since I started taking them.
The itching of psoriasis has almost disappeared, and the
raised skin has become pechanco.
It was itchy and painful when I took a bath for a long time, but now I can slowly soak in hot water. Thanks to the author.Yamada Ichiban
5.0 out of 5 stars My experience translated from Japanese
Reviewed in Japan on June 4, 2020
Verified Purchase
For the time being, I ignored one tablet of vitamin D supplement daily and what was written on the case, and took 10 tablets as described in this book.
I was surprised at the effect. I have been suffering from psoriasis for more than a decade, but when the itching of psoriasis wakes up in the morning, it just stops.
I’m glad I met this book translated from Japanese
Reviewed in Japan on January 15, 2021
Verified Purchase
I am grateful for this book that I found by chance after studying various things after suffering from skin allergies and asthma for many years. After reading the book, I was not worried about taking high doses of vitamin d3 and started taking it from August 2020.
Allergic symptoms have now improved most of the time. Thank you for telling me something that the hospital can never tell me. Thank you very much. When I was worried about my physical condition, I contacted the author directly by e-mail and kindly explained what was happening in my body now. I’m glad I believed in jeff’s book.
thank you very much
Chris The Ad ManHi Jeff,
Seems to be working, the wart is shrinking, another week should do it I guess.
BTW, got my results back from Grassroots Health
My level came back at 75! I’m quite pleased. Had been doing 1o,ooo IU/daily
Thanks, Chris
Hi again, 9/8/2021
my son is a grown guy with about 80kg, but maybe you know when they get sick, they go back in time and become kids again!!
He got infected with Covid-19 Gave him 80.000iu, K2 and Magnesium 500mg for 14 days
and Vitamin C and Zinc on the side! Loss of taste etc came back after about 10 days
and he tested NEGATIVE after 12 days! Could have given a bit more Magnesium and Zinc,
but whatever i gave him was the right combination! “The miraculous cure for and Prevention of all diseases” –
read that in two days – loved it!
Thank you 🙏🏻! Carina
From: Jim T
To: [email protected]
Sent: Thu, Sep 2, 2021 1:44 am
Subject: Re: magnesium chapterI have a bad balance issue and have taken some nasty falls.over the last 6 mos. Thanks to d3 no broken bones and I.have had some hard falls on concrete that should have broken a hip but didnt. I have.ear tinnitus and have had for years. Hand tremors for ten yrs or more. Magnesium deficiency seems to be a problem going to try for the supplement. Have been taking 400 mg glycinate 4 yrs powder form obviously not enough. I tested 23 level 2016 and started taking 5000 iu level up to 68 and started hi dose when I read your book(red one). 5000 iu till 2018 but didnt test my level u nbl till 2019 at 78 and fell on a sidewalk, no broken bones but boy did I hurt. All my falls lately hurt bad but no broken bones and approaching 80 yrs. Thank you for your books and these emails.d3 level now 164.
the high dose d3 is aggravating your magnesium deficiency which is causing your balance problems and tinnitus
stop the d3 it will remain in your fat for up to 2 months and start to seriously reverse your magnesium deficiency!!!
and if you really want strong bones read the boron chapter in my book below
From: Daylin G
To: [email protected]
Sent: Thu, Sep 2, 2021 12:47 pm
Subject: Teeth erodingFrom: Daylin G
Subject: Teeth eroding
Message Body:
i was hoping you could help me as i have read all of jeff bowles books related to vit d3. i have started high dose vit d3 for 2 months and i have noticed that my enamal is coming off my bottom tooth and is a different colour than rest of the teeth with enamel. I have went through all your books and havent found anything regarding tooth erosion, but i did a bit of research and they say hypervitaminosis causes enamel hypoplasia. I havent tested my vit d3 levels yet as its been only 2 months. 1st month i took 70k iu d3 with 30k mk4 and then 2nd month i took 150k iu d3 and 60k mk4 which is following your guidelines of 4000 mk4 per 10 000iu d3. im not sure what to do. do I take more mk4 or do i get my vit d3 levels tested ?
hello there sorry to hear about this problem you are the first I have heard about with this problem
I I were you I would stop the d3 for awhile you are taking really high doses…what are you trying to accomplish?
If I were you I would take a more K2 also get some COQ10 and break oen the gel cap and keep rubbing it on your eroding enamel 2x a day at least
and also start taking coq10 on a daily basis…you definitely also want to get a fluoride mouth rinse which can help repair enamel problems
rinse multiple times a day. let me know how it goes!
Thomas K 9/6/2021
Love your books my allergies are gone👍
30k D3 a day keep the allergies away haha
H W 8/31/2021
As to your question about catching covid, I’m on high dosage of D3 (and related things), so supposedly cannot catch covid. You Tubers from Britain and elsewhere say 2000 of D3 will protect. I’m on 100,000, because 50,000 didn’t do much but 100,000 has slowly restored my brain (over 3 months) and is very slowly healing other parts that were smashed in a car wreck 9 years ago. I’m considering 150,000 (what a lot of k2 pills!) because 50,000 didn’t open my ears, 100,000 opened one ear, maybe 150,000 will open the other? Stay tuned.Thank you for writing on your experiments with D3. Some of my normally skeptical neighbors are interested. Whether any of them follow thru, we’ll see. Often takes a while for someone to absorb an idea and later act on it!Helen W
Dear Jeff, 8/29/2021Many thanks for the dosage guidance.
I just want to share this with you. I increased my dose of vitamin d3 to 20000 iu units and I can report to you
that my energy levels went through the roof. I am categorized as chronically severely anemic.
I take iron infusion quarterly and am due for one but I do not feel tired at all, very energized.I
have been jumping for joy. I can’t believe the energy levels I have.
My nephew and niece got COVID, they started taking 80 000 iu and have
fully recovered and gone back to school.
I will let you know how my nephew gets on with it for asthma.
Thank you. God bless
From: [email protected]
To: newenergy
Sent: Sat, Aug 21, 2021 1:20 pm
Subject: Re: Hey there are you still having pains?? I have a new thing for you!!! ZiNC picolinate high doseshi there
well I thought I had been taking enough zinc picolinate taking a 50 mg pill every day
then I heard that zinc picolinate was only 22% zinc by weight and
the expert doctors tell you don’t take more than 50 mg of zinc per day
I then did the calculation thinking that I was just getting 110 mg of zinc picolinate n the pill
dint look at the label…
so I decided to take 110 mg of zinc by weight and see wht happens
so I took 250 mg of zinc picolinate 2x a day…..only side effect was a little diarrhea I figured it was like trying to load up on magnesium
so I went with it
in 2 to 3 weeks amazing things started to happen the years long pain in my tendons from my shoulders to my arm bones decreased by about 80 to 90%
the stretch marks on my upper arms where they had been much bigger when I used to lift weights and are smaller now, my shoulders which had been stiff and kind of inflamed which had about 20 to 30% impairment of range of motion suddenly got maybe 95% better!!!
just went away along with some crepey skin on them…an alopecia slow hair growth patch n the back of my head started to grow out again
a hemerobiid I had for about 4 or 5 years just shrank down to nothing
and even while eating lots of deep dish pizza over the last 3 months I have lost a bout 12 to 13 pounds I am now down to early college weight
so someone form Germany started bugging me about how much zinc was actually in his zinc picolinate pill and it was the same brand and he finally sent me a picture of the label They had already done the calculation !!!
tunas out each zinc picolinate pill i was taking was 270 mg of Zinc Picoinate and
so I had been taking 500 mg of elemental zinc per day!!!!!
10x the dangerous dose of 50 mg!!!! holy shit I think I have discovered another
crazy low recommendation by big medicine!!
I looked into it and found that the playboy Casanova wrote a memoir and said his whole life he ate 50 oysters every morning
60 oysters would provide about 500 mg of zinc a day!!! so why don’t you give high dose ZP a try and see what happens
I also added a copper supplement as zinc and copper work together to from a potent antioxidant SOD/….
let me know what happens!!! JB
From Jeff: This was an email to a an acquaintance of mine>>>As far as your magnesium intake goes….
I am sorry taking a single 375 mg daily pill will not correct a magnesium deficiency created over a life time .and that is about to kill you
taking a single large dose will result in most of it leaving your body in your feces and urine…
The deficiency is in your tissues…. Your tissues will pick up magnesium from your blood as they regenerate and turn over…
which can take even more than a year
to fully reverse a magnesium deficiency
SO you want to have the magnesium in your blood all day long if possible……
You are obviously very magnesium deficient that is what caused your arrhythmia and your mitral valve prolapse and who knows what else..
the doctors cure for you is to cut things out of you or cut you up!!! and charge you big $$$$$ it is a corrupt or at best ignorant industry
So the way I recommend to correct the magnesium deficiency is to take smaller doses all day long vs one big dose..
Dr Carolyn Dean who wrote the magnesium miracle a bestseller you should read…
suggests getting a liquid micronized form of magnesium called remag or something similar
adding it to a drink and sipping it throughout the day
another way to do it is to buy an extended release form of magnesium like the one sold by
which releases magnesium into your blood over a 6 hour period and take this at least 2 times a day….
You need to ignore the RDAs for various things as they are not meant to keep you healthy
I tell magnesium deficient people to take magnesium 2x a day at least start at 500 mg 2x a day and then bump it up to 750 mg 2x a day…
keep increasing the dose until you get diarrhea.(most laxatives are made of magnesium)
..then stay at that dose..if the diarrhea does not get better in a week then reduce the dose a bit…
you will want to haver loose stools for a whole year as you reverse your deficiency
this is the same method that dr coimbra has his patients perform for magnesium deficiency reversal….we both came up with it on our own!
If you do not get diarrhea or have loose stools you are not taking enough d3 to revese your deficiency
some people who are really deficient can take even 2000 mg 2x a day with no diarrhea
one test for magnesium deficiency is they feed you a huge amount of magnesium or inkjet you then collect your urine for 24 hours to see how much comes out……if nothing comes out it means your body sucked it all up and is starving for magnesium
so taking the rda of magnesium once a day you are just fooling yourself…it will not fix your problem and it will eventually kill you
to fix my magnesium status I took 500 mg 2x a day of’s extended release magnesium for 6 months bumped it up to 750 mg 2x a day
for about 4 months then for the last month took 1000 mg 2x a day
finally my heart started to feel a little funny after a month of 1000 mg 2x a day like a sinking feeling….
I had filled my magnesium tank and now was starting to get excess magnesium symptoms I lowered the dose to 500 mg 1 x a day
and the heart sinking feeling immediately stopped… my magnesium deficiency was finally corrected!!
you can also start drinking mineral water that has a high magnesium content…
also use ,magnesium oil spray for your skin and you can sit in Epsom salt baths too…
the bottom lline is the blood holds 1% of your magnesium your tissue and bones 99%
so trying to replenish the 99% by adding magnesium to the blood ( by taking supplements)
is like trying to blow up a hot air balloon with a drinking straw…one puff a day is just not going to do it.
August 26, 2021
- This is a nifty interactive “calculator” to determine the amount of sunlight exposure needed to maintain a healthy vitamin D status without sunburn
- Taking a calcium supplement when taking high dose D3 is generally NOT a good idea. That is because the only danger of high dose D3 is that is can promote too much calcium in the blood and/or aggravate a magnesium deficiency.
- After Mr. Bowles took 20 to 25,000 IUs of D3 per day for a few months, his D3 blood level was 125 ng/ml. He says people do not get the healing results, disease cures and resolution of chronic issues unless their D3 level is about 125 to 150 ng/ml (The so-called “normal” range is 30 to 100 ng/ml. Of course, that is computed by averaging a sick population.)
- A good place for blood tests is this linked website. They will send you a form that you take to the nearest Labcorp office which will draw your blood. You will then get test results by email in 3 days. Note that some locations are busier than others.
- The most important test is blood calcium. If it is in the normal range, you have nothing to worry about because D3 itself is nontoxic. Its only risk is that it can elevate calcium too high. The blood panel for $140 provides D3, calcium levels and many others. Do not worry about the magnesium results because the usual serum blood tests tell you nothing useful about how much magnesium is in the tissues.
- DOSING suggestions from Jeff Bowles.
- Vitamin D3. Take D3 based on your body weight and test results. The bigger a person is, the more they need. With each 10,000 IU, also take the following:
- Vitamin K2 helps calcium go into the bone and get out of the arteries where it can cause trouble. Bowles recommends 800 mcg (micrograms) of the mk7 type of K2 for each 10,000 IU of D3. OR 4 mg (4,000 mcg) of the weaker but more natural mk4 type of K See for information about saving money by buying D3 and K2 in bulk. The vitamin D3+K2 spray that I use has a good balance.
- Magnesium. Magnesium* is required to covert the D3 into other needed forms.Jeff thinks that it is likely that 75% of diseases can be cured with vitamin D3 and the other 25% with magnesium. So,another of the great reasons to take it. Mr. Bowles says to take anywhere from 250 mg 2x per day of extended-release magnesium up to 500mg 2x a day or even 750 mg 2x a day. He recommends the magnesium from He says to take as much as you can handle for a 1-year period if you think you are magnesium deficient or are taking high dose D3. The reason for the extended release kind is that it stays in the blood for 6 hours at a time and it is important to have high blood levels of magnesium all the time to reverse a deficiency in the tissues. If you have a loose stool after 1week or so, cut down the dosage until you are ok with it.
- Boron. If you get the little 3 mg pills, take 18 mg 2 x per day with some zinc picolinate 50 mg 2 x a day. Or, if you use 20 Mule Team Detergent Booster Borax Powder (NOT the detergent containing borax) take 1/8th a teaspoon 2x per day (presumably in water).
- One listener wanted to know the highest Jeff’s blood levels ever reached. He replied, “the highest level I have ever reached on a test was about 175 ng/ml after I had been taking 70,000 IU’s a day for many months. But, I have heard from people who have hit the 200’s and one guy at 320 ng/ml that were fine….They were just alarmed at the high number. My advice to them was to stop the D3, keep taking K2 until the D3 comes back down to the 125 to 150 ng/ml range…They did that and everything was fine.”
- HBN Library resources – Benefits and Basics this section and in this one on Vitamin D supplements, safety, testing and doses. (I’ve been working to update those, but if there are any conflicts, consider this blog more current.)
Dear Jeff,I hope you are well, brother. We began high-dosing our three year old son (he is now four), who is on the spectrum, with vitamin d3. Five months ago, we started to give him about 16,000 iu every morning. We noticed some improvements. He is verbal, loves to play with others, though very frequently gets in an emotional bind when presented with a choice between things or what might be to him a cognitively complicated task.
From April till the middle of July, we gave him cholecalciferol and cod oil (EPA+DHA). Being in the middle of a pandemic here in India, with everything shut down, we had little access to vitamin K2 and could not do a blood test. In the middle of July, our son started to get nauseous, would projectile vomit even water, and had to be admitted to the hospital…where he was diagnosed with hypercalcaemia as a result of vitamin D intoxication. When we tested him in April, his serum levels were 10 ng/mL. In July, the levels had risen to >140 ng/mL. To save him, doctors had to prescribe bisphosphonates/pamidronate to control the calcium in his blood and inhibit vitamin D action.
We are out of the hospital, learning from our mistakes. However, though we have ceased supplementation at the moment, I still feel there’s something to your theory that the hormone reduces neuroinflammation and works over time to “heal” the brain. Can you share anything that may support us at this time of tensions, of yearning?
Bayo A PhD
Jeff B
1:18 PM (2 minutes ago)
Hello Bayo
sorry to hear that your son had an adverse event from D3 ..I think the doctors were probably being over-alarmist
about “vitamin D3 toxicity” the first signs of toxicity is nausea and vomiting not the last signs before death.
If that happens it is simple you just stop the d3 and let it wash out of the system. Almost everyone recovers from hypercalcemia
in a few weeks if they stop the d3 and know what signs to look for. Yeah you really should not have ignored the Vitamin K2 advice.
Hypercalcemia or kidney stones can kick in after people have been doing high dose d3 for about 4 to 5 months if they don’t co-supplement with d3…
especially with really high doses..Also high dose D3 will eat up the magnesium at a high rate which can cause
many different mental issues from anxiety to panic attacks to psychosis. I write about this in my newer book published in 2019.
It will take about a month or two for your son’s d3 levels to come back down to in the meantime you better go find some vitamin k2
somehow and give it to him while his d3 levels are high. I know people in INdia who have gotten also might want to find some extended release
magnesium for him . The other cofactors of D3 that can become deficient are boron and zinc and Vitamin A
( you need to take beta carotene and not the retinol form of Vitamn A)…I think D3 will probably be helpful for your son if you do it correctly..
I helped raise an autistic boy for many years and in his case it turned out that Prozac was very helpful as well.
They say it works in at least 25% of the autistic kids especially if they have d in their family somewhere.
August 22, 2021
From depression, arthritis, chronic fatigue to energy and health
Reviewed in Canada on December 16, 2018
Format: Kindle Format Verified purchase
I read this book in January 2017 in English but I just downloaded it in French for free. I am glad that the French version is available because I will be able to offer it to more people.
It was a revelation about my health problems for 35 years. I started with 50,000 IU for 3 days and then reduced to 10,000 IU by the time my bones calm down … the pain has the symptoms that vitamin D goes into the bones. Then I went to 20,000 and 50,000 IU. Why am I not afraid? Because I was tired of being sick and because I read the book well and understood the principle.
I had endless colds and flu, a weakness in the lungs which made me pass for an asthmatic, I was often depressed and suffered from seasonal depression since the year 2000 (2 years after my arrival in a northern country).
In January 2017, I had chronic fatigue that had lasted almost 10 years. I worked but that was it. My energy was low. I collapsed on the sofa on arrival.
When I started the protocol, the first thing I noticed was what mucus was coming from my lungs (read my review published in English in 2017). Every day, my lungs became a little more light and I understood that that was what was responsible for my many asthma tests. Then, my energy doubled and tripled! I no longer needed to sit at work and I became optimistic. It was in the middle of winter but I didn’t care about the cold! Oh, my cold feet have warmed up. I suffered from icy feet and always had to find a way to improve my circulation. In April 2017, my cold feet warmed up after these huge doses that I was taking. I think I was on 50,000 IU but it
What I am sure of is the energy, the optimism (no more depression!), The fatigue started running and finally, another enormous gain that remained is the fact of no longer being in the mists ( no more brain fog): I could finally remember the things I was doing. Someone told me about this improvement in a facebook group but I didn’t believe it much because I have heavy metal poisoning and I know that the real clarity comes just from the chelation of mercury. So, in my opinion, vitamin D kills candida albicans which are in our intestinal flora. This fungal infection is normal but can weigh down a body when it takes up too much ground. I know that the symptoms of candida c is also the lack of clarity in the ideas and in the head.
What I regret is that I didn’t know the secret of vitamin D before my genes turned on. I understood that my body did not have enough vitamin D in the 2000s and in 2009, I had to be at the bottom of the well my D levels had just dropped because I had left the tropical climate where I grew up 10 years earlier, the time necessary for a good build and to activate my problematic genes.
I also understood that this protocol of high doses allowed me to fill the tank that I could not fill anymore with 2000 IU that I had started in 2007. Oh meanwhile, I had read other books on high doses but none spoke as well of research and convinced me. So I started and then stopped the vitamin d protocols. But for this protocol, I keep my rate quite high between 250 nmol / 100 ng and 350 nmol. I think I need this high rate to heal my body from the blows it has taken with lack of sun.
Finally, in 2015, my Cone beam test for teeth revealed degeneration in the neck. I didn’t know what it was but understood that it was bad maybe it was because my body was not in a good alignment. Finally, in June 2018 I managed to consult Dr. Turner in Barrie, Ontario. He is known to settle difficult cases. He had asked me to fsire radio neck and now he did not see this famous degeneration. He told me that I had been misinformed and that I have no arthritis! (Oh so it was arthritis, what was I stupid).
I pray for the person who shared this book with me. This day in January 2017 was blessed. Thank God!!! Thank you Jeff Bowles and thank you this gentleman who told me about the protocol.
August 22, 2021
Hi Becky
August 22, 2021
Hi Ben I think that should do the trick depending on your weight….
Wow, thanks Jeff for the prompt and generous reply.Hard to believe, but the 20 x 1000 (D3) already works.I take it in the morning with pure fat (butter).My weight is 180 pounds.I will buy your books (+ ebooks, etc.) for sure.May the best – the very best – be given to you, and to your dear ones!Ben
August 22, 2021
Martha F
From Facebook- 1/20/2021Jeff Bowles
only because you seem interested, not that you asked 😅 i had Kawasaki Disease as a kid (3) and I was constantly sick after KD, all of the time, I live in FL by the way, you’d think tons of sunshine and vit d. Well when i was 18 I was so tired of being sick all of the time I went to the dr and was like we need to figure this out, after getting blood work done a few times found out not only was my vit d very very low, my body wasnt storing it either. I started taking vit d supplements and it worked well, until i stopped taking them.. i was sick for a year straight, no lie, starting taking them again and so far I haven’t been sick in a year now. Started double dosing at first, and now I take 5k iu a day to maintain along with getting sun whenever possible. 🤷♀️ anecdotal at best but Vit D has helped me tremendously.
And to add to the OP i had tons of pooping issues as a kid. Had to see a specialist. They said nothing was wrong with me. Prescibed miralax which gave me extreme rage, emotional issues, body aches, fatigue. And my parents didnt put 2 and 2 together it was from the miralax 🙃 fun times lol additionally wether KD is an autoimmune disease or not, thats what they told my parents and presumably other parents as well, in the 90s.
covid-19 7/16/2021
Yeah sure maybe. Or he’s right. I’ve taken 40,000 IU for two days now and all of my long covid symptoms are completely gone.
I feel better than I have in 10 years. Of course I wouldn’t believe random people on the internet but now I see for myself. I understand the skeptism.
. The only reason I even tried this was desperation. I was FLOORED at how amazing I felt almost instantly.
It sounds too good to be true .. why not try 2 days and see for yourself?
That was my plan. I figured if people could do 100k for months, 2 days at 40k wasn’t going to hurt me. Test it for yourself.
From: Becky
Subject: Combining with other supplements
Message Body:
May I first start by saying thank you so much for introducing me to the world of D3!! After reading the first book (currently reading The Miraculous cure for and prevention of all diseases), I started my dangerous journey of D3 and had amazing results. Issues ranging from tendonitis, depression, clicky bones…all to be fully healed! I began noticing other things too like a common area on my teeth were I usually got plaque one day just seemed to disappear. I was never ill (cold) (sick) while doing my year or so long course of D3 ranging from 10,000-100,000 (taking one super k for every 10,000 D3) but at one point I did get severe pain in my ankles witch prevented me from getting about as much…this pain I believe was off the process of the D3 healing. May I add here that my ankles are in a great shape. Before D3 the doctor gave me ultrasound for Tendonitis and it didnt work well. Jogging became a struggle putting me out of training. After taking my dangerous dose of D3 and bearing through that healing pain my ankles are that good i can run for miles and miles again and hop on one foot, proving i could exert a lot of pressure in those areas with no issues at all, i was amazed!!! Coincidence im not sure but my Tinea Vasicolour ( pityriasis versicolor) also seemed to shrink dramatically and became more controlled. My fitness training excelled and i was in the best shape id ever been in. I just felt on top and amazing!!
Unfortunately i stopped taking D3 and now 5 days into my next adventure with D3 i realise what a stupid mistake it was to stop….depression has came back, bones seem to be clicking again, front tooth has chipped causing concern as im only 32 years old and with a global epidemic Covid 19 causing paranoia in many ways it felt like I needed to get back on the good stuff, D3!
5 days in and im already feeling benefits. I feel more alive, my depression hasnt been so bad and in turn my anxiety has calmed down alot!! Although I am currently in a lockdown due to covid 19 (live in the UK) and have been for many weeks I feel since ive been taking D3 ive been able to tackle the stress lockdown brings alot better than before D3 supplementation!….i am very excited for what the future is going to bring for me this time round as i now know D3 is here to stay in my life!!
One issue…. ive had a few family issues causing me extreme stress. Ive always suffered with thin hair and seem to loose it quite easy. Due to recent issues I’ve lost a lot of hair (very embarrassing for a female). Ive taken Biotin and MSM in the past and it done me wonders….like with everything I’ve learned once you stop supplementation the benefits obviously also stop. So here i am ready to start Biotin and MSM again…..BUT….is one MSM 1500mg tablet a day ok to take with the D3 and Super K as it contains Calcium as Dicalcium Phosphate 110mg??……is that too much calcium? And also it Biotin ok to take?………i will be ordering Magnesium asap…..
Hi Becky
once you get through my new book what doctors never learned you will see high dose d3 can eat up your zinc
and zinc deficiency also leads to hair loss (alopecia) especially on the back of the head at least I have seen 2 cases of this which were corrected by taking higher dose zinc 50 to 100 mg 2 x a day…..
a little calcium probably wont hurt but try and find pure MSM caps next time I just bought some for my dogs
when the little dogs take 1 gram per day (20 pounds) whatever itchy parasites they pick up in the park are driven away within a week…3 grams a day for my 100 pound german shepherd….
also anxiety and panic atacks are a symptom of magnesium deficiency so if you up your magnesium dosing to maybe 350 to 500 mg 2 x a day (get extended-release magnesium) sells it it stays on your blood 6 hours…..
it takes about 1 year or more to fully correct a magnesium deficiency also d3 eats up your magnesium at a very fast rate..
make sure you study my new book
also for your teeth boron will give you much stronger bones that doctors find difficult to cut with a saw…so since teeth are bones the boron should strengthen your teeth too
I believe that high dose d3 also eats up your boron! I suggest 21 mg 2x a day it comes in 3mg pills which are ridiculously small….
you might be able to find a cheaper alternative in the laundry section of the grocery store…see if they sell Borax to whiten your clothes this should be pure sodium tetra borate….(4 borons to one 1/2 a salt molecule…read the ingredients label make sure it is pure…the label will say dangerous do not consume but many people take 1/8th a teaspoon 2x a day for arhtritis…
and the great news about covid-19 is that if your d3 levels are higher than 40 ng/ml or 100 nmol/l the UK scale you will never be admitted to the hospital for covid 19
they did a study here in the US and found nobody admitted for covid-19 had a d3 level of over 100 nmol/L if you get it even higher level which I’m sure you have you should be immune to symptoms the virus should pass right through you if infected (with no symptoms) Also they found the lower the d3 levels in patients the worse the outcome…
i wrote a book on it which is Banned by AMA-zon for now but I will send you a pdf file….hope you enjoy it…you should turn this email into a review for the book at the amazon uk site that would be great
so please update me with your progress you belong in the 1,000+ high dose D3 case studies search engine!!
thank will send free ebook from different email address ([email protected] ) please respond so I will have your email address for future reference..I might nee some reviews if the book ever gets published…the I can email you thanks JB
see the search engine at
Richard S
I’m taking 500 mg of his magnesium taurate with no diarrhea issues. 1/19/2021
essential tremor Parkinson’s
That should be enough for the D3/K2 protocol.
The orthomolecular society did an email about minerals and soil depletion
in the US. It’s bad as you know. A likely factor in the heart disease epidemic.
My wife has a hand tremor.
She had that tremor for years.
She’s taking 200 mg of peter’s mag taurate and it stopped.I asked her to take the mag for her heart. Tremor is
nervous system. Unexpected benefit. She’s doing the D3/K2 supps
in low dosage but at least she’s taking it.
covid-19 7/16/2021
Yeah sure maybe. Or he’s right. I’ve taken 40,000 IU for two days now and all of my long covid symptoms are completely gone.
I feel better than I have in 10 years. Of course I wouldn’t believe random people on the internet but now I see for myself. I understand the skepticism.
The only reason I even tried this was desperation. I was FLOORED at how amazing I felt almost instantly.
It sounds too good to be true .. why not try 2 days and see for yourself?
That was my plan. I figured if people could do 100k for months, 2 days at 40k wasn’t going to hurt me. Test it for yourself.
Martha F
From Facebook- 1/20/2021
Jeff Bowles
only because you seem interested, not that you asked 😅 i had Kawasaki Disease as a kid (3) and I was constantly sick after KD, all of the time, I live in FL by the way, you’d think tons of sunshine and vit d. Well when i was 18 I was so tired of being sick all of the time I went to the dr and was like we need to figure this out, after getting blood work done a few times found out not only was my vit d very very low, my body wasn’t storing it either. I started taking vit d supplements and it worked well, until i stopped taking them.. i was sick for a year straight, no lie, starting taking them again and so far I haven’t been sick in a year now. Started double dosing at first, and now I take 5k iu a day to maintain along with getting sun whenever possible. 🤷♀️ anecdotal at best but Vit D has helped me tremendously.
And to add to the OP i had tons of pooping issues as a kid. Had to see a specialist. They said nothing was wrong with me. Prescibed miralax which gave me extreme rage, emotional issues, body aches, fatigue. And my parents didn’t put 2 and 2 together it was from the miralax 🙃 fun times lol additionally wether KD is an autoimmune disease or not, thats what they told my parents and presumably other parents as well, in the 90s.
L. Gienger
My Missing Link
Reviewed in the United States on April 1, 2014
Verified PurchaseThis book literally ‘fell off the shelf’ into my life in early Feb 2014! I had been asking God for something to fill in the holes of my health!
I had good energy, creativity and mental clarity a lot of the time because of natural hormones (Dr Neil Rousier books), natural thyroid ( and Rest and Refeeding (Matt Stone books).
The concepts in this book took me over the top to feeling better than I could imagine!!
I am a 50 yof RN and Patient/Medical advocate with a vitamin D level of 30ng/ml and below my whole life.
I didn’t know what a difference having a higher Vit D level would do for me until now.
I have taken 10,000 units for some years and felt a slight positive difference, but when
I added Vit K2 and did the higher dosage of 50,000 units/day for one month,
my levels went to 188ng/ml. I have stabilized at 25,000 units/day and continue to feel the benefits,
and plan to check my levels soon again. My clients are having wonderful results too. The stories are actually miraculous.
On the higher doses of Vit D and Vit K2, I felt great energy and well-being on my first few days with a deep restful sleep at night and sometimes appreciated a nap too. Most body aches and old injury pains were gone the first few days, but I did go though what could have been a detox phase of feeling ‘fluish’ and slightly feverish.
But, on day 6, I woke feeling like I could climb Mount Rainier right then!
My moods have stabilized, my brain is clear and quick, my sleep is solid (after years of wakefulness) and the solid well-being and energy continues. I can honestly say that I feel the best I ever have in my whole life!
I lead out in family fun with my husband and teens now…instead of watching it happen and wanting to participate, but being too tired. I am so grateful!
Update after two years…cured fibroid uterine tumors in early 2014…
and I continue to experience no aches and pains. I keep my blood levels at 150 which is high normal.
I use an Amazon home test to check them. 5/2019 Still using higher levels of Vit D.
I use around 20k a day and 400mcg MK-7. I bump up to 50or 100k a day and 1000-2000 mcg MK-7 now and then if I get an injury or feel the threat of a cold infection coming on. It always takes the cold away in about three days of the higher amounts.
I also use magnesium spray and some potassium as well as avocados and bananas as low electrolytes
seem to be the thing to watch since Vit D uses them up in keeping the cells more active:).
My labs are pristine. Liver and kidney numbers are fine:). And the fibroid tumors of 2014 with my first review never came back.
From: meitien H 8/7/2021 Yellow toenails toenail fungus
Subject: The new 16 puzzles of COVID bookMessage Body:
I just listened to the great interview you had on YouTube with RxFIT.
I really like to know what you found about COVID. please send the book to me,
I have almost all of your books, great!
My fungal toenails are better after I took 50,000 IU a day for a while!
5.0 out of 5 stars Vitamin D, K1 + K2 + magnesium therapy First successes
Reviewed in Germany on July 16, 2021 translated from German
Verified purchase
After reading the book the therapy because of my vitamin D level of 17.6 ng / ml determined in the laboratory. “prescribed”. Actually, apart from occasional calf cramps, I don’t have any of the often described problems, but I have mild renal insufficiency (level 3 Ga. A1) with a GFR of 50 and creatinine value 93.
The initial therapy from March 25th, 2021 for six days with 2x 20,000 IU each of Vit. D. From March 31, 2021 maintenance therapy with 3,000 IU veg. Vit. D3 + 70 mg. Vit. K1 + 100 mg. K2 + 300 mg. Magnesium citrate.
Laboratory check on June 1st, 2021 = vitamin D level = 56.3 ng / ml. (I am 74 years old and weigh 52.5 kg.) The kidney value GFR, measured on July 9th, 2021, improved from 50 to 83 !! (from 90 is the opt. value) and the creatinine improved from 93 to 63.0 !! (45-84 is normal). I was speechless! If it stays that way, I’m no longer a kidney patient. Thank you thank you. When I told the family doctor about the self-therapy plan at the beginning of March, she said that it was mostly just an imagination!
Unfortunately, I haven’t had the basics to trust my previous GPs for a long time. One of them hadn’t even recognized my kidney failure – but there were plenty of IGL options.
To: [email protected]<[email protected]>
Sent: Mon, Jul 26, 2021 9:34 am
Subject: Re: New mega dose user of D3, with news about Alzheimer’s results</[email protected]>I am 63 years old, and my results are real. I also have diabetes.
I took 100k for 3 years daily, which stopped all my pain and swelling from RA. I continued the mega doses
and my doctor checked my blood level which showed according to the doctor to be 251 and unable to go any higher.
my doctor freaked out and insisted that I quit D3 immediately,
Doctor reported this was highest blood level he had ever seen because the count stopped at 250
(I had no bad side effects except having to take ibuprofen, or naproxen for pain).
The odd results came in about 3years into this experiment I developed a swelling below my chin which made me look like
I was having a stoke, many teachers I was working with remarked on this. later that night the swelling ruptured and a large
amount of light grey and thick substance came out. Not a pimple, and not an infection, no fever or heat. afterward the neck looked normal.
I noticed this same eruptions again on the back of my neck, then two more from under my arms, and all areas expelling large amounts
of light grey thick fluid. so much expelled from my pores. I had not mentioned that recall (memory recall) before this time had become
slowed and I was deciding to retire after the 20+ years of teaching, I loved teaching
Anyway I noticed that my recall later was starting to improve. I could remember better and thinking had improved. amazing results.
I did cut back my D3 to 60K daily and I am still taking 60K, but thinking about going to 50K daily. This strange draining is true
and can only had been from my head and brain due to all the pores location being at face, chin, neck, and underarms only.
Now improvements that even my close friends and family has recognized. I am so happy with the improvements.
Has hernia’s ever been rebuilt or reported on ??? Please let me know if this is possible. New injury.
Everything I have explained is true and real.
Charol M
Hello Charol
WOW this is an amazing story…I wish you would have gotten that odd grey fluid tested to see what it was…
don’t worry I have heard of people getting a d3 level up to 320 ng/ml and higher
with no problem if they brought it back down within a reasonabel period of time.
are you in the UK or the US?? what units are you using for your d3 levels nmol/L or ng/ml?
you need to divide nMOL/L (the UK and Canada scale by 2.5 to get ng/ml which is the US scale
Make sure you read the book I sent you about the 5 cofactors of d3 you need to take!!!
this is truly amazing info!!! thanks JB
James P Fri, Jul 16, 10:38 PMto Jeffsbandn
I have both of your books on vitamin D.
Excellent, excellent, excellent!
I even buy and give them to my customers
because I truly believe absolutely *everyone*
should have a copy.
I cured my plantar fasciitis in a week!
I have a cavity that is healing!
My back pain is virtually non-existent!
I’m sixty and take everything you recommend
and am considering your melatonin regimen.
Amazon customer
5.0 out of 5 starsI can recommend it to everyone translated from german brain fog
Reviewed in Germany on July 3, 2021
I can only recommend this book / audio book. Vitamin D3 saved my life. I was once so depressed all the time, had such anxiety attacks, was always, especially in the morning, unfocused, tired, etc. It was also particularly bad that I was constantly listless and, despite my young age, had a bit of amnesia. I then started increasing my vitamin D3 dosage more and more, now I’m at 100,000 and I’m doing brilliantly. I quickly began to notice the first changes. In the morning I was more alert, fitter, more concentrated and significantly more motivated. I have significantly less memory lapses now, I can focus better on something. I can also remember things much better than before, much earlier, and I have more and more these “aha” and “click” moments. You can’t go wrong with the book. To whoever is reading this review, I want to say that with a clear conscience you can follow the advice they give in this book. Because when I followed you, my life ONLY changed for the better.
5.0 out of 5 stars Vitamin D made us fit again
Reviewed in Germany on April 3, 2021 translated from german
Verified purchaseI had known for a long time that vitamin D substitution is important, but not how high it should actually be.
So my husband and I took 5000 IU each a day in autumn and winter.
I have felt very badly in the past few years. I was tired all the time, had to struggle with infections all the time, exhausted, sometimes
even in the summer I felt lack of energy and drive. In autumn and winter the situation becomes extremely acute every year,
so that I had to stop my beloved sport, which I do intensively almost every day, for a few months.
Then we discovered two books on the subject of vitamin D, including this one.
We ordered tests from Cerascreen and up to the measurement we took 4×20,000 IU each.
Despite the regular intake and the special intake just mentioned, the level in both of us was below
30 ng / ml. Now, according to Dr. van Helden calculates the necessary intake to get to the value we want of 90 ng / ml.
We each took 40,000 IU a day until we got around 1,000,000 IU for my husband and 800,000 IU for me.
Then another measurement was made, this time by the family doctor. My husband had a reading of 84 ng / ml and I got 94 ng / ml.
Since about a Monday we have been on the desired mirror and from week to week there are
sooo many improvements noticeable … a short summary
– good restful sleep without interruptions
– fit
in the morning after waking up – no stiffness in the joints in the morning after getting up
– greater ability to concentrate
– no more tiredness, fatigue, exhaustion during the day
– higher physical resilience
– better mood
– no more sunburn on the skin – ridden a bike for three days at 21 degrees in the sun
(we will only apply sunscreen in exceptional cases)
– knee problems are gone
– hair loss significantly reduced
– better complexion
– Significantly less sore muscles after intense sports
– Symptoms of infection have almost completely disappeared
– Less muscular tension
– PMS and menstrual complaints are hardly noticeable
– healthier gums
5.0 out of 5 stars Vitamin D, K1 + K2 + magnesium therapyFirst successes translated from german CKD chronic kidney disease kidney failure
Reviewed in Germany on July 16, 2021
Verified purchase
After reading the book, the therapy because of my vitamin D level of 17.6 ng / ml determined in the laboratory. “prescribed”. Actually, apart from occasional calf cramps, I don’t have any of the often described problems, but I have mild renal insufficiency (level 3 Ga. A1) with a GFR of 50 and creatinine value 93.
The initial therapy from March 25th, 2021 for six days with 2x 20,000 IU each of Vit. D. From March 31, 2021 maintenance therapy with 3,000 IU veg. Vit. D3 + 70 mg. Vit. K1 + 100 mg. K2 + 300 mg. Magnesium citrate.
Laboratory check on June 1st, 2021 = vitamin D level = 56.3 ng / ml. (I am 74 years old and weigh 52.5 kg.) The kidney value GFR, measured on July 9th, 2021, improved from 50 to 83 !! (from 90 is the opt. value) and the creatinine improved from 93 to 63.0 !! (45-84 is normal). I was speechless! If it stays that way, I’m no longer a kidney patient. Thank you thank you. When I told the family doctor about the self-therapy plan at the beginning of March, she said that it was mostly just an imagination!
Hi Jeff, incontinence bathroom frequent urinationI don’t get colds, cold-vid or any strain of flu since adding D3 in Fall 2017. And I no longer have bladder leakage since then and after finding my current correct high dose amount of D3.
I have not had D3 tested, but I might be able now that I am on Medicare…otherwise the last NP said it was too costly and at that time private insurance denied a bone density test so there was no indicator to test for D3 at age 63.
I believe colds and flu are from deficiency in D3 from a poor diet….and excessive sugars from straight up sugar or high carb diets. Since D3 I still prefer a low carb diet and will soon be back to beef only diet soon. I do best on meat only, and prefer fresh beef cooked to medium with no seasonings/salt.
On that diet I needed much less D3 supplement.
My husband tends to high calcium and also has not had a cold or cold-vid or flu either.
Hi Ann to increase bone density you need lots of K2 and boron see my book from 2019
The Miraculous Cure for and Prevention of All diseases
From: [email protected]
To: heather
Sent: Wed, Jul 14, 2021 6:28 pm
Subject: Re: Neck pain away!From: Claire<[email protected]>
Subject: Neck pain away!</[email protected]>
Message Body:
Hey Jeff!
Just finished your book on high dose D3, after starting 12000 UI of D3 a week or so ago.
I have been bothered with moderate – severe neck pain and issues for 23 years now (I’m 40 now). I often wondered if I’d ever rid myself of the pain. Healthy diet, lifestyle, treatment, physio and the rest sometimes even seemed to make things worse (ie: a heavy workout of shoulder work rendered me bedridden on copious amounts of meds for 6 weeks ).
Today, for the first time since my early 20s, I turned my head right round to look behind me. I can’t tell you how bizarre and amazing this feels! Sure there’s lots of cracking noises, but it was amazing!!!! So much so I just had to message you.
There’s no way this is coincidence- chronic pain of 23 years is lower today than it’s been, ever. Stiffness and movement hugely improved. WOW!!!
Can’t wait to see what happens next – I started on Superk as well today. One of those alongside the 12k UI for now.
I’m 12 weeks pregnant also – I take these alongside 6000 UI super fish oil and my usual pregnancy supplement. Feeling great today and will monitor progress.
I shall keep you posted!!
that’s great news Claire…
yeah the d3 will help you should also add magnesium boron and zinc piccolinate as they are cofactors of d3
that all cause pain when you are deficient Ill send you a dosing email!
I had to boost my zinc piccolinate to 250 mg 2x a day to finally get rid of some ligament pains that Id had for a long time
I weighed 190 pounds it also made me lose about 10 pounds (the higher zinc levels) don’t take the other kinds of zinc
only z piccolinate or z ororate abnsorb well
From: Ron
Sent: Sun, Jul 11, 2021 6:09 pm
Subject: Toenail Fungus cureFrom: Ronald Bradley
Subject: Toenail Fungus cure
Message Body:
I am so glad I read your book! I had toenail fungus and it was cured by a powerful drug. But it came back on all 10 toes. I started taking 40,000iu of vitamin D3 and within 30 days my nails began to clear up. It took 1and 1/2 years but I now have fungus free toenails. I believe it took a long time because my toenails are very slow growing.
Thank you for the great information!
Hello Jeff! 6/29/2021
You fixed my 42 years problem with my left knee in 14 days. Thank you!
Now I have learnt to know a lady 75 years old, wheght 60 kilo. She has RA
and I wonder how to cure her elbow and skin? How much D3 and K2, and
something else?
Hans C
June 19, 2021
Multiple Cures

30k vitamin D per day My MS symptoms are all pretty much gone. THAT IS NOT AN OVER EXAGGERATION. Did you hear me? My MS has pretty much disappeared! My neurologist told me to only take 2000 IUs a day. I did that for years and it did nothing. Also, my psoriasis, almost all gone!!!
Hi Jeff
I am taking you up on your offer to send me the e-book and you can see below the order confirmation. I have just ordered your first book, too.I am also a vitamin D3 ‘fan’, first introduced to it about 14 years ago by a natural allopathic lady who basically saved my kidneys! My doctor found it difficult to accept that it was D3 that reversed the downward slide of my kidney function from 42 and then back to the range of 60, which is acceptable for people of my age (I am now 73).
My son in law has stage 4 cancer (CUP) but it looks as though it may be desmoplastic small cell tumour cancer. He is just 42. Because of ‘Covid-19’ any access to medical care, private or NHS, was denied him for 18 months, (until 8 weeks ago) and this was before he knew exactly what he had. However, on the basis that he felt so sick, he put himself on a fairly strict diet and was on it for 6 months. Then when he knew, 13th April, he phoned me to ask what he should do. I suggested he went further with his diet, juicing, just veg, no dairy, no meat, fish etc., for a month and also suggested the ‘Budwig’ breakfast – high lignan oil and curd cheese which I made for him and bought the high lignan oil prepared to order from a Sussex farm. I also put him on 50,000 iu D3, magnesium, zinc, selenium and since then that arsenal has been increased with various other supplements/herbs etc. I wasn’t too certain about vitamin C, although extremely important, it’s nowhere as good as what we can get from food. So red peppers are on his daily menu but I am looking at liposomal. We’ve had no help from anyone. The doctors here are appalling. But he is now going to be seen at Christies in Manchester because they are the ones who realised that Shrewsbury Hospital had got everything completely wrong, and could have killed him as they wanted to put him on a triple chemo drug that Christies said would have done nothing for the cancer, but would have just made him very very ill, if not killed him.
I’ve also now put him on iodine 50mg a day using Lugol’s (it’s available in the UK) but hopefully want to get him up to 100mg a day for just 21 days and then stop. I am not medically qualified in any shape or form but in the UK, we have to be our own doctor. Everything he is doing is at his own risk. But I just read, read, and read anything and everything about natural healing, because I can see a day coming when access to natural methods is also going to become increasingly difficult, so I need to get my adult kids familiar with other methods other than a chemically laden pill bottle.
Thank you for your bravery – I too use myself as a ‘trial’. I did what Martin has done, and a bad patch of eczema on the palm of my hand has just about disappeared, and Martin’s psoriasis has disappeared too. He is now on 10,000 iu a day for the D3 but even after reading just the extract of your book on Amazon, I think I may need to jack it right up again to a much higher dose.
Best regards
Hello Mr. Bowles,I have been taking Vitamin D3 at 30k/day for several weeks and can report much better sleep and a significant reduction in asthma symptoms.
I am having headaches on occasion and don’t know if it is related but if you have time I wanted to ask you what your opinion is?
Also what would be your opinion on dosages on K and Magnesium would be? I realize none of this is medical advice, I am just curious as to your opinion. I’m a male/6’6”/220lbs.
Best regards,
thanks martin the headaches could be caused by your aggravating an underlying magnesium deficiency
Ill send you a dosing email and the mag chapter next I am attaching the pdf copy of the book for you thanks!! JB
5/19/2021I have been taking D3 for a few years, even before I read your book… 5000 a day at the time. And magnesium – 2 or 3 times a day.
I just discovered a month ago that my GP has been over medicating my hypothyroidism (35 years of it) for the past 3 years or so.
I am now working with an endocrinologist. I have been so very very tired and my brain is not functioning… expected with thyroid issues. (The last 3 months feel like I was not alive) I am just now starting to recover with my lower thyroid dose. I HAVE BEEN SLEEPING WAY TOO MUCH… BUT COULD NOT HELP IT. Better now. But still sleeping well .
So thyroid is my only ongoing disease. But I did have breast cancer – turns out 1A… I will NOT GET IT AGAIn.
I am 77 years old… much younger than my chronological years.
I am now taking 40k of D3 and 4 Super K2. When I upped my D3 to 40k, I got really tired again and remembered I needed more magnesium. I am now at 2 x 250 mg ext. release magnesium from LE… plus another one before bed.
I just started taking borax 1/2 tsp x 2 per day.. and 50 mg. zinc with each. Borax is having a detox effect on me (change in BM) and I hope it will finally rid my body of Flouride and also help my feet heel – I had foot surgery 4 years ago. Having problems with my arches.
Dear Mr BowlesI have been following you for several years and following your protocols for high D3, K2 and Caroten A. I have read several of your books.
My February 2021 blood test for D3 was 354 nmol/L and my calcium was 2.32 mmol/L (where the range is (2.15-2.6)
However my Kidney markers of Alk.P was 134 U/L on a range of (30-115) and my GGT was 108 U/L on a range of (0-45). I went on Milk THistle and by my next test on 6th May 2021 my Alk.P was back to within range at 100 U/L and my GGT was 21 U/L on a range of (0-45)
I had been travelling for 6 weeks as I was caught with a COVID closed state border and ran out of Caroten A and so took some Retinol A for probably 4 weeks of that time. The Dr thought that the kidney markers may be due to Retinal A which she said was an overdose. Funnily this traditional Dr did not say I was taking too much Vit D or K2!!
Do you think this could be the case?
I have noticed that my eyesight has deteriorated slightly since I went off the Retinal A.
Could I have caused kidney damage with that 4 weeks of 10,000 IU of Retinol A per day.
I have since reduced my D3 to 1 day per week of 50,000 IU and 2,200K2 and 10,000 IU of Caroten A and then one or two other days in the week, I take 10,000 IU, so a maximum of 70,000 IU D3 and 10,000 IU Caroten A and 2,200 K2 per week to try to reduce my Vit D a bit.
Many thanks for your valuable assistance
HI Lois
have not heard about d3 hurting kidenys actually the opposite those with kidney failure
tend to have increased Gfr (glomular filtration rate) when on high dose d3 which is good- better kidney function
go to the website and search d3 cures to look over 1,000+ case studfies self reported
Id like to add your case to the search engine…
I have heard that you should never take the retinol from of vit A only the beta carotene form as the retinol form supposedly intereferes with d3’s good activities and it is too strong and easy to over dose…Beta carotene is converted by the body on an as needed basis
I dont know how it affects kidneys maybe your dr is right!!
Hi Jeff
I am taking you up on your offer to send me the e-book and you can see below the order confirmation. I have just ordered your first book, too.I am also a vitamin D3 ‘fan’, first introduced to it about 14 years ago by a natural allopathic lady who basically saved my kidneys! My doctor found it difficult to accept that it was D3 that reversed the downward slide of my kidney function from 42 and then back to the range of 60, which is acceptable for people of my age (I am now 73).
My son in law has stage 4 cancer (CUP) but it looks as though it may be desmoplastic small cell tumour cancer. He is just 42. Because of ‘Covid-19’ any access to medical care, private or NHS, was denied him for 18 months, (until 8 weeks ago) and this was before he knew exactly what he had. However, on the basis that he felt so sick, he put himself on a fairly strict diet and was on it for 6 months. Then when he knew, 13th April, he phoned me to ask what he should do. I suggested he went further with his diet, juicing, just veg, no dairy, no meat, fish etc., for a month and also suggested the ‘Budwig’ breakfast – high lignan oil and curd cheese which I made for him and bought the high lignan oil prepared to order from a Sussex farm. I also put him on 50,000 iu D3, magnesium, zinc, selenium and since then that arsenal has been increased with various other supplements/herbs etc. I wasn’t too certain about vitamin C, although extremely important, it’s nowhere as good as what we can get from food. So red peppers are on his daily menu but I am looking at liposomal. We’ve had no help from anyone. The doctors here are appalling. But he is now going to be seen at Christies in Manchester because they are the ones who realised that Shrewsbury Hospital had got everything completely wrong, and could have killed him as they wanted to put him on a triple chemo drug that Christies said would have done nothing for the cancer, but would have just made him very very ill, if not killed him.
I’ve also now put him on iodine 50mg a day using Lugol’s (it’s available in the UK) but hopefully want to get him up to 100mg a day for just 21 days and then stop. I am not medically qualified in any shape or form but in the UK, we have to be our own doctor. Everything he is doing is at his own risk. But I just read, read, and read anything and everything about natural healing, because I can see a day coming when access to natural methods is also going to become increasingly difficult, so I need to get my adult kids familiar with other methods other than a chemically laden pill bottle.
Thank you for your bravery – I too use myself as a ‘trial’. I did what Martin has done, and a bad patch of eczema on the palm of my hand has just about disappeared, and Martin’s psoriasis has disappeared too. He is now on 10,000 iu a day for the D3 but even after reading just the extract of your book on Amazon, I think I may need to jack it right up again to a much higher dose.
Best regards
Hey Jeff, 5/26/2021Thank you very much for your advice the other week. I thought I’d give you a quick update on my D3/Magnesium experiments
After your email I stopped taking D3 and started taking magnesium citrate 400mg. Within about 30 minutes of the first pills I felt much better, they dizziness went away and felt much better. A few hours later this feeling came back, and taking another 400mg magnesium corrected it again. Pretty obvious that was the issue
I took about 800mg of magnesium a day for a few days then went back on about 50,000 of D3. I noticed I was feeling a lightheaded again after doing some pretty light exercise. I took a Epsom salt bath with like 4 cups of salts and had a really good sleep. I stopped taking D3 again.
The Lef slow release magnesium arrived by mail about this time.
I started taking 750mg of the lef slow release magnesium 2-3x a day. I began sleeping through the night for the first time in years (used to get up to pee, I had begun to think that was just normal). I still felt a bit tired when I wake up each day like I’m recovering from being sick. But I felt my energy was pretty good, and I definitely noticed I was able to have fairly productive days pretty much every day.
Side note: I used to only have 1-2 productive days a week unless something was urgent, I just couldn’t focus. As you can imagine I’ve read every book about productivity, time management and discipline under the sun. If I can continue to be able to work and function well, that’s already a miracle to me
As things were going quite well I took 50,000 IUs of D3 one day, (along with the magnesium, zinc, boron and K2 that I’ve been taking every day). I felt very good and I think happier. About 2:30am that night (after the magnesium pills wore off I assume) I woke up with anxiety and couldn’t get back to sleep. I wasn’t really worrying about anything, more I could feel it in my chest. I got up and took some magnesium pills and web back to sleep. I stopped the D3. The next night I woke up at 4am with similar symptoms, wired and tired, I was awake until 6 when I took some more magnesium and was able to sleep in for another couple of hours.
Re-read the email you sent me about your dosages, I think I can take up to 1000mg of the slow release magnesium a day without causing diarrhea, I might also try some magnesium creams and more Epsom salt baths.
Summary: It seems like my magnesium deficiency is pretty severe given my strong reaction to both D3 and Magnesium, it looks like I’ll have to slow down on the D3 until I get my levels back up, I’ll probably try 10,000IUs a day for a while. Given how much better I’m feeling with just magnesium, I wonder if this has caused more issues for me than lacking D3. I guess it’s hard to separate the two.
Also I wanted to ask about vitamins/D3 during pregnancy, my wife and I are about to start IVF. I probably wouldn’t be experimenting with this stuff during pregnancy, but it seems far more risky to do nothing. I thought if we just take smaller doses of D3 (10,000IUs) , K2 (100-200mcg) , Zinc and Magnesium it shouldn’t’ cause any issues. She’s also taking Co-Q-10 to help with some gum issues, I heard you mention that would help.
Thanks so much
Nathan L
Thanks for this information Jeff. I ordered magnesium today that I can add to water and drink through the day.
I have had some problems waking up at 3am and not getting back to sleep until 4 pm
but that is the only thing I would possibly call a symptom.
My copy of you book is from 2019 book and I will look for the book from Carolyn Dean.
I am happy to have this chance to thank you personally. Your book changed my life.
I found great relief from issues that have hit me with nagging pain for years.
I have embraced time restricted eating and a much healthier diet.
Thanks to the D3 pain relief I can use my total gym at a level 9 each day when before
I could not get above level 3 without my shoulder bothering me.
I have also turned a number of folks onto D3 and your book. It is good to see
their improvement and I know it makes them more resistant to covid.
Still trying to talk to my buddy with Parkinsons about it. His doctor had him on 1000 IU daily.
When I told him about my experience he was able to get the doc to increase him to 4000 IU daily. A small victory.
I am happy for this chance to thank you personally for your work and your
devotion to this and what it has done for me and my friends.
Thanks again Jeff!
Sincerely, SteveAHA! insomnia! magnsium deficeincy ..I suggest you get seom magnesium threonate from
it gets into your brain better than other types of magnesium JB
From: S
To: [email protected]
Sent: Thu, May 20, 2021 8:05 am
Subject: MagnesiumI had a horrible night last night ,, I couldn’t shut my brain off to sleep , I took 1200 of the mag and I had diarrhea , so that’s my limit ,
so I’m lying in bed and I remember you talked about Mag L Threonate and it can help with the brain and
I bought some 2 weeks ago but I never used it but I did last night around 4 am and let me tell you,
I woke up this morning and this stuff is amazing , I feel almost normal lol ,
it’s like it specifically targeted my anxiety and actually made my brain ready for sleep , it’s like natural sedative. Any other thoughts ?
Fantastic ! Yes Magnesium threonate gets into the brain easier (crosses the blood brain barrier)
and should be better at alleviating mental issues related to magnesum deficeincy
maybe you should switch completely to mag threonate! and let me know how it goes!!
3rd message I’m just so WOW what it did to me taking 30k to 20k now for sometime.
Not having allergies at all😀And basically just feeling super charged
Last 10 years my allergies been killing me blocked nose coughing like crazy.
Did read your 2 books like 3 times(both got audio and paper haha) now just bought the melatonin one did not start that yet..
This information just is so important.
So basically I spend time every day to read up on vitamin D haha all info I can find
And in a way I feel like this information is “hidden” on purpose.
When the pandemic hit I started look into what boosted immune system.
And took 10k D3 when to a doctor got bloodwork done and was 88ng/ml
Doctor told me to stop taking D3 worst advise every giving . 3 different doctors told me to stop.(luckily I did not stop)
5 years ago my bloodwork was in the 25-40ng/ml range doctors said it’s good.
(Was feeling like a dead man allergies joint pain tired bad asthmatic easy sick winter hibernation mode 365)
Your books are so golder
5/24/2021 covid covid-19 Covid Covid-19
Dear Jeff,Thanks for getting back to me and thank you for all the valuable information. I’ve been spending hours reading your book since yesterday and it makes great sense. My moms husband who is 65 got COVID-19 few months ago, he has Parkinson’s, dementia and heart issues. He was very sick but didn’t need any hospital care or the healthcare system decides that they might not be able to save him (they live in Sweden). My mom was treating him with high doses of vitamin D, vitamin c, zink and magnesium, K2 and she also gave him honey with spirulina. It took him 2-3 week to fight the virus and he’s still alive. My mother was the one taking care of him, she’s been supplementing with vitamin D,C, K2, zink and magnesium long before the pandemic and she didn’t catch the virus. Also her blood type is A+. I’m a believer in your theory. We moved from Phuket Thailand few months ago and now we live on the Algarve coast, we have very low rates of COVID-19 at the moment maybe 10 cases in total where I live. Specially during the last month with the sunny weather.
Regarding my daughter Elsa I’m hoping that upping her vitamin D, adding magnesium and K2 would help with her language delays (she has no issues with her speech). I also think I’m partially to blame as we always used sunscreen, even when I was pregnant. But during the last 6 weeks of pregnancy I was told that she might be born as a small baby, we did a 4D ultrasound and everything looked normal except some calcification of the placenta. Nothing to worry about said the doctor. After googling I found out that it could be lack of vitamin D and stared spending around 15-30 min in the sun every morning. I’ve been told to not worry but as a mother I have a feeling that something is wrong. I will keep you updated on her progress. Please let me know if I should add something else.
Kind regards
From: Steve 5/24/2021
Subject: blood testMessage Body:
I purchased you book about 13 months ago. Started taking higher doses of D3 at that time. About 80k IU daily for 10 months. Dropped to 50K about two more months and then leveled to 25k in that last month. In that time I also took higher levels of LE Super K.
I had a lot of pain in my left shoulder from an injury sustained 10 years ago. I have suffered from serious TMJ pain in my jaw on the right side of my face since an injury in High School. And I was dealing with residual pain from a hernia injury that I had surgically repaired 4 years ago.
In each case I had a great reduction in pain. The pain in my shoulder and jaw subsided by 80 to 90%. The hernia pain just gives me a twinge every once in awhile.
My concern is that my vitamin d level a year ago was 40. It is now just below 300. I did not expect it to be that high.
I would appreciate your thoughts on this.
Hi Steve tell your doctors there is no such thing as Vitamin D toxicity all threy are seeing are vit k2 and magnesium deficiency symptoms form high dose d3 as it eats up those cofactors at a very high rate..Supplement with them and you should have no any d3 level
you will also need to supplement with boron and zinc too as they are also cofactors
I know a guy who takes 1 million IUs a day of d3 for several years for his MS!
5/24/2021yeah, I see also in Germany and the UK they have lower the ref range to 75ng/ml🤔.( will test mine again next week I believe I’m about 140NG/ml now and been over 100ng/ml for some time and still alive haha planning to give your book to my doctor and see haha so she can stop giving terrible advise about D )
but that was pretty funny got tested in May 2020 was 88ng/ml the whole doctor clinic screamed I should stop taking D3- went back in 2021 May for another test was 162ng/ml you should have seen their faces LOL.
I’m born in 1976 in Denmark pretty rainy cold maybe 3 months in summer but sun 18-21 hours a day in summer.
and I developed bad bad asthma as 4 yo was kept indoors all summer and my mom was crazy about sun lotion and she still is she has now lots of things that point to long term low D things now and have finally got her convinced over the last to start taking more than the recommended dose a day.
anyway, my asthma got better when i turned 16-19 when I was more out in the sun drinking beer and riding a skateboard with my friends, and not using sun lotion.
but when i turned 24 i moved to Rio de Janeiro brazil my asthma/allergy totally went away i was sitting in the sun all day on the beach. and when I returned back to Denmark 3 months later my asthma went back I thought it was the air.
I have so many aha moments after really getting d3 is a hormone and you get it from the sun in super high amounts and it’s not toxic.
all my life looking into health and fitness but always was told to stay away from D3 because it’s toxic and you get enough from milk or food and sun(which you also do if you stay outside 8+ hours a day in Denmark)
also, another thing I had a bad stomach at age 6-10 years do not remember exactly my age, the old doctor prescribed me 10 times in a tanning bed🤔 I remember clearly because no kids ever tried that. (and it worked)
sorry for the long ramble I’m just going D crazy atm
5/23/2021By the way , my daughter is off meds for Depression since December .
Remember I wrote you ? Stanford student who is having her commencement ceremony next June .
She takes 10,000 IU of Vitamin D3, omega 3 with high DHA, Lithium Orotate , magnesium malate on the morning ,
she also took some IV therapy with B12 among other nutrients.
Who will come back on summer, we will do some blood test and increase the Vitamin D3 to 15,000 .
May 18, 2021
I used to suffer heart arrhythmia diagnosed as PVCs – premature ventricular contractions.
Eventually had a heart attack at 56.
Then I got my 25hydroxyD3 up to 77ng/ml by taking 10,000IU/day for six months.
I also now take magnesium, have had good luck with magnesium taurate.
I also take K2 MK-7 and zinc and CoQ10. I no longer suffer from PVCs.
—–Original Message—–
From: Nathan
To: [email protected]<[email protected]>
Sent: Wed, May 5, 2021 8:49 pm
Subject: D3 Energy</[email protected]>Hi Jeff,
I have a question! I started taking about 20,000 IUs of D3 per day for the past week, along with 500-1000mcg of magnesium and ~400mcg of K2 (MK4 and MK7, some of each). When I started I had the best 2 nights of sleep I’ve had in years and I felt like a lifetime of fatigue, low energy, procrastination and lack of focus was cured. For me this is a life changer, and pretty much a miracle.
However since then I’ve been quite tired, I don’t know if I’m recovering after a decades on ‘winter’ or if it’s not working out like I hoped. I feel like I’m having very good sleeps but I still feel a bit lethargic through the day.
It’s only been a week, but I thought you might have some experience with this and might be able to tell me if this is temporary or not.
I have ankylosing spondylitis as well, I’ve been able to manage this through diet pretty well (see Dr Paul Mason and his research on lectins). Although being able to eat normal food without a reaction would be pretty good. I’ve just started taking boron today (10x 3mcg pills).
I’m increasing my dose to 50,000 IUs a day today and will get a blood test in a week or two. I got 10,000IU gel caps today. Previously I was taking approx. 20x 1,000 IU solid pills (not gel caps) with hunks of butter lol. That’s all I could get in the local supermarket until my online order arrived. I have heard these no gel pills aren’t as good, so maybe I wasn’t getting that big of a dose?
Thanks so much for your research Jeff, I’ll keep experimenting over the next few weeks anyway, I’m hoping this is the life changer it seemed to be in the first couple of days
— Reply by Jeff —
Hi Nathan
Apparently you are magnesium deficient and your d3 dose went up much faster than you can correct a magnesium deficiency
so the tiredness is one symptom of magnesium deficiency
the high dose d3 eats up the magnesium much faster than you can replace it with once a day dosing
so you should stop the d3 for a bit and start correcting the magnesium deficiency
by taking extended release magnesium from 2 to 3 x a day more smaller doses are best as it needs to be in your blood all day..So your tissues can incorporate it as they regenerate
ER mag lasts for 6 hours so try maybe 250 to 500 mg 2 to 3 x a day….
after a week or so of this you can probably add the d3 back and start over….
but you need to dose with mg for about a year to correct a lifelong deficiency in your tissues
thanks for the update let me know how it goes! JB
Alejandro Ariza
5.0 out of 5 stars EXTRAORDINARY!!!
Reviewed in Mexico on April 3, 2018
Verified Purchase
There are not enough and wise words to describe the truth of this book. I, as a doctor, of course I doubted a lot about what is exposed here … so … to try it on myself! I had a tremendous pain in my waist, really very strong and for two years now. By taking high doses of Vitamin D3 with K2, doing what is proposed in this book … the pain is totally gone! Really, it is something more impressive than any person can understand, but, like everything, that he who has ears listens. I endorse, as a doctor and as a patient, what is stated here. Thanks Dr. Bowles!
—–Original Message—–
From: ashutosh a
To: [email protected]
Sent: Wed, Apr 28, 2021 7:30 am
Subject: Regarding Vitamin D3 blood sugar type 2 diabetesHi Jeff first if thanks to you for writing such a wonderful and informative book on D3 I got this from Mr Raj Bapna from udaipur rajasthan India.
DEAR SIR my name is Dr Ashutosh I too reside in udaipur rajasthan initially my D3 level was 20 I started taking D3 initially 10000 IU and now 30000 IU with 12000 mk4 K2 it is a month and now my D3 is 92.3 and surprising my glucose level is 77 fasting which was before between 105-120 and h1b1c is 4.
Jeff I am suffering from fungal infection on my forehead side of nose it gets worse for some time with red raches
when I use tenovate M it is gone but after some days latter it again emerges and this time on the side of forehead there is white spots.
Plz guide me shall I increase D3 intake .
hi there
why don’t you make a lotion and mix in a lot of d3 and rub on your fungus 2x a day and see what happens!!! JB
5.0 out of 5 stars High dosages of vit d3 works
Reviewed in the United States on April 5, 2021
Verified PurchaseVery informative. I tried dosages up
to 20000iu plus vitamin k2 with
no side also relieved pain
post rotator cuff injury. Thanks
M.J. Freeman
3.0 out of 5 stars Good information eczema
Reviewed in the United States on April 4, 2021
Verified PurchaseI liked this book. We all need to learn more about vitamin D. My story is my husband has had excema for decades and I have tried everything I can think of to help him, I had decided a couple of years ago that it was an internal problem, not a skin issue% I read another book on vitamin D in the Fall, after we had Covid, and we started taking 10,000 IU everyday. I read another another Bowles book a month ago and we increased our dosage to 20,000.
Almost immediately my husbands excema went away. We are pretty excited.
One complaint I have is that he talks way too much about evolution, almost like it’s his religion.
Kenneth abag
5.0 out of 5 stars A basic need (translated from French) eyesight glasses
Reviewed in Canada on January 2, 2019
Verified purchase
My vision is better, I have good concentration during my readings and the bad stress is gone.
5.0 out of 5 stars From depression, arthritis, chronic fatigue to energy and health (translated from French) neck bone degeneration stenosisReviewed in Canada on December 16, 2018
Verified purchase
I read this book in January 2017 in English but I have just downloaded it in French for free. I am happy that the French version is available because I will be able to offer it to more people.
It was a revelation about my health problems for 35 years. I started with 50,000 IU for 3 days then reduced to 10,000 IU by the time my bones calm down … the aches have the symptoms that vitamin D goes into the bones.
Then I went to 20,000 and 50,000 IU. Why am I not afraid? Because I was sick of being sick and because I read the book well and understood the principle.
I had endless colds and flu, a weakness in my lungs that made me pass for an asthmatic, I was often depressed and suffered from seasonal depression since the year 2000 (2 years after my arrival in a hospital). northern country).
In January 2017, I had chronic fatigue that had lasted almost 10 years. I was working but that was it. My energy was low. I collapsed on the sofa when I arrived.
When I started the protocol, the first thing I noticed was what mucus was coming from my lungs (read my review published in English in 2017). Every day, my lungs got a little lighter and I understood that this was what was responsible for my many tests for asthma. Then my energy doubled and tripled! I no longer needed to sit at work and became optimistic. It was in the middle of winter but I didn’t care about the cold! Oh, my cold feet have warmed up. I suffered from icy feet and always had to find a way to improve my circulation. In April 2017, my cold feet warmed up after these huge doses I was taking. I believe I was over 50,000 IU but it
What I’m sure of is the energy, the optimism (no more depression!), The fatigue ran away and finally, another huge gain that remained is being no longer in the mists ( no more brain fog): I could finally remember the things I was doing. Someone had told me about this improvement in a facebook group but I didn’t believe it much as I have heavy metal poisoning and I know that real clarity just comes from chelating mercury. So in my opinion, vitamin D kills candida albicans which are in our gut flora. This fungal infection is normal but can weigh down a body when it takes too much ground. I know that the symptoms of candida are also the lack of clarity in the ideas and in the head.
What I regret is not knowing the secret of vitamin D before my genes turned on. I realized that my body did not have enough vitamin D for me in the 2000s and in 2009, I must have been at the bottom of the well my D levels had just dropped because I had left the tropical climate where I did not grow up. 10 years earlier, the time needed for a good build ey to activate my problematic genes.
I also understood that this high dose protocol allowed me to fill the reservoir that I could no longer fill with 2000 IU that I had started in 2007. Oh in the meantime, I had read other books on the high doses but none spoke as well of the research and convinced me. So I started and then stopped the vitamin D protocols. But for this protocol, I keep my rate high enough between 250 nmol / 100 ng and 350 nmol. I think I need this high rate to heal my body from the bumps it has taken with the lack of sun.
Finally, in 2015, my Cone beam test for teeth revealed degeneration in the neck. I didn’t know what it was but understood that it was wrong maybe because my body doesn’t have good alignment. Finally, in June 2018 I managed to consult Dr Turner in Barrie, Ontario. He is known to resolve difficult cases. He had asked me to take x-rays on my neck and now he couldn’t see this famous degeneration. He told me that I was misinformed and that I have no arthritis! (Oh so it was arthritis, how dumb I was).
I pray for the person who shared this book with me. This day in January 2017 was blessed.
Thank God!!! Thank you Jeff Bowles and thank you this gentleman who told me about the protocol.
5.0 out of 5 stars Great !
Reviewed in France on March 2, 2021 (translated from French) gray hair!
Verified purchase
I implemented and I did not expect such results! My white hair is salt and pepper again, the parrot’s beak on my spine is gone, along with two cysts. I am much less tired and I have found a more regular and restful sleep. My skin is tight. In short, lots of improvements! It is of course necessary to monitor the level of D3 in the blood and not to forget the vitamin K2. The book deserves more details, but it is a first step towards the knowledge of D3
5.0 out of 5 stars FUNDAMENTAL book!
Reviewed in France on July 19, 2020 (translated from French)
Verified purchaseHe explains how and why the system encapsulates you …
He explains how to dose vitamin D properly, why it’s muddled in the media. Shows that people are very deficient and that we are being lied to. Why vitamin deficiency causes chronic disease and how to fix it. Major book.
I add this after 5 months of treatment at 50,000 IU / Day! :
In 2 months the condition of my bones and teeth has improved a lot. In 5 months I have never had any side effects.
This book explains to you how in 1930 the population was heavily supplemented with vitamin D (1 Million IU per day for months) and having seen its greatly improved state of health deserted pharmacies. As a result of which the big pharmas of the time decided with diabolical cynicism to lie to the population and to under-dose them in vitamin D so that people would be sick again and bring them money! Vitamin C = kif-kif!
It is absolutely obvious that high doses of vitamin D greatly improve the condition of teeth, bones and the immune system. Research has shown that people with high levels of vitamin D in their blood are 25 times less likely to catch COVID! Amazon offers vitamin D at 5000IU per drop, that’s nickel.
The author of the book explains all the details and his findings as a doctor.
1.0 out of 5 stars I tested ! It is very very DANGEROUS! (translated from French)HERE IS AN EXCELLENT EXAMPLE OF HOW HIGH DOSE VITAMIN D3 WILL REVEAL TO YOU EVENTUALLY IF YOUARE MAGNESIUM DEFICIENT- EVERYTHING SHE DESCRIBES IS CAUSED BY MAGNESIUM DEFICIENCY which can be aggravated by high dose vitamin d3 using up your magnesium at a faster rate… jb
Reviewed in France on March 6, 2021
Verified purchase
So G played the sorcerer’s apprentice on me … with an increase in dose … quietly …
over more or less three months …. gradually up to 40,000 IU a day ….
randomly and not continues at this high level …
While he rises in the book supposedly has 100,000 ui … which in my opinion makes you end up quickly … in a coma in resuscitation at the hospital and by the times who run it is not a very frequentable place!
Nothing to report …. everything is fine … nothing is happening … nothing better … during these first 3 months and we are in winter … in the countryside …
then one night a very big crisis which looks like a very violent food poisoning:
Muscular weakness in not knowing how to stand for more than a minute … but really!
Muscles of the thighs which tetanize … no longer carrying you …
Vomiting …
Permanent nausea …
Vertigo … a not being able to concentrate … neither walking for five minutes … nor reading a book, nor even follow a tv movie!
Gastric hyperaciditis … unbearable heartburn permanently so activated charcoal and clay to compensate …
Respiratory failure at the slightest movement … breathing of the small dog to avoid the spinning head … and the risk of fainting !
Palpitations … point in the heart …
Intense fatigue … which lasts forever
Insomnia …
And I’ll spare you the best shocking ones like feelings of imminent syncope etc!
Heartache like on a boat in a storm and permanently … no relief possible …
Brief sick from home sick … and really for 8 days NON STOP … and occasionally after … even now 15 days after … impossible to stay in the sun on pain of relapse …
Something crazy by having the impression that we are going to fail and die on the spot … really … every time!
I will not be taken back because it was really horrible!
Of course medical consultation to try to stop the disaster …
Because unlike other vitamins, D3 is not evacuated on its own immediately …
it will be necessary to overhydrate violently to dilute the calcium in the blood which it will generate and which can potentially harden calcify the soft tissues of the body … such as for example … arteries … kidneys … and others … etc!
Normally it is the same infusion of phy serum and other cortisones in a medical environment to quickly curb the exceeding of the tolerable rate by your personal organism!
Accustomed and follower of food supplements for more than 10 years, with great success, such as garlic capsules for hypertension or Gymnestra sylvestre for sweet tooth … etc …
G could see that often there is an effect cumulative especially for plants and that some made me sick the penultimate for example zinc!
So you have to test them one by one for at least 15 days on yourself before knowing if it is good for you or not!
April 27, 2021
Comments in the Comment section to the youtube interview of Jeff Bowles by a Dr. link>>>
you tube link for interview click>>>>>>>
3 days ago 4/25/2021
I took even low as 2000iu an my mild psoriasis has gone up to 90% I am very happy
1 day ago
Amazing timing on your comment; I was searching about D in relation to my psoriasis…I’ve been taking the same amount as you on/off for the past week for a fairly severe lower back issue (I read a while back there was a tie-in between the two)…not only is my back much better (and only on the days I take the D, which was every other day as an experiment, but taking it daily now) but my minor psoriasis is also about 80% better, which is why I started the search to this video, to get confirmation. And here your comment is. I’m blown away by how significant the difference is, and I know it’s the D; nothing else is different in my life, and the psoriasis was constant.
Hi Jeff, 4/6/21 chronic fatigue syndromeI have that book already and have been very inspired by it since last October. I have already been taking the D3 (70,000iu) , K2 menetretenone (2 x 5mg), magnesium malate (2 x 850mg), zinc picolinate and beta carotene but forgot about the boron! I will get it off the shelf in my office! I did add DHEA to my regiment this morning, which I believe is a precursor to hormone production.
I mistakenly bought half a dozen bottles of vitamin A retinyl palmitate, but was reminded by a patient of mine that beta carotene is the one to use, so I now have the Source Naturals Beta Carotene and have been taking it for at least a week or so.
I feel a lot better than I have for years, my chronic fatigue is on the wane, and I seem to have more stamina, and have even been doing some gardening and sawing branches off trees!
I love your principle of thinking outside the box, it is a lot like mine!
Many thanks for your help,
4/4/2021OK thank you and I agree about the MK7 making heart race and D3. That was happening to me. I got the LEF extended Mag today and have taken 6 1,500mg of those spread out through the day, about another 1,000MG of quick release Mag and another 900MG from Calm Mag.
Today I have taken 60k IU D3 and taken about 2k MK4 1k MK7 for each.
I was having heart racing but since aggressive Magnesium consumption I actually feel pretty good.
BTW still no diarrhea or loose stools. The Mag must be being all used up.
My blood flow and warmth in my body is returning.
Tomorrow I think I am going to take more and monitor my progress.
Thank you for all your help!
Thank You,
Maryam Hampshire
5.0 out of 5 stars It works
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 22 February 2021
Verified PurchaseI’m half way through reading, so bear that in mind when reading my review. I like the book. The author writes it semi- salesman/scientist. He makes a good case. I did find him still slightly hooked to allopathic medicine, however.
Despite this, he was able to make credible links, and join the dots where allopathic medicine refuses. It got really exciting when he started discussing vitamin k2, and almost made the link between offsetting hibernation syndrome with high cholesterol foods, but he didn’t quite make it, due to the misnomer that red meat in large quantities is not good for you. That’ll be the misguided allopathic medicine for you.
Anyway, truth is, I’m trying his high vit d3. I’m on 30,000 IU. I’m also consuming red meats, grass fed raw butter and raw milk. My neck and shoulders have stopped hurting. I don’t wake up with hip or back pain anymore, or that feeling of lactic acid build-up in the back of my calves. I was able to do yoga yesterday, for the first time in 3 years. My shoulder injury barely noticeable. And my energy levels were off the charts, and for the first time ever, I feel warm.
Normally, I’m frozen constantly and all I want to do is sleep. Since upping my vit d3, I’ve been glowing like the sun, and bouncing off the walls.
From: Thiago Felipe
Subject: Vitamin D and side effectsMessage Body:
Hey, Jeff.
I read your book, which I thing is great, and since people say you actually get back to them when they contact you I decided to try.
Have you ever heard of someone that started taking D3 and felt thirsty/dry mouth 24/7 non stop? No amount of water can do. Plus, on the third day after uping to 20000ui a day I thought I was gonna die after getting up from the couch after a short nap and my heart started racing like crazy and I was only able to breath again when I sat on the floor. It was really scary. I think this had happened to me only once or twice in the past decade that I can remember but it’s my first time taking vitamin D3. I’ve already been on Magniseum and also Omega 3 for more than a year now and after these symptoms and reading your book decided to take K2 Mk7. Today was the first day taking K2 and I haven’t taken D3, only the other vitamins. Will be taking 10000ui tomorrow and the next days to see how it goes. However am really intrigued by this thirst thing.
Hello there!
Congratulatons you have just discovered that even though you take magensium
You are still severely magnesium deficient. High dose d3 uses up your magnesium much faster than normal
and if you are deficient it can trigger immediate magnesium deficiency sympoms like excessive thirst and heart racing
other common symptoms dizziness panic attacks insomnia anxiety muscle cramps and even hallucinations and seizures!!! etc
stop the d3 for now and you need to make a concerted effort to reverse your magnesium deficiency by taking small doses throguout the day it has to be in your blood at all times as much as possible so as your tissues regenerate they incorporate the magnesium it takes a life time to get really deficient and takes a year or more to completely reverse it!! 80% of us are magnesium deficienct due to centuries of soil and food depletion..and the blood test doctros give you is worthless only 1% of our magneisum is in our blood and 99% in our tissues. You get reall y thirsty as your body is looking for more magnesium which is found in many waters in wells …an ancient instinct
taking all your magnesium at once each day will not work as it will give you diarrhea in big doses and you will not absorb much
I reccomend getting’s extended release magnesium and take 500 mg at least 2x a day for about 2-3 weeks or longer
before you try the high dose d3..You can keep increasign the dose until yu get diarrhea..if it lasts longer than a week cut back a bit until you just have soft stools…
and start with smaller doses of d3 and work your way up when you start again…
I think k2 can also use up your magnesium as well especially the mk7 type mk4 is not as aggravating.
This effect of d3 is not that common but s way more common than hypercalcemia and doctors confue k2 and magnnesium deficiency symptoms with “vitamin D3 toxicity” which does not exist ..Vitamin D3 itself is completely non toxic… No such thing as vitamin d3 toxicity..Yet almost all the doctors believe it! It kee[s them in business!
I will send you the magnesium chapter of my 2019 book avaiable at amazon
how much magnesium do you take and how often??
and will send a dosing email let me know how it goes!!! Jeff
ver am really intrigued by this thirst thing.
5.0 out of 5 stars Truth be told
Reviewed in the United States on March 5, 2021Nothing to dislike.
Every single person needs this book in their library, seriously.
I started taking
20,000 IU D3 and 200 K2
And the pain, in my right knee has diminished.
The K2 needs to be 400, so I purchased a separate bottle of K2 and M7 to take additionally..
Without the K2 the body can not and will not absorb the D3 into the bones.
You have to have both…
My mom has Alzheimer’s, parts of her brain are dead, but I know that with the right dosage of D3K2 and Vitamin C this can change…
Don’t need to look further than this book for information on D3K2.
Thank you
Hi Jeff, 3/7/2021Just wanted to update you on my current status. As you may recall,
about 4 months ago I contacted you about taking D3 for my dizziness,
which happens to me every couple of years. You told me you thought I
had a magnesium deficiency that I should deal with first. I took oral
magnesium to my tolerance level (400mg/day) for about a month and
my dizziness gradually disappeared. Thank you for that.
I was wandering for a long time in the wilderness without a clue until
talking to you.
Next, I began adding D3 to my routine (20K iu/day) and noticed that
I was getting quite bad insomnia from anxiety when I went to bed,
despite not really being stressed about anything in my life. You then
told me that I was probably still magnesium deficient and it can take
a long time to get my levels up.
I added magnesium lotion to my routine by rubbing about 300mg on
my body everyday and within about 10 days my insomnia went away.
I added in the 20k D3 and the insomnia returned, so I went another
month with oral and topical magnesium, and upon your suggestion,
added timed release magnesium capsules.
I’m now able to take my D3 (and zinc, K2, boron) as long as my
magnesium levels are kept up.
I think I’ve been chronically magnesium deficient for many years,
primary from being very active and not replenishing my magnesium.
I thought I would be heading into my 60’s and 70’s as the guy who
occasionally gets vertigo and insomnia, despite being otherwise
very healthy.
Thanks to you, I’ll now just be that older guy who
is just “mysteriously healthy for his age.” I’d call that
a “priceless gift,” so I just want to give you a heartfelt,
“Thank you for all you do!” In the future, I will reap
continual benefits and avoid a great deal of suffering
because of you.
Warm Regards,
Gary C
Encinitas, CA
Hey Jeff, 3/8/2021I’ve been at 40,000 IUs Vitamin D per day for the last couple of months with notable benefits in my eczema and skin. I want to take more but this seems to be my maximum and I’ve tested this several times already. Anymore, and I will get a stomach ache and constipation right away. I’ve upped my magnesium to 300mg, but unfortunately I seem to have some sort of allergic reaction to supplemental magnesium (e.g. sporadic itchy skin). I’ve tried magnesium oxide, magnesium citrate, and now magnesium chloride (pure powder form) which seems to produce the least amount of negative reaction. I wish I could take more magnesium but again anymore magnesium and the itchiness will be more severe.
Any thoughts on why the stomach aches are happening and what I could do to reduce this so that I increase my vitamin D intake?
Kind regards,
Hello there
you can make a cream or lotion and put the d3 in it and apply directly to your eczema several times a day!!
they have a magnesium oil spray that you can spray on your skin, you can also sit in epsom salt baths..(epsom salt is just magnesium). JB
Can I please have a copy of your Covid book please? Thanks!
It’s been about a month into my high d3 (30,000) and ALL the recommended cofactors in higher than RDA doses
(I have taken a higher potency multivitamin for a couple of years and continue with that also),
my mood is greatly improved and my period came after a year of absence and prior irregularity
(I turn 50 this year)
Will see how it continues. I only take 10 mg melatonin (for a couple of years now)
so it’s not the cause of the menstrual changes, but I am going to add DHEA, more melatonin, and possibly pregnenolone.
I’m debating on whether to wait and see how the d3 etc continues to affect my cycle if it truly is the cause,
before adding more melatonin etc. I plan to post on your blog if I see results worth noting.
Thanks!WOW that’s very interesting Michelle…maybe women need both melatonin and d3 to reverse the menopause!!
Dear JeffCovid-19 coronavirus
Good news. For 5 days in a row, I gave 80000iu d3 to my wife ,mum and myself. We are all back to normal, felt like something very dirty virus has left our body.
We all got tested, and we are all negative, my friends who got this virus were bed ridden for 3 weeks.
The only thing we are left with is loss of taste and extreme fatigue, we can sleep all day…but luckily these symptoms are nothing compared to how we felt last week.
My 2 sons were positive but 6 year old has had no symptoms , 12 year old son has showed only fatigue, I am giving them 20000iu everyday.
Thanks for saving us, I have now going back to 20000 to 30000 iu for mum me and wife.
I will keep you updated on our family.
Jeff-thanks for the great news I will add your story to the search engine!!! to help others
keep in mind that the high dose d3 might have eaten up your magnesium much faster and fatigue is a symptom of magnesium deficiency!!
Dear Jeff 2/15/2021 covid covid-19Thanks for reply.
Today is 4th day of 90000iu d3 dose for 3 of us.
We have improved by 20 to 30 %.
Only my wife is still feeling really weak.
My 2 kids who are 6 and 12 seem unaffected by virus inside house., how come there immune system can fight this?
My question is regards to the vaccine. I will be due one soon. What are your opinions on the vaccine?
A lot of people who were scared and accusing Bill Gates of putting a chip in vaccines are the very people who have got vaccinated….
Are you having vaccine done?
Harman bahra
Hi Harman
Getting infected and recovering si the best vaccine of all you might be immune for life! You do not need a vaccine and it might be dangerous
1ays after the people of Gibraltar were vaccinated they started dying in droves. look up the Gibraltar massacre on the internet
Gibraltar now has the highest death rate per million in the world! 2400 vs 2000 for san marino
it have something to do with them being vitamin d3 deficient most of them live on the north side of a very large Rock which blocks the sun all year
anyone who is going to get vaccinated should take lots of d3 for awhile before the vaccine!
I not going to get vaccinated!
So glad to hear from you Jeff.Whilst having a shower today, I was angry at myself, I was convincing my family the d3 saved us from going into icu.
I will double our doses today, and also increase our magnesium, we all were taking 450mg magnesium daily.
I will make sure we take 1000mg magnesium minimum.
I will update you in few days or week.
My six year old son who had asthma and weak immune system is a completely different child, he started d3 5 months ago, and his health is much better.
I purchased your 2 vitamin d books and love them……..i am currently taking 20,000 i.u. daily…..starting with 5,000 1 week, 10000 2 week…to 20,000i.u. i am still concerned that this may be toxic but am going with your revealing info in the books….thanks Jeff….great luck in the future. jeff w.p.s. pain from badly cut finger completely gone….and my lifelong asthma is NO MORE.
Jeff’s reply..don’t worry 20,00 ius a day of d3 is about the same as what you would make with 1/2 hour of sunbathing in the spring
February 8, 2021
February 8, 2021
Post from Rene- Granuloma Annulare 2/4/20212 years ago, I developed my first localized granuloma. It disappeared during pregnancy but came back right afterwards in a different spot. Then a couple of other spots appeared-one after I burned myself. I started taking high doses of Vitamin D3 because I have been deficient in the past. I am also very deficient in zinc, so I started taking 30 mg a day. After a while I noted the granulomas decreasing in size. I rarely take vitamins consistently (laziness), so I stopped taking D for weeks. It came back, then I got on them again and they almost disappeared again. After testing this out like 6 times, I realized that this was going to work. My lesions are completely gone now. I’m not saying this is everyone’s cause of granuloma, but it might be worth a shot to get tested for deficiencies.-Just a side did take weeks to notice a difference to begin with.
February 8, 2021
February 8, 2021
—–Original Message—–
From: Jez Cook
To: [email protected] <[email protected]>
Sent: Tue, Feb 2, 2021 7:49 am
Subject: Re: Hi Jeff from UK
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected] <[email protected]>
Sent: Tue, Feb 2, 2021 9:28 am
Subject: Re: Hi Jeff from UK
hi there
ill add your case to the search engine thanks!!!
February 8, 2021
. I had my doctor test my vitamin D level. I keep my vitamin d around 68 to 78 . I’m not the type person that goes out into the sun so I needed the pills.
Since I don’t eat citrus food I added vitamin c. Also learn not to take vitamins or medicines with a sugary drink, no good. Drink it with water or type milk drink.
VD, Vitamin D reduces seborrheic keratosis, at least in my case.Watch YouTube video:
Jeff, transdermal magnesium hydroxide foot soak did the trick. My eczema dried up in just one soak. 1/18/2021
My fourth day today and it’s okay already.Kathy
On Tue, Jan 19, 2021 at 2:02 AM <[email protected]>wrote:</[email protected]>
hi great!!! were you also taking d3???
Yes. At 20,000iu a day with K2.
most people who just take high dose d3 say their eczema goes away in a week or 2…it might ahve been the combo of all of it.. Jeff
Jeff W 1/18/2021I have been taking 4000 i.u. for about 1 week now and the pain in my index finger which I cut badly in 2004 is greatly decreasing…..and my asthma which I’ve had since a child is getting better…….much easier to breathe now………….I dare to wonder what miraculous effects I may encounter with 20,000 i.u. daily..
thanks again..
Jeff W
toronto canada. rsvp at your leisure Jeff
Hi Jeff , More from
graham waudby 1/13/2021
I’m half way through your covid book ,fascinating and complicated stats.
I weigh 16.8 stone or 106.7 kg (234 pounds)
i’m 6 feet two tall.
im carrying about two and a half stone of excess weight externally .not sure if I have got internal fat.
I started on 20k then for one year , last three years on 50k all with appropriate k2 .ive been on 100k for the 4 months and now upped it to 120k for the last month,
i’m taking 1800 mcg k2 with this and a 1000 mg mag.
The psoriasis hasn’t quite gone neither has my toenail discolouration, I felt the effect of my D3 had plateaued ,therefore I felt it appropriate to increase my dose to push things along .
My doctor has a problem with checking my blood as he doesn’t agree with me that im doing the right thing despite the glaringly obvious changes in my physiology ,so its hard to check my blood levels.
I did have an episode of a racing heartbeat a tachycardia problem which has disappeared after upping my magnesium intake to bowel tolerance.
But all in all it has been a fascinating time ,Problems disappeared one by one and like someone had oiled all my joints !
The one thing which has been really good is my mental clarity I had brain fog and completely exhausted all the time no matter how I slept.Although I am a craftsman cabinet maker /joiner, I have an interest in general health I studied anatomy physiology and massage. I worked on special ships set up to take physically handicapped or injured people sailing on a square rigged ship ,the jubilee sailing trust.
I watch lots of stuff on youtube regarding health new discoveries ,I am especially interested in the new interest in the colon its microbiome and its influence on health and immunity mood and even food choices we make
I wonder if the D3 + K2 + mag has an effect on the microbiota in the gut to enhance its properties ? K2 especially being derived from natural (grass fed )fats..
Lol. you just wanted to ask my weight and you got this ,so ill shut up now ,
Cheers Jeff
January 13, 2021
Thanks for the information. I do have your book but i’ll have to read it again.
and 400mg of magnesium Bisglycinate before bed time,and 1200 of vit E.
January 13, 2021

Hi Jeff, my Name is Volker and I read your book about the miraculous results…. in 2017.
Sorry to hear that
so let’s hope 2021 will be a lot better than 2020!!!!
From: Raj Bapna <[email protected]>
To: [email protected] <[email protected]>
Sent: Fri, Jan 1, 2021 1:22 am
Subject: Re: happy NY Raj here’sone t some reason did not make it into the search engine thanks please post
Red RoseReviewed in the United States on December 21, 2020
Verified PurchaseI found this book interesting and helpful. I’ve read a dozen books on D3 and keep coming back to this for reference. After a bad sunburn on my stomach at age 13 I avoided the sun all my life like it was the plague and always wear a 50 SPF sun block. All my life I’ve had a low energy level, trouble staying asleep and I ruminated constantly about everything. I started out with 6,000 IU daily and gradually increased it to 20,000IU daily with K2 the past 9 months. I feel like a different person. I’m not tired daily which made me apathetic. I don’t feel stressed out with life and have a sense of euphoria at times, like I’m just really calm and my body feels good. I have rosacea (blushing) and have always had hyper sensitive skin. My face has never felt better and is noticeably smoother. The biggest changes I noticed is my sleep quality and I stopped ruminating. Anxiety over little things roll off me which has never happened. I plan to stay on this higher dosage supplementing with K2 and will gave a physical in the next few months.
Red Rose
4.0 out of 5 stars Made a huge difference
Reviewed in the United States on December 21, 2020
Verified Purchase
I found this book interesting and helpful. I’ve read a dozen books on D3 and keep coming back to this for reference. After a bad sunburn on my stomach at age 13 I avoided the sun all my life like it was the plague and always wear a 50 SPF sun block. All my life I’ve had a low energy level, trouble staying asleep and I ruminated constantly about everything. I started out with 6,000 IU daily and gradually increased it to 20,000IU daily with K2 the past 9 months. I feel like a different person. I’m not tired daily which made me apathetic. I don’t feel stressed out with life and have a sense of euphoria at times, like I’m just really calm and my body feels good. I have rosacea (blushing) and have always had hyper sensitive skin. My face has never felt better and is noticeably smoother. The biggest changes I noticed is my sleep quality and I stopped ruminating. Anxiety over little things roll off me which has never happened. I plan to stay on this higher dosage supplementing with K2 and will gave a physical in the next few months.
5.0 out of 5 stars FUNDAMENTAL book! translated from French
Reviewed in France on July 19, 2020
Verified Purchase
He explains how and why the system gets you …
He explains how to dose vitamin D properly, why it’s muddled in the media. Shows that people are very deficient and that we are being lied to. Why vitamin deficiency causes chronic disease and how to fix it. Major book.
I add this after 5 months of treatment at 50,000 IU / Day! :
In 2 months the condition of my bones and teeth has improved a lot. In 5 months I have never had any side effects.
This book explains how in 1930 the population was heavily supplemented with vitamin D (1 Million IU per day for months) and having seen its greatly improved state of health deserted pharmacies. As a result of which the big pharmas of the time decided with diabolical cynicism to lie to the population and to under-dose them in vitamin D so that people would be sick again and bring them money! Vitamin C = kif-kif!
It is absolutely obvious that high doses of vitamin D greatly improve the condition of teeth, bones and the immune system. Research has shown that people with high levels of vitamin D in their blood are 25 times less likely to catch COVID! Amazon offers vitamin D at 5000IU per drop, that’s nickel.
The author of the book explains all the details and his findings as a doctor.
Nick G (nickhi1752) 12/28/2020 rheumatoid arthritis
HI Jeff Getting great results in less than 1 month with RA and inflammation. Is it better to take d3 (20,000 IU) all at once or (10,000)twice a day?
Jeff>>>it doesnt really matter maybe take all at 2pm when you would have been just done sitting in the sun…
January 13, 2021
New Results Comments (7)
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Good Morning Jeff, 12/26/2020Age-related Macular Degeneration Agerelated Macular Degeneration Wet Dry AMD
Coronary Artery Calcium (CAC) Scoring calcifcation of arteries decalcification
I read your Vit d book a few months back, Im now on your Cure fore all diseases book.
Also, Im about to turn 60 in a few months. I am a daily Mercola reader and been trying to take my health to the next level. I needed to read your book to not be afraid of boosting the dosage. My levels are at 77 (summer reading)
I am up to 20kIU a day with plenty of k2.
Interesting thing happened also, I have started Bill Sardis Longenvex last year because I was diagnosed with AMD–dry, he is also willing to respond to the public.
I had a high CAC score of 340 a few years back. I was using enzymes like Nattokinaise and serrpatase. He told me to use IP 6–four a day for three months.
Well, my score went to a total of 79 from original 340.
My doctor initially said there was nothing I can do that I should just take my Lipitor. (I stopped taking six years ago) You should of seen his face with the results. Unfortunately my story won`t get out and people will suffer. Follow the money trail.
Thank you for what you do! Happy New Year,
From: Dan S
To: [email protected] <[email protected]>
Sent: Thu, Dec 24, 2020 10:07 am
Subject: Re: Advice, Possible Lupus diagnosis
From: [email protected]
Sent: Thu, Dec 24, 2020 12:33 pm
Subject: Re: Advice, Possible Lupus diagnosis
wow Dan that is Awesome
or this serch engine>>>
From: Dan S
Sent: 03 December 2020 16:44
To: [email protected] <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Advice, Possible Lupus diagnosis
From: [email protected] <[email protected]>
Sent: 03 December 2020 01:03
Subject: Re: Advice, Possible Lupus diagnosis
Herbert took 4 mon ths>>>
Herbert Testimonial
“One more precious life restored thanks to vitamin D Protocol.”
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), popularly known as Lupus is an autoimmune disease that primarily affects the skin, joints, kidneys and the brain. However, it can also affect almost all organs, including the lungs, the heart and the eyes.
Hebert, 39 years, developed an acute of Lupus affecting initially his skin and scalp. After that, he developed Vasculitis that caused injury in his left eye.
Fortunately, the diagnosis was established quickly and we started the treatment with high doses of vitamin D and four sessions of Solu-Medrol IV Infusion Therapy.
The immunomodulatory effect of vitamin D is essential for the treatment of Lupus in the long run, because the side effects of conventional drugs can be devastating: the prolonged corticotherapy cause stretch marks, cataracts, hypertension and osteoporosis. Hydroxychloroquine (reuquinol) can cause severe vision loss. Methotrexate causes liver damage and teratogenic effects.
His clinical evolution was amazing: the joint pain ceased, the skin lesions disappeared, the hair grew and he regained the lost weight and his physical and mental disposition. His testimony is very important and the images speak for themselves.
AFTER (4 months)
—–Original Message—–
From: [email protected]
Sent: Wed, Dec 2, 2020 6:53 pm
Subject: Re: Advice, Possible Lupus diagnosis
HI Dan how much do you weigh? the Dr Coimbra protocol suggests taking 1,000 ius for each kg of body weight…
- Family Elder
- Posts: 607
- Joined: Sat Dec 12, 2015 11:06 am
Lupus Testimonials (Coimbra Protocol)
Lupus Testimonials (Coimbra Protocol)
Lupus is a chronic, autoimmune disease that can damage any part of the body (skin, joints, and/or organs inside the body). Chronic means that the signs and symptoms tend to last longer than six weeks and often for many years.
This Protocol requires the guidance and monitoring by a physician with specific training to analyze each particular case.
There is a List of Doctors Worldwide here: … 27159.html.
Some doctors work via Skype
- Family Elder
- Posts: 607
- Joined: Sat Dec 12, 2015 11:06 am
Re: Lupus Testimonials (Coimbra Protocol)
Livia Testimonial
Livia is a girl full of life and plans, practicing Classical Ballet since she had 2 years old.
Unfortunately, 10 years ago she began to present hair loss, lost an eyebrow and developed Vasculitis in her skin and mucous membranes. She was feeling a lot of pain in her abdominal area and in her joints. She developed a severe depression and required psychotherapy and antidepressants.
The disease worsened a lot with an relapse of pericarditis and dermatological lesions. So, in the hospital she received the diagnosis of Lupus and doctors were given to her high doses of hydroxychloroquine, azathioprine and cortisone.
The side effects of these medicines soon manifested: sleeplessness, stretch marks, acne, she gained 18 kg and she lost more than 70% of her vision.
When the doctors tried to reduce the doses of the medications to minimize their side effects, symptoms of the disease worsened.
She consulted two ophthalmologists and they said that the visual impairment caused by reuquinol (hydroxychloroquine) was irreversible.
Searching on the Internet, her mom found out the Protocol of Dr. Cicero and came to see us in our clinic.
We suspend immediately all conventional medicines, and we prescribed the Protocol of vitamin D and, by extension, we withdraw the toxic food (gluten).
As the patient was high sensitivity to gluten, the success of her treatment with vitamin D Protocol is closely related to the elimination of wheat, rye, barley and oats from her diet.
Livia is following the gluten-free diet rigorously.
The evolution was simply spectacular!
Just two months after the first visit she recorded this statement as long as 100% vision recovered, lost weight 4 kg, she is sleeping well, got out of the depression and she is very happy!
- Family Elder
- Posts: 607
- Joined: Sat Dec 12, 2015 11:06 am
From: [email protected] <[email protected]>
Sent: 29 September 2020 23:51
Subject: Re: Advice, Possible Lupus diagnosis
hypercalemia is rare very rare atr doses less than 100,000 a day of d3…I have not heard of it unless someone was taking 300,000 or more…only 2 cases out of maybe 1,000 high doseers both were tkaing more than 300,000 a day for months
keepa journal for the lupus symptoms…so we can ad to the 1,000+ case studies database thanks!! JB
—–Original Message—–
To: [email protected] <[email protected]>
Sent: Tue, Sep 29, 2020 5:05 pm
Subject: Re: Advice, Possible Lupus diagnosis
From: [email protected] <[email protected]>
Sent: 29 September 2020 21:09
Subject: Re: Advice, Possible Lupus diagnosis
Hi there
if normal maybe the d3 is just doing some remodeling….hard to say….how ar the lupus symptoms doing???
In primary hyperparathyroidism, an enlargement of one or more of the parathyroid glands causes overproduction of the hormone. This causes high calcium levels in the blood, which can cause a variety of health problems. Surgery is the most common treatment for primary hyperparathyroidism.Jun 18, 2020
—–Original Message—–
To: [email protected] <[email protected]>
Sent: Tue, Sep 29, 2020 10:33 am
Subject: Re: Advice, Possible Lupus diagnosis
From: [email protected] <[email protected]>
Sent: 14 September 2020 21:00
Subject: Re: Advice, Possible Lupus diagnosis
Hello there I thought I answered your email before
here is the link>>>>
—–Original Message—–
From: Dan S
To: [email protected] <[email protected]>
Sent: Mon, Sep 14, 2020 3:48 pm
Subject: Advice, Possible Lupus diagnosis
From Jason 12/22/2020 Asthma cured in about a week” believe it or not it was gone in less than a week along with two decades of prednisone-induced insomnia
The insomnia is not totally cured but my sleep is deeper and more refreshing now than ever without prednisone
I should write you up serious review because I’ve read all of the ones in your books instead of just sending you piecemeal good news”
Dear Mr.Jeff, 12/20/20202 Alzheimer Alzheimers Alzheimer’s
it has been a long time I had written mIl to you.
Now one more Scientist has published a paper, which corroborates the efficacy of
Melotonin in anti aging solutions as also in stopping Alzheimers & Dementia in its track.
For your kind information.
As you know, my elder brother, aged 62 years is suffering from memory loss and we have started dosing him 40 mg of Melatonin per night as
also Pregnenolone & progesterone in the morning.
There has been tremendous improvement in his mental state & has improved in recalling childhood incidents too.
In the meantime you had suggested us to read from the Yahoo group that has been created for sharing experiences.
Can you please advise me the details.
Thanks & kind regards
Srinivas P.V
Temporarily in CanadasorryI think that yahoo groups might not be working naymore….you should form a facebook group!!! or MeWe grop ifyou want to move away from the corrupted facebook!
From: VladHello Jeff and love from the UK!
Thank you so much for all you are doing through sharing your own experience.
I’ve been taking around 12,000IU for a few years now since it reversed and healed my reactive arthritis. I had all kinds of symptoms then, swollen arm, knee, urinary tract, lots of back pain and everything blew up at once. Around that time I was prescribed steroids which also had a lot of dodgy side effects.
Everything cleared up and only minor things remain.
In that time I had a lot of tests and found out that I was HLA-B27 positive. I have vitiligo and sometimes get hives. I’m generally quite sensitive to sugar/alcohol/caffeine, though I’ve learned to avoid too much stuff like that. I have fungal toenails.
From: Vlad
Subject: High dose D3 advice Part 2
Message Body:
I’ve been reading your books and decided to up the ante, inspired by what you have discovered. I love the idea that high dose D3 can remodel the body to its usual state. So i’m taking 40k UI D3 and 4 super K’s with around 500mg magnesium and around 25mg zinc. I drink from a copper bottle to make sure I get a bit of copper. I take about 20mg melatonin in the evenings. I’ve ordered some boron which will come soon.
What i’ve noticed in the first week is that I feel clear and pretty ok, but my elbow has become swollen. I think it is a remodelling going on, as I think this is the elbow that was swollen by my arthritis. It doesn’t feel painful really, but there is swollen and there is a limited mobility.
Ok that’s it! Thank you so much for everything you are doing, and no worries if you are really busy and can’t answer. I hope you’re well and all the best!
Mina C 12/15/2020to Jeff
I barely been taking this steady a week. I have dramatic results with my sleeping. I had 2 different Drs’ want me to do sleep studies. I still get up regularly during the nite(bathroom trips) but I don’t just lay there-my mind never shutting down. My rt knee was giving me pain all the time-I know longer feel that. I had an xray. Dr said I had start of arthritis. I would have to have MRI for further results. Oh, also, at nite my heart would beat weirdly. I no longer have that. I felt like I was a shell, just trying to make it through the next hour. I definitely was in distress. Things are turning around for me. Thank You for sharing your life with us.
Hi, Jeff, 12/15/2020I actually don’t remember how I found your book on Amazon about D3 but I’m so glad I did. I started out – believe it or not – at 50K IUs of D3 per day with 5,000mcg of K2. That’s all I had on hand to start with. I’ve upped my intake to 75K IUs/day for D3 and added other things as I’ve read more and studies more. I have had 2 what I consider major changes: I stopped losing hair and I starting losing weight I’ve tried for YEARS to get rid of. It would always yo-yo. It was SO frustrating. I gave up on weighing myself a few months ago because it was worthless. I don’t care what I weigh. I care how I feel and how I look (I don’t care if I look ‘perfect’. I care if I have excess fat hanging off me.) Taking the dangerously high doses of D3 and K2 has been nothing short of miraculous for me so far. There are still other things I’m hoping I’ll soon soon – I’ll let you know if I do.
January 13, 2021
My depression is only spotty now. It was morbid & nonstop prior to your book wisdom…asthma still 99.99999% GONE
From: Adelynn B December 5th 2020
Subject: Questions About my HeartMessage Body:
Hey Jeff!
I just finished your book in one day and I’m so grateful you wrote it. Changed my life. Thank you. I’m about two weeks into supplementing with 50,000 IUs per day of D3. I’m also taking K2 and Magnesium. I’m feeling so much better and have a lot more energy.
I’m writing though, because my heart has been hurting the past couple days and every now and then I get what I think are palpitations. I recently had an EKG and bloodwork done and everything came back
normal. I’m not sure what’s going on but I have a feeling it has to do with the K2. I’m going to try taking double my usual K2 dose and see what happens.
Do you have any advice for me? I was taking 125 mcg of K2 and now I’m taking around 250 mcg. I’m just wondering what your recommended dosage is for someone who’s taking 50,000 IUs of D3 and 750 mg of Magnesium.
Is there a magic ratio for the supplements?
Thank you and bless you,
Hello Adelynn
Stop the d3 for about two weeks and start taking extended release magnesium 2x a day
at least 500 mg 2x a day maybe 750 if you can tolerate it without too much diarrhea
…you can get a good brand from
you have just uincovered your magnesium deficeincy
which is the good news so now you can correct it
it might tgake a whole year of double dosing to get it into all your tissues as they renew themselves..
.80% of us are magnesium deficient due to centuries old soil depletion..and thus food depletion of MaG…
doctors have no good test for mag deficeincy the blood test is worhtless does not measure tissue mag..
you need to read my new book about d3 and its 5 cofactors….make sure you study the chapter on magnesium!!
there are many magnesium deficiency symtpoms classics are
heart palps cramps insomnia panic attacks insomnia etc…see my new book>>>
From: Adelynn B December 12th 2020
Update: I am feeling better.
Taking 1500 mg extended release magnesium per day.
Thanks for the help,
So it’s been just over a week, but I have noticed a few things, and wanted to share. 10/27/2018The improvement in mood and energy has been steady. I feel great and have been able to tackle tasks I have been putting off or ignoring for weeks, and just jump at them. Happy with this development.
I have had some dandruff issues, and while I was treating it on my head with some topical remedies, it seems to have improved over the week. More important, I had “eyebrow dandruff.” Anytime I would scratch or rub my eyebrows, flakes of skin would just fall down, like a really light snow. That has completely resolved, very cool.
I did get a couple random zits over the week, but maybe that was my skin pushing toxins or substances out, as they all resolved in 48 hours.
I had some nerve damage in my foot from a former surgery, and noticed an onset of a stiffness-like feeling there. I think it may be repairing, and have the nerve coming back to life. That’s kinda what it feels like.
That’s all for now, will be continuing on.
Cirion said: 11/14/18 sex erectile dysfunctionFor what it’s worth, I do think I had the highest libido of my life when my Vitamin D levels were > 100 and I supplemented 50,000 a day. I would get spontaneously aroused for no reason at all, like viciously so lol.
Though I’m not saying that those vitamin D levels will guarantee a high libido, just that, when I had a high libido I also had high vitamin D levels. The other reasons for the high libido could be any number of other things.
I also recall eating a pretty high fat diet, generous veggies, some carbs but not a lot (maybe 200g a day) so not the most optimal peat diet, especially considering I had lots of pufa’s then too. But, it was a high calorie diet (4-5000 calories a day) so that probably had a significant impact.
Like to share my sisters experience she was diagnosed hypo, pcos, pre diabetic. 12/13/2020
She went to many doctors.
Thyroxine worked at first but then she started ending up at the ER with hyper symptoms/ high adrenaline and high cortisol.
Imo she didnt eat enough carbs to counter her thyroxine dosage but shes been brain washed carbs are bad.
Think she learned her lesson now. Anyway eventually she got feed up and decided to spend a lot of money to see a specialist in autoimmune disease. This doctor put her on a vitamin D protocol at 50 000 IU daily for a few months also monitoring her vit D and calcium monthly. She basically became symptom free within 3 months.
Her appearance completely changed.
Went from pale and look tired to golden skin glowing of energy.
It was kinda baffling me how it could have such a profound effect.
She said she havent felt so good in many years.
And also like to add she lost several kilograms of fat.
Imo shes a bit too thin atm but she says she feel great so I dont care but vitamin D defo helped her lose a lot of weight.
December 13, 2020
Hi Jeff, 10/26/2020
Thanks for the quick response.
I broke my ankle 25 years ago landing badly with my paraglider. The tendons underneath had to be sewn back together and the ankle joint had a screw through it while it set.
Whilst the repairs were good – I could play squash and I ran some half marathons and a full marathon a few years later – it would often swell up and movement was restricted because of, what I assume, was scar tissue around the front of the joint.
I took 25,000 IU vit d for around 3 / 4 weeks and the swelling has gone right down and movement is much better. During the process it did get bigger and feel much more tender around the ankle.
I am now running 12 to 14 miles a go on the hills around where I live every week.
Really pleased.
Dear Jeff
Sent: Fri, Nov 6, 2020 3:55 pm
Subject: Enquiry
Dear Jeff
From: [email protected]
Sent: Fri, Nov 6, 2020 5:34 pm
Subject: Re: Enquiry
Hello Harman
yes the Vitamin d3 is eating up your magnesium at a much faster rate than you can replace it
Ive been sleeping like a log since I’ve been on this vitamin D protocol.
December 13, 2020
Ive been sleeping like a log since I’ve been on this vitamin D protocol.
asthmatics do this thing where you breathe out at the very bottom of an exhale & it sounds like gurgling crickets (wheezing) 100% gone now.
December 13, 2020
December 13, 2020
December 13, 2020
Sheryl LivingstonI started at 20,000iu and just a couple weeks ago upped it to 40,000. The K2 I take also has 4000iu D3 in it so total now of 44,000 dailey. I have noticed my arm joint is better, I had limited motion before and can now lift my right arm over my head from the side. My right knee has stopped hurting but my left is still giving me tinges of pain. I broke my right ankle 15 yrs ago and finally am walking on it pain free. I started my husband on 20,000iu but getting him to take it everyday is a fight, so he hasn’t had much happen yet. It would be nice if my eyes improved. I have very weak eyes. from 2013
December 13, 2020
Reviewed in the United States on November 30, 2020
They disappeared after 3 days of 40K IU of Vitamin D3 with no sign of returning.
“The proof is in the pudding.” as they say.
This a great book that will open your eyes to “another way” of dealing with illness and maintaining
your health. It is an investment that is well worth your time and money.
Hello Jeff, 12/12/2020 glasses vision sight eyes
Life changing!!!
Reviewed in the United States on November 9, 2020
Verified Purchase
Love the book! Can see the changes already. More energy. My friend got rid of her cavities after I advised her about this info.
Try it out you won’t regret it.
I thank the author from the bottom of my heart for taking time out and thinking so much and sharing his knowledge in such a great way.
Bless him!!! Looking forward to more positive changes as I continue taking high doses.
Currently I’m on 60000 IU every two days.
Lots of energy! Feeling light! Didn’t catch any colds ( even though my whole family had ’em)
No pains. Try it!
December 13, 2020
From William 12/9/2020I did read your latest book. I read all your books and you stated in them to take 200mcgs of mk7 for every 10,000 IU’s of D3. That is what I am doing. Also Magnesium glycinate has a lot higher absorption rate that magnesium oxide or magnesium citrate. Also, no diarrhea. I also take zinc every day and melatonin at night. I had prostate cancer 12 years ago before I even heard of vitamin K2. At that time, I was taken 4000IU’s of D3 a day. I had my prostate removed and had radiation two years later. My psa gradually went from .03 to .15 a year ago. At that time I decided to bump up my D3 from 30,000 IU’s a day to 50,000 IU’s a day. Two months ago my psa blood test was .11. The D3 actually is lowering my psa and killing my prostate cancer. My doctor can’t explain how my psa has stayed so low and actually is declining. I have told him about D3 and he kind of laughed it off. My regular doctor went nuts when my Vit D, 25-Hydroxy was 207 ng/mL. I advised him of all the books I read and google searches and now we don’t discuss it anymore. I haven’t had a cold in eight years.
if you want to break free from illnesses
Reviewed in the United States on October 20, 2019
Verified Purchase
Thank you Jeff T Bowles for this clear and brave book. I used your advice on D3 and K2 and also the confidence that you inspired to actually try this cure. It took me more than a year to actually break free from the asthma symptoms. This were not the only changes that I made in an attempt to get better. Previously I changed my diet to raw food and then to a more balanced one which was gluten-free and mostly plant-based. But the real break through was achieved in weeks after trying the D3 mega-doses advised in this book. I hope everyone will get some health improvement after using adequate vitamin doses.
Life changing!!!
Reviewed in the United States on November 9, 2020
Verified Purchase
Love the book! Can see the changes already. More energy. My friend got rid of her cavities after I advised her about this info.
Try it out you won’t regret it.
I thank the author from the bottom of my heart for taking time out and thinking so much and sharing his knowledge in such a great way.
Bless him!!! Looking forward to more positive changes as I continue taking high doses.
Currently I’m on 60000 IU every two days.
Lots of energy! Feeling light! Didn’t catch any colds ( even though my whole family had ’em)
No pains. Try it!
How can I treat my neighborhood stray dogs suffering from fungal infections? 11/25/2020Hello give the dogs high dose vitamin d3 a large dog gets 20,000 IUs a day 100 pounds a small dog 20 pounds about 5000 ius a day or more…D3 is actually a hormone that we mammals make when the sun hits our skin or fur..and it controls 2700+ genes involved with the immune and tissue remodeling systems. It revvs up the immune syustem to kill, off all forms of infection including fungal..People with the yellow fungus under theiur toe nails find that taking 20,000 IUs per day causes the immune system to kill off the fungal infection eevfen after they have had it for 20+ years!!! Also if the dogs suffer from fleas or mange and have terrible itching/ loss of fur in spots (look up pictures of mange on the internet) the old farmers trick was to feed them a mixture of 1/2 lard and 1/2 powdered sulfur everyday..The sulfur gets into their system and offends the mange parasites and they leave the host…and the dogs get back to perfect health If you can’t find powdered flowers of can also give them tghe hiuman vitain /supplement MSM = metyhysulfonyl methane 4 grams a day for a big dog 1 gram aday for small dogs…AND OR you can buy a white sulfur creram called Sulfinex and rub it on the affected areas …It is even better to give oral MSM and use the cream at the same time..
—–Original Message—–
From: redheadedsuzi
To: [email protected]<[email protected]>
Sent: Wed, Nov 25, 2020 5:08 am
Subject: less medicine afib atrial fibrilation heart racing</[email protected]>My doctor reduced the amount of heart medicine I’m taking
for rapid heart rate (sometimes leading to atrial fibrilation & stroke).
I was surprised!
The only routine I added over 6 months ago was 20k iu D3, magnesium, super k, zinc, and boron.
Thanks Jeff! Suzi S
HI that’s great!!
It is the magnesium…boost it even higher 2 or 3x a day and within another 6 months
you wont need the medicine at all!! Magnesium deficiency causes heart rythym abnormlaities. JB
November 28, 2020
Sent: Mon, Nov 23, 2020 8:17 pm
Subject: Re: Calcium supplements
JB-HI yeah another side effect of magnesium deficeincy is delerium confusion and hallucinations!!!! maybe if you get his magnesium levels up..he might be able to stop those epilepsy edicaitons
Magnesium deficiency as a cause of acute intractable seizures
November 28, 2020
—–Original Message—–
From: Janetta
To: [email protected]
Sent: Mon, Nov 23, 2020 6:48 am
Subject: Calcium supplements
HI Janetta
From: Noemi Q Covid-19 COVID-19
Sent: Mon, Nov 23, 2020 10:49 am
Subject: Re: Book IIHi Jeff,
I’m a naturopath in Arizona, USA.
All my patients are taking 10,000iu or 25,000iu. I have never seen anyone
at these doses with vitamin d toxicity even when their blood levels are
I have also read your book comparing Spanish Flu and COVID which confirmed
what I have been seeing.
When this whole thing started in Feb-March, I told
my patients to take at least 10,000iu of vitamin d everyday and increase it to
30,000iu daily if they have symptoms or are exposed or are traveling.
So far, none of my patients that are following this protocol have gotten sick with
covid or other upper respiratory infections.
11/20/2020High dose d3 eliminated left shoulder chronic pain from using iPhone in bed lying on my right side – years-long problem
4-year burning pain from deep skin wound over a tendon, far less burning
better sleep
feel better after sleep
more stamina walking uphill
toenail fungus appears to be growing out, sort of
I started at 74ng, took 50,000 for 6 weeks, measured 170ng, went back down to 30,000 for 6 weeks and counting
Had to use Stanford lab because local hospital and clinic reported only >120 and >140.
11/17/2000anyway…since i started 10,000IUs per day & the skin on my cracked, parched hands has healed and become supple
and i even slept well one of the nights- perfectly restful like when i take prednisone…which is very very rare.
I also have ADHD and done every drug there is for it. I usually toss, turn, squirm and writhe in bed…
before the “curing asthma with lung remodeling hormone,” I was taking only 2,000 IUs every 2 or 3 days from fear of overdosing.
The pitiful conservatism of RDAs has f—ed the health of humans around the globe perhaps more than warfare.
Same lesson I picked up reading articles/books from the orthomolecular MDs
– i STILL didnt see I was undershooting D until literally 3 or 4 days ago
WOW. A cure for my skin disease (possibly)
Reviewed in the United States on November 16, 2012
Verified Purchase
WOW, this author should be a scientist!!! I cannot believe the lengths he went on his own to study D3. He should be paid by the government!I accidentally stumbled across this book when browsing Kindle, and honestly, I’d usually skip over a book with such a long title on a plain yellow background, but something told me to stop and take a look. I’m so glad I did! I’m a lifelong sufferer of a skin disease called PRP (pityriasis rubra pilaris) and I have suffered severely for the last five years, with dry, inflamed skin, energy loss, blurred vision, low libido, etc., much worse than I have during my 30+ years of this affliction. Fed up with dermatological treatment, I started looking for natural alternatives.
When I found this book, vitamin therapy, or D3 for the matter, wasn’t even a consideration. But I followed my gut and forked out $2.99. Off the but, I can tell you that this book reads like you are talking to the author, who is shooting words out of his mouth at 150 mph. i’m not saying that is a bad thing, I’m jut noting that he jumps from point to point, deeply explaining every little detail. But, if he didn’t, I would not known the benefits and supposed dangers of D3. For one, I had no idea that D3 wasn’t really a vitamin but a secosteroid. Well, that was a home run for me, because I’ve used a lot of Prednisone over the years to calm my inflamed skin, but that is some bad mojo for the body in the long run.
So, I ended up buying D3 and K2 as he suggested and started a daily regimen of 30,000 IU. It is already making differences in my body and it’s only been a week! Patches of my skin are returning to normal, my energy levels are climbing again, (I’m back to cardio finally, no more looooong afternoon naps and my libido in increasing (honey, here I come, ha-ha.)
So, all in all I am sooooo thankful for this book. Though it is a long, read, it is very informative, as well, has some insights into diabetes that I think the doctors may want to stop and read. If only more minds were this inquisitive, we may solve world hunger, ha-ha. So, if you don’t mind, I shall finally part from this review and purchase a few more of this author’s books as I continue taking my D3 and reaping the benefits!
From: Poppo
To: [email protected]
Sent: Sun, Nov 15, 2020 4:26 pm
Subject: Thank youI started several months ago taking Magnesium. i noticed my blood pressure began to drop. I took myself off my blood pressure med. I was very Happy to be be off them. I found Jeff’s Book The Miraculous Cure for and prevention of all Diseases.
I ordered The vit d3 and K2 and started the regimen with Magnesium and Zinc and Boron along with carrots. I was feeling great for about four months. I began to feel Bad all of a sudden. I started with fever and night sweats my Blood pressure was up again. I felt like I was getting the flu and I have never had the flu before. I reached out to Jeff and he responded. he asked about me about my Magnesium and how much I take. I explained That I take 800 mg at night.
He asked me to break it up and take it several times a Day to keep it in my system the Vit d was eating it up. I did as he asked and my symptoms broke and my Blood Pressure went back to Normal. I have read several of Jeff’s Books and enjoyed them all. Thank for all the good Information.
Sam Russell
P.S Jeff thank you for answering you email and for the advice. if you want to use this as a testimonial feel free to do so.
November 14, 2020
From: Kelly
To: [email protected]
Sent: Sat, Nov 7, 2020 2:12 pm
Subject: Re: Question about ankle and face swellingI have ANOTHER question if you don’t mind…
So my mother’s ankles are still a bit swollen but slowly receding. She is taken extended release magnesium per your suggestion.
But I am on my second outbreak of hives.
Both times they have started in my arm pits and worked there way down to ankles before leaving. I have scoured the literature to see if I can figure it out.
I’m taking a multi with 180 mcg of k2-430k iu of d3, 1000 mg of extended release mg in divided doses.
(When I forget a dose my toes cramp and jaw aches)
And k2 in coconut oil pills by sports research.
I was taking super k but the hives were terrible and the only thing I could find in an obscure medical journal is that more than 500 mcg of k1 could cause a rash.
I waited it out. A week of misery and all seemed to be well but woke this morning with them coming back on same spot they started last time in under arms creeping toward chest.
I asked my dr to monitor me getting to 150 ng/ml levels due to Hashimoto’s and she agreed to read your book and look up Coimbra protocol.
She gave me a d2 rx and the hives started right after I started that -2 doses in-
I quit and switched back to my solgar 10k-3 a day
. I feel GOOD- am hardly sleeping ie 6 hours and bad ankle is healed. Teeth constantly ache after take d3/k2 but magnesium does relieve that a bit.
Any idea on hives.
Even though I have Hashimoto’s I have never had them.
My daughter who has Hashimoto’s had them chronically until her d levels got around 125-150.
Thank your for your time and thoughts,
Kelly B
HI Kelly
did your doctor give you Vitamin D2????
One should NEVER take high dose vitamn d2 it is not the natural form of vit d that animals make and it has many more side effects than d3 in humans…
So if you took d3 maybe you are allergic to that form of vit d…
Tell your doctor to stop prescribing d2 that is a holdover misconception still held by a few doctors because
the first form of D they gave people in the 1920’s and 1930 ‘s was vitamin d2 they got from mushrooms…!!!
Also super K contains the mk7 type of k2 made by bacteria…
and mk4 is the animal form of k2 ..
maybe you are allergic to plant and bacteria forms of k2 and vit d!!!
Maybe if you stick with just d3 and mk4 type k2 you wont get hives????
Many people with chronic hives say high dose d3 cures them (20,000 iu per day)…
maybe you need to go get some real sunshine or go to a tanning booth/bed and get a tan on the hives affected skin
there are about 20+ genes at least that are activated by UV light that are not activated by taking vitamin d3….
FOr your tooth pain and gu health everyone should eb taking COQ10 everydauy for the rest of their lives….Do a little research on COQ10 and dental/oral health it is amazing..
How long have you been on your high dose d3 experiment???
It took me a full 2 years to completely cure my seasonal allergies….with high dose d3…
Sent: Fri, Nov 6, 2020 3:55 pm
Subject: EnquiryDear Jeff
Hope you are all good.
I upped my dose from 30000iu d3, upto 50000iu
And I started the higher dose about 3 days ago, today morning, got up, went to toilet, and felt dizzy, thought the world was spinning. I have no other effects, apart from feeling dizzy.
Is this due to magnesium deficiency. Normally everyday I take 200 to 400 mg magnesium, but today I took 700mg of magnesium.
Is this head rush, dizzy feeling normal, something that has been reported to you before?
I also take 3000mcg k2
15mg boron
30mg zinc
I am 40 years old and 92kg weight
From: [email protected]
Sent: Fri, Nov 6, 2020 5:34 pm
Subject: Re: Enquiry
Hello Harman
yes the Vitamin d3 is eating up your magnesium at a much faster rate than you can replace it
It means you are starting from a very magnesium deficient state..
you should stop the high dose d3 and replenish your magnesium
It is very difficult to do..
you need magnesium in your blood most of the day….and night if possible for about a year!!
So your 200 to 400mg per day is not nearly enough
your best bet would be to find extended release magnesium and take 500 mg 2 x a day or more if you can handle it sells it You see your tissues turn over over time and are rebuilt with new materials
you need magnesium in the blood while your tissues turnover to reverse your tissue -deficiency for magnesium….
Aftr 2 weeks of so of high dose magnesium you can try adding the d3 back and see if your dizziness is cured
Once again, Jeff. snoring 11/4/2020
I see I gave a testimonial on your pages January 10, 2018 AnnB.
I mentioned last paragraph that I hoped the Sleep Apnea would be resolved.
D3 strengthens muscles…of which sphincters throughout the body are muscles.
October 30, 2020
October 26, 2020
Hi Jeff!
My husband took your advice to add D3 20,000 IU a day with Super K, magnesium, and boron. After 6 months, the doctor said his kidney failure declined — that is rare!
My husband went from stage 3 down to stage 2 failure. To my surprise, the kidney doctor said to start on 1300 mg sodium bicarbonate every day for life.
Won’t sodium barcarb interfere with the absorption of D3, zinc, etc?
October 25, 2020
5.0 out of 5 starsIt really works and my internist is happy!
Reviewed in the United States on July 11, 2019
Dr. Sommerville, I have a medical background, and I read your book in it’s entirety and was most impressed. My husband and I are both in our sixties and now on your protocol. I went over this protocol with my internist, in depth, as I have very low immunity and several other very difficult issues related to a serious auto accident 24 years ago. He felt very confident that the most recent information on this protocol is absolutely valid. Since taking 30,000 IU of D3 daily for the last 8 weeks, we have had many of the issues you described come under better control, when nothing else seemed to actually work. Number one is the improvement of night time waking and sleep disorders. My husband, who was highly skeptical of this protocol, quite simply is amazed that that he now sleeps through the night with occasionally one trip to the bathroom instead of 5-6. His night time wakings and hours of wakefulness during the night have stopped. My restless leg syndrome at night and during the day has almost disappeared, and tsince I am now sleeping through the night and getting the REM and restorative sleep I needed so much that the fibromyalgia has vastly improved. Overall, we are feeling much better. My husband has even noted the number on the scale going down, and I could go on and on. Dr. you are, by far, not the only source for this protocol and it is becoming widely known for itś benefits. Thank you so very much for your candor and your 10 years of researching this protocol. Your patients surely thank you and so do we. Good luck to you.
Translated from GermanHealthy in seven days Dr. of heroes
Reviewed in Germany on August 5, 2020
Verified purchase
First of all, I want to say that I have written very few reviews in my life. With this book, I see it as my human duty.
The last decades of my life have been quite an ordeal for me. It started quite harmlessly with heartburn. After that came a number of complaints in all sorts of joints and bones. Numb spots on the thighs, constant back pain, cardiac arrhythmias, tingling in arms and legs, burning on the soles of the feet, as if walking over fire. Muscle pain, my shoulder joints were very painful, so I could only half raise my arms at times, constant tiredness, concentration problems, eyelid twitching, knee pain mainly on the right, worst calf cramps, ear infections and gastrointestinal problems that forced me to know all the toilets in the area , otherwise I would not have been able to leave the house. That is why I was not allowed to fly on vacation by plane for a long time. At times I was only able to walk a few hundred meters because I just couldn’t breathe. It took me hours to fall asleep and then woke up again after a short time and stayed awake.
I don’t want to count everything. I just wanted to give an overview with the list so that everyone can imagine how I felt for a very long time. At some point I thought that it had to do with increasing age. In any case, I had almost given up hope that I would feel better again.
My salvation was that I read a lot about medicine and almost inhale every TV show about new treatments. As a coincidence, I stumbled upon the subject of vitamin D3 and the book by Dr. of heroes. That was the turning point !!
I almost devoured this book on the first night after the fast delivery. My complaints were almost all lined up like a pearl necklace. Incomprehensible.
What have the doctors not told me everything I have and what should I take? And of course the many pain injections, pills, etc., etc. No research into the causes, just bumbling around poking around at symptoms.
That I was dying twice due to medical misdiagnosis and subsequent incorrect treatment and only survived due to very lucky coincidences should only be mentioned in passing.
Dr. Von Helden is a doctor himself and also admits that he used to treat his patients exactly as the “normal” family doctor in Germany should do, until he became puzzled at some point and questioned the normal treatments more and more. He then came into increasing contact with the subject of sun, too little sun, vitamin D deficiency, etc. and spent years doing vitamin research. His patients benefited first and foremost. For us who suffer, his book is a medical blessing.
Long story short. I have been taking multivitamins and individual vitamins over and over again over the past few years. There was also a very slight improvement in various complaints. But nothing more. It was only through the high dose of vitamin D3, K2, magnesium and a special multivitamin preparation from Natural Elements that my “illnesses” improved more and more. Some things healed quickly, other deficiency symptoms took longer.
Since 2020 I’ve been doing very, very well again. It’s almost like a miracle really. I can run down stairs again, no cardiac arrhythmias, my frontal sinus infection, which has lasted for over 40 years, seems blown away. no muscle cramps or muscle weakness. Goodbye bone pain. I feel like a young god. no more psoriasis, no more numb, numb parts of the body etc. etc. It is just hard to believe that you can get rid of all your ailments with so little effort. Thank you Dr. of heroes. Many Thanks!!
By the way, I’ve started motocross again. I’m so good
But the most important thing is PATIENCE. Not all complaints go away very quickly. An initial aggravation can also occur at the beginning. I almost stopped my “treatment” as a result. But it should be seen as a good sign. That is why patience is required. For some ailments I had to increase the dose considerably until I found success.
On the page under the heading “Experience reports” there are hundreds of descriptions of people, some of whom were even worse off than me. Who were just ridiculed by your doctors or labeled as mentally ill. These people are as grateful as I am.
In any case, I have already bought the book 5 times and given it to friends.
The findings of Dr. of heroes brought my life back to me. The pharmaceutical industry should slowly dress up warm.
I hope I can use my experiences to help people return to a healthy life. For this reason only, I have made the work of writing this report. I wish all who read this a long, healthy and trouble-free future life.
10/20/2020Hi Jeff,
Well, I’ve been about 120 days on Vitamin D3 + high dose melatonin to see if I could cure my BPH and some associated nighttime urinary problems. This is mainly based on information I have gotten from your books. Nobody else is suggesting the dosage of melatonin that you have, most have been much lower. I am at 60-100 mg/night of melatonin. My core supplements are 30,000 i.u. of Vitamin D3, 42 mg Vitamin K2 (all MK-4), 15 mg chelated boron; 50 mg zinc and 166-322 mg magnesium taurate. The D3, K2, mag. taurate, boron and melatonin I got in bulk from Peter. Really like the bulk material because you don’t have to take a bunch of fillers plus capsules. These “high dosages” don’t look like very much w/o fillers. That is my core program. I also take DHEA, Pregnenolone, Selenium, Phosphatyldilserine, Ubiquinol and a some other things but the bulk materials are what I am basing my program on. I just had my second LEF blood panel done + pregnenolone and DHT. My PSA score was high again but a couple points lower than last time so that is good because at least it is not increasing. D3 moved from 38 ng/l to 131 ng/l so am very happy to be at such an elevated level. What do you think, should I go for higher levels or try to level off?To be brief as to improvement, I am by no means “cured” but I think I am about 10% improved, so moving in the right direction. I also practice intermittent fasting (18 hours fasting + 6 hours to eat) and that is a big part of the program. Am convinced that my answer lies in improving hormone balance and levels, especially testosterone though don’t want to take testosterone. May try progesterone next and increasing Pregnenolone from 100 mg/day to 300 mg and DHEA from 25 mg/day to 100 as both are well below max levels according to blood panel. I am moving in the right direction so will keep on keeping on. I am 74 y.o. I feel good overall, would estimate quality of life improved 10%. Please write another book!
Hello Jeff, 10/6/2020
Thank you for the fast answer.
My vitamin D3 is with K2 with 200ug.
I take magnesium and zinc through other supplements.
Just make me think again if I don’t have to adjust something.
But no more problems with my air. Nasal op ade. the same with the other cold symptoms.
The same with my friend with her severe skin disease.
It’s as good as gone. Think about the speed for another 6 weeks.
I’m looking forward to the German book and I will love reading it 🙂
Best regards
Hi Jeff 9/29/ 2020Just a quick update.
My 6 year old boy, who has asthma and severe dust allergy. He used to sneeze heavily every morning.
So far it’s been 2 weeks and I give him 10000iu d3, 500mcg k2, zinc 10g, magnesium 100mg, boron 6mg.
Firstly since starting medication, he looks healthy, his skin colour looks tanned as if he is back from holiday and he rarely sneezes in morning which is a shock.
Can’t wait until his asthma gets better and hopefully he will be protected from coronovirus.
I have started my whole family on d3. I give everyone extra k2.
Thanks Jeff for opening our eyes.
I am a liitle worried about hypercalcium but I am giving extra k2 to everyone just to be on safe side.
If you were in my place, what doses would you give to my six year old.? Have I started with optimum dose for him? His weight is 29kg.
Thanks jeff
From harman
(I suggested 10,000 IUs per day until cured of asthma-if not cured on 2 months bump up to 15,000 and see what happens)
October 1, 2020
5.0 out of 5 stars This Book Has Changed My Life!
Reviewed in the United States on September 18, 2020
Verified Purchase
This is the single best book I have ever read on health. It’s empowered me in ways I can’t describe. I can honestly say it’s changed my life!
I’ve always known we were being mislead or lied to about diseases like cancer or diabetes, this was exactly what I needed to implement, daily high doses of Vitamins D3K2. So far it’s stopped my hair loss, cured my daughter’s anorexia, lifted her depression and helped me to feel I have nothing to worry about down the road!I have suggested this book to countless people and I will continue to do so. Thank you so much for sharing this information! You have truly changed my life for the better and I’m so grateful!
I have not needed to go to the dentist at all in the last 25 years I dont floss…
sometimes forget to brush my teeth. Eat pleny of sweets.
Before I used to have bleeding/receding gums in my 20’s and got cavities
the trick?
I take coq10 everyday along with vitamin d3 and vitamin k2 and boron..
but if you have a tooth or gumache bite open a coq10 gel cap and rub on your teeth
several times a day until it feels better..then just keep taking the oral coq10
boron supplements make your bones and teeth much harder…
the d3 mobilizes your calcium and the vitamin k2 directs it onto your teeth and bones
The Japanese put coq10 in their toothpaste JB
To: [email protected]
Sent: Tue, Sep 22, 2020 3:26 pm
Subject: Great News!In March of this year, my husband was in stage 3 kidney failure. The only thing he changed
was increasing D3 to 20k iu a day plus two super Ks. As of August this year, he’s now stage 2 — yeah!
Plus, he never got covid19 symptoms. Like you said, if the virus came his way, it would pass thru him.
Thanks so much, Suzanne
Hello Jeff, 9/19/2020I am currently reading one of your books and it’s fascinating. I bought it a while ago but I’m only getting around to reading it properly now.
You see last night I fell very ill (fatigue, gland trouble, shivers, a cold starting – no idea if covid or not, but I think not).
A friend had written on Facebook to immediately take 30,000iu of Vitamin D (with the co-factors) if we start to get any signs of covid,or a cold
and I remembered his post so decided to try the 30,000iu. In about 30 minutes the sniffles had stopped and I felt a lot better.
I took another 30,000iu today and felt better again. The sniffles didn’t return.
Aside from this I have a chronic illness – chronic inflammation caused by sydtemic candida which flares up if I eat
certain foods that have used fungal pesticides (ie wheat, citric acid, mushrooms, grapes) –
and as a result of this I have a plethora of food intolerances.
I’m wondering if you know of anyone who has used Vitamin D therapeutically to cure something like this?
I would be super grateful if you could write back. It would be absolutely awesome to hear from you.
All the very best, and thank you for bringing us this wonderful information.
September 17, 2020
Reviewed in the United States on August 13, 2020
September 14, 2020
Vitamin D with K2 can apparently calcify a root canal. That happened to me. My dentist said she had never seen that happen before, except for once in a young person.
I had been taking 10,000 IU D and about 16,000 mcg K2 daily.
Someone needs to update the Wikipedia article on multiple sclerosis. It makes no mention of the Coimbra Protocol, and about vitamin D it states:
“Evidence suggests vitamin D supplementation, irrespective of the form and dose, provides no benefit for people with MS…”
Hola Jeff, 9/8/2020
I found this information when I Googled Boron + taking fluoride out of body… which is as you say in your book, plus info on the fluoride conneciton
Ciprofloxacin and other antibiotics known as fluoroquinolones cause a toxic reaction in the body which is quite devastating and has known to cause death .
I have had to self learn how to handle this…. for me it hit my central nervous system…. fatigue, neuropathy, brain problems… I was successful at getting it out of my body but had a surgery and discovered the anesthetic gas contains fluoride and so my symptoms are triggered again. It is imperative for “Floxies” to avoid fluoride ! I know that Lugol’s Iodine flushes out fluoride, chlorine and bromine – the detox symptoms are challenging.
I now have another aid for this. Again thank you for your research and writing the books.
Hi JeffSo far since following your advice my nail fungus has grown out by 50 percent. Impressive!
I wanted to ask also, can you advise how much D3, k2 and magnesium I can safely give my 18 pound dog?
So far I tried to work it out and came up with 1,000 iu per day with corresponding amounts of the others. Is this right?
Dear Jeff
Please send me the free copy of your new COVID bookBest Regards, Michael P 8/31/2020
I want to thank you for your incredible “miraculous results” D3 book,
I purchased and read it several years ago and have great results since
then –
1. My back pain has gone to none during three months after starting
10000 IU daily (with K2 and A)
2. All my family – my wife and two daughters (they take 10000 daily)
stopped having flu every winter (we live in russia, moscow, we usually
have some sort of flu or other respiratory shit every winter)
3. I had digestive stomach problems – low acidity – gone in a week!!!
From: Janice
Subject: Additional InformationMessage Body:
Great success using D3 and cofactors. Can walk without cane or brace. Has your research shown that in order to maintain the improvements a person must take D3 and cofactors at high dosages for life? Or can you stop the supplements after a certain time frame with long lasting to possibly permanent improvements being in place.
Also has your research shown that taking high doses of D3 must be cycled and I should stop for a short time?
I was diagnosed with arthritis in right knee with meniscal tearing in March 2020. Ortho guy recommended replacement which I refused. Agreed to arthroscopy but not sure. Could not straighten my knee to lay right leg flat for the x-ray.
Did have MRI though. Kaiser bought me a medial unloader brace which was helpful but still used a cane with it
I am 68 and was still working. Went out on disability.
Saw your book. Bought your book. Researched your research and started taking D3.
Started at 10K every 12 hours but at this time I take 50K D3 ( by Now) every 12 hours with 8 Super K caplets (by LE).
Also take 3 1000mg MSM tablets (Jarrow), 5 Calcium with Mg tabs (Now) with 1000mg Ca and 500mg Mg each tab.
Also take 216 mg fructoborate(fruiteX* B) with 9mg boron.
Boron also to help eliminate fluoride( I discovered a bottle of boron after ordering the fructoborate. Also 3 capsules of Type II collagen 1000mg/cap (Jarrow).
I also have Boswellia Vitamin C, Curcumin and fulvic acid I can throw in the mix if I choose to do so. I have been into the alternative health route for over 20 years
The most interesting thing is that I discovered that the unattended dental issues on the right side of my mouth, 1 resorbing tooth, 1 broken tooth, possible infection associated with resorbing tooth are on acupuncture meridians associated with the knee. Was going to do the stem cell injections along with this heavy supplementation but decided to put that $ towards cleaning up the dental issues that seem to be directly related to my knee.
Still on disability but can go back on 9/07. Probably will go back. Not 100% but I do not have to use the brace and cane to walk.
What test do I ask for to get my D3 levels checked. I know they will freak out cause they dont know yet I am not having the arthroscopy. But…Im ok with it.
Please comment freely on my dosages or choices.
Jeff: Hello there well that is great news….
how much do you weigh by the way if you dont mind me asking I just wanted to know as you should adjust your d3 dose to your weight
50k 2x a day sounds a bit high if I were you I would not tak any calcium as the only danger of high dose d3 is that you get too much calcium in your blood d3 itself is nontoxic….
so it doesn’t matter how high your d3 levels are in your blood as long as you have calcium in the normal range….you should be getting plenty of calcium from your diet alone
that is why you take so much k2 to put the calcium back in your bones and take out of your blood and soft tissues…if you want to save a huge amount on the k2
get it form [email protected] he sells pure powder with little measuring spoons for $15 a gram k2 pills can cost $6500 a gram (Dr mercola’s k2 pills)
you can take a lot more k2 which will be good for you maybe 45,000 mcg a day = 45 mg they use that dose for osteoporosis in japan
no dose of k2 has been known to have any toxic effects but it does help clear out calcium from your arteries…well sound s like you are doing pretty good
just keep an eye on the blood calcium and maybe scale back a bit on the d3 I think my limit was 75,000 ius a day I could not handle 100,000 a day
when I first tried it as I thought it made my kidneys hurt after about 3 weeks at that intake. But years later I have been able to take higher amounts than that by adding
magnesium to the k2 as well a boron and zinc
thanks for the update!!! I want to add your case to the case studies search engine////thanx
Hi Jeff 8/29/2020I have just read your book and wanted to share with you something very interesting that I experienced with my daughter.
My daughter was born in the summer a few years ago so from birth she was exposed to vitamin D through sunlight. We didn’t use suncream on her, just lots of shade and gradual introducing her newborn skin to the sun. I also supplemented her with vitamin D3 drops.
When my daughter was newborn she regularly slept for 6 hours at night without waking. Aparently the maximum a healthy newborn will sleep is 4 hours. Also I breastfed her which many mums say breastfed babies sleep less than bottle fed. Many mums have a theory that formula keeps a baby fuller for longer, but after reading your book I suspect this being due to the fact that formula is fortified with D and K2. Although obviously not the optimum level of D3, but perhaps formula fed babies are less deficient. After 3 months old my daughter was sleeping 8 hours every night and by 6 months 12 hours a night.
The vitamin D3 as that was the only difference between her and my older son. The reason I started supplementing her with D3 was because when I tried it with my son at age 1 he started sleeping 12 hours straight every night. I wish I had tried it sooner with my son, but I got sucked into believing the health visitor that a baby gets all the nutrients they need from breastfeeding. Probably true but only if the mum isn’t deficient!
Also I experienced a very strange phenomenon with my daughter. As a baby she didn’t cry for the first 10 days of her life. I was really concerned that there may be something wrong with her like she was mute as she just wriggled and stirred when she wanted milk or a cuddle. The midwives and health visitors said she must just be a really content baby and I should enjoy it while it lasts! I have never come across anyone who has experienced a baby who doesn’t cry and I’ve always thought it was down to the D3. If I hadn’t seen this with my own eyes I wouldn’t believe it was even possible. I’m not sure if you are aware of this but in the UK all babies are routinely given a K2 supplement immediately after birth.
Before having children I’ve always wondered why human babies cry so much when no other animals seem to do so. Surely crying would be dangerous in caveman times and would attract predators? So I think its pretty safe to say that humans are not intended to cry as babies and the cry is because they are D3 deficient.
I find a lot of mums are envious of how well my children sleep and the advice I give them is lots of fresh air and D3 drops. The ones who follow the advice are amazed at the results.
Hopefully this information is helpful to you in any future research. It would certainly be a bestseller if your next book was how to have a newborn that doesn’t cry and sleeps through the night!
I read your book because I have an interest and passion for health. I have supplemented with D3 (low dose) for many years but without the K2 and the minerals, so I’ve ordered my supplements and I will update you on my health in due course.
Kind regards
August 28, 2020
August 25, 2020
Best, John
Severe Vit. D deficiency, like new after 2 months … (translated from german)
Reviewed in Germany on June 29, 2020
Many reviews have said enough good things about the book, so I just want to go into my conclusions.
I bought and read this book when I was already adjusting the Vit.D mirror out of interest.
Explained simply and precisely.As with many, many other people, I developed a few ailments over the years: tiredness during the day, exhaustion, increasingly severe hair loss, tinnitus, here and there joints.
Every now and then with various doctors, without any findings but with the advice: one should see that one has less stress. Aha. And am I stressed?
Yes of course, which working person is not stressed these days? In addition to family, other possible responsibilities, ahaje this stress really makes you sick.
Blood values ok. Great blood count wonderful. Blood values again, ok again. And all over again.
It is a big mistake to think everything is fine because a complete blood count has been taken. Please do some research.
Not a single doctor has pointed out Vit. D to me in the 3 years that I googled my complaints. Even when I submitted a photo of the severe hair loss.
By chance I heard about it: “Let me determine the vitamin D value”.
And that was the € 30 that changed my life within 3 months.
Result 10 ng / ml (very severe deficiency).
2 months daily 10,000IE VitD with K2, 2x 100mg magnesium.
Result after 2 months: 50 ng / ml
Result: the ailments mentioned above are gone. No idea how this is possible, but no whistling in the ear, fit during the day, hair loss yes but “normal”.
Regardless of the fact that no doctor pointed out the Vit D determination to me, when the result was 10 ng I was told:
“Oh, a little low. Please go out a little more, in the sun”.
No recommendation of vitamin D intake.
It is very regrettable and damaging to health that the vitamin D determination is not part of the standard health insurance program, e.g. once a year.
Even more frightening is the fact that as a layman you have to come up with it yourself and ask to determine the value.
After reading the book and also getting detailed information, I forced the family members to test and sometimes had to force them.
With and without complaints (without, because they were still young) they went for testing with results between 12 and 16 ng.
An older family member had 7ng.
And all of them still have such great blood counts.
If you are concerned with it, I warmly advise :
-Read the book
-Vit.-D have the doctor determined *)
-Calculate the need for replenishment on the Internet (also listed in the book)
-Drops with K2 (drops can be used independently of the meal be taken, tablets with meals)
-Magnesium do not forget for a higher dose (better 100mg instead of 400mg because you think you have to take it once)
*) there is also an online test (yellow packaging). Sounds promising, conveniently online from home.
After I took Vit.-D for 2 months (600,000 IU total according to the diary), I had another test (starting value 10ng as a reminder).
50ng at the doctor’s.
Online test: 11ng (1 week waiting time)
Please have the analysis carried out by a doctor.
By the way:
someone writes here, taken very high doses and circulatory problems.
Therefore important: K2 and magnesium (adjust dose accordingly).
Or opt for the “gentle” therapy and take a maximum of 10,000 IU daily (K2 + magnesium).
I aim for a value of at least 80ng. But already with 50ng I feel great. And that despite my everyday stress at work and in life.
August 18, 2020
The Miraculous Cure for and Prevention of All Diseases – What Doctors Never Learned By Jeff T. Bowles (ISBN 13: 978-1701336506; University Science Press; 2019, paperback, 287 pages; $10.68)Reviewed by Dr. Donald A. Carroll, Optometric Physician, NTP
Jeff Bowles has now established himself as the authority on Vitamin D3. This seminal update to his previous work now includes thousands of hours of research on so many aspects that can affect D3.
Like many other studies on diseases, the further you get from the equator the more deficiency manifests itself. In this book, the author includes examples from people who have written to him after they read his first book and were helped by trying high-dose D3 – even with diseases such as Multiple Sclerosis.
He shows how every possible health condition is helped by Vitamin-D3 supplementation. He also includes an historical example from the 1920s when large numbers of people first started taking D3. The hospitals were virtually empty; it seemed as though nobody was getting sick anymore! The hospitals were literally about to go bankrupt along with the doctors and drug companies. So, how did this scenario change? First, the scientists and drug companies were telling us in the 1930s that any amount of Vitamin D over 400 IUs may be toxic!
Then, the drug industry created brand names for certain drugs that actually had 50,000 IUs of D3 in them. Then, bill after bill and law after law have been proposed over the years to prevent the sale of higher-dose Vitamin-D3 pills and to reclassify vitamins as drugs. The author gives examples clear up to the present time of all of the regulations and laws.
He even mentions Codex Alimentarius but fails to mention NHF’s battle at the Codex Committee on Nutrition meetings they attend each year, fighting to increase the strength of D3. He also tells the story of how in the 1960s, he and his sister sunbathed with a mercuryvapor lamp to give them good health; but by the 1980s UV lamps were given the reputation of “quack” medical devices. I had the same experience when young. [which, using a UV lamp or mercury vapor lamp?]
Now, since the 1980s, there has been an explosion of every disease known to man and we have also had a huge toxic load added into the mix with all of the toxins in our food.
Vitamin D3 is actually a steroid hormone that controls or affects at least 2,700 genes. These genes are involved in immune-system regulation and tissue remodeling. I can attest to the bone remodeling. Since I have used high-dose D3 with Vitamin K2, my old bone injuries from the past have started to hurt again (evidence of bone remodeling) until I reduced the D3 dose and slowly moved it up again. My hip pointer from a skiing accident 30 years ago healed; my toes, which were crushed by a huge rock that I had dropped on them 40 years ago healed; my knees healed from a torn cartilage basketball injury that occurred over 50 years ago. You have to be aware what is happening with high-dose D3 supplementation because when it starts to hurt you may think you have a new injury when in fact the D3 is remodeling injured areas. Instead of continually getting worse, the Dupuytren’s contracture in my left hand from playing hand ball 50 years ago is almost gone and it does not bother me anymore. All of this from simple Vitamin D3 (combined with Vitamin K2), which tells the bone where to load.
Jeff’s summary of what doctors and most mainstream Vitamin-D researchers do not know about Vitamin D3 is priceless and sums up what we need to know: • They all believe low doses of Vitamin D3 are high, “dangerous” doses. For example, many doctors believe that 2,000-10,000 IUs of D3 are high doses bordering on dangerous, yet the average adult sunbathing in the Summer in Finland, a very northerly location with weak Sun, for one half hour can make 20,000 IUs of D3 in their skin. • They do not know that higher doses of Vitamin D3 will rapidly exhaust a person’s magnesium stores and that magnesium supplementation with high-dose D3 is a must. • They do not know that we need extra Vitamin K2 to move calcium into the bones that is released with the higher dose of Vitamin D3. •
According to the author, we should take at least 10,000 IUs of Vitamin D3 per day, which is the same amount one would get by Summer sunbathing for 15 minutes. Another key point is brought out by an observation of Dr. Harald Schelle of Germany in his book on how to cure glaucoma with high-dose D3. He observed that the current reference range in the U.S. for “normal” levels of blood-Vitamin D3 is 30-100 ng/ml. But, where does this range come from? It is just the results of sampling blood from a population of, for the most part, Vitamin-D3 deficient people who live in the North far away from the equator. The current range reflects the range of D3 levels of a Vitamin-D3 deficient population.
Doctors assume that the average person in this group has plenty of Vitamin D3, but this is incorrect. For example, a Summer lifeguard in Florida often has blood levels of 125 ng/ml. But, he or she achieves these blood levels by sitting in relatively weak Sun (compared to the equatorial Sun) usually under an umbrella wearing a hat and sporting zinc oxide on their nose. If you went to the doctor and he or she saw your blood level of D3 was 125 ng/ml, the doctor might have a fit and tell you to stop all D3 intake and look for signs of toxicity! This is ridiculous. I had this exact thing happen to me when I first started taking high-dose D3. When my blood tests came back, the doctor was emphatic that I cut back since my levels “were way too high.” The other new thing that Jeff Bowles updates us on is the use of the mineral Boron. He found that at least 6 mg of Boron a day was also very helpful for bone issues. He himself takes 60 mg twice a day. He has also found that additional zinc and Vitamin A are also useful. This book is well worth reading if you value optimal health
JeffI have COPD and since I have read your books which are brilliant and since taking d3k2 have.inproved greatly I am on 50000iu once a day and I am increasing to 80000 Jeff when I come down
what dose do I keep on taking daily
I thank you very much for your information because I feel very much better
thank you very much
Reply from Jeff:
August 8, 2020
Ahmed A. 7/25/20203:26 PM (1 hour ago)
Thank you Jeff.
My plantar fascitis started in May 2019, I started the normal treatment with anti inflammation such as ibuprofen with temporary improvement. I tried many alternative theraby like icing, streching, physio therapy but nothing worked. Three months after I had pf, I had a horrible injury in my big toe while playing football. I hit a stone on the beach instead of the ball. That injury wouldn’t heal under any treatment.
May 2020, I read your 2013 book about vitamin d 3 mega doses with vitamin k2.
To my surprise, the symptoms 60% went away after a week.
Now I’m 90 % better with both the injury and the pf. I’m on almost 13,000 iu a day.
I feel a lot better with different aches disappearing. I’m encourging my family to start taking vit d3.
I forgot to tell you that I did vitamin d home test.
The result showed that I am defecient after a month of taking vitamin d in high doses.
Jeff replies:
Hi there you should check out my book from last year,,it’s on amazon
,,,what doctors never learned….(that’s the short title)
it is based on 10 more years of research and has identified 5 cofactors to D3 you need to take…
if you are low on magnesium (80%+ of us are) it is hard to get your d3 levels up even when taking large amounts of D3!
you should definitely supplement with magnesium as well… also boron zinc and vitamin A n the form of beta carotene
Effective for chronic diseases and shoulder pain (translated from japanese)
Reviewed July 17, 2019 in Japan
Buy on Amazon
At the end of the book, the experience emails sent by people all over the world who read this are posted. Perhaps those with poor physical condition may be able to realize the effect. I also had chronic illness and shoulder pain, but I was able to feel the effect when I took 10,000 IU of vitamin D3 and supervitamin K for about a month. I’ve been to various hospitals until now, but the medicine didn’t cure me. If you don’t get better after going to the hospital, try it out. And you can buy a supplement for 3 months at a low price, about one hospital fee. (site called iHerb)
Improved dog crossing syndrome (translated from Japanese)
Reviewed in Japan on January 2, 2020
Buy on Amazon
My dog was weak due to hair loss and polyuria due to allergic symptoms, but it was dramatically improved by giving 2000 IU of vitamin D per day under no use. I was surprised. It has been proved to be dramatically effective for non-human beings and I am amazed at the effect of vitamin D.Shin
7/15/2020 re an article about acne at jeffTbowles.comI know this is an old article but I took vitamin D3 high doses to cure my acne and to be honest it worked
unfortunately, it gave me a very painful kidney stone!
At the time didn’t realize my mistake was not taking D3 with K2.
If I had done that I would probably still have clear skin or at least very mild acne.
I still have persistent acne and don’t really know what to do.
July 9, 2020
A lot of knowledge, entertaining translated from GermanReview from Germany from September 8, 2018
I bought the audio book version of the book.
My biggest criticism of this book is that, with the exception of vitamin K2, there are no other cofactors (additional vitamins and minerals) of vitamin D that are not unimportant, especially at high doses.
It is best to google for “Vitamin D cofactors”. I found the result of very informative.
I’ve only been taking a dose of 25,000 IU + K2 + Magnesium for 2 days, but I can already see the first reactions:
– Scaly / dry skin on the elbows and ankles regresses or normalizes. (I’ve been suffering from it for over 20 years)
– A chronic abscess (or something similar) on the thigh that has existed for over 3 years shows for the first time signs of an independent decline. (Due to the short time this is still highly subjective)
– My severe depression shows the first improvement. But that’s still highly subjective.
– The appetite for foods rich in sugar / carbohydrates is back.
– Blood circulation seems to have improved significantly, even without movement, my hands and feet are very warm and I am generally relatively warm. This effect has actually only occurred since taking high doses of vitamin D3.
Timo RiegerHighly recommended! translated from german
Review from Germany from October 6, 2018
Verified purchase
Vitamin D3 saved me!
Had a nightly panic attack followed by anxiety several years ago. I was always weak and tired, but couldn’t sleep. That was the worst. As a result of sleep deprivation, I became less and less active and was actually only lying on the sofa … With constant hay attacks … My family doctor told me …. Organically everything is fine …. My complaints would probably be of a psychological nature … Nobody could tell me what I was missing.
My sister (trained pediatric nurse) made me aware of vitamin D3. I first read the book “Healthy in seven days” by Dr. Raimund von Helden. Then I looked for a doctor on the Internet who was a vitamin D consultant … There was a blood test and I had a 25-OH-calciferol level of 9ng / ml !!!!!! So there is practically nothing! I got high doses of vitamin 3 and took it consistently …. After only a few days !!! ….. I was able to sleep again !!!!! That was the biggest !!!! My mood improved and was significantly fitter again …. Then after the refill therapy I continued the maintenance therapy with 40,000 IU / week decristol but without vitamin K2 …. I didn’t know anything about that at the time ….
Then I gradually took less and less vitamin D3 …. So forget more often, etc. Until I didn’t take anything for several months ….. Not a good idea !!!!!! After the initial therapy I had a value of 42ng / ml …. (Today I know, far too little) ….
About a year ago now, I felt significantly worse again … My sister asked me about vitamin and I became aware that I did not take it anymore …. Apparently the mirror goes back rapidly …. I had more depressive phases again and got strong tensions in the shoulder and neck area and severe back pain …. So gradually came all the complaints that I had just gotten rid of!
I had already bought Jeff T. Bowles’ book for my Kindle years ago …. I have now read it for the second time and started taking vitamin D3 and K2 again a month ago …. So for a month I have been taking it now 20.000IE plus 200 ug K2 of the MK-7 variant …
It gets better and better !!!!! My shoulder and neck pain got very bad last week … I couldn’t turn my head without pain. Now everything is gone !!! Had heart rhythm disorders for years … Completely disappeared !!! Cracking knee, foot and finger joints … disappeared! Often had painful hips …. disappeared !!!! Cold feet and hands …. Now always warm !!!
And I’ve only been taking it again for 4 weeks … I still have several construction sites …. Now do a 1 year experiment with 20,000 IU per day and accordingly K2 …. I also take magnesium.
My mother-in-law has fibromyalgia ….. I also got her D3 and K2 … She’s been taking it for three weeks, like me … And her pain has already subsided …. I was having severe leg pain at the moment and could not sleep either …. Now, after only three weeks she can sleep well again and the leg pain is gone !!!!!
Let’s see what else happens!
I am very grateful to have rediscovered this book and will also try to convince my wider environment.
For everyone who wants to take care of themselves.
Review from Germany from May 14, 2019
Verified purchaseYes it works … not a day sick since August 2018 .. my migraines are also gone ..
self-test up to 80,000 units for 2 weeks .. of course with increase .. Jett I am to 8,000 per day
.. and MSM, OPC, Omega 3, calcium and magnesium and vitamin c ..
My mood is also much better
July 1, 2020
Jun 29, 2020, 7:49 PM (2 days ago) |
Hi Deleta thanks for writing wow that is interesting I had heard D3 can stop snoring so you are another case…!!
June 29, 2020
I suspect my left hip has also worn out, because I had a bit of lower back pain which sometimes made me limp when I walked.
2 tablets of combined Calcium/Phosphorus/Magnesium/
I am almost pain free these days and daily speed walk .8 miles while exercising with a 10 lb dumbbell in each hand
I also do 100 on my back crunch alternating let thrusts and use 15 lb dumbells at night.
I am a very fit near 79 year old and can do 75 incline push ups with ease and have a healthy libido.
Life is good when you take care of it.
I also take 40mg Melatonin at bedtime, 4 turmeric capsules daily [stops pain in thumb joint], regularly take Co Q10, Aflaxathin, Hyaluronic acid tablet, Curcumin tablets, and prescribed medications.
From: astrid.
To: [email protected] <[email protected]>
Sent: Sat, Jun 27, 2020 7:35 am
Subject: Your book ‘Hochdosiert’ and Alzheimer’s translated from German
I found your book by accident a week ago when I was looking for information about ‘Vitamin D’ (which I have only just learned from your book that it is a hormone).
I already started taking the high dose on Monday (first 24 IU a day) and I already feel much more comfortable.
My constant back pain in the ISG area is significantly better, my psyche has improved significantly (in the past few months I have had very, very negative thoughts sometimes, although I have absolutely no reason to the contrary).
Now I’m waiting to see if my knee (cartilage damage 4) will get better, but I have great hope.
Why I am writing to you, my grandmother (on my mother’s side) died of Alzheimer’s
I am very afraid of this disease because it takes away all dignity.
My mother also has a macula, she now has 25 percent vision).
So not too tempting genetic prospects.
I am very enthusiastic about your book, of course because of its content, but also the way
You build a relationship of trust, something that is far too rare these days.
In your book, they offer to write to you if you want more information.
I would like to use that now and it would be really fantastic to get an answer with behavioral tips from you.
Hoping for an early reply
with kind regards
Astrid M.
From: michael
To: [email protected]
Sent: Thu, Jun 25, 2020 6:50 pm
Subject: Re: Ebook.
Hi Jeff, 5/31/2020Sorry for the delay in responding to you. Things have been very busy for us too.
We have gone ahead and ordered your new book from Amazon and are waiting for it to arrive soon. We are really looking forward to it excitedly.
In the meantime, we have upped our magnesium intake, primarily magnesium chloride – orally and through the skin.
We also have had a word with our GP to discuss our BP and told him about our working with magnesium.
He was very open to the idea and told us to keep a log of the effect it had on our BP.
My BP is way better and certainly under control now.
I noticed that within about an hour of us taking magnesium, the BP drops to normal levels,
sometimes as much as 20 points.
What we have realised is that we just have to keep using it throughout the day – similar to what we have been doing with vitamin C, because both cannot be stored in the body.
It’s nice to be able to recognize your body’s many cries for magnesium too.
Another very interesting development: we discovered that not too far away from us (about 45 min away) in York, there is a cardiologist who has been recommending magnesium as a cure. He has a couple of YouTube channels:
BTW, I don’t know, but I seem to have developed a rash on my arms and legs since I started the magnesium and it’s quite itchy. Is this something that’s related, by any chance?
Thanks again for your help!
Best regards,
Hi there- maybe you are allergic to magnesium oil it can be quite iitchy!! JB
Hi Jeff, 5/24/2020I have been reading your book.
Both my wife and I recently had the Corona Virus and we used Vit D3 (with K2) during the sickness and are still using it now (along with vitamin C / NAC / zinc). I have a question: My wife, who has had high blood pressure and palpitations over the past year and is currently on medication for it (10mg amlodipine), has been experiencing high blood pressure over the past few days during this recovery process from Covid (she is currently measuring a BP of 168). The heart palpitations are also pretty long and they have been going on. I’m sure there is some anxiety as well. The vitamin D3 we have been taking is 4000IU with 2mg of vitamin K2 (MK7). Currently she is taking between 12000IU to 16000IU. We are also using topical magnesium oil and will be also starting oral magnesium chloride within a few days. Do you have any recommendations?
Hello there
yeah she is triggering her magnesium deficiency symptoms with the high dose d3,so she really needs to load up on the magnesium- maybe 500 mg 2x a day for probably a year. it takes a year to undo magnesium deficiency as your body has to absorb it as it rejuvenates the tissues, and the doctors never test for ti and 80%+ of us are deficient and that is what caused her high blood pressure and heart palps to begin with d3 uses a lot of mgansium when doing it s work. why are we alll magnesium deficient? because the soils and thus the foods are depleted .you should read my new book what docttors never learned .let me know how it goes..
advice stop the d3 fotr a week load up on magenisum 2 or 3 x a day…needs to be in your blood at all times I take an extended release magnesium from and gives off magnesium over a 6 hour period….it might give her doarrhea for a while….after 2 weeks adjust dose to eliminate diarrhea
Hi Jeff,
Thank you for your reply and explaining what is happening. Just a bit of background: Back in 2008, I discovered that I had been suffering from bronchial asthma – except I never knew. It was then that I discovered The Water Cure – who explained that most diseases were caused by dehydration. I worked on that, with salt, and my asthma disappeared, without any medication and I have had no asthma attacks since the past 12 years. My wife, who was experiencing arthritis, also started getting better and was able to climb stairs a lot easier, as a result of following this.
Then in 2012, we discovered my wife had a brain tumour (meningioma), so she had to have an operation for removal, as it was pretty large (6cm).
She had to learn how to walk, talk, type all over again. During her recovery, post-surgery, she started experiencing massive tremors, for which she had to be hospitalised. No medicines worked at the time and she was shaking for around 10-12 hours. Then a friend of ours came to the hospital and in front of the doctors, applied magnesium oil and rubbed it over her body, over and over – until the shaking stopped completely within about 5-10 min. Her neurosurgeon also recommended we stop the anti-seizure medication that was prescribed after the surgery, because it was having adverse effects on her and we switched over completely to alternative treatments. After that, we started using magnesium oil transdermally, regularly, following books like ‘The Magnesium Miracle’ (Carolyn Dean) and ‘Transdermal Magnesium’ (Dr. Mark Sircus).
We were also using homeopathic treatments – which have been very helpful for her. We were living in India at the time, but in 2014, we ended up moving to the UK, . During this time, we somehow got away from sufficient magnesium and around the end of 2018, my wife was diagnosed with high blood pressure and was put on amlodipine to bring her pressure down. Over time, it was fine, but then it increased more and the dosage was upped to 10mg a day. We really needed to get back to magnesium, but she finds the oil itchy. Last month (in April), we both caught the Covid virus and we self-managed, using Vit D3 + K2 (what I mentioned below), high dosage of Vit C, zinc, NAC and Vit A. We both got better (although it keeps coming back due to the cytokine storms and because it lingers for a couple of months, from what we have heard).
But then this whole issue with her blood pressure started recently. Your explanation of magnesium depletion makes sense. Just an update:
She has been advised to take her blood pressure 3 times a day and she has another call with the doctor on Tue. Yesterday, her readings were
168/100 (morning)
140/94 (afternoon)
158/89 (night)
Today morning it was 173/100 so far (while I’m writing to you). We have stopped the D3 as of this morning.
We’ve started on extra sprays of magnesium oil throughout the day and also using some of the magnesium chloride in liquid form with lemon juice and water – about 2 tsp in 1 liter of water, which she should be taking over the entire day. So that should be close to over 1gm for the day if she finishes it all the way, with the sprays. I do feel a little anxious myself, as we don’t want her to have to go into hospital, since it will just complicate things. We’re keeping on the high magnesium.
From: KennethHi
I am 74 and had asthma for 30 years. First i took 5000 IE D3 for a year for other reasons than asthma.
Then i felt no problems with my asthma,
so i read your book and from september last year i took 20.000 IE., and stopped inhale medicines.
I am fully CURED from my asthma now and have now may 2020 reduced my intake to 10.000 IE..
May 15, 2020
May 15, 2020
Hello Mr Bowles,
May 1, 2020
From: jeffbo <[email protected]>
To: alain
HI there Alain
May 1, 2020
April 23, 2020
Hi Jessica thanks for writing
yes I take peter’s k2 and d3…..did you read my older book with red cover or the new one?…What doctors nevber learned????you really should read the new one……your insomnia might be the result of a mangesium deficiency most of us havwe it> 80%+you migth want to take 300 mg extrended relase magnesioum 2x a day you can get it at
it takes about a year to completely revese a MG deficiency……you should also give your dog and anyone else with arthritis boronmaybe 20 mg 2x per day/////eventually you will want to add zinc alsoall of these are d3 cofactrors that get eaten up by d3 especially at higher doses…mk7 is fine some people say it makes their heart race…but that is likely just from aggravating an underlying magnesium deficiency.
April 18, 2020
Subject: Melatonin for BPH (prostate)Hi Jeff
I have read several of your books including the one on Melatonin. I am 69 and have been working on reversing the effects of BPH. I tried several fairly expensive formulations that claimed BPH relief but to no avail. A big change happened when I found out about Magnesium Chloride. Lugol’s solution has also helped as well as Zinc. Because of your book about Melatonin, I decided to give the large doses a try. For the last week, I have taken approximately 50mg/night. It seems that urination frequency and volume have improved even more. I did a search and found several people who had found noticeable relief when they started taking melatonin. One man, in particular, started taking it for sleep issues and found his BPH symptoms markedly improved. So, thanks for your books and since I didn’t see any mention of the connection in any of your books I thought you might be interested.
Reply by Jeff T Bowles:
it turns out that melatonin increases your progesterone levels quite a bit and dutasteride (Avodart) and finasteride (Proscar) are both BigPhama’s plagiarized and patentable versions of progesterone…
and are prescribed for BPH take a look at the chemical structures and you will see progesterone like the 2 BPH drugs is a 5-alpha reductase inhibitor.
I talked to a research urologist once and he said people who take Proscar or Avodart for BPH find that if they later get prostate cancer it is a much more aggressive and deadly kind!!
Anything for a buck!
Hi Jeff, from Suleyman in Turkey cold 3/24/2020(during height of Covid-19 infections)
April 10, 2020
Subject: Re: Just curious have you all been taking vitamin d3 for many years now every day? if so, have you ever had a cold for more than 1 day?6 years (when I upped the dosage)
On Fri, Apr 3, 2020 at 10:42 AM <[email protected]>wrote:</[email protected]>
how many years would you say the d3 did its magic for you???
for me 19 years …my book on d3 came out about 8 or 9 years ago…
Subject: Re: Just curious have you all been taking vitamin d3 for many years now every day? if so, have you ever had a cold for more than 1 day?
awesome!!! yeah the only cold I got in the last 19 years was when I decided to wash the d3 out of my system for several months!!
I stopped taking D3 for a while because my regular doctor told me too. I got very sick..the usual sinus infection I used to get every year that would sometimes worsen. While on D3 I stopped getting them. I feel like that was a controlled experiment
HiVery nice article.
The most extensive research done on vitamin D3 is probably done by Jefft T. Bowles who has books on the subject on Amazon. Because he lab ratted himself with high doses he was able to come to conclusions on the relationship of D3-K2-Magnesium. He has shown that the probable reason of D3 toxidity when taken on large doses is because most D3 takers do not use K2 and Mag.
I have personally had the experience not being able to bring my levels up no matter how extensive D3 I took. After combining the 3, it is surprising how the levels came up so fast. I have read that the body intentionally does not let values up because of lack of K2 when D3 is taken alone.
As much as natural healing believers like yourself whom have solved so many health challenges the governments will not adapt. The big pharma will not allow this, never. We can see in an extreme case like this where there are many deaths there is not a single mention on mass media regarding many solutions. They try to portray the situation hopeless. We all know that this so called pandemic can be stopped pretty easily via D3. I used to have hope that if there was a large challenge like this, the Western Health system may take on the natural cures. If this did not do it , it is not going to happen.
Again Thanks,
We have added this information about COQ10 for anyone searching for a cure for bleeding / receding gums and root canals….If D3 and K2 do not fix the problem you definietly need to add daily COQ10 supplementation>>Read about it here>>>
root canal gum disease
Amazing CoQ10: Repair and Heal Periodontal Disease
Evaluating patients in terms of the “tooth-body connection.” Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) reveals one of these connections.CoQ10 functions as an excellent antioxidant to prevent free radical damage to your cells. It’s a vital component in the synthesis of cellular energy production. Therefore, CoQ10 is essential for the health of virtually all human tissue and organs.
If you know about CoQ10, you are among the well informed minority. Most people in this country have not heard of CoQ10 largely because of the slow acceptance of nutritional benefits by the traditional western medical establishment.
Many significant CoQ10 studies trace back to the late 1960s. CoQ10 has been shown to be effective for combating the degeneration of aging, allergies, asthma, candidiasis, cardiovascular disease, deafness, diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, impaired immunity, multiple sclerosis, obesity, respiratory disease and, yes, even periodontal disease.
Periodontitis (deterioration of the gum and bone around the teeth) affects about 60% of young adults and 90% of individuals over the age of 65. Although proper oral hygiene is helpful, many people still suffer from compromised gingival (gum) irritations and chronic infections that may require surgical procedures and eventually result in the loss of teeth.
The body’s ability to heal and repair periodontal tissue depends in part on an adequate supply of CoQ10. Gingival biopsies have revealed subnormal tissue levels of CoQ10 in 60% – 96% of patients with periodontal disease. These findings suggest that periodontal disease is frequently associated with CoQ10 deficiency.
If you’re experiencing persistent gum problems, i.e. bleeding and inflammation or even halitosis (bad breath), do your own experiment. Begin taking CoQ10 for at least three months. Remember, nothing changes overnight. You be the judge. Do your gums look and feel better? Has your general health improved? If the answer is yes, you might want to consider adding this supplement to your daily regimen.
A good measure of the health of your gums can be obtained from a complete periodontal charting as performed by your dentist. Regrettably, I’ve found that approximately 75% – 80% of the adult population has never had this recorded.
CoQ10 is found naturally in many foods, such as spinach, broccoli, sardine and mackerel. After the age of 35, our natural ability to synthesize CoQ10 from foods slows down. As a result, a gradual deficiency of CoQ10 develops over time. Compounding this action, poor eating habits, stress, and infection all negatively impact the body’s ability to provide adequate amounts of CoQ10.
It’s probably a wise decision to consider taking CoQ10 supplements after age 40 for its health benefits for the whole body. CoQ10 has an excellent safety record without any side effects. Daily dosages can vary but usually 60 – 100mg/day is suggested for general maintenance and 200 – 600mg/day is better for therapeutic purposes.
Clinical improvements take time. However, the paybacks from this remarkable substance can be amazing.
61 CommentsJess Williamson
Jess Williamson on March 19, 2013 at 1:02 pm
I had suffered with bleeding gums since I was a teenager. I am now in my fifties. After reading about CoQ10 and gum health I started taking it with my husband who has been taking it for 10 years after a heart attack, (with no new heart problems). After approximately 2 months of 100 mg twice a day I couldn’t believe the difference! No bleeding gums when I brush and no pockets! It works!
March 13, 2020
Ramaswami Natarajan ([email protected]) To:you Details
Hi JeffMy apologies for not writing to you for quite some time. Four of my near and dear friends passed away in the last week of December and first week of January and I was very depressed and did not write to anyone. Please accept my apologies.
Seems I’m very chronically deficient in Vitamin D, and Magnesium and need a daily dosage of Vitamin C, E and B Complex.
My pains have stopped.
My inflamed balloon-like body has shed the excess water retained except in the belly where it is getting reduced.
My weight has come down to 65 Kgms. Lowest I reached was 63.8 Kgms from 72 kgms. I have reduced from 72.2 tp 65.5-63.8 kgs in about four and half months. Extensive dieting for most days with green vegetables only. Sort of high volume, high fibre and low-calorie vegan diet of only vegetables green in colour and growing above the ground. It works. Lots of supplements. But Vitamin D is the key. If I take less than 50000 IU per day I still get pains again.
Your book has been an eye-opener. I remain very grateful.
Ramaswami Natarajan
Much better book than any MD book I read about vitamin D
Reviewed in the United States on February 23, 2020
Format: Kindle Edition Verified PurchaseIt is crazy book with a crazy title, like many already said. But it is good. It goes to the experiments with high doses, that actually brings results. Not like one book written by MD, who said multiple sclerosis can’t be healed with vit D. What he meant can’t be healed in his way -giving 50 thousand IU dose once a week in almost worthless D2 form. But it can be healed or at least helped with 2 million dose daily of the good vit D3 with cofactors such as K2, magnesium. Book Vitamin K2 And Calcium Paradox by Kate Rheaume-Bleue also adds vitamin A.
Author also describes possible issues with high dose supplementation -mainly hypercalcemia, which happens very rarely at all, but almost never with cofactors. There are tests to measure calcium in the blood to make sure it is not happening.
From my so far limited experience: it happened so, that I sprained my foot two days after I started taking higher doses, and I felt, that it healed so much faster than before (I sprained same foot 3 times in the last 2 years). I am hoping to stop the migraines from coming as many people reported, that they stopped coming once their blood level reached 70 or higher…
It is a book worth reading.
5つ星のうち5.0 I no longer caught a cold. translated from Japanese
It was also useful personally. D3 is cheaper and easier to try compared to other supplements in Japan.
On the other hand, contractors and medical institutions are not profitable, so they will not advertise.
I’ve always caught a cold this winter, but there are no signs.
And the pain in the throat was gone. After that, it is perfect if the cervical spine is gone.
コメント 違反を報告
Translated from Japanese by Amazon
Improved Syndrome in dogs
My dog was weakened in hair loss and polydipsia caused by allergy symptoms, but it was dramatically improved by drinking vitamin D 2000 IU a day in just two months to regain cheerfulness. I was surprised. It has proven to be dramatically effective besides humans, and is amazed by the effect of vitamin D.My note:
Polydipsiais a condition that is almost always a symptom to an underlining serious condition. This condition leaves your dog with an abnormal amount of thirst. If this progresses, then your dog will begin to look for water in places other than his water bowl, as such at the toilet. It is important not to assume that your dog is drinking too much simply because he is hot. A general rule of thumb as to how much your dog should drink is that they should have 2.5 times the amount of water for every pound of dog food that they eat. If your dog is drinking more than this, it is something that you need to get checked out.Often, Polydipsia will cause your dog to get Polyuria. Polyuria
is a condition where your dog urinates too much.
January 21, 2020
I have had the dark circles around my eyes for 35 years after taking Accutane when I was 23!!
People said I had raccoon eyes! One Dr. diagnosed me with atopic shiner and said there was no cure. I never had dark circles before accutane…….\
I tried everything for them that I cold think of as in topical creams etc nothing ever worked…..
Then I started researching magnesium deficiency…and even though I had been taking a daily magnesium supplement 250mg + 150 mg at night IT TURNS OUT I WAS STILL MAG NESIUM DEFICIENT!!!
So I started taking 500 mg 2 or 3 x per day of extended release magnesium ……and after about 3 months my dark circles are completely gone!!!!
I think accutane which is a form of vitamin A uses up its cofactor magnesium when you are on it and in my case I never recovered from the magnesium deficiency one I boosted my magnesium way up for a long period BOOM after 35 years they are gone!!!!!!!
I am also taking vitmain d3 high dose boron and zinc……and vit k2…so it might be a combo effect but d3 and k2 alone did not help
5.0 out of 5 stars
A treasure of a find and three days on added to first book review.
22 November 2019
Format: Kindle Edition
I have only just read the e-book version of the first book and found it most enlightening. I am also taking magnesium which is stated in Jeff’s second book. I have been taking prescribed medicines and have had such dreadful side effects, it scares me. I have read up on some of these prescribed medications written by Doctors, in the medical profession, who warn against one medication in particular. I stopped this medication a few days ago and already I feel a difference. I only started on the Vitamin D3+K2 yesterday and together with my magnesium I am eagerly looking to good results; anything would be better than what was happening to me on some of the prescribed medication. I will update again as I proceed on my natures journey. I think Jeff Bowles book is a fascinating book and I am so glad I found it.Three days on and already a nasty bruise from the prescribed medications has gone. It had been there for weeks and was getting worse. I have several bruises over my body but the one I mentioned was there longest and the worst with no sign of disappearing. I will take natures course now with D3+K2 and of course magnesium.
Hi Jeff,Hope all is well… it’s been a while!!
I know I wrote to you nearly two years ago in the email chain below about my allergies… For my entire life I have had some of the worst seasonal (pollen) allergies of anyone I know… the only solution offered by traditional health practitioners was daily OTC or prescription allergy meds with a variety of side effects, and/or allergy shots with more chemicals and side effects… When I first ramped up the D3 and K2 I had hives as mentioned below… I continued taking the same dosage and in a day or two they cleared up… I’m assuming the D3 was targeting my immune system / allergies for repair…
For the last two years I have been taking D3 & K2 as outlined in your book (high dose for a week or two, maintenance dose after that) and have been using an essential oil diffuser bedside each night with organic Peppermint and Eucalyptus essential oils… In the two years since I started, my allergy symptoms have completely disappeared without the assistance of any drugs or medications… this has completely changed my life and I am hoping there are others out there who can see similar benefits!!
Dear Mr. Bowles,I am in the process of reading your book, “The Miraculous Results of Vitamin D3.” I have not yet completed it. Even so I have benefited from it. I am 81 and suffering from Emphysema. My lung doctor does nothing for me because like the entire medical profession he believes I am on an express train to death. I will say he is friendly and excellent charts of my demise. As you can imagine I, like so many in my condition, are desperately seeking something, anything, that will help us. In your book you supply the email address of PubMed. I put in the following statement:
“Vitamin D3 For Emphysema.” This is what came up as first on the list:
Vitamin D3-vitamin D receptor axis suppresses pulmonary emphysema by maintaining alveolar macrophage homeostasis and function.
1. EBioMedicine. 2019 Jul 2. pii: S2352-3964(19)30420-7. doi: 10.1016/j.ebiom.2019.06.039. [Epub ahead of print] Vitamin D3-vitamin D receptor axis suppresses pulmonary emphysema by maintaining alveolar macrophage homeostasis and function.
5.0 out of 5 stars T
November 12, 2019
Format: Kindle Edition Verified Purchase
For nearly a year now I have had problems with hip pain (however knew it wasn’t my hip joint) and have been on this regimen for about a week now. Pain is disappearing. Also overweight and have lost 5 pounds. I am very excited about all the little annoyances in my body that are disappearing — almost magically!
Dear Jeff, 15-XI-2019
your new book
The Miraculous Cure For and Prevention of All Diseases-
What Doctors Never Learnedis absolutely phantastic! I still have not finished
reading through it, but I can say already: This will change my approach
to my patients dramatically even though I work almost exclusively with
information-field medicine. Now much more urgent advice for
supplementation will be included. And it will change my different
advices to my family members regarding supplements. Even before knowing
you and your work, I advised them to take magnesium (not enough), Vit
D3/K2 (not enough), boron (not enough and zinc – your four main
supplements, but I shall now go for much higher doses of all of them –
including for myself.
So far already deep gratitude for making this MS available to me at
this point.
One small addition: Some peple swear on magnesium oil (saturated
MgCl2 in H2O) on the skin. Others doubt that Mg can thus be absorbed
through the skin. To facilitate uptake, one can apply a few drops of
DMSO on the skin first and rub it into the skin along with the added
Mg-oil. I do that along with Mg capsules.
Delivery of ‘bulk combo’ from vitaspace is further delayed as they
cannot ship these materials to the EU and only (hopefully) the melatonin
to Britain. In December, a friend of mine should travel to Germany and
bring the stuff along.
Keep doing your wonderful research both in literature and self-tests.
Dr. Exxxx
Frm Juilie M. 11/20/2019
Wow! I couldn’t seem to get through this book fast enough. I have put certain key minerals and high dose vitamin D3 for YEARS with amazing results. I take 50,000 iu’s of Vitamin D3 along with 15 mg of K2 daily…now for over 6 years! When doctors find out what I do they are dumbfounded because my blood calcium is normal, my coronary arteries have zero plaque despite a bit higher than recommended cholesterol levels. This lack of plaque buildup verified with a coronary artery scan with calcium scoring.I don’t have any arthritis despite a familial predisposition to get this degenerative disease. I never get the flu vaccine and RARELY ever get sick. The last time I got anything was about 3 years ago and it was very short lived…less than a week. Those around me who weren’t supplementing fought this flu/cold for up to 3 weeks! The coughing, runny nose, feelings of malaise kept going on and on. I’ve also accidentally had a long drink belonging to one very ill person using a straw and I never even got a sniffle!
Hi Jeff, 1/2/2019I hope all is well. Congrats on your new book release, I’m almost finished reading. Once again, thanks a bazillion for all that you do for us!
More info to follow but a quick update on borax and magnesium from our conversation below. After one week at 60mg/day of borax netted not much change, then one or two days at 600mg/day borax and joint stiffness 90%+ gone, knees getting stronger by the day, rib cartilage and spine also getting noticeably stronger. Here’s the big one, magnesium deficiency symptoms of jaw and leg muscle tension noticeably worse.
Based on this experience I think I Clearly was suffering hyperparathyroidism that has increased demand for magnesium as soon as boron was introduced in sufficient amounts. I clearly was suffering
Chronic magnesium deficiency that’s now become worse with boron and needs to be addressed. I’ve been told by my dentist for the past 30yrs I grind my teeth in my sleep, now I find myself doing that in the daytime, guessing the deficiency is chronic going back years, also the boron deficiency as I first experienced these severe stiff joint issues as a teen picking tobacco. None of my coworkers shared my joint stiffness problems, sore from a hard days work but not the problems I experienced.
I have to finish reading your book now. Thanks a million Jeff!
This was my first book on this subject.
James W. Harms
September 28, 2019
Format: Kindle Edition
Great Information. I was diagnose with MS. My last MRI shows no new lesions are the ones that I do have are not growing. I’m searching for information that I can use to help my MS and RA.
Hello Dr. Ellis-I read your interesting article and noticed the patient had read a book on high dose vitamin d3- I am probably the author. I would like to explain to you what you were probably looking at. The elevated calcium on his test was certainly not the culprit as it was barely elevated compared to the reference range.
What you were witnessing was magnesium deficiency symptoms, as high dose Vitamin d3 will burn up a lot of magnesium, and most of us are magnesium deficient to begin with.
Amongst magnesium deficiency symptoms are included: confusion (long term symptom), constipation, fatigue. The blood tests for magnesium are highly unreliable as only 1% of the body’s magnesium is found in blood and it is tightly controlled. his magnesium should have been tested with the oral load test or a muscle biopsy.
So his not alarmingly low magnesium score actually hid a major magnesium deficiency in his tissues-exacerbated by 2 years of highi dose vitamin d3 use. He could have been quickly treated with a magnesium IV. and he would have been perfectly fine in an hour. And then you should have educated him on the requirement of co-supplementing with magnesium while taking high dose vitamin d3. I add an article at the and of this email that I am writing about the symptoms of and reasons for magnesium deficiency.
I would like you to forward this to your patient or give me his email address and I will have a little chat with him. Any thoughts?
Jeff T. Bowles
Clin Med (Lond). 2018 Aug; 18(4): 311–313.
doi: 10.7861/clinmedicine.18-4-311
PMCID: PMC6334045
PMID: 30072556
Risks of the ‘Sunshine pill’ – a case of hypervitaminosis D
Sebastien Ellis, acute medicine consultant,A Georgios Tsiopanis, CT1 anaesthetics,B and Tanuj Lad, acute medicine and critical care consultantC
Author information Copyright and License information Disclaimer
Address for correspondence: Dr Sebastien Ellis, Southampton General Hospital, Acute Medical Unit, Tremona Road, Southampton SO16 6YD, UK. Email: [email protected]
This article has been cited by other articles in PMC.
Case presentation
A 73-year-old man presented with a 4-week history of diarrhoea and 2-week history of confusion. He was a retired nuclear scientist who was previously fully independent with no history of cognitive impairment. There was no history of smoking, alcohol or substance abuse.
His wife reported cognitive disturbances including being unable to use a cassette player or turn on his electric razor and he had started urinating in the sink. He was visited by his GP who found him confused, drowsy and dehydrated. Observations were unremarkable but a rectal examination showed hard stool in the rectum. Presuming a urinary tract infection, laxatives and trimethoprim were prescribed and he was transferred to hospital for further investigations.
On admission there were no infective signs or symptoms. His cardiovascular, respiratory and abdominal examinations were unremarkable. He was extremely delirious requiring sedation and occasional reasonable physical restraint. He scored 3/10 on the Abbreviated Mental Test Score (AMTS) but had no other neurological signs. His electrocardiogram (ECG), chest X-ray (CXR) and computed tomography (CT) brain were all normal. Admission blood test results are shown in Table Table11.
Table 1.
Patient’s blood test results on admission
Parameter | Results | Units | Normal values |
Haemoglobin | 123 | g/L | 130–180 |
WBC count | 4.4 | 109/L | 4–11 |
Platelet count | 168 | 109/L | 150–500 |
RBC count | 4.15 | 1012/L | 4.5–6.5 |
Haematocrit | 0.375 | L/L | 0.38–0.54 |
MCV | 90.2 | Fl | 76–103 |
Neutrophils | 3.43 | 109/L | 1.5–8 |
Sodium | 141 | mmol/L | 133–146 |
Potassium | 4.2 | mmol/L | 3.5–5.3 |
Urea | 9 | mmol/L | 2.5–7.8 |
Creatinine | 202 | umol/L | 59–104 |
eGFR | 25 | mL/min/1.73m2 | 60–99 |
Bilirubin | 5 | umol/L | 0–21 |
ALT | 12 | U/L | 0–60 |
ALP | 78 | U/L | 46–116 |
Albumin | 35 | g/L | 34–50 |
CRP | <2 | mg/dL | <3 |
Procalcitonin | 0.12 | ng/mL | <0.25 |
Calcium | 3.06 | mmol/L | 2.15–2.6 |
Corrected calcium | 3.15 | mmol/L | 2.2–2.62 |
Phosphate | 1.04 | mmol/L | 0.8–1.5 |
Magnesium | 0.94 | mmol/L | 0.7–1 |
TSH | 1.76 | mu/L | 0.55–4.78 |
B12 | 560 | ng/L | 211–911 |
Folate | 14.76 | ug/L | 3.38–23.9 |
Ferritin | 18 | ug/L | 22–322 |
ALP = alkaline phosphatase; ALT = alanine aminotransferase; CRP = C-reactive protein; MCV = mean corpuscular volume; RBC = red blood cell count; TSH = thyroid stimulating hormone; WBC = white blood cell count
Investigations for his hypercalcaemia revealed low parathyroid hormone 0.6 pmol/L and a toxic 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25[OH]D) concentration 881 nmol/L (normal range 25–100 nmol/L), suggesting a diagnosis of hypervitaminosis D. Other causes of hypercalcaemia such as malignancy, thyroid disease and sarcoidosis were excluded. On further questioning his daughter reported he had been taking 60,000 IU vitamin D capsules per day for the last 2 years having read a book advocating its health benefits.
Initial management
According to guidelines, he was treated with intravenous fluids followed by a single dose of 60 mg pamidronate. Steroids were considered but not used in this case following discussion with endocrinology department colleagues.
Case progression and outcome
After 1 week of supportive treatment the patient showed signs of improvement with calcium concentrations and renal function now normal. His repeat AMTS was 6/10 as cognitively he started to recover. Two weeks after admission he was back to baseline and discharged home. Weekly blood tests were arranged over the next month to ensure no rebound hypercalcaemia and all vitamin D supplements were discontinued.
Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin essential for calcium homeostasis and bone health. Vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol) and D3 (cholecalciferol) can be obtained naturally from dietary sources (eg wild mushrooms and oily fish). Vitamin D3 is also formed by UV-B mediated conversion of 7-Dehydrocholesterol in the skin.1 Due to a wide therapeutic index hypervitaminosis D is extremely rare; however, there are a small number of global case studies showing it can occur at excessively high doses of supplementation.2–5 The reported non-musculoskeletal health benefits of vitamin D supplementation,6,7 including links to sepsis severity,8 acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)9 and respiratory tract infections (RTIs)10 have seen its use increase significantly. There are also widespread claims in non-medical publications and the media that vitamin D supplementation is a ‘miracle cure’.11
The right amount of vitamin D
The Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition (SACN) and the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) state that a 25(OH)D concentration below 30 nmol/L qualifies as vitamin D deficient and there are clear links with poor musculoskeletal health.12,13 Apart from the possible prevention of RTIs,10 robust evidence linking vitamin D deficiency to non-musculoskeletal diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disease and obesity is still lacking.6,7 Autier et al suggest that low 25(OH)D concentrations may simply be a marker of ill health rather than primarily causing disease.14
Conversely, vitamin D toxicity with hypercalcaemia can cause bone demineralisation and both renal and cardiovascular toxicity.12 The third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES III) also suggested that vitamin D concentrations higher than 75 nmol/L could be associated with adverse effects, including increased mortality and incidence of cardiovascular disease.15
Based on the robust evidence for musculoskeletal outcomes alone, SACN and NICE currently recommend a vitamin D reference nutrient intake (RNI) of 400 IU daily alongside sensible sun exposure for all healthy adults in the UK to prevent vitamin D deficiency. Although there is currently no evidence for an optimal vitamin D status, NICE states that serum 25(OH)D concentrations >50 nmol/L are ‘adequate’. For vitamin D deficient adults the maximum dose for supplementation recommended by SACN should not exceed 4,000 IU/day. There are fixed loading regimes recommended by NICE, for example 50,000 IU once a week for 6 weeks (300,000 IU in total), and although these are not expected to cause adverse effects, may cause hypercalcaemia in some individuals.12,13 50,000 IU vitamin D capsules are easily purchased on the internet and one has to question whether such high doses should be available to the public without prescription.
Pharmacokinetics and clinical course of hypervitaminosis D
To appreciate the clinical course of hypervitaminosis D, it is important to understand the pharmacokinetics. The lipophilic nature of vitamin D explains its adipose tissue distribution. It has a slow turnover in the body with a half-life of approximately 2 months. Its main transport metabolite, 25(OH)D, has a half-life of 15 days while the more active metabolite, Calcitriol or 1,25(OH)2D, has a half-life of 15 hours.16–18 Therefore, depending on the level of toxicity, it can be expected that patients with hypervitaminosis D may exhibit symptoms for several weeks before showing signs of improvement.
Hypervitaminosis D treatment
The majority of symptoms are due to hypercalcaemia; therefore, the mainstay of successful treatment in case reports has included initial rehydration with intravenous fluids followed by bisphosphonate therapy. Some cases were managed using diuretics, calcitonin or glucocorticoids as second line treatment.2,3,19 We consulted Toxbase and local endocrinology expertise to guide treatment. Due to the risk of rebound hypercalcaemia and arrhythmias, we monitored biochemical parameters and ECGs regularly. Given the fact that hypervitaminosis D is so rare it is important to also consider and exclude other causes of hypercalcaemia during treatment.
Key learning points
- Hypervitaminosis D is a rare condition and can be life-threatening
- Given the increasing self-supplementation and medical prescriptions of vitamin D, consider hypervitaminosis D as a differential diagnosis in patients presenting with hypercalcaemia
- Refer to the SACN and NICE guidelines for vitamin D intake and supplementation in adults to prevent and treat vitamin D deficiency
- Important for clinicians to understand the pharmacokinetics of vitamin D to help predict the clinical course of patients with hypervitaminosis D
- The mainstay of hypervitaminosis D treatment involves the correction of hypercalcaemia with rehydration and bisphosphonate therapy.
Magnesium deficiency
I estimate that magnesium deficiency causes up to about 20% of all human disease, from heart and blood pressure disturbances to neurological problems and much more. (See the list of symptoms of magnesium deficiency at the end of this chapter.)
Estimates of how many people are magnesium deficient in industrialized countries range as high as 88%!
Why don’t doctors know this or test for this? Because the adult human body contains about 25 grams of magnesium, 60% in the bones and about 40% in the soft tissues. Only 1% is found in the blood and it is tightly regulated. Anytime you need more blood magnesium it is taken from the bones or soft tissues and the blood level remains relatively constant. If the blood magnesium gets out of whack just a little bit you will immediately know it due to fainting, dizziness, falls, panic attacks, abnormal heart rhythms, heart palpitations, large blood pressure changes, cramps, and many more-see below
Because blood magnesium is tightly controlled, there is no good or easy blood test for magnesium deficiency. So almost no doctor knows the level of magnesium in your body. There are more difficult tests like “inject and collect” which means you get a large injection of magnesium solution and then you have to collect your urine for 24 hours and see how much comes out. If nothing comes out in your urine, you are very magnesium deficient! I bet almost anyone reading this has never had this test. That is why 80%+ of us can be magnesium deficient and the doctors have no clue!
So the most practical way to determine if you are magnesium deficient is to look at the long list of symptoms and if you have one some or many of them it points towards magnesium deficiency. And many people taking a daily magnesium supplement may still be magnesium deficient as it is a very difficult deficiency to correct!
How did we all become so magnesium deficient? Through “modern” farming practices that are designed to grow big healthy looking fruits and vegetables quickly without regard to their nutritional content.
According to nutrition experts, the magnesium content of foods has been declining dramatically since preindustrial times and continues at an accelerated rate. In 2004, the Journal of the American College of Nutrition released a study which compared nutrient content of crops at that time with 1950 levels. Declines were found as high as 40%.
So, the final conclusion we can take away from all this is-
So what happens when you are magnesium deficient?
(the following is adapted and modified from an article by GreenMedInfo LLC)
Magnesium Deficiency Symptoms and Diseases
A magnesium deficiency can affect virtually every system of the body.
Early signs-
-leg cramps, foot pain, or muscle ‘twitches’
-fatigue, and weakness
-numbness, tingling,
-personality changes (Mag deficient people seem “uptight”)
-abnormal heart rhythms
-panic attacks
-heart arrhythmias
-fainting, dizziness, & falls (vertigo)
-high blood pressure / large blood pressure changes
-angina due to spasms of the coronary arteries,
-coronary spasms
Longer Term Symptoms of Magnesium Deficiency
-Type II (adult onset) diabetes
-muscle tension, muscle soreness, back aches, neck pain, tension headaches
-migraine headaches
-TMJ (jaw or joint dysfunction)
-chest tightness
-loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting,
-breathing difficulties -feeling you can’t take a deep breath.
-sighing a great deal
-depressed immune response
-urinary spasms;
-menstrual cramps;
-difficulty swallowing
-lump in the throat-especially provoked by eating sugar
-abnormal sensations, buzzes, nerve zaps and vibrations
-salt craving
-swelling of legs and ankles after sitting long periods
-carbohydrate craving and carbohydrate intolerance,
especially chocolate,
-poor digestion,
-breast tenderness
-Tinnitus (ringing in the ears).
-Hearing loss
-Heart failure
-Myocardial infarction
-Sudden cardiac death
Mental Issues Caused By Magnesium Deficeincy
-photophobia (hard to adjust to oncoming bright lights)
-loud noise sensitivity
-panic attacks
-personality changes (Mag deficient people seem “uptight”)
-hyperactivity and restlessness with constant movement
-premenstrual irritability.
-clouded thinking,
-psychotic behavior
-terrifying hallucinations of delirium tremens
-tantrums (consider increasing magnesium deficiency as a possible cause of mental changes that lead to mass shootings?)
Long Term Skeletal Consequences of Magnesium Deficiency
-Calcification of organs
-tooth decay,
-poor bone development,
-slow healing of broken bones and fractures
Extreme Consequences of Magnesium Deficiency
-mitral valve prolapse.
-cachexia (more on this shortly)
Note that not all of the symptoms need to be present to be diagnosed with a magnesium deficiency; but many often occur together. For example, people with mitral valve prolapse frequently have palpitations, arrythmias, anxiety, panic attacks and premenstrual symptoms. People with magnesium deficiency often seem to be “uptight”.
And When Blood Levels Get Too Low
(these will be important later when we examine High Dose Vitamin D3 induced magnesium deficiency symptoms!)
-Fainting, Dizziness, & Falls!
-abnormal heart rhythm
-panic attacks
-heart arrhythmias
Magnesium is needed by every cell in the body including those of the brain. It is one of the most important minerals when considering supplementation because of its vital role in hundreds of enzyme systems and functions related to reactions in cell metabolism, as well as being essential for the synthesis of proteins, for the utilization of fats and carbohydrates. Magnesium is needed not only for the production of specific detoxification enzymes but is also important for energy production related to cell detoxification. A magnesium deficiency can affect virtually every system of the body.
One of the principle reasons doctors write millions of prescriptions for tranquilizers each year is the nervousness, irritability, and jitters largely brought on by inadequate diets lacking magnesium
If the deficiency is more severe or prolonged, they may develop twitching, tremors, irregular pulse, insomnia, muscle weakness, jerkiness and leg and foot cramps.
If magnesium is severely deficient, the brain is particularly affected. Clouded thinking, confusion, disorientation, anxiety, belligerence, irritability, depression, panic attacks, tantrums, and even the terrifying hallucinations of delirium tremens are largely brought on by a lack of this nutrient and remedied when magnesium is given. (Could the increasing scourge of mass shootings plaguing the US be related to increasing rates of magnesium deficiency amongst the population? I think a great study would be to determine the magnesium content of tissue samples from mass shooters).
Charlotte S.
5.0 out of 5 stars Do not worry anymore. translated from German
4 June 2019
Format: Paperback Verified PurchaseI feel much better thanks to vitamin D, magnesium and vitamin K2. I’ve always tried to fight my dull thoughts, now they’re not there anymore. My Achilles tendon has been swollen for 2 years, is now thin again and does not swell up yet. In addition, I can move better and go upright.
Apparently, I had a very strong magnesium deficiency before taking vitamin D, because although I took in additional 300mg of magnesium citrate, the symptoms of a deficiency increased. I got a lot of muscle spasms in my back, very painful. Then I greatly increased the magnesium intake and I’m feeling really good now.
Thank you for this important and informative book, I have already recommended it.
5.0 out of 5 stars I am fit again! translated from german
June 30, 2019
Format: Paperback Verified Purchase
After years of improper diet and lack of sunlight, many symptoms came to my mind that are described in the book.None of my doctors at the time were able to interpret these symptoms and gave me their most curious diagnoses. Nothing helped and it only got worse.
The change to another family doctor then brought the turn.
He told me about the book. I should first read it myself and then judge.
At the next appointment I had the book through and discussed the result with my doctor.
A blood test confirmed a strong vitamin D deficiency.
I got a combination regimen of vitamin D and vitamin K. This brought the turn.
The following winter 2015, I had no more winter depression and have been since
fit, relaxed and not so often sick.
Note for improvement:
Establish reference to Vitamin K and introduce combination treatment.
1.0 out of 5 stars Vitamin D shock replenishment. Attention. translated from German
1st of July 2019
Format: Paperback Verified Purchase
I was prescribed a total of 760,000 to 7 days by the doctor, which meant I took 100k a day of vitamin D. On the 5th day of taking it, my circulation and my entire organism collapsed so much that I thought that was my end. In fact, I developed a massive insomnia, massive tremors as if I had Parkinson’s, muscle twitching all over and panic attacks of the worst. The chair turned yellow, the intestines went crazy. The book here talks about having too much calcium in the body. This is often a legendary untruth. Magnesium alone did not help me, no matter in what form, trasndermal, baths in MGChl, orally as citrate, malate, glycinate, oxide, gluconate, threonate. What helped me a lot to get out of this hopeless situation was: Massive quantities of animal products such as yoghurt, milk, kefir, raw cheese, steak, fish eggs and a considerable amount of Sango coral and the complete absence of indigestible raw vegetables (vegetables and fruits). No grain and sugar anymore.Jeff’s Note- all the symptoms AC describes are magnesium deficiency symptoms…….it is not easy to correct a magnesium deficiency you have to take it throughout the day for several weeks just taking a magnesium pill each day will not fix it! This read needs to read the magnesiujm Miracle by Dr Dean….see the article >>>
5.0 out of 5 stars The rescue! Absolute buy recommendation translated from German
July 14, 2019
Format: Paperback Verified Purchase
I bought this book in early February 2019, at the time I was in very bad shape, chronically exhausted, a bit depressed, and had a lot of joint pain and circulatory problems. I’m 54 years old. I felt so bad that I canceled my planned holidays in early March.
No doctor could help, the thyroid was set correctly (I have hypofunction). I was recommended to have psychotherapy …
I proceeded as recommended. D3 in 3 days, then maintenance dose. Thanks to the formulas in the book and the mirror calculator, it was no problem to determine the required dose. In April I checked my d3 value and refilled a second time to get to 70 ng / ml.
I am feeling better since February, exhaustion was already no longer an issue after 2 days. After a few days, I realized that I was mentally “solid” again. My circulatory problems and pain have become better, but it took longer. Running without hobbling, I can only do it for 2 weeks.
My husband and children also went through the same procedure, all 3 are better. No cold, all fit, my husband has no joint pain anymore. Our youngest son had a bad accident, from which he has recovered very well.
I am completely thrilled with the effect of this hormone, I wish I had known “healthy in 7 days” earlier, I would have spared me and my family a lot.
5.0 out of 5 stars Very important book! translated from german
September 19, 2019
Format: Paperback
I did not order the book “Healthy in Seven Days” from Amazon, I got it for free. The key message for me is that a healthy vitamin D3 level is the best protection against a variety of physical and mental illnesses.
If I had known about 10 years ago what I know today, I would have been spared a lot … also financially!
In 2012 I was prescribed an anxiolytic drug because of severe psychotrauma. Without this, I could not stand the strain. What I did not notice in the years of taking was that it “masked” an ever-increasing deficiency, especially at D3 and B12. Deterring the psychotropic drug was only possible after I had corrected the serious deficiencies of D3 and B12. At the same time disappeared within a few months almost all physical symptoms such as muscle weakness and pain, inflammatory psoriasis, nerve pain in the shoulder and neck area, tinnitus, frequent infections, heat sensitivity, extreme sun sensitivity, etc.
For about 1 year, the intake of dietary supplements D3, K2, B12 , C, Mg, OPC to my daily life. I’m fine with it.
Mega doses of vitamin d3 and K2 have nearly eliminated all of my pain after only 1 1/2 weeks.I know reddit tends to be skeptical and quickly disregard solutions that appear out of the ordinary, a magic bullet fix or potentially dangerous. I just wanted to share what has helped me after months of chronic pain.
Symptoms started showing up around beginning of last July. Not long before then, I recently went vegan and did my best to eat only plant based foods. At first, I figured i was missing something important like calcium from my diet so i started supplementing with that and it did not help. I later tried tumeric, ginger, and many other natural anti-inflammatory supplements with no alleviation of pain. I refused to believe there wasnt a fix for this and I was determined to find a solution. I later tried different stretches and a anti inflammatory diet but was still having the same problems.
I then stumbled onto a random study from 2012 that connected many people with costo to be vitamin d deficient. I began reading a book called the “THE MIRACULOUS RESULTS OF EXTREMELY HIGH DOSES OF THE SUNSHINE HORMONE VITAMIN D3 MY EXPERIMENT WITH HUGE DOSES OF D3 FROM 25,000 to 50,000 to 100,000 IU A Day OVER A 1 YEAR PERIOD” by Jeff Bowles. The structure of the book is pretty loose and was far from professional but everything he said made sense. Before I went vegan, I used to take large amounts of cod liver oil daily which is naturally high in vitamin d3. I also began working longer hours because of a promotion and was getting little to no exposure to sunshine. I began supplementing with 50,000ius of vitamin d3 along with a lot of vitamin k2 (very important to take with large doses of D3) and noticed my pain began alleviating after only the second day. Yesterday after only a week and half of taking this daily dosage, I was able to do pushups with no pain at all and dips with only a little pain. Previously, I could only do 2-3 pushups before my costo would flair and couldnt even attempt a dip without a lot of pain.
Knock on wood, I think I found the solution I desperately seeked.
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level 1
Octagon_Time_Machine 5 points 11 months ago
This is really awesome. Thanks for sharing!
Had you tried adding just the K2 to your regular diet first?
It might be good to narrow it down to whether either of these would have done the same thing on its own.
I would also HIGHLY recommend trying much smaller doses to see if you get the same effect.
Last thing, it would be very interesting to see if the pain came back a month or whatever after ceasing to take the k2.
level 2
django811 1 point 11 months ago
I didn’t but I would be curious if that is what helped it. I know K2 is said to be a miracle vitamin itself.
The author recommends getting your blood tested for Vitamin D levels regularly to determine what dose is keeping you at a good amount. I plan on keeping up this regiment for the next couple of months and then slowly dropping to see what works.
I also should note that costo wasn’t the only problem I was having. I was getting random aches in my joints, muscles were tight and it just felt like my body was slowly falling apart. Since starting this regiment, all of that has been mostly cured.
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Elyons83 2 points 11 months ago
Something to think about; my costochondritis was caused by having previously undiagnosed Celiac disease. With Celiac, vitamins and nutrients aren’t being normally absorbed in the stomach lining.
level 2
maaaze 2 points 11 months ago
Has the costo alleviated itself after going gluten free?
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TeenyBeans1013 2 points 7 months ago
It can be hard on your kidneys to take mega doses long term, so definitely get for levels checked and see how much you can drop the dose and still feel good. (I read the same or a similar book so looked into it and tried it for a while. It didn’t help my pain, but I’ll explain that in a sec)
Also, it’s best taken with a fatty food or meal (relatively, you don’t need, like, fried chicken every day. Avocado, peanut butter, something with umami yk) for absorption and buffering any potential stomach issues.
And op, it’s worth checking into something called Ehlers Danlos Syndrome. It’s a collagen disorder that causes the same symptoms you’ve mentioned (and others), and I have a friend who was misdiagnosed with costo/neuralgia and required morphine and vicodin for her pain until she upped her Vit D and felt much, much better. I also have it but unfortunately the Vit D didn’t help me, so it’s Vitamin P(ercocet) for me. (EDS tends to be more symptomatic and so more often diagnosed in women due to our hormones, but men can def have it. It takes an average of something like 8.5 years and up to a dozen doctors to get a correct diagnosis because it’s much more common than they’re taught in med school.).
I just bring it up because it took me and pretty much everyone I know who has it an outrageous amount of time to get diagnosed when we could have been taking preventative steps against deterioration and getting appropriate care. There are several types of EDS and some are quite serious, generally related to problems with the heart or brain due to defective collagen.
Anyhow, sorry to be so long winded, I’ll leave a link and go ?
level 1
cherbabe78 2 points 7 months ago
I just started vitamin D3/K2 myself. Previously getting large dises if vitamins D would make my pain worse at first and never fight through it. But I’m starting low and slow this time and hope to bring my levels up
level 1
cherbabe78 2 points 7 months ago
Is it safe to take a lot of K2?
level 1
BlueBombers 1 point 11 months ago
How do you take this much daily? Do you buy it in powdered form or something like that?
level 2
django811 1 point 11 months ago
I take 50,000iu of Life Extension Vitamin D3 pills and 5 pills of the Life Extension Vitamin K2. I’m sure the other brands are fine, I just simply went with the brand the author I reference used.
If you decide to try this protocol, it would be great to hear back from you and how it is working.
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level 1
hawtdumplings 1 point 11 months ago
Thanks for sharing. I went out and bought some Vitamin D3 from Costco. I haven’t had the chance to get much sun with long work hours. Hoping this works out.
level 2
django811 1 point 11 months ago
Remember to get vitamin K2 if you do high doses of vitamin d3.
Keep me updated on how it works out.
Good luck!
level 2
head_bussin 1 point 9 months ago
did it work?
level 1
Genghiskahn1981 1 point 6 months ago
The D3 helps your blood absorb calcium and the K2 puts that calcium into your bones, etc instead of in your blood vessels and kidneys. Causes Atherosclerosis and Kidney Stones, Cardiovascular disease. Oh, and make sure you take highly absorbed Magnesium supplements with your D3 or you won’t be getting much absorbed. D3, K2, and Magnesium work in unison. Make sure to get K2 as MK-7 as it has a longer half life than MK-4 and also pulls any calcium out of your vessels and into your bones
level 2
django811 1 point 6 months ago
I made the mistake of stopping magnesium while still taking d3 and k2. Noticed pains started coming back. Critical to take all 3 together.
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level 1
django811 1 point 6 months ago
Well there is still some pain in my elbow that has been an issue. I lowered my vitamin d to 10000ius now. Hopefully over time it gets better.
Hello Jeff!
I must tell you about an astonishing result I have experienced as I
started with 8000 units D3. The delivery of K2 was delayed.I have had problem with my left knee now and then since 40 years.
2 months ago I suddenly got problem with my left hip, so I had
to sit down every 500 meters to be able to walk further.
After 14 days the twoo problems disapeared. I could not get it
back, even if I tested hard. Thanks a lot! It is really great.
Today I have been to a laboratory and they took 10 blood samples,
so today I am starting my cure with 20.000 units.
Now I have a question for you. I have a relative who suffer from
CFS CE and she got the diagnosis now after 11 years. She is still able to
walk and travel. Do you think that D3, K2 and melatonin could stop
further progress of her illness?
I searched for Sarah Mayhills book “Diagnos and treatment….
It is not hypochondria but mitochondria”. She recommends
10.000 units D3 in her book for CFS ME.
When I found her book I stumbled on your book. I am now informing
my friend and family of your book. Its worth Nobel price, but it will
probably take another 30 years us usual.
Hans Collinder
August 25, 2019
The Incidental Use of High-Dose Vitamin D3 in Pancreatic Cancer
Case Presentation
Learning Points
It worked on chronic illness and shoulder painby Anzai Shin (translated from Japanese)
July 17, 2019
At the end of the volume, experience emails sent from people around the world who read this are listed. Perhaps those who are in poor physical condition can realize the effect. I also had chronic illness and shoulder pain, but I could feel the effects when I took 10000 IU of vitamin D3 and super vitamin K for 1 month a day. Even though I went to various hospitals until now, the medicine did not cure. If you go to a hospital and you don’t get better, you should try and see. And you can buy 3 months’ worth of supplements for one hospital fee. (site called iHerb)
Vericose veins
October 16, 2012 at 8:03 pm
hey Above2
I have been taken 50,000 units of D3 with K2 daily for 8 months now and have never felt better. As you noted I sleep like a baby, lost weight, have not been sick except for a urticaria skin condition when I am stressed from air travel. I think the D3 is helping that too. I am a vegan and had not been getting enough D3, K2 and Vitamin A. My blood levels are at 150. I am amazed how this has helped me. My varicose veins are almost gone, my gums no longer bleed, my skin cancers are gone. I could go on and on. I first read Jeff Bowles book on high dose Vit D3 to start me on it. I think this is the missing link to our health.
MaryTOctober 16, 2012 at 6:05 pm
I take 50,000 IUs of vitamin D3 daily . I stopped taking so much after I began experiencing joint pain which lingered after I reduced my doses. Soon afterward I read that reducing or stopping doses due to joint or muscle pain may not be necessary and may signal low magnesium. I wish I could find the link…I thought I saved it in my favorites. Well anyway, I began taking the higher doses of vitamin D and increased my magnesium intake. The pain is nearly gone with the additional magnesium. Also, you might wonder why I would take such a high dose in the first place. I began to look at issues such as my weight, dark skin tone and diabetes. I figured to keep it high for a short period of time. Then I began noticing that my spring time allergies began to dissipated greatly. I had wondered if the vitamin D3 might be the cause. I discovered that it did indeed help reduce the intensity and frequency of allergies.
For all who want to pay attention to themselves. (translated from German)
May 14, 2019
Format: Paperback Verified Purchase
Yes it works .. since August 2018 no more sick one day .. also my migraine is gone .. self test to 80,000 units for 2 weeks .. of course with increase .. Jett I’m on 8,000 a day .. and to MSM, OPC, Omega 3, calcium and magnesium and vitamin C … Also my mood is much better
Steph H
1 year agodandruff seborrheic dermatitis
Girl, your video saved my scalp and hair! I had intense burning of the scalp and thinning hair for 9 years. I also had a chronic cough, and was exhausted 24 / 7…no matter how much sleep I got!. And my acne was also way out of control. For me, It all started when I began working from home….I was already a couch potato…but working from home severely limited my sun exposure. After 2 years of working at home, I then started to have the aforementioned symptoms….Went to the dermatologist… was told I have seborrheic dermatitis just like you. And all the doc did was treat the symptoms with a topical steroid. But I wanted to know why I had it…. I wanted to find the trigger or cause. I did some research….and Found THIS video….I immediately started taking 1000 IU’s of D3 with my favorite multi vitamin every morning……I saw improvement of ALL symptoms within a week… Then I upped my dosage to 2000 IU’s a day……girl……ALL my chronic symptoms are gone after 3 months!!!! My scalp feels amazing after 9 years of pain and my hair has started to thicken back up! THANK YOU!!!!!!
Badrinath Jayakumar
1 year ago
I can attest. Vitamin d reduced SD to zero. I did not see the video before I took vitamin d. My doc asked me to take. You guys should check immediately and start taking vitamin d.
1 year ago
Wow this video helped me. I forgot that I was previously diagnosed as vitamin D deficient (twice). This week I added 7000 IU of vitamin d to my routine and the itching on my face stopped already. I feel like my face is finally healing. Thank you! I’m ordering some vitamin K2 as well.
Anthony S
2 years ago
I started taking vitamin d 3months ago to help with my training and my seb derm is literally gone. I didn’t realize what had cured it because I cleaned up my diet too. After seeing your video and then doing a bit of research I’ve come to the conclusion it’s definitely the vit d boosting my immune system and regulating my hormones. After 12years clear skin 🙂
zeynep güven
6 months ago
God bless you! After watching your video, I used vitamin D and my stubborn seborrheic dermatitis healed. I had used everything, b3,b6,e, different creams, doctors, avoiding some kind of foods. None of them is as affective as Vitamin D. Thank you soooo much!
April 10, 2019
RE-Your book “High doses” / to
Miriam To: you Details translated from german
Dear Jeff,
Miriam Filupeit
Suzanne Leonhardt Myasthenia gravisI would try what Jeff Bowles provided a link to in smaller doses, only because some people have an issue w vit d.
I would try a 5k iu dose of d3 and k2 to make sure everything is ok, then try a larger dose. My theory is that is you can
do it w no harm it is worth a try. You could even do under your regular doctor’s supervision. I swear my son has mg in remission,
this may be one of the reasons why…he gets d3 w k2 every day, for him chiropractic helped as well
I reread this 2-3 times a year
March 9, 2019
Format: Paperback
I enjoy the information from this book. I like the theories and all the research that has gone in it. I have been taking 20,000 IUs for a few months and my level is 84 ng/ml. I do not have a baseline for before. However, I have gotten no cold or flu this winter despite living in NYC and taking the subway.(QUESTIONS FOR OTHER USERS/READERS)
I am curious what level in the blood others have gotten to and when they have started seeing injury healing. I have a few chronic injuries I am trying to heal. But I am happy with my not getting a cold or flu this year.
Thanks for the research!
Stumbled upon your site while searching for information about vitamin D dysreguiation and was so impressed that I had to tell you so. You gave me a much more comprehensive insight into some of vitamin D’s ecosystem that I had never imagined might be the case.All of which prompts me to mention my vitamin D enigma that has my doctor stumped. When I retired 15 years ago as a consulting psychologist I moved from the San Francisco Bay area to the Seattle area to be close to my son. Then I got so caught up in using the computer to follow a range of interests that I seldom got out of doors — and the latitude here limits the D I could get from sunlight anyway — and I get virtually no vitamin D from my diet since I am allergic to seafood. The upshot was that as I moved into my 80’s I was confronted with a variety of physical changes that that I now think were due to severe vitamin D deficiency. Three or four teeth just crumbled over a period of a month or so, I developed adult scoliosis, and my blood pressure (always a bit high) went out of control, hitting the 190’s and low 200’s. I refused blood pressure pills since I had previously been damaged by them, and instead began taking increasing amounts of vitamin D. When I hit 15,000 a day it began to drop, and settled at the 150 to 175 range. Three months ago my vitamin D level was measured as part of a yearly physical exam, and when my doctor found that my NgL level was 92 he said that he had never seen one that high and asked me to cut my intake to 10,000 units for starters. I had tried to do that three times previously, and my blood pressure went back up the first two times and the third time my face began to swell. This fourth time didn’t work either, with my blood pressure going up after a few days of starting. I stuck it out for two weeks and then went back to the 15,000 IUs. But, as opposed to my three earlier tries, when blood pressure was back to my normal in a week, this time it took a six weeks before the blood pressure came down again. So the enigma that I have has to do with this weird relationship between my vitamin D “requirement” and my blood pressure.
Otherwise I feel better than fine. My Google research led me to a curcumin program a while back and that has brought back my original dark brown hair color, and recently I found that I now longer had to get up to go to the bathroom every night(as has been the case for years). And as of a week ago I found that my prostate is shrinking. More importantly, the AMD I have in both eyes is gradually reversing to the point where I no longer am a member of the enlarged print gang. So as far as I know everything is working fine and I don’t have a chronic anything!
Sent: Sun, Mar 10, 2019 12:52 am Parkinson’sSubject: Dear Jeff,
I (59) read your book and was amazed of how easy it all sounded. You must know I have Parkinson.
I looked for a doctor who would support me and we got started with 60.000 iE VitaminD. There was some spectacular results at the beginning:
I have brain stimulation and I suddenly could turn this to very low. But now,only 4 months into the experiment I suddenly have kidney pains on the left, I feel sick and have headaches.
I dread going to the doctors as she will only triumph over me (she is an ordinary GP, not the supportive one, he is unavailable at the moment) .
She said from the beginning, it can’t work and will certainly stop me. But I can’t! Could you give me a tipp of what I can do??? I would be most grateful!! Andrea (Germany
Hello Andrea
thanks for writing
this is very good news I was wondering how welll D3 migth work for parkinsons
you ust please tell me more…..
As far a pain in the kidney – I woudl stop taking the Vitmain D3 for a month or so……..
and stop eating calcium rich foods like milk and cheese
and take much higher doses of Vitamin K2 ……to get the calcium to move back into your bones and out of your kidney
then when your kidney feels better you can take much higher doses of Vitamin K2 and start the D3 again and avoid too much calcium
also tqake magnesium everyday and you should be fine……
it sounds like you might be developing a calcium kidney stone…..which is not very dangerous but painful to pass in your urine……
How much do you weigh??? Have you been taking Vitamin K2????
Kidney stone treatments
Small kidney stones pass spontaneously through urination and do not require treatment.
In case of larger stones, where symptoms are seen, treatment is given to alleviate the symptoms as well as to get rid of the stones.
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) or opioids: Helps to relieve pain.
Antiemetic: Injected to treat nausea (feeling of sickness) or vomiting.
Promethazine · Prochlorperazine
Alpha blockers/calcium channel blockers: Used as part of medical expulsive therapy to facilitate the passage of stones.
Tamsulosin · Nifedipine
Medical procedures: Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) · Percutaneous nephrolithotomy
Data from: Focus Medica · Consult a medical professional for advice.
Hello Jeff,
I’m shocked, stop vit.D for a whole month!!! Then I’ll have symptoms again.
The trembling has stopped completely but I am still very weak,can’t walk for long. Also have a hip problem, and hoping to get rid of it like you did.
K2, you advised in favour of it,so I took three or four with the D3. I am heavily overweighed, since having had brain surgery I gained 20 kg and am now weighing 80 kg.
Hoping to lose some by taking D3. Have you heard about the Coimbra Protocol?
It is for Parkinson patients and mainly about taking high dose of D3 every day (no mention of k2).
I’m glad you have responded,very grateful and willing to answer any question,your should have.
—–Original Message—–
From: Andrea
To: jeffbo<[email protected]>
Sent: Mon, Mar 11, 2019 12:06 pm
Subject: magnesium</[email protected]>
Hallo Jeff,
I haven’t the foggiest what time it is with you, so just hope I won’t disturb you .
You won’t believe this. My husband was so kind as to take me to the doctor this morning.(I’m scared of driving.)
A urine test was carried out and as there were no bacteria or anything there, she send me home again without
taking a blood sample (thou I asked explicitly for one) She gave me a few pain killers ,
thought it was a muscle tension and send me on my way. Ph, I was hoping for more!
Lots of vitamin k? So what -in numbers- is that ? What do you think?
You said take as many until your heart starts banging.(Sorry, my words) But as mine bangs all the time, I don’t quite know.
Magnesium deficiency… Yes, that is possible, because I get bad diarrhea (sorry, can’t even write the word) from it. I take one tablet a day!
When I look through your list, I find foot cramps, nausea, fatigue, low energy, muscle soreness, neck pain,
tension headaches, abnormal heart rhythms, insomnia, anxiety, irritability and yes belligerence, as well. And brain fog, and again brain fog.
I can’t think straight most of the time.
Oh dear, and you think this is all due to magnesium deficiency??? So, how much should I take, do you think?
I don’t think I can buy ‘the bulk powder’ here. I tried once , there was no answer to my e-mail. I suspect, you do not get it past the German customs anyway.
Best wishes,
Have already quadrupled my dose! varicose veinsDecember 3, 2018
Format: Kindle Edition Verified Purchase
From standard dose to many more. My overly veinous ankles are much improved.
I have to admit that I’m not a great tablet eater. If the doctor prescribes something to me, I only take it regularly if there is no other way. Otherwise, I often forget it. So if I’m fine, I’m also quite lax with taking vitamin D – because I feel no pain, and then it is unused in the closet. So I did not take anything for almost the whole summer and half winter and then … peng … I got my dizziness attacks again in the morning. You have to know that for years I had to deal with morning dizziness after the shower, and always thought that’s my circuit. After raising my vitamin D level from very low to high, these dizziness attacks completely disappeared. And now, after a few months without this fat-soluble vitamin, they were suddenly back … and I knew, now my Vitamin D level is down again, now I have to take something again. And then I guessed, my mirror is under 30 and have estimated it at 20. My target level is at least 60 ng / ml, so I missed 40 ng / ml in the blood. Of course, it would be better not only to appreciate the mirror, but to have it measured, but I wanted to save the 30 euros and also thought that if I dare to 10-20 ng / ml, this is not a big drama. Finally, I can also loosely from my point of view have a level of 100 ng / ml. So my conclusion was that I need to increase my vitamin D level by 40 ng / ml, and with the book by Dr. Ing. Calculated by heroes, how many tablets or Dekristol capsules that must be. At my weight, that’s 28.6 capsules.So I swallowed about 320,000 units in 4 days. And I did not notice anything. Except that my dizziness attacks disappeared after a day. I did not feel sick, I was in no pain, I did not notice anything.
Now I am sure that my mirror is back to a healthy level. This time, however, I pay more attention not to let him fall again and swallow Dekristol in between. Now the can stands open so that I can not overlook and forget it.
March 28, 2019
Eric Dickson shared his first post.
Ok have to admit I was sceptical…This week I read a article that said if you took a vitamin cocktail of 25000 mg of D3 vitamin.
it would cut back the pain of plantar fasciitis. I decided what the heck and gave it a try.
fourth day in to the cocktail I work Friday Saturday and Sunday..
each day when I get done it normally taking two canes to walk from my van to my apt….
four days in and by dam walked into the apt unassisted for the first time on the weekend in 9 months
yeah for me
orignally from rheumatoid arthritis
Hi Jeff
HI there
High Doses Of Vitamin D3 Has Nearly Cured My Acne
By aridus46, March 30, 2015 in Adult acneFor a couple of years, I have dealt with 85-90% clear skin which is huge considering where I was before. What seemed to bring on pimples though still was intense lifting (mainly affected my body only), ejaculation, and large amounts of certain foods that trigger breakouts for me. Granted, the last one is within my control but the other two are things I can’t willingly give up 😉
about 3 months ago, I got my blood work back from a check up that said I was low in vitamin d3 (I live in MN) and I noticed I felt like I was suffering from seasonal depression so I went on a mega dose regime of 50,000 IU of vitamin d3 a day and 5,000 IU of vitamin k2 (used to counterbalance the effects of large amounts of vitamin D3). Now I know after reading that you all think I’m crazy for going on such a crazy high dosage and how unsafe that is and blah blah blah… I have done a ton of research over it and the claims of vitamin D3 overdosing have been FAR exaggerated. Some studies have people taking as high as 1,000,000 IUs a day with no side effects whatsoever. I know many of you will disagree with me and that’s fine. I am not sharing this post to start a debate but to let you all know what worked for me. When I first started the high dosage, I had no intention on helping my acne. However, even though I didn’t attribute it to the vitamin d3 at the time, my acne had dramatically cleared up and for the first time in forever, I did not notice one new pimple forming, even though I was doing all 3 things that trigger breakouts for me more than ever. I at the time thought it was because I had stopped using sucralose which later proved not to be a factor.
After using all of my vitamin d3, I stopped and started breaking out again. Still, I hadn’t connected the pieces yet. A month and a half later, we went to Sanibel Island for a week where it was sunny everyday. After just a few days in the sun, all of my acne faded away and no new ones where showing (I had noticed this on vacations past but didn’t think vitamin d3 could be the cause). This caused me to ponder why these effects happened whenever I was in the sun and than I had an aha moment. When I was taking large doses of vitamin D3, my acne was nearly non existent.
I started back up again when I got home from vacation but this time taking doses of 30000 IU for D3 and 3000IU for k2. Almost immediately I noticed changes in my skin and very rarely do I have a new pimple show up now. I even feel like I can get away with being a little lazy with my eating and still be just fine. I have done a little digging online and have found a few other people who have noticed similar results with also some articles that shed some interesting theories why acne seems to be cleared from taking vitamin d3. I would encourage you all to do the same and do some digging on your own.
[email protected] 13October 10, 2012 at 6:56 pmI started taking vitamin D in 2003. I have not had a cold or flu since then. Sorry the studies didn’t work out for others but I will keep taking it.
Also had Hashimoto’s and took Armour Thyroid for several years. My temperature stayed at 96 degrees all the time I was taking it but, moved up to 98+ after taking D so I stopped taking the Armour and all Hashimoto symptoms are gone.
Many entries about “not getting colds when on D3”[email protected] October 4, 2012 at 12:56 pm
Interesting discussion. My experience is this. I started supplementing with D3 three years ago….5000IU daily from Apr – Sept; 6000IU daily Oct – Mar. This gives me stable blood levels around 65 ng/ml. I test regularly. I haven’t had a flu since I started this regimen in 2009. The number of colds I get has reduced…from 2-3 per year before 2009, to 1 per year since. Moreover the severity of the cold I get is much, much less. Very few symptoms. Usually a few days of feeling tired and listless and…that’s it. No fever, no stuffed up nose, no headache, no chest involvement, etc. I attribute these improvements to the D3 since that’s the thing I’ve changed. My wife also reports the same. Fewer colds and when they do happen not nearly as bad as before.
JBG October 4, 2012 at 12:57 pm
“What is your experience with daily doses of vitamin D and infections?”
For at least ten years running, my wife and I had severe respiratory infections every February. Details varied, but somewhere between a *really* bad cold and the flu.
Then we got the word about vitamin D, six or seven years ago. Since then, all happy Februaries, and only rare minor illness of any kind.
I use this as a challenge to people unwilling to believe that an ordinary (to them) supplement can be of powerful benefit. Do it for a winter, and see.
Dan October 4, 2012 at 5:11 pm
I don’t get flu vaccine shot since 2005. As far as colds, less severe symptoms and over more quickly and probably not as many episodes. My level has been around 50 ng/mL for over two years.
Dan October 4, 2012 at 5:13 pm
I should add I used to get a moderate chronic cough in winter in the office with others coughing. Since bumping up my D level, I no longer get the chronic cough.
Raven October 4, 2012 at 6:12 pm
My immune system isn’t as hardy as it could be due to Lyme disease (since treated with long term antibiotics and in remission). I tend to pick up viral infections. But if I feel like I have one coming on, I take 50,000 IU of D3 a day for two days plus lots of vitamin C and it never materializes.
That’s all the evidence I need.
Rebecca Oshiro October 4, 2012 at 10:39 pm
Vitamin D takes the edge off of my symptoms. If everyone around me has a cold or the flu, I just feel fatigued or slightly nauseated, not full blown symptoms.
[email protected] October 9, 2012 at 3:47 am
Four years ago, my husband and I increased our daily vitamin D3 consumption to 5000 IU. Since then, he hasn’t had a single cold and I have only had one. That’s enough evidence for me.
boston October 9, 2012 at 6:17 am
about seven years ago my hollistic MD tested all her patients for vitamin d deficiency. My results were very low. I’d had 4 bladder infections that year. She started me off with 5,000 units every other day…in three months my 25 hydroxy vitamin test did not budge. She increased me to 5,000 a day. a couple of months later my levels were 50 ng/ml…and has remained around that ever since….no flu shots, no colds or infections….However, because my weight has gone up substantially since those days, I increased the dosage to 8-10,000 units…..a day…
Because i started a program of Chinese herbal supplements with a Chinese herbalist MD, I was told not to take other supplements at all….so I slacked off somehwhat on my vitamin D….
wouldn’t you know it? I got the first cold in seven years….
I went right back to taking my vitamin D—about 9,000 units a day….
there is no doubt in my mind that the D saves me from getting sick….
[email protected] October 9, 2012 at 2:09 pm
I have been taking D3 for over five years. Prior to that, there was not one year, during the winter and spring that I never got a upper respiratory infection. My children and wife take D3 faithfully. Without question none of us get sick like we use too. With all the independent studies showing how critical the seco-steroid is for maintaining good health you would think everybody would make sure there levels were good. At the local gym people and friends thank me for educating them on this benevolent hormone. I have convinced doctors who don’t have time to read the medical journals to consider the test an important part of the patients blood work. Dr Chris Cugini an endocrinologist in Naples Fla. stated ” everyone of my patients who were severely ill had extremely low D3 levels. ” He increased there D3 levels coupled with other treatments and they improved. Everyone of his partners check there patients for D3 deficiency. I prefer my levels at 40 ng/ml or higher.
[email protected] October 9, 2012 at 3:17 pm
I began taking vitamin D about 6 years ago. I started with 1,000 iu., then worked my way up to 5,000 iu. which is my usual dose now. I do not get colds or infections of any kind. I am 65 years old and all my lab tests show a positive ANA and a leaning toward auto-immune problems. Both my mother and grandmother were diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis in their 50’s. I do not not have it and believe the vitamin D is keeping it at bay. I do, however, have osteoarthritis. It seems to me that the common cold (and other viruses) show up when the immune system grows weak due to low levels of vitamin D? I have a friend from Africa who tells me he never had a cold in his life until he moved here.
[email protected] October 9, 2012 at 7:29
Ever since I started taking vitamin D (10,000 IU / day) 4 years ago, I haven’t had a flu and only one cold. The vitamin D does not protect from viruses, but it does give our immune system what it needs to do its job. Having said that, other factors can depress the immune system too, especially stress and sugar. In my case the 1 cold was due to being less careful with my diet. Vitamin D + a healthy diet = no colds or flus (in my case).
John October 10, 2012 at 1:29 pm
In my teens and twenties I got tons of sun and never got so much as a headache, must less a cold or the flu. I continued that in my thirties with the same result. In my forties I began to avoid the sun. I started getting one cold a winter. I became a conscientious sun avoider and sunscreen user and began to get multiple colds per winter. Mine were worse than other people’s. They lasted a full two weeks and the first week was awful. I began to stay in bed the first day or two to shorten the cold from fourteen to ten days.
5k IU of D3 a day shortened my colds from 14 days to 3 or 4 and decreased the severity of symptoms by about 75%. I still went through all the usual stages of a cold, but in record time and I stopped feeling bad.
I went up to 10kIU/day in an effort to shorten those 3-4 days. At the same time I tried staying in bed on Day 1. When I realize I have a slightly stuffy nose and a little sore throat that most people wouldn’t even notice, I stay in bed. If I go to bed and stay awake there is no change. But if I stay in bed and also get a one hour or longer nap, the cold is over when I wake up! This has happened three times in the last three years and twice I did not nap and there was no change. I am well versed in the symptoms so I am not imagining I have a cold when I don’t. For twenty years the same little sniffle and slightly sore throat were the harbingers of two weeks of misery. These ARE colds that are getting knocked out in one day! I have not tried the 5k D3 with bed and nap to see if
I can produce the same results as with 10k.
I have not found that taking D3 or getting sun exposure PREVENTS infection with cold viruses. How could it? I still forget and rub my nose or put my fingers in my eyes, so the viruses still come in. But now I fight them off so well and the symptoms are so mild and short lived that most people would never notice them. That’s why I thought I was never sick in my 20s and 30s. I zapped them right away!
Reference the above study: Most of the studies I’ve read on this site that find Vitamin D does not work used something other than daily doses. In addition, I read on this site that we cannot process more than 50,000IU at a time, so the subjects getting these big monthly doses are not really using that much; in the above case, a quarter of that monthly dose. 50,000IU/30 days is only 1,667IU/day. Also, the sun produces many changes when it hits our skin only one of which is D3.
They are giving only D3, not sunshine, a fundamental error. But then, these studies are being conducted by the same people who told the world to stay out of the sun and to use sunscreen if they couldn’t, without ever investigating whether doing so might do something bad. That we see flawed studies should not be surprising.
[email protected] October 15, 2012 at 8:03 am
I agree that Vitamin D doesn’t prevent our bodies from being infected with viruses or bacterial infections.
However, from my personal experience, having adequate Vitamin D levels (for ME, around 85 ng/ml) has enhanced by body’s ability to fight off infection. On October 10th I commented here that I had a minor cold. By the afternoon of October 11th all my symptoms had faded. I was up to speed once again. I will continue with my Vitamin D supplementation. And, this winter I will experiment with NOT receiving the flu vaccination. Wish me luck!!!
May all your days be SUNNY!
Rita C. Umile
Debbie October 15, 2012 at 11:15 am
I am a recovering smoker (5 years, yay!) diagnosed with COPD in 2007. I have been taking vitamin D for around 5 years now. I have not had a serious “exacerbation” since beginning the D and I used to get “something” every 3 or 4 months. I have had a couple of minor colds and only once did I see fit to stay home and not pass my germs around work. I am a true believer when it comes to respiratory issues and Vitamin D, whether it’s a cold or flu. As soon as I feel something coming on I load up. 50,000 iu every other day for 3 days…..keeps evil at bay.
wraywhyte October 17, 2012 at 4:10 am
Hi there I normally take 5000iu’s per day. But if I get run down, and there’s the slightest hint of a cold, sore throat etc, I use 100,000 iu’s per day for 3-6 days , it’s gone within a day or two. As a consequence I haven’t had a cold etc for years. Take care Wray
SusanLinke October 5, 2013 at 7:08 pm
My son got the West Nile Virus and was severely sick. I gave him 50,000 IU of vitamin D and got it knocked out in 3 days. If any of us gets the slightest hint of a cold, we take at least 20,000 IU of vitamin D, plus magnesium and K2. My daughter took 5,000 IU while pregnant and 6,000 IU while breastfeeding, and my grandson now takes 300 IU since he is no longer breastfeeding. He is 2 years old and has never been on antibiotics. I am a dietitian and ask all of my clients what their vitamin D levels are. I’ve seen it help with chronic pain, improved immune function and so much more. Thanks Dr. Cannell, you have made such an impact in my life as well as the life of my patients.
Magic October 6, 2014 at 2:22 pm
It is sad that such reports two years ago haven’t”busted wide open” the findings to the general public. The money saving personally and by our government would be BILLIONS. And our insurance rates would go down.
I have said many times what it has done for my wife and me. We just do not get sick. And we are 80 and 78 years of age.
There are about 60,000 hits on in Germany in a month..
GREAT IDEA, JOHN!!!! Let’s all help…….
Great idea, John….
tessa_79982963100 January 13, 2017 at 11:23 am
Anytime we discover that something works for us, the medical community does these random studies – to prove otherwise, obviously Vitamin D3 is an imperative part of our diet. Not only does it help with mood balancing, moods balanced keep us healthy. these studies are probably done on people who are told not to take anything else. no one can stay entirely healthy on Vit D3 only. its stupid to think otherwise. Vit D3 is one of the best things that could happen to you relative to supplements – don’t let the medical community make you think anything else. they will keep you sick. they love being skeptics. you have to ask for test on what you lack or need rather than the doctors suggesting you take these blood test. im sure 90% of the population lacks Vitamin D – D3 in their bodies. but nobody is going to share that information with you. lets look at autism (mothers/children) – depression – and other compromised immune diseases and lets look at those Vitamin D levels in those individuals. ugh.
by EndzellaI am so glad I read this book!
24 February 2019
Format: Kindle Edition
About a month ago, something happened to my left arm, and I could not lift it up anymore, hurt it in the gym probably. 2 weeks after, i could not properly turn my head to the right either, something in my neck was very painful. I though I slept wrong way and was waiting for it to heal. Then I went skiing for three days. A snowboarder crashed into me and I had a huge bruise on my leg. For 6 days, i was having pain not only on the bruise, but my whole body was suffering. My arms, legs were in pain, i had no idea why the whole body in pain, every day I had this pain for 6 days, until I read this book, which was the day before yesterday. Got Vitamin D and K complex here on Amazon. Had it taken last evening.
Anyway, I really could not believe all this miracles. But of course I tried it straight away. So today! I am extremely HAPPY. Brings tears to my eyes. That finally I can lift my arm up, just from one night! My neck pain almost dissapeared and i can turn my head haha. My bone pain disappeared totally.. Bruise on my leg doesn’t heart. Maybe it is psychological. I dont know. All i know that i am pain free and not only that.. My energy level is so high today, i am ready to move mountains. ! and I am in such a happy mood as well 🙂 so happy, so content. I paid 0 for the book with kindle subscription, to feel the way I feel today.
The author brought me back to life. I am coming from a sunny country, here in UK 10 years now, always suffering with pains since 25 and low energy, energy was so low that I would sleep for 12 hours a day! and also, some days I could only move from bed to sofa and back. Today i feel reborn, the way i felt back home. I am amazed and i really recommend to try it.
I took 10,000 D3 and in one tablet vitamin K complex (1,000 K1, 1,000 of K2 MK4 and 250 of K2 mk7, , similar to what author does) My bones are so happy :)))
I will post the update as well! Never write reviews, but here, i just couldn’t skip it :)))
Be healthy, when health is good, the mood is good, life is good, we do good things for others! all the best.
A Tale of Two Women – Ovarian cancer
Posted on June 28, 2009In February of 2008 we got some bad news. Our friend’s daughter had cancer. This was very devastating to us because we had two daughters so we knew how much our friends were hurting. She was only 19 years old and the threat of cancer hanging over her was certainly frightening. She was a heady smart intelligent young woman who loved to spend time reading and working on her computer. She did not spend a lot of time outside and she had the loveliest white complexion that a lot of people would say was most pleasing.
We told our friends about the vitamin d thing and how it could help prevent and maybe even help the healing process. Vitamin D3, it seems works, along several pathways to help heal disease. Number one it helps at a genetic level to tell immature tumor cells that they are just that and to stop growing or cellular apoptosis. The D3 also helps the blood supply network that is feeding the tumor to stop growing from a genetic level because this is not the normal design of the body or angiogenesis. Also it raises the level of innate immunity so the body develops appropriate defensins such as cathelicidin antimicrobial peptides, phagocytes, and neutrofil granulocites that help destroy and adsorb ‘bad cells’ and ‘foreign bodies’ in the blood system. There is also an aid to T-cell regulation in this complex system of immunity. And if you are taking chemo one of the problems is thrombosis and vitamin D3 helps to control this issue as well.
It would seem that if any of this were true that you would want to get your serum level of 25(OH)D up to that of a sunny country or about 54 ng/ml to 90 ng/ml to allow the body to heal itself. However our friends, one of them a medical professional, thought that if there was anything to this understanding of vitamin D that the cancer ‘experts’ or oncologist would have long ago begin this practice of maintaining a ‘sunny country’ level of vitamin D3 in cancer patients. This seemed like a reasonable decision at the time. I just can’t imagine the advice and what type that you would get if a family member had cancer.
The treatment protocols for our friend seemed to progress well through the year and they thought that with the combination of radiation and chemo that they had the cancer under control. On the Friday before thanksgiving they decided to take their daughter back to the hospital for evaluation because she was having a lot of problems with headaches. It turns out hat she had more tumors that had come back so they decided to begin treatment again on the following Monday. Their daughter died on Saturday before they had a chance to begin treatment. We are grieving.
In February of 2008 we got some more bad news. My brother called to say that he had a girl friend that was in a serious way with cancer. It turns out that she had ovarian cancer that was discovered two years prior. She had surgery and had the tumors removed as well as her uterus. She was told at the time that the cancer had metastasized to so many places in her body that she would have only two years to live. She had a great job in New York City but decided that life should be lived to its fullest and she would come back home and take a walk on the wild side. Who could blame her for this action?
My brother said that she had internal bleeding as she was passing blood and that all of her lymph nodes were swollen all over her body and that she had other lumps. It seems that her medical insurance had expired and that she ‘had enough’ of the medical system. With not any energy left she decided to just go to bed to die. My brother wanted to help but did not know what to do. He called to ask if there was anything to this vitamin D. I told him that I did not think that it would help anyone who was this far along with developed cancer and that the best thing he could do was to call the woman’s oncologist expert that we have in our family to see if he had any suggestions and to get this woman to a doctor.
My brother decided that he would just tell her about the vitamin D and see what she wanted to do. She agreed that if it could even give her any relief that she was willing to try it. She decided to take 50,000 IU of D3 per day or 1.25 milligrams for three months. She took other supplements as well like calcium, vitamin A from fish liver oil, chelated magnesium, zinc, vitamin C, and a vitamin B complex. I told my brother that it sounded like the alphabet of nutrition. She had also read that it would help balance the body’s system to drink bicarbonate of soda every day so she did that.
In late October I got a call from the woman. She wanted to call to say thank you for helping them find out about the information on vitamin D3. She said that all of her symptoms were gone and that she had the most energy that she had in twenty five years. She was out looking for work. I asked her about the vitamin D3 and how she had taken it and she said that she took a 50,000 IU per day until the bottle was gone or 100 days (at this level of use you could expect toxicity to begin at about six months or more) and then took a 50,000 IU once per week. After she realized that she was not going to die she went to a doctor that advised her to keep taking the vitamin D3 at one 50,000IU per week as it would certainly do no harm.
I just did not know what to think at this point. Had my brother exaggerated the symptoms of her cancer? Was there some kind of spontaneous remission of the cancer? She had reunited with her mother and they had the church praying for her so maybe it was a miracle of God and whatever the path it certainly is a miracle of God. Anyway I could not wrap my mind around this. Maybe the researchers are correct but just did not know how correct they are. I understand that there are ongoing trials for the prevention of cancer with vitamin D3 but has anyone thought about trials for the treatment of cancer. Are we so tied into a system that only responds to profit that we can not just help heal people and consider their health a profit?
I checked just a couple of weeks ago and my brother said, ‘yeah she is doing just fine’. I still do not know what to think!?
If you think you have any symptoms of cancer go to a doctor! You may also want to think about using D3 to get your serum level to that of sunny country as it will not do any harm and may help you significantly. Also, please consider you diet to determine if you are getting the correct foods for essential nutrition.
The Vitamin D Council’s comment on Cancer.
” The light shines in the darkness but the darkness has not understood.” – John 1:5 NIV
You become more active and cheerful (translated from German)
February 8, 2019
Format: Paperback Verified Purchase
I did not know beforehand how underserved we are-each one-with vitamin D. After reading, I immediately started to deliver it in very high doses, which is completely safe. But you should take it together with Vit. K2, then it works better. I supplement both for about 3 weeks, I sleep better, have little back pain (which was a decades-long illness), I’m fitter, more powerful, and more positive. I recommend everyone reading as well as taking. Life becomes more enjoyable ………..
February 7, 2019
Bronchitis (Irene translated from German)
With an easily calculable formula and record of what vitamin D can do.
January 26, 2019
Format: Paperback Verified Purchase
After reading the book, I started with my own treatment. For a long time I had, as the doctor had dignostiziert had bronchitis, she prescribed me tablets, which I discontinued after the second intake, because I had the feeling they do not get me. I use the formula from the book, and was painless in 3 days, is a mystery to myself, but the vitamin D is a miracle cure for me, thank you, Mr. von Heroes, for the formula, and for her courage to write this wonderful book.
A very useful reading on a common problem (translated from German)
November 23, 2018
Format: Paperback Verified PurchaseI had the first contact with vitamin D and vitamin K about 3 years ago. At that time I was physically extremely poor, from normal symptoms such as back pain, tension to extreme blood pressure drop to 90 – 50. The doctor could be found no real cause and quickly came diagnoses such as cervical spine problems or even psychosomatic.
I then went to search for causes and ultimately found the vitamin D.
Vit D causes an increased calcium absorption in the intestine, which means that more calcium is also in the body. The Vit K then protects the vessels and promotes bone formation. Do not forget magnesium too. In case of magnesium deficiency, the calcium balance may not work properly.
Caution is advised with a longer supplement or too high a dose. Too much calcium and too little Vit K or magnesium can lead to increased deposits in the vessels and organs.
For me personally back pain and tension have completely done since I look at my Vit D mirror. Also the blood pressure has normalized.
Anyone who suffers from similar problems,
I would like to finish the review with a quote that ends the book as well.
Those who eat properly do not need medicine;
If you feed yourself wrong, no medicine will help you.
Postby dulceemira » Sun Dec 29, 2013 1:08 am
hi all,
I just wanna share my experience with d3.
I live in Europe but I discovered this treatment on internet day I saw this video , I begun to talk with pacients who are doing this protocol, on facebook or mail, I discovered the treatment, I made an appointment with the doctor. His name is Cicero Galii Coimbra, he is neurologist and lives in Brasil, Sao Paulo.
I am taking a really high dose d3 (60 000 ui d3 daily..the dose is calculated for me, in base of my situation, my disease history, my simptoms, my weight, my pth level, my tests result).To avoid hypercalciuria, I must drink daily 2.5 lts water (these higher quantity of liquids assures a urine volume around 2500 ml which allows calcium dilution eliminated in the urine and avoids excessive concentration of urinary calcium – as when calcium is diluted it does NOT get deposed in the kidney, preserving renal function), I must not eat dairy products, not take calcium supplements and not take nephrotoxic drugs. And I must avoid stress and infections.
U must understand that vitamina d is not toxic, the problem is the calcium, who must be controlled. I make more tests, but the most important is the calcium in the urine in 24 hours. If someone tells me that he took d3 and had no effect, I will tell him that he did not took the right dose, not mainteined a certain d3 level.
In 2012 I had new lesions, new simptoms, I could barely walk, I had big equilibrium problems, I felt so tired,my edds was 4.5.
I am following this treatment by more than 16 months, and I had so many improvements. Actually in july this year I was able to go alone in Brasil to my appointement, I don t have equilibrium problems anymore, I don t wake up tired anymore, I can walk without help where I want..who sees me, does not think that I have MS or any disease…I have a normal life again…
This december, on 11 december, I did my MRI. Result: no new lesions, no active lesions, so no relapses. It’s my first MRI with such a short answer. Every day I just feel better. This is my first December, since I discoverd MS, when I am not in the hospital doing 3 or 5 grams of cortisone. In general in the past I had every year 3 or 4 relapses.. This is the first time when from more than 16 months I had no relapses..I just did not knew in all this years how is not to have relapses, I just got used to those..
Posted by: Mike Hoskins | February 11, 2013 11:30 AM plantar fasciitis
That’s the worst! I actually just stressed fractured my foot 2 weeks ago, from overdoing it with running on the treadmill. I’ve been in a post-op shoe which has been quite annoying with the winter weather. It’s been so hard to cut back on my workouts when exercising has been such a big part of my life, but I know it’s necessary. I hope your foot heals quickly!Posted by: Reva Berman | February 11, 2013 11:37 AM
plantar fasciitis
I had the same thing happen to me and my aunt. You can freeze a water bottle and roll that under your foot, but also try taking a large dose of vitamin D. My doctor cant even tell me why but for both my aunt and I as soon we took vitamin D the PF went away. If i forget to take it for a week it comes back.
Legitimately works!
ByAmazon Customer on November 13, 2018
Format: Kindle Edition Verified Purchase
I am so grateful for this book. I had a ganglion cyst the size of a ping pong ball on the top of my wrist. It persisted for about a year. I had it drained twice and was thinking of surgery due to frustration. I read this book along with Dr. Leong’s book on Vitamin K2. And 5 weeks later the cyst shrunk and now is gone. This truly was my little miracle. I fluctuated with doses of 30k to 60k along with the Life Extension Vit K blend. This was the deal maker! I highly recommend – it’s a short read and practical applications.
laura ms
5.0 out of 5 stars
March 6, 2017
Format: Kindle Edition Verified Purchase
Thanks to this book I got the information about Dr. Coimbra’s Protocol, I have Múltiple Sclerosis and after 2 years of mega doses of Vitamin D3, I got better and stopped the progression of this disease. I am very grateful with Jeff T Bowles for writing this book and also grateful with Dr. Coimbra for his protocol of mega dosis of Vitamin D and other vitamins, we are thousands of people around the world who follow his protocol and got our life back. BENDITA VITAMINA D!! ☀️☀️☀️
Moo TOP 500 REVIEWER5.0 out of 5 stars
Excellent book!!! I have tested it on myself.
16 October 2015
Format: Paperback Verified Purchase
I first read the Kindle edition of this book and then decided to purchase the real book. I am currently applying the authors remedies to my health issues and will update here, if I feel it worked for me. Currently testing the superpowers of Vitamin D3 and K2. This book is not for everyone. If you feel your doctor knows everything and can treat you, no matter what, then this book is not for you. No real doctor will ever ask you to take such huge amounts of Vitamin D on a daily basis. I am currently doing this experiment on myself. If you want to join in, buy this book and lets see if it works.
There is another book called Vitamin K2 and the Calcium Paradox. Read that too before starting over.
Today it’s more than 10 months since I started following this book and almost everyday in the past months I have been taking 40,000 to 50,000 IU of Vitamin D3 and at least 500 MCG of Vitamin K2-7. Most of the issues with skin, nails are healed now. Since childhood i was D3 deficient and my bones always felt weak. Along with D3, K2-7 i take a lot of Calcium supplements and now i can see the bone being remodelled to perfection. This book is a masterpiece, one in a million.
Do not be scared to try it. The RDA for Vitamin D3 is 400 IU only. Since the last 10 months, everyday I have consumed atleast 40,000 IU. Only because i followed the book, i could help myself.
I will continue with the high doses for a few more months and then reduce it a bit. I use Solgar, Now Foods or Doctor’s Best brands of D3 and K2-7.
Most Indians are deficient in D3, because of our cooking practices. The amount of D3 in multivitamin tablets is actually of no use.
Update : 25/04/2017
I posted this review in 2015 and I thought I would update everyone about my current health condition after following the methods listed in this book. Firstly, everything the author says here about Vitamin D3 and its benefits along with K2-7 and Calcium is 100% correct. I have been doing this experiment on myself since 2015 and I can feel most of my health issues starting from digestion, bones, skin, nails, vision, hairs, alertness etc are atleast 60% better than what they were in 2015 when I had just started to follow this book.
I do take a few other supplements like Lecithin, N-acetylecysteine, Magnesium, Vitamin B12 etc., which could have added to the benefits of Vitamin D3 and K2-7. Till date I take about 40,000 to 50,000 IU of Vit D3 and 300 mcg or more of Vit K2-7 on a daily basis, of course with calcium supplements. This book will do wonders for many people, and I can assure everyone that I haven’t seen a single side effect of the large doses of D3 I consume since 2015. You just need to remember that, Vit D3 should always be consumed with a sufficient amount of Vit K2-7 as well as Calcium. If you just keep popping Vit D3 all alone, it’s not going to help and may be harm more.
Just follow the book, you will not feel like going to any doctor for the rest of your life.
NOTE: Never buy Vitamin D3 which is sold as tablets. They are inferior in quality and difficult for the body to use. The best kind of D3 are the softgels form. Easily absorbed and utilized.
Showing 2 comments
Clive McKay 6 minutes ago
Be careful taking calcium in fact maybe stop ..the only dangers of high dose d3 are too much calcium in the blood …D3 itself is completely non toxic… should get enough calcium from your diet alone……There is a chance you could get a calcium kidney stone some day…but they are actually quite rare and not dangerous just painful.But one should definitely also take magnesium every it helps d3 work and if you are low n magnesium to begin with the d3 can trigger magnesium deficiency symptoms like heart racing blood pressure changes anxiety cramps twitiches panic attacks etc etc
It heals when we get involved. translated from german
From Amazon customer on the 6th of November 2018
Format: Paperback Verified Purchase
Thanks Jeff T. Browles, for this great book. I had the courage to just try it out. 1 year ago, I’m struggling with terrible pain. My doctors told me they have to live with that. Pain in the hip and leg. Could run bad. Then there was wrist pain. As if it would not have been enough. Diagnosis was possibly Discus injury. I threatened the wrist stiffening. Appointment for surgery announced. With Vitamin 3 D, Vitamin K2, Magnesium, SOD and some other tastes. Now after 1 year improvement significantly. Since I do not take it quite consistently. There are always ups and downs. But the improvement is achieved every time. Without this book, it would have been hard to do that. I can only say thank you, thank you, thank you.
It is worth 100% to buy this book. Informative & easy to understand (translated from German) energy
From Amazon customer on October 27, 2018
Format: Kindle Edition Verified PurchaseVery well written and easy to understand, despite technical terms and biological, chemical relationships. I’ve been reading that it’s true what I’ve read in this book. I immediately bought and took vitamin D3 (capsule form). Within a week I was my worst problem (leaden day tiredness with falling asleep) going on. I am so happy that I recommend this book to my family and friends. It is worth 100% to buy this book.
Highly recommended! from German insomniaFrom Timo Rieger on the 6th of October 2018
Format: Kindle Edition Verified Purchase
Vitamin D3 saved me!
Had a nightly panic attack and subsequent anxiety several years ago. I was always tired and tired but could not sleep. That was the worst. Due to the sleep deprivation, I was always driveless and was actually only on the sofa … With constant howl attacks … My family doctor told me …. Organic everything is fine …. My complaints would be psychic nature … No one could tell me what I was missing.
My sister (trained pediatric nurse) drew my attention to vitamin D3. I first read the book “Healthy in Seven Days” by Dr. med. Raymond of Heroes. I then searched the Internet for a doctor who was a vitamin D consultant … There was a blood test done and I had a 25-OH calciferol level of 9ng / ml !!!!!! So almost nothing available! I then got high doses of vitamin 3 and taken consistently …. After only a few days !!! ….. I could sleep again !!!!! That was the biggest !!!! My mood improved and was clearly fitter again …. Then after refill therapy, the maintenance therapy continued with 40.000IE / week Dekristol but without vitamin K2 …. I did not know anything about that back then ….
Have then gradually creeping taken less and less vitamin D3 …. So often forgotten, etc. Until then I have taken over several months, nothing more ….. Not a good idea !!!!!! After the initial therapy, it had a value of 42ng / ml …. (today I know, not enough) ….
About a year ago now, I felt significantly worse again … My sister asked me about vitamin and I became aware that I did not take it anymore … Apparently the mirror is rapidly falling back …. had more depressive phases again and got strong tensions in the shoulder and neck area and strong back pain …. So gradually came all the complaints that I had just got rid of!
I bought the book by Jeff T. Bowles for my Kindle years ago …. I read it now for the second time and started to take vitamin D3 and K2 again a month ago …. So I’ve been taking it for a month now 20.000IE plus 200 ug K2 MK-7 variant …
It is getting better !!!!! My shoulder and neck pain got really bad last week … Could not turn my head without pain. Now everything is gone !!! Had also for years cardiac arrhythmia … completely disappeared !!! Crackling knee, foot and finger joints … Disappeared! Often had aching hips …. disappeared !!!! Cold feet and hands …. Now always warm !!!
And I take it again only for 4 weeks … Have more construction sites …. Now do a 1 year experiment with daily 20,000IE and accordingly K2 …. Take it to magnesium.
My mother in law has fibromyalgia ….. Did you also get to D3 and K2 … She takes it now for three weeks, like me one …. And her pain is already after …. Had currently strong leg pain and could not sleep …. Now, after only three weeks she can sleep well again and the leg pain is gone !!!!!
Let’s see what else happens !!!
I’m very grateful to have rediscovered this book and will also try to convince my wider environment.
Dipl Ing Helmut Mueller-Guttenbrunn 1 month agoThe reasoning is correct. But the book is worth reading for its content, especially the reviews.
You’re allowed to think for yourself … and the Jeff Bowles deserve the merit of trying things out. I owe it to Jeff Bowles to have been bumped into the subject. D3 and K2 have triggered a kind of “health avalanche” in my family and meanwhile many friends and acquaintances, especially concerning allergies, intolerances, intestinal disorders, psoriasis etc. A GREAT thing, if you dare to take 10.000 IE daily plus 200mg K2. That’s why this book has been fantastic. I then read Nicolai Worm next. There is really enough Lieteratur on the subject. I say: Thank you Jeff, that I got the hint from you!
I can run painless again !!! translated frm German plantar faciitisFrom Schnuppi on October 14, 2018
Format: Paperback Verified Purchase
My personal odyssey began 6 years ago at a trade fair. After three days of walking, both feet hurt as if an elephant jumped on it. Before that, it was “easy” only feet that carried me everywhere, were wet at the shower, the nails were regularly maintained and painted. They were always there and carried me everywhere without complaining
….. and suddenly everything was different !!!
In the morning after getting up everything was OK in the first months. The more I strained my feet during the day, the more they hurt … and I’m not talking about competitive sports or other extreme stress.
A few weeks later, I felt as if the fabric was tearing behind my heels at first steps in the morning. It felt so much like brittle elastane. The soles of the feet seemed to be arched inwards after getting up and only flattened again with the first steps.
Going normal was a burden, the farther the track, the more painful the soles. The next morning was – for the time being – everything good again. Every time I hoped it was over. But it came again and again and again. The doctors marathon started. Flat and splayfeet were diagnosed. I got deposits that I wore consistently for 2 years.
Hypermobility of the big toe was noted. For the sake of safety and relief of the sole pain, cortisone was tested in one heel only on a trial basis. A huge mistake, because after that it hurt a lot more at the injection point.
I got x-ray radiation, my DNA was checked for rheumatism. , a bone scintigram was created, I was twice on MRI, bone density was determined – an orthopedist prescribed – without looking at my feet – friction massages that were INCREDIBLY painful. An orthopedist and a foot specialist have attested to me that I have perfectly shaped feet. There would be no deformity that would cause the pain.
Year after year the pain got worse. Finally, so I had to hold on in the morning because the first few steps were so painful that the ankles buckled away. Likewise after prolonged sitting. Everywhere I had balls lying on which I first unrolled the soles of my feet, so that the pain was not so bad.
Go shopping became torture. First my feet hurt, then my back, my hips – after only a few hours I was flat.
For hours I desperately searched the net. I could not possibly be the only one who has such complaints. Then I came across the videos of W. Prowse. Bought his book and started massaging the trigger points on Good Friday 2017. After about 3 weeks they were all gone. Then I started to stretch and scar scars in the fascia with his scraping method. The first days burned the soles very much in the hours after. By September 2017, I have consistently continued. It helped ….
But still not the solution.
Then I read the book again from the front and came across again where vitamin D is mentioned. After finding a significant deficiency, the 2014 level has already been raised. “If the mirror is right, then the pain will go away too,” said the doc. I took 20000iU of vitamin D for 14 days. Then 1 x 20000iU every week. Until the value 48ng / ml was reached. Then the treatment was stopped. Did not work as well as the measures described above. Thus I had ticked off the first reading as an option.
In the American reviews of the book, one wrote that vitamin D was the solution to his foot problems. I happily included this information in my research again. I searched for hours in English and German. Corresponding literature read. After finding my current vitamin D value at the family doctor [storage form 25-OH vitamin D [21 €] not the active form 1,25- [OH] 2 that is absolutely unnecessary and cost a lot of money]. Afterwards, in accordance with the recommendations of Dr. med. Raimund von Helden increased my vitamin D level to 50ng / ml within 2.5 weeks with high doses of vitamin D. [I had bought a combined preparation that contained 200mg K2MK7 trans form and additionally took 400mg of magnesium. When the hands or feet started to tingle, then I also took 1000mg of calcium – but only then]. Except for the one with the calcium, this is explained in detail in the book and everything you need for it, you can buy at Amazon.
It sounds too good to be true. But it is: Within a week, the extremely bad ankle problems were gone and remained so. Today, 13 months later [stable by taking the above supplements daily], the first steps after getting up are no longer painful. After prolonged standing or walking, I still notice my feet – but much less so. It should take months or even years to cure this condition. But after 6 years partly considerable pain this thought does not scare me anymore. Every journey starts with a step … It only took 3 months until the first steps did not hurt in the morning – it was like a miracle for me. I was and am infinitely grateful
I have also found a doctor who is willing to accompany me – it is AMAZING – how little is known in conventional medicine about the healing properties of vitamin D.
If I helped a single reader – a single reader to go pain-free again – it was worth writing this report.
Infinitely grateful! Chris translated from German
June 10, 2018
Format: Paperback Verified PurchaseI am infinitely grateful. from heroes for the book and my former colleague Eugen, who recommended the book to me.
I needed about 1 hour to read the book. In the one hour Dr. Heroes explained the most important things about vitamin D3 therapy easily and understandably. At that time, I was literally a wreck and was treated by several “specialists”: family doctor, cardiologist, senior consultant for thoracic surgery, several orthopedic surgeons, ENT doctor and neurologist. Although it seemed impossible to become healthy in 7 days, I measured my vitamin D3 level. By mid-November 2017, it was 15ng / ml. My family doctor said that it would be a bit low and I could get “what” from the drugstore !!! After long back and forth, he finally prescribed me Decristol 20,000iE and I could start the therapy. In only 4 days I have 14 tablets x 20.000i. E swallowed and since then I take every day (except on beach vacation) 5000i.E. After about 6 weeks, my D3 level was 70ng / ml.
And now back to the book. In my case that was the best invested € 14.90 of my life. All health problems described in the book and I have also gone are gone and I avoid the “specialists”. I realized why the doctors do not recommend vitamin D3, on the contrary, they try at all costs to prevent the measurement and the therapy (my family doctor and many cases from my circle of acquaintances).
From the perspective of the 7-month vitamin D3 therapy I can highly recommend the book. For me it has helped with the following health problems:
– Muscle cramps – about 30 years of the doctors mainly treated with magnesium unsuccessful, on the first day and until today EASY WAY!
– Knee pain – Years of “specialists” unsuccessfully examined, without clear diagnosis, after 3 days and until today EASY WAY!
– Back pain, shoulder pain and tennis elbow – Gradual improvement until completely gone!
– Tinnitus, immediate improvement until (almost) completely gone!
– Fragile fingernails, improvement noticeable after a week, now no longer a problem!
– Nerves – from “on the verge of depression” to joy of life in 7 days !!!
– Sleep disorders – significant improvement!
– Pain in the sternum – After bypass surgery and diagnosed pseudo arthrosis, treated with ineffective Tillidin and other strong painkillers – gradually become bearable and endure painkillers until today!
– flu and cold – was spared me and my wife this winter!
– Chapped, bleeding lips (in winter) – just gone!
It did not help with the ankle pain and swelling that 5 doctors, no clear diagnosis, and lots of different medications used to do. My friend Eugene also has one thing in mind: DMSO (C2H6OS), improvement in only 4 hours, healing in one day!
I was a wreck and I am well and happy again, that’s why I do not stop to promote the book and the vitamin D3 therapy. I was able to inspire many colleagues and people from my circle of friends for the book and the method and the “fan base” is, thank God, getting bigger.
Of course you can put the knowledge together for free on the internet but “Healthy in 7 days” is the easiest, most effective and fastest way to get started, to become healthy on your own. Even healthy people should read the book to stay healthy, only they will most likely not do it and if so, will not notice any immediate changes and rate the book negatively.
Experiences Vitamin D lactose intolerance hayfever hay fever urticaria hives Epstein Barr virusHi Jeff,
I‘ve read your book about Vitamin D and I agree with you in all points!
I take 40.000 IE per day together with 4 capsules of Super K since 1 years. My urticaria is healed and I have much more energie!
Moreover my EBV (Epstein Barr Virus) is also gone, which normally cannot be healed by the academic medicine!!!
One more question: which Vitamin D do you take? Also from Lef? 3000 IE per capsule?
One tip:
I‘ve parallely made a therapie about
I‘am a chemist and everything on this biochemically-energetic level is absolutely comprehensible for me!
I made it for 1,5 years, an my inborne allergies like lactose intolerance and hay fever are healed!!!!!
It would be very glad to hear from you!
With best regards
November 27, 2018
5.0 out of 5 stars Useful in psoriasis translated from German
June 8, 2018Format: PaperbackVerified Purchase
I have psoriasis and I bought the book to take a higher dosage of D3. It helped me a lot. Thank you of heroes.
I can run painless again !!! translated from German plantar fasciitis of 6 years cured!
From Schnuppi on October 14, 2018
Format: Paperback Verified PurchaseMy personal odyssey began 6 years ago at a trade fair. After three days of walking, both feet hurt as if an elephant jumped on it. Before that, it was “easy” only feet that carried me everywhere, were wet at the shower, the nails were regularly maintained and painted. They were always there and carried me everywhere without complaining
….. and suddenly everything was different !!!
In the morning after getting up everything was OK in the first months. The more I strained my feet during the day, the more they hurt … and I’m not talking about competitive sports or other extreme stress.
A few weeks later, I felt as if the fabric was tearing behind my heels at first steps in the morning. It felt so much like brittle elastane. The soles of the feet seemed to be arched inwards after getting up and only flattened again with the first steps.
Going normal was a burden, the farther the track, the more painful the soles. The next morning was – for the time being – everything good again. Every time I hoped it was over. But it came again and again and again. The doctors marathon started. Flat and splayfeet were diagnosed. I got deposits that I wore consistently for 2 years.
Hypermobility of the big toe was noted. For the sake of safety and relief of the sole pain, cortisone was tested in one heel only on a trial basis. A huge mistake, because after that it hurt a lot more at the injection point.
I got x-ray radiation, my DNA was checked for rheumatism. , a bone scintigram was created, I was twice on MRI, bone density was determined – an orthopedist prescribed – without looking at my feet – friction massages that were INCREDIBLY painful. An orthopedist and a foot specialist have attested to me that I have perfectly shaped feet. There would be no deformity that would cause the pain.
Year after year the pain got worse. Finally, so I had to hold on in the morning because the first few steps were so painful that the ankles buckled away. Likewise after prolonged sitting. Everywhere I had balls lying on which I first unrolled the soles of my feet, so that the pain was not so bad.
Go shopping became torture. First my feet hurt, then my back, my hips – after only a few hours I was flat.
For hours I desperately searched the net. I could not possibly be the only one who has such complaints. Then I came across the videos of W. Prowse. Bought his book and started massaging the trigger points on Good Friday 2017. After about 3 weeks they were all gone. Then I started to stretch and scar scars in the fascia with his scraping method. The first days burned the soles very much in the hours after. By September 2017, I have consistently continued. It helped ….
But still not the solution.
Then I read the book again from the front and came across again where vitamin D is mentioned. After finding a significant deficiency, the 2014 level has already been raised. “If the mirror is right, then the pain will go away too,” said the doc. I took 20000iU of vitamin D for 14 days. Then 1 x 20000iU every week. Until the value 48ng / ml was reached. Then the treatment was stopped. Did not work as well as the measures described above. Thus I had ticked off the first reading as an option.
In the American reviews of the book, one wrote that vitamin D was the solution to his foot problems. I happily included this information in my research again. I searched for hours in English and German. Corresponding literature read. After finding my current vitamin D value at the family doctor [storage form 25-OH vitamin D [21 €] not the active form 1,25- [OH] 2 that is absolutely unnecessary and cost a lot of money]. Afterwards, in accordance with the recommendations of Dr. med. Raimund von Helden increased my vitamin D level to 50ng / ml within 2.5 weeks with high doses of vitamin D. [I had bought a combined preparation that contained 200mg K2MK7 trans form and additionally took 400mg of magnesium. When the hands or feet started to tingle, then I also took 1000mg of calcium – but only then]. Except for the one with the calcium, this is explained in detail in the book and everything you need for it, you can buy at Amazon.
It sounds too good to be true. But it is: Within a week, the extremely bad ankle problems were gone and remained so. Today, 13 months later [stable by taking the above supplements daily], the first steps after getting up are no longer painful. After prolonged standing or walking, I still notice my feet – but much less so. It should take months or even years to cure this condition. But after 6 years partly considerable pain this thought does not scare me anymore. Every journey starts with a step … It only took 3 months until the first steps did not hurt in the morning – it was like a miracle for me. I was and am infinitely grateful
I have also found a doctor who is willing to accompany me – it is AMAZING – how little is known in conventional medicine about the healing properties of vitamin D.
If I helped a single reader – a single reader to go pain-free again – it was worth writing this report.
Beware of overdosing
By stephen a ryan on 17 October 2018
Format: Paperback
After reading this book i thought any amount Vit D was safe. I took 120,000 IU for a few months started to get a really horrible taste in my mouth but carried on until I had severe headaches could not eat or drink lost 2 stone and was taken into hospital by ambulance. I was in for 5 days, doctor said I was very close to death and nearly died. I now take only 10,000 IU with 600mg Calcium as Vit D keeps my asthma clear. If I were to get a horrible taste I would stop but I have no problem now.
5.0 out of 5 stars
September 27, 2017
Format: Kindle EditionVerified Purchase
I was cured in 7 days of a myriad of symptoms using the method this doctor describes. I bought the book because the title so accurately described how quickly I felt better. Now I understand why taking mega-doses of Vttamin D restores your health so quickly…and where to go from here. Let me share the nightmare to hallelujah journey I’ve taken the last six months. I’ll try to be brief!1. Starting last winter I had zero energy, was depressed, just generally felt really old. That had never been me before, but that’s how I felt. I thought spring would bring a change…it didn’t.
2. Happened to get the results from the blood tests , etc. for my yearly physical prior to seeing my doctor. High blood calcium level. High red blood cell count, high A1C, osteoporosis, all relatively new problems and didn’t quite fit with living a fairly healthy lifestyle and not having weight issues.
3. Began educating myself as to what the test results meant. Rather than just going back to my PCP, I made an appointment at the closest, well-respected, internationally known hospitals. [BTW…I got an appt. quickly, didn’t need a doctor’s referral, and they accepted by AETNA Medicare insurance. The appointment and tests cost a whopping $25.] I wasn’t going to mess around. I wanted to feel better and fast!
4. My “research” pointed to hyperparathyroidism. I had all the symptoms and blood tests that suggested I could be right. BEST WEBSITE EVER: Norman Parathyroid Clinic, but it’s in Florida and I’m not, so I opted for the #1 [or #2 ] ranked hospital in Endocrinology, which was closer to me.
5. The endocrinologist suggested trying Vitamin D first. She suggested 1,000 mg. daily. My online research disagreed so I tried another doctor from the same place [NOT a good idea, but I was determined to feel better FAST!] He agreed with Doctor #1, but suggested 5,000 mg. per day.
6. I still didn’t agree…after all, what did they know!?! I contacted Norman Parathyroid Clinic. It’s an awesome place. I sent all previous blood test results. After going over the results, one of the doctors called me. [He had previously worked with Doctors #1 and #2, but had recently moved to Norman.] His opinion…I MIGHT have hyperparathyroidism, but it’s often difficult to determine for sure. I could have the surgery, but he couldn’t say for sure they’d find anything. Instead, he suggested a weekly dose of 50,000 IU of Vitamin D. I was to do this for 8 weeks. He wrote a prescription for 2 blood tests….one after four weeks and one after eight weeks. This was the best route to determine whether it was a problem with my parathyroid or a Vitamin D issue.
7. I agreed. After all, if the doctor who specialized in parathyroid surgery suggested Vitamin D…I figured it was worth taking the time! Besides, he was suggesting the mega-dose. Within a week of my first dose, I felt much better. Within 2 weeks, I felt 20 years younger…full of energy, no back aches or achy bones, a lot more strength, not depressed or feeling blah. I was back!!!!
8. The problem was….I didn’t know why I felt so good. I had read tons of info about Vitamin D, but nothing came out and stated what the symptoms really felt like or gave any case histories or explained why I felt so badly when my Vitamin D level was only a smidge under normal [normal >30. Mine was 28.7]
BOTTOM LINE…This book explains everything! It’s not surprising that it comes from a European doctor. In the US, not much research has been done regarding either the parathyroid or Vitamin D. And my understanding is that not much is taught in med school, either. WHY? Neither condition brings in big bucks for the pharmaceutical companies. Hyperparathyroidism resolves after the bad parathyroid is removed. It’s not cured by a “magic” pill. Vitamin D is cheap to money there, either. HOWEVER, treating the symptoms of both requires dozens of prescriptions…meds needed for depression, back aches, bone aches, high cholesterol, high A1C, difficulty sleeping. Seriously, the list goes on and on.
Seriously…I truly felt like a new person in 7 days. AND…my A1C is back to normal. I’m happy, energetic, and don’t need the chiropractor anymore.
This book has been the only resource I have found that really lays out the information I needed about Vitamin D.
The Parathyroid doctor will be calling within the next day or 2 and I bet he’s going to confirm that it was a Vitamin D issue and not my parathyroid.
Sooo…if you have been feeling like something the cat dragged in…read this book and make an appointment with your doctor. You’ll be armed with a much better understanding of the effects of Vitamin D on your body. In fact, you might even know more than your doctor. Don’t blame the doctor, though…the US is just lagging in research and the reports are conflicting and confusing.
Highly recommended! (TRANSLATED FROM GERMAN)
From Timo Rieger on the 6th of October 2018
Format: Kindle Edition Verified PurchaseVitamin D3 saved me!
Had a nightly panic attack and subsequent anxiety several years ago. I was always tired and tired but could not sleep. That was the worst. Due to the sleep deprivation, I was always driveless and was actually only on the sofa … With constant howl attacks … My family doctor told me …. Organic everything is fine …. My complaints would be psychic nature … No one could tell me what I was missing.
My sister (trained pediatric nurse) drew my attention to vitamin D3. I first read the book “Healthy in Seven Days” by Dr. med. Raymond of Heroes. I then searched the Internet for a doctor who was a vitamin D consultant … There was a blood test done and I had a 25-OH calciferol level of 9ng / ml !!!!!! So almost nothing available! I then got high doses of vitamin 3 and taken consistently …. After only a few days !!! ….. I could sleep again !!!!! That was the biggest !!!! My mood improved and was clearly fitter again …. Then after refill therapy, the maintenance therapy continued with 40.000IE / week Dekristol but without vitamin K2 …. I did not know anything about that back then ….
Have then gradually creeping taken less and less vitamin D3 …. So often forgotten, etc. Until then I have taken over several months, nothing more ….. Not a good idea !!!!!! After the initial therapy, it had a value of 42ng / ml …. (today I know, not enough) ….
About a year ago now, I felt significantly worse again … My sister asked me about vitamin and I became aware that I did not take it anymore … Apparently the mirror is rapidly falling back …. had more depressive phases again and got strong tensions in the shoulder and neck area and strong back pain …. So gradually came all the complaints that I had just got rid of!
I bought the book by Jeff T. Bowles for my Kindle years ago …. I read it now for the second time and started to take vitamin D3 and K2 again a month ago …. So I’ve been taking it for a month now 20.000IE plus 200 ug K2 MK-7 variant …
It is getting better !!!!! My shoulder and neck pain got really bad last week … Could not turn my head without pain. Now everything is gone !!! Had also for years cardiac arrhythmia … completely disappeared !!! Crackling knee, foot and finger joints … Disappeared! Often had aching hips …. disappeared !!!! Cold feet and hands …. Now always warm !!!
And I take it again only for 4 weeks … Have more construction sites …. Now do a 1 year experiment with daily 20,000IE and accordingly K2 …. Take it to magnesium.
My mother in law has fibromyalgia ….. Did you also get to D3 and K2 … She takes it now for three weeks, like me one …. And her pain is already after …. Had currently strong leg pain and could not sleep …. Now, after only three weeks she can sleep well again and the leg pain is gone !!!!!
Let’s see what else happens !!!
I’m very grateful to have rediscovered this book and will also try to convince my wider environment.
October 10, 2018
Just reread your “Amazing effects etc” book again. Highlighted a lot this time around, and enjoyed it so much. Am still telling everyone about it.
You advised me in Sept 2017 to stop taking the D3 for three months, (which my GP who had FREAKED demanded). I did so, but I carried on taking a smaller dose of the K2.
Thanks so much,
Hello Sita
- Stones (kidney or biliary) (see calculus)
- Bones (bone pain)
- Groans (abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting)
- Thrones (polyuria) resulting in dehydration due to nephrogenic diabetes insipidus from nephrocalcinosi
s - Psychiatric overtones (Depression 30–40%, anxiety, cognitive dysfunction, insomnia, coma)
Dear Jeff.I am a 67-year-old woman and have been taking up to 50,000 IU of D3 since March this year and the corns on both my feet have shrunk dramatically. I can buy fashionable shoes again, they fit me now!!! My hip joint, which had been partially out of joint for 18 months, caused much pain and practically reduced me to a hermit because I could hardly walk, due to the pain. The medical practitioners whom I consulted told me the I had bursitis and offered me cortisone injections for the pain.
I refused, as I see no point in treating symptoms. After 18 months my back was fully in a spasm and a medical insurance I had just joined allowed me to have 9 physio treatments. After 6 visits, I asked her to check my hip joint because it felt as if it was not in the socket properly. She was skeptical but checked it out and manipulated it back into joint. Instant relief in that I could lift the leg again but different pain, where the edge of the pelvic bone had worn a groove in the head of the thigh bone!
The D3 treatment has done wonders for this situation too. My problem is that I have difficulty finding K2 that is not full of fillers. I have a bad reaction to the magnesium silicate, magnesium stearate, and microcrystalline cellulose. Do you know of anybody who lives in Pretoria South Africa who knows where I can get a pure form of K2?
Thank you for sharing your research with us. It has given me back a good quality of life again!
Yours thankfully,
I’ve taken Vitamin D3 for just over 4 years. Started with less than 1ooo IU a day and as I read more about D3 I’ve gradually upped the dose to 5,000 but just recently went to 10,000 IU a day. Is this enough, I have no idea?
During this time I have had just 1 cough but it was very nasty. I have had no other colds, coughs, sore throats or flu since starting on D3.
How much is recommended for the average person or in my case a retired senior? I also take the juice of 1 small lime, with water, every morning, year-round.Hello Don
Thanks for commenting. If you consider that a man sitting in the summer sun for 1/2 hour in a swimsuit can produce about 20,000 IU of d3.
Then you can understand that what the doctors tell you is a high dose is actually quite low. I think every adult should take at least 10,000 a day.
Another tip comes from Dr. Cannell of the Vitamin D council. He suggests at the first sign of a cold, one should take 50,000 IU of d3 per day for 3 days to knock it out quickly. My father and I once felt a cold coming on while traveling. It was just a hint of a cough but you could tell that it was just about to get into your head and get much worse. We both popped 50,000 a day for 3 days and boom! it never caught us. and he was in his 80’s at the time.
Hello Jeff, BunionsThank you for your prompt reply. It is problematic to import vitamins and related items into South Africa because Big Pharma calls the shots here to loudly and often.
That’s why I am hoping to find somebody local if possible. In my first email I mentioned that my corns had shrunk but its actually the bunions on my feet that have all but shrunk away!! Medically supposedly impossible!! My daughter and I are living proof.
I am going to check ebay right now.
Thank you,
July 21, 2018
Brian February 20, 2017 at 10:47 pmI am an autistic adult who was not diagnosed until I was 28. I am now 32. I started taking 15,000 IU of D3 8 months ago and it has almost totally normalized my behavior. I must take 15,000 IU. Anything less, and my ability to socialize drops off a cliff.
Also, I can only tolerate small amounts of vitamin A. Up to 2,000 IU but no more. And I cannot tolerate ANY vitamin K2. I tried taking 15mg of K2 on the recommendation of Thomas Levy but I had severe side effects from this. Severe back pain, nausea, and I couldn’t stand for long periods.
Also, I feel much better when I combine the high vitamin D with high levels of calcium. I get about 2500mg of calcium by drinking lots of milk. I can only take small amounts of magnesium before I start getting similar symptoms to the ones I get with vitamin K2.
I suspect you are correct about the ratio of the two forms vitamin D. I also think autistic people may have a greater need for calcium for several reasons. One being a greater endogenous production of oxalates. It could also be that we need more calcium in the diet because we have a more difficult time absorbing it.
kim May 7, 2015 at 2:16 amAmazing how underestimated the power of D is. I can attest to the benefit of it. I recently added VitD supplementation back in January. I had the flu or a very bad cold 7 times in the course of 13 months, no lie, no exaggeration, SEVEN TIMES! Not just cough and sniffles, but knock down, dick-your-butt flu-like symptoms. It would drain me and take a few weeks to feel ‘normal again’ only to come down with another one not far after. I was able to keep working through all of this since I do medical transcription from home. But it was very frustrating especially since I eat clean, excercise and had added a lot of Vit C. It was also concerning because in my mind I was thinking ‘what on earth is WRONG with me? Am I dying? Was I exposed to black mold or WHAT? lol. Well I was researching online about supplements and hit an article about D which mentioned it is actually a type of hormone that helps regulate immunity. Then it finally dawned on me that my being a night shift/3rd shift worker could be a culprit. In retrospect, this whole flu-cold cycle had started right around the time I began this night job. Since I sleep during the day and rarely get outside in the sun (my friends jokingly call me a ‘vampyre’ lol) So I added 2000 units of D back in December. It is not May, no flu or cold yet! I would never had guessed a simple addition of D would make such a big difference in my life. Sometimes the solution to a problem or ailment is not as far off and complicated as we tend to think! Blessings to all!
Sandra Carney April 22, 2014 at 2:16 pm
I have been supplementing with Vitamin D3 at 13000 IU/day for 2 years. I have Psoriatic Arthritis. I have been through Plaquenil, Methotrexate, Remicaide, Enbrel. Am now on Stelara. They work for awhile and then quit working. However, the high-dose vitamin D is what keeps the autoimmune consistently under control. One problem: my last check, I was at 183 on my level. I *do* take vitamin k and magnesium glycinate. Every time I try to dial back say to 10000 IU/day, the autoimmune comes roaring back. Are there other dietary supplements or foods that could promote absorption of vitamin D so I don’t need so much. I follow Dr. Furhman’s diet.
Sandra Carney
Hanne TP July 26, 2013 at 7:54 amI have taken 20,000 IU of D3 daily for years. In addition I also apply the oily capsules directly on my skin. It has cured me of arthritis, psoriasis and rejuvenated breast tissue (still undergoing 6 monthly scans after breast cancer 9 years ago) My doctor is baffled. I now have breast tissue of a 20 year old (am 48). He has never seen MRI scans like it. I also don’t get sunburned anymore. My dad (68) also takes the same amount of D3. He started applying on his head as he had dry skin. His hair has started to grow back (not seen for the last 40 years). He also sprouts black hairs on his arms. We now take photos of his head and measure the shrinking bald patch. We have not experienced any bad side effects, rather it has been life changing for me. It takes three weeks for the D3 dose to be halved in the body. If you feel unwell simply stop taking them.
July 12, 2018
How I cured myself of Nasal PolypsNow, for those of you who have nasal polyps know what it’s like waking up every day of your life with a cloudy head, stuffed nose and dry mouth. It does not get any better as the day goes on. Life is not pleasant, but somehow we battle through day after day.
That was my life for 15 years and then it changed.
Prior to my first job, I was definitely an outdoors person, always out playing football, very rarely home.
The world before computer games or the introduction of the internet in our lives. Nevertheless, life was good and my health was brilliant.
The new job brought with it long hours indoors, something strange to my way of life. Well, I just got on with it and was determined to succeed.
In fact I excelled and within two years had completed my graduate programme and taken on a management role. Life was going well.
Then, two years in to my job I noticed a couple of things happening.
Firstly, I started to develop tightness in the chest when breathing and one side of my sinus seemed obstructed.
Like a typical person I went off to the doctors.
After describing my symptoms to the doctor he diagnosed me has having Asthma and prescribed me my first inhaler.
For my sinus I was referred to ENT – yes, the long waiting list now had my name on it.
After a long wait I was seen by an ENT specialist – he said my nasal bone had moved to one side and that I needed it straightened.
So I agreed and after another long wait I was operated on. Within a day I was home and after a week was feeling better.
Obstruction cleared and life continued, but now with only my Asthma to deal with.
A couple of years after my sinus operation I started to experience blockage in the sinus.
At first I noticed my nose would drip. It was rather embarrassing and then I started to become self conscious.
Off to the doctors I went and I was informed I had what you call a nasal polyp.
Oh, a polyp, that should be easily dealt with, right? right? Err.
“No. Sorry, there is no known cure for this, but you can have it surgically removed if it causes problems”…said the doctor.
Before taking such drastic action I was advised to stake steroid sprays. Yes, not just one, I went through all of them one by one.
No luck. In fact the condition got worse, along with my Asthma. Now I was really feeling it. On the waiting list I went to have these nasty things removed.
A year later I had my operation. It seemed very simple enough and I was home the next day.
Within a week the blood and swelling had cleared and I could BREATH from my nose!! I felt FANTASTIC.
I had long forgotten how that felt. There was however one problem. My lost sense of smell had not returned.
That really took away the great feeling.
Within a year, my nasal polyps had returned. I began to get really frustrated.Along with my worsening asthma I started to lose my temper more easily.
Not only this, the guilt I felt after losing my temper was really getting me down. It was so against my nature that I found it hard to deal with.
What was I to do? Again I went on the waiting list for a 2nd time to remove the nasal polyps. As before, it all went well.
My sense of smell still did not return. Worse was to come. My polyps returned within 2 months.
Depression was setting in. Work was extremely stressful and busy. It was not getting any better.
At this point I took time out to reflect on what to do. The words of my ENT consultant were still ringing in my ears “see you in 2 years time”!
There had to be a better way. By now we had the internet. I had access and I started to research this further.
As is now familiar to all of you in my position, the web is awash with all sorts of claims and cures.
I was willing to try anything. It’s surprising how quickly you can reach that
From when the condition started it has been a journey of 15 years, 3 operations,
2 CT scans and countless number of sinus sprays. After all this time I’ve had the longest period of relief ever!
I find myself clear of nasal polyps and have been clear for 2 months already. So what happened?
I started to research Vitamin D and found that it controlled the immune response to inflammation.
It started to make sense. Asthma was an inflammation response. The immune was unable to operate efficiently without Vitamin D.
For someone born in Pakistan and raised in the UK from the age of 2, my DNA was expecting there to be sun.
I must of managed to get through in life as I was always an outdoors person until I started working.
I was dedicated to my career and definitely did not get enough sun. The deficiency must have got worse.
Was I kidding myself? This sounded too simple. Luckily for me my ENT appointment arrived.
I put to my consultant my theory and my experience in Pakistan. I asked him if there had been any study of Vitamin D deficiency and sinus issues.
He said there was nothing he had read. I left disappointed, but still very optimistic.
On the waiting list I went for my 4th operation which I knew would be a year away, so better get on the list now.
I returned home determined to try out my theory. The very next day I went to Holland and Barrets and bought myself Vitamin D3 – the sunshine Vitamin.
I started taking it the same day. Nothing happened for a week.
Then I noticed I had a sore throat and a mild cough started.
After about 2 weeks my cough became more productive and I started coughing up white mucus on a regular basis.
After about 3 weeks the cough was becoming very sensitive and difficult to control.
I was unable to sleep and at times the cough would be violent, requiring increasing force to clear mucus which was stickier and more difficult to dislodge.
After 4 weeks I could not take the cough any longer. I could barely speak. My inhaler intake was at its highest for 2 years and I was in need of relief.
I went to see my doctor who prescribed me a short course of Prednislone.
I hate Prednisolone, but I realised it was a necessary evil. So instead of taking it for a week,
I took just enough to bring the cough under control. In the end I needed 3 days worth.
Throughout this period I continued with my Vitamin D3. After 4 weeks I noticed my sinus started to open up
. I put this down to the Prednisolone. It is known to shrink nasal polyps but is not something you want to take long-term because of the side-effects.
After 6 weeks I was sure the Prednisolone was no longer active, but my polyps continued to shrink and after 7 weeks both sinuses were totally clear!
The best was yet to come. After 8 weeks my SENSE OF SMELL RETURNED after 15 years! Understandably,
I was in tears and very emotional. I was so grateful for this change in my health.
My Asthma was non-existent and my nasal polyps had been cured. It’s been over 2 months now and every day I feel even better.
I will occasionally wake up and clear my sinus and notice blood. I guess the deeper polyps are breaking and clearing. Only time will tell how long this will last.
After all this, it was the Vitamin D3, something that is easy to purchase and relatively cheap.
I realise there is no substitute for the real thing and I now always step outside and sit in the sun for 15mins to make sure I get my daily dose.
On cloudy days I take my Vitamin D3.
If you plan to try this, it maybe worth asking your doctor for a test to establish your current level of Vitamin D.
I took one pill of 400iu per day first and then moved up to 800iu for a few weeks.
I plan to get my levels checked, but to be honest I could not be bothered to waste anymore time.
InterestingBy A. C. White on 30 June 2018
Format: Kindle Edition
It’s an interesting read but to much repeating of his findings I take 1,000 idu and will double it to see if there is a difference , I do have it tested regularly as I have thyroid problems and its 86% so when I read it helped with the thyroid and eye sight surprised me so I will increase my vit d more.
June 26, 2018
By Kristen M. Cosentino on June 24, 2018
Format: Paperback|Verified Purchase
Everyone should read this book. Everyone. I’ve been taking super doses of vitamin D3 for two months now, and the change in health and energy levels is incredible. My hormones have been out of whack for YEARS, and I already feel like I’m stabilized. I could feel the difference immediately- the very first week. My sugar cravings are gone, my menstrual cycle is a breeze, mood is fantastic, sleep is deep and restorative, but I need less than before, depression is gone, old back injury is cracking and popping into place with NO PAIN, thoughts are clear, nails are growing for the first time in my life… this book was the answer for me. I even bought the book and SOLGAR D3 & K2 for my mom to take. She’s struggled with depression for years. She told me the first day she started feeling better.And just a note: the “toxicity” claims are just plain bunk. My SOLGAR D3 is 10,000IU, and last week I was at a conference and very very busy & for some reason I thought it was only 1,000 IU. So accidentally, for 7+ days, I took over 150,000IU PER DAY. I did end up getting a little twinge in the kidney area so I stopped completely. Will take a little break before resuming 50,000 IU/day. Guess what, though? I’m alive. My body let me know what was going on and all is well. The fear-based demonizing of vitamins just has to stop! We can cure much of our disease through education, detoxification, and nutrition.
Buying this book a third time for another friend. Thank you for your dedication, Jeff. It really paid off. Blessings to you and your mission.
June 21, 2018
I needed about 1 hour to read the book. In the one hour Dr. Heroes explained the most important things about vitamin D3 therapy easily and understandably. At that time, I was literally a wreck and was treated by several “specialists”: family doctor, cardiologist, senior consultant for thoracic surgery, several orthopedic surgeons, ENT doctor and neurologist. Although it seemed impossible to become healthy in 7 days, I measured my vitamin D3 level. By mid-November 2017, it was 15ng / ml. My family doctor said that it would be a bit low and I could get “what” from the drugstore !!! After long back and forth, he finally prescribed me Decristol 20,000iE and I could start the therapy. In only 4 days I have 14 tablets x 20.000i. E swallowed and since then I take every day (except on beach vacation) 5000i.E. After about 6 weeks, my D3 level was 70ng / ml.
And now back to the book. In my case that was the best invested € 14.90 of my life. All health problems described in the book and I have also gone are gone and I avoid the “specialists”. I realized why the doctors do not recommend vitamin D3, on the contrary, they try at all costs to prevent the measurement and the therapy (my family doctor and many cases from my circle of acquaintances).
From the perspective of the 7-month vitamin D3 therapy I can highly recommend the book. For me it has helped with the following health problems:
– Muscle cramps – about 30 years of the doctors mainly treated with magnesium unsuccessful, on the first day and until today EASY WAY!
– Knee pain – Years of “specialists” unsuccessfully examined, without clear diagnosis, after 3 days and until today EASY WAY!
– Back pain, shoulder pain and tennis elbow – Gradual improvement until completely gone!
– Tinnitus, immediate improvement until (almost) completely gone!
– Fragile fingernails, improvement noticeable after a week, now no longer a problem!
– Nerves – from “on the verge of depression” of life in 7 days !!!
– Sleep disorders – significant improvement!
– Pain in the sternum – After bypass surgery and diagnosed pseudo arthrosis, treated with ineffective Tillidin and other strong painkillers – gradually become bearable and endure painkillers until today!
– flu and cold – was spared me and my wife this winter!
– Chapped, bleeding lips (in winter) – just gone!
It did not help with the ankle pain and swelling that 5 doctors, no clear diagnosis, and lots of different medications used to do. My friend Eugene also has one thing in mind: DMSO (C2H6OS), improvement in only 4 hours, healing in one day!
I was a wreck and I am well and happy again, that’s why I do not stop to promote the book and the vitamin D3 therapy. I was able to inspire many colleagues and people from my circle of friends for the book and the method and the “fan base” is, thank God, getting bigger.
Of course you can put the knowledge together for free on the internet but “Healthy in 7 days” is the easiest, most effective and fastest way to get started, to become healthy on your own. Even healthy people should read the book to stay healthy, only they will most likely not do it and if so, will not notice any immediate changes and rate the book negatively.
June 21, 2018
Sent: Tuesday, March 19, 2013 3:08 PM
Subject: vitamin D
June 21, 2018
Top (translated from german)
From Gaby on June 7, 2018
Format: Kindle Edition | Verified Purchase
Wow, just do your own high-dose vitamin d3 trial after reading this book because no doctor could help me. What can I say … after two weeks, my allergic asthma is at least half less, irritable bowel lax, food allergies as good as gone. Hope now after prolonged ingestion that the pollen allergy disappears 🙂 read and try!
Seems to have dangerous effects
From Amazon customer on the 5th of June 2018
Format: Paperback
Since taking high doses of D3 and K2, I’ve been suffering from pain throughout the body and muscle cramps (almost a year). So far, no doctor knows what I have, blood was examined, rheumatism, etc. … Waiting for an appointment with an endocrinologist.
I can’t thank Dr. Hahn enough
14 December 2013 – Published on
Verified Purchase
I developed asthma as an adult. My life was miserable. I wheezed 24/7. I could never get a full breath. And my coughing fits were debilitating. Of course, I was on every drug available, but even the steroids did not prevent me from using the rescue inhaler every 4 hours-but wanting it more! I was at a point where I just wanted to give up. Then I started surfing the internet for anything that might help. Finally I found Dr. Hahn’s protocol, but neither my Pulmonologist or primary doctor felt comfortable trying his plan. My kind pulmonologist even said ,”I’m sorry, but you know I have been brainwashed in school that what I am doing is the best way to help you”. I got an appointment with Dr. Hahn. He was wonderful. I started his protocol and within 2 weeks I had totally eliminated my rescue inhaler! I hung on to the steroid inhaler for a little over a month. My life was given back to me! I have had a few ups and downs and had to repeat his protocol, but I am now totally asthma free! Dr. Hahn gave my life back to me! I can breathe!!!! This book could be your lifesaver, too!
A Cure for Asthma?: What Your Doctor Isn’t Telling You–and Why by [Hahn MD MS, David L.]
Useful in psoriasis (translated from German)I have psoriasis and I bought the book to take a higher dosage of D3. It helped me a lot.
Thank you of heroes.
Published by Christa S.
May 17, 2018
May 16, 2018
Psoriasis is a long-lasting autoimmune disease which is characterized by patches of abnormal skin.
These skin patches are typically red, itchy, and scaly. They may vary in severity from small and localized to complete body coverage.T
Re: Psoriasis Testimonials (Coimbra Protocol)
Nadir Testimonial
Left Elbow
Right Hand
Right Leg
In 2008, after a stress crisis. Nadir Tereza developed severe skin lesions. She underwent a skin biopsy and received the diagnosis of Psoriasis.
Since then she was attended by dermatologists.
She used virtually all conventional medicines without success: Advantan, Psorex, Therapsor, Celestone soluspan, Gamaline, Methotrexate, Venlafaxine, Bupropion, Methylphenidate etc. ..
Recently she spoke with Dr. Ghizzi, a renowned plastic surgeon that referred to us. She suspended all conventional medicines and began treatment with the Protocol of vitamin D powered by a gluten-free diet.
Her clinical evolution was excellent. In a short time, the lesions have improved 90%. Still, haven’t improved 100% because the patient has made some diet transgressions.
The Protocol of vitamin D also reversed the depression, hypertension, and hypercholesterolemia.
Re: Psoriasis Testimonials (Coimbra Protocol)
Two male patients with psoriasis before (A and C) and after (B and D), six months of treatment with vitamin D (35,000 IU per day).
Re: Psoriasis Testimonials (Coimbra Protocol)
Arlete Testimonial

16 years ago Ms. Arlete began presenting dermatological lesions that itched terribly. She has consulted various dermatologists and received the diagnosis of Psoriasis.
During all those years she used many conventional medicines without success.
Recently the skin lesions have worsened and she began to feel sharp pains and received a new diagnosis: psoriatic arthritis.
Her doctor has prescribed methotrexate, but the patient was afraid of the side effects of the drug and decided not to take it.
Shortly after she became aware of the treatment with vitamin D. We have started the Coimbra Protocol, and we’ve eliminated all the gluten of her diet and suspended all the conventional medicines.
The result was spectacular. In a few days, the itching that bothered were decreasing and a few months after all the dermatological lesions had disappeared. In addition, her blood pressure and constipation have been normalized.
Her testimony can help many doctors and patients make the best therapeutic option for psoriasis and other immune diseases.
Re: Psoriasis Testimonials (Coimbra Protocol)
Leila Testimonial
Leila has just posted in one of the Brazilian groups.
Note: she post only the before and after photos without any description
AFTER 3 months
AFTER 5 months
Re: Psoriasis Testimonials (Coimbra Protocol)
German Patient Testimonial
The patient is a young woman from Germany being treated for psoriasis.
She started the Coimbra Protocol 3 months ago.
The top picture on the right is from the beginning of treatment, just below is a picture taken after a few weeks of treatment, and on the left, the picture taken now, after 3 months on high doses of vitamin D.
Re: Psoriasis Testimonials (Coimbra Protocol)
Italian Patient Testimonial
Thank you to Dr. Massimo Vincenti, from Italy, for sharing these pictures of one of his patients with psoriasis, before and after 3 months of treatment with the Coimbra Protocol.
(3 months)
Italian Patient 02 Testimonial
A patient of Dr. Massimo Vincenti, from Italy, who has been treating himself exclusively with the Coimbra Protocol, for psoriasis.
The pictures are from -respectively – Before treatment, 4 months of treatment, and 12 months of treatment.
BEFORE | 4m | 12m
May 16, 2018
By Mr Mr on May 14, 2018
Format: Paperback | Verified PurchaseThis book is written in a very amateur and unprofessional style.
However, you’ll notice I gave the book five stars! I believe in the wisdom of crowds. 750+ reviews, the majority positive, combined with the fact that vitamin D supplements have thousands of positive reviews on Amazon led me to wonder if there was some merits in his approach.
I’ve been in 50,000 IU per day of D for around 3 weeks now, and to deliberately use a well trodden cliche – I’m a new man.
I’ve had ankle and feet pains for years. They are down to about 20% of what they were. I felt the pain Jeff describes of my old injuries coming back with a vengeance, which then faded to leave my feet feeling properly repair.
My double elbow and wrist tendinitis is largely gone. I was swinging my 3 year old around in the air and bench pressing her yesterday (yeah 3 year olds are crazy). Previously I’d be in a lot of pain the next day, but I feel amazing.
My bowel issues seem to be rapidly clearing. Not to be too gross, but my hemorrhoids have almost vanished.
My dandruff has cleared up.
Thanks for the idea, Jeff! Now f you could just spend a hundred bucks on a copy editor, your message would be heard so much louder.
From TTobi on May 8, 2018
Format: Paperback | Verified Purchase
About 3 years ago, I became aware of the topic “Vitamin D3” through a friend. “Common” everyday problems plagued me: dizziness after getting up, tiredness during the day, a cold every few weeks, etc. Nothing dramatic, yet these problems limited my quality of life a little.At the time I decided to give the book and vitamin D3 supplements a chance and was not disappointed. On the contrary, I am still very excited. After only a few weeks, the problems mentioned above disappeared, I was healthy for more than 3 years, not even caught a cold.
By Taiger Hillard on April 24, 2018
Format: Kindle Edition | Verified PurchaseI am so grateful to have come across this book. I want to thank the author for taking the time to do the research and create such an informative book. I surely will benefit from this book being I’m 35 years old and is scheduled for a hip replacement surgery this year. For now I’m currently taking 8,000 IU’S of Vitamin D and 180mcg of K2 with 400 mg of magnesium daily and vitamin A. I have less pain! I will up my dosages after reading this book to 50,000 for a month and then see my bodies response from there. I do not want surgery so I’m praying this works. I know it will benefit me greatly! I must share this book with everyone I love. Thank you again.
By Mark T. Brody on April 22, 2018
Format: Kindle Edition | Verified Purchase
This book is extremely eye opening to the power of D3 plus Vitamin K. It’s an extremely powerful combo that reduces or eliminates calcification, which is at the root cause of many, if not most disease.One of the more interesting parts of the book was the correlation between thyroid function and vitamin D3 status. I was totally unaware. But lo and behold, D3 and K2 at high doses raised my basal temperature like nothing else has been able to do.
I know this book preaches the benefits of D3, but D3 can be extremely problematic at high doses if not balanced out with K2. D3 draws calcium into the blood, K2 brings it to where it’s needed, or eliminates it. The two combined work as an anti-inflammatory, better than most anything out there, except serrapeptase.
I would HIGHLY recommend this book to anyone suffering from any ailment or illness, or if you just want to improve your overall health.
From Manuela Krawolitzki-Schmidtke on April 14, 2018
Format: Paperback | Verified Purchase
Too bad our doctors are not all that fantastic. Anyone who has read the book will prove me right. Think every person living in Germany has a D3 deficiency. Have even 10 days filled up high doses and take now daily D3 drops with K2 drops alltrans and magnesium. Feeling much better, not so exhausted and tired, even my fellow human beings noticed my positive change and I consume the whole thing for only 24 days! Only to be recommended you can not go wrong
Hello StefanieSorry to hear about the problems! This is very rare……
People who react badly to high dose vitamin D3 amost always are aggravating an underlying magnesium deficiency.
So if I were you and your friend I would quite taking D3 until you have loaded your body up with lots of magnesium this can take a month or so
there are books about it in the US here one is called the magnesium miracle…..
Here are the symptoms of magnesium deficiency (anxiety and PANIC attacks is one of them like your friend had)
it also includes irreguilar heart beat and hypertension like you have
Congratulations you just discovered your magensium deficiencies before they really made you ill!!!
Thes like her magnesium deficiency might have triggered asthma which was triggered by the dog too
Syou deficiencies were so bad that whatever amount of magnesium you were supplementing with was not nearly enough!!
To take extra magnesium do not increase the dose as it will give you diarhea keep increasing the number of times you take it in the day
take as much as you can ……
until you are all loaded up
7 Signs and Symptoms of Magnesium Deficiency
- Muscle Twitches and Cramps. Twitches, tremors and muscle cramps are signs of magnesium deficiency. …
- Mental Disorders. Mental disorders are another possible consequence of magnesium deficiency. …
- Osteoporosis. …
- Fatigue and Muscle Weakness. …
- High Blood Pressure. …
- Asthma. …
- Irregular Heartbeat.
—–Original Message—–
From: sssam
To: jeffbo<[email protected]>
Sent: Mon, Apr 9, 2018 3:07 am
Subject: Dein Buch über Vit D3</[email protected]>
Hello Jeff, Translated from German afib magnesium deficiency side effects anxiety panic attacks allergies hypertension irregular heartbeat
I have also read your book on Vitamin D3 high dose and find it extremely exciting and interesting.
I take it in conjunction with a few other supplements (K2, Magnesium, OPC, Q10, Vit C, arginine, carnitine …) and have recommended D3 in all my circle of friends. The response is consistently positive, people feel fitter, rested, enterprising ….. In two cases, there was even something like a “spontaneous healing”.
But one person really scared me. My friend Sandra. I recommended to her what I recommended to all and how I did it myself: drive the mirror up to 400,000 within the first two weeks, then 10,000 units daily.
My girlfriend complained of nausea in the first week, but the second week really got going: total collapse, 14 days bedridden, fever, cough, pain (all signs of influenza), but it got much harder …. She was suddenly afraid to drive a car, could no longer sleep in her bed, but had to sleep on the couch with the lights on, had anxiety attacks in all subjects …. illness, death, fear of death, fear for her parents, fear for her Daughter …. and she was allergic to a dog she has known for years. She got a visit from this friend with the dog, and within minutes a violent allergy attack. She sees this dog regularly and has never been allergic to him.
The seizure disappeared again when the dog was gone. She wondered what was suddenly different in her life from the whole time before, and there was only one answer: everything was as usual, except she took vitamin D3 now.
She immediately stopped using vitamin D3, and since then all the symptoms have disappeared. That really scared me. Was it my fault because I recommended it? Have you ever heard something like that? Can it be that Vit D3 only triggers something that was already there (eg, missed flu)?
My girlfriend never wants to take D3 again, and her friend, who has noticed that, does not want to. I had been able to convince both of us that we all have a shortage and it would be better to supplement (including K2 and Magnesium), but both dare not anymore.
I’ve had very thick veins on my hands and feet ever since I did that. This indicates hypertension. I’ll give it a try this week, but I’m also a bit scared because my veins have never been so thick. I also often have tachycardia or even heart stuttering and fluttering, and I often feel my heart beat in my chest. Have dizziness in the head and aching areas on the temples, have strong neck pain that spread to the shoulders and down the back. I’ve had this neck pain before, but they’ve gotten worse since the D3. While a serious digestive problem that I had until then, but has now disappeared.
I take to the D3 also the other things mentioned above. Is that maybe just too much? Have you ever heard of hypertension due to D3?
I would be very happy about an answer.
From TM on March 9, 2018
Format: Paperback
I’m taking about 30,000 IU D3 + 200 K2 + B12 + OCP + Magnesium daily for about 4 weeks now and I’m fine; I had a serious traffic accident (a car crashed into my legs – as a pedestrian) and my tibia fracture formed a large cuff; which is now almost gone (finally, only a small bump is present) for years, I had back pain (especially when driving a car and in the evening in bed) I notice nothing more about it; I also had an allergy / rash when I bit an apple (tingling in my mouth etc) – the last apple did not cause anything …
March 29, 2018
Patient: I am sorry that I have to contradict this. I was very busy with it and D3 deficiency is not that rare. Detailed information is available on Vitamindelta.deThe D3 deficiency is in Germany at about 90%. Incidentally, I also got rid of years of sciatica. Again, all homeopathic remedies have brought no improvement.
And sometimes measuring is better than intuition or reason.
And because of the Pharma wants to earn there only: D3 is attacked by “the Pharma” violently.
Doctors, physiotherapists, osteopaths, etc. break away from their income. Even homeopaths are threatened by income losses. I’m a good example of that.
Here’s my story: (Meeta) weight 45 kg Asthma Vitiligo 3/26/18Upon reading Jeff’s book about the miraculous results of high dose D3, I decided to take 20 000 iu daily and after 6 months of religiously taking it everyday… I noticed a difference: I had vitiligo that was on my chest and spreading upwards towards my neck and now it has stopped spreading and it’s almost completely gone!! Also before starting the D3 I kept having a bad cough that would also cause me shortness of breath and my exhale was very weak but 6 months later on high dose D3 I took the methacholine challenge test at the hospital only to find out I was asthma free and my breathing was so much better, my cough gone and I can run around without getting breathless! Also I’m now much more laid back, less stressed and feel happier thanks to Jeff Bowles book on D3!
“Hello, my name is Uriel and I’m 16 years old. On June 19, 2017, I went to the hospital to find out what caused some of the symptoms I had felt during the week (dizziness, dark urine, and the last symptom was a bruise on my neck), I ended up doing several tests but got no diagnosis. Then, another symptom appeared that were purple spots on my skin called petechiae, and with this a complete blood count was made, which confirmed that I had only 4,000 platelets.On seeing this, my doctor ordered a tomography of the spleen and liver, where he confirmed the change in both (which justified the change in urine) and my first diagnosis given by doctors was suspected of Mononucleosis. Then my hematologist decided to do a bone marrow examination to find out if it was not leukemia, and in that examination came the final diagnosis which is ITP (Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura). And then I started the treatment with corticoids, but it did not give any result (on the contrary, it ended up only damaging my body making me gain weight). As the corticosteroid was not working, my doctor started giving me high doses of immunoglobulin, which gave a minimum result raising my platelets to 13,000 platelets, but as soon as the treatment with Immunoglobulin stopped, the count dropped again to 8,000 and then 6,000.
With that, I was discharged to continue trying corticosteroids at home and on my first return appointment after 1 week, found out that I had only 2,000 platelets and I ended up returning to the hospital and being admitted again.
Then I was sent to a bigger hospital to have my spleen removed, but the doctors there agreed that I should expect to complete 4 months of illness to remove the spleen and I was treated with solumedrol and ended up returning home. After a few days at home, I had a small hemorrhage in the kidneys and went back to the hospital to contain this hemorrhage. I ended up taking 48 bags of platelets. Then, my mother requested my transfer to Curitiba (my hometown) where there is more structure and knowledge.
There I did several tests that I had not done yet and repeated some that I had already done, I had another hemorrhage that was contained with more solumedrol. Then, based on the tests’ results the doctors prescribed the drug Revolade.
I used it for about 2 months and reached the result of 11 thousand platelets that ended up falling to 9 thousand, then to 7 thousand and so it oscillated, and my parents no longer knowing what to do, ended up discovering the Protocol of Dr. Cícero Coimbra with the vitamin D treatment. Through the internet we easily found a means of communication and we made an appointment with Dr. Renato Slomka, who ended up bringing me back to life.
I had my appointment, followed everything he told me and in my first return the result was 29 thousand platelets, the next was 51 thousand and after 2 weeks I reached 155 thousand.
Today, January 18, 2018, I find myself with 260,000 platelets, really very happy, returning to my activities, my work, my own daily life. I will be eternally grateful to Dr. Renato Slomka, Dr. Cícero Coimbra and for this protocol. Today I can say that I’m healed from this disease and that I have overcome the most difficult phase of my life.”

The cause of these bleeds was a very sharp decrease in the number of platelets in the blood (only 4,000 platelets per microliter of blood).
He needed to receive platelet transfusions and was primarily medicated with cortisone.
He was not satisfied with the evolution of his clinical picture and he was concerned with the side effects of prolonged use of corticoids, so he came to us aiming to try the Coimbra Protocol.
We immediately started Dr. Cicero’s protocol and we progressively suspended all the corticoids.
After only 2 months following the treatment, the number of platelets increased to 197,000 per microliter. The result was excellent and as we predicted.
Vitamin D in hyperphysiological doses can be of great use in Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP) and other hemorrhagic syndromes.
Recently we treated a patient (yet unpublished testimony) which featured factor VII deficiency and needed to take 16 transamin tablets (Tranexamic Acid Oral) every day to avoid bleeding. With vitamin D she managed to suspend all medicines and in addition to getting rid of numerous symptoms she is saving more than $1,000 per month.
As Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura may present recurrences, it is recommended that medication need to be maintained for a prolonged period of time. In these cases, vitamin D outweighs a lot the use of corticoids, since the patient follow the dietary recommendations of Dr. Cicero’s Protocol it does not cause side effects.

Her platelets were at 34,000 mm3.
She was medicated with high doses of cortisone and soon side effects of the drug began to manifest: Many acne appeared on the face and torso, she gained 20 kg (almost 45 pounds), had insomnia and got enormous mental confusion.
Unfortunately, Gislaine was refractory to cortisone and despite the high doses of the medication, platelets remained low and the hematologists said their case indicated surgical removal of the spleen to reduce the formation of antibodies against platelets. (spleen is a small organ located on the left side of your abdomen under the rib cage)
She did not accept the doctor’s proposal about the surgical procedure, then she started to searching on the internet and found the testimony of Mr. Antonio Valter (another patient of Purpura) and she came to consult with us in Campinas. We immediately started the treatment with the Coimbra Protocol and we also begin to carefully withdraw the cortisone of her system.
In a few days, the number of platelets began to rise reaching the threshold of 140,700 mm3. (when the vitamin D achieve its maximum potency the platelets will increase even more)
Gislaine also lost 23 pounds, the purples vanished and she cured insomnia.
She’ll probably never meet Dr. Cicero personally. However, surely, she will be eternally thankful for the protocol that he has developed and that is saving many lives around the world.
This is Laura, a patient from Brazil who has been on the Coimbra Protocol for only 5 months. His doctor (Dr. Wanderley) posted Laura’s testimonial on his website.
” Laura is a graceful rider, champion of equestrian (in the test of the three drums). She is 9 years old.Laura has lots of courage and determination. However, lately, she has missed school several times because of recurrent relapses of herpes on the lips and face.
Over the past few months, seizures have become increasingly frequent and she has been using almost continuous acyclovir drug (tablets and ointment).
Concerned about the possible hepatic, neurological, digestive and renal adverse reactions of this drug, her mother brought her to our clinic to try the vitamin D Protocol.
Five months ago we started the Dr. Cicero Protocol and suspended the use of acyclovir. Thanks to the immunomodulatory effect of vitamin D, she did not present any further viral relapses.
Herpes simplex is a very common virus. Although not a serious disease, in patients with low immunity it can lead to a varicelliform eruption, viral encephalitis, eye infections, meningitis, pneumonia, etc.
Vitamin D in hyper-physiological doses has excellent results in the prevention and treatment of infectious viral, bacterial, parasitic diseases etc. It may be used alone or in combination with other medicines.”

During all these years she was treated with conventional drugs. The disease has followed its natural course causing many damages to her health.
Four months ago she called us searching for a new therapy – Coimbra Protocol.
Considering the prolonged course of her pathology, we informed that the main goal of our treatment would stop the progression of the disease. However, with a bit of luck, some of her symptoms could be reversed.
After four months of treatment, she returned to her second appointment and the results overcame a lot our expectations: her skin has become more elastic, the joints have become more flexible, the ventilatory lung capacity has improved, the esophageal regressed, nocturne snoring disappeared and the recovery of her self-esteem affected positively her marital relationship.
Maria Telma and her spouse are very satisfied with the treatment. The spontaneous and sincere testimony of the couple is the more objective evidence that the vitamin D Protocol potentiated by the gluten-free diet is the best option for the treatment of immunological diseases.
Guilherme developed Vitiligo 4 years ago – at the age of 7.Since then he has been medicated conventionally by several medical dermatologists without success.
Four months ago we replaced the conventional treatment with the Coimbra Protocol powered by a gluten-free diet.
The diet we prescribe is supported by an important scientific review paper published by the New England Journal of Medicine that lists 55 gluten-induced immunological diseases.
The results we are getting with this simple, negligible cost treatment and practically free from side effects is so important that we have a moral obligation to share with all our colleagues.
* When the vitamin D achieve its maximum effect/potency in the body (this usually occurs after 8 or 12 months) the improvements will be even more significant.
(4 months*)
by AntonioBR » Sun Feb 26, 2017 10:01 pm

Livia is a girl full of life and plans, practicing Classical Ballet since she had 2 years old.
Unfortunately, 10 years ago she began to present hair loss, lost an eyebrow and developed Vasculitis in her skin and mucous membranes. She was feeling a lot of pain in her abdominal area and in her joints. She developed a severe depression and required psychotherapy and antidepressants.
The disease worsened a lot with an relapse of pericarditis and dermatological lesions. So, in the hospital she received the diagnosis of Lupus and doctors were given to her high doses of hydroxychloroquine, azathioprine and cortisone.
The side effects of these medicines soon manifested: sleeplessness, stretch marks, acne, she gained 18 kg and she lost more than 70% of her vision.
When the doctors tried to reduce the doses of the medications to minimize their side effects, symptoms of the disease worsened.
She consulted two ophthalmologists and they said that the visual impairment caused by reuquinol (hydroxychloroquine) was irreversible.
Searching on the Internet, her mom found out the Protocol of Dr. Cicero and came to see us in our clinic.
We suspend immediately all conventional medicines, and we prescribed the Protocol of vitamin D and, by extension, we withdraw the toxic food (gluten).
As the patient was high sensitivity to gluten, the success of her treatment with vitamin D Protocol is closely related to the elimination of wheat, rye, barley and oats from her diet.
Livia is following the gluten-free diet rigorously.
The evolution was simply spectacular!
Just two months after the first visit she recorded this statement as long as 100% vision recovered, lost weight 4 kg, she is sleeping well, got out of the depression and she is very happy!
Cristina Minami –
Lupus April 18, 2017

I started taking the traditional medications – corticosteroids, cyclophosphamide, reuquinol, bactrim. A cocktail of drugs. I was very swollen due to the corticoids, but gradually I got better physically, and my exams got better too.
After five cyclophosphamide sessions, my doctor asked me to take azathioprine, but that drug made me very sick. I didn’t feel well with it, I had nausea, a strange taste in my mouth. I decided to stop and stay only with the corticoid and reuquinol.
I decided to do some research, and on Facebook I found a multiple sclerosis group in which the patients followed a treatment with high doses of vitamin D. They seemed to have excellent results, with regression of the disease. I read testimonials of people who were recovering their movements and sight. I joined the group and asked about lupus. There were a few people in there with the disease, and they helped me with my doubts.
I asked my rheumatologist about high doses of vitamin D and she said she was against it, so I kept on taking reuquinol and corticosteroids. Then I got a cold. The doctor explained to me that I had to take antibiotics, even for a simple cold, even if I didn’t have a fever. She said that infections activate the lupus, and I had to take the antibiotics to prevent it. I did not want to take so many drugs for the rest of my life, and this motivated me to seek treatment with vitamin D. I got the courage to call Dr. Coimbra’s clinic.
In August of 2013 I had an appointment with Dr. Sergio Menendez, an excellent doctor, very attentive. The appointment lasted about 2 hours. But I still couldn’t find the courage to take the recommended dose of 40,000 IU per day. I started taking 10,000 IU instead, and soon realized that my health was improving. I was not getting colds so easily anymore, and I was able to lower my doses of corticoids and reuquinol.
But just a couple of months later, in October of 2013, I found out that I had developed cataracts due to the use of corticoids. The rheumatologist suspended the medication, and after two months without the corticoids, my joints started to become stiff. I remembered that I had lupus!
Finally, in January of 2014 I decided to start taking the recommended dose of 40,000 IU a day of vitamin D. After a month, the pain in my joints had completely disappeared. I went to a new appointment with Dr. Menendez, and based on my tests he increased my dose to 50,000 IU.
Today, I follow all the treatment recommendations; I drink 2.5 liters of liquids a day, avoid eating foods with too much calcium, and I have a completely normal life. The stiffness on my joints have disappeared, my kidneys work perfectly, I have no disease symptoms and my exams are excellent. Sometimes I have a cold, but I can get rid of it with lemon and propolis tea, I do not need antibiotics.
I was able to discontinue all conventional medications, my only treatment now is vitamin D. Although my rheumatologist doesn’t approve of my choice, she monitors all my exams. I think I’m proving to her that vitamin D works!
Even though this treatment has not yet been accepted and disseminated by traditional doctors, I believe that many people can benefit from it.”
From Marcus B. on March 25, 2018
Format: Paperback | Verified Purchase
To me: 30 years, 66 kg, 180 cm.I learned a lot about it and then just tried it myself.
I’m actually relatively healthy, but in the last few weeks I’ve probably had a mini-stroke. I’m just in the bathroom to brush my teeth, because it made me dizzy. A short blackout and gone down to the knees; After that everything was blurry and I had a kind of slightly drunk feeling.
Everything in a split second. I came right back to me.
When I got to bed, I felt slightly dizzy again ….
In the days to come, I noticed that my right side was slightly (only slightly) a bit numb; right half of the face, right leg, right arm …. the power was still there, but all so deaf.
When walking, I could not roll well with my right foot, because the feeling was gone, that was quite unusual when running.
…. this whole event lasted for the 5 days …
Now to my dosage:
1st day – 20 000 iE – 400 μg K2-MK-7 – Magnesium
2nd day – 20 000 iU – 400 μg K2 -MK-7 – Magnesium
Day 3 – 60 000 iU – 600 μg K2-MK-7 – Magnesium
Day 4 – 80 000 iU – 600 μg K2-MK-7 – Magnesium
Day 5 – 80 000 iU – 600 μg K2-MK-7 – Magnesium
Day 6 – 100 000 iU – 1000 μg K2-MK-7 – Magnesium
Day 7 – 160 000 iU – 1600 μg K2-MK-7 – Magnesium
-> now again at 40 000 iE + 400 μg K2-MK-7 + magnesium
I’ve been taking it for just over a week and my right half is back like the left.
That’s no joke !!! I did not believe it myself at the beginning. This has only happened by the beginning of this intake.
– By taking high doses of Vit. D in the body, the immune response is significantly increased. I woke up partially sweaty at night and suddenly dream things that run in HD quality …. I feel right that the body “repaired”.
-> Feel fitter, more vital, inwardly calmer …..
In addition to this Vit. D therapy I have already experimented with vitamin C in various things and everything is really what the real “experts” say … I’m no longer surprised that the whole is sold so bad, because if everyone would do it then … well, … I think that you can figure out 😉
March 16, 2018
From Gerhard and Elisabeth Schneider on March 11, 2018
Format: Audiobook downloadGood day:
Listened to the book very carefully. Then I decided to make a self-experiment. In the blood test came out, I’m so on the border to undersupply (20 ng / ml).
Some say the doctors are funny, some say it is enough, others too little.
Will probably be true, in which area the doctor is responsible.
My problems were:
Very often tired in the day despite a long sleep at night.
Weight problems due to hormonal imbalances
discs and back problems (had already an OP).
Now to the self-test:
I started on the 25th of January this year:
12000 ie and 200 K2 each with a magn. Tablet
15000 i: e rest the same
One week increase to 20000 ie rest
then down again to 15000.
Unfortunately I had to stop after 3 weeks, because I got quite severe stomach problems.
Whether this comes from the sudden overdose, I do not know.
Have an investigation (Gastro was due), but all right.
After 2-3 weeks break from D3, I started again, but now take only 5000 and 150 K2 daily + magnesium, which suits me then.
My daytime tiredness has disappeared.
My back problems have also improved.
So definitely a positive effect of overdose.
Unfortunately, I did not tolerate it in the high form, but now the dosage fits.
March 9, 2018
translated from german
Top!From Manuel on February 22, 2018
Format: Paperback | Verified Purchase
Great book, can only recommend to anyone! not just those who want to deal with vitamin D3, but really everyone, because wsl. 80-90% of North Americans & Europeans have the shortage.
Thanks to Vit. D3 I feel much better, my years of susceptibility to infections has completely disappeared.
But be sure to check it out before you even experiment
with the high-dose D3 UNBEDINGT Vit. K2 and Magnesium in combination is recommended.
And generally the B vitamins and Vit. C not forget.
it has served a great purpose. I am grateful for the time and …By Sherry Nastav on February 25, 2018
Format: Paperback | Verified Purchase
This is an extremely unusual book. While it is poorly edited and a grammatical nightmare, it contains a lot of information that should prompt the reader to research everything they can on Vitamin D3 and Vitamin K2. I have listened to lectures from many, many people online and I have ordered some additional books to help clarify my approach to the use of these two supplements. While Jeff seems to take extreme risks with his health, it has served a great purpose. I am grateful for the time and effort it took for him to understand more about these 2 vitamins. I am currently taking 20.000 IUs of D3 plus 2 Super K’s from Life Extension each day. I am 66 years old. I had 2 Moh’s procedures for skin cancer on my nose in the 90’s and have since stayed out of the sun, used hats, umbrellas, sunscreen for the last 20 years. I have developed Syndrome X (high blood pressure, diabetes and high cholesterol) as well as becoming obese. I was on medication, then was able to get off through exercise and diet, but had some traumatic events that caused me to gain weight and acquire all those former conditions with heart palpitations added. Even though I am taking low doses of medication since January 2018 because of these problems, I have started the D3 and K2 with the intention that I will get off all medication and be healthy and active. In January my D3 was 30 and I was already taking 10,000 IUs of D3 each day – but no K2.. As of today, the doctor says I am 85% on my way to recovery from these most current health issues. Sugar and blood pressure are great and I believe the calcium is being removed my blood vessels. I have lost 15 pounds and look forward to losing much more. Over the past 20 years I became allergic to the sun (I broke out in very itchy rashes if exposed) but now I sit out in the sun for 15-30 minutes each day building up my tolerance for the sun and tanning my body. I now see the sun as a friend and a wonderful gift from God that was meant to heal us and help us and give us life. I look forward to being able to swim with my grand kids in the ocean or pool. I also look forward to life giving hikes and walks. That’s why this book is so weird. I don’t believe in evolution and a lot of the stuff he talks about, but he has hit the nail on the head with so much of his information. I am glad I found this book and I am glad I read this book. Know your D3 levels and aim for 50-75 all year long. Also, supplement with K2. I like the Life Extension super K because it contains both forms of the MK7 and MK4 which the body needs. Each has purpose and even though it is oil soluble it doesn’t appear to become toxic with higher levels. I am really looking forward to seeing what all will happen in the future now that I have found some very fundamental and basic truths about what the body needs to exist in a healthy, happy way. Oh, by the way, I have had no cartilage, a torn meniscus and a cyst in my right knee for MANY years that made it difficult to walk and in this short period, I am able to walk up and down stairs normally, not one at a time. Also, the pain is gone. I also have had arthritis for at least 25-30 years and I am curious how that will all end up. I know my body is doing a tremendous work and I really look forward to giving it all the tools it needs to heal. I am very grateful I came across this book and this information.
By King Julien on February 26, 2018
Format: PaperbackWhile yes, I agree that this book could use some rewrites and editing, it is nonetheless a gem. I got this book from a friend, and immediately after finishing it, I went ahead and ordered a bottle of 5000 IU of vitamin d3 softgels (360) and MK-7 from iHerb. Once I received my order, I started taking 5000 IU a day with 100mcg of MK7 for a couple of days, then 20K, and then 3 days ago I upped it to 45K of d3 for 2 days with 300mcg of MK-7 and wow! I feel amazing! The first thing I felt is like something turned off the noise switch in my head (if that makes any sense) like sounds became magnified, I hear things so vividly, something I haven’t experienced since I was 12. I really cannot explain it but its sort of like my hearing is now in HD format (so to speak) lol sorry but I can’t really explain it, but you get the point. I also experienced body temperature regulation, significant improvement in mood. I’m so glad I never turned to pharmaceuticals for my ailments. Vitamin D is a modern day elixir.
Note: I’ll update review once I do a blood test in a couple of months.
Dear Mr Bowles,if you need a translation in english, please feel free to contract me. Thank you.
Thank you very much for the great book High Dose “I enjoyed reading it very logical, coherent and enlightened. I have already been able to relieve a lot of my symptoms by taking vitamin D. Pain, depression, joy of life in general can help many in my environment.
Now my concern. I worked in Cyprus from October to the beginning of December. Am then back to Germany and then started right back with the vitamin D intake. I took 50000IE daily. On the 27th of December I found out that I was pregnant and about 1 week later started such a nausea that I had to stop taking vitamin D because I could not see a tablet anymore. From day to day Tsg went worse for me daily, again depression, fatigue, fatigue, appetite for much sugar, until I slept between 12 and 18 hours a day.
On my last ultrasound, the embryo has grown quite large, so that the ET from 07.09. on the 31.08. has moved. Is that the sugar?
I ordered vitamin D and K2 drops on Feb. 19, 2018 and take zz 10000 Vit and 400 K2. But I have the feeling that this is too little. What is the upper limit for pregnant women and later breastfeeding.
I look forward to your reply
Anika Fee Rickart
Katherine Alexandre, diagnosed with vitiligo in 2000 and with myasthenia gravis in 2010.
Bredesen’s approach is personalized to the patient, based on extensive testing to determine what is affecting the plasticity signaling network of the brain Alzheimers Alzheimer’s dementia memory loss.As one example, in the case of the patient with the demanding job who was forgetting her way home, her therapeutic program consisted of some, but not all of the components involved with Bredesen’s therapeutic program, and included:
(1) eliminating all simple carbohydrates, leading to a weight loss of 20 pounds;
(2) eliminating gluten and processed food from her diet, with increased vegetables, fruits, and non-farmed fish;
(3) to reduce stress, she began yoga;
(4) as a second measure to reduce the stress of her job, she began to meditate for 20 minutes twice per day;
(5) she took melatonin each night;
(6) she increased her sleep from 4-5 hours per night to 7-8 hours per night;
(7) she took methylcobalamin each day;
(8) she took vitamin D3 each day;
(9) fish oil each day;
(10) CoQ10 each day;
(11) she optimized her oral hygiene using an electric flosser and electric toothbrush;
(12) following discussion with her primary care provider, she reinstated hormone replacement therapy that had been discontinued;
(13) she fasted for a minimum of 12 hours between dinner and breakfast,and for a minimum of three hours between dinner and bedtime;
(14) she exercised for a minimum of 30 minutes, 4-6 days per week.
The results for nine of the 10 patients reported in the paper suggest that memory loss may be reversed, and improvement sustained with this therapeutic program, said Bredesen.
“This is the first successful demonstration,” he noted, but he cautioned that the results are anecdotal, and therefore a more extensive, controlled clinical trial is needed.
Jeff’s note- I would also add eating three tablespoons of coconut oil each day
take 200 mg of pregnenolone (also known as the memory hormone)
use progesterone cream daily (it protects nerve cells)
and take higher doses of melatonin like 75 mg per night for women and 120 mg per night for men (most important).
Click or copy link>>>
Extreme Dose! Melatonin The Miracle Anti-Aging Hormone
Anti-Alzheimer’s Hormone Anti-Baldness Hormone
Menopause Reversal Hormone
by Jeff T. Bowles (Author)
The medical profession clearly recognizes that vitamin D deficiency during pregnancy increases the risk of children developing autism. As a result it has become common for women to supplement their diet with vitamin D while pregnant. But what if this preventative path isn’t followed or the newborn child develops autism anyway? Are there positive effects of treatment with vitamin D for these children? There is a rapidly growing body of evidence that indicates yes.Take the case of Emily. Emily has 3 autistic children. Linda and Sarah are 8 year old twin daughters and Jimmy is her 6 year old son. Linda has been diagnosed with moderate autism, Sarah with severe autism, and Jimmy with moderate autism and possibly ADHD.
In her search for information about treating her children Emily came into contact with Dr. John Cannell, MD, Executive Director of the Vitamin D Council. After hearing and reading about the results that others had realized with vitamin D supplementation, she started her children on high doses in early September of 2010. After 3 weeks she noticed remarkable results in her son, Jimmy. The biggest changes in him were dramatically improved awareness, reduced hyperactivity, and a small increase in the quantity of his speech and correct use of language.
She noticed no improvements in her daughters until a month after starting, when Linda surprised Emily by pointing at the TV and saying “Mom, what’s that?” This was remarkable for 3 reasons:
– In eight years Linda had never referred to her mother as “Mom”, or ever attempted to get her attention in that way- She had never asked her mother what an object was- She had never spontaneously pointed to an object
When Emily turned to see what Linda had pointed at, she saw a UFO on the TV, and it made perfect sense that Linda didn’t know what the object was. Emily looks back now and realizes this was the beginning of Linda’s use of spontaneous language. She had been somewhat verbal before but typically only to communicate wants and needs, and she was incapable of answering yes/no questions. She could respond to a question if the answer was from a list that she had been taught, such as “Can you name some vehicles?” By December, however, she had started making comments such as “that Christmas tree is beautiful”, and she was referring to the days of the week. She had even begun bargaining with her mom over things she didn’t want to do, and while this can be annoying to most parents, Emily was understandably thrilled!
Linda’s twin sister Sarah, diagnosed with severe autism, has shown similarly remarkable results. Sara exhibits an increase in overall awareness, is more agreeable, and wants to interact more with others. After 3 months of supplementation with vitamin D, she was:
– Feeding herself with a fork- Drinking from a cup without a straw- Attempting to talk more
Sarah’s sleep habits have also shown a dramatic improvement. In the past she would wake in the night and wander around the house repeatedly turning lights on and off. That behavior has vanished and she sleeps much more soundly. While she is still clearly autistic, her improved behavior now makes the situation much more manageable, and in turn makes Emily’s life easier.
By December 2010, Emily’s third child, Jimmy, aged 6, continued to show improvement beyond the initial short term results. He was much more alert and aware and was able to answer yes/no questions accurately. He was able to choose between two options when they were presented. And although he was previously never able to remember his sister’s or teacher’s names, he was referring to everyone by name. Other things that continued to improve:
– He was making noticeably better eye contact with others- He was speaking in spontaneous sentences of up to 6 words- His hyperactivity was greatly decreased- His temper tantrums had decreased in severity and frequency
The difference in response times between Jimmy and his sisters may relate to studies that show males and females receiving benefits from vitamin D in different ways or magnitudes. Vitamin D is metabolized into beneficial compounds in the body by enzymes, and these enzymes are responsive to estrogen. The higher presence of estrogen in the twin girls’ bloodstream may explain the difference in the timing of their improvements to Jimmy’s.
From Dr. Cannell“Vitamin D levels have strong genetic components,” he continued. “You can overcome that genetic component by taking supplements or exposing yourself to the sun,” avoiding the lottery of inherited vitamin D levels. A family’s chances of experiencing autism can be greatly reduced by “making sure the mothers have plenty of vitamin D and giving vitamin D to the infants.”
“Increasingly it’s becoming clear that all mothers around the world should be at least tested for vitamin D deficiency,” Dr. Cannell says. But he adds that “about 75 or 80 percent of mothers would need vitamin D supplements or sun exposure. Instead of blood testing millions and millions of women, it’s probably wise to just give pregnant women the appropriate levels (5000 units per day in his view) of vitamin D supplementation.”
We have forgotten that the sun’s rays are health.
It is in toddlerhood that autism first manifests itself. The first problem is that children are taken from breastfeeding too early and put onto formula. We should also not assume that moderate exposure to the entity that sustains all life on earth, the sun, is going to kill our children and therefore smother them with sunblock every time they go outside. New mothers should also continue their pregnancy habits (supplements and sun exposure) after birth, so that the breast milk is healthy. It is not breastfeeding in itself that helps to protect against autism, but the vitamin D that it can provide if the mother has the right habits.
Dr. Cannell says that he started an online clinic for parents of children with autism, advising them on how to supplement properly. He saw astonishing results. “My experience in doing that is that about 25 percent of children responded dramatically to the point where the children no longer appeared to have autism,” he told us.
A further large percentage had some positive response, and around a quarter did not respond at all. “It’s possible that some of the cases have such vitamin D deficiency during pregnancy that the brain is injured to a point where it cannot be repaired.”
tag heuer carrera
emporio armani serial
February 12, 2018
February 12, 2018
I Am Treating My MS With High Doses Vitamin D
I have ms since 2009..Last year I had new 4 lesions, I could barely walk, I had new symptoms, like equilibrium problems, my EDDS was 4,5.
One day I read a book of Jeff Bowles about high doses of vitamin d3..there was a link that impressed me about a doctor from Brasil who is treating ms with high doses d3.
I begun to talk with his pacients on facebook or mail, I discovered the treatment, I made an appointment with the doctor. His name is Cicero Galii Coimbra, he is neurologist and lives in Brasil, Sao Paulo.
I am taking a really high dose d3. To avoid hypercalciuria, I must drink daily 2.5 lts water, I must not eat dairy products, not take calcium supplements and not take nephrotoxic drugs.
I am following this treatment from 8 months, I feel much much better. My doctor from here, from Italy was really impressed about the way I look and feel now. I have improvements in all my symptoms.
I suggest to all ms patients to do the test 25 oh d3 too the level of d3, and after that to keep it up to 100 ng d3.
10 000 ui daily is perfectly safe .
” Correale, on the other hand, takes the opposite stance. To the question, “If I had a clinically isolated syndrome with MRI diagnostic of MS, I would take vitamin D 10,000 IU daily,” Correale says yes. He argues, “It is safe, probably effective and I do not have time to wait for the trials to be done.”
Hutchinson perhaps splits the difference between Correale and Lubetski, claiming that he would not prescribe 10,000 IU of vitamin D/day to one of his patients with CIS, but wouldn’t hesitate to take 10,000 IU of vitamin D/day if he himself or a relative had CIS. In order to prescribe vitamin D to a patient, he says, we need phase III trials. But since those trials are 2-3 years from completion, if he had CIS, he wouldn’t wait.”
I take vitamin d3 from Healthy Origins or Now Foods. My doses of d3 are much higher than 10 000, my vitamin d3 level is much higher, but I am on a doctor supervision. All my tests are ok..for example the most important test is a 24 hour urine test, where I see the level of the calcium in the urine.. another important test is PTH, that must be under 20. Anyway, I do much more tests, all are fine.
I also take 100 mg B2, riboflavin, B12 methycobalamin, choline, some minerals and omega 3 (I take 4 capsules DHA from Now Foods daily).
This study says that each 10ng/ml higher 25-hydroxyvitamin D level was associated with a 15% lower risk of a new T2 lesion and a 32% lower risk of a relapse, so with a level of 100 ng d3 u should feel much better. 100 ng d3 is allowed, is the maximum level when u test your vitamin d3.
This is the link of a doctors’s patient from Australia
I also made a page on facebook
This is my treatment. I will do my MRI in january next year 🙂
February 11, 2018
The 25(OH)D was run by two different methods.
Towards the end I also had a 1,25 and 24,25 run.
My serum and urine calcium and urine CA/CR ratio remained normal.
My 25(OH)D levels decreased to 250 ng/ml despite the fact I was still taking 100,000 IU/day.
It seemed to indicate that sun exposure will help reduce elevated 25(OH)D levels.
The anorexia and nausea went away in about a month.
My 1,25 never went above normal but my 24,25 level was elevated the last 3 months.
I guess the anorexia and nausea may have been psychosomatic as I got very nervous when my 25(OH)D got above 200 ng/ml.
Hi Jeff,A couple years ago we had some interesting correspondence about Guaifenesin, remember?
Meanwhile, because of your book, we found an incredible story you must have heard about: It backs up scientifically many things you figured out!
Prof Coimbra from Universidade Federal de São Paulo (Unifesp) actually heals many patients with multiple sclerosis and other autoimmune diseases through administering doses of around 50,000 units per day, or depending on the patient up to exceeding 100,000 units/day. The story does not seem to be a hoax, and there are physicians from all over the world going to Brazil to learn about that.
I will not write much more about it, because either you already know about it, or you will read far better descriptions than mine. Just one thing: He bases the amount the patient needs on the effect the active D3 has (after having gone through the chain of absorption->activation->actual effect on the receptors). This overall effect can be measured by the PTH-level in the blood, which is taken to its lowest safe level, together with monitoring kidney values.
On a more personal level, you might have saved my wife, or are in the process of doing so! She had already managed her D3 level and improved a lot since about 3 years ago, when last fall she came across your e-book that I had bought years ago (the German translation). So encouraged, she decided to go for it, and felt some huge improvements taking 60,000 units/day (+K2) for 4 weeks starting January. Then we found the Coimbra protocol, found a doctor here in Berlin who might treat her according to it, and had her Calcidiol-level measured, which was already 130ng/ml. At that point we got cold feet, and will wait until we have more info or finally an appointment with the Coimbra-doctor to be safe continuing. At any rate, this seems to be the way for her to improve her health further.
Thank you very much for your investigations and information, people like you and Dr Coimbra might advance science more than the corrupt, tunnel visioned and/or brainwashed billion-$-funded “scientists”.
Many greetings from Berlin,
all the best to you,
SUE S.-I went for 14 years with lack of energy, problems sleeping, brain fog and general pain. I caught colds and couldn’t get rid of them, and I seemed to be sick most of the time. About 4 years ago, I started having problems with my back and bone loss. I went to see one of my kids doctors (with my child) and while examining my child, he turned to me and asked how I was doing (I had another cold at the time). So I told him. After a short discussion, he stated that I might be low on Vitamin D3 and recommended that I start taking some, and to get a blood test done. I started taking 4000iu, and in 4 weeks, I suddenly started sleeping better (wasn’t an expected result), within 6 weeks, my back pain was completely gone. I bumped up my D to 10000iu once a day, and haven’t looked back since. EVERYTHING has gotten better.
Zora P.- Vitamin D cured my 10-year TMJ disorder, no question about it. I had tried everything, and was calling around to find someone who was willing to inject botox into my jaw muscles just for some relief. I started taking 2000 IUs in the fall for a mood lift and was SHOCKED to see my TMJ disappear! After all the pain, medicine, and specialists, I could have been taking a darn pill! I now take 5000 IUs a day and tell everyone about this amazing supplement.
May- had finally been prescribed medication for asthma, after a about 10 years of mild symptoms that would normally get worse and more frequent during the winter. However, my new GP put me on vit. D for “the winter blues” (Seasonal Affective Disorder/SAD), in February 2008. Although she only recommended 1,000IU dose/day, a friend told me about “this guy on the radio” who takes 6,000IUs and “it’s great for mental clarity.” I decided to take a chance and for about a week I took 6,000IUs then dropped it to 3,000IUs. Well, 2 weeks later I noticed that my asthma hadn’t bothered me at all and hasn’t since! Even when exposed to main triggers, like dust and pollen, I still don’t have a flare-up/attack. MAy-Part2- I have posted re: my success with vit. D, that has cured my asthma, but I felt that it was equally important to also talk about my other health issues. After learning more about vit. D through Drs. Holick and Cannell, I began taking 5,000IUs/day. My other health issue were: SAD (seasonal affective disorder), cardiac arrhythmia, insulin spikes, headaches, attention deficit, dizziness, constant runny nose, hypertension, upper and lower GI issues (acid reflux, indigestion), hip and lower-back pain (the aching, throbbing kind seeing in osteomalacia and fibromyalgia patients), muscle & joint pain, and general fatigue and weakness. (The list goes on, but I’ll stop there.) Since being on vit D, I have experience a full recovery from all symptoms listed above.
Ron G. I have severe asthma. I have it all. Triggers include stress, cold, and even mild exercise. Well, recently, I had to ride my bike into work, which typically is about a 20 minute ride downhill, and about an hour coming home (uphill). This typically produces about a 1/2 hour or more of wheezing when I get to work or home. I even have my seat adjusted high, so as to increase my leg-power. Well, to my point. On this particular day, I took 2 of the 5000IU D3 pills before I went on my journey to work. This was my first week on Vit D supplements. What I noticed was a remarkable difference. Yes I was breathing faster, due to the work-out, but what I noticed was that I was not SHORT OF BREATH. This was both ways, too. I thought for sure, that on the ride home (uphill), that I would get short of breath. But no, I was fine within 5 minutes of getting home. I think this was a major *wow* for me.
Theresa – Vitamin D3 has improved my life in so many ways. It all started for me when I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in August 2010. According to the neurologist I have a very mild case but, of course, he wanted to put me on the MS drugs right away which I refused. I didn’t feel that I truly had MS and started to read everything I could get my hands on. I discovered a few articles which discussed how high doses of vitamin D3 can cut MS relapses and reduced the symptoms. After reading about all the other benefits of vitamin D3 I decided to give it a try. It took me a long time before I found a doctor who was willing to give me the blood test. After two months of taking an average of 30,000 IU’s per day, based on what I read, I can tell you that I am a different person. My husband has also noticed a difference in me. Here are the ways that my health has improved: my mood is much improved, my low grade depression has lifted, my brain fog is gone, I am starting to sleep better, I feel stronger, I have lots of energy, and I no longer suffer from PMS. As far as my “MS symptoms” those are gone as well. I just had my blood tested and I am at 170 ng/ml – that’s probably a bit high, so I’m going to back down to 10,000 IU’s per day. I will order another blood test in three months. I am so happy that I found vitamin D3 because it has changed my life. Like another commenter said, “D3 rocks!”
James-Had the whole family on Vitamin D for three years. No one has had a cold for flu since we started. With young children we always had several sick in the family every winter
Liz- healing heal
My son came off his motor bike in September and ended up with a broken ankle. Large plate and 9 screws installed he came home from hospital like a bear with a sore head. I got him on 50K daily for two months and the hospital cannot believe how quick it has healed. The physiotherapists say they have never known such a fast and near perfect recovery. He’s now down to 10k a day and when his results come back in 6 months of the Vit D3 levels, we will alter his dose either more or less as is needed. We test the body accepting levels by kineseology.
Anonymous-I have not noticed any beneficial changes, but I am still sold on Vitamin D. I did have an increase in migraine headaches to daily when I tried to increase from 4000 IU of D3 to 6000-9000 IU. I read something about Vitamin D causing a higher absorption of calcium, which can counteract magnesium. I cut back on the Vitamin D and took chelated magnesium at night to stop the migraines. You must take the magnesium at a separate time than any calcium you might take. My husband also had migraines from increasing his Vitamin D3 intake, which stopped when he cut back on the D3 and started with magnesium. I emailed one other person online who had the same problem with Vitamin D3. So people should be aware. My D3 blood level was 40 on 4000 IU and 52 on 8000 IU. I feel the higher level is desirable, but I just can’t take it at this time.
Jacqui-Since having cancer in 2003 I take various supplements, as long as there is scientific evidence to indicate potential benefit. In 2003 I also changed my diet radically to include lots of vegetables and fruit, less red meat, no salt, little or no sugar, and so on. Cancer patients will be familiar with the strategy. In 2003 I was also diagnosed with asthma, thyroid cysts, and was very prone to colds and flu. By 2006, I was getting very bad colds and chest infections every winter, and for two consecutive winters, found myself with pneumonia after heavy colds. This necessitated as much as 6 weeks off work on one occasion. Vitamin D came to my attention in 2006 so I started with small amounts, 2000 iu a day. As new research was published, this was increased to 4000 iu, 6000 iu, in 2009 to 8,000 iu, and in 2010, to 10,000 iu. In the winter of 2009 on 8,000iu daily, I had colds but not so severely and without pneumonia. In the winter of 2010/2011, I have not had any cold at all, and no lung infections! In fact, I have just got over a very light cold infection, the first since mid 2010, with no difficulty, and no asthma triggered off. Working 40 miles away, commuting in winter was pretty hellish – no sunshine, getting to work in the dark and getting home in the dark. SAD was a fact of life in the months from November to February despite lunchtime walks outside. Benefits on the higher level of 10,000 iu daily are: no colds of any significance and no lung infections, SAD completely gone, mood very good, bones (just had a DXA scan to test for osteoporosis) show no signs of problems and are mineralised to 115% of that expected for age. Persistant nagging pain at site of original surgery has gone. Brain is in better condition than before. I have also been able to cut back on my steroid asthma medication. The thyroid cysts went in 2003 after 3 months taking kelp tablets, which I continue. I also take magnesium, but not calcium. In the cold wet UK vitamin D deficiency is a major public health issue. It is very difficult to understand why doctors don’t recognise this, and why there seems to be resistance to setting up clinical trials of vitamin D in conjunction with standard cancer treatment. After all, the science has been around for decades now. Rickets is coming back – that old Victorian disease of poverty and malnutrition. People with dark skins are at particular risk. And knowing (now) that vitamin D plays such a huge role in development of the lungs, it makes me wonder whether Sudden Infant Death Syndrome may be caused by a D3 deficiency in the mother which she is unaware of.
Liz K snoring>>
What worries me now is that I’ve read someonwhere that the drugs companies are inventing a VitD pill which they can then patent and get lots of money from. The American health have announced – strangely – that its not necessary to take a higher dose of Vitd than that was suggested about 10 years ago ie 400iu a day. So from the time the new chemical stuff is put onto the market, how will we know we have not bought this instead of the current produce?In the two years I’ve been taking VitD3 my pals who I go on vacation with and had to draw straws to see who would have to share a room with me, tell me that I’m not snoring anymore. My son is not sawing logs either, tho this has taken about 2 years of 5,000iu daily or more. My blood reading is now up to 74 but I guess being a senior it is going to take a bit longer. In Australia they want a reading of between 90=160. If we get a winter in UK like we had last year I’m going to up my intake to about 10,000iu daily or higher.
I’m excited…
From Cinderella on January 22, 2018 translated from German varicose veins spine joints pain restless leg syndrome migraine
Format: Paperback | Verified PurchaseI’m soooooo glad to read this book. I did what Jeff T Bowles advised and am able to work again after 3 months of illness. I had pain in the joints and spine that became so strong that I did I could hardly move normally. MRI and examinations have not found anything new, herniated disc was already known … I then started to take Vit D3 / K2 and other vitamins and minerals and am now after 4 months of taking much better on it.
I am human again and not a nervous wreck. Meanwhile, my whole family takes the preparations and all have their successes.Restless legs and nerve pain away, überbein away, varicose veins disappeared, no colds, no migraine.And a non-healing syringe abscess has gone in a week. Anyway, we continue, I have given away this book several times and everyone is thrilled. Have fun reading and getting well. LG
From S. hate on January 22, 2018 translated from German
Format: Paperback | Verified PurchaseI bought this book to get more information about High Dose Vitamin D3 and was not disappointed. Meanwhile, I have often recommended it and also received positive feedback. It gave me courage to start self-testing with vitamins D3 and K2 – I’m very pleasantly surprised what happens. My sensitive tooth aches are a thing of the past! Also, I now understand why I’m in some pain …
Thank you Jeff T. Bowles for this wonderful work.
Beverly says: Autism Asperger’s
December 24, 2017 at 8:27 pmDiagnosed ASD1. age 60…MENSA IQ, but many lifelong “social” issues….on Optimal Ketogenic Living protocol with 10,000 IUs D3 for about a year and noticed decreasing sensitivity to light and sound, better executive functioning….do have a hetero VDR mutation….thanks for all the info….
5.0 out of 5 starsFrom Amazon Customer on January 21, 2018
A doctor in Brazil called Dr. According to credible statements, Cicero Galli Coimbra has been treating patients with autoimmune diseases for years, especially multiple sclerosis. Short story: Vitamin D deficiency or some kind of resistance of the body to its effects can lead to autoimmune diseases. A compensation of this lack of effect of vitamin D leads to the improvement up to the cure of the diseases, about 5000 patients, about 95% success rate. The effect of vitamin D leads to a decrease in the level of PTH in the blood. Regardless of the severity of the deficiency due to deficiency in uptake or exposure to the sun, impaired activation of the vitamin or blocked or sparingly present receptors, the PTH level is a sufficient measure of the effect. The vitamin dose is increased so long until the PTH level stays just above the lower normal limit. This ensures that both a maximum effect is achieved, but also no overdose.
Google details for yourself, this method should increase the safety, so you do not deal with tons of calcium kidney failure. Coimbra, however, does not seem to care about vitamin K, so I could not find anything in it.
My wife has herself an autoimmune disease, after years of odyssey and a plethora of diagnoses rather accidentally experienced the beneficial effects of a normalized vitamin D level. After reading this book for about 1 month, she experiences a significant improvement with doses of 50,000 IU per day (plus enough K2). We had already read about Coimbra years ago and have come across it again. We will have the PTH check done soon.
By AnnB on January 7, 2018
Format: Paperback | Verified Purchase
Want to be free of bladder leakage? D3, K2, magnesium is your answer. I’m also taking pregnenolone, too, but it’s the first three that do it quickly.The only physical exercise necessary to cure bladder leakage is lift your hand to mouth to get your D3, K2 and magnesium into your body. Done.
Sneeze, no leakage. Cough after gagging on saliva, no leakage. Bend over a bit overlarge tummy…no leakage. Squats, no leakage. Less gagging on saliva, too. Like my throat muscles are stronger.
Get the book, order the supplements you need and be done with pads and/or constantly wet clothes, and having to put a washable hospital pad on your bed when you don’t want to sleep with a huge Poise pad between your legs.
Regarding the throat muscles….I’m curious to test out not using a CPAP machine for sleep apnea. With sleep apnea I’m awakened every 15 minutes throughout the night it seems to breathe. Last night I was awakened often,I li too. Maybe I am now getting too much air?
I prefer reading books in print than a monitor. However, I am so excited about this book I’ve been reading all the reviews until the paperback arrives Wednesday. However, I just decided to see how much the e-version was…since many were saying it’s so minimal…. Well, once you buy the paperback, you can read the e-version FREE. And the e-version/Kindle on the Cloud is quite nice. Thank you, Jeff!
5.0 out of 5 stars THE go to book on vitamin D3. It’ll change …By Albert Johnson on December 30, 2017
Format: Kindle Edition | Verified Purchase
THE go to book on vitamin D3. It’ll change and prolong your life! I used to get colds with a 3 week sore throat afterwards, every year, sometimes twice a year. What I didn’t know, I was deficient in D3 (probably among other vitamins and minerals) I read this book and started taking 20,000 to 30,000 IU a day for a period, then finally backed off to now, 5000 IU a day. That was 3 years ago and I haven’t had a cold or sore throat since then. I attribute this to Vit. D3. Thank you Jeff Bowles. Goes to show, you don’t have to have the letters MD after your name to know more about proper nutrition and/or supplementation.
I enjoyed it for its content (pain, hair, joints, wrist, hip, ankle, shoulder)
By yo on November 5, 2017
Format: Paperback | Verified PurchaseIf you can give Mr. Bowles a little grace on not being the most polished writer, you’ll find this book very informative. I enjoyed it for its content. He is passionate about his findings, as he should be. 3 weeks ago I receive an alarmingly low D3 report from my doctor. He casually told me to take a supplement and get some sun. Because of this, I did not immediately know how dire I was, but there were these symptoms. I felt horrible!!!!! Every joint in my body hurt, hips, shoulders (especially my right one), wrist, knees, and ankles. I felt like my body was betraying me. I have always been athletic, full of energy and a go-getter, until recently. Nevertheless, I went on a search, found Jeff’s book, started myself on 5,000 ius. My first day I noticed I could get out of bed without wincing. 2nd day, my gym work out was less painful. By the 3rd day, I started telling others and I upped my dosage to 10,000ius. Week 3, I just began 20,000ius and feel terrific. I can’t wait to see and fell my results. I am not sure what my optimal daily intake should be, but I will have my D3 levels checked again in two months. One last thing, my hair was falling out in lumps and clumps. I thought I would go bald. I felt discouraged, especially bc all other tests said I was perfectly healthy. The hair falling out has ceased, completely. Thank you Mr. Bowles!!!! Keep researching!!!!
Annette P. 16 days ago (Edited) (translated from German)Hello, I would like to write something about it, maybe it can help you.
I myself got rid of my aura migraine especially with vitamin D. After 3 years of rest, I got migraine for the first time in September and in October I had 6 migraines in just one month.
Luckily, during that time I checked my vitamin D level in the blood and was completely surprised that the value had dropped again despite regular use. Immediately I increased my dose and the migraine has disappeared since then. I hope it stays with me and I am not happy too soon.
I now know that I personally need a level of about 50 ng / ml (which I had never believed before) and my gauge seems to be the migraine. At the moment I am going through menopause and have read that the consumption of vitamin D should be increased.
But beware! People with migraine often have an increased need for magnesium !!! I have been taking magnesium citrate regularly for many years. In addition, magnesium and vitamin D consume each other. Magnesium converts the passive vitamin D into its active form, which then only takes effect in the body.
I would even go so far that I would advise people with migraine before taking vitamin D first, if not done, to replenish their magnesium storage. If it is already emptied, could (high) vitamin D intake possibly weaken it and lead to increased migraine vulnerability in the beginning? That would be my consideration.
In the meantime I am absolutely convinced after initial skepticism about vitamin D, because I experienced first-hand how well it works for me.
Do not forgive yourself this important opportunity. My tip would be to not dose vitamin D too high and take 300-400 mg magnesium citrate per day over 2 to 3 portions daily.
Dr. Heroes put it very well, but you can not say it better: “It’s a duty to give people enough vitamin D to make them healthy, refusing vitamin D would be a lack of help.”
I absolutely agree with that!
Soon I will put my review here.
December 3, 2017
By MtnGeekette on November 28, 2017
Format: Kindle Edition | Verified PurchaseI started taking more Vitamin D3, as well as K2, with my calcium recently. I have ostopenia in one hip and osteoporosis in the other, mainly due to years of prednisone for auto-immune Crohn’s disease. The pain in my hips is gone after 2-3 months at 20k IU per day, though I haven’t had another bone density scan yet to compare results.
I also experienced fewer symptoms less diarrhea) of Crohn’s disease since adding more D3.
Finally, I hear from my friends who are also in their 60’s that doctors now are prescribing 50k IU pills of D2, not D3, to them for bone loss. Well, D2 has to be converted to D3 by your body to be effective and the conversion process causes you to end up with less D3 than the D2 dose you started with. Why aren’t the MD’s just telling patients to go buy some D3 supplements? Because D2 is prescription only, but D3 is over the counter. Big Pharma wins again.
From: Nicolay Bastos<[email protected]>
To: jeffbo<[email protected]>
Sent: Mon, Nov 6, 2017 4:07 pm</[email protected]></[email protected]>Subject: Re: Hello there Nicolay!
Hi Jeff,
Sure, you can put my email in there, even though its riddled with more informal language than usual 🙂 Leave my name in, too, I’m fine with that. I will happily add my name as a rebuttal to a dangerous person (Cynthia, the mediator of the Yahoo discussion group on asthma who banned your information in 2012) who wants to continue espousing the myth that asthma cannot be cured or alleviated to a point that makes life good again with the use of high doses of Vitamin D3 and K2. I am feeling even more distrust and hatred for the medical/pharmaceutical establishment right now, in the face of health I have never before experienced because of their deliberate ignorance and negligence. This is a clear violation of the Hippocratic oath to first to no harm: more like the hypocrite’s oath. I feel passionate enough to write a proper indictment with details of my asthma history. I will be happy to write a more thorough recommendation of your work, once I’ve worked through this treatment myself for a year. That way I can write the kind of feedback that would seriously persuade someone like me.
This week I’ve increased to 5000 IU D3/500 mcg K4/added 320 mg Magnesium – still good, and the initial side effect of an increased heart rate is now gone. Everything is getting better, dandruff has disappeared, skin feels softer, appetite has regulated in a way I have never experienced. Not even at 2 weeks yet. Feel free to include this as an update.
How I found you: I googled “cure for asthma” and your book titled “How Asthma is being cured safely…lung remodeling hormone” came up second only to Dr. Hahn’s book which I found here. Both the site owner and Dr. Hahn were very forthcoming with me when I emailed them, but I felt that vitamin D was a much better alternative to antibiotic therapy. Dr. Hahn does mention that Vitamin D therapy is yielding good results in his book, but focuses instead on his research using azithromycin.
Thank you again for your work.
Warm regards,
Interesting reading (Translated from German) Sun burn
From Gabriele Aigner on September 6, 2017
Format: Kindle Edition | Verified PurchaseI’ve been taking controlled Vit D3 from Pure for a few weeks and K2 from Vitabay and now have a value of 93. I have always moved around the 20 ng / ml. The best thing is that this year I am nice and brown without creaming. I have not been able to get that much in the direct sun for a long time without a sunburn. Thank you my friend for recommending this great book to me.
I’m very happy to have met (translated from German)From Silent-Chief on September 30, 2017
Format: Paperback | Verified Purchase
My story: I’m barely 50 years old and have spent my life (since I was 13) strength – (weight training with heavy weights) and intense martial arts (Tae Kwon Do ) exercised. Partly for years 4 times a week a 2 hours. My maximum weight was 110 kg at less than 10% body fat.
That has left a heavy mark over the years. The main problems in recent years have been both shoulders, forearms (tendons) knees, heels (for whatever reason).
The waiting room marathon went on for several years with all the trimmings … to opiates for the pain …
Only OPs I have repeatedly fended off at the last moment although some were already appointments.
Also in the NEM area (nutritional supplement) I have tried much with patience and discipline .. Astaxanthin, Maca, willow bark, OPC, Ashawagandha, vitamin C Hammerkuren, “L” -Aminosäuren..Blutanalysen and then optimize the low values, etc … .manches brought me something in laaaanger ingestion in high doses …. much nothing except a lighter purse.
At some point I had no desire to swallow a lot of pills and pills every day …. and after more than 20 years just stopped it ….
There was a bit more pain everywhere. The worst thing was the shoulders … Impingement, Kalkschulter etc … were the diagnoses … I could hardly sleep at night … and was ready for the day …..
2 weeks ago, in a hypnosis session, I wanted to encounter something that helps me healthily in all areas …. for some reason I pulled out a blood test from 2014 2 days later and looked at the values …. the vitamin D value (17 ng) hits me in the eye .. the laboratory recommended at that time to supplement with 1500 IU a day. Did I do it for a while? felt no improvement and let it be ….
Then I googled on Vitamin D and researched and read some things that were very racy and contradictory. I ordered the book on my whim, because what are 10 euros … and in 2 days complete. read.
So and now it comes … as an impatient pain-plagued person I started the day after I finished the book with 50,000 ie. Actually too much for the beginning. But I did not notice. Sometimes a heartbeat … I get that with 2 strong coffee but also …
7 days 50.tsd every day with 5 x 1200er Vit. K complex combined …. and nothing noticed … on the 8th day wanted I read in the book and looked for my reading glasses without success … so open …. and wow … I could see a lot better … read everything … I then looked for fun on things written in small letters and she could read all …. Online eye test completed … Her eyesight is very good … was the result … previously +1.5 bilateral. That has remained until today.
I noticed from the 10th day that I do not yawn during the day … and somehow sleep better. In the evening from 9.00 the batteries go down drastically and I go to bed sleep about 5 hours and then again 2 in Dösemodus. This was no longer possible in recent years without strong sleeping pills.
Mind you with so far no side effects. On the 12th day I took test-wise early in the morning and in the evening a 50tsd Ie Tabl … that was not so great …. body aches and totally tired …. so a day of taking break and then with 50 tsd on. Woke up this morning after 8 hours and cried for joy … my shoulders let me sleep, hardly hurt anymore … did overhead work today which was barely possible for years. I’m in a good mood. The heels have also improved …. I feel them in the morning but barely during the day …
I do not have to lift the stuff in the sky … you have to inform yourself well but my confidence in the medical profession in particular to orthopedic surgeons is gone … you’re just a number and he does not have 10 minutes more time for you ..
So far, no doctor has given me even a hint what you could do. I am now in the 3 week and feel well. My entire pain sensation has dropped by half. I will continue and also let my value be checked again.
Then I try to keep him around the 120th Many information that one finds on the net are given too low. If you want to do something to reduce pain, for example, you have to fill up the memory first and this is only “high doses”!. Mr. Jeff whoever you are
You have helped me with this partially chaotic book to a better life. Thanks for that.
I hope that helps you! I wish you much success!
November 3, 2017
best news ever! Now reading for the second time
By HENRIETTE SCHOLTZE on October 20, 2017
Format: Kindle Edition Verified PurchaseI started three weeks ago with 5.000iu and the pain of fibromyalgia started getting worse, I could barely walk. But I just went on and since yesterday I feel improvements! Less pain and more cheerful. As I couldn’t find vit k2 had it manipulated and will start right away. I did not need much convincing, I loved the irreverent though coherent style! At least it did not intimidate me as doctors usually do. two thumbs up, good job, Jeff!
5 out of 5 stars Get back your memory and your youth
By Watchful on October 14, 2017Format: Kindle Edition Verified Purchase
Extreme Dose Melatonin….. The book is certainly a jet ride for the most part. And just when you think Mr. Bowles has given you all the information you need to run to the store, he takes off again with more important info. So do not order your Melatonin until you finish the book because there is so much more to make this miracle better than you thought. What I like about Mister Bowles books he always tests his theory on himself first.
He also mentioned other hormones that reverses aging. Funny I heard all the talk about hormone replacement for years and did not think I needed it. I thought getting pass grouchiness and night sweats was all that menopause was about, and I had accomplished that with 800 vitamin E.
What made me buy this book was my head has started feeling somewhat numb, and I had a feeling it was not just low blood anymore which has always been my lot. This funny feeling in the head did not want to go away, you heard of the term “empty headed” that’s another way of saying how I felt. Yes and I was having a harder time remembering things than usual. So I got the ebook.
Mr. Jeffe Bowles loves to do things big but I have not been able to mega dose, However what I have been able to accomplish from the information
he shares with us has caused my brains to feel more alive, and my memory is so much better. I have to stick to the Melatonin lower doses 3-9mgs so far, because I have to be able to wake up anytime of the night clear minded (Tip: do not get melatonin with lemon balm if you need to wake clear) . I am on 24 hour prayer call. i also added three of the other hormones Mr Jeff suggest to take along with melatonin, amd am shocked that most of my problems was that I just needed to replace the hormones. Got me running down stairs.” Laughing out loud, because, running up stairs is soon to come.!”
Translated from German Keyword asthmaHello, thank you very much for her very educational book.
I would be very tied to them about more information about Alzheimer’s.
I take myself for 1 year D3 daily
10 000 IU and I’m much better. Am 29 years old and hattesonst at least 2 msl him year strong angina and other colds.
And supposedly astma what I really hardly noticed. All symptoms are much better.
Just as I just read it in her book.
Mfg Sebastian
Great help translated from GermanFrom Petra on January 25, 2017
Format: Paperback | Verified Purchase
I found the book a bit difficult to read. It has more the character of a scientific study and is to a large extent in English. Therefore only 4 stars.
I also read his book on vitamin D3, which helped me a lot. And I bought this book. I unfortunately tolerate the melatonin only in very tiny amounts. But it is unbelievable what it does. My whole quality of life has improved significantly. I sleep wonderfully, the sleep quality is indescribable and I am much more relaxed. In addition, a hormonal problem has solved with me. I have a hormonal disorder of blood coagulation, which has become life threatening by the hormone change in the menopause. Since I have a drug intolerance, I float constantly in life. Since I regularly take melatonin, these problems have been minimized. For that I am incredibly grateful. Thanks to Jeff Bowles
Very helpful! Translated from German eczemaFrom Serber on September 8, 2017
Format: Paperback
Have bought the book about 2 years ago … read through. VitD therapy per se. Deafness in the leg was gone, immunity in the winter was improved … recently I have also carried out the VitD therapy with my children and my wife, after I learned the value of my daughter (13 ng / mol – very low and that in summer). The reason for the blood test was the first neurological disorder that occurred 6 months earlier. After a few weeks, the eczema finally declined. And the book I use to calculate the Vit-D dose, otherwise you will not find anywhere …
anyone who wants to read more reviews, can be found on the internet at the vitamindservice (.) De page …
Vitamin D3 works! Read this book !!!!!! Translation form German Key word >>> Ankylosing spondylitisFrom M. Stegmann on June 8, 2017
Format: Paperback |Verified Purchase
I’ve read this in two days and it’s what’s in the book right! I suffered from Ankylosing spondylitis a vertebra has already formed a clasp … The doctors told me It would be an autoimmune disease which is currently incurable! and I’ve been chasing Arcoxia and Diclofenac years ago … With the intake of vitamin D3 50000IE daily and 5000 micrograms of vitamin K2, the pain completely disappeared! I will continue to report after a few months!
October 3, 2017
From Shiva Shakti Giri on August 13, 2017
Format: Paperback | Verified Purchase
With me now comes the joy of movement back. Thanks, Jeff!
The star rating largely refers to my self-experiment!
Translated From German keywords Herpes bad reaction
From on September 26, 2017
Format: Kindle Edition
To the book:
I had the audiobook and must say that the writing or narrative is really very accustomed!
The author draws some very questionable conclusions from his Vit.d3 studies.
eg, it is claimed that the Vit.d3 deficiency is the fault of the overweight of today’s society, that there are countless other reasons and also countless studies which other causes prove not further mentioned …
The author asserts with the help of the highly dosed D3 become his joints back into the original form.
It is described how by the high dose the joints feel soft and change their shape, the dose is then reduced again, then again increased until the joint is again perfect … If only it would be so easy!
I do not want to claim that people could not heal their joint pain, but I can not imagine that this will happen as described!To me and my self-
experiment : middle 30, athletic, 75kilo, healthy diet. The last years high infectivity in winter, various joint problems.
After listening to the book, I had an old blood test from the doctor (from 2013) and seen that my Vit.d3 mirror then in January was only at 32ng / ml. This led me to self-exertion.
I started with 20,000 IU + the Vit K capsules (one capsule per 10,000IE) (I used the same Vit D3, as well as K2 of Life Extension as the author).
After one week I had a blood test at the doctor and had a value of 95ng / ml. (Unfortunately I missed a test before the start). Since an optimal (in the long run) value according to the author lies between 90 and 100 ng / ml, and with me the value previously determined was significantly lower I reduced my dose to 10,000 IE + 1 capssel K2.
This I then took for another 5 weeks.
During these six weeks I noticed the following changes:
– None!
After the 6th week it came to the reason why I canceled the self-experiment for the time being!
I had the worst virus in my life!
My complete mucous membranes in the mouth and throat as well as the tongue were infected with a herpes virus. I could not take any solid or liquid food for four days. I had 5 days high fever with pain. I had to be in the second twice to the doctor and once to the hospital.
My Vit.D3 mirror was measured again in this time and was 105 ng / ml.
My goal with the Vit.d3 my susceptible immune system to bring back thus went clearly backwards!
Of course, I do not know to what extent there is a connection, but if the Vit d3 really would perform such miracles would not have happened!
So much for my experience with highly dosed vitamin D3 + K2!
I’m very glad to be pushed to it.From Silent-Chief on September 30, 2017
Translation From German key words> pain eyes eyesight vision sleep energy
The book just picked me up at a poor health point in my life. My story: I am nearly 50 years old and have been fighting for the rest of my life (since I was 13) and heavy combat sports (Tae Kwon Do ). Partially yearly 4 times a week a 2 hours. My maximum weight was 110 Kg at less than 10% body fat.
Over the years, this has left a serious mark. The main problems in recent years have been both shoulders, forearms, knees, heels (for whatever reason).
The waiting room marathon went for several years with all the drumming … up to opiates for the pain …
Only OP’s I have always repelled at the last moment although partly already dates were.
I have tried many things with patience and discipline in the NEM area (nutrition supplements) .. Astaxanthin, Maca, Weidenrinden, OPC, Ashawagandha, Vitamin C Hammerkuren, “L” -Aminoäuren..Blutanalyse and afterwards optimization of the low values etc … .manches has brought me something at laaaanger in high doses …. much nothing except a lighter money bag.
Somehow I had no more bock more every day zig pills and puddles to swallow …. and after more than 20 years simply stopped with it ….
There was everywhere again a little more pain wide. The worst was the shoulders … impingement, lime shoulder, etc … were the diagnoses … I could hardly sleep at night … and was fixed and ready in the day …..
2 weeks ago, I wanted to meet in a hypnosis session on something to help me health in all areas …. for some reason I pulled 2 days later a blood test from the year 2014 and looked at the values …. the vitamin D value (17 ng) pushed me in the eye .. the laboratory recommended at that time with 1500 IU a day to supplement. I’ve done ne zeitlang synonymous. no improvement felt and be left again ….
Then I have googled about Vitamin D and researched and partly read things which were very rash and contradictory. The book I ordered out of the mood, because what are already 10 euros … and in 2 days cpl. read.
So now I come … as an impatient pain-stricken person I started the day after I had finished with the book with 50,000. Actually way too much for the beginning. But I have not noticed. Sometimes a little heartbreak … I get with 2 strong coffee but also … for
7 days 50.tsd each day with 5 x 1200 vit. K complex combined …. and nix noticed … on the 8th day wanted I read something in the book and looked for my reading glasses without success … so times so aufgeschlagen …. and wow … I could see much better … read everything … I then searched for fun small things on small words she could read it all …. Online vision test … Your vision is very good … was the result … before +1.5 both sides. This has remained to this day.
I noticed from the 10th day that I no longer yawn during the day … and somehow better sleep. In the evening from 9.00 the batteries go drastically down and I go to sleep sleep about 5 hours and then again 2 in Dösemodus. This has not been possible in the last few years without strong sleeping pills.
Well, with no side effects so far. On the 12th day I took test-times times early and in the evening a 50tsd Ie tabl. … that was not so great …. limb pain and totally schlapp …. thus a day of taking pause and then continued with 50 tsd. This morning after 8 hours woke up and cried with joy … my shoulders have let me sleep, hardly hurt … have done today overhead work which was hardly possible for years. Be the first. The heels have also improved …. in the morning I still feel it but still during the day hardly …
I do not have to lift up the stuff in the sky … one must itself well-infomieren however my confidence in the medical profession above all to orthopaedists is there … you’re only a number and he has not 10 minutes more time for you ..
So far, no doctor gave me even a tip what one could still do. I am now in the 3 week and feel saugut. My entire pain sensation has fallen by half. I will go further and also have my value checked again.
After that, I try to keep it around the 120 …. much information you can find on the net are much too low. If you want to do something to reduce the pain, you have to fill the memory again and it is only “highly dosed”! Mr. Jeff Whoever You Are
You have helped me with this partially chaotic book to a better life. Thanks for that.
I hope this helps you! I wish you all the best!
September 25, 2017
Zoran Vujicic
RESULTS are a visible starting point for a job !!!
With previous status, I have finalized the current research of vitamin D3 healing while at the same time successfully fighting the primary progressive MS, from which neurologists raise their hands at the start.
From my facebook profile, phone, etc., thousands of messages have been sent to MS sufferers, it’s a pleasure to share my experience and knowledge with them and help them fight MS.
18 years of primary progressive MS is behind me, pressure 120/80, blood OK OK, vision, mental and intellectual condition, as in the best days, I have no pain. Every month I will raise the dose of vitamin D3 for 100,000 (normal, only 2 days and then again to my individual dose of 250,000 IU), until I reach MILLION AND VITAMIN D3 !!! After that, there is a magnetic resonance of the brain, to see what vitamin D3 did, and again Jovo again.
I mean, taught by the experience of two weeks ago when I used 500,000 IU for 2 days, my recovery lies in taking a dose of vitamin D3 that the world has not seen.Dr.Coimbra says vitamin D3 stops MS and allows restoration of the state of the organism a year before taking vitamin D3. With my doses, which I call ATOMIC and HYDROGEN B vitamins D3, I believe that I will recover my health severely.
I will regularly inform the comrades about the course of the fight, with the request not to follow me with these incredible doses, because it is very dangerous. Jeff Bowles tells me that I am a miracle world, and I believe him :).
Good morning from Brittany in France, Jeff,And a BIG thank you to you for testing out Vitamin/hormone D3 and K2 on yourself, sharing your experience and reporting on the results.
After reading your book, I bought Vitamin D3 (10000 IU) + K2 complex from a UK website which imports most of its products (vitamins & minerals) from the USA :
Today, I have just had my 69th birthday (1948) and had suffered from asthma from birth, sleeping all my childhood and teenage years with a bolster and 2 pillows to prop me up and making me sleep virtually sitting-up…
My parents never really took this asthma very seriously, as our local doctor kept saying it was just ‘infantile asthma’ and that it would go away.
It never did!
When I was 18, I was in the UK and suffered a major asthma attack in a house I had just moved in to be an au-pair girl to 3 lovely children. I came to the Uk to learn English.
The house had fitted carpets throughout the ground floor and 2 upper floors, and the family did not have a vacuum cleaner!
One of my first cousins mother in law was a friend of the family and asked me where my medicine against asthma was. I told her I did not have any. She repeated it 3 times as she could not believe that I had never had relief from asthma before.
Her husband was a retired doctor, so she rushed to ask him to write a prescription for me and, for the very first time in my short life, I experienced some relief. I did not even know medicine existed to relieve asthma, as my parents never gave me any. We did not question parents’ decisions at that time… I would today!
So, since I was 18 years old, over 50 years ago, I have been taking Theophiline, Bricanyl, Prednisolone (cortisone) at times, Ventolin, etc…
At school I could not run 100 metres, though I loved sports and looked quite fit.
When you have asthma, allergies to household dust, cats’ hair, dog’s hair, strong smells (freshly cut grass, strong perfume, etc) are your daily companions.
When you have an attack, you cannot walk, laugh, cry or even talk, as all these normal functions require oxygen, which becomes a rarity.
On several occasions, I thought I was dying, was rushed to hospital where they take asthma sufferers as a priority as many do die of an attack, but, finally, I survived extreme situations, and am here to tell the tale.
Today, Jeff, I am writing to report that after taking vitamin D3 + K2 for over a year now, I am totally free from asthma, no longer taking any of the medicines listed above.
So, Jeff, a HUGE thank you for stepping outside the box for all of us who had a real need of a lateral thinker!
Please feel free to use this testimony, if you want to.
My particulars are attached.
Would you give me the address of your website, please?
May God bless you in your own life, I do believe He cares.
Kind regards
Let me preface this testimonial about using vitamin D3 with the information that I have been and am taking biotin (500 mcg) daily since May 2016.I have not noticed any positive changes while taking biotin, but would not rule out its contribution to the following improvements in my physical condition.
I was taking 1000 IU’s of D3 daily and my D level was 38 (hydroxy). Trying to raise my vitamin D level my doctor increased my D3 intake to 2000’s IU’s daily in June 2015.
The following changes occurred:
1. There was a open sore where the bridge of my glasses rested on my nose. The sore was raw, and brown and black in color. Nothing that I tried would make it heal. Sometime after taking the 2000 IU’s of D3 the sore completely healed and the discoloration disappeared.
2. I have had a skin tag on my right collar bone for decades. It disappeared, leaving just a small dark spot where it used to be.
3. There was a small nodule on my forehead, a bump of skin, it disappeared.
I started taking 10,000 IU’s of D3 and Super K with 1000 mcg of K2 daily (May 2017). After two months plus, the following occurred: Note: lesion: (le-sion) A lesion is a term used to cover all possible abnormalities of organic tissue. These can be simple cuts, burns, wounds, or so on.
1. I am 74 years old and a retired mechanic. In my forties I started getting all kinds of lesions on my forearms: discolorations, growths, liver spots, bumps, etc. Some of the lesions had different color spots on them, as in precancerous lesions. Thinking that this was caused by the chemicals I was using at work I started keeping my sleeves buttoned down while working. After the increased D3 (summer 2017) the lesions started to kind of dry up, get crusty. You could scrape them with a finger nail and they would come off like dead skin after a sun burn. Some would show a little blood and then scab over. When the scab fell off there was a small pink patch where the lesion had been. Eventually the pink patch became the same color as the surrounding skin. My arms still have some marks but I am no longer reluctant to wear short sleeve shirts in public. I just can not believe the transformation. I can look at my forearms now.
2. For years I had a small growth between the back of my right ear and the skin on my scalp. It was about twice the diameter in size of a pencil eraser and about 3/8ths. of an inch high. The surface was crusty, rough. I tried everything to get rid of it. I could reduce the size (height), but it would always grow back. If I disturbed it too much it would bleed. After the increased D3 it has completely disappeared, leaving just a little redness where it used to be. Unbelievable.
3. I have never been able to grow finger nails or toe nails. When they would grow they were soft and would break or tear easily. They had scalloped and ridged surfaces. I could not untie a knotted shoe lace or pull a blade up out of my pocket knife. I took biotin for quite awhile with little change. After the increased D3 I looked at my hands one day and there were finger nails; I could see white under the ends of the nails. I looked at my toe nails and saw the same transformation. The nails are rigid, tough and sturdy. I can still break them doing work but they grow right back. I can open my knife blade, untie a knotted shoe lace, and scratch my itching whatever. I can actually bang my finger nails against the table, they are that tough.
4. I had a growth on the back of my right knee, on the lower leg, about the size of a pencil 2 eraser. It was dark purple like a blood blister, about an eighth inch long, had it forever. It just shriveled up and fell off, completely gone, leaving just a small colored spot where it used to be.
5. There are lesions all over my back, moles, dark brown. They are all shrinking in size. I can not get a close look at them, but they are getting smaller.
6. Since taking the increased D3, sometimes, when I look at my hands the skin has a sheen to them, they actually shine. I have never experienced this before. Please note that this change took place after only three months of taking the higher dose of D3 (10,000 IU’s). I just received my lab work from my visit to my doctor last week. My vitamin D, 25-Hydroxy is now 91.4. Range is 30.0-100. Joe S. South St. Paul, Minnesota
Hi Jeff,
Re- Hyaluronic acidI have noticed other changes too. Such as my skin looks plumper, and people say I look young.
Joints are better. I used to have stiffer joints, and thought that perhaps it is the new norm. 🙂
Now I don’t ever have this feeling or notice any stiffness. As to vision, I didn’t notice any changes.
Are you still taking HA? If not, why not?
From my vantage point it makes sense to take a break.
It’s a synthetic supplement, made in China, and I can only guess as to its purity.
I bought it from, perhaps they have some standards.
With best wishes,
Hello Janna I take it everyday and one effect I noticed was that I used to be able to scrunch the skin on my face
back towards my ears and get about 1 inch or so-the skin the plastic surgeon cuts off for a face lift.
Now when I push my skin back I can only get about 1/4 inch or so!! its amazing! we should call it facelift powder!
I get cheap quality HA from Peter@vitaspace,com his info is on the website
he does not get anything from China he is a quality supplier to vitamin companies and also sells powders to
private people>>>he is cheap but a little slow so don’t worry if it takes awhile with him!
thanks JB
Hi Jeff,Hope you are having a good summer
Just to jog your memory, last year I wrote to you after reading your books, My 35 years old husband, J*** was newly diagnosed with MS. You told me about Dr. Coimbra’s protocol for MS at the time.
After the tip from you, J*** said goodbye to conventional medical immediately and started the high dose vitamin D protocol with a doctor trained in it. He’s been on the protocol for 8 month now and we are very happy with the results. His blood reports show no inflammation and the last MRI scan showed no new or active lesions. He still have the old lesions that will probably take a few years to go away, but that can take its own sweet time, we do not mind because it takes time to heal and he is healing very nicely so far. Although he sometimes has some numbness and tingling. he has had no relapses. He is full of energy, you know well how the high doses of vitamin D gives you good energy levels and better quality of day to day life. J*** manages a job where he works offshore in long shifts (12 hours or more) when he is onboard the subsea rig where he works. Simultaneously he is also in the middle of his engineering studies and of course the household calls his attention too as we have 2 little girls. We are otherwise too physically active people who like skiing, sailing, hiking, camping in nature etc. He is able to do all of this like he did before. Crazy to think that he live such a active life that normal people don’t have energy for, while having MS only by taking high doses of vitamin D and a few other vitamins. This is miraculous!
I only wanted to update you and keep you in the loop. Jaro will be going for an MRI in Oct-Nov period so we will see if there is any change in the liaison, I will let you know.
Keep doing the good work of spreading news on vitamin D, I owe you and so many others for introducing us to the miraculous of “dangerously high dose “vitamin D
Take care and enjoy the summer.
Best wishes
MS Multiple Sclerosis Lesions
Here is the follow up email from Manisha re MS she suggests if you start d3 immediately upon diagnosis you can nip it in the bud, and one should skip conventional treatment altogether!!
Jeff,Good to know where you are located. I have neither been to Chicago nor to St. Louis, many be some day . We live on the west coast of Norway in Bergen, it’s the 2nd largest city in Norway but compared to cities in US, it can better be called a town or a village really. It rains a lot here, but we are also blessed with beautiful fjords and nature, so we do have some thing to be happy about. You are very welcome to stay with us anyday if you come this way to visit Norway.
Health care in Norway is free and the neurologist keep suggesting expensive, top of the line conventional medicine for Jaro’s MS, but we keep turning down the offers and instead do skype consultations with a doctor in Spain who is trained with Combra protocol. We do the lab work in the only private lab here in the country and order our vitamin D3 and other vitamins on our own from USA. It’s funny that the doctors and the system is willing to spend huge sums on Jaro’s “supposed” recovery with medicine that will give him cancer and other autoimmune dieses in the future because of the side effects simultaneously while he keeps becoming more and more disabled to to the fact the MS progression cannot be stopped, can only be slowed down…. but they do not want to support us in any alternative medication, on the contrary they make things difficult for us. But vitamin D is the best way to go! The only thing that works.
I am a member of the N. American face book group, and the Italian one, and the Brazilan one (hail google translate!). I am also one of the admins of the FB group for Norway. I have been told often to write on progress and experience in the N. American group, I do small updates, but my main mission is to tell new group members to not wait and go for this treatment. We were lucky that we found the link to vitamin D through your book and mail to you early in the diagnosis and we did not wait long. So Jaro had all his functions intact. The little numbness and tingling that he gets sometimes when he is stressed, he can live with he says. But otherwise, the brain is as sharp as anything (brain fog, concentration issues, fatigue are common in early MS), he can sun bath with no issues (Discomfort with increased temperature is again early set in MS), all his functions are intact and that is because he started the protocol early. When one waits and wait and gets into the conventional medicine cycle, one or the other bodily function keeps getting weaker and weaker as the body keeps attacking its myline sheet no matter what conventional medication one is on. One has to start early to lessen the damage. The protocol works wonderfully for almost all autoimmune disease and I encourage others with various other autoimmune conditions to read up material on the protocol and start.
You may of course add my email or parts of it to your book. Knowledge is for sharing, after all
Take care now and thank you for corresponding. Will catch you again someday soon.
Sent: Wed, Aug 16, 2017 5:24 am
Subject: Re: HA experimentHello
How are you? I thought I’d give you an update on how i’m getting on with HA.
I’ve been taking it for 7.5 months. My hair keeps improving, and I find lots of grey strands with dark roots.
I hadn’t gone to have my hair died in five months (!). And I normally used to go every 6-8 weeks. A large chunk of my
hair has definitely turned back its natural colour, but not all of them.
Still despite the absolutely remarkable progress, I think it’s wise to take a break from HA. No, I don’t have any symptoms,
but just as a precaution. Balancing should be taking place elsewhere in the body, I reckon, and I don’t know how this might backfire.
Are you still taking HA? How’s your hair? How long do you reckon one can take it safely for, and can you
point me to any safety studies you might know of, or do you know of any anecdotal evidence of people
taking it long term??
Many thanks for your help and your views!! I’ll look forward to your reply!!
With best wishes,
My Daughter is 15yrs old. Has been diagnosed with CIU – she is on many OTC antihistamines, singular, doxipen & has had her first shot of Xolair, Prednisone on & off – mostly on – this seems to be the only thing that keeps the hives away. I asked the allergist of the Vitamin D test when we were doing tons of blood work. Hers is low (33) but the allergist didn’t suggest Vitamin D supplements – didn’t think it would do anything for her. I have come back to this article many times. Her regular Dr just prescribed 10,000IU per day for her. We will start this week. I will update you soon. Keeping finger crossed & LOTS of prayers that this will help her. I am trying to keep the hope – but some days it is not easy! Katie
Dr. Poole, I have been suffering with hives for my entire life, I am 28 years old now. This year (I live in Houston), our summer has just started & is extremely hot. My hives came with a vengeance, I wish we could post pictures for others to view and relate. I’m so happy I found this article. I am of West Indian descent, and have always had low levels of vitamin D. For some reason, I thought to google the correlation between hives and vitamin D and came across your study. I hope that you have had success with gaining more grants to pursue this issue as it is incredibly painful, disconcerting, and affects many people from all different races and walks of life. Thank you, I will start taking my vitamin D daily and Ramona, I will start taking cod liver oil. Thank you all for sharing!
Ramona Taylor
Dr. Poole, you are a life saver! After a stressful episode of a rollover wreck, last year I developed idiopathic chronic hives. They would mostly come at night and sometimes even with angiodema/swollen face. Aloe Vera gel seemed to soothe it for a few hours. I tried everything from changing my diet, fasting afraid to eat, to emergency room asking if I had mites, to finally going to an immunologist where I was put on Zyrtec. To be honest, over the counter Benadryl worked better but the problem was none of those are effective for longer than 3 days with no more doses, they actually seemed to increase the severity of hives, and most importantly I was extremely sleepy and with Zyrtec began to have a weird swollen aching feeling in my feet. I was so worried about how I would function for the new school year as a teacher feeling like a zombie and sleepy. I prayed and was craving eggs! I looked up nutrients in eggs! I stumbled upon vitamin D3 and an article about your research! This was a MIRACLE, and I pray that you continue this research. I thought it was strange that after a long day swimming and I had started back taking my cod liver oil which contains A and D3, I had slightly began to feel better although my hives were still coming. My husband immediately went out to buy me D3, I started taking 6,000 IU, plus vitamin C and still took one Cod liver oil. I am shocked! I’m afraid to ever stop taking this! I also was found to be medium to low thyroid T4 (.8) but was offered no treatment and I begged my immunologist to test my vitamin D3 and it was a 36. This was after I was self medicating on D3 for about two weeks. I told him about this miracle and he didn’t seem enthused, saying it was probably going to go away anyway. No way! Now, exactly a year later, I sometimes lower my dose of vitamin D3 to just 4,000 IUs a day instead of 6,000 for fear of toxicity. I’m also an African American female and can’t believe we aren’t told that darker skin people may be more deficient in vitamin D3! I tell everyone this story and wish I could be involved in a study with you. If anyone is reading this and has questions you can email me at [email protected]
Sharon Shapowal
Dear Dr Poole: After 3.5 months of hives on my hands (I’m allergic to nightshades and ate a green pepper dish) and unwilling to take steroids, I started 2000IU of D3 after finding your article. After one week, the hives are nearly gone. Thanks for publishing this intriguing study. Sharon S.
Stephanie S.
Recently, I had an episode of hives after 7 years. Blood work found that I am vitamin d deficient. I was just prescribed 50,000 per wk of vitamin d. We’ll see what happens! I hope this will work. I am optimistic.
jean matteson
I had severe hives for 6 months. 3 rounds of prednisone did nothing but give very temporary relief for a few days. when i went for my annual exam lab results showed very low vitamin d. I was put on 50,000 u per week. Just 2 days after my first dose the hives were completely gone. That was nine months ago. I’ve had no hives since then.
Thank you Dr. Poole for a remarkable research. I will surely follow this Medication and i wish you receive more funds in order to do further research. Regards.
Kim Dobrzynski
As a sufferer of chronic hives, I would like to know what the triple therapy consists of. I have suffered with these for more than 7 years. This past week I had a severe outbreak and have been racking my brain trying to figure out what brought this on again when I have not had an outbreak in years. Then I realized I had lapsed in my OTC antacid by about 3-4 days and also my daily regimen of Vitamin D3. Finding this article was profound as I felt some relief for many hours today after resuming D3. Will have to try upping the dose from 1,000 IU to the 4,000 if this is indeed safe.
Donna Danish
After 9 years of no breakouts, the hives are starting again. Have had outbreaks since March 3. This study mentions two OTC drugs and one prescription. Any information on what these meds are? Currently taking Zyrtec, Zantac and a script. Thank you!!
Northern Light
My chronic hives began last April of 2013. Since finding Dr. Poole’s study last August, 2013, I upped my dose that I began in July from 3000iu’s a day to 5000iu’s a day, I took 5000iu’s steady until December 31st. I was able to get off prednisone which I was taking for a month in June, 2 Reactine, 2 Zantac, Benadryl here and there and doxepin which I was taking for 9 months steady every day. I previously had chronic hives in 2010 when my own physician remarked she had noticed many patients coming in with chronic hives. I think I had both of these occurrences of chronic hives due to my moving north and becoming more confined to the indoor lifestyle as I moved to a colder climate and I also believe I suffered a second occurrence because I was 3 years older than before and as you age you are less able to synthesize vitamin d. Because I became obsessed with googling everything I could about vitamin d throughout this 9 month period, I stumbled upon two very helpful books as I weaned myself off my allergy pills and increased my Vitamin d3 dose. One book was called The Miraculous Results of extremely High Doses Of Vitamin D3 by Jeff T. Bowles; I read this book at the end of December which encouraged me to take a higher dose than 5000iu’s a day starting January 1st. The reason I decided to take a higher dose was I fell off my front steps onto my tailbone and could not sit without terrible pain for 3 days but on the 4th day of taking 20,000iu’s of D3 the pain began to diminish greatly so I continued to take 20,000iu’s until the end of January when I thought I was healed from my sore tailbone. My physician had remarked at the beginning of January that it would take a couple of months for the soreness to go away. I had no more pain in one month of taking 20,000iu’s of vitamin d a day. Then I reduced the dose to 10,000iu’s and have been taking that amount almost all of February which is not over yet. By mid January I also had no more hives to show. The other treatment I gave myself was from Book number two You’re not sick, You’re Thirsty! by Batmanghelidj. I found this book mid-December, the information about histamine and how it works in the body is invaluable. I have been to an allergy specialist during both chronic hive occurrences, I am not allergic to anything according to the allergist’s tests. I think Vitamin d3 deficiency contributes to chronic hives and I also think chronic dehydration is a contributor as during my move I was busy and distracted and it wasn’t until I read You’re not sick, You’re thirsty that I realized I had not been drinking 2 litres of water a day. My husband watched my hives diminish in front of his eyes as I started to drink 2 litres of water a day; it took me about 5 days to become properly hydrated, I have been drinking 2 litres of water a day since mid- December. Now the last influential book I found today to keep me on the path of being free of hives forever is The Power of Vitamin D written by Sarfraz Zaidi, MD. This book gave me the complete overview of my situation since 2010 because this doctor writes about a condition called Hyperparathyroid Disease which I ended up with in 2013 and had my ‘inflamed to a grape size’ hyperparathyroid gland removed in June 2013 which I now have a one inch scar on my neck. Dr. Zaidi states in his book how this gland fails to work properly when you are deficient in Vitamin D. My blood results in August 2012, March, May and July of 2013 were all deficient in Vitamin D. The reason I was blood tested for Vitamin d is I am a Type 1 Diabetic, so if you do not have a chronic autoimmune disease you could have low vitamin d and never be tested. For example my healthy husband who works outdoors and because I was reading all this information about Low vitamin d he decided to experiment without a blood test first. He took 4000iu’s of Vitamin d for 4 months, when he had his blood tested he was low in vitamin d. He had to ask for the Vitamin d test. My husband also was on the verge in the Fall of 2013 with going through with a carpal tunnel syndrome operation on his wrist, that is why he decided to take some vitamin d. Although his vitamin d result was low his wrist improved on 4000iu’s of Vitamin d so he does not feel he will be needing an operation. In January because we read that when you live near the equator you get about 20,000iu’s of vitamin d, my husband also increased his dose to get his low d blood level up, he will have another blood test at the end of March. My husband also noticed previous aches and pains disappear and I noticed his hair that was turning gray turn brown. All of my blood results are now normal including my Vitamin d, it has taken at least 7 months of taking Vitamin D3 everyday to get those results in the proper place. I am sharing this with the readers because it is devastating when you visit your doctor 10 times in 4 months for more pills and leave the office feeling hopeless. Vitamin D3 should become a mandatory test for all human beings because we would save millions of dollars in health care costs and millions of lives from debilitation and depression. Take enough Vitamin D3 everyday for the rest of your lives, you are all deficient (get your 25 (OH) Vitamin d, 25 Hydroxyvitamin D) before your health is in trouble!!! It’s easier to take Vitamin D3 sublingually, (under the tongue) than taking an insulin needle 6 times a day along with 6 blood tests!!!
That’s great you find it works. I hope Dr. Poole can get funds to do a larger study so that ultimately perhaps more health providers will be able to spread the word.
Geri Cohrs
I have been using Vitamin D3 for almost a year now to treat my red,itchy,swelling welts on my legs that I would get every fall and last until late May. I have had this condition for at least 6 years. Topical lotions did not work at all. I did some research on my own and tried the Vitamin D3. My legs have never looked and felt so good, not even any dry skin during the winter. I even told my 85 year father about this because he had the dry itchy rash around his ankles and was in terrible distress. He tried the D3 and the redness is clearing up. D3 is a miracle. I’m so glad I figured it out. Geri C
5.0 out of 5 stars Thought the cover was bull because i try a lot of vitamins and didnt get nowhere but i said one more try on something different
By Amazon Customer on August 2, 2017Format: Kindle EditionVerified Purchase
First time I saw the cover I thought it was bull.then few more weeks pass and I been dealing with plantar factuiccus and heel spurs since Sept 2016…thought why not try it and won’t hurt since I’m already have constant pain.i try it for a about 2 to 3 weeks of 25 000 hi v d3 and k2.when on a trip and when to a water park.i was barefooted for half time there..i could tell it was helping my feet..that was back in first part back of July. It s August now. im Still taking it and including stretches still healing up and I can tell when other bones in my body are being worked on.teeth and specially two fingers I was having trouble with before I even started vitamin d3 and k2. If you don’t have plantar factuiccus and heel spurs. Then you don’t know about constant pain that won’t let up. im glad I try it.vitamin D3 isn’t a vitamin. It s a helper.
benefit for bruisingI am a 72 year old male and have been suffering for years this ugly and unsightly condition of constant bruising on my arms, many times even spontaneous, without bumping into anything. I tried many things, nothing worked, until I tried one tablet of rutin daily with 2 Vitamin C x 500 mg tablets. After a month of this treatment, my bruising has totally STOPPED. I am cured of this disease. I beg you to please publish this testimony on your website to the benefit of millions of elderly people that may be suffering from this condition and don’t know what to do about it. I understand that not all individuals react the same way to a treatment, but I’m sure that my experience will be helpful to many. I used Country Life Labs rutin, 500 mg daily, 100 tabs per bottle. As a curious detail, after I reported to my doctor how I was able to get rid of the bruising and blood spots on the arms, he then remembered that in Cuba, in the 50’s, a product was for sale that combined Rutin and Vitamin C in one tablet. The name of the product in those days was “Rutascorbin”. My doctor said he just forgot about that, after so many years.
Hello Jeff,
Hi Jeff,I started high dose Vit D3 with 50,000Iu and vitamin K2. Amazingly , a pinched nerve I had been very bothered with for 18 mo. stopped bothering me in 4 days!!! i kept taking it for 2 weeks. Before the high dose vitamin D3, the nerve pain was so bad I could feel it all over my leg I could almost map out all the nerve ending from the top of my leg to the bottom. I had been to chiropractors, massage therapists and nutritionists. Nothing really helped . By the way I had been taking about 5000iu a day up till then. I am now going back up on my dose to see if it will help my colitis.
Thank you for your books,
From a man with a 20 year staph infection:Hi Jeff, after a long a time, I finally found what I have for 20 years, STAPHYLOCCOCCUS and RINGWORM. let me know if K2 is beneficial in this case too. I was taking 25k d3 + 2caps K2 for almost 2 months and it was better with the eyes but dont know how it affects staph infection. I will try again 50k D3 DAILY. so please let me know.
Hi Julian-great newsgetting the right diagnosis is often 90% of the battle…..I expect most infections should fall to D3 as the high doses super charge your immune system…….you will be the first I have heard attacking staph with it…thanks-Jeff
Hello Jeff 2 days 50000 IU VITAMIN D3+ k2 shows good results. i have staphyloccocus on head in the eyes, face, mouth etc. Klin Wochenschr. 1977 May 15;55(10):507-8.[Studies on the antimicrobial effect of vitamin D (author’s transl)].[Article in German] Feindt E, Ströder J. Abstract In in vitro studies vitamin D3 proved inhibitory on strains of Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pyogenes, Klebsiella pneumoniae. Escherichia coli, and Candida albicans. In the presence of 5×10(4)-9×10(4) IU/ml vitamin D3 the organisms were killed or reacted with a marked growth inhibition. It is proved vitamin d3 is A MIRACLE. but I have to test it for at least 2 months but for now i found a very high RELIEF.
A recent review: Cures acne in 1 month better than Acutane:Jeff-Just wanted to give you an interesting update. I have had my son on high dose D3 (and K2) for a month or so now. He is 19 and has had severe acne since about 16. He went on on Acutane when he was junior in high school and of course this dangerous drug worked; temporarily. I was reluctant to try this drug, however, it is hard enough being a teenager! After about a year his acne returned.I am happy to report that his face is almost completely cleared! Cindy M.
A recent review: D3 ganglion cysts, blood sugar , and appetite:5.0 out of 5 stars Enthusiasm to push me to do more research M. R. “me” (Chicago, IL United States) While not a masterpiece of editing and style, this book is enthusiastic and has lots of research that you can go to yourself to get additional information. I have done a lot of Vitamin D research before, but this book inspired me to try to find information on large doses. This was also the first book that said anything about K2 – which is important to how Vit. D works. I do wish the author had been clearer about how long he took each mega-dose of D3, but each update the author does to the book seem to improve its flow incrementally. Read the book and catch some of the author’s enthusiasm for D3.
I had been taking 10k IU of Vitamin D3 for over a year and had noticed improved moods. Then I got this book. I upped my D3 to 50k IUs a day on Oct. 1, 2013. I ordered K2 and started that along with it on about Oct.15th. About mid-month in October I realized that my ganglion cysts (which I have in both wrists) had retreated significantly. Now, on Nov. 1, I can’t feel them at all. It is really hard to tell how long the author took each mega dose he talks about. That is why I think that getting your Vit. D levels tested will be very important. I just sent my test kit in and should have results soon. (I’ll update this review when I get them.)
I have noticed that my blood sugar seems steadier – I don’t crave carbs or get hungry as often. I think I may have taken my D3 too late on the day a few times and that has made it difficult to sleep, so now I try to take it early in the day. I have none of the aches and pains that friends the same age (mid-40s) complain about. ETA: Got my results. Last year at this time, taking 10k IUs per day, I was at 66 ng/ml. Today, after 3 weeks at 50K IUs/day I am at (oops) 172 ng/ml. I may reduce my dose a bit, but I might not. I am taking my K2 and I feel great.
A recent testimonial from someone who cured their lifelong bone spurs..& lost 30 pounds w/o trying:This is one of the greatest books I have read in years.I am an avid health reader and much similar to Jeff I do my own health experiments.Here are a couple of observations of my own:
1: Per my podiatrist I had two of the largest bone spurs he had ever seen on my ankle. I got them when I was 16(I am 40 now) when I jumped off of the roof and landed on a bent foot. I did not break a bone but the trauma took a few month’s to heal and left me with two nasty spurs that would stay with me for the next 24 years. I put myself on 26000 iu of vitamin d3 for 9 months and both these spurs have disappeared completely. Really unbelievable.
2: I also lost 30 pounds without even trying (230 lb to 200 lb).
3: Also I used to get the cold/flu every year, this year it seems to have taken a vacation.
I have initiated a bunch of other health experiments using so called large dose vitamin D and I would update my review when I get an update.
Great BookBy pioneerwoman on April 7, 2014
Format: Paperback|Verified Purchase
This is a great book. Puts the dots together. I fell into a ladder as it fell to the ground and hurt my hip several years ago. Last year it began to hurt and it was really putting a cramp on my style. I take supplements and did some research and found 4 supplements that took away the pain and my hobble. Then I read Jeff’s book and experimented with high doses of Vitamin D3. Low and behold the pain and the hobble went away. I have been on 5000 IU for several years and recently upped it to 10,000 IU after reading the book I went right to 20,000 IU for several days.
My question to Jeff and I don’t think he covered this in his book. I have been struggling with High Blood Pressure for many years. Will my medication interfere with the High Doses of Vitamin D3. I’m not going to waste my time talking to my doctor.
Thanks Jeff for putting it out there.
Mark’s email re: actinic kertosis:If I could play golf pain free again, I would be happy with that. Possibly some of these dreams can be realized through consistent D3 therapy.
Oh, and I took it to heart to go ahead and do k-2 therapy along with d-3 to avoid the wrong effect on the bones. I am taking greater than 80,000 ius d-3 daily. How much k-2 do you think I need to take with that? I weigh about 155 lbs.
Last March 2012 I fractured my spine falling off a ladder trimming a tree. My compression fracture fused just fine with lots of supplementation but it has been a struggle to regain strength in the ligaments. I also banged up my left knee pretty good but comparatively speaking a much lesser problem. I have pain in the knee and it is slightly swollen but my mobility is still there. In fact I have been sprinting 100 yard dashes as part of my exercise program. I have not had the knee scoped but i suspect a possible bone chip in the tissues cause it hurts when I kneel down on it or sit with it bent in my easy chair for very long. I am wondering if d-3 will rehab this knee.
I don’t know if I mentioned it in my last email but the high d-3 has resolved my actinic keratosis. This is one of those irritating syndromes that doesn’t allow you to be exposed out in the sun. You get a raised red rash on neck, forearms and legs. The sun makes the little red bumps itch and fester almost like poison ivy or something. I am a red headed fair skinned individual. This summer I was able to go outside and enjoy the sun (without sunscreen) for fairly lengthy durations, say 1-1/2 to 2 hrs without burning and without any effect on the rash bumps. Vitamin D is itself protective against UVA. Today the rash bumps are few in number.
Sue’s recent email:I was tested & found deficient so started taking 2000 iu for 60 days, my knees that my doctor & orthopedic surgeon both told me needed replaced are so much better but still sore after standing a long time, so I increased to 10000 iu 2 weeks ago and knees are fine, also improved my fingers which had limited movement since I broke them 2 -3 years ago. Feel like a new person, get tested in another week to see what level is now. I can’t believe such a simple fix!
I just had my eye appointment after taking D3 now for about 90 days, My eyesight had improved! It’s official, my right eye went from +2.25 to +0.75 and left eye from +0.75 to -0.25. My near vision (reading) went from +2.75 to +2.50. Dr didn’t believe it was from D3 but that’s the only difference from last year. Same meds, same weight, etc. Assistants at both eye doctor’s office and eyeglass place asked if I had had corrective surgery. Knees are also still improving, but can walk up & down steps now and able to stand longer without pain. Thank you Jeff Bowles for your book. I had no idea!
I have my regular doctor appointment next Monday with results of 2nd D3 level test and checkup. Boy is my doctor going to hear about it!!! What a surprise for him.
Thanks again for your book. Suse
5.0 out of 5 stars WOW. A cure for my skin disease (possibly)By Jaime VenderaVINE VOICEon November 16, 2012
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
WOW, this author should be a scientist!!! I cannot believe the lengths he went on his own to study D3. He should be paid by the government!
I accidentally stumbled across this book when browsing Kindle, and honestly, I’d usually skip over a book with such a long title on a plain yellow background, but something told me to stop and take a look. I’m so glad I did! I’m a lifelong sufferer of a skin disease called PRP (pityriasis rubra pilaris) and I have suffered severely for the last five years, with dry, inflamed skin, energy loss, blurred vision, low libido, etc., much worse than I have during my 30+ years of this affliction. Fed up with dermatological treatment, I started looking for natural alternatives.
When I found this book, vitamin therapy, or D3 for the matter, wasn’t even a consideration. But I followed my gut and forked out $2.99. Off the but, I can tell you that this book reads like you are talking to the author, who is shooting words out of his mouth at 150 mph. i’m not saying that is a bad thing, I’m jut noting that he jumps from point to point, deeply explaining every little detail. But, if he didn’t, I would not known the benefits and supposed dangers of D3. For one, I had no idea that D3 wasn’t really a vitamin but a secosteroid. Well, that was a home run for me, because I’ve used a lot of Prednisone over the years to calm my inflamed skin, but that is some bad mojo for the body in the long run.
So, I ended up buying D3 and K2 as he suggested and started a daily regimen of 30,000 IU. It is already making differences in my body and it’s only been a week! Patches of my skin are returning to normal, my energy levels are climbing again, (I’m back to cardio finally, no more looooong afternoon naps and my libido in increasing (honey, here I come, ha-ha.)
So, all in all I am sooooo thankful for this book. Though it is a long, read, it is very informative, as well, has some insights into diabetes that I think the doctors may want to stop and read. If only more minds were this inquisitive, we may solve world hunger, ha-ha. So, if you don’t mind, I shall finally part from this review and purchase a few more of this author’s books as I continue taking my D3 and reaping the benefits!
My own experiment, resultsBy E An Amazon Customer on August 14, 2012
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
I am my third week of my experiment, and thought you might like to know the results I have so far. Just so you know I started with 30,000 IU daily of D3 with 200mcg K2. But I must admit (here’s fodder for another book) I am also taking cayenne pepper twice daily. I use 1/4 teaspoon in 1ounce apple cider vinegar in 4 ounces of the hottest water I can stand. The hot water helps it absorb. But you can only use Heinz in the glass jar or home-made vinegar because the other stuff is synthesized.
1-Haven’t felt like this in 15 years at least! Even my friends are remarking that I seem “Perky” to them.
2-I am feeling some heavy pain in my very arthritic knee, and was thinking of cutting back, but I want the joint to “remodel”.
3-I have been diagnosed with depression and schizo-effective disorder and see #1
4-The cracking of my knuckles is minimizing already.
5-I have degenerative disk disease and extruded disks in my back with arthritis.Something IS going on there I can feel it.
6-I use an exercise machine and have noticed that I have a much faster recovery time between sets than before, because I feel so good.
7-My eyes are being effected too, my night vision is getting better already and my vision seems sharper.
8-I am losing my appetite! And have lost a tad bit of weight!
9-I am very tired at the end of the day and have been sleeping through the night. I’ve had sleep disturbances for years and tried many different meds to no avail!
This is just what I have noticed thus far and it’s just the beginning of the third week! I praise God that I found your book! I’ve been telling my friends with mixed reviews, but one couple have purchased the D3 and K2 and I “gifted” them the book so they don’t go astray somewhere and quit. I am on disability and don’t receive much money but next month I plan to buy your “Alzheimer’s” book. Thank you for pulling me back from the brink!
5.0 out of 5 stars Wow – Awesome Information on Vitamin D3 and Vitamin KBy Joann E. Rogers on April 20, 2012
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
I don’t know what to say, ordered the kindle ebook, read it shared it followed it. Within 3 days the dark circles under my eyes that were supposed to be from allergies were GONE! I have had aches and pains since a work accident when I was 32 and like the author I am in my early 50’s and really tired of hurting all the time. So I am taking around 20,000 IU’s a day right now the sublingual type with Vit K also. My neck and back feel a lot better and my fatigue is starting to lighten up. Only on it for a week and already seeing changes. THANK YOU for the information at such an affordable price!
5.0 out of 5 stars Thought provoking and informativeBy Kathleen M. Smith on September 23, 2012
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
I heard about Vitamin K2 on Deborah King’s radio show on and ran across this ebook while researching it. I found this ebook to be thought provoking and informative, I was not distracted or upset by the flow of thought or the abstracts. Most of his logic seems to be spot on, at least in my experience, it explains so much.
I have been taking Vitamin D3 for maybe a year, from 400 then up to 1000 IU and I also use a sun lamp when I remember. Since I upped the dosage, I have noticed unusual tingling/pulsing sensations in my spine, neck and joints, bordering on pain. I was relieved to read yesterday that this is probably due to healing in these areas, how cool is that!
I am not sure how high I will go on the doses, it will depend on blood tests … I am hoping it will also help with depression, fatigue, losing weight and other medical conditions. For the last week, I have gradually increased the Vitamin D and have started taking K2 (the same one he takes, I ordered before I read the book). The odd sensations have increased (especially in my neck and upper back) and I have been sleeping a lot. There seems to be some decrease in hunger and a slight uplift in mood and the dark circles under my eyes look better.
I read in another book here on Amazon that Vitamin D3 is best taken in the morning, that it may contribute to insomnia, so I am taking my second dose much earlier in the day, rather than at bedtime. I am thinking this may be the cause for some extreme insomnia I have had lately.
I may update on my progress, I have appreciated reading others comments.
1 comment|21 people found this helpful.
An email about pimples libido and other thingsDear Jeff,
Update on D3I have been taking 2 capsules of 10,000 per day (3 weeks) and I tell you I now feel younger and my body is full of life. My Libido is fantastic for someone 75.My wife started 2 weeks ago. She has some sort of skin itching problem on the legs, looks like “Psoriasis” she has this problem for about 14 months. Her doctor has prescribed many tablets and lotions and the problem persisted. Now after taking D3 the skin looks almost normal and the itching was gone within days of taking D3.I gave some D3 capsules (10,000) for a friend to try, he ordered some and he has been taking them for about 2 weeks.10 days ago he came to see me with his 15 yr old son whose face is full of pimples. I gave him a capsule immediately and told him to take 2 a day.This morning his father came to see me and he told me his sons pimples have all but disappeared. My friend has a beautiful color in his face and he told me that he has never felt better. He does weight lifting and he says that when he did that he had muscle aches for 24 hrs now he says he lifts same weights and no aches. Hi Libido is high (he compares it to viagra) Now Jeff I will fill you in on “Melatonin” powder. I used to wake up at least 5 – 8 times per night to urinate. I never slept good. I have been taking about Melatonin 1/6 teaspoon every night. I only urinate 1 am and 6 am almost like clockwork. I have a very fulfilling sleep. I don’t know about my hair yet.
Kind regards, Sammy
9 of 12 people found the following review helpful5.0 out of 5 stars A million stars out of 5!!!, March 16, 2013 By Thomas Lavoie – See all my reviews(REAL NAME) 6 days ago I was dying, I’m not even kidding. For the last 18 years I’ve been suffering deeply. I’m 25. I spent 30 days in 6 different emergency rooms in 2012-2013, I saw 35 free Canadian Doctors that all couldn’t help me (yes, thirty five). I had lost 75% of my muscle strength, 30% of my muscle coordination, 98 to 99% of my muscle endurance (yes, I couldn’t even work 6 days ago), I was trembling all the time, couldn’t bend over, couldn’t do a push-up, massive depression, would go blind often during hypoglycemia, had extreme hypoglycemia, insulin resistance, skin vitiligo on my penis, very painful problem spots aches that made me hurt badly: a piece of broken bone inside my foot that felt like I was stepping on a small rock when I would walk, an ache I had in my back, a terrible ache in my wrist that I got from punching a door open 10 years ago, a terrible pain under my right foot I got from landing too hard 10+ years ago, a terrible jaw pain that never went away after having a wisdom tooth removed 7 years ago. Also, I’ve been having difficulty hearing (embarrassing to always ask people to repeat), I’ve been hungry my whole life, eating non-stop all the time, 4 to 10 meals per day.
First day I decided to do 50 000IU, the next day I did 150 000IU and 150 000IU on third day. 4th day 400 000IU, 5th day 714 000IU (Crazy dose), 6th day 200 000IU. Suddenly, all the problem areas on my body are healing, suddenly, the piece of bone in my foot dissolves overnight, I wake up all red, everything is healing, all aches are burning, my ears burn and then I sleep more, I realize I can hear twice as good, my blood sugar is now perfectly stable (no need for glucose meter anymore), I feel energized, no depression, the hypoglycemia being gone is so amazing I’d have given ALL my money to cure this horrendous disease, I’m not going blind anymore, my libido is through the roof, skin vitiligo starting to heal (base of grey hairs on my head are turning brown, base of pubic hair turning black again). Also, let me say that vitamin D3 isn’t the only thing that did this, I also took vitamin K2, calcium and magnesium all together at huge doses for each of them. This is more than a miracle, this is enough for me to sue Doctors for keeping this secret away from me. Vitamin D3 is the greatest supplement I’ve ever done. I got my D3 at Costco in Canada: 2 bottles of 360 pills @ 1000IU for 6.82$ + sales taxes,Also, the muscle weakness is nearly all gone. Muscle coordination is up by a lot. My muscle trembling is still present but going away fast, jeez, this is only day 6!
From a guy with Plantar Fasciitis7 of 9 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars I AM AMAZED! I HAVE HAD PLANTAR FASCIITIS FOR 2 YEARS AND 25,000/DAY CURED ME IN 2 WEEKS!!, July 15, 2012By Fabian Laszlo – See all my reviews I read this book trying to find something to help my mother’s cancer. And it sounded so good I decided to try it myself. I have been limping for 2 years with painful plantar Fasciitis in my foot. After 2 weeks of taking 25,000 a day it is 100% gone….I am so happy.
Also a friend of mine with shoulder arthritis has been taking it for two weeks too and his pain is almost gone. I live in brazil and cannot get Vitamin K2 so I am buying the Japanese food Natto form the Japanese restaurants down hereit is supercharged with Vitamin K2. Natto have 1103.4 mcg/100g.
5.0 out of 5 stars Walking AgainBy merola on April 27, 2013
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
I have MS and hadn’t walked in 3 years. AFTER mega dose of D I am now walking 30feet with a walker.
Here is an email I got 10/2012 from a lady who had chronic wound healing problems that seem to have been cured by high-dose D3!From: Janell I am a 69 yo female who has suffered for the past 12 to 14 years with a bad back, overweight, etc. Since 2006, I have had Lap Band surgery (2006), Spinal fusion of L 2-3 and rebuild of L 1 and spending 34 days in a rehab facility (2008), removal of a mesh bladder sling 2010, rebuild of a bladder sling of my own tissues (Jan. 2011). The bladder sling rebuild resulted in an infection which led into a wound that would not heal. In October of 2011, it was recommended that I go to a Wound Healing Clinic where I met with the staff and the doctor on a weekly basis to have the wound scraped out and the ‘Wound Vac” replaced for another week. This continued through May, 2012 when I was told that, because the wound was not healing, I should return to my original surgeon, which I promptly did. He recommended a plastic and reconstructive surgeon to see if he could, perhaps, repair the wound so that it would heal.In June of this year I bought myself a Kindle, and one of the first books I bought was yours, “Against Doctor’s Orders!!” (Previous title of book-my mote JB) This has literally been a life saver, and I can’t thank you enough.But, my saga continues. I now take 75,000 IU D3 daily along with 7 mcg of K2 daily. Is this enough K2?At this time, 10/22/2012, I am feeling better than I have for years. Most of my back pain is gone and I can stand for a couple of hours with very little irritation pain. A knee injury from 8 or 9 years ago ha healed and my kneecap is back where it belongs. My left leg is continuing to heal from being semi paralyzed with no feeling from my hip to my toes. Though I will say that a Naproxen is necessary when the nerves reconnect and I get a ‘shocking feeling’I did have the surgery to make the wound start healing on July 26, 2012. It was a total success. I had two drains after surgery. One came out after two weeks and is completely healed. The one on the left side came out after 7 weeks, and only requires a Band-Aid to cover the drain area to prevent irritation from my underwear.I am sending my new primary care doctor your name and e-mail. She believes that I am taking too much D3 and calcium. My levels on October 2 were D3 80 and calcium 112. This was when I started taking more K2. She is a new Doctor and is just learning. The med reports said I should be between 30 and 50 for my D3 levels, and I was only slightly high on the calcium levels. I have told her that I heavily participate in my own health care, so we shall see.Again, thank you for sharing your knowledge. I feel human for the first time in years, and plan to continue for many years to come. Oh, and I am losing weight again. Please feel free to contact me if you wish. Janell
A review from a man with afib45 of 49 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars This book will become a classic for vitamin D proponents April 26, 2012 By Millard Ferguson read this book with interest because I have been taking large doses of vitamin D for more than 5 years. I should mention that I am a 91.5 year old male who started taking 5000 iu’s of vitamin D 5 years ago, with 25(OH) D3 level of about 45 ng/ml.I gradually increased my D intake and have been taking 12000 iu, with a 25(OH)D3 level of 90 to 97 for the past 2 years, along with vitamin K2. My blood work has not shown any significant changes over this period. Several things have occurred in my health situation that now suspect, after reading Jeff’s ebook, have been caused by my relatively high D level
1. My atrial fibrillation (afib) has been cured, at least for the last 8 months, after the third cardioversion procedure, when my D3 level was near 100 ng/ml.
The previous two attempts, unsuccessful, were done when my D level was low.
2. After serving underhanded for the last 3 years, because of a shoulder problem, I can now serve a tennis ball normally with no pain. Millard Ferguson
5.0 out of 5 stars I AM a Believer in this Scientific “Miracle”By James Charnock on November 27, 2010
Two short stories. A few years ago I would get cramps in the calf of my left leg upon awakening. This infrequent event morphed into a daily morning ritual. The cramping upon awakening was not just daily, but multiple and had spread to my right calf also and then to contorting my toes. I was literally “yelling” in pain; rubbing did no good. The final assult was in my hands: Due to some triggering movement my fingers would freeze into a weird, contorted shape; I had no control; I simply had to endure.
Knowing most GPs know little about nutrition and are prone to give some drug, I inquired at my health food store. It was recommended that I take 400mg capsules of calcium with 200 mg of magnesium just before bedtime. I did so. The next morning when I awoke I could not even induce the slightest cramp! That was a “miracle” to me. And so it has been for months now because I take a regimen of calcium with magnesium. (If I consumed much dairy, I would not take additional calcium.)A final story. Although a senior citizen I am very physically active (tennis and the gym deplete magnesium, by the way) and around this time I was due for my yearly physical. It showed that I had a mild heart arrhythmia even though my large veins and arteries are “whistle clean” of occlusion. This book tells me that my body runs on electrical impulses and magnesium is essential for good heart health (among many functions), and that low magnesium–which I knew I had–is essential for good heart health. And that low magnesium can cause heart arrhythmia and even stroke no matter how clean ones arteries are. So, I was glad to have added magnesium to my supplement list, even upping it from 400 to 600 mg a day.
This small volume is an easy read and so reassuring with the scientifically-backed research. You will find it very enlightening how essential magnesium is. I highly recommend this book to everyone currently suffering (or not) the ill effects of low magnesium.
Let me add that I also read another new book called THE MAGNESIUM FACTOR which is a very helpful source stocked full of research-backed data, but THE MIRACLE is smaller, the style is an easier read, and the information quite sufficient. Regardless, you won’t go wrong with either or both books.
UPDATE as of 6/2/11: I have been on the magnesium regimen for 6 months; I have also cut out all dairy for that period. I had a lipid test which showed I had a drop of 33 points in my LDL, which may have been due to the lack of dairy (I was following the 2010 book, WHITEWASH: THE DISTURBING TRUTH ABOUT COW’S MILK AND YOUR HEALTH.) Regardless, my HDL did not rise one digit, something THE MAGNESIUM MIRACLE book predicted. I am continuing for another six month with the adequate dosage of magnesium with calcium to see if there will be an effect on my HDL. I will report back around November 21, 2011.
UPDATE as of Nov. 21, 2011: Somewhat disappointing. After one whole year on the magnesium my number only rose 4 points: from 42 to 46. Regardless, I still benefit from magnesium’s elimination of my cramps.
Professor 8 months ago
Adding Niacin to this regime will increase your HDL; it is the ONLY supplement that can influence it. Highly recommend the book by Abram Hoffer, MD; Niacin The Real Story. It is the missing piece of the puzzle and it WORKS!
Mak12 3 years ago
If you want to get your HDL up and not affect your LDL at all … organic coconut oil is the answer. Do some online research on it … it is a miracle oil.
James Charnock 4 years ago (Edited)
In reply to an earlier post
Two and a half years later I still find this addition to my supplements indispensible. In fact, at times I have to add a little more when I feel a hamstring or hand starting to cramp due to continual/repetitive use or unusual stretching: My avocation in retirement is handymanning, and painting hour after hour, day after day, can bring on such muscle contraction. I have found that not all types of magnesium and calcium are effective FOR ME: I use Solaray”s “Calcium and Magnesium”; when I run out and have to use a substitute–even from the same company–it is less effective. Research, research.
Kallista 4 years ago
It was no coincidence that your LDL level dropped. Mg interacts with the HMG-CoA reductase enzyme, which provides the starting point for cholesterol synthesis.
patti 4 years agoIn replI think you will find relief if you reverse the amount of calcium to LESS and INCREASE the amount of magnesium. Calcium causes restriction of veins, where as magnesium softens the restriction. Take double the amount of magnesium and less than half the amount of calcium. I believe you will find it may help to stop taking any calcium at all for a while and monitor your results…just increase the amount of magnesium you take. Good luck to you!
Do YOU Need More Magnesium?By E. L. on June 2, 2010
Magnesium is often overlooked when we talk about nutrient deficiencies. Many common symptoms can be explained by not having enough magnesium in your diet. Dr. Dean discusses a wide variety of complaints that just might be remedied with the proper daily dose of magnesium. I have personally suffered from insomnia in the past. The two things that I changed to naturally solve the problem were, increasing my magnesium intake and meditating more regularly. These two changes worked for me. I was very happy to find a natural solution instead of taking pills from a doctor.
I have personally long been aware of the importance of magnesium, since if I don’t take magnesium supplements, I suffer from psychomotor seizures characterized by 1) hearing of loud bangs or clicks that no-one else hears 2) experiencing my head being lit up inside perhaps together with a bang 3) seeing “fire” coming out of a wall. These symptoms can be accompanied by jerking of the legs and generally occur in the stage preceding sleep. Also I have had a period with acute and constant pains in the head. All these symptoms disappeared immediately on magnesium supplementation with two strong pills a day, and do not recur as long as I continue to take these pills. However, when I attempted also to supplement with calcium, the pains recurred, so I had to stop taking calcium supplements. These two minerals work together, and I assume I was getting too much calcium in relation to magnesium in my diet. Without magnesium I also suffer from leg cramps or tics.The only thing I lacked in this book was a more comprehensive treatment of the importance of magnesium supplementation for sufferers of epilepsy (as mentioned above), there being only a small paragraph on this topic.
ona Main Stewart 5 years ago
In reply to an earlier post
Thanks for your comments and suggestions. But I think the phenomena I described do actually have to do with the psychomotor attacks. Though, when I was young I did experience a few hypnogogic hallcinations. They were quite diferent. I don’t actually need magnesium shots at the moment since I no longer experience seizures of any kind as long as I take my magnesium pills. If I’m not getting enough I am warned of this by experiencing cramps in my legs at night or elsewhere in my body during the day. Also, I’m afraid the GPs in this country, Denmark, are not knowledgeable enough to even consider giving me magnesium injections. And alternative therapists, who are knowledgeable, are not allowed to do so.
Anna 5 years ago
Thank you for the thorough and honest review. It sounds like what you describe before falling asleep is what the allopathic community describes as “hypnogogic hallucinations”, a symptom of narcolepsy. You may want to talk to your local doctor or naturopath about getting magnesium shots. I have seizures too and I have to get magnesium shots in the rump to keep them at bay. Fresh squeezed carrot juice also does wonders.
Linda G. Shelnutt 7 years ago (Edited)In reply to an earlier post
Meant to mention in my previous post that when using the transdermal spray or lotion, you can apply it directly to the area of cramping or affliction. In fact, on the label of Swanson Ultra Magnesium Oil 8 fl oz (237 ml) Spray Dr. Barbara Hendel says to spray it on afflicted areas. I use the spray and lotion on various areas of skin, depending on mood or impulse, sometimes varying the locations to avoid developing sensitivities to the periodic burning effect if you don’t rinse it off when using it at times around showering.
I find that spraying it directly onto the chest/heart area gets the quickest results for most types of immediate needs. It feels like the heart area can transport the mg more quickly from the bloodstream to a location of need, as an alternative route to working mostly on the area of application, as for a specific cramp. It feel to me like the heart could act as a good prioritizer for using the mg where your body knows its needed most, instead of always focusing on where the “squeeky wheels” demand.
I tried the above linked mg oil on my head last night to relieve a building headache, spraying it directly and liberally on the spots and areas of pain. It worked! But, I had to reapply it a few times; the sore spots would go away, then resurface after a while.
If I would have gone to sleep instead of continuing reading and posting online through my Kindle, I believe the effect would have been permanent more quickly. When I finally turned off my KINDLE reading device and went to sleep, I awakened free of the headache, and it’s still gone now at 2:35 pm MST.I should note that I also always drink water when I have a headache [of course I drink water other times, too, LOL. I don’t get headaches very often, but when I do they’re intense], because according to Dr. Batmanghelidj’s books many such ailments relate to chronic, mild dehydration. I’ve reviewed his book titled, Obesity Cancer & Depression: Their Common Cause & Natural Cure. I believe water always helps, but that in this case I feel that the immediate curative factor was the mg oil spray. I wonder if it would worked as well, though, without the 2 glasses of water.Of course with all the mg oil spray on it, my hair looked like I hadn’t washed it for a month, but upon washing it in the morning shower, I was rewarded with my hair’s gorgeous shine and fluffiness, minus any head pain.
Gregory Bravo 7 years agoIn reply to an earlier post
I have achieved miracle relief from many issues by supplementing magnesium. Magnesium oil did not work for me. MgO did work a little. However, the absolutely best source I have tried is something called Natural Calm by Peter Gillham.
4.0 out of 5 stars great information!By L. Doll on November 12, 2009
I bought this book to learn more about the role of magnesium in relation to my daughter’s migranes. Instead, I have learned about the failing health of my entire family. My husband has type II diabetes, I have asthma, two daughters suffer with migraine, and another is ADHD. As I read this book, I began to identify with the causes for magnesium depletion and its subsequent symptoms, and have been wonderfully enlightened. It describes our family’s circumstances and health issues in ways that connect all the dots, not just one or two. They all seem to be inflammation diseases, caused by an inadaquate magnesium intake and excess magnesium deleption due to stress, medications, and other factors. We do not smoke, drink, or consume caffine, and we do try to eat well, and yet, slowly over time, magnesium deficiency has gotten the better of all of us. I feel like this book finally answers the questions that I have and maps out the road back to better health.
It has only been a few weeks, so I cannot say for certain, so I can not give this 5 stars, yet. But already my asthma is improving by diet and putting my calcium and magnesium back in balance. As an asthmaic, one of my triggers is dairy. I avoid all dairy products as a general rule, and supplement with some calcium. But, as I have approached menopause, I have been concerned about possible bone loss, and decided to increase my calcium supplements to the full amount. About the same time, my asthma began to get worse, for no apparent reason other than I am aging. I was losing energy, experiencing brain fog (espeically in the morning when I first wake up), and despite being overly tired at night, awakening in the middle of the night with insomnia! I went to 4 doctors, most of whom support nutrition and supplements for better health, yet none of them suggested testing me for magnesium or the delicated magnsium/calcium balance that this book instructs about so well. Then I bought this book (to help my daughter!), and read one sentence: “Smooth muscles directed by too much calcium and insufficient magnesium can tighten the bronchial tract, causing asthma.” After addtional study and reflection of my habits, I stoped taking the calcium supplements, and changed my diet for increased magnesium, and for the first time in months, my asthma is back under control. This is just one of several connections I have seen with my family and our health, in relation to magnesium deficiency. In time I hope to reintroduce calcium supplements, but in the proper balance with magnesium as this book suggests.
beachygal 3 years agoIn reply toan earlier post
Magnesium oil has helped me by decreasing my high blood pressure quite a bit as well as helping me sleep soundly through the night after decades of insomnia. I wouldn’t have known about it if it hadn’t been for Dr. Dean. I’m going to order this book.
Rossi 6 years ago
Roberta, Vassar “79? It appears the only thing here outdated is you. As an RN, do you know what we give our cardiac arrest patients and myocardial infarction patients who survive these episodes in the hospital? IV Magnesium. Don’t discount proven medical treatment along with sound medical prevention simply because you have nothing insightful to offer. Magnesium is not only used by alternative practioners, it used by conventional doctors as well. It has been proven to calm the heart muscle and reduce the risk of spasm, especially after an MI. The only thing foolish here is your obvious failure to keep up with current medical and preventative knowledge. Read up, Rob.
4.0 out of 5 stars very good book, but …By atlantic1 on March 26, 2009
To be completely honest, though, as someone chronically low on magnesium due probably to calcium abuse, I have consulted this book on numerous occasions, because a lot of information and interpretation was simply not available anywhere else, and I found it very useful (and yes, it works).
One very important mistakeBy Marilyn Goebel on March 22, 2009
I found one very important mistake. On page 154 in the chapter about osteoporosis and kidney stones, in a box labeled “Supplements for Osteoporosis” she lists “Vitamin A 20,000 IU daily (forms bone matrix)”. There are several studies about vitamin A and bone density that show that vitamin A above 5,000 IU daily is bad for the bones. Since many foods, such as low fat milk and margarine are fortified with vitamin A, it is very easy to get a toxic amount of vitamin A, even if you take only a multivitamin. Some multi-vitamins or cod liver oil can put you in the toxic range. Beta carotene, a precursor to vitamin A, does not harm the bones, so look for a supplement with mostly beta carotene, rather than retinol.
Gregory Bravo 8 years ago
Marilyn is right and wrong in her review. While she is accurate in that there are a few studies showing that vitamin A above 5000 IU have been correlated with lower bone density, those studies are VERY LIMITED in their conclusions. The real reason those studies showed a correlation between vitamin A intake and bone density was NOT because of the vitamin A itself, but rather because of the VITAMIN D DEFICIENCY in the participants!!!!
Most Americans are already borderline or deficient in vitamin D intake. It has been shown that an adult male’s body consumes 4000 IU of vitamin D a day. If you are only getting the USRDA of 400 IU a day, you will end up with vitamin D deficiency quite quickly. Since vitamins A and D use some of the same transporters in the body, having a low D intake while increasing your vitamin A intake will cause vitamin D deficiency symptoms to increase.
HOWEVER, if you have adequate vitamin D intake, you can take massive amounts of vitamin A without any toxicity symptoms at all. This has been shown in NUMEROUS studies with rats. In fact, if the rats have adequate vitamin D intake, this prevents vitamin A toxicity entirely.
So, it is not the intake of vitamin A that causes the loss in bone density… it is ACTUALLY the vitamin D deficiency!!!If you’d like some scientific references, you can check these websites:
5.0 out of 5 stars Magnesium is very important for fascia & musclesBy J. Babcock on November 22, 2008
After reading Dr. Dean’s original magnesium book, I ordered her revised version. She included transdermal magnesium application in this revised edition. Transdermal magnesium is very effective. Transdermal magnesium is on of the most effective applications I have come across for use in musculoskeletal issues. I have applied it in fomentations on frozen shoulders, knee problems, back issues all have had expedited results. If you liked this book, you should check out “Transdermal Magnesium Therapy” by Mark Sircus.
Magnesium is the great relaxerBy Christine Merchent on March 29, 2008
I knew magnesium was important from other books I had read, and other classes I had taken, but I didn’t realize how many things reduce the amount in the body such as, exercise, sweating, stress, prescription drugs, fluoride, and calcium supplementation. Magnesium is necessary to properly metabolize calcium, and it keeps calcium in solution in the body, so it prevents calcifications, which are quite common.
Magnesium is therapeutic in treating the following:
1. Anxiety and panic attacks- because it helps keep adrenal stress hormones under control
2. Asthma – both histamine production and bronchial spasms increase with magnesium deficiency
3. Blood clots – magnesium prevents blood clots and thins blood without side effects.
4. Bowel disease – magnesium deficiency is one of the main causes of constipation.
5. Cystitis – bladder spasms are worsened by a magnesium deficiency.
6. Depression – serotonin (mood elevator) is dependent on magnesium for its production and function.7. Heavy metals – magnesium is essential for the removal of heavy metals such as aluminum and lead.
8. Diabetes – magnesium facilitates the production of insulin and the transfer of glucose into the cells.
9. Fatigue – magnesium deficiency affects hundreds of enzymes, and fatigue is one of the first signs of a magnesium deficiency.
10. Heart disease – The heart requires magnesium as does all muscles.
11. Hypertension, hypoglycemia, insomnia, kidney disease, migraines, nerve problems, PMS, osteoporosis, Raynaud’s syndrome, and tooth decay are all aggravated, and sometimes caused by a magnesium deficiency.
Calcium causes muscles to contract, while magnesium gives them the ability to relax. This is why it is so helpful in the treatment of heart disease, asthma, migraines, PMS and Raynaud’s syndrome.She told a very scary story where a Florida high school football coach gave his players a calcium supplement on a very hot day before a game. Eleven players became disoriented and had difficulty walking. Their speech was slurred, they complained of muscles spasms, and they were breathing very deeply. Within an hour eight of the boys collapsed into full-blown seizures. Thirteen of the players reported headaches, blurred vision, muscle twitching, nausea, and weakness. They all eventually recovered. The heat, exercise, and calcium supplementation had driven their magnesium levels dangerously low. Magnesium deficiency may play a role in sudden cardiac death syndrome as seen with athletes.
She generally recommends 600-1,000 mgs, and depending on your health condition will determine what type of magnesium to take.
LifeIsGood 2 years ago
I use Milk of Mag. for deodorant. After menopause, I began to smell horrible, like a musty “old person”. Tried all kinds of deodorants, but none solved the horrible musty odor problem. Found a post on internet about M of M as deodorant. Tried it. The musty odor is gone. Some days, for several days, I smell fresh and clean…as long as I don’t do hard physical work. This is a miracle. I have been taking magnesium in larger doses for quite a few years. It does work, and I think taking Mag. along with zinc, contributes to a fresher body.
I am so happy so many people have this information as useful as I have. I heard the Dr. on People’s Pharmacy on NPR and am reading the book just ordered. Here is a tid bid for readers. I had a front tooth knocked loss by chewing popcorn kernels. It did not crack off but loosened. Went to the Dentist very reluctantly and xray showed tooth was completely severed under the gum. But, for some reason it was not falling out.
I refused to have it pulled. It loosens, and up to now I couldn’t understand why it would tighten in the socket after a delicious bowl of dark greens..kale, collards, chard. The tooth was knocked loose over 4 years ago maybe even 5. Just went to the dentist before hearing about magnesium and again there is this great thrust to remove the loose tooth that I will have problems with supposedly. Needless to say, my magnesium awareness did not fly with him. May as well said I blinked my eyes and twitched my nose.
I now realize that magnesium has been my friend all along. I will keep this tooth as long as I can. PS using original flavor (not cherry) milk of magnesia as a deodorant is wonderful. Just poke a hole in the lid of the bottle and you can use it as roll on. Hi John,
I also take Doctor’s Best HIgh Abs Mag–It does what its suppose to do! I take it sparingly though. I also spray Magnesium oil every morning. I am prone to back problems, I have to say that since I have been doing the Mg oil…I have not experienced any back pain. I drove 6 hours from LA to Napa a few weeks ago, and felt good as new when I got out of my car!
Dee 3 years ago
When my husband was in the hospital last year with an asthma attack I noticed that they gave him an IV bag of magnesium
Ayperi 4 years ago
I will have to read this book. I suffered from severe constipation since I was born. I was in and out of hospitals and doctors offices, given every type of medication, then was told by a doctor to just take a shot of mineral oil every day for the rest of my life. (YUK!) Over a year ago I read that magnesium deficiency causes constipation, so I bought magnesium supplements and I have been regular every day since then! No more yucky oil which robs your body of minerals and vitamins! But, after reading this summary & seeing Raynauds listed it dawned on me that I didn’t have a spell of white, painful, bloodless hands all winter! I’m 54 now, and I wish my family & I would have known about magnesium when I was a child so I would not have suffered all those years! I wish more doctors would learn nutritional knowledge so that people didn’t have to suffer and spend a lot of money on harmful medications. I realize some of the knowledge may not have been around when I was a child, but today there is no excuse for any doctor to be ignorant on real nutrition to prevent disease states. P.S. Vitamin D deficiency is another one the pharmaceutical industry doesn’t want you to know about.
Penny Duff 4 years Mg+ does not CAUSE pre-eclampsia, it is specifically used to control/handle it. Is that what you meant to say? I have giving IV Mg+ a number of times to try and help prolong pregnacies.
Seaotter 4 years ago (Edited)In reply
Your comment is sweet. As a mixed type, you do not need as much meat but still should have some. I’m a very high fat protein type and need more meat than the average person. And as for the vegetarian elephant, they have a different physical make-up than humans and different dietary requirements. I ate a strict vegan diet for nine years and did much damage to my health. Since eating right for my metabolic type my heath is much improved. I get filled up on small portions, whereas no how much I ate, I could not get satisfied on a vegan diet. I was moody, skinny as a rail, pasty colored, lost three teeth, had horrible Candida, gingivitis and osteoporosis and was constantly looking for the magic bullet that would enable me to feel good again. My gingivitis and Candida are gone, my osteoporosis is improved, I’m back to my normal weight, and I haven’t had even a cavity in some time. Extra vitamin D, which builds strong bones helped reverse my gum disease.
Kallista 4 years ago (Edited)
I did the nutrional typing too (I`m mixed), but I agree with Carlton. I have food intolerance issues, and for years I made myself eat meat just because of the protein. Then I read “Eat To Live” by Joel Furman, where I learned that broccoli for instance has A LOT more protein per ounce than steak. Some of the biggest animals on the planet like Gorillas or Elephants eat nothing but plants. The Furman book is very interesting. Initially written for people who want to lose weight (I really do not) it is the most eye-opening, complete book on nutrition I have ever read. I still eat meat sometimes, but I`m much more relaxed about it. Furman also points out that eating too much animal protein depletes the bones of calcium. Which is why the US has such a high occurance of osteoporosis, even though many people take calcium supplentments. K.
5.0 out of 5 stars Calcium without magnesium = major health problemsBy Gina Pera, Adult ADHD Expert and AuthorVINE VOICE on February 24, 2008k
If you’re like me, you know to avoid “miracle” claims for any supplement. So, the title of this book may seem over the top.
But the fact is, magnesium is involved in hundreds of cellular reactions–to the point that if you don’t have enough of it, you are breaking down all over. Sometimes in subtle ways and sometimes major ones. And magnesium can help such a wide variety of conditions that it does seem a bit too good to be true.
When I started researching magnesium a few years ago, I found the science so strong and the implications of mag deficiency so serious, I could not understand why more doctors didn’t know about it.
Instead, our culture is getting pumped full of calcium, to the point that it is causing serious problems with sleeplessness, breast lumps, repetitive-use injuries, tendonitis, hypertension, anxiety, and even constipation.
A recent study showed that magnesium supplementation even at the point of infant delivery will reduce the risks of a child having cerebral palsy. And women who don’t have enough magnesium have higher rates of hypertension during delivery.
I explain it to friends this way: Calcium gives rigidity to the cell, and magnesium gives flexibility. It’s not exactly scientifically accurate, but it’s close enough.
So, with any problem where you are lacking “flexibility,” magnesium might help. Moreover, taken as the experts recommend, it won’t hurt you–unlike the pharmaceutical alternatives your doctor might recommend instead.
As a nation, we are largely deficient in mag due to many factors, including high stress levels, consuming too many dairy products, and the quick-growing methods we’ve employed in our farming practices over the last 50 years. And the industry fixation on promoting calcium is CREATING many health problems.
Carolyn Dean explains everything you need to know about magnesium clearly, factually, and entertainingly. I recommend it to all who care about their health–and that of their loved ones.
Gina Pera
Great muscle relief.By N. Tippett on February 17, 2008
Format: Paperback|Verified Purchase
I originally purchased this book to help with migraine headaches. It is so much more than that. It gave good insight to the many benefits of magnesium such as muscle spasms, heart health, leg cramps and more. Well worth the money.
5.0 out of 5 stars The Magnesium Miracle mmBy G. Breault on January 13, 2008
This was an easy to read nutrition book about an important nutrient in the body, which often gets overlooked. The book is written by a woman who is a naturopathic doctor and medical doctor (seems very “well-rounded” for a doctor). This book provides an expert guide into the importance of magnesium in the body…how it works, how magnesium is necessary for calcium absorption, how magnesium can smooth muscles, such as in the chest/lungs for those with asthma (like my son). My son is prone to asthma each time he catches a viral infection. We hate giving him the typical albuterol, which speeds up a person’s heart rate and causes hyperactivity (hmmm…I wonder how many kids using albuterol are also diagnosed with ADHD?)and worth mentioning, I’ve heard that there are no studies to show how albuterol affects lung development. We also were told to give our son pulmicort, a steriod, which also has side effects, such as, causing cataracts (et. al.). I started giving my son liquid magnesium to help with the tighteness in his chest that he gets from asthma. Magnesium does help and my child’s doctor agrees.
I would recommend this book to everyone because it covers many different illnesses and discusses how several illnesses/problems can be improved with magnesium. I believe that good nutrition (and naturopathic approaches) can help keep a person healthy, and help those with genetic disorders, much more than pharmaceuticals (many of which are man-made chemicals), which typically have side-effects that lead you to buy more drugs to help with each side effect’s side effect, etc., etc… Check this book out for yourself. Even people who don’t like to read about nutrition will find this book easy to read and easy to understand.
Dr Dean is THE EXPERTBy J. Langston on December 11, 2007
Format: Paperback|Verified Purchase
If you appreciate vitamins at all, this book will guide you to the most important nutrient of all–Magnesium! In plain English, this book is so interesting I’ve loaned it to many friends–most love it and I don’t always get the book back! After passing out 5 copies of the last edition,
I purchased 2 of this one–something I’ve never done before! Magnesium can help you feel better and live longer…and your friends too! I’ve been keeping my overweight 81 year old mother going with magnesium + other supplements and still no diabetes like her father! Try it…!
5.0 out of 5 stars The Magnesium MiracleBy KC77 on October 18, 2007
Format: Paperback|Verified Purchase
After reading this book, along with also having first-hand knowledge about the importance of magnesium, which indeed is a “miracle,” I cannot understand why more information is not coming forward on this most important nutrient, the missing link in regaining your health. Back last winter, my wife became concerned when I had difficulty getting out of a chair, was having horrible hip pain and back pain. She researched, then started growing concerned that maybe I was showing early signs of Parkinson’s. Needless to say, the research turned up several important things, but most importantly, magnesium deficiency seemed to be a number one factor causing many illnesses. Around this time frame, we found out about magnesium w/SRT (magnesium malate; malic acid), and it literally changed our lives overnight. That magnesium w/SRT is the one that was definitely a magnesium miracle for us. Then, around this same point in time, just about the same time we found magnesium w/SRT, we also found out about Dr. Carolyn Dean’s book, and this has been such a blessing. You can tell others how it changed you overnight, but if you’re deficient, it really will, and most people are deficient in magnesium. This book is so well written, so comprehensive in revealing the importance of the benefits of magnesium and just what a magnesium deficiency causes. This book is not only written for health-care professionals, but it’s also for laypeople such as my wife and I. This book is for everyone. It’s for people with depression, chest pain, migraines, muscle spasms, nerve problems, asthma, leg cramps, fatigue, hypertension, insomnia, and the list goes on and on. For the first time in over 20 years, my wife is free of back pain and horrible muscle spasms in her back. I can now get up from a chair normally, walk, do all the things that I need to do without back and hip pain. Dr. Dean is a wonderful expert in magnesium deficiencies, and she would tell you personally, I believe, it’s time to take charge of your health!
bluesuede 7 years ago
In reply toan earlier post
Like Jenny, I’m taking JigSaw Magnesium w/SRT and I swear by it. It’s in caplet form and very easy to swallow. I take their (not RDA) recommended amount, 500 mg which equals 4 caplets. I split this between AM/PM. This is probably the only magnesium supplement you can take 500 mg of and not get diarrhea. If I don’t take it I get horrible muscle spasms in my back and foot. I ingest enough calcium/dairy where I don’t need to supplement. SRT = Sustained Release Technology
Wonderful product that I have purchased and given away. Especially to my niece who has fibromyalgia. In her Fibro support group she did remarkably better than her peers and functioned well enought to go back to work. I have also given it to relatives with diabetes.
Jennifer Johnson 8 years ago (Edited)
As a regular customer of Jigsaw Health, I heartily concur with this re-viewer’s comments. I have become virtually PAIN-FREE from my primary complaints of Carpal-Tunnel distress, overall age-related aches and pains, osteoarthritis troubles, Type ll Diabetes blood-range values have decreased exponentially , and my earlier hypertension readings have plummeted; all of these improvements have occurred within a matter of days!! I began my supplementation on Tues., 04-22-2009, and by Thurs., 04-24-2009 my Carpal-Tunnel distress was M-I-A! Yippee!! By Sun., 04-26-2009 (today), I awoke from a very sound and restful sleep to discover that although I’m still feeling somewhat stiff in the usual places, ALL of my usual body aches and pains are GONE!!! Woo-Hoo! The only thing that I’ve done differently is to add the ‘Magnesium w/SRT’ to my daily regimen of Herbs & Vitamin supplementation. I’m certain that the addition of the Jigsaw Health’s formulation is the reason for my remarkable rebound to feeling like my old self, circa 1980’s. How’s this for a confirmation/review. “More, please.” I’m going to order more of this miracle product as soon as I finish this comment. Oh, and by the way, a totally unexpected bonus of pain-free living, is the return to my joyful self; I’m more happy than I’ve been in recent years. I’m sure that the Magnesium must be playing its part in my renewed sense of chirpiness and joie d’ vie.
By C. Hendryx on March 8, 2007 mmI am impressed with this book. It’s easy to read and understand, and I learned a lot about the importance of magnesium and how it helps us to function. I have shared this book with friends and family so they can improve their diets and learn how a magnesium deficiency affects their health. My daughter has NOT had a migraine since she has incorporated this mineral in to her diet. That in itself made the purchase worthwhile.
R. Schryer 8 years ago(Edited) I MMWhile adequate intake of magnesium can indeed help prevent heart attacks and other forms of heart disease, as I noted in my review, another nutrient which is important for maintaining a healthy heart is Coenzyme Q10. In my review of Dr. Stephen Sinatra’s important book Coenzyme Q10 and the Heart I pointed out that Coenzyme Q10 (often abbreviated as CoQ10) is essential for human life. CoQ10 catalyzes the formation and utilization of energy in every human cell, including cells of the heart and heart muscle. Fortunately, our bodies manufacture CoQ10. Unfortunately, some people do not manufacture enough CoQ10 to keep them healthy, especially as they grow older. Research has shown that deficiency of CoQ10 is the major cause of cardiomyopathy, congestive heart failure, and other heart diseases and these diseases can often be cured by CoQ10 supplementation. I highly recommend Dr. Sinatra’s book about CoQ10 as well as Dr. Dean’s book The Magnesium Miracle.
Best kept secret for weight loss and great health!By whedna2012 on August 14, 2012
I really appreciate this buying online at great prices. I figure when I’m done with a book I can’t part with it but I’m so glad others can. My book is in excellant condition and having already read it, I am 33 lbs down and feel like I’m in my 30’s again even though I’m pushing 65. No longer taking pain medicine and have more energy than I ever dreamed possible. Blood pressure is down and my work friends are amazed at how good I’m looking and feeling-no more complaining because I hurt! I always feel great and without taking pills! Thanks again for allowing us seniors to buy used books on limited incomes so we can continue our education!
EXCELLENTBy Amazon Customer on April 27, 2012
It has only been a couple months now that I have used coconut oil and organic butter exclusively for cooking, baking, anything with heat. It was worth the price of admission all on its own to learn that canola was so bad for you and that olive oil was not a good choice to heat with. Within a few weeks of using the oil, my routine thyroid blood levels were drawn, and for the first time in 12 years, my Synthroid medication needed to be lowered from 150mcg to 112 mcg. Sorry, but there is absolutely nothing in 12 years that has ever brought my levels down, and now I am hoping to see if they will be lower on the next test, with the hope that I could get off the drug. I dropped a weight on my big toe last summer and it got infected and started looking like it was developing that gross condition that requires lamisil. (eww…that is only for old men with claw-feet, right!!! Not ME!?!?!) I have been rubbing coconut oil it on and under the edge of my toenail and the yellow discoloration has stopped spreading and has even begun receding. My heels are perfectly smooth, whereas over the winter the skin was dry and cracked so deeply I wondered of it would ever get back to normal. After using the buffer in the shower, I rub my heels and all my skin with coconut oil and in a matter of weeks, I could go for a pedicure and not be mortified! My husband has also been taking it, and he used to have the most awful dry patches on his elbows. I noticed the other day that they were perfectly smooth so I asked if he had been putting oil on them, and he said no. (So it must have come from internally digesting the oil. He’s not the kind to to anything “cosmetic” to enhance his natural beauty!) 🙂 Thanks to tips on other reviews, I started putting the oil on my upper ams, where I have always had these little white bumps – a long time ago I had a prescription cream for this which did nothing. Those bumps are gone, and also the dry patches on my bum, probably from wearing rough jeans? But now the skin is soft and smooth as a baby’s bum. My appetite is satisfied with less food, I am doing fine reducing carbs without the usual sweet-cravings, lost 10 pounds in the first month or two, from my belly, and am still gaining muscle from working out. I made a big batch of the coconut oil chocolate truffle candy and ate a ton of it, and I didn’t gain a pound. (lucky, I think, I don’t do this on a regular basis!) My dad’s blood sugar has gone down (he has a diabetic friend who let him use her tester – he was just curious after a couple of weeks of using the oil, so she did her test on him. She uses coconut oil with great results in stabilizing her blood sugar). My kids are less sugar-addicted because I sneak it into all their food, and I can tell their sweet/junk cravings are very much reduced. I make them breakfast every morning now, instead of letting them eat the CRAP at school (‘scuse my French) and I make sure they get the oil incorporated into whatever it is I make them, plus a dose of lemon cod-liver oil. The change in them has truly been noticeable. My little sun-spots on my face are fading because I only use this oil on my face anymore and very little makeup. My chemo-fog was so bad last year, I only wish I had known about coconut oil then. I will post back again when I get more blood labs drawn, because that speaks for itself! I mean seriously – use the oil! Even if only in place of the other stuff you use normally, it will make a big difference. If you read the labels on anything, you’ll be surprised how much BAD fat is in there, and no one questions eating that!! Best of health to you!
Recommend for type II diabetics or anyone missing their gallbladderBy Texasgoldengirl on March 21, 2012After reading that metabolism of the medium chain fatty acids in coconut oil do not require bile, pancreatic enzymes or insulin, I added coconut oil to my diet and recommend this book to any type II, borderline type II or anyone missing a gallbladder. I’m not worried about the saturated fat b.s. propaganda about even medium chain fatty acids that the soybean industry has perpetrated. They have to do something to get people to eat tofu (yuck) and edammame (not much better).By the way, I’ve lost 50 lbs in the last year eating copious amounts of non-starchy vegetables, small amounts of meat, and using coconut oil or shredded unsweetened coconut as my main fat and exercising. (I also took fish oil capsules to get my omega 3’s). I don’t know about anyone else, but I’m a believer.
Amazon Customer 5 years ago
In reply to an earlier post
My father has “tremors” in his hands, which can often be a pre-cursor to Parkinsons. In his research, he discovered that CoQ10 made a HUGE difference in the shaking. He had to go off all vitamins/supplements before having a surgery, and the tremors returned. Now he is allowed to take whatever he wants again, and he is back on the CoQ10, and the tremors have subsided. It is worth looking into, and I am sure any bit of help to your Dad will be wonderful. SO glad to hear of a real person who has seen coconut oil do it’s thing. Best of luck and health to you and your family!
user30 5 years ago
My dad has dementia 5 years now, and I have been adding the oil to his food (Yes I saw the video too) and I can confirm its working! he gets my name correctly now and he seems to speak in wordswhere as before it was just “babel” like a baby. I can confirm it does help! He even gets my name right and before he would do that once a year “maybe” now its all the time! yes! 🙂 now the question is if I keep on giving him the oil will it cure it? I know it helps theirs no question about that. but will it cure it? if he keeps on eating it? hmm.. Only time will tell! We are just people we are not God we do not have all the facts. 🙁 But I can confirm it does help! with this dementia problem. He still has Parkinsons though 🙁 He’s 70 years to use? oil must be1. organic (glass jar is best) and add to hot foods!check out the link for more health benefits. (it has a few) works good on lots of stuff.
A great purchase!!!By NEA on March 19, 2012
Format: Paperback|Verified Purchase
I bought the book out of curiosity and I am so glad I did. Not only it is amusing reading, it offers valuable information that may change one’s life. I am now a coconut oil user and I am definitely experiencing positive changes in my health. I have substituted most (not all yet) of my cooking oils with coconut oil and feel great in all aspects. I also use it on my skin and hair and WOW!!! what a change. I would recommend the book because it may open a new set of options available to improve your health and well being. the recipes in the book are also good and simple.
It’s True, Coconut Oil IS A MiracleBy A. Hard on February 2, 2012As far as health benefits, I have used it to prevent colds that I felt coming on, healed dry skin, sunburn, softened dry hair, whitened my teeth via oil pulling with it and my sister even healed an infected sore on her cat’s head with it. The cat had a sore that just did seem to want to heal. We thought it was fungal and a couple of days with coconut oil on the sore and it dried right up. This book goes into so many more benefits than these mentioned including things like constipation (that I can attest to) and weight loss. It is a great thing to have before a workout. Some people even claim it has gotten rid of their hypothyroidism and now studies are coming out that it is slowing Alzheimer’s.If you want to learn about all the amazing benefits and uses for coconut oil, this is the best book for that.
2.0 out of 5 stars Weight gainBy Anna on October 24, 2011
I checked out this book at the public library. It is well written and interesting. However, I started ingesting 3 TBL of coconut oil daily. I am a 51 year old female, 5ft 5″ @ 123 lbs. At first, I lost 4 lbs. However, after a month, I gained up to 125 lbs. I think I originally lost, because the oil upset my stomach and it does clean out your system. So it did NOT rev up my metabolism or give me energy. I cook with it, and use it in my hair, but that’s it. I stopped taking it by itself and went down 3 lbs. At first it cured my sugar cravings, but only for a couple weeks. I think it can do good, but do not take it just to lose weight, it won’t happen.
Coconut Oil IS a miracle!By Linda on September 28, 2011
Everyone should buy ‘The Coconut Oil Miracle’ book and follow it’s regiment. It’s amazing what coconut oil can do for you. I’ve already seen improvements in liver function, etc. since taking coconut oil. This book will shed light on a ‘secret’ islanders have known for centuries. I recommend this book with gusto!
4.0 out of 5 stars great nutritional informationBy Chris on September 11, 2011
I had my gallbladder removed a year ago and have had issues with digesting foods that even have a little fat. I have never had any issues with digesting coconut oil or any foods made with it. Not being able to process fats properly is a big concern since many important vitamins are fat-soluble. The coconut oil provides an easy way to provide my body with processable fat that will help me to absorb necessary vitamins. I would certainly recommend Coconut oil to anyone that has had gallbladder disease or their gallbladder removed.
5.0 out of 5 stars Talk about eye opening!By Melanie on August 8, 2011
I am in shock. ESPECIALLY since I have hypothyroidism. I went on a crusade in my personal life to eliminate everything containing soy, and it has been DIFFICULT because it is in EVERYTHING, but I must say I feel SO MUCH BETTER. I am now using Coconut Oil for cooking, I consume it three times per day, twice in water and once in capsule form, I use it on my skin and my hair, and I feel incredible. I get what I would describe as hot flashes after eating it, (metabolism booster), I am losing weight again, my skin is radiant, my hair is soft and shiny, and it even healed the cracked heels on my feet. Thank you so much for such an informative book. Do your research people!! 🙂
5.0 out of 5 stars Transformational!By CindyBeall on June 28, 2011
I read through Fife’s book in just days. I’ve struggled with medical issues in my life…high cholesterol, psoriasis to name a couple. I was amazed at the stories and information that he shared. While the science part of it took me some time to grasp, I finally did understand the workings behind this miracle oil.
I have since ordered my coconut oil and have been putting in on my skin as a moisturizer for several days now. I hardly even feel the scaly psoriasis on my elbows after this short amount of time! I’ve been putting in on my hair as well. SO SOFT!
Matilda Twain 5 years ago
Coconut oil made my cholesterol go up. Maybe I am just different, but it was the only oil I was using and I don’t eat meat and dairy.
Alternative & Practical Health TipsBy Judith E. Gonzalez on February 26, 2011
I am always looking for a healthier lifestyle. And, little by little, my health has improved tremendously throughout the years.This book is both informative and honest. Although I find it difficult to simply take two spoons of extra virgin coconut oil with hot water each morning, I found an easier method: 100% Certified Organic Expeller Pressed Extra Virgin Coconut Oil 1000 mg softgels by Jarrow Formulas. I have taken four softgels each morning for the past 8 months. And, all of my chronic and severe allergies have vanished. I have not had the chronic sore throats, whooping coughs, bronchitis, walking pnemonia (sp?), and so forth.
4.0 out of 5 stars coco for coconut!By jp on February 7, 2011 My girlfriend found out that she had skin cancer on her hand. They removed it and it was a very deep cut. They told her she would scar and I made her take some of my coconut oil and made her promise to put it on a couple of times a day. She has been doing that for a little over a month now. That scar is almost gone… she is now putting it on everywhere.
A good source of general infoBy Jacquelyn K on January 22, 2011
I’ve found it to be helpful for skin irritation/inflammation and candida overgrowth in particular
A valuable book for those wishing to improve their healthBy Iona Main Stewart on October 24, 2010
Moreover, replacing the other oils and fats with coconut oil will lead to weight loss if you are overweight. The author of the book reports losing 20 pounds after he began to use coconut oil instead of processed vegetable oils.
Fife advises us to use up to 3 1/2 tablespoon of coconut oil in our diet. We can use both dried and fresh coconut, coconut milk or coconut oil either eaten directly by the spoonful or merely used in cooking. 7 ounces of dried coconut or 10 ounces of coconut milk also provide the necessary 3 1/2 tablespoons of oil. You can also apply the oil to your skin or scalp, which is apparently practically as good as eating it.I myself drink from 1/3 to 1/2 can of coconut milk every day, use about 3 tablespoons of the oil in cooking every or every second day, and rub it all over my skin every night.I suffer from Crohn’s, but have had no “attacks” of raging and painful stomach acid since starting to partake of coconut oil, and have experienced having too little stomach acid (an unpleasant sensation of being completely unable to digest any food) paradoxically only when drinking too much coconut milk! However, after having used the oil and milk regularly for about a month, I no longer experience this symptom at all. I have extremely (pathologically) dry skin, but after having applied the oil for a week or so the skin on my arms looks more normal and the skin on my face looke and feels much better. The oil has a beneficial effect on slight cuts I have on my leg which otherwise are having extreme difficulty in healing. They now have begun to heal. Also, for a year or so I was plagued by stomach pains due to harmful bacteria, and these pains have to all intents and purposes disappeared thus saving me a fortune on oregano oil, strong garlic products and potent herb pills.
Excellent book – A must read!By Marie Preau on June 25, 2010
a wonderful book with great insight on coconut oil and its benefits.
I have been dealing with candida issues and have stumbled upon coconut oil to help me with this issue. The book has extensive info on various diseases that are common today and labeled as “incurable”, but Bruce Fife shows that many can be corrected with this amazing oil. I have added it to my diet, cooking, on toast, in smoothies for a preventative and keeping me healthy. I even drink it by the tablespoon for a more therapeutic approach to my candida and it working amazing and right away. I also have introduced Kefir to my diet, which I make everyday to add 20 to 30 different strain of pro-biotic in the gut.This has been the best approach to dealing with candida and most successful so far. Don’t even think about cleansing yourself of it; candida is part of your gut’s bacteria for a good healthy body. All you want to do when dealing with an overgrowth is bring back your body into balance and promote good bacteria.I also like the section on recipes to use coconut oil instead of other oils, one is a mayonnaise which is just great and easy to make.
5.0 out of 5 stars Please do not hesitate in buying this book and a large jar of Virgin Coconut Oil!By ArpRDH505 on September 9, 2009
Even my dog and cat have benefited from the oil. I give my 65 lb dog about 2 tablespoons a day. Her chronic ear infections are gone and her coat is soft and shiney. My cat also has clear, bright eyes and soft fur. As for what I’ve done: this way has been the easiest way to lose weight and improve my skin.
NOTE: If you have a severe magnesium deficiency like I do, it’s important to know that sometimes coconut products have large amounts of potassium in them, possibly due to potash fertilizers as noted in Dr. Dean’s book. Also, according to that book a greater amount of potassium than magnesium in the body can overpower the magnesium. Due to that fact, I limit my use of this oil more than I’d like to, for the time being. Even so, I use it frequently, almost exclusively for cooking, especially in frying meats, because the fatty acids are vital to me… and food tastes yummy cooked in cold pressed, virgin coconut oil. As shown in my review, I spray many foods [and sometimes drinking water] Linda G. Shelnutt4 years agoIn reply toan earlier postContinuing… Currently, I’ve reduced my regular health products to the types of Mg and varieties of coconut oil. With those I’ve cured on myself MANY serious health issues for 64 year old who should have died in a premature birth, then with a liver failure at 9, then given a life expect to 40 if I were very lucky and careful to not over tax myself. No more hay fever for three seasons, cured gout and a cyst/tumor/boil on my spine, strengthened a failing heart and lungs, kept shingles at bay, anxiety attacks rare and minimal, more even keel emotions, and more. The hardest cures have been rNA viral presence which migrates. But it was in a full body arthritis which is gone unless I hit some heavy stress , then only minor flares in upper arms. The virus migrated to my head, face, and ears, teeth and jaw. That took a few months work, but is now almost gone. The ears were the worst because mine had measles in them as a kid. I intuitively use varities of mg and means of application, mostly the brine spray and powders in my Listmania, Magnesium chloride oil brands in the pure sprays, Mg Oxide and Mg citrate in powder form, pure, nothing added. with Magnesium Oil 8 fl oz (237 ml) Spray to help counterbalance other minerals in foods.
hi 4 years ago
In reply to an earlier post (AN EXAMPLE OF NO CURE YET-STILL SEARCHING)
I really appreciate all your posts about the magnesium. I have been trying to figure out what is wrong with me for 6 months and my Dr, and a Neurologist and an emg and blood tests are not providing any answers except that my vitamin D was very low. I have got my D up to about 45. It appears I may be deficient in magnesium and pieces of the puzzle have been coming together for the last 2 weeks as I have had time to read. I am in 46 and though I have had a healthy diet the last year or so, it seemed like after I had my daughter 1.5 years ago, I just started to fall apart. Starting with foot pain soon after the birth, then a torn cartilage in my wrist and arthritis in my one wrist. But 6 months ago, I realized that my feet were tingling a lot ( I am not diabetic and I do not have any numbness) and sometimes my hand and my foot and leg muscles were twitching or having spasms. Recently this twitching/spasms has moved to my arms and upper body. I also developed cubital tunnel out of nowhere 6 months ago…in both arms. My diet changed significantly 6 months ago. I have been eating a LOT more protein and I have eliminated grains and beans. I eat a lot of fruits and veggies and healthy fats. But have also eliminated peanut butter which was a daily treat for me….which I believe has magnesium in it. Now I just read on this review that coconut oil can possible overcome the magnesium. Well, 6 months ago, I started using coconut oil. I have started taking Natural calm and I am going to buy some magnesium oil. I am hoping that all my problems, including the cubital tunnel is related to the magnesium and I can start correcting this problem. If you or any one knows of cubital tunnel being a symptom of low magnesium…please let me know. Thanks The other thing is I have spent a lot of money on my teeth in the last 3 years….more than I have spent in the previous 20 years. Again…maybe another piece of the puzzle.
5.0 out of 5 stars A Miracle for MeBy Sierra Williams on January 4, 2009
This book is such an easy read and I found the recipes and tips for Coconut Oil to be so helpful. I began using Coconut Oil after reading this book and I found it worked on so many things. My hair is so much softer and my skin is too. It has helped me in fighting a Candida overgrowth that I have. And it revs my metabolism like crazy. I’ve been wanting to find a natural way of doing this instead of some sort of diet pill. Overall, this is an amazing find.
Fascinating readBy pippy longstocking on December 25, Used it for my pilaris keratosis (otherwise pimply upper arms) I know too attractive. I have been to several dermatologists and doctors for this for years. Tried all the docs meds and maybe a ten percent improvement. With coconut oil in two days I am 99% cured. Don’t believe me look at the research. I am to impressed. This is by the way my first review on amazon, but had to let you know. Hoosier Hayseed2 years ago
Pippy: Get a jar of honey and a jar of apple cider vinegar, and mix a tablespoon of each of them together in a glass of warm water, first thing every morning, and drink it. You’ll love the taste, and you’ll lose weight without even trying, guaranteed!
The real miracle is finding this book!A Kid’s Review on June 2, 2005
I did not expect Proctitis. After all, I lift weights, run, have a good outlook on life, and I’M TWENTY!My Doctor was useless.An angel recommended this book.Fifty pages later I understood why we are suffering with so many health problems.Two days later my disease is gone.
Interesting readBy C. White on February 20, 2006
Format: Paperback|Verified Purchase
I am not sure of all the claims in the book but I applied coconut oil liberally on my toddler’s scalp and it cleared up the remainder of her cradle cap. She also had some dry patches of skin that coconut oil cleared up. I’d used baby oil, and medicated shampoos to no avail. Coconut oil worked when nothing else did.
Good-bye Athletes foot!!!By A customer on April 6, 2004
By using only one tip in this book, my husband was able to get rid of an athletes foot problem he had suffered with for months. He had tried EVERY over-the-counter preparation. Finally went to the doctor. He was given a prescription for a 30 day supply of pills. The cost was over $200! Counseling with the pharmacist and discovering that PERMANENT health damage could result made us decide to NOT use the pills.
We did find the cure for the athletes foot in this book–the cost was $3.99 ( without any side effects. Caprylic acid! One 600 mg soft gel daily until the bottle was finished. Coconut oil contains caprylic acid. We also started using virgin coconut oil and canned coconut milk–be sure to buy the brand with the HIGHEST fat content. Ten ounces of the canned coconut milk daily is enough to provide a healing dose of coconut oil. It can be used in smoothies, pudding, on oatmeal, in cooking, in soups and stews. I also add some to my tea or coffee. Simply refrigerate the canned coconut milk after opening. It will solidify in the refrigerator (melting temp. 76 degrees). Spoon onto oatmeal or into hot beverages.
I also need to share that the reason I found this info on coconut oil is because I began having thyroid problems and was doing some websearching for info. SOY was causing me to grow a goiter and causing other thyroid problems. The problems reversed after eliminating soy from my diet–no small task as it is in EVERYTHING. (Note: lecithin is soy). Try doing a web search by entering: soy danger. Shocking!This book is well written and easy to understand. I am buying additonal copies to share with others.I also recommend the book Alpha Lipoic Acid by Alan Sosin.
5.0 out of 5 stars Outstanding!By JenniferVINE VOICEon February 8, 2010
I not only read this book, I tried many of the recipes and use the coconut on my skin for a natural, healthy glow. At night, before bed I put the coconut oil on my feet and arms and then rub the rest in my hair for strong and healthy hair. My husband cut his legs up stacking wood a few months back and they hadn’t healed very well. He used coconut oil for 4 days and GONE were the marks! I recommend this book to everyone I know. I’ve purchased many copies to give as gifts and purchase coconut oil in bulk and replaced my massage cream with coconut oil to benefit my clients. Try the oil…it works miracles!
and weight loss to boot!By bookhooker on May 1, 2009
Format: Paperback|Verified Purchase
There is not much to be added to all the other good reviews here…
I found the book very interesting and easy to read, and have enjoyed many of the recipes within. Have completely eliminated all other fat sources from my diet except occasional olive or grapeseed oil. I love the oil in my oatmeal, and use the coconut milk in smoothies. Very yummy.
I have not been sick in nearly a year (since starting use) and the biggest surprise is a steady, consistent weight loss of nearly 20 pounds with virtually no other changes to my diet (fairly healthy to begin with). Also helped clear up some skin problems. Be sure to buy the cold pressed coconut oil, which can be found in bulk at a very good price right here on amazon. We use Nutiva, but another good brand is Spectrum.
4.0 out of 5 stars Very good bookBy CookAMH on June 13, 2008
I’ve been using coconut oil on my face as an evening moisturizer before going to bed for several weeks now, and I believe it has increased the health of my skin. A close friend used it on hemorrhoids and found more relief than he had in previous years with other ointments. I also rub it on my legs after shaving. A little bit goes a long way. Just today I’ve rubbed it onto my ring finger several times where I have had an ongoing irritation from my wedding rings. I have had a noticeable improvement after unsuccessful use of cortizone-10.
Must read this book!By ILHK MN on January 5, 2008
I did not know that coconut oil helps fight viral and fungal infections; when I received the book, my skin had recently healed from ringworm, and I was suffering from a mild yeast infection. I purchased capryl acid, one of the beneficial elements of coconut oil, and within days the infection was gone. Coconut oil is AMAZING for dry skin, just as mentioned in the book. I developed a skin irritation due to dry skin, and my doctor prescribed mometasone. I applied for several days, with no relief from itching and the rash got slightly worse. I decided to use coconut oil and within 4 days it had already disipated and the itching was completely gone. I only applied coconut oil before going to bed, and even still it helped. I also started using it for my chapped hands (I live in cold MN!) and within two days they were no longer chapped. Works well as a lip balm as well.
Capril acid is great for viral infections. One day over the holidays I woke up with a sore throat and the familiar “I am getting a cold” feeling. I had been taking capril acid for the yeast infection I mention above, and my illness did not develop into a cold. In fact, by the end of the day my sore throat was gone. I am convinced the capril acid warded it off.
3.0 out of 5 stars Interesting BookBy Karen Emmons on March 30, 2007
Format: Paperback|Verified Purchase
Inspiring and offers coconut oil as a natural, affordable and good-tasting possible cure for many ailments and diseases. A very quick read with quite a few pages used up for recipes (some so simple they’re unnecessary). My one disappointment in this book is it does not caution you that taking in the recommended amount can also result in diarrhea and vomiting. I speak from experience. Before I read the book, I had been taking in a lesser daily amount and was fine. After reading the book, I upped my intake and had two bouts of this “cleansing” experience. I told my husband “I think it’s the coconut oil.” Then he said he read that the ancient Hawaiians used coconut oil as a remedy for constipation. Well, folks, let me tell you it works!
5.0 out of 5 stars Truly a miracleBy Marilyn L. James on April 17, 2006
If you are having trouble losing weight or if you have had your gallbladder removed, or know someone who has, then you must read this book or buy it for them for a gift.
I had my gallbladder out at a young age and I’ve always had trouble since then with oils. Now I know why since this book goes into great depth in explaining how oils are utilized by the human body. I have suffered from chronic candida infestations for years, thanks to this book, I’m now getting the yeast outbreaks under control and finally have hope of eliminating them for good. I saw immediate relief of my pollen related allergies after the first day of using coconut milk on my morning cereal. I highly recommend this book.
great info–eye openingBy C. Watkins on February 1, 2005
Format: Paperback|Verified Purchase
I very much enjoyed reading this book. Much information is given on the health benefits (yes BENEFITS) of saturated fats, the “smear” campaign of the vegetable oil industry, and practical application of coconut oil for many health problems. Coconut oil DEFINITELY helps me to eat less and have more energy. It took a couple of days for it to kick in, but now when I eat a meal with 1 T of coconut oil, I don’t have to eat for HOURS, where previously, I felt compelled to eat every 2 hours–and thus, overeating. The coconut oil is keeping me healthy; it eliminated a sinus infection much quicker than antibiotics, without the side effects. Please look into this book–it can seriously improve your health.
Michael Czajka Jnr 4 years ago
In reply to an earlier post
Even better… now Dr Mary Newport (Alzheimers: what if there was a cure?) is showing that the short chain fats in coconut can reverse alzheimers. She also shows convincingly that HDL (the good cholesterol) goes up and LDL (the bad cholesterol) goes down when you eat coconut. However overall cholesterol levels often don’t change much… which was what fooled people into thinking it was bad for you. Likewise much of the original research was done with hydrogenated coconut oil (which means it contained trans fats)… and we know that trans fats cause heart disease!!!The science is starting to come in and it’s supporting coconut as a healthy fat.
The Healing Miracles of Coconut OilBy A customer on May 12, 2004
Format: Paperback|Verified Purchase
I have suffered with digestive problems my entire life. After reading this book and incorporating coconut oil and coconut milk into my diet, I am finally recovering! It truly does seem to be “too good to be true”, but in fact, coconut oil, is a miraculous food for this generation. It is very easy to switch from vegetable oils to coconut oil in all recipes. My family loves the change, and we are now enjoying wonderful smoothies and creamed soups that were “forbidden” because of the high fat content. But, switch to healthy fats and see what happens! A side benefit I am seeing is weight reduction without even trying! This book is a MUST for those who desire to regain their health and protect the health of their children.
Ritter 6 years ago
Our son told us about the Paleo diet and after reading the book I decided to give it a trial run. All of my digestive issues are gone literally overnight. Never been diagnosed with Gluten intolerance or Celiac but the dramatic improvement was proof enough that there is something to it. He has recommended this book and coconut oil. I’m all in
A review from Dr. Donn Carroll58 of 62 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Cured My Incurable Psoriasis with 50,000/day in 2 months!! June 12, 2012
By Don Carroll
This is the most helpful book of the century. Jeff is a genius out of the box thinker to come up with an epic tome like this. He researches thousands of studies on D3 to find out the great benefits with almost zero side effects. Then he uses himself as an experiment to find the right dosage. The studies show almost every disease is eliminated with large dose D3 because it is a hormone naturally made in the body from the sun.
I just got back my lab results from using 50,000 units of D-3 with Vitamin K-2 MenaQ7 (Metabolic Maintenance) daily for 2 months. My test showed 150 ng/mL, this is in the high range of what most authorities say it should be but I hate to reduce it. Just four months ago I had the worst Psoriasis you could imagine covering my body. None of the drugs helped. I could only sleep on my stomach I felt like Job from the Bible. My research found almost nothing that would help it. I started on a mostly raw vegan, gluten free diet with super foods and super herbs and no sugar and some cultured vegetables. I then began to take the D-3. I now feel so good and have had so many good results besides the disappearance of the Psoriasis. I sleep like a baby my ganglion cysts are disappearing, my previously injured thumb is remodeling, my skin is not as dry, my prostate healed, restless leg gone and I could go on and on. I feel totally on top of the world.
If you have an ailment especially an incurable read this book.
July 13, 2017
Verified Purchase
This review is from: The Miraculous Results Of Extremely High Doses Of The Sunshine Hormone Vitamin D3 My Experiment With Huge Doses Of D3 From 25,000 To 50,000 To 100,000 Iu A Day Over A 1 Year Period (Paperback)
Excellent book! So happy I purchased it. Have had warts all over my hands for years and have tried everything to get rid of them. After a month of taking 10,000 iu of Vit. D and Vit. K my warts started disappearing and after 2 months they were all gone! Miraculous!
Catastrophic insufficient explanation regarding magnesium & calcium!On June 10, 2017 (translated from German-RE: Dr Van Helden’s book)
For magnesium, ESSENZIAL is especially important for the intake of vitamin D, as this is consumed with increased vitamin D intake to “process” calcium in the body. If then before anyway a magnesium deficiency is already present, which already have a lot of people, then the thing is not exactly pleasant … 1-2 weeks with magnesium hohdosiert could have saved me an unpleasant time with flu-like symptoms such as limb pain, Brain Fog, at night gossamer sweat and headaches. To emphasize again, this is not due to the intake of vitamin D, but the shortage of magnesium! Vitamin D is important, but magnesium in the initial phase at least as much! Inform you on the Internet again with regard to the magnesium intake with vitamin D, or look at FB times in the vitamin D or magnesium group. You do not have to bother 3 weeks or more until your values stabilize (if at all) you can prevent this in advance.
Conclusion: Urgent reworking requirement! Sweat and headaches can be spared at night. To emphasize again, this is not due to the intake of vitamin D, but the shortage of magnesium! Vitamin D is important, but magnesium in the initial phase at least as much! Inform you on the Internet again with regard to the magnesium intake with vitamin D, or look at FB times in the vitamin D or magnesium group. You do not have to bother 3 weeks or more until your values stabilize (if at all) you can prevent this in advance.
June 28, 2017
Some people have thought this post was a joke – it is NOT!
In April 2006 I was diagnosed with prostate cancer after a biopsy – Gleason score 6(3+3). I was strongly urged to have the prostate removed immediately. I refused & starting doing research. I found a Cedars-Sinai Medical Center/UCLA School of Medicine study that said that capsaicin (the stuff that makes pepper hot) fed to rats bred to have human prostate cancer had caused the tumors to die!
Since capsaicin is the active ingredient in all pepper & cayenne capsules were readily available at health food stores, I immediately started taking cayenne pepper capsules daily. I took the equivalent human dose from the study, doubled that & made that my goal. I gradually consumed more each week until I reached what I thought was the right dose (my current dose = five 600mg 100,000 heat unit cayenne capsules before a meal twice daily).
I had improved symptoms within the first two weeks – urination was easier – I had not been able to reach orgasm at the time of diagnosis but that too improved & is still improving.
Last month I decided to see a urologist to see what was involved in “Watchful Waiting” – he wanted to do another biopsy since it had been two years – I agreed & the results came back clean – they found no cancer – not a trace! My doctor was stunned & said that in 18 years he had never seen such a result. We had it double checked & I am indeed cancer free.
I am confident it was the cayenne that made the tumor disappear – given the study results.
I plan to keep taking it indefinitely & I recommend it to any male who has been diagnosed with either BPH or prostate cancer.
June 16, 2017
Vitamin D3 is not the only vitamin needed for Asthma reliefBy William Rasmussen on December 12, 2016
There are lots of vitamins and minerals deficiencies that can cause asthma in addition to Vitamin D3. Deficiencies of Vitamin C (mineral ascorbate form), pantothenic acid (B-complex), magnesium, Zinc, etc all have the ability to cause asthma symptoms. I had a 79 year old client who had a total elimination of his asthma with just vitamin C and pantothenic acid. Then there is the importance of reducing the intake of sugars and carbohydrates that cause inflammation to reduce symptoms of asthma. Omega-6 oils are another major cause of the inflammation that causes asthma. What about the role of an unhealthy intestinal tract flora as a cause in the allergies that trigger asthma attacks.
Many people have a pH imbalance that can be the cause of their asthma. The pH can be too alkaline or too acidic. Either one can contribute to the constriction, inflammation and excessive mucous production in the bronchial tubes.that are major causes of asthma.
Now I realize that most people do not want to disrupt their life with a complicated treatment for asthma. So something simple like Vitamin D3 is appealing. But my experience is that mineral ascorbate vitamin C and pantothenic acid are far more effective than vitamin D3 and don’t increase the need for any other vitamins, making their use less complicated.. So even though I think vitamin D3 is an important vitamin for asthmatics to take, it is important for asthmatics to know there are other more effective approaches.
This is the first real treatment for asthma that actually works — try it!By Laura Brody on April 9, 2016
I still have asthma, but it is a lot better. I have been increasing my dosage of D3 for the past 2 months. My nose ran like crazy (used a whole box of tissue in 2 days), then I was super tired. Then I coughed up sticky chunks of phlem for a week. The skin rashes started to recede and heal. My leaky gut must be healing as well because I can eat wheat and milk again without issue. My back has been giving me trouble for over 40 years, and I injured my shoulder 2 years ago. Both hurt like crazy for 2 days, and then felt great, just like the author described in the book. Power through the pain days and you will love the final results!
At the current rate of healing, it may be 6 months to a year before I can say that I no longer have asthma. (Remember that is a cure, not a treatment that just suppresses symptoms) Since asthma almost killed me twice, I am working hard to kick asthma to the curb.
5.0 out of 5 stars I am expecting good results in another month cause I am able to …By Imran on November 4, 2015
This book has helped me more than any health book I ever read.
4 months ago, when I read this book, I started taking 50K IU of vitamin D with Vitamin K. Also used transdermal magnesium.
My blood level of vitamin D was 10, before I started taking heavy dose of vitamin D. My doctor suggested to take 5000 IU for a day and then continue with 2000 IU daily until the next test.
I have been suffering from a persistent, nasty sinus infection for 10 years which would not heal. This infection was a result of sinus surgery to remove polyps from sinus area. Been treated with Antibiotics many times. I had tried almost everything out there including hydrogen peroxide and colloidal silver. 26 days of Vitamin D in 50k IU and I am already seeing improvements. I don’t get as much dried blood from my nose. This sinus infection is not 100% cured yet. I am expecting good results in another month cause I am able to walk now. To me, its a major achievement to walk. Something I have not been able to do for almost two years.
My second major issue has been severe Chronic Asthma and COPD for last 28 years. I was not able to walk, could not use stairs. Constant use of prednisone over the years destroyed my health. Repeated antibiotics have wiped out my gut flora. Though I am still using prednisone and my regular inhalers (albuterol and Advair 500/50), but for the first time in two years, I am able to walk without much shortness of breath. I don’t have acute wheezing as I always used to have. The only medication I don’t have to use any more after a month of D3 is nebulizer treatment. I don’t have to use Budesonide nebulizer and levalbuterol inhalations any more. This is a major improvement in my condition. My lungs capacity has improved significantly. I was at 45% lungs capacity at one point and was hardly able to walk. Now I am able to speed walk and lift weights.
Really appreciate Jeff T Bowles for sharing his experience with people.
Vd3 cured my leg pain.By M v on September 22, 2015
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
Loved the info. It made more sense than the doctor. He recommended 50’00 his a week. Did nothing. I switched to 20000 a day and in a month the pain was gone. Great book.
5.0 out of 5 stars Symptom Free of COPD in 10 WeeksBy Scott larson on March 25, 2014
I have been using the stuff for 11 weeks to date. I began with 20 IU and gradually moved up to 80K IU by week 8. I began using the hormone for the treatment of COPD. I am 44 and have been battling symptoms for 11 years. I have never smoked or been exposed to lung contaminants that I know of. I have tried many Natural Treatments including other high dose herbs and many Natural Modalities. All have been helpful for a time and in a limited capacity. At the time of beginning this hormone, my symptoms had become unmanageable and life threatening, increasingly by the day. I had seemingly run out of options. So trying this so called “Extreme” felt like a last ditch effort.
By week six I had noticeable improvement in breathing and congestion and asthma. I would say a 40 -50% improvement. However an unexpected improvement was that I no longer had stomach pain in caused by eating grain. I discovered this by accidentally consuming grain and had no pain. I then experimented to see if it was just a fluke and NO it wasn’t. I still don’t consume grain intentionally, but i can if I want to.
I went through a period of 10 days of sever pain in my hip and back. I was aware It could be an effect of the hormone healing these areas that had been painful for years. I did not back off of thehormone. After !0 days I am completely pain free in these joints. I also went through weeks of needing to sleep long hours. I knew I was healing so I just went with it. That lifted at week 10.
At week 8 I had a 75 percent improvement in Congestion, shortness of breath, asthma and coughing. And by week 10 I had NO symptoms of COPD!!!!
I have in week 11 I backslid some. I have continued on with the 80k IU of the hormone and Vit K, but have had some MILD symptoms return. I have also experienced some irritability and depression that is uncharacteristic for me (Note form JB-sounds like she finally induced a magnesium deficiency after the 11 months) a these are symptoms) .I plan to continue for at least six months while monitoring blood levels. Mine2 years ago
Hi, how are you doing now with the COPD? I have been using D3 but my asthma never completely went away. I am now trying Dr. Hahn’s protocol. Did you take 80 iu daily or weekly for 8 weeks?
money well spent.By Boogeytent on April 7, 2013
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
I have tried just about everything to help cure my asthma. The 2 best things so far have been this book and the Buteyko method. I feel like a new person. I did as the book instructed and started feeling better in days. so far so good. Must check this book out if you have lung issues as well as books on the Buteyko method.
5.0 out of 5 stars The MILLIONS who suffer from Asthma SHOULD GET THIS ASAPBy Bríde Ní Bheaglaoích on October 18, 2012
Easy to read, simple to understand, no high falutin medical spiel which could alienate and discourage ordinary ‘Joe Soaps’ like me and my partner, who had been wheezing and fighting to draw his breath for the past twelve months in spite of inhalers, steroids and cocktails of medicines fed to him by well-meaning,ill-informed medical practitioners.
PLEASE READ and if you have a chronic health condition such as Asthma, Vertigo, migraine and depression like we both suffered from, FOLLOW Jeff T Bowles’s advice CAREFULLY and you, worst case scenario,will be relieved and VERY likely be CURED of your condition. Give yourself a well-deserved break from crippling DIS-EASES. Buy it , read it and see for yourself–you have NOTHING to lose except your aches, pains and complaints.I am speaking of my own experience and my own diseases but Jeff tells you how to cure many more besides what my partner and I sufferED (PAST TENSE!).
I am cured thanks to vitamin DBy GUSTAVO D. on January 3, 2017
I from Brazil, sorry my english. I have multiple sclerosis, I discovered 5 years ago, I lost my right side movement, so I started the vitamin D treatment, 1 year later I was already “normal”, I have normal life today, I do gym, I run and I do not have any sequels. My dose is 80,000 IU of vitamin D
A must read for MS sufferersBy MS sufferer for about 15 years on March 28, 2016
I have relapsing remissive MS, with a Grandmother who died of decimated sclerosis, an uncle who died of Parkinson’s and a mother in a home with Alzeimers the future looked really bleak but no more. I highly recommend this book and reading further about D3. I live in England and believe that getting any help from the NHS about using D3 is years away. I’m 55 and by the time any clinical trials get started and completed I will be well into my retirement so I decided to follow Jeff’s example and do my own health experiment. So far it’s not been completely without some worrying times but I did start a new very stressful job.and I have been exposed to 3 or 4 friends getting really bad colds and flu, which I expected to lay me low, but I’m still up and about I’ll been doing my health experiment for 2 months now skin great, feel great. Did have some changes in symptoms a week or two after I first started but that I believe was a stress driven MS attack I had done 33 hours overtime that month, I was clearly over doing it, that would have usually left me bed ridden, but up and about been able to start cycling on an exercise bike 4 to 5 miles ever morning before work. Not had to take any sick leave.I can now actually feel my feel not had that feeling for over 10 years, I have a long way to go, but it’s all looking positive so far. I am balancing the D3 with K2, Vitamin A, Magnesium L-Theronate (Neuo-Mag) and Serotonin. You have to listen to your body I wasn’t sleeping well so had to sort that out to gain the most from my health experiment. Jeff’s been great sending me good links and support I’ve been reading more of his books great for making you think out of the box, as D3 has given me so much more energy I’ve been able to get stuck into reading all the health books I can it’s all helping my health experiment.
5.0 out of 5 stars I advised high dose of vitamin D and vitamin K …By Imran on March 23, 2016
I advised high dose of vitamin D and vitamin K to a friend of mine who been suffering from MS for last 25 years.
With 2 months of continuous use of vitamin D, she completely recovered from MS. Though she does not have MS any more but still not able to walk. Very slowly recovering from all the damage done by MS. No more MS attacks! Pain Free life.
Thanks very much to Jeff T Bowles for sharing his vitamin D theory to the world. Hope this review helps someone.
Makes a lot of sense… truly helping my friend with MS who lives in JerseyBy Linda J. Schiller-Hanna on July 10, 2014
I first learned about Jeff Bowles when I read his book called The Miraculous Results of Extremely High Doses of Sunshine Vit D3…which
I used to successfully resolve a two year bout with painful plantar fasciitis. He does thorough research and provides lots of hidden information to help one make better informed medical decisions. Use at your own risk, but I find him brilliant.
I shared this book with a friend with MS (20 year duration) and she is making rapid progress. She has also found success with the products (sleeps with the orange “bracelets”) sold on their site.
Since traditional medicine has little to offer the MS sufferer, its wise to try other things as well.
Many folks have also been helped with the Wet Cell, as explained in the readings of Edgar Cayce.
Another woman I know with MS has kept it at bay using quality aloe vera juice each day.
It seems to be some kind of autoimmune disease where keep inflammation down seems helpful. Avoiding sugar and flour and
other junk food…including diet drinks, could go a long way to restore balance to an “out of kilter” system.I would recommend anyone with MS to widen their research base beyond the basics and give some of these options a try.
5.0 out of 5 stars must read for those suffering with MSBy J. Crawford on February 28, 2014
Read this in 2 days, I was fascinated, ive had ms way longer I know than 20 years (diagnosed 17 ago) ive started high dose d3 therapy 2 wks ago, im not sayinging im CURED, by I can notice a difference in my balance & pain level already, & im hopefull for further improvement. read this with an open mind, im really happy with, & excited that I found this book!
A Quack Selling Snake OilBy AJ on October 24, 2013
As someone with MS, I am missing the protective myelin sheath that covers the nerves in both my brain and spinal cord. Like someone who has lost a limb, I cannot re-grow the myelin sheath covering and protecting the nerves in my brain, it is gone, forever. Eating the proper diet, exercising, and controlling stress can help make me feel better. Seeing a Neurologist on a regular basis and taking the proper medication can help slow the progression of this disease, but nothing will cure it.Believe me, if this book had the “cure” for MS, controversial or not, it would be on every news channel and every one of us with this hideous disease would be following it to the letter!I wish this book was true, but it is not. Sadly, I must live in the real world along with my MS. Dan2 years ago
I have no memory of the American medical profession ever acknowledging any new therapy that didn’t make it more money than the older and less effective treatment. What I’m really saying here is, if you can suspend disbelief long enough to give the higher dose of D3 WITH k2 a fair try, you will probably benefit; and, be convinced by the benefit. The human mind is like a parachute, it only works when it’s open. Gabriel F. MD2 years ago (Edited)
Dr Cicero Galli Coimbra is a Brazilian neurologist with a PhD who is trying for 11 years more than 4,000 patients with autoimmune diseases, mostly with multiple sclerosis. The patients have entered in remission.In USA Dr. John Cannel has trained with Cicero. I know the only argentine doctor who trained with Cicero and he is treating patients in my country.
I send you a hug Gabriel Serzer3 years ago
I really don’t understand why one would post such a negative review because you happen to not believe the information. It sounds as if, Amy, you have not tried this therapy. Why not? You are only repeating what the doctors have told you. Just try and see if you improve. What do you have to lose? Oh, and there has been regrown digits… not sure about limbs. Roger Bapna3 years ago
I have personally benefited from the author’s book / research.
By the way, as a former engineer at Intel with Master’s degree, I do know that research can take many forms and shapes. Double blind type of research is just one kind.
I feel the author is doing highest kind of research with focus on benefits to people.
I like to think of author Jeff as somewhat similar to Linus Pauling, whose book “How to Live Longer and Better” I read sometime in 1988. Dr Pauling recommended taking vitamin C daily and he got no profits from sale of vitamin C. In the same way, the author of this book, earns nothing from sale of vitamin D.May I recommend you to re-read the book with open mind and maybe you and your family can benefit from the breakthrough research. Please go through the references the author has given.Best wishes for your health.
Necessary book on hign dose Vitamin DBy 2nd Samuel 7:10 on December 11, 201
While there is an estimated 35,000 cases of MS in Brazil, (population 200 million) there should only be 50,000 cases- not 3-400,000 in USA with same percentages. So why is this? Diet? Genetics? Vitamin D?- The Sunshine Vitamin D (hormone) Author Jeff Bowles offers new, unique and necessary information in this most fascinating, and promising controversy… There is much less disease of all kinds at the equator. Why? Author offers solution to calcium build up scare too (kidney stones) by addition of Vitamin K2. Of 3 or 4 book I have seen on High Vitamin D, he is the only one to offer this, what I believe to be the correct, simple and inexpensive solution. His 1st hand testimony of 100,000 IUs per day of D with great results!
Book contains much more information than the title suggests (eg about cancer) (German translation)From wolfgang On March 5, 2017
First technical: I discuss here the recently revised new version of 20.02.2017, which has grown to 34 chapters.
In the first chapters, the author provides, in addition to general information on various therapies with vitamin D3, especially his approach to (former) cancer patients. Specific recommendations for an optimal vitamin D3 blood level and the parallel intake of astaxanthin, the strongest known antioxidant are listed. Therefore, this book is also very interesting for cancer patients and anyone who wants to avoid cancer. The author describes the therapy of glaucoma (green star) and further eye diseases mainly in chapter 10 in detail. He achieved only success with a highly dosed vitamin D3 therapy and D3 blood levels (25-OH-D) from 90-150 ng / ml to 200 ng / ml.
It is also very remarkable that the author has maintained a D3 blood level of about 180 ng / ml (450 nmol / l) by the daily (!) Intake of 30,000 IU of vitamin D3 plus vitamin K2 for several months Belly fistula (which can only be surgically removed according to school medicine) could achieve numerous other improvements in his health. Among other things, the hearing ability was restored almost completely after a hearing aid was necessary before D3 therapy. This is in my opinion a sensation that alone by supplementation of sufficiently high vitamin D3 doses of the body the hearing can restore.
Very important are the differentiated and concrete recommendations in Chapter 14, where the optimal D3 blood level is significantly higher in the latest studies than in the current German-language books, the essential parts of which were written years ago and never updated to the latest Science. For example, Dr. For example, at least 100-150 ng / ml of 25-OH-D in cancer and some other diseases. This is in line with nature and scientific knowledge, because under optimal conditions, a healthy young adult close to the equator is around 110 ng / ml only by solar irradiation (eg Miami rescue float). And, in brand new studies from 2016, it has also been shown that the cancer risk drops by at least 90% At a D3 blood level of 80-100 ng / ml. For this chapter only, I forgive the book five stars, because it has a great practice.
Experience report on vitamin D 3 highly doses with me as a contact lens wearer with glaucoma German translationFrom Amazon customer On July 20, 2016
For over 40 years I Because of the various eye conditions, Schelle is reliably, competently and extremely carefully treated.
For more than 20 years, I am unfortunately synonymous Glaukompatientin. For years I dripped daily the Dr. Schelle prescribed different eye drops (morning and evening) against the increased intraocular pressure, also swallowed a daily Glaupax tablet to reach a pressure value below 20. The constant dripping, no matter what preparation, irritated the conjunctival skin more, sometimes less. Also the eyelids became increasingly sensitive with the years and were often reddened and irritated. This was somewhat alleviated by bepant eye-anointing. I got used to these conditions, because the main thing for me was that the eye pressure remained below 20.
I would like to mention, That I have been wearing problem-free contact lenses for decades, and later also after the detection of glaucoma. In the last 5 years due to the advent of age, small soft-focus lenses of only 13 mm in size with a very high minus optic, in the left eye a so-called toric Lens with 1.5 diopters oblique cylinder. I know that i.Allg. In glaucoma no contact lenses should be worn, because these are usually badly tolerated.
In the summer of 2015, Dr. Vitamin D3, highly dosed, recommended. I also researched myself, thanks to Google, you also come as a layman to more specific information. The insightful and convincing information and my own search results led me to the therapy with Vit. D3. Since September 2015 I now take daily Vitamin-Hormone-D3 (7 drops) plus vitamin K2 (one capsule). My eye pressure measurements showed significantly lower values in the following 3 months (around 15). To Dr. Schelle’s statement, I initially dispensed completely with the intake of the Glaupax tablet, then I dripped only once a day (evening with Trusopt-S), the drop in the morning (Timo-Comod 0.5%) fell away. In the course of January this year I should “sneak” the evening dripping. Since February I now only take Vit. D3 plus Vit. K2. My eye pressure values are 15-17. The redness of the conjunctiva and the troubled eyelids are gone. It is much better for me and especially my eyes with this current vitamin medication. A success, Which I have not expected so far and which I have my very esteemed eye doctor Dr. Schelle and his thorough investigations and investigations.
I wish that other patients with comparable problems could be helped equally effectively and gently.
A further positive change, which must be a result of the vitamin D3 intake, I gladly add: Since 1974, I developed a severe allergy to early blowers, from March to May I had to take antihistamines, the complaints became stronger every year, very asthmatic , I got cortison jabs, finally made a desensitization (3 years) in 1982, the asthma symptoms were then gone, from then on I came with antihistamines (1 tablet per day) quite by this pollen phase. This spring of 2016 was completely different. I had no complaints, came out without any drugs, did not even have to use nasal spray. For me, these were completely new feelings of spring.
Finally, it should be mentioned that the health insurance (with me DKV and aid) the costs for the previous medicines no longer needs to pay, an enormous saving potential, if the Vit.D3 therapy would get through.
So again THANK YOU for this vitamin D3 / K2 therapy, which is so effective and pleasant.
All the best for you, Dr. Schelle, and friendly greetings
Helga Plum That the health insurance (with me DKV and aid) the costs for the previous medicines no longer needs to pay, an enormous saving potential, if the Vit.D3 therapy would get through. So again THANK YOU for this vitamin D3 / K2 therapy, which is so effective and pleasant. All the best for you, Dr. Schelle, and friendly greetings Helga Plum That the health insurance (with me DKV and aid) the costs for the previous medicines no longer needs to pay, an enormous saving potential, if the Vit.D3 therapy would get through. So again THANK YOU for this vitamin D3 / K2 therapy, which is so effective and pleasant. All the best for you, Dr. Schelle, and friendly greetings Helga Plum
5.0 out of 5 stars Highly dosed “Vitamin D3” by Jeff T. Bowles (German translation)From Amazon customer On May 22, 2017
First of all, I would like to thank Jeff T. Bowles for his highly competent, well researched and helpful book. Here I recommend the further reading, which was unfortunately only half translated into German. If you now think “already another book, again costs,” then you are mistaken. Jeff T. Bowles, will also send you the book for free download. Question: Where do you get something free today?
Us, my husband and me, D3 in combination with K2 (book: vitamin K2 and the calcium paradox) helped very much. We are much fiter, more enterprising, humorous and feel healthy and well. Before, we were often unable to do something, to do or to do something, because we were overwhelmed with everything. This is now gone. My husband has often fallen asleep between the two of us. Also the nail fungus, which he had already for tens of years, is now almost completely gone. We were told that it was not curable. Now the nail grows healthy again, which does not go from today to tomorrow.
!! What we would like to say, however, is that Jeff T. Bowles writes in his book, “It is extremely important to use” “good vitamin D3 and good K2” “. We also had the experience that we bought very expensive preparations, which were only expensive but nothing, absolutely nothing, used. We then followed the recommendation in the book and are quite satisfied. By the way: Jeff T. Bowles can contact you and he answers you .
5.0 out of 5 stars Well explained (get to know why pain occurred) (German translation)From Catherine On 7 April 2017
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In this book, I found the explanation why I suddenly had pain in the shoulder after I filled D3. Unfortunately, this has not explained in any info anybody. I was completely insecure, because before I had there no complaints.
Here it is said: is simply repaired what the body has not done before. This is good, but you should know. Also my knees have begun to tweak, I have been years ago the staircase fell on the edge and had long time complaints.
I just did not want to do it because much of my friends had more complaints.
It is completely ok that the body reacts, but one should KNOW it. I was at the doctor’s, because the pain was at times violent, I did not know about it.
I read the book 2 days ago, took a higher dose yesterday. Previously 60 000 IU, D3, OPC 2, K2, after 14 days of maintenance 10 000, K2, OPC, magnesium. I think it was still too little D3, I will increase, because yesterday for the first time again 25 000 IU, I was able to sleep for the first time again on the shoulder, woke up every night & had pain.
Thanks for this info, I will write again an addition, if I have more insights. (Also in the Facebook group there was no evidence of this effect, all kinds of guesses but nothing to indicate this explanation). Because yesterday for the first time again 25 000 IU, I was able to sleep for the first time on the shoulder, woke up every night and had pain. Thanks for this info, I will write again an addition, if I have more insights. (Also in the Facebook group there was no evidence of this effect, all kinds of guesses but nothing to indicate this explanation). Because yesterday for the first time again 25 000 IU, I was able to sleep for the first time on the shoulder, woke up every night and had pain. Thanks for this info, I will write again an addition, if I have more insights. (Also in the Facebook group there was no evidence of this effect, all kinds of guesses but nothing to indicate this explanation). UA15 days ago
This effect I had with me also in the shoulder (low, had years ago there times the diagnosis “Kalkschulter”) and also on the neck at the spine (already unpleasantly strong). Since I had already read in a book by Dr. Bodo Kuklinski that he recommended 300mg vitamin K2 for a calcification (shoulder, heel spur, etc.), and I knew the K2 is responsible for the management of the calcium transport, I have by lower dosage of K2 (100mg) “downs” this pain associated with a mild inflammatory reaction. It took me about 4 months, but now everything is OK, and I take again 200mg K2, without unpleasant effects. If you give the body what he needs to repair, he does it. I just had to slow it down because it was unpleasant, But I am glad that the cause has disappeared.
Get well!
How Vitamin D3 has changed my life (German translation)From Amazon customer On March 18, 2017
My experience with D3: My medical condition: Since October 2015, I suffer from panic attacks. I thought I was dying when I was asleep, got a heart attack at the wheel of my car. Kippen equal around in the gym etc … To this came a general weakness, sickness and a massive weight gain (30 kilos within a year)
In the summer of 2016 I was a little better and thought I might have it behind me. Property since the connection with D3 not recognized.
In the autumn / winter of 2016 it became much worse again. My attacks were very violent, often went hours and were almost daily. I slept badly, partly could not drive to work or drive back. Could not use a train, was afraid of all medications because I thought there is an overdose etc …
Also my stomach played crazy I had after half portions, strong stomach pain, my droppings were almost never firm but at best many small balls similar to Hasenkot. My doctor has recommended a gastroscopy and a behavioral therapy. That was October 2016, pretty much exactly one year after my problems started. I did not get an appointment with the internists until March 2017. But relatively quickly one at the Theraputen, which is rather unusual.
I naturally googled myself and seen the vitamin D3 can help with stress and sleep problems. A pack of HealthPlus vitamin D3 + K2 ordered. There are 5000 iu per capsule. A few days later, Therapuetin asked what I was going to do. I’ve been talking for a few days daily 1 capsule vitamin D3 with 5000 units. She said immediately, she does not take it is not good. I was very sour on this woman for a while, now I think she does not know better. In the weeks after, the panic attacks reached their absoulten climax and I could not do anything more. By some YT videos I have however again more with the topic D3 busy and me a blood test at Cerascreen ordered. A few days later the result came, about 22ng / ml.
Cerascreen has talked of a defect, my doctor said everything is ok but can empty my vitamin D3 can if I want with 1 pill every day (have my capsules taken) This was the end of December 2016.
Have taken a dose of 5000 IU first: daily Later on 10,000 IU: high and have 2 to 3 times a week visited the solarium with a UVB bench, For about 10 minutes each. Which has a daily dose of 15 to 20,000 IU when one sees it on a week. Now to my results, stood mid-March 2017
– My Paniktspacken, much less, clearly shorter and far less unpleasant. I am more afraid to become unconscious rather than dying. Sounds possible for many not so great, but for me this is clearly clearer.
– I sleep like a baby, longer and better (I’ve been tracing my sleep over the years for fitness, so I’ve been able to make a good comparison)
– My weight is finally going down again (in a diet) the year before I was able to do what I did Wanted it was only high
– Clearly fitter and more alert.
– Normal fixed chair as it should be and no belly pain
– No lactose complain more
I thought that would be all but after listening to the book (that was before a few days ago) I noticed ok, there are apparently few other things have become better not so noticed have.
– My left wrist has always cracked, now I hear nothing more
– No more back pain at the long lie
– No gum bleed more
Vitamin D3 plus K2 plus magnesium plus vitamin D3 test cost you about 90 €
This is an investment which gives me so much life quality again As I myself did not think it possible. I would really recommend it to anyone.
My current value, ca 47ng / ml,
Target value between 90 and 100ng / ml Current dose: 10,000 IU per day as a capsule plus 2 times 10 min UVB sunbed the week.
My current can still holds about 3 weeks, then will take a few days nothing (approx. 3 to 4) and again my values test and this update until I am at the target value and further things if necessary
5.0 out of 5 stars Little miracle ? (German translation)From whitefish On March 8, 2017
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This book I can only recommend with the book by Dr.von Helden. Vitamin D has changed my life. My doctors were astonished and when my mirror was lying at 150 I had to stop but after just 4 months I was so bad that we had the blood checked and the mirror was on 34. Now again hochdosiert and after about 3 weeks I have again for me an exciting life. Several autoimmune diseases, collagenosis and HIT. I eat everything again
5.0 out of 5 stars This is the best and most important book I have read over the last 20 years on medical topics! (German translation)From Professor Schami On 19 February 2017
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The author portrays how entertaining and intuitive it was to start this self-experiment. But not just so, but from scientific studies, interest and considerations out.
I can only confirm the “tingling” and “burning pain” described therein, and the warm feeling in the healing of his knee pains, because my knee is now again without rest and agitation,
without this important book I would never be behind the Great Mystery And health has come, and why we are quite conscious of this so immensely important substance,
we are not supposed to be healthy, because a healthy patient does not bring any money
, but we are all sunbathers and need the sun as the air for breathing.
5.0 out of 5 stars I liked it (German translation)From KR On 9 February 2017
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Since I have vitamin D deficiency, the book simply interested me.
I found it interesting, even if the author often repeated. But this does not hurt. Of course it is written in the ricker American style, but what I had not expected. I have the indication that one should take magnesium to the highly dosed vitamin D3 to be missing. Then you do not have so many ‘repair pain’. You do not have to swallow 100,000 per day, but with a shortage let the doctors like to walk around. I personally stay with my 10,000 – 20,000 iE per day, so I get along well.
No more without vitamin D3 … (German translation)From A. Palm tree On January 29, 2017
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I am not a review writer at all, but I feel guilty about this book.
I’ve come to the book because I’ve googled about weight reduction. Somehow I was then hang with the ook of Bowles, read the reviews and ordered me directly the Kindle version. Thank God!
I was directly enthusiastic, my test drive announced. I ordered vitamin D3 capsules 10,000 iE from Vita2you with the corresponding super-K capsules and hoped to be able to lose a bit.
On 2 days after taking morning and night each 10,000 IU I noticed pleasant light legs. It was strange, since I have never felt my legs as hard and can describe it hard. It felt like I was running on clouds, Pleasantly sprung. I would have liked to start jogging, my legs were so light.
(I did not, however, my walks with the dog extended by hours, without tired legs afterwards, pain in the feet or legs) After about 4 days I noticed strong pain in my left shoulder, which became so intense That I had to take painkillers. With my left shoulder I had problems with an autounfall since 2011. I went through all the treatments. Painkillers, physio, throat cords, electricity etc … but the pain never disappeared so completely and I got used to a slight dauerache. In addition, I suffered from a stiff stiffness. Especially when driving, where you often have to turn your head backwards, I had strong problems. Movement restrictions and pain. Also, my spine was still hurt by the accident in the BWS area.
Inspired by the book, I have the stronger pain after the D3 ingestion and was (I hardly dare to write it) after about 2 weeks absolutely painless! Not only that, the stiffness in the cervical spine area completely disappeared and the entire spine I can not move like for a long time. In addition, I sometimes had backache after sleeping. Had told me that I was probably wrong in the night. These pain have also disappeared! Because of wrong location …
I am an uncannily sun-sensitive skin type and could not go 15 minutes in the summer in the sun without burning. So I always wore sunscreen cream with me. This summer, What really has never happened in my life (and I’m soo enthusiastic), I have not used a sunscreen once, and have been as brown as never before without burning. Brilliant!!! I had not believed that at all!
At the upper arms I always had rough skin spots, which never disappeared despite intensive creaming. Somehow they were gone. I can not say exactly when, I also noticed it more by chance. It was about 2 weeks.
I can finally breathe again through the nose. My caves are free again.
My wrists sometimes hurt (especially the thumbs). The pain has disappeared. All joints in my body feel as if they were freshly oiled. I know that sounds incredibly stupid. But that’s how it is.
I had a burning / tensing in the right bar / basin. Did not let it investigate and simply lived with it. The pain was here stronger, because again weaker … you were not stuck in it. I’ll make it short: Disappeared! My knee joints are like new.
Now we have in late January and the flu wave has all rolled over. Except me. The only thing I had 3 days was a cold. Pure cold, no sore throat, headaches, arthralgia, fever. Normally, I felt a cold when I was a dog. But it was really just a cold without pain etc. madness!
Eventually, the Vita2You went empty and I took Dekristol 20,000 IU I actually thought that the quality of decristol is higher. Unfortunately my complaints came back, so I switched back to Vita2you and noticed almost immediately an improvement. I can not recommend the decristol unfortunately. Only I have not lost, unfortunately, I now take 20,000 IE for 6 months
5.0 out of 5 stars Great book (German translation)From Jens On January 2, 2017
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Since I am very often suffering from extreme muscle pain and but no doctor could call it a cause, I decided to do my own research and came to this book. Extremely well-written and of course also tried everything. After 3 months I can only say that I am much better and my vitamin D mirror despite very high dosage daily is still in the lower range.
3.0 out of 5 stars Petra D. (German translation)From Petra Irmhild Degelmann On November 9, 2016
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The book itself is very detailed and understandable. However, as a layman, one should also be well informed about the side effects. Imitation is not recommended for everyone. Do not increase the dosage at high blood pressure. I had in 2 days times times per day 15000 IU took. This has prompted my blood pressure proverbially. It took me 3 days until everything had normalized again. If one is healthy, it may all work, but it is better to talk to the doctor before. I now only take 1000 IU together with vitamin K 2 and so I’m fine.
Tony Clifton 6 months ago
The book says: If you get blood pressure changes from high dose vitamin D3 it means you have a magnesium deficiency! Take magnesium and try again!
5.0 out of 5 stars Eyes open (German translation)From Kindle customers On October 24, 2016
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In 2011, I had an SD surgery and took a medication, which nevertheless brings significant side effects. In the search for solutions for my “construction sites” I came across vitamin D and dealt with it more thoroughly. A glance at my last laboratory report gave me the signal for immediate action; So I ordered this book and vitamin D 5600 iE. For 3 weeks I now take this dose daily and has recently increased by double. Despite this relatively small dose, I have already achieved success, for example, my SD drug attacked the retina of my eyes, so that I had red rabbit eyes early in the morning and I have long suffered from extremely persistent migraine, headache and pain The SD OP did not know).The rabbit eyes have disappeared, the migraine has become less frequent, As well as the head and neck pain. I am very happy about that. The author opened my eyes with a book for a method of healing without a chemistry lump. For this I am indefinitely grateful to him. Of course, I will follow this path further, because it is just a timid beginning and according to laboratory findings I am not yet out of the D3 deficiency, but could increase the value. Thank you very much for this enlightening and courageous work. My esteem to the author of the book for his conscientious and enduring research and his courage for self-exertion. Because it is just a timid beginning and according to laboratory findings I’m not yet out of the D3 deficiency, but could already increase the value somewhat. Thank you very much for this enlightening and courageous work. My esteem to the author of the book for his conscientious and enduring research and his courage for self-exertion. Because it is just a timid beginning and according to laboratory findings I’m not yet out of the D3 deficiency, but could already increase the value somewhat. Thank you very much for this enlightening and courageous work. My esteem to the author of the book for his conscientious and enduring research and his courage for self-exertion.
Why do not you beat Jeff T. Bowles for the Nobel Prize? (German translation)From Ulrich St. On September 16, 2016
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With 64 J I after the intake of 100,000 IU vitamin D3 daily a new life experienced.
I feel more vital than ever. All the pain is gone. Go back to the gym three times a week. The strength and the will of it had been lost a long time ago. I thought it was my age which makes me so energetic, no it was Vitaminmangel and D3.
Give Jeff the Nobel Prize, I mean seriously …!
5.0 out of 5 stars With patience the success came, 50,000IE per day (German translation)From su On August 20, 2016
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The book seems credible. After we finished reading we were testing the whole. We started with 5000IE per day (plus k2 + magnesium) .1.5 months it happened nothing then we took 15.000IE per day, nothing happened. Then we took 50.000IE per day after 2months noticed we were with much more energy were not But what was clear wrinkles in the face – deep folds disappeared.I could not believe it. At my mother (55) just like us now we pause.haben us test for at home to test vitamin d3 (costs as with the house doctor). So what I say with 50,000IE (K2 + magnesium) there was nothing negative We felt as though nothing happened (at the beginning we were even disappointed that nothing positive happened) .We had no side effect. After 2-3 months of the income there: more energy, 3kg decreased, Wrinkles went back and I talk of deep wrinkles face looks like padded young, just beautiful. This is from me 35 years and my mother 55 years of experience, which I wanted to share with you for a short time. My daughter (9) got 10.000IE per day, there was no cold in this time as well as no asthma. We looked at her values with the doctor and despite 3 months 10.000IE their vitamin d3 values were too low- But with her was improvement during the ingestion. Then the capsules went out and now she takes nothing for three months, she was sick again. There was no cold in this time and no asthma.We looked at their values at the doctor and despite 3 months 10,000IE their vitamin d3 values were too low – but with her was improvement during the intake. Then the capsules went out and now she takes nothing for three months, she was sick again. There was no cold in this time and no asthma.We looked at their values at the doctor and despite 3 months 10,000IE their vitamin d3 values were too low – but with her was improvement during the intake. Then the capsules went out and now she takes nothing for three months, she was sick again
Thanks for your lines,. You were too scared. I started with 60,000 IU (64 yrs) and increased to 100,000 (to the depot to fill) to 60,000 to the daily therapy now back. No side effects, Only a 100% improved quality of life which I already felt on the first day already Rheumatism and joint pain disappeared ..
5.0 out of 5 stars Thanks D3! (German translation)From Zandvoort09 On July 4, 2016
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Without D3 I would probably go to the doctor in January and with the diagnosis “Burn out” again out! D3 has helped me within a few days to get back to life! The book I now read in retrospect and can agree with the100%! Thanks to Jeff T. Bowles and the other people who dare to write against the fixed system!
5.0 out of 5 stars Amazing! (German translation)From Andree Helm On 3 June 2016
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I really know very well about food supplements. I have been doing intensive sporting activities for years and have therefore always taken care of my body chemistry because it is half the money to build muscle and physical well-being. Nevertheless, for several years now, I have been struggling with a chronic inflammation of the tendon tendinitis caused by high weights. I then came across this book. Since I am up to a certain degree experimenting, I have decided to experiment with the hormone D3. 50,000 IU a day I wanted to test, much higher I did not want to go. The first week I could not feel any changes, in the second week I could notice a certain increase in energy, but it could also be a placebo effect.
And then it actually happened, after about 2 months of consistent D3 overdose were suddenly my pain which have really plagued me for years.
For me, the D3 overdosing had worked, but you should know that there are still a lot more micronutrients which are quite useful. Certain amino acids can also cause miracles.
The book itself is very interesting, but presents some very daring theses. Besides annoying me the praise of a certain onlineshops. Nevertheless, I forgive 5 stars because it works.
A little tip from me, I advise to the dissolved vitamin D3. If the drops approx.
5.0 out of 5 stars I like the book very much depression (German translation)Frommanul On April 12, 2016
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The book I like very well, you do not have to take these megadoses, but it reveals to you
the importance of vitamin D3, I have even brought my vitamin D3 mirror to about 70 and feel very good
all depressive moods have disappeared (female l 60)
I am overwhelmed (German translation)From Maier Susanne On April 8, 2016
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This is the discovery of my life !!! Have always taken food supplements, but never has changed so quickly and perceptibly something! I am firmly convinced that every human being would have to eat! My hallux pain was gone after 3 days and my blocked shoulder was moveable again after 4 days and the cracking gets less every week. The cracked heels were also right again after a few days smoothly! Thank you thank you thank you
5.0 out of 5 stars The book a wonderful health fund! (German translation)From Amazon customer On February 27, 2016
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Hello, I am taking 2 D3 (14000 IU), one K SUPER of Life Extension (uA 200 μg K2) + one K2 extra (100 μg), so I noticed a real improvement after 4-5 days.
Have 2 sliding vertebra (L3 + L4) + a broken disc (L5) and could hardly go, despite Lumbalbandage.
In the small environment of the rented apartment + go to the mailbox real improvement.
Magnesium with potassium, calcium, curd with linseed oil + legumes and from time to an egg to vitamin C (every few hours so 200 mg, since the body on 1x not so much reserves and excrete would.
Thank you!
Please read absolutely! (German translation)From RumpelstiltskinTOP 1000 RECENT On February 21, 2016
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It is scandalous and unbelievable how the pharmaceutical industry and the American FDA want to take high doses of vitamin D3 preparations from the market as more and more is known how incredibly diverse the “miracle hormone” is for the health of the human organism. Consciously, lies are spread about the vitamin, much too low intake recommendations given or warned of poisoning over 800 units / day. How untrue is it, where the body in sunshine in summer already in about 20 minutes itself already to the 30000 units of vitamin D3 produced ….
I have since early December daily 30000 units together with vitamin K2 and feel great – NO winter blues More and I strotze with energy, which was not the case in any winter. The extreme fatigue over the dark months has completely disappeared and without any change to the diet are melted in just 3 months 12 kilos of the hips.
I can really recommend to everyone about this book and the Internet to get extensively informed about highly dosed vitamin D3 supplementation and to see for yourself what an incredible healing potential this substance has if it is taken in sufficient doses. There is also a wonderful statement from the St. Georg Clinic in Bad Aibling. Also a very recommendable book is “Heile dich mit Sonnenlicht” by Heilpraktiker Andreas Moritz.
Just in July and August so much sunshine in Germany, so that we can form enough vitamin D3 in the body,
Finally a book that offers help (German translation)From 19camp2007 On February 20, 2016
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I ordered the book accidentally because I already had the book “healthy in 7 days” which is almost the same. But because the author writes so vividly and partly to smile, I have kept it and not regret. These many complaints, knee arthrosis in the really critical stage, eternal fatigue and fatigue, overweight (which despite healthy diet) simply will not be less. Etc. After the first book I take 16 tabs per day (1 table contains 5600 D3), which means nearly 90 000. After only 3 days I already have an improvement with regard to fatigue and fatigue. I just feel a lot more energetic, do not run x-times to the toilet at night (which was before), lost my sweetheart (I was really addicted). If the improvements continue, I am very grateful to both (Dr. von Helden and Jeff T.Bowles). Jeff T. Bowles even more because he is very keen to remember vitamin K2. What is really very important. I will comment again after prolonged ingestion. As I said, I am very grateful to the fact that there are still people who are not stupid by the whitecoat industry. I know in the case of what I am talking about, after my cancer surgery and refusal on my part the chemo I was downed by doctors …. they will already see what they have, then they are soon dead … Well I live 17 years Afterwards still and did absolutely nothing of the things (except the OP) which are usually so arranged with cancer. To ensure that no one is troubled,
5.0 out of 5 stars I’m excited (German translation)From Angelo Radner On February 11, 2016
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The book has opened my eyes and when you research something on the Internet, all the statements that are made in this book are correct.
I am taking 10,000 drops daily in two drops and 1 tablet K2 daily.
I’ve been fighting for 1 year with an extreme Crohn’s disease thrust, I could not eat anything without having extreme pain. For 4 days I have no more pain, no matter what I eat. I can not believe it myself yet, but I am totally happy about it.
Besides, I had depression and refused to take antidepressants and lo and they are gone. I feel extremely fit and happy.
The only side effect is that I sleep a bit worse, but that is in contrast to Crohn’s disease and the depression is nothing.
I would recommend it to anyone, Just try it out. I was skeptical myself, but I have been taught a better one.
5.0 out of 5 stars The good news is vitamin D3 (German translation)From Domi On 13 January 2016
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Hello together,
the book is readable and interesting.
But already had all the information from the I-Net.
I was at the doctor and have my vitamin D value measured, and see there 13.2 !!!
The doctor said that this is normal and did not go closer to it 🙁 and gave me sample tablets which were by far not enough !!!
I had already ordered D3 (5000IU) and Super K.
I took to recharge my mirrors 23 days Long 2500 IU and a tablet SuperK.
Now after charging, I am great.
– I am no longer so tired
– Knee pain I had after a meniscus surgery (4 years) are finally gone
– back pain where I have last summer have also gone
– After the fitness studio I was always totally flat – this is also history
– Chronic nasal sinusitis did not go away completely even after an operation last year – now this is also fixed I can only take care of every health of its own.
Recommendations from me:
– Robert Franz (YouTube) necessarily look reeting and best health
5.0 out of 5 stars Fantastic. To 100% recommended! Rescue and healing !!!! (German translation)From Tanja Gold On December 5, 2015
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I can read this book only to any human being. It works wonders. My girlfriend has been tormented for 3 weeks with cough in the truest sense of the word. In this time she found this book (a blessing of heaven). There was in the flu, cough etc. 50,000 to 60,000 iE ingest for the first 3 days. And it’s hard to believe what other drugs did not make with her, vitamin D3 managed within 3 days. My friend is freed from her cough and also feel fitter again. I too will continue to take this vitamin of vitamins, in the firm belief that my aches and pains, which have subsided in my life, will also evaporate. I will continue to report on this. A very big and warm thank you, to Jefff for this wonderful book.
his book is an absolute must-read! If you have not read it yet, please order now! (German translation)From Daniela Gelter On October 14, 2015
Jeff Bowles, author of this book, deserves my highest respect!
With this book, he has helped so many people – not just those in the book, but also me and friends of mine. After I had an Eileite pregnancy in 2013 and had to be operated, and had a miscarriage in 2014, I knew that something was absolutely wrong with me. For a long time before, I felt weak, tired, could not concentrate etc … After a closer examination of my vitamin levels my doctor told me that my vitamin D value is so low – and that is life-threatening. From that moment on, I decided to take responsibility for my own body and look at myself. That was the start with this book – since I’ve read this book and take vitamin D daily together with Super-K, I’m blinding! I have energy, feel much better, also had problems with the spine – which are already better and become less every day! Also my mother, my sister and friends now take vitamin D3 and it helps them incredibly much!
Thanks a lot to Jeff Bowles for this book and all this information and tips! Without this book I would not be as good as now!
5.0 out of 5 stars 15 years nail fungus … finally healing (German translation)From Vincent On October 4, 2015
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I have been taking vitamin D, about 20,000 IU daily, for about one month, mainly to treat my shin-bone syndrome (the search for different doctors was completely pointless). So I can go jogging again.
But what I had on the screen at all was my nail fungus (big toe), which I had (probably) already at military service times had caught. That’s about 15 years ago. I had just tried everything to get rid of him. Ointments, pastes, varnishes, tablets (dermatine), simply everything the pharmaceutical industry offered. And now the nail grows perfectly healthy, just like that.
How can it be that I have three months with a liver killer called Dermatin and can not prove any significant success and then take a hormone called vitamin D (cost approx. 5 € per month) and this tormented story is more or less extended in a few weeks?
People, this is quite a big one. Either our doctors are completely incapable, ignorant and highly corrupt. Look for it.
3.0 out of 5 stars Goes so (German translation)From Best in the World On May 27, 2015
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I bought this book and read it since I have also for years with some illnesses to fight.
Thought, let first determine your vitamin D3 value. I did so, too, and my doctor noticed a strong shortage
. He gave me decristol and I took 3 weeks of highly dosed vitamin D3. For two weeks I noticed nothing.
Only I had increased headaches. After 3 weeks, it got really better. From day to day I got
more and more energy. Could have torn down trees. Now I take once in the week 1 decristol to maintain my value, which is meanwhile
optimal to maintain. Unfortunately, I now notice nothing of the energy that I initially had. I feel as bad as
the years before. Such a miracle, As described in the book, vitamin D3 is not yet.
I also find it very dangerous to take high-dosage vitamin D3 on your own. I have already reached a value
of 71 ng / ml after 3 weeks . Do not want to know how high this value would have gone, if I still had doses of weeks so high.
5.0 out of 5 stars Compulsory (German translation)From Peter Rewoldt On May 19, 2015
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I have been drawn by a colleague to the vitamin D3 philosophy. Have read this book in 3 hours and am the next day to the pharmacy! After about 3 weeks of taking 2×2000 IE vitamin D3, all the pain in my arthritis had disappeared in all limb joints! For months I had “jumping thumbs”, that is, inflamed thumb saddle joints. I could not even open a water bottle at the time! Feet, knees, hips, shoulders, elbows and finger joints are again joking! And in combination with vitamin K2, my bones and vessels will surely go better in the future. buy, understand heed continue telling
5.0 out of 5 stars When I read about vitamin D3 the first time, I raised an eyebrow … (German translation)From Meg On May 16, 2015
…. and because of the history behind it:
One was demonizing it all at once from the 40’s? Higher dosage only on prescription?
Everything highly poisonous otherwise? Same story as with (Warning: Do not be frightened) … nicotine.
This is systematically demonized since 1828 …. “Herzgift”, “cancer”, etc.
All nonsense .. in the usual small amounts, which one takes, does not harm a healthy adult as a daily caffeine consumption (just google it According to the blog about “Nicotine” by toxicologist and pharmacologist Prof. Dr. Bernd Mayer / University of Graz). It is also practically non-addictive without tobacco burning … and it became even more incredible:
Even the low lethal dose turned out to be wrong (150 years simply passed without test ever further).
No smoking must “smoke” ….. Nicotine vapor reaches with the so-called E-cigarette and it does not die (would be silly for the tobacco industry, if that would come out …. the smokers would storm the steam shops All, it would be a kind “smoking cessation” and totally harmful … here greets again the pharmaceutical industry).
Quite harmless would not ask for a Qualmer … but not even health authorities find something bad (except MINIspuren of dangerous substances and are broadly presented in the media).
It was the same way with Vit. D3 …. the same “demonization scheme”, therefore the little prehistory. I do not think of “miracle pills,” but my curiosity was aroused.
For years now, I have had a “morning stiffness” all over my body, for months I had pain in my fingers, so I could barely touch the PC …. and I had a painful “snapping hip”: That
does not create Vitamin D3 .. I thought ….. but I gave the painful fingers / hands a chance.
So D3 ordered and MK7 / Vitamin K-2.
I started with 50000iE in the first week (early April): After about 3 days I already felt an improvement in the morning.
My fingers (just barely needed in the morning) felt as if a “protective film” was now strewn over it.
They were more agile and much more painful:
The effect increased from day to day. The rest of the body also felt that it was going upwards.
I got out of bed much better and did not limp for an hour as if I were 95 years old.
Pain relief so far: Feeling 80% improvement
And my painful “snapping hip”?
Way …. for about 2 weeks and I would not have believed.
The only “side effect” I have is:
More energy and accordingly, I sleep worse (maybe that is the spring … that coincided with my intake start). I will share my experiences with others and make an active reference to this D3 scandal. Update (02.10.2015)
I have after approx. 3 months interest, the ingestion completely set, to see what happens: The pain came back after some time. Now I take it again … after 2-3 days, pain quickly became better. I was interested mainly to find out whether the good effect was imagination / coincidence (since it is generally better in spring / summer eh generally).
I can now exclude: It is actually the vitamin D3.
5.0 out of 5 stars Finally complaints !!!!!!!!! And a life worth living back with 27 (German translation)From Benjamin Eckardt On May 3, 2015
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It all began with the fact that on the left I felt a pull under the left ribs. I imagined a muscle sore.
Subsequently, a 2-3-year-lasting recurring constipation was added. I could be less and less often on toilet. The feeling that one “must” simply occurred less and less often.
My bowel function simply became more and more unreliable and changed consistency and size usually it was never a large whole sausage including the feeling that one emptied.
I felt more and more limp and repelled was morose and no longer life-threatening as before. Was often the type one always said more often man laughs times. I hardly felt hungry. If I ate then usually only 1 if at all 2 times a day. For a while I ordered 2-3 weeks in the evening pizza partly 2 small or a medium with 5-6 pads and then consumed me extremely full.
Later, a pull in the right side followed, especially when riding a motorcycle, right up to the strong stinging of ground waves.
I was in the time when that started on assembly and the week about not at home. I could not even get really big in 7 days. In any case, the “I must times feeling” did not come up.
Sometimes when I gave myself 2-3 large coffee or muesli with yogurt and fruit. The chair was then always only a bit bigger and hard and then only filler.
I went to the doctor. Complete Check. Blood circulation, etc. Find nothing.
I dragged myself through life. 2 months later, another physician. Diagnosis: fatigue syndrome lol what a finding is in the end also only the result and not the cause. 2 weeks ill written to relax.
Next, I bought the LOGI METHOD. Happy and slim – with lots of protein and the right fat. The LOGI method hoped I would achieve something. Until I felt a bit physically better no bowel movement. Although I can only recommend the book to anyone who wants to lose weight consciously and his body optimally with the wants what he needs.
End of 2013 then stomach spigot and some colonoscopy. Without results.
This can not continue like that. This restricted me more and more. On top of that I was always bloated and without nonsense one of my pants could no longer be closed because the squeezed without end. Since I was constantly bloated and always had to push around on my stomach the resulting rot or digestion gases (due to longer lasting constipation).
14 days ago I came across OPC Franz, an alternative gentleman of the Traubenkerne extract and lied me over the net about it and looked at me on Youtube some video. In the Playlist also the theme vitamin D3 and the reference of the Franz that it goes to most people on our latitude so that they are underserved D3 and that it has far-reaching consequences.
Short and sweet: I ordered the book Vitamin D3 highly dosed by Jeff T Bowles and a pack of 120 capsules 5000IE and gave me from the first day without having read the book 50,000 units D3 plus 5000 units Super K vitamin K2.
After about 4 days I had an energy – fabulous. I have been awake every morning for a long time, energized, full there. I began to get my positive outlook again. I smile again more, just feel like I am the same is so beautiful now that it is driving me Freudrasen into the eyes. The flattiges Sprüche I laid lchich rauschaue I have again in stock. I have perseverance with everything I tackle does not look at the clock when it is finally evening, one day flies like the other. I could go to the toilet on the 6th day because I had no coffee. Until Now I was say and write 7 times on toilet with quite normal consistency and size as it has to be. I have often hunger again and eat 2-3 times and every day. In addition, I have 4 years ago a motorcycle accident and therefore problems with the right knee. I had not broken anything at the time, and a mucus inflammation that went back again. Nevertheless, the knee occasionally caused me trouble.
These complaints have now become less and I wait for whether it goes back completely.
Book absolutely recommendable (German translation)From Alfred On March 22, 2015
Hello! This book is really great. The author has really dared to experiment with his experiment. This knowledge now comes to everyone who wants it – thanks Jeff for this service to mankind. Fact is probably D3 can hardly be too high and it has a lot of positive effects, if you at least significantly higher dosage than the Schulmed. Says to us. I now take it about 5,000 IU daily with about 15,000 IU and go a lot in the sun – naked on my balcony (without cream) and I already notice how it is my body overall good. Since I am very slim, a lower dose already works quite well: More power, pains in joints almost disappeared, super skin, … and one can also tolerate the sun without cream much longer and better without redness.
I will continue to take it in all cases – in winter more in the summer as stated above. In any case, something positive happens in the body. Lg Alfred S
Finally I feel younger again! (German translation)From Regina Reider On March 17, 2015
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I (53) had always been fat since my childhood and wondered why I could only lose weight in summer. Since a few years I
unfortunately also have diabetes 2. Unfortunately I have in the winter again and again everything increased and even more than before. This book really opened my eyes.
Now I take 20,000 units Vit. D3 tl. + K2 and feel loosely 10 years younger. All of my many small pains are getting better by the day, and my metabolism works back as before with 30, also have much more energy. After 10 days, the 1 kilo is already gone again and healthy nutrition makes me much easier with less appetite. I can recommend everyone to have the vitamin D mirror measured, read this book and start a new life. Good luck, Regina.
5.0 out of 5 stars The book has earned 10 stars and more and is a must for everyone! (German translation)From Silja Gerken On March 5, 2015
I’ve got this book recommended by a very good friend. I wish I had read it many years before, it would have
helped my dad and I could have saved a lot of time and money for unnecessary therapies and treatments. I am among other things
thyroid gland sick and had since December last year among other things with extremely strong neck pain to fight, muscle weakness in the legs and Herzrasen. It was sometimes so bad I could not work. In the book, Jeff T. Bowles announced his mail address
(which is already very much for the author, which author does it already, that means work and time) and I asked him which units of
vitamin D3 I should take with my complaint. He immediately answered me and advised me. 000 IU D3 and 2 tablets from the Super K2.
I can not believe it today, but after 4 days my complaints had completely disappeared. Now after 2 weeks, I can even find that my skin has become firmer in the face. My mood has become much better, I have more energy and
strength again. Except in the morning when getting up, it is not soooo good, but it is getting better and better. A tip for all who have thyroid problems, whether Hashimoto, Basedow, etc., try it out. Vitamin D3 also plays an important
role in the thyroid gland . Another good tip: On Youtube give “Robert Franz” and vitamin D3, it is a super lecture. Anyway, one should also deal with Robert Franz more, such people as he is no longer found today. He clarifies around the subject of health and does not ask for a single cent for it ……… But also Jeff T. Bowles is a person you can not thank enough. Without his daring experiment today, not so many people would benefit from his knowledge.
Important is the importance and importance of vitamin K2, which is described in detail in this book. Only taken together is the great success !!!! This book is the best gift for your fellow men, friends and friends. Because it does not help to keep all this to oneself, you
have to pass it on, which will also be good for other people soon
5.0 out of 5 stars … Surprising, inspiring … (German translation)From SilviaTOP 1000 RECENT On January 27, 2015
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The book is just great. Something chaotic written but in a language that also understands the medical layman – recommendable. Infotainment pure !!!
Criticism: Vitamin D3 and K2 are fat-soluble vitamins and should therefore also be taken with fat, eg during or just before a meal. I take it in the morning and drink only black coffee, so I have to take a teaspoon of oil or a few Omega3 capsules. This has not been mentioned in this book.
I read that Jeff T. Bowles took calcium and magnesium when he took the extremely high dose of D3 and K2 – but not how much. That would have interested me, too.
I was still reading other books on the subject, but this was the most entertaining. Nevertheless, it was no less informative than the other two. # Supplement
: My mother dared. She takes blood clotting inhibitors (Marcoumar) because of the reflex. For half a year, she takes 200mcg of vitamin K2 daily and has no effect on her blood clotting!
Pain away! (German translation)From exbuch On January 23, 2015
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I also read this book and took vitamin D highly dosed. I had very sensitive feet, could hardly occur. After a week of intake – just go away.
After I was a bit sloppy, complaints came to the thumb, very painful, so I could not take the thumb in the daily household work. After a week’s intake – and not daily 20,000 iE is also this problem almost gone!
Thanks this pioneer and his self-experiment!
5.0 out of 5 stars Important information (German translation)From Isolde shaft On November 27, 2014
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The book is very informative even if the writing style is not always perfect. Have the book now given away again. Highly recommended. Finally, you can understand clearly how important vitamin D3 is and what role vitamin K2 plays. I have now started my self-experiment and watch the development of my pain. Old injuries such as knees and ankles suddenly hurt a lot for days and are then almost painless. Some pain becomes clearer. I unfortunately, among other things, under fibromyalgia and could reduce my painkillers already somewhat, although my experiment only takes 2 weeks with 20,000 iE dare to stay and the attempt. Delivery was very fast.
5.0 out of 5 stars If you do not read this book, it is your own fault! (German translation)From Schubert On 4 November 2014
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A book that everyone should have read. The importance of vitamin D3 for all of us will be clear when you read this
book carefully. Especially like us the pharmaceutical industry dumb. Property since
approximately three weeks D3 with 2×2000 IU took and for two weeks hochdosiert with initially 50,000 and then 1 week
100,000 IU. Now I will initially take once a week 50,000. In January I will make a blood test
and am anxious to my results. One thing I can say right now, feel very good and sleep again
perfectly. Property already 3 kilos decreased. It was easy, since I had neither hunger nor appetite for sweets.
Thanks to the author for this book !!
I was curiously curious about this book, after which I recently decided to do a vitamin D cure. For over 10 years, I’ve tried to get my muscle and joint pain under control, and many more strange symptoms. The collected diagnoses ranged from different rheumatoid species via a pre-stage to MS or even no “no diagnosis”. I arranged the years with “no diagnosis” – when the muscle pain grew too much, I took a very high dose of magnesium – that brought in 1 to 2 hours clear relief. But with the other symptoms, of course, magnesium never helped. Now I watched two completely new symptoms, which have become more and more intense over the past two years: I increased significantly and sweated (especially at night) as wildly.
My doctor did this as companionship to my profession. As a company consultant I would have a lot of stress and much too little movement.
A month ago, I saw a show on breakfast TV: “Head sweating” is a symptom of vitamin D deficiency. Seen and forgotten immediately. When I was a week later on vacation and during the evening meal just before the hotel door, because I was running in the “warm” room just so the sweat, I remembered the television broadcasting and just decided to get vitamin D to get to See if I get the sweat in the handle. I was thinking neither of the muscles, nor of any other “health problem”. Even when I stumbled across various deficiency symptoms in an internet search, they did not interest me, but I just wanted to know what a good dose would be. Now comes for me “the hammer” … I tried 20,000 IU a day and after 4 days I no longer sweat (neither night nor day), after 10 days 5 kg lost. I felt much more energetic, Had a desire for sport and less hunger. I felt much more agile – although the muscular pain was again present.
My well-being has improved within a few days, so that I simply wanted to understand the connections. I stumbled across this chaotic book. Actually it deserves only 3 stars – would not be the sensational effect of vitamin D, this book describes. I am sure that the large number of positive reviews tend to be due to the effect of vitamin D rather than to the book. The author deserves our fullest recognition with regard to his self-assertion and his collaboration from different sources – the presentation does not deserve it, it does not stop at the cover. However – the book is really easy and also fast to read. In 2 hours one is through.
5.0 out of 5 stars Sensation! (German translation)From Richard Mackenrodt On September 29, 2014
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This book is not easy to read, because Jeff Bowles is a doctor and not an author. But who cares? The book is still an absolute sensation! Anyone who simply starts the self-experiment with a highly dosed D3 knows already after a very short time: nothing is invented in the various, hymnical reports of experience, it is all true. The power of creativity increases steeply, the physical performance also, the mood anyway, one is no longer tired, neither in the morning nor in the evening, one is present as rarely before, to speak of potency. To take this absolutely natural remedy in the recommended combination with K2 is the best thing you can do. No side effects. Big thing.
5.0 out of 5 stars A booklet – that it has in itself – THANKS “!” (German translation)From IQ`S` On August 16, 2014
Have the book devoured in 3 days relish. , , There must first be a private investigator to take us,. , The brave – always nice to hear the uncle DR. , Awake to shake “!” In 2008, an accident had a very complicated malignant hepatic fracture – the doctors said “You have to live – You can get your feet stiff or swallow your life Iboprofen / Diclofenac & Co and the stomach there with, take it best The omeprazole (all high doses) That the body stores the stuff but in the gut and with the time my intestinal flora and my whole imunsystem is broken – nobody told me … I became more and more sick and weaker and depressed – before pain uuu until now 2014 … heartfelt – absolutely, many, many thanks to the author. And greetings to all. , , “Trust you.” , , It is worth it *
Thank you & all a good time + “good” health “!” Tip – attached: “Magnesium Chloride” (Salz-Schwarzmann / Amazon) more information / Internet regular foot baths – in the bathtub … there is roughly 47% and fine 99% – the latter even has food quality – With the mixing ratio in connection with boiled water or purchased spring water many take it also orally – as so-called Stamperl … I mix it as in my salad dressing even … (please do not go after – the stuff tastes very bitter … Needed – not everyone’s thing.
For each time a suggestion about his health to think about (German translation)From Amazon Customer On August 11, 2014
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We are now a few weeks highly dosed to replenish vitamin D. I bought this book to see what the author has reached with his “high dose”. Honestly it impressed me and really only confirmed in it continues to fill up with D. My partner and I go with this vitamin plus vitamin k2 and magnesium actually daily better. My partner had a stroke half a year ago. But now, thanks to vitamin D, he is far better than before the stroke. If only all times would not always believe you wanted to praise a miracle here. The people are themselves to blame that they do not want to improve their quality of life. I have come to my vitamin D clinic. However higher dosage I have it by itself. And we do not regret it. Even our house doctor says that it is better for us with our blood pictures. My partner had problems with his knee for 20 years. Could not go long stretches for years without pain in the knee. Everything away. He had problems with the shoulders. One should be operated on. Afterwards gypsum for several months. He does not need any more. The school is better. There are still a lot of building sites that I could still report here, but this would probably first of all break the frame and secondly I believe that until now hardly anyone reads, because they can not believe that it really does what. In conclusion, I would then still say that my Sonnenallergie is gone which I had for 25 years.
I thank Jeff T. Bowles who read the reviews here for this informative book with his insights and tips! Thank you for writing this book!
Simple and ingenious (German translation)From Almut Hauschild On July 15, 2014
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I have read the book for a week and immediately ordered Vit D3 and K2. So take six days now 40000IE daily. Many small symptoms of my MS are simply gone – disappeared. The walking distance has also improved from about 20 meters with walking aid to about 50 meters without walking aid. I’m excited. I will still make about 20 days so lender and then make the blood test.
Is the book actually in French?
The miraculous effects of extremely high doses of vitamin D (German translation)From Movie Fan On 1 July 2014
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Already last year, I (47 y.), Because of massive pain in shoulders and hips, which made me almost motionless, began to explain me with vitamin D. I have already read the book “Healthy in 7 Days” by Dr. R. Helden. In Austria, however, it is like a spit-roast run to get high-dose vitamin D. The incapacitation of men takes menacing forms. Thus, only the order abroad was successful. I have increased my vitamin D mirror contrary to the recommendation of my practical doctor and I am really good again.
Vitamin D (+ calcium + magnesium + vitamin K2) are suuuper important! Inform yourself on the Internet and in books like this!
5.0 out of 5 stars Very good (German translation)From Ute-Maria Eibl-Wolferstetter On 13 June 2014
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I have been very ill for 30 years, an undifferentiated collagenosis with many calcifications in the hands, feet, elbows and knees.
In 3 weeks from 43 ng to 70 ng high. My left Athlete’s knee ate a lot of days and is much better now.
Will increase even further. A good book and a hot tip. Thank you. Let’s see if the strong calcifications are getting better. Then report me again.
1.0 out of 5 stars No reaction (German translation)From Dieter Stasiak On May 16, 2014
After I now 30 days every day 50,000 units of vitamin D3 and each daily 1 capsule K2 took me there is with me no noticeable effect. On the contrary, as an anti-alcoholic and non-skilled, I felt partial concentration problems and problems in planning logistical procedures. I’ve put the stuff down now.
Ambi Valente 2 years ago
The intake of vitamin D has now probably triggered or triggered a magnesium problem. The interplay of vitamin D, magnesium, calcium, parathormone and potassium is extremely complex, see here: Therefore one should never one of them as “single building block” (at all not so highly dosed!), Without at the same time keep the others in mind. Otherwise, unwanted reactions are pre-programmed (especially in case of severe deficiencies) because of a new, perhaps even greater, imbalance of the mineral or hormones.
5.0 out of 5 stars Valuable information (German translation)From A. Schäfer On May 10, 2014
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The book is an enrichment, I have read it with great interest. Then I took care of Dekristol and K2 and immediately started taking. My first impression after a few days was that day fatigue has decreased very much and I have a deeper sleep. In short, much of what the author writes, I can confirm so far. Also, the book reads easily and comprehensibly and it is m. E. a great help for people who want to do something for their own health.
5.0 out of 5 stars Nice book (German translation)From Tmunde On April 29, 2014
Format: Kindle Edition |Verified purchase
Had already the book healthy in seven days and over a year ago a vitamin D kur kur made. Then four days with 100000 IU and then with 4000 IU – 6000 IU. At this time I could not find any real improvement. Was then for me 48 years and 83 kilos + forceful job but probably too weak dosage, K2 I had not taken at that time.
Now after purchasing this book here a week with 90000 – 100000 IU and then further with 40000 – 50000 IU with additional 4-5 Super K2 is not only the well-being much better, also the shoulders shaken by years of bank pressures and other sports exercises Approx. 3 week highly dosed D3 + K2 significantly less. The exercises have been less and less frequent in recent years, almost only bank pressures due to pain in shoulder. After taking now 40000 – 50000 + 4-5 Super K2 I could again take many exercises into my program and was even amazed at a power rise.
This book I can only recommend to everyone at this great price.
5.0 out of 5 stars Book vitamin D3 = Snnen-vitamin (German translation)From Amazon Customer On April 25, 2014
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This book I had previously read in English, now I wanted to have it in German for a friend.
I can confirm many things from the book, among other things, since I had a strong hip pain on both sides, but by taking vitamin D I do not feel any more.
5.0 out of 5 stars Great book, but attention to possible magnesium deficiency (German translation)From Franz Simon On 14 April 2014Format: Paperback
First, I would like to thank Jeff for the advice and tips we have received from him. About the content and the use of this book I can only connect to most other reviews. I would like to draw attention here to the importance of taking vitamin D3 into a possible magnesium deficiency.
To our story: My mother-in-law has read the book from Jeff and started a blood donation that showed 17 ng of vitamin D3, the recommended highly dosed intake with subsequent getting dose. Approximately Three months later, she had blood pressure sores and pain in the heart. Examinations in the hospital revealed abnormalities in the long-term ECG (borderline). The recommendation to have a pacemaker implanted, She did not want to accept it, and turned to Jeff to ask if there was any connection with the vitamin D3 intake. Jeff replied promptly and pointed out that it could be a magnesium deficiency. Since my mother-in-law had not yet had a blood test, she simply took magnesium (daily 500mg) and put off the vitamin D3 for about two weeks. Meanwhile, she is doing well. At the moment, she is still in the process of obtaining a second opinion from a cardiologist. The tendency, however, shows that a cardiac pacemaker will not be necessary and that the attack was probably about the said magnesium deficiency associated with a heart neurosurgery. The current vitamin D3 level is now at 68 ng, so that it continues the dose. Her friend, from whom she received the book tip, had thick blood and there was therefore heart attack. By high dosage with subsequent receiving cans their blood is again completely in order. I hope that this book, which is suffering from similar symptoms, can be helped by readers.
5.0 out of 5 stars Enlightenment! (German translation)From Lisa Steigel On March 31, 2014
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This is really brave, highly recommended against all conventional view of vitamin D3 highly recommended. The world needs such cross-thinkers and people who experiment sensibly. I am taking vitamin D3 for 2 weeks (vitamin K2) and I notice improvement for the first time in years. Have the feeling to wake up from the “winter sleep” Am very confident that my knees (osteoarthritis) get better. Will report further. Because I like to accept that the book is not professionally written.
Absolutely super great book (German translation)From Andrea Dietl On 28 February 2014
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Recommend everyone to read this book, if the school medicine does not progress, vitamin D3 high doses really helps.
I am significantly better since taking vitamin D3 and K2. Absolutely no more problems.
Headaches are gone and I can sleep again.
Thanks to Jeff T. Bowles.
Absolutely readable …. (German translation)From Geli & amp; Toto Esch On February 18, 2014
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I have read the book in one day and then started the therapy within a few days … At first 10,000 IU then high to 40,000 IU. Then noticed however slight side effects in the form of dizziness … Am since 3 weeks now on 30,000 IU And I notice that I have much more energy, and my shoulder-neck problems are almost gone … Some of my patients (I am a physiotherapist and acupuncturist) have also decided on this “self-experiment” after review and are all positively surprised … Stay in any case … ONE OF THE BEST BOOKS OF THE LAST YEARS !!!!
5.0 out of 5 stars Experience with highly dosed d3 (German translation)From Peter Prinsch On February 2, 2014
Format: Paperback |Verified purchase
After the purchase of the highly informative reading, which I have already read several times, I started the intake of D3 and K2 about 6 weeks ago, as described in the book. After a week I took 30000 IU and increased it gradually to 100000 IU. A lab test now showed a D3 level of> 100 ng / ml, so I will now continue with 20000 IU. For my body, the high dosage was no problem, apart from the fact that I was no longer tired in the evening and could sleep worse. My back pain has already become better and there is something in my knees. I am very curious about what will change in the coming months and will report on this later.
I found the syndromes of winter sleep and the incomplete repair of physical symptoms due to vitamin D3 deficiency described by Jeff Bowles very interesting. Jeff Bowle’s testimonies illuminated me and motivated me to take high doses of D3 and K2.
2.0 out of 5 stars Dangerous… (German translation) (note describes symptoms of magnesium deficiency being aggravated by high dose d3)From Domino11 On January 8, 2014
Format: Kindle Edition |Verified purchase
Dangerous half-knowledge, coupled with the presumptions of a lay person, who is “hobbly” with health and self-tests, entices readers to their own self-experiments …
Chaotic- No system in book building. Written as spoken. Unfortunately partly with corresponding derogatory remarks. Too bad. There are certainly many valuable information in the book included … Unfortunately, by its nature only with caution to obey.
The constant references to a particular mail order do not make this book any better.
Supplement April 2014 (previous comment from January 2014) after an 8-week self-test with 40,000 units: In order to get the best out of the way and to avoid problems, I have 40 days a day for 8 weeks. 000 units (despite general concerns of my HP) -and can underline my original assessment only emphatically !!!
The only positive thing that came to me was that my finger joints cracked less frequently. The price for this was however very high: the side effects so well played down in the book beat: I had to do with suddenly occurring strong hypertension! That was absolutely not funny! – not to mention anything! Constant hamming in the ears and a blood pressure beyond good and bad, which despite normal withdrawal was only very slowly normalized again. After 4 weeks, he is back in the normal range. Let it … Bring the value to the ‘normal range’
Finally a clear statement (German translation)From Sheldon On January 8, 2014
Format: Paperback |Verified purchase
The author reports from his own experience with D3 and does not forget to mention that K2 is also extremely expensive, such as a German doctor, who has also written a book about D3 and according to his instructions in the book, me and 2 more People who have acted and rather the opposite happened: instead of fit and fresh, more fatigue and phlegmatism. Jeff Bowles is not a medical author, nor a born author, but his experience and his knowledge of this subject from more than 50000 studies over the years makes him an expert in my opinion and since I have been taking K2 to D3 , Exactly what is described is done: first, the old pain from possible injuries are released and if one persists, they disappear and never see again, And this is already felt after 14 days, the mood is better, you feel more agile and dynamic. I guess sometimes, that after a few weeks or months of the intake can still increase a lot. This book is absolutely readable for all those who want to tackle any shortcomings all around and do not just want to take the vitamins that the doctor recommends, because D3 is a hormone, which is indispensable for the human body!
Amazon customer 6 months ago
Hello, I can think which German doctor you mean. I also started his book with high doses. It should be 4 days a 100,000 units. Only three days have gone by. Have taken 4×25,000 IE drops per day, but after 2 days have got restless sleep, and light heart racing. Since you can panic, and somewhere in the I-net have similar case read. Luckily I had ordered the D3 drops with K2 (but not taken, as not expressly recommended). I immediately took K2 and exposed for 2 days D3. The side effects have disappeared quickly. Now I take “preservation dose” of 6 drops (6,000 IU / day) + K2 and I am very well. In other sources it is said that short-term extremely high dose could also have the opposite effect, Because the body has natural regulation against D3 overdose.
5.0 out of 5 stars Inadvertently proved harmless! gall bladder gall stones (German translation)From Amazon Customer On 4 January 2014
A high-dose vitamin D intake (monthly 100,000 IU) neither decreases the frequency nor reduces the severity of upper respiratory infections. It was recently reported in the media, pointing to a study by New Zealand scientists.
The study included 322 healthy persons, on average just under 50 years of age. They received an initial dose of 200,000 IU of vitamin D3 over 18 months (!!!) and a month later, followed by 100,000 IU or a dummy. It is not clear whether the test persons did not already have a sufficient vitamin D level at the beginning of the study and therefore no significant differences were to be expected anyway. More interesting, however, is no reference in the evaluation: the study lasted 18 months! For more than oneand a half years, the participants gained 100,000 IU (initially 200,000 IU were administered at a distance of one month).
If there were only minor adverse effects or even damage caused by the high dosage therapy, they would have been listed. But there are no such incidents!
Therefore, if you are still afraid of unpleasant side effects at high doses (apart from people with abnormal calcium levels), this fear is likely to be taken by the study.
I would like to pass on a personal experience:
In the early summer of 2013 I noticed a D3 deficiency (6.3 ng / ml instead of 30 ng target value).
The medical recommendation was 400 IU by private practice (internist) and 800 IU (orthopaedist). In fact, according to the recommendation (Book: Healthy in 7 Days), I took over 100,000 IU for 7 days and then 50,000 IU each 10 days, which I referred to over […].
At about the same time, I was advised to go to a gall-surgery, as large stones were found.
In addition to D3 I took 1 liter of apple juice daily and replaced all roasting / cooking fats with coconut oil ( = sr_1_2? ie = UTF8 & qid = 1388843600 & sr = 8-2 & keywords = manako + coconut% C3% B6L + native). Only six weeks (!) After the bile diagnosis my urologist asked me why I wanted to “get rid of my gall”. He had just found something grime. The bile was otherwise completely normal! Since I am chronically ill (Chronic Fatique syndrome) I could not record any energy boost because of the improvement of my D3-mirror, as my previous speakers, however, the conditions for the basic disease are completely different. I am already glad if a “construction site” could be checked in the form of the healed bile.
At least, since then, severe colds, as usual in autumn / winter, were spared. Afterword :
The import of medicines from England could be difficult because England is not part of the Eurozone. An order in the Netherlands or Belgium, on the other hand, takes place within the EU and the Eurozone. This also means that the parcels do not have to be through a customs inspection.
German Blood thinners Vitamin K are studies showing that up to 45 mcg of vitamin K2 per day have no effect on the effect of blood clotting inhibitors ( Vitamin K-containing foods should also be safe ( With a small web search you will still find much to vitamin K and blood clotting inhibitors.
4 out of 5 stars Thanks for the self-experiment … (German translation)From Undabendseinbuch … On 3 January 2014
… the style of writing is in need of getting used to, somehow teasing, but anyone who has just come across this subject to improve his health and wellbeing and feel torn to and fro is fortified with this little book Sunhormone in high dosages to try out.
I have done it, but in the dosage recommendation, I thought more of the book “Healthy in 7 days”. And … yes, I am already very satisfied with the results so far for three weeks now. I feel awake, full of energy, in a good mood, and above all, the pain around the sciatica nerve has finally subsided. I thank the author for his courage, which ultimately gave me the impetus.
3.0 out of 5 stars mixed (German translation)From Doddelbacke On 24 November 2013
Format: Paperback |Verified purchase
The book is written in my very unstructured and has partly “teaser” content. Because of my shoulder pain daily 20,000 iE vitamin D3 had taken and after two weeks actually a significant improvement.
If you expect a factual guide, this book is on the “Holzweg”
5.0 out of 5 stars 1,000 Thanks for this book, Mr. Bowles scoliosis headache knee pain (German translation)From Fabrice P. On October 10, 2013
Unfortunately, the knowledge from this book is often smiled, or
you are only warned by doctors and pharmacists,
which strongly prohibit the high dosage of vitamin D strictly.
After I had read this book (26), of course, I was interested in
Two or three times a week I suffered from a headache caused by
my hardened neck and cracking shoulders.
In addition, I had painful knees during sporting stress due
to overloading in past basketball years.
My girlfriend (26) suffered for years from a scoliosis (vertebral
spine), which was treated by several
physicians and a lot of training, In order not to aggravate the symptoms.
After which I had now D3 preparations in the pharmacy worried and of
course again only warnings with the on the way got (however also in
relation to K2, because according to pharmacists too much K2 with too little D3 in the body
deposits), and the K2 out The Internet (MenaQ7 from Natto)
had arrived, it could now go. At the same time, I gave it to my mother (45) and my grandma (70).
The results after 6 weeks D3- “cure” with
relatively low D3- quantities are astonishing.
My dose: 7,000 IU D3 + K2
One is in the morning and is energized. My knees are now much more
resilient. Normally I could barely ten minutes with the dog
football play and run.
Now there could be no end, since the pain in the knees no longer
The headache, which occurs again and again due to a strong load on the back, is increased
by two to three “seizures” per day.
One in six weeks. Mother: 10,000 IU D3 + K2
My mother also reports that she is “full of energy
“; Their pain in the shoulder (similar to mine) associated with
headaches are almost forgotten.
Grandma: 5,000 IU D3 + K2
From the reports of my grandmother, it can be seen that her pains,
combined with severe pain during lifting and bending barely
affects her everyday life and the artificial knee joint,
Which could no longer be angled by 90 degrees, was
slow to heal. She can always bend it further.
Now to the greatest and most beautiful experience by D3.
Girlfriend: 6,000 IU D3 + K2
My friend came today from the doctor and could tell me smiling
that her doctor could hardly believe it, but her back was straight.
She had a long conversation with her,
talking about her increased dose D3. The doctor, surprisingly, was very
interested and even suggested that her
prescribe a certain highly
dosed liquid D3 prep after a blood test (which we will soon be making) . Which exactly, I unfortunately
do not know, and also not, Which they know of the interaction of D3 and K2.
Conclusion: This book is worth buying.
Thanks to Jeff and his hard work. These findings are
incredibly valuable, not only because we were able to take
another step away from the pharmaceutical industry with this book , but
also because we can now assume more responsibility for our
own health. I will put it to as many people as possible, at least one
should have dealt with this topic.
(After the blood test which will be in two to three weeks, we will go to
the next phase and take even higher doses, if necessary with
consultation our doctor,
Hello Christopher
the info at the product is actually very good! We are coming up with 5000 IU daily (measured values around 50-60 ng / ml), but this is also dependent on weight (at We weight about 75 and 80 kg) K2 we also take (100mcg daily)
here the recommendations differ slightly (100 – 200 mcg daily)
which is important from my point of view, this is magnesium citrate, vitamin D needed in the conversion In liver and kidney Magnesium, if there is not enough, there are often side effects (eg convulsions) see also in the link
with the calcium there are different views,
Good morning, have often ordered at wls, quite a lot of D3, K1 and K2, both are very important in the combi, and also other vitamin products of this company. For 2 years, I had never had a problem with the shipping, which was always carried with me with Hermes.Behind the high doses of D3 I can only confirm what is in the book … even my animals get now D3, my cats 3 times a week 2000 units. If you convert it to humans comes quite something together. In a guinea-pig, which does not really have such a high life expectancy, I have, as it showed at 7 years noticeable fatigue symptoms, which usually means a further life of a maximum of a quarter year, still 3 years with best health and well-being. The average age of guinea pigs is usually 4 to 8 years. Mine was almost 11 years old. I’m sure this has caused the D3, because from then on he was quickly better, he became fit again and became a father six months later.
I can bindingly say that the delivery via wls products works great for me Hello Manfred
in advance a confession … I often forget it. But about 4 times a week I think about it, and then I take between 50,000 and more, up to 100,000 IU. For this I have the capsules of wls with 50,000 IU, and then the decristol with 20,000 IU. I feel a lot better in general. I have had the rapid development of borreliosis (inflammation, pain in the whole body, muscle fiber tears, numbness in the extremities, etc. ) Within one year. At first I only took around 20,000 IU since I read this book, so since March 14, I have the increased dose.
D3 I have already taken longer, even a guinea pig, which should actually be dead at the latest with 8 years, held almost 11 years. At 8, it was already so tired and weak that I had expected only a few weeks. Then I gave the animal every 2 days 1000 IU, so a drop of Vigantol oil, now it gets also my old cat, which was also already quite tired. Every 2 days a capsule with 2,000 IU. Now she climbs again on all trees, has got a beautiful coat and is as cheeky and cheeky as a little kitten. Placebo effect is thus excluded.
Many greetings from Marietta Has got a beautiful coat and is as cheeky and cheeky as a little kitten. Placebo effect is thus excluded. Many greetings from Marietta Has got a beautiful coat and is as cheeky and cheeky as a little kitten. Placebo effect is thus excluded. Many greetings from MariettaHi, am quite curious and ask the question in the round why no UV-B lamps used? These are also used in reptiles for their vitamin D values. I mean, that is then with the pills procurement is no longer an issue or should? To your list yet another plus: I have a guinea pig, which is almost 12 years old. It had some rheumatic legs, the hair was already dull and the appetite was getting less and less. I started with 500 IU and am now at 1,000 IU per day as drops. My guinea pig is again topfit, the hair shine, the eyes also, it can run again, if slowly, the appetite is as before, and his “wife” can no longer complain. Even this works again, although it has not had any feelings of this kind for more than two years … the only thing on the edge is perhaps even another interesting realization, which has not yet been mentioned in this book. Gabriele Feil
At the high doses I was just too skeptical and I started with 5,000 IU.
Actually, I felt good at first, but after a few days I got diarrhea and gout.
Then I have the detail by D 3 nohmals exactly durchgelsen – very much text. It has been described that D3 can sometimes come to high levels of calcium in the blood.
I then returned to a lower dosage, and I will increase my caution later when the symptoms subside. I am therefore amazed that many people are able to enter so high a concentration without problems. Now take magnesium to neutralize the calcium somewhat.
From On October 8, 2013
After a slow start, the author presents crisp facts about the D3, builds up his theses and draws the logical conclusions. Bowls writes that he is a very active man, has always been injured in the course of his life, has dragged many sufferings around him for a long time. The recovery of various impairments, indeed the recovery of long-suffering sufferings, he owes to himself and his logic, the help to self-help, as one says so beautifully. And he is not alone, one only needs a search engine of his choice and will immediately find it. Since I had caught a corner cold a few days ago, I tried it – although rather herbal aunt – myself and the result: on Friday was nothing more, Saturday I went much better, Sunday very well, No trace of cold. If you always have “something”, eternally looking for relief, maybe vitamin D3 could help, at least one should have read the book, so that one again goes out more and does not perish in gray city walls.
5.0 out of 5 stars Great InformationBy csm on October 11, 2013
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
I ran across this book by accident and decided to order. Although it is not the most well written book; the author does not claim to be a writer by trade. He is speaking from personal research (of which he did A LOT). He also includes the information on where he got all of his info so you can read for yourself if you are distrusting.
That being said; I myself had increased by D3 several years ago after reading some articles on the subject (about 3000 iu or so). I had been suffering from SAD and it was making my life miserable. After some time; I don’t really know how long it took, but I gradually began to feel better and had those symptoms disappear. After reading the book I also realized my plantar faciatis (unsure of spelling) in both of my feet had cleared up as well.
I have been on 30,000 now (with super K) and have had no problems whatsoever. I am 53 and am a firm believer that Doctor’s are not GOD and we have to take responsibility for our own health. I am positive that there are many natural cures our there for our diseases; think about it, if the Pharma’s discovered cures for everything they would be out of business. I even heard a dermatologist say they loved psoriasis patients because it cannot be cured. (my husband has it) I am anxious for his results in a few months. His condition is 80% better since I did research years ago and started him on supplements and changed his food habits (his derma said it was just a coincidence he got better).
UPDATE — After about a year I realized the hair on my head was growing long. I know that it always grows, but it never got much past my shoulders. I am a WEN user so at first I thought it was that, except that I have been using WEN for about 5 years and the rapid growth did not start until after the D3 was started. Now thanks to D3 and WEN I have long, beautiful hair down to the middle of my back (I am 55 🙂
Also, no one in my family has been ill since we started with the higher doses. Not one sniffle. And several of us were around really sick people last winter where we work.
5.0 out of 5 stars I am a BELIVERBy Chazwat on October 11, 2013
This is the 3rd book that I have purchased concerning Mr. Bowles research. I have read his research on Restricted Diet and Melatonin and now his book on high doses of D3. I follow the melatonin to the the T.
I now take mega doses of D3,my age is 56 and up to 6 months ago (before D3) I was not able to sleep on my sides or stomach due to extreme back pain.
I am now able to constantly move from side to side, stomach to back with no pain.
Jeffs research seems to always be on the cutting edge,Google D3 look at the dates.Mr Bowles research seems to be months if not years ahead of the science community.
I truly would advise buying the book and from a layman’s opinion TAKE the D3.
Charles Waters
Pensacola FL
Highly Recommend!By Serzer on October 16, 2013
Format: Paperback|Verified Purchase
I think many of us are Vitamin D deficient and do not realize it. I was in the sun more this summer than ever, and expected my D levels to be high. I was surprised to find it was only 32.6! I have begun high dose Vit D3 and the main thing I notice so far, is that my sleep is greatly improved. I highly recommend reading Mr. Bowles’ books. While he admits he is not a writer, the information he provides is very compelling and easy to understand. You can tell he is passionate about learning, finding the truth, and helping others.
My Crohn’s Disease Is CuredBy Kurt W. Fuller on October 20, 2013
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
I must say that I literally stumbled onto this book. But the title rang true with me, so I bought it (Kindle version) for a very low price.
Around age 53, I was diagnosed with severe Crohn’s disease. At the same time, I was diagnosed with prostate cancer. Though a number of different urologists were “foaming at the mouth” wanting to remove the prostate, I decided to try alternative medicine first (over the objections of everyone in knew).
Fortunately, I found a doctor (in a state halfway across the country) who practiced alternative medicine. He cured me of prostate cancer without surgery. However, he said that my Crohn’s was far more dangerous to me in the long run. I said that I’d researched Crohn’s thoroughly on the internet and that every site called the disease “incurable.” He scoffed and said that my problem was a shortage of Vitamin D.
At the time, I was taking 1,000 IU of Vitamin D per day. The doctor recommended an increase to 2,000. When that didn’t work, he changed the dose to 4,000. Then he went to 5,000. Then 10,000. Then 15,000. At 15,000 I finally began to see improvement. After 3-4 years, my symptoms disappeared.
I’m now 59. Oh how I wish I’d seen this book years ago. I can see now that the strategy was good, but the doses were way too small. I have friends with Crohn’s who refuse to deviate from what “the doctor” says, despite their lack of success. Maybe if they read this book, they’d think differently. I couldn’t recommend any book more strongly than this one.
5.0 out of 5 stars three months on Vitamin DBy maggie on September 26, 2013
I started taking vitamin D three months ago. I had extremely bad Arthritis with some bone deformities. The pain was so bad I didn’t care whether I lived or died. A friend sent me an article written by Jeff Bowles and I started on Vitamin D along with K2. I never thought it would work so quickly. I took 5000 iu and gradually worked up to 25000 iu. My blood test before I started taking it was 74. It has now rised to 209. I live in England and the test results are different from America. After only taking it for a week the pain stopped. I had never heard of Jeff Bowles from Adam but I emailed him and he was extremely helpful. Now three months on I have so much more energy, am much happier than I have ever been. I never want to go back to being like that ever again. I dohave Crohns disease and will continue with the Vitamin D and K2 for that also. In short I have my life back.
During reading some reviews it seems plain that some people have never even read the book. Or some just criticising and have never taken Vitamin D. Some people give such nasty comments it makes one wonder exactly why they are so nasty. If you have read this book you will find that Jeff Bowles has studied for 15 years, sometimes for 12 hours a day with no financial reward unlike Big Pharma and others who have accrued vast fortunes. Doctors only study for 4 years. I do not know Jeff Bowles at all apart from a a couple of emails but I am extremely grateful to him for his years of study. He does not deserve all this. If people are eager to get rid of their pain it will not matter what the English is like in the book. I only know Jeff’s years of study have been instrumental in giving me my life back.
Maggie Troy
4.0 out of 5 stars Read the Whole BookBy J. Ashton on October 2, 2013
Format: Paperback|Verified Purchase
I am modifying my review because it was suggested that I was not following the author’s complete directions. I’m certainly willing to concede that point. Here is the original review: I took the large doses of D3 for six weeks. I stopped because I suddenly realized that my dizziness, faintness, and heart fibrillation during running or any exertion, was perhaps due to the D3. I did a Google check on the toxic effects of mega-doses, and this was one of the effects, including dark urine and urinary tract infection, which I also was experiencing. I stopped taking the D3 immediately, and within six days had no more of those symptoms. Since I am 69, I had at first attributed the heart difficulties to old age. I’m in good health and take no medicine, exercise regularly, and have low blood pressure, so I thought the D3 could (at the least) do no harm. But after these very real problems, and now that I am back to exercising without those problems, I feel that especially the elderly should be aware of the toxic effects possible with this vitamin.
Another correction: The UTI’s seem to have been related to excessive sugar, not the D3. I am now on a low-carb diet and having good effects, and if I resume the large doses of D3 (with adequate K2, magnesium, etc) I will re-post.
Tyler Zambori1 year ago
Why do so many people not pay attention to the author’s instructions to take vitamin K2? It boggles the mind.
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- Ashton3 years agoIn reply toan earlier post
Also, I cannot now find that information about the dark urine. It’s too long since I did the research. I am thinking there was another cause for that temporary thing — I drink so much water that this problem is rare.
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- Ashton3 years agoIn reply toan earlier post
Sorry, I didn’t see this post before -. Your suggestions are very good. I will modify my review, and check into K2, and you are absolutely correct: I did not read the whole book, and was not following it correctly. Thank you!
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FA3 years ago
Hi J,
I have to echo the other responders’ advice on calcium and magnesium… most likely, your symptoms were related to a sudden increase in efficiency of calcium absorption and consequent reduction of available magnesium, rather than the Vit D directly. You said you weren’t taking calcium supplements… but just out of curiosity, do you use dairy products? (High calcium/low magnesium.)
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- Trimm3 years ago
Read “Vitamin K2 and the Calcium Paradox” for comprehensive background on why Vitamin K2 is critical to take with D3. There are tremendous benefits to taking K2 which make this book a good companion to the D3 book. Large doses of D3 without K2 can be very dangerous (calcium deposits on arteries and soft tissue instead of bones). Together, in combination with calcium, vitamin A, and magnesium, you get a tremendous synergy of benefits. Read the Magnesium Miracle also… You’ll begin to see how these essential vitamins and minerals work together to produce amazing recoveries in people.
5.0 out of 5 stars Golden!By Pumpkin on October 6, 2013
5.0 out of 5 stars Worth its weight in gold
I think I only read about 5 pages of this book before adding D3 to my shopping list, first I bought the tablet form, now I take the liquid and the tablets.
I was already taking really good vitamin A (fermented fish oil) and vitamin K2 (raw liquid vitamin butter), as well as transdermal magnesium and 1 teaspoon per day of Mineral Blend Celtic sea salt.
The only thing I won’t take in supplemental form is calcium. My feeling is there is enough calcium already in my body.
I started the regimen adopted in this book to tackle varicose veins, bone strength and healing (2 old fracture wounds) and strengthen my teeth.
It has worked for everything and MORE.
Have to add, I’ve also flushed out (approx 150) gallbladder stones using the Moritz method (Kindle), addressed Essential Fatty Acid deficiency and ditched shop bought fruit juices, now juice my own for the full vitamin C complex, rather than just take ascorbic acid, which is what you get in Vit C supplements.
I feel I’ve turned my biological clock back and everyone I meet wants to know my secret. I tell them, it is no secret, the books are out there, go figure.
Trouble is a lot of people want the knowledge but they don’t want to put in the hours of reading, so I find myself providing synopses to friends in need.
The really fascinating thing about taking high doses of this nutrient is that you can see your body changing in response to it on a daily basis e.g. toe nails.
Most people’s toe nails are quite yellow and brittle. Once you start to address D3 deficiency, your toe nails grow out a really healthy pinkish colour and are extremely easy to file and cut. My finger nails too are now completely different and its virtually impossible to break them. If they do break, its not as messy as it used to be e.g. the break isn’t as sharp?
Apart from waking up your metabolism, having much more energy and reducing your appetite, I’ve also noticed my pain threshold has increased considerably.
This summer I endured a medical disaster. Basically, I had a raging tooth abscess that was undetected by 2 dentists and 2 doctors at A&E! My health had been improving for about 3 months prior to this, and I had only been taking high levels of D3 for about 6 weeks when the abscess struck. Well, you probably wont believe this, but I had 3 abscesses in the end, one on each root, and I did NOT take painkillers, not even once ! This is a pretty incredible fact and I’m still amazed at what happened, because I have had a lot of pain killers in the past and I also had a lot of pain. Pain and pain killers are just a thing of the past.
Varicose Veins
Mine were getting quite bad, started the D3, stared at them every day for a while, then forgot about them. Looked at them 2 months later and could see a major improvement. Basically what happens is that they reduce from the outer reaches inwards. They look like shrinking spiders? I really look forward to wearing shorts on holiday now, because they’re significantly reduced and improving by the minute.
Increased Tensile Strength
My bones are now very strong. All those aches and pains have ceased. I was noticing great improvements with Magnesium Oil and vitamin K2, but when I added this to the mix, things just took off. Basically it doesn’t hurt to lift things anymore. And when they tell you to strengthen your muscles and do exercise, I honestly think that’s a load of rubbish. If your bones are mineral deficient and you have been living in the dark for 10 months, there is no way you can exercise without huge amounts of pain. I can do what I like now and feel no pain. Yesterday I came back from the supermarket with 8 heavy bags of shopping. When I got home, I opened the boot and hooked all 8 bags on one arm and walked into the house. I do this all the time. I’m not even out of breath when I put them down. Its like they weigh less than they should? My husband, who used to think I was pretty unfit, hates that I can out-walk him, out run him and out lift him now.
I totally agree with the author’s hypothesis that we are all in a kind of technical hibernation unless we have large amounts of D3 or sunlight exposure. It doesn’t matter how hot your office/workplace or house is, unless you get enough sunlight (or D3) your body will just pack on fat and slow right down. His views on the evolutionary role of diabetes is mind-blowing!
Thank you Jeff T Bowles !!
Great Information!!By Amazon Customer on September 12, 2013
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
I am very fortunate to have found this ebook. I had a Vit D test on July 25, 2013 and my test number was 18. It did not surprise me because I have been at these low numbers for years and did nothing about it. My doctors were never concerned about it and neither was I since I did not know better. I am female and 54 years old. In 1997 my body started falling apart and fifteen doctors and thousand of dollars spent trying to find a solution to my medical problems. I was referred to different doctors for different problems. I have discoid lupus on my scalp which caused quite a bit of hair loss, horrible skin breakouts and lesions on my scalp, face, chest and arms. I started loosing my eyegrows and eyelashes. Talk about severe stress. I was at stage 5 adrenal fatigue, take thyroid medication and of course medication for the lupus problems. I could not heal with the different medications I took or the healthy foods I ate. I became allergic to the sun. If I did go outside I would break out in welts on my exposed skin. I found the e book and started taking 10,000 of Vitamin D3 with the K2 the following Monday. Four weeks later I had another blood test and my Vitamin D level was at 58. I am now seven weeks taking my Vitamin D3. My eyelashes, eyebrows and hair have started growing back in. I still have a way to go growing my scalp hair back in though. All of my welts have healed!! Nothing I did before would heal my skin. My skin is now very supple, it feels as if I have tons of lotion on. I had a root canal done two weeks ago and was put on penicillin for 10 days (endodontist said I had this problem for over a year) and for 5 of those days I stopped the Vitamin D3. My entire body started hurting again. I felt so bad. I immediately started my vitamins again and I was back to my old self again the next day. I am now able to spend time out in the sun again. It feels so good. Last week I spend time weeding my garden and got bit by several mosquitos. Usually these bites are very uncomfortable and I scratch my skin until it bleeds. NOT this time. I was bit and I did not feel any discomfort whatsoever. My skin never swelled from the bites nor did they itch. For me that was amazing. I have a doctors appointment soon and I will ask for a thyroid test and d level test to see where I am at. I want to get off of my medications. I have been wanting to up my Vitamin D3 to 20-30,000 UI. I still have a way to go. I have a bone spur and some other medical issues I want healed. The vitamins I now take are Andrews Lessmans Vitamin D3-2000UI (10,000) K1/K2 (1000), Calcium(2500) Magnesium (1200) per day. Again, thanks for the valuable information provided to us. I am planning to put my husband and brother on this program. They both need it! **My present doctor is learning as much as he can from me. I am his only patient that he knows of taking this much Vitamin D and he has noticed the huge improvement.
only my opinion, ok. but i would consider this. find your tolerance to oral magnesium dosing. the level you can take before it upsets you bowels. then take that dose and invert your current ratio of cal to mag.. that is if you think you need to supplement calcium at all. it should be more mag than cal. you get plenty of calcium in diet and supplementing it can be problematic. at least you getting your k’s, so that is really good. great luck to you!
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“My present doctor is learning as much as he can from me. I am his only patient that he knows of taking this much Vitamin D and he has noticed the huge improvement.” i”m so encouraged when i hear about doctors like this. they are truly the rarest of gems amongst a mountain of turds. god bless him!
5.0 out of 5 stars Happy and satisfied, “This book is a MUST !”By Carol on September 13, 2013
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I loved this book so much that I gifted it to 2 family members. Turns out while I was reading this on my kindle, my nephew had blood work done for a physical. As I shared info from this, he told me his blood work showed very low vit d. So, perfect timing! Then sent one to daughter. Had taken interest when my son ,(3 yrs ago) came home from travel with the flu.My mom had read, that if you take a higher dose of Vitd3 in will knock out the flu.Guess what ? 2 days he was better. Love this book.Please keep writing Jeff ! we need the info.
5.0 out of 5 stars Very helpful informationBy best by far on September 14, 2013
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I have psoriasis. I tested and toyed with Jeff’s theory. And well there is a huge difference. The results were and still are wonderful and it took days to witness the change. I feel high on life.
Changing my lifeBy John Truitt on August 19, 2013
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
Dear Mr. Bowles,
Than you so much for recounting your experience with high dose vitamin d and all that it has done to cure you. It gave me the confidence to do the same and I am amazed and thrilled at the results. I have had hypothyroidism, female hormonal imbalance and overweight and colitis. I conquered the colitis almost a year ago using berberine hcl and herbs that contain it like goldenseal. These are really amazing for healing mucous membranes in the body such as the intestine lining. I have been able to cut my thyroid supplement dose by a third by healing the colitis. However I have been still using berberine intermittently as well as olive leaf extract, a natural antimicrobial. So maybe if I were to completely stop at some point the colitis would return. And I have still had the overweight, hormonal imbalance and had to take some thyroid. A few years ago I went to a nurse practitioner who specializes in women’s hormonal health and had some testing. She told me I was vitamin d, iron and iodine deficient and that I needed to correct these to improve my thyroid function. This was in spite of getting in the neighborhood of 2000 units of d a day from food and supplements. I had to fire the NP because she was a jerk, I won’t take time with details. I was on my own and just blundered along as best I knew. I upped my d to 3000-3500 units, occasionally 4000 for small stretches. I was afraid and cautious because of all the conditioning about the dangerousness of vitamin d. I did note some improvements in my teeth but that was about it. Then in time I came across the LEF article telling how when they reviewed their clients vitamin d tests only 15 percent were in the optimal range, even though they were all taking what would be considered high dose d. That got me to thinking maybe I could up my dose again and take 5000 a day at least throughout the winter. I tried it for a while and thought I felt weird at times which scared me off so I backed it down again. I didn’t know about it being critical to supplement K2 at a certain level. I did take some K2 but not enough. The info in the LEF article was just too vague for me to feel confident and know what to do. Then a few weeks ago I came across your book. The info in it connecting vitamin d to all the problems I have and the fact that you were ok on the high doses you took gave me reassurance that it would be ok for me to try it. I started out at 10,000 units several days ago to ease into it. I plan on going up to 30,000 units. Within like 3 days of 10,000 units I felt more energy and started having some heart pounding like when my thyroid dose is too high. So the next day I left off thyroid that day and felt good. The day after that I took half my dose and felt good til evening and then had a bit of a low feeling so I took a very small amount. Basically, in such a short time I have already been able to cut my dose by 1/4 to 1/2. By golly, I really believe I am going to be able to get off of these thyroid supps. I was not on a very high dose, just 60 mg desiccated thyroid. I think the low d has been causing all my hormones to be messed up so that I have had insulin resistance, estrogen dominance, blocking normal thyroid function giving me subclinical hypothyroid. And colitis because of lowered immunity. I think the vitamin d is actually getting at the cause.
So thanks Mr. Bowles for improving my quality of life immeasurably. I still have some questions about combining sun and supplements and how to have some idea of how much I am getting from sun with different amounts of exposed skin. If you know of a source for answering this or would include in future additions to your book I would appreciate the info.
It is only been a short while and here I am with an update. After my review I went up to 20,000 units with added k2. I am now off the thyroid completely! I am ecstatic! I feel great and so much better than when I was taking thyroid.
Thanks Jeff for sharing about vitamin d.
I really don’t believe the drug companies anymore.By Marjory on August 26, 2013
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
I began reading this book because I was at a loss regarding the ailments that affected me. While I was reading the book I started a regiment of d-3. I immediately began to feel the affects. I have more energy; old injuries reappeared but are healing fairly quickly; losing weight when I wasn’t able to just two months ago. I recommend reading this book. It makes sense even though the author’s writing style does not have smooth continuity.
Follow ALL the AdviceBy Music fan on September 3, 2013
I enjoyed the author’s writing style — it is like talking to an enthusiastic friend.
But anyone who wants to experiment with high doses of Vit D needs to also take the Vit K2! Don’t follow HALF the advice. One person commented that mega doses of D are dangerous and could result in hypercalcemia (high blood calcium). This is because Vit D alone helps you absorb calcium, but that calcium can just float around in your blood (and get deposited in your blood vessels and other soft tissues). It is the addition of Vit K2 that directs the calcium you absorb into your bones and structure of your teeth (rather than being deposited on the outside of your teeth as plaque). Read Vitamin K2 and the Calcium Paradox (available at Amazon) for more info about the importance of adequate K2.
My personal experience with daily 30,000 units of D3 (plus lots of K2): back pain disappeared; depression lessened considerably; energy increased considerably. My serum calcium FELL from a high-normal (but not optimal) 10.0 to a beautifully normal 9.2. My serum D levels are now on the high side of normal, up from a deficiency of below 30 ng/ml. My endocrinologist had advised me not to take extra Vit D in spite of my previous deficiency, because my serum calcium levels were not optimal (on the high side) and taking more Vit D, he said, would just raise my serum calcium levels. NOT!!! I am glad I took responsibility to educate myself about what my body needed. I now feel better than I have in years.
Thank you, Jeff, for sharing your experiment with the world.
5.0 out of 5 stars Did my own vitamin d experiment after reading this….By Detox to diet on September 6, 2013
Great book and very interesting. I decided to try it on myself after my D was low. The author is really great about responding to emails, and will promptly answer questions. HE is not a doctor, but very knowledgable. Use common sense and get tested before you experiment on yourself.
I was very grateful for this book because my husband is a doctor and they just aren’t really educated in nutrition. My D level is over 60 now. I haven’t been sick or had allergy problems since about 2 months after high dosing. Last spring should have been miserable for me but I was hardly bothered. I used to get sick all be time too but have not been, even my 10 year old daughter is taking extra D now. She hasn’t been sick since either.
Without this book I probably would not have realized how important optimal vitamin d levels are. Check out “vitamin k and the calcium paradox” too. It all works together. I think everyone should also get tested, my doctor did it for free. LEF does it and it’s inexpensive, considering how important D plays in your health.
This is amazing information!By Amazon Customer on July 11, 2013
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I got this a few weeks ago and have been taking high doses of vitamin D3 & K2 along with multi-minerals. My arthritis in my thumbs has already improved noticeably! I thought the information was very clear and useful especially with the author being the guinea pig for us. He cites a lot of studies and is very convincing. His writing style and lack of indexing etc.(and slur against scientists), doesn’t bother me a bit. Thanks to the author for making it affordable! I’ll be buying his cancer ebook soon.
4.0 out of 5 stars Interesting readingBy Jims on August 10, 2013
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Jeffs book entails a very interesting read of both facts and his findings on high doses of vitamin D3. I think as many of us who are looking for natural ways to fight cancer-viruses-etc may come to the conclusion that this vitamin in higher doses may have more potential benefits than first believed. For me the only draw back in Jeffs book is his belief in the “evolution” lie, God Almighty is the Author and Finisher of this universe! The Alpha and Omega!
I have already been trying 40,000 iu of D3 and 4000 mgs of K1 and 4000 mgs of K2 everyday for about close to 2 weeks now and so far no noticeable changes in my body. I am almost 60 and have arthritis-bursitis- popping in my neck-shoulders and knees so Im waiting to see if it indeed will help in these areas. Time will tell! But I do recommend this book for everyone!
Great info on importance of Vit DBy Harvey Opps on August 10, 2013
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A lot of good information, original source material and resources. Helped me in my research and decision making. Dosage is not the issue, but maintaining proper blood levels of Vit D is. My own results have shown how little the results move for the current acceptable dosing levels. Find a medical practice that supports current knowledge about importance of Vit D levels
The Miraculous Results of Vitamin D3By Robert Jamison on August 11, 2013
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
Bowles has done some ground-breaking work with this book. The book is written from a position of a relative dearth of information on the hormone called vitamin D3. The author has done an excellent job from his personal research perspective, and he has made his perspective clear throughout, so that the information presented can be easily contextualized within the larger base of alternative health information. I find this to be a great strength of the book. His method of book organization is appropritate to the current level of information on D3 and makes the book easily read by the more knowledgeable readers. This is an excellent book for an alternative medicine physician, and I believe all should read it. The book is excellent for the lay reader as well, although they may want to be more “spoon fed” the information rather than relying on their own information base. The healing potential of Vitamin D3 adds to that available from testosterone therapy, Laminine, broad spectrum minerals, magnesium, electronic therapies, and other supplements and modalities. Based on their modes of action, these therapies should be compatible and additive in their power as well. Information in the book is immediately actionable and valuable. If you need a physician’s expertise, get an alternative physician to read the book, and then get his advice.
R. Jamison, MD
Very insightful and difference making bookBy C.C. Lamb on June 25, 2013
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This book provides insights from well researched sources and provides information that has worked for me and can definitely work for others as well. I had a very bad ankle injury I experienced that had not healed 5 months post injury however after taking into account the information and implementing the advice from this book vitamin D3 has helped me feel more energetic throughout the day and helped my ankle achieve pain free range of motion.
5.0 out of 5 stars a thought provoking feat that led me to take actionBy Amazon Customer on June 30, 2013
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I am now absorbing all I can on D3. This book helped me to the beginning of my own experiment. Not only does this make sense but it fits with my personal experience. I am anxious to see if my food allergies go away. I am/was allergic to most all I ate. What I can say now is I both feel better and sleep better coming out of 3 years do insomnia.
5.0 out of 5 stars great bookBy goat herder on June 30, 2013
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I joined Prime so I could borrow the book, then I bought the book, Jeff Reminds me of Immanual Velikovsky, he puts it all together, Very few people have that dedication and talent. I was doing 5000 before I read the book 1 month ago. for 3 weeks I’ve done 10,000, I just started 20,000 with 2000 K1&2. I’m 77 use to break out on my arms with the least bit sun exposure, not so far, some improvement in my hip pain, If I would have read this sooner I would not have had my knees replaced. many thanks for the chance to hope for better days.
deserves Nobel prizeBy Hammon Construction LLC on July 3, 2013
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This information deserves a Nobel prize it has saved my sons life.
He had reacurring tooth infections which caused fevers and fibrol seizures. So stressful. No need for me to worry any more thank you for this powerful information I am also feeling so much better thank you again.
As I usually learn from reviews and I most certainly did from some of those here–I will share something that I learned about Vitamin D several years ago. After taking supplements for nine months at 4000 to 6000 IU’s per day my Vitamin D level had gone down–this anomaly led me to a diagnosis of parathyroid disease[note: parathyroid NOT thyroid disease]. As I believe and want to emphasize here, parathyroid disease is one of the few conditions in which supplementing with high doses of Vitamin D is contra-indicated until you get that tumor out. However, if I hadn’t already been taking D3, I would not have noted that my lab results made no sense. This led me immediately, not my doctor, to the parathyroid disease diagnosis.
I finally have the tumor out(which I now know had been there for years). I can now start to rebuild my Vitamin D reserves. I bought this book when I was reviewing the literature to strategize and map out my personal supplementation program. This book is a great tool. I actually am going to use it as my prime guide. Note: the author emphasizes the need to correlate K2 dosages with D as well as writing about co-factors. This has been missing in many other writings on D3. This re-enforced my thought that learning about his experience is valuable for those of us who are planning safe D3 supplementation and believe that individually we should be the best informed about our own bodies.
MiraculousBy Tamra Cox on May 25, 2013
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I read this and then started taking 20,000 U a day along with the recommended amount of Super K. I’m 64 and have a number of health issues including atrial fibrillation. After about 3 weeks, the a fib spontaneously resolved and I seemed to be in normal sinus rhythm. I went to my doctor and she examined my and confirmed that. I feel great and am interested in other problems I’m hoping will resolve. I have gout and it has caused some of my knuckles to be enlarged. They seem to be getting smaller. I know some things will take time, so I’ll have to be patient.
Gets your brain thinking !By Largogal on June 9, 2013
Makes a lot of sense. You end up having many ah ha moments, connecting the dots on timelines in history. Our family has already seen many improvements with skin conditions and we’re only taking 10,000 iu D3. I’m not sure why he doesn’t take the time to fix it up a little, it could use it. He could pay someone who is good at that sort of thing, editing. He is an idea man, thank goodness, we need those !!
Everyone should learn this!By Detox to diet on May 16, 2013
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I am a health nut and consider myself an expert in diet and fitness. I have been helping people lose weight and get fit for a long time. I read everything on these topics in my free time. I just started actively using my kindle and finally was able to read this book. I had read other Vitamin D books recently because i tested low. This is one of the top 3. My favorite thing about this book was the author doesn’t give any information that you can’t pull up and read on pub med, the only false info could be that he never did the experiment. He is also adamant to get your vitamin d level tested. He also isn’t telling you what to do, but what he did and his personal results.
I started the experiment 3 weeks ago because I tested one half the recommended amount. I am currently taking 30,000 iu’s d3 and 3 super k’s. I do not take calcium. It does matter what brand you buy. Not all supplements are accurate in the amount, buy good ones. I am also taking 12mg’s of melatonin at night. Honestly, the first 10 days, I felt terrible. I wanted to quit the supplements, but stuck it out and napped more to compensate. On day 16 something happened, I felt great. I feel great and haven’t slept this well in 20 years. My workouts have been amazing, I have more energy, and I just feel better. I have arthritis, a bad knee, and 5 bad discs. I don’t know if they are “healing” but I feel like I did when I was younger. I will be getting tested again in 2 months and will write a follow up.
If you choose to do this, make sure you get your levels tested, buy good vitamin d and k. I would also read Dr. Holicks book. If you don’t follow this, don’t blame the author. I don’t believe anyone who wrote a bad review got blood tests or maybe even took super k for that matter.
The book is interesting, a great quick read, I couldn’t put it down.
EXCITING NEWS FOR OUR HEALTHBy Haley (Sixteen years old and an English major) on May 8, 2013
When I googled “superdosing with vitamin D3”, I never expected to have this book on Amazon pop up. I began reading it and finished it the first evening. I reread it the next day. It is scientifically fact based information for the lay person who either doesn’t have the time to research the medical reports, or is too lazy to do so. ( I think I am just too lazy) In any case, I am excited as my children have both been diagnosed in the past 4 years with critically low vitamin D. When my son began having severe leg pains at the age of 8, I asked the doctor to check his vitamin D. Her response, “what does that have to do with anything?” His level was below 9! I soon realized that we HAVE TO become our own advocates for our health and the health of our loved ones! Thank you to Jeff for doing what I have been too lazy to do!
Sally (mother of Haley)
a reason so many people are sickBy Marie on April 29, 2013
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
We have an international D3 shortage caused by well meaning medical specialists telling us to avoid the sun. We were made to live under this Sun and did very well for a very long time without sunscreen. Consider the fact that skin cancer is more common the further north one goes. The Sun is our friend and hiding from it is making us all sick because vitamin D is involved in every process in the body. I have several ebooks about vitamin D and this is my favorite.
If you do nothing else, Google the skin cancer fact and think about the fact that less expose to the Sun equals more skin cancer.
John Truitt 3 years ago (Edited)
Berberine hcl might also help you. I was cured of my colitis using it. Studies have found that it has powerful balancing properties for the mucous membranes which is what the lining of your intestinal tract is. Berberine normalizes immunity in the gut increasing immunoglobulin formation and normalizing mucus secretion macrophage activity etc. it, or herbs containing it I should say, have been used in Chinese and ayurvedic medicine to cure intestinal infections for thousands of years which is all that colitis is. Swanson vitamins online has the best price on berberine. Start slowly with a half cap a day for several days and gradually increase by half a cap at a time. You may feel a little ill as the infection is getting killed off, but starting with small dose and gradually increasing will minimize that.
Vitamin d will help you a lot too I believe. It has me and in so many ways. It has gotten me off thyroid meds
My own “Experiment” ..By NextWarrenBuffett on April 28, 2013
Format: Kindle Edition| Verified Purchase
As it might be clear by now to most people, the text does need some serious editing since it is all over the place .
But this is beside the point . You’ll still get the underlying point of Jeff’s theories .
And they are indeed interesting !
After I finished reading the book I thought it can’t do any harm to try “high doses” of D3 myself and see where this would take me . It’s still too early into my ‘therapy’ but here’s what happened so far ( after just 12 days ):
I started with 5000 IU/day D3 by Now Foods and maybe it’s just my perception but from day 1 I felt a slight improvement after days and even weeks suffering from mild depression .
A day later I remember being on the treadmill in the gym thinking “I could do another 5 minutes”, whereas before it was usually “another 5 minutes to go , damn.”.
I started taking 10.000 IU after 4 days and now 15.000 IU where I plan to stay at for a while.
Overall my mood has improved significantly and I don’t seem to have post workout pains like I used to .
Even though I’m going through a difficult time in my life, after taking D3 I seem to feel ‘depressed’ only on a mental level ( I hope this makes sense ). I no longer feel the kind of fatigue where You just don’t want to get out of bed and simply do nothing !
I will post any noteworthy updates in the future !
P.S.: Does anyone know if Jeff has a website where I could ask questions ?
Update :
OK , so it has been almost 3 months since my initial review . Here’s what happened :
I ran out of Vitamin D3 about 10 days ago and I’m waiting for my new order to arrive .
Since I stopped the usage ( approx 15.000 – 20.000 IU/day ) I seem to feel a little more tired from work than usual .
Sometimes I wake up and my whole body seems to hurt . I can’t remember ever feeling like this while on D3 !
But one of the more predominant side effects of being off it , is that my libido is way .. way down .
Women approach and flirt at work and usually all I can think about is getting some sleep .
Can’t wait to get ” back on”
Excellent info.By LM on April 11, 2013
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This book is a mishmash. Yes. If you read the reviews, then you expect it. Enough said. If you can’t handle that, skip the $3 and move on.
That said, there are a ton of abstracts included, and some very sensible hypotheses. While n=1 in the book, there are enough other sources saying the same thing to give credence.
I am a whopping five days into my experiment, and as I’ve always needed higher doses of vitamin d due to some other health issues (hypopituitarism, et al) I went ahead and dove in at 100,000 with 15’mgs of k2. I take large amounts of magnesium (natural calm) as well as super booster caps from LEF as well.
My basal body temperature has increased by over a degree, from an average of 95.8 to
97.6 this morning. That in its itself is remarkable, in my opinion.
I’m intrigued to find out what’s next. Kudos to Mr. Bowles for having guts to put this out for public consumption.
5.0 out of 5 stars Walking AgainBy merola on April 27, 2013
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I have MS and hadn’t walked in 3yyears. AFTER mega dose of D I am now walking 30feet with a walker.
- Taylor 1 year ago(Edited)In reply to an earlier post
43 is defecient. The optimum level for treating disease is 70-100 ng. I doubt even if you were at the optimum level you would be able to maintain it at 5K IU/day dosage. If I had MS and had your level I would go on 50,000 IU/day for 3 months, have your levels tested again, then adjust dosage as necessary. DON’T forget to take Vit K2 as well. I am NOT a doctor, but I have studied D3 levels for more than 3 years now. After a search on PUBMED for cases/dosages of D3 toxicity, I was unable to find many and those that did have toxic levels were made toxic in the hospital with a dose of 1,000,000 and more. Once dosage was reduced all symptoms disappeared with no residual outcome. Here is a case report of 2,000,000 IU in one dose (iatrogenic) with NO residual effects. I have read that it is not so much D3 toxicity as it is K2 deficiency. So take the K2 as well. My recommendation for D3 is Bio-Tech D3-50, and Life Extension Super K Advanced K2 complex. The K2 dosage is 1 capsule for every 10,000 IU of D3. I personally have taken this combination for well over 6 months will no ill effects. BUT everyone is different so listen to your body and TEST! Good luck to you.
5.0 out of 5 stars Less than one month & I was off my Cholesterol meds! Thank YOU!By David L Paulson on May 26, 2014
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I got this book on 11 April 2014 and was skeptical, but it was saying things that I wanted to hear and it made sense to me. I have metabolic syndrome and both parents have had cancer (father died of pancreatic cancer after surviving lung cancer the year before). I ordered some D3 with K2 on the 15th. Started taking 10,000 IUs of D3 with 2,000 Mcg of K2 daily. My Vit D level went from 38 (in January) to 61 on my Blood test on 12 May. My LDL cholesterol went down 52 points to 55 and my cholesterol ratio went from 4.6 to 3.6. Total cholesterol level is now a low 105! What impressed me more was that my C-Reactive Protein (CRP) went from 1.5 (middle of the average risk of heart attack) down to 0.10 (near the bottom of the low risk range. Now I have been taking Vit C, Niacin, TMG, l-lysine, B-complex and a multiple Vit for over a year and I credit the daily 4 grams of Vit C for helping me to have my first cold and flu free Fall, Winter, and Spring seasons that I can remember (I usually had 5 to 10 sick days every year, but none since I started on the Vit C). However, raising my Vit D level really made a significant change to my blood test results. Great book with great advice.
Remarkable ResultsBy Mercedes on May 24, 2012
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For the past number of years, I have worked very long hours inside, with very little exposure to the sun in addition to the fact that I listened to the medical industry regarding sun and skin cancer. Each and every day in the past few months, I felt as if I could no longer hold my eyes open at my desk, and was just plain sleepy, which is not like me at all, since I have always had extraordinary energy.
As always, I did a TON of research and came across the Vitamin D information and bought this book. I started taking the 10000, then 25000 and then 50000. In a very short time, the sleepiness is gone, my ankles that were damaged in a car accident have stopped popping and cracking, and I feel better than I have in a very long time.
Mr. Bowles has written an entertaining book, but more importantly it is a plethora of information that is a catalyst for research, much of which he provides in the many links included in the Kindle version. The compelling aspect of this book for me is this: As I look back to when the medical community advised everyone to stay out of the sun, what has happened and how many diseases and chronic conditions, especially autoimmune disorders have exploded? Too many to count!!!
Think about the huge numbers of tuberculosis patients of decades ago…what treatment was prescribed for them? They were sent to sanitariums to SIT IN THE SUN AND THEIR CONDITIONS IMPROVED!!!!!!
From the way our foods are grown, to the medical advise we receive every day to the massive number of pharmaceutical commercials we see, there is NOT ONE CURE IN ANY OF THEM, IT IS ALL ABOUT THE BOTTOM LINE!!!
Do yourself a BIG favor, buy this book, get tested, and TAKE the Vitamin D.
Mercedes 4 years agoIn reply to an earlier post
There are a number of things that have improved. My skin is in very good shape. My husband says my mood is better and I noticed that I am even more chipper than usual. Sleep is better, and my joints have almost completely stopped cracking.
My mother experienced great improvements in her blood pressure, which was a great concern for her.
Overall, the book was right on the mark with regard to its recommendations, and having followed the suggestions in the book, my family’s health has definitely improved.
I hope this helps.
This guy is worth listening to!By Fiona on July 17, 2012
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Want to improve your immune system? Then you need to read this book. I live in a sunny area and have young kids, and thought they would get well more than enough d3 from the sun. Come the beginning of winter, we suffered costant colds and flu’s. Not this winter! Not a single sniffle since we all started D3 and K2. We’d tried heaps of supplements abd probiotics prior to this, but nothing works as well as this combination. One of my sons is at kindy, and all parents know how horrible kindy colds are. But no cols flu’s or anything else since we started these supplements. My Thank you Jeff for such a great book – I really appreciate your work!
5.0 out of 5 stars Very helpful informationBy best by far on September 14, 2013
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I have psoriasis. I tested and toyed with Jeff’s theory. And well there is a huge difference. The results were and still are wonderful and it took days to witness the change. I feel high on life.
5.0 out of 5 stars First Hand Health Research… a rare find and a gift to the readerBy Mary Jo Kringas on April 20, 2012
Format: Kindle Edition| Verified Purchase
This book suprised me with the wealth of information provided by the author. In addition, his creativity and courage in developing a hypothesis on using high doses of Vitamin D3 and testing this on himself is a true gift to a reader like me who might otherwise find the theory interesting, but lack the courage to give it a try. I have been increasing my D3 IU to 20,000 per day for about 2 weeks and my muscle aches are gone. I think this book is very important to good health and I am grateful to have found it.
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
This is one of the best books I have ever read in my life. I suffered from horrible allergies my entire life. Around the end of January 2014 I took grasp and control of my own health and found a nutritional response test doctor. With her enthusiasm and amazingly keen knowledge it put me on the right path to do more research about nutrition and I stumbled across this book. My doctor gave me the proper vitamins and supplements and I felt great.i I came across this book through an amazon review and it caught my interest so I purchased it. It is a short easy read and after I was finished I immediately ordered vitamin d3 and k2.
I started at 8,000 iu and went up to 10,000 then 14,000 by the end of the week and then 20,000. I kept it at 18,000 iu for a few months and felt amazing! My allergies and hay fever were completely gone. I ran out of the vitamins over a month ago but felt okay. I guess the effects still lasted. 3 days ago I ordered more D3 and K2 from NutriGold and I am taking 14,000iu. I already see HUGE improvements in my mood and my outlook on things. I am happy. Very happy. My nose is not stopped up and congested, no itchy throat ears or eyes. My face is not puffy and swollen when I wake up and I have a lot more energy. Like a whole lot! Imagine how you felt during one of the best summers you had in your life as a kid. That’s how I feel right now. I also feel well balanced. I am so happy I read this book and to anyone reading this review please buy the book if you haven’t. It will be a blessing even of it does do more than increase you knowledge and awareness. I recommend this book to everyone!
The winter is coming!By Romulo on July 26, 2012
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
The author proposes the original and brilliant concept of the Human Hibernation Syndrome! The syndrome is caused by the body not being exposed enough to sunlight and thus acting as if it has been adjusting to survival under hard winter conditions.
The medical community related sun exposure to skin cancer in the 80’s and consequently people have been working long hours indoors, with very low exposure to the sun, resulting in low production of vitamin D3, a sterol. A myriad of diseases such as obesity, hypertension, elevated cholesterol, diabetes, insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, heart diseases, strokes, depression, excessive daytime sleepiness, arthritis, plantar fasciitis, caries, autism, ADD/ADHD, multiple sclerosis, asthma, allergies, psoriasis, toenail fungus, ganglion and subcutaneous cysts, Crohn’s disease, macular degeneration and many other chronic conditions might therefore have been developing since then.
The author’s results in taking mega doses of vitamin D3 associated with vitamin K2 are fantastic. He, nevertheless, stimulates the reader to do his own research and to draw his own conclusions.
This is a great book, clear and accessible to laymen. I highly recommend it.
5.0 out of 5 stars Great informationBy Amazon Customer on July 12, 2012
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
Great book….I’ve been taking 10,000 iu for two weeks now, and i noticing results in my joints ..they don’t hurt as much…cant wait untill I have 6 month
John Truitt 3 years ago (Edited)In reply to an earlier post
Maybe you haven’t taken long enough. You could be that deficient. And like anyone self publishing a book and selling it for 2 dollars is going to get an editor. You expect an awful lot for 2$. Im just grateful for the Difference the info has made in my life. i am off of thyroid meds. The book being neat and organized would t have added anything to what really counts. I’m sorry you have ms. I’m sure I’d be pretty cranky and unreasonable too if I had ms though so I won’t criticize you too harshly.
5.0 out of 5 stars Incredible Vitamin D!By Amazonaddict on May 26, 2014
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
I read this book then followed it to the letter and bought some Vitamin D3 spray I found on Amazon a few weeks later from Sprayvit. Just recently went to the doctors for a blood test and they advised me that my Vitamin D3 levels are now well up and I’m feeling the best I’ve felt for many years. Thanks Jeff!!!
The Miraculous Results of Extremely High Doses of Vitamin D3By Debra on October 17, 2012
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
I have just finished reading Jeff Bowles book on vitamin D3 and I have found it to be one of the most informative sites for information regarding Vitamin D. I found out about taking vitamin k2 with large doses of vitamin d how safe it is to take higher doses, as Jeff demonstrated through his own example. I also discovered the information and current treatment underway in Brazil, where they’re treating and curing Multiple Sclerosis with high dose vitamin d. My partners brother has MS and he is now taking a small dose of vitamin d, which is better than none at all but its hard to get past his skepticism. They did publicize its effectiveness for MS on tv last night too, which is just confirming what Jeff has written about. The research sited in the book is impressive to say the least. Jeff has put in a lot of work and reading to get such a great portfolio of scientific research on this amazing super hormone and I can say, this book has truly inspired me to increase my own doses to cure my health problems. Since reading Jeffs book, I have been comitted to getting out in the sun every day and I am taking 7000IU’s a day too. I am also a sungazer, currently at 36 minutes so I’m constantly charging my body with light energy. Because I have fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome, I intend to increase my vitamin d levels along with vitamin K, which I have just ordered (the recommendation Jeff gives is the cheapest source of vitamin K I’ve found)until I can cure my health disparities. I would highly recommend this book to everyone if they care even just a little about their health. It will inspire you to take the chance to heal your life, if you dare.
Gaylejw 4 years ago
AWESOME! AWESOME! AWESOME! I am so so excited for you! I am reading this book and being just amazed and excited! I am taking 50,000 IUs a day and my joints are feeling MARVELOUS!! ALl of my muscles are calming down and relaxing again! This book has been a fantastic inspiration!
Excellent BookBy Blarg on May 19, 2013
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
Vitamin D is a hormone that our body needs and in a sense “activates” the body and mind to it’s full potential. The book provides resources to back up claims, results from his experiments and testimonials that others have given towards the healing powers of vitamin D.
I now take 10, 000 IU of vitamin D3 everyday and while it is not a huge effect, I have a better sense of well being, I feel more rested, confident, happy, motivated, energetic and overall much better since starting the dosage.
I cannot recommend this book enough, I’m glad someone had the courage to experiment with Vitamin D and write about it.
Vitamin d3 has made wonders in our family. We are living proof of this.By Aledav on November 7, 2013
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
Though the author writes like he is talking 100 miles per minute, it is very easy to follow right along with him. I think everyone should read this book. It’s amazing how many people know nothing about vitamin d3 and are ready to criticize the information. A couple of years ago I went to a regular doctor visit and was asked the general questions about what supplements and medications I was curently taking. The doctor freaked out when I said I was taking 3000 iu daily and ordered a toxicity test for d3, which came back normal. I am currently taking 6000 iu daily and a ganglian cyst which I had for years has disappeared. I also went to my endocronologist and my thyroid medication has been lowered for the first time ever and it has always been increased instead. I also have a 5 yr old son on the autism spectrum whom I’ve been giving 1200 iu daily. They just tested his d3 and it was low. The doctor told to increase it to 4000 iu daily. We have seen improvement in his speech, WAY BETTER EYE contact, and more social. He will get retested in December to see if we should increase it again. I am more than excited with the results we are experiencing. My daughter takes 3000 iu daily, and when she is off of it, her asthma bothers her. My husband takes 5000 iu and is thinking going up to 10000 iu. At our home, we have not had a cold or the sneefles in years (before taking d3 in these doses). Before people start talking negative, they should do some research and try it for them selves. Love the book and the information.
Great results from following the authors adviceBy otter30 on December 14, 2012
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
I was intrigued by the title but skeptical of the claims. However the reasonable price swayed me.
The book is written in the spirit of “The 4 Hour Body”. The author has come up with a very intriguing theory on how large doses of D3 could benefit us,
and conducts an experiment on himself to verify aspects of the theory. He claims that he benefited greatly.
Well, I took his advice and am now up to 35000 IU a day after 4 months. I can wholeheartedly say that the authors advice has greatly benefited me. In add-
ition to the resolution of general tiredness and overall joint pain/creakiness issues, an unexpected benefit was that I no longer take Prozac after being
on it for over 18 years. I actually feel much better on the high D3 dose than I ever did from Prozac. Prozac prevents depression, the D3 actually makes
you feel good.
Despite the book being a bit disjointed, I have to give it 5 stars because of the good that comes from following the authors advice. At this price, he is
really doing a wonderful thing here.
5.0 out of 5 stars LUV IT!By ledger on December 17, 2013
Format: Kindle Edition| Verified Purchase
10/15Find myself reading this book over and over again. Just listened to an interview from an online show. Had been taking 5,000 daily but caught a sinus cold that wasn’t going away.
Update: 10-8-15. Decided a sinus cold lingering a little too long from late last week. Upped my D3 from 5-10,000 to 20,000 on 10-7. Energy thru the roof and sinus cold 85% better 1st day of increase. Morning Day 2 sinus clear.
Ran out of k2 mk7 yesterday and ordered more.
So, see high dose of D3 was beneficial at 20,000. I have vertigo and deaf in one ear and some in other from sinus cold in 2012. Who knows if higher dose of D3 could cure that too!
Will try 30,000 as soon as k2 mk7 comes in. So much cheaper than an office visit. Drs visits and tests since 2012 cost thousands of dollars with 0 results. A mystery they say but willing to spend my money. Almost lost my house and car but did lose my airline job of 23 yrs. Doctors are a waste of my time and money. I’m my own doctor. Books like this ar
5.0 out of 5 stars Effortless Weight LossBy Anne Moo on June 29, 2016
This book is geniusly written. “The human hilbernation syndrome” and all the diseases which are actually the body’s survival modes make so much sense that I kept getting these “wow”-moments all the time while reading this book.
I have already lost 20 lb since taking first 10000 IU, then 20000 IU a day, that without any change in diet or exercise (which I haven’t done in a long time anyways). I always used to be naturally skinny, then gained 20 lb without any apparent reason to me. I got my Vitamin D Level tested and it was a deadly 5 ng/ml!
At 10000 IU and a blood level of 55 ng/ml, my weight loss was just starting slowly, but once I started 20000 IU a day, the number on the scale started climbing down every day! And there still is a downwards trend. The obesity epidemic in this country is more a lack of Vitamin D than anything else I believe now.
5.0 out of 5 stars Reads like a documentary of self experimentationBy Tangent Girl on April 29, 2014
Format: Paperback|Verified Purchase
Would have liked more printed documentation but I guess since this started as an ebook where you just follow the links it’s justified.
Not really keen on all the bouncing around he did with doses. Even without medical supervision documented blood work would have been nice to verify nothing untoward was happening. Interesting concept but I’ll take my sunshine from the sun as long as I can. Good reason to retire to a more sunny climate.
Oddly enough in August I started looking into supplements and found has some of the best; and OMG they have sales on their blood work that make it affordable to have a lot of tests done you probably couldn’t get your primary care physician to order. As for the heavy D3 supplementation; I live in New England and was taking 2500IU daily and couldn’t even score in the lowest acceptable blood level. I have spoken to at least two or three people who are taking over 10000 IU by prescription on their doctor’s order. I would still prefer to get my D from the sun but it looks like there are compelling reasons close to home to reconsider this experiment.
What are you waiting for?By Elizabeth Finch-Howell on June 29, 2014
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
After just a few days on high dose D3, I have come alive. My knees are remodeling, my energy level has risen tenfold.
Brilliant book! And, the author is readily available to help and advise.
visionary thinkingBy gary king on June 25, 2012
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
Jeff combines common sense with visionary insight. His ideas on the hormone “vitamin” D are fascinating and unique. His T-3/D-3 swap hits home and can be used by medicine right now. I would recommend this book and Sarfraz Zaidi’s book as a 1-2 punch for lay-persons and medical researchers. Endocrinologists should be all over this.
5.0 out of 5 stars Great insights!By Carlos Rodrigues on February 21, 2014
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
This book has opened my eyes. I’m using vitamin D3 in combination with vitamin K complex.
I have more energy and I feel twenty years younger
I am waiting for more results but I am convident that they will come.
Thank you Jeff T. Bowles.
2.0 out of 5 stars It didn’t work.By Judith E. Pearson, Ph.D. on May 1, 2014
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
I followed the advice in this book for several months, taking !0,000 units of Vitamin D3 on a daily basis (along with vitamin K). I felt no reduction in the arthritic pain in my knee.
Charles Darwin 3 years ago
If you didn’t test your blood levels and try to get them to about 125 ng/ml
then you didn’t properly try it….people vary widely in their blood response to d3 intake….
likely you need 50,000 a day…you should read the book again and give it another try
it definietly worked for me and most others
5.0 out of 5 stars Healed!By Marie X on June 14, 2016
This info changed my life, like so many others. After increasing my d3 levels I started feeling better, allergies gone, heartburn gone, leg pains, headaches, and when I increased to high dose a subcutaneous cyst on my back that was walnut size just popped and is now completely gone. I can’t believe the energy, no aches and pains when I get up in the morning…I thought my mid-life was going to be awful, not anymore! Thanks to Jeff I gained the courage to go outside of my doctors advice.
5.0 out of 5 stars Pain disappearing & Asthma ImprovementBy Kindle Customer on April 7, 2012
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
I began my search to reduce pain and improve my overall health when I came across this book. I read it entirely in one evening and placed an order the following day for the supplements. It has been years since I have been able to lie flat on my back at night without any discomfort. Within a week, I found myself sleeping on my back. The throbbing pain in my leg going from my ankle to my hip was keeping me awake and during the day it would center around my knee. When I reached 20,000IU of D3, it went away. I dropped to 10,000 and it returned. I’m back on 20,000 and pain free. A skin condition is showing improvement also. It’s been a less than 3 weeks that I began documenting results and I am truly amazed. And, if you want to contact the author, read his book, he gives you his email address and he actually cares enough to respond… I wanted to update my review by noting the improvement in my chronic asthma. I was born full term but spent three days in an incubator because of my lungs. All my life I have struggled with the condition – even though I was a runner, I was always trying to catch my breath after the event. The virus that I recently caught would have put me in respiratory distress and the end result would have been pneumonia. I haven’t had any difficulty breathing with the virus, only coughing. It’s been a week now and today I’m almost completely back to better health and still taking the D3. I believe the D3 has had a significant role in my improved lung capacity. I’m barely using my rescue inhaler and I’ve cut down on my daily medications..I’m beginning the 30,000 dosage today…will see what this brings over the next two weeks and I’ll update this review….Here’s to better health for all…
TurquoiseEyes 4 years ago
I wasn’t even looking for cardiovascular improvement from taking 30,000IU a day (sometimes I take as much as 60,000 to 100,000IU, but I’m a big & tall person). I’m relatively young, but suffer from fibromyalgia & have a bad right knee from falling right on the patella three years ago. But within a week of taking this dosage, I was able to climb steep steps again without any pain in my body at all & very little heart rate elevation. I went from needing a cane & getting exhausted from those steep steps to climbing them like a twenty-year-old- no cane needed. I can carry a heavy purse again like a teenager & feel no pain. I’m sleeping painlessly for the first time in over five years- and this was the only supplement I added to my regimen. It works better than my many fibromyalgia medications for pain, and without the side effects of fatigue & brain fog. I am so glad I read this book, and just wanted to chime in that I, too, saw a cardiovascular & body pain improvement (amongst much more) from high Vitamin D
If you can’t get regular sun, get some vitamin D supplements or even better do both!!By Amazon Customer on April 24, 2012
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
As a keen advocate of regular, moderate and careful sun exposure (not keen on burning!) and vitamin D supplementation to improve health, I was interested to read Jeff Bowles book and at 99 cents thought I’d be crazy not to buy it. Well, he startled me with his suggestions, but knowing my vitamin D levels were still below optimal, I thought I’d try 20,000 iu a day for two weeks. It was like a minor miracle! I had been taking 10,000 iu a day on days when I didn’t get sun exposure for about a year (and still hadn’t reached optimal serum vit D level) so knew it was safe for a short time at least. It was like someone turned on a light or a motor in my mind and body! Within a few days I realised how energetic I was feeling – like being a “youngster” again, could work all day in the garden, suddenly WANTED to exercise, recovered fast from a day’s hard work – fantastic! Will monitor serum D and increase up to 20,000 if I find I am feeling tired or flat or when winter sets in and I’m not getting any sun at all. Simple, cheap remedy worth trying for all those with fatigue, muscle and joint aches and pains, bowel inflammation, nerve pain (eg: carpal tunnell) osteoporosit. Keep up the good work Jeff and keep us up to date with your latest findings! Great book and worth far more than that 99 cents! Suggest people do their own research on vitamin D as well, as it is a truly amazing nutrient (actually a seco-steriod hormone)and most people will benefit from it!
Christopher M. Porro 3 years ago
just wondering if you are aware of all some of the thinking around getting d from sun exposure. for example getting decent uvb and not washing with soap for 48 hours after you sunbath. apparently your body needs time to absorb it from your skin. also sunblock can almost completely wipe out the uvb and thus vit d benefits. so it’s possible to get sun and very little d.
4.0 out of 5 stars What does he mean when he says… ?By Shirley Kay on June 2, 2014
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
let me just say that I love this book and that it has lead me to further research (while doing what I think is the author’s suggested therapy)! however, the writing is pretty bad. nearly every time he includes an update or multiple updates in the same paragraph, it is very unclear as to when “now” is. he will state that he’s “now” taking so much of something and previously took so much, but many times it’s very unclear which form of the supplement he’s referring to. he writes about the history of d-2 and then d-3 (pretty clear on that one) and one form of vitamin k and then another (mk-4 & mk-7, etcetera) and will give updates with amounts but forget to say which form and/or amounts he was and is taking. he goes back and forth from past to present, but it’s sometimes unclear as to when the present or “now” is. in general, this book is taking longer to read than it should. that said, I’m so glad I’m reading it (almost finished)!
I’ve only been taking the increased d-3 and mk-7 for a little over 3 weeks, and I sincerely have high hopes that this will help with my osteoporosis. I’ve always questioned doctors about how I could have ended up with severe osteoporosis, with fractures, and the need for abdominal stents from blocked arteries (after ingesting so much calcium in one form or another) and not having a long-standing cholesterol problem … now, I think I know the answer (or at least a great part of it). it seems I’ve been doing all the right things with the exception of mk-7, and, from all I’ve now read, that could be the straw that broke the camels back (literally!!!).
in short, I love this book! but, please, can’t the author clean it up so it’s more understandable? he definitely needs an editor (preferably one that is more clear thinking than he is). in reading this book, it has seemed to me that the author’s mind is racing, and he’s writing and fast as he’s thinking but not editing the material before publication.
since I’m no writer, I’m usually reluctant to give critique on another’s writing, but the material in this book is so important that I think the author should take extra-special care to get this information as correct as is possible. if I’ve repeated myself too much here, I apologize. as I said, I’m no writer, but I try to be clear and sometimes stray a little.
currently (since beginning this book), I’ve increased my d-3 from 1,600 to 10,000 i.u. daily, and I’m taking 200 mcg of mk-7. I’m a chronic pain patient, and my pain has increased some (maybe as it should?) … hoping this is just temporary while my body is remodeling some things. I’m not certain that I’m taking enough d-3, but I want more effect from the mk-7 in redepositing the calcium (if I understand it all correctly) where it should be … in my bones instead of in my arteries or anywhere it shouldn’t be. I’m a little confused on this, so I’m playing it by ear. the author seems to be more interested in the bones than the mk-7 effect or aspect of this therapy. seems he’s only taking the mk-7 to avoid problems with the extra d-3. really, at this point, I’m wondering if I should actually be taking the mk-7 with lower amounts of d-3. last year they found I have a 30% blockage is my left carotid … would rather see an improvement on that with my next scan.
I’m currently taking d-3, mk-7, calcium asporotate, magnesium citrate (along with mega dha, sod, l-carnitine, and alpha lipoic acid) plus some general vitamins and herbs. if anyone reading this review can clear this up for me, I’d appreciate a comment.
I feel so cheated that it’s taken so long for me to find out about the other “vitamin” k. I imagine many others must feel the same way. yet i’m so thankful to at least finally have this knowledge. I may have more to say later … still reading and rereading some parts (along with other links and articles), in order to, hopefully, understand this book much better.
Shirley Kay 2 years ago (Edited)In reply to an earlier post
thanks so much for your fast reply! just from what I’ve read in various places, I’ve had the same thoughts about increasing the k-2 and decreasing the d-3. it seems I must be on the right track, finally. what you say makes so much sense … work on the k-2 redistributing the calcium I already have to where it belongs and then go for the d-3 bone healing and remodeling. doctors have been pushing too much calcium and low d-3 at me for years, and it’s only worsened my condition, including blood clots and the need for abdominal stents (and now carotid narrowing)! I knew there was an answer for this somewhere but just didn’t see or pay attention to the right information. I also had breast cancer and refused chemo/radiation, etc., so I’ve had a lot to focus on and at least a little experience with going against the medical establishment’s well established norm. I honestly think I would be dead now if I’d listened to doctor’s advice when I “had” cancer.
again, thanks so very much for your advice(!) … will definitely buy the k-2 book today and also lower my d-3 and increase my mk-7 (and order the super k). logic was telling me to do something like this, but i really needed to hear it from someone else to help me feel more confident in making the change. :)==
on 2nd thought … just saw the prices at and will go to vitacost instead. I’m a little reluctant, tho, to take anything with extra k-1, as I already eat so many foods with k-1 and feel that I don’t need that one. I’m getting to the reading of the k-2 book as quickly as I can, too!
Charles Darwin 2 years ago
You should probably buy the book “Vitamin K2 and the Calcium Paradox ” By Kate Belu and yu probably don’t need to take extra calcium with high dose d3 as the high dose d3 remodels bones and provides plenty of calcium..
You should prbably take way more Vitamin K2 the author seemd to me to suggest taking 1 super K pill from for each 10,000 IU of d3 each super K pill had 200 mcg of Mk7 and 1000 mcg of mk4…OR if not combining take 400mcg of mk7 with the 10,000 d3 or 2,000 mcg of the MK4 with the each 10,000
I did some research however and this might be on the low side as makes a super K and D3 combo pill with twice as much K2 as the author suggests
given you have all that calcium build up you should probably take 4X as much KS since it is nontoxic the only rare side effects are from some who say mk7 gives them heart racing
but this could be just from the d3 inducing a magnesium deficiency in some adults who were borderline mag defient…Mag defiiency makes your heart feel funny..
bottom line the k2 book…..take 4x more k2 than you are..dont take calcium take some magnesium…slowly incease your d3 and k2
Wow.By W. Hildreth on May 31, 2014
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
I had to stop in the middle of reading your terrific book and just write that I completely agree with you regarding the complexities of evolution and natural selection. I am certainly not a trained scientist, but I get it and thank you for this book. My vitamin D3-K2 regimen increases beginning tomorrow…….
It is now July 5th, and on June 1st I increased my D3-K2 regimen from (5,000 IU D3/one LEF K capsule per day) to (30,000 IU D3/three LEF K capsules per day). So far, no negative side effects and here are the positives. A keratosis on my left temple that has been there for ten years is slowly but surely disappearing. A small nodule (calcium deposit?) on my left forearm that has persisted for five years is barely visible. I suspect it will be gone within a month. The skin on my face is becoming more even in tone, meaning some small dark spots from aging have disappeared. Full disclosure: I’ve been taking the LEF K capsules recommended in this book for several years, having first discovered them after reading “Knockout.” So, maybe I had a bit of a head start.
Less than one month & I was off my Cholesterol meds! Thank YOU!By David L Paulson on May 26, 2014
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
I got this book on 11 April 2014 and was skeptical, but it was saying things that I wanted to hear and it made sense to me. I have metabolic syndrome and both parents have had cancer (father died of pancreatic cancer after surviving lung cancer the year before). I ordered some D3 with K2 on the 15th. Started taking 10,000 IUs of D3 with 2,000 Mcg of K2 daily. My Vit D level went from 38 (in January) to 61 on my Blood test on 12 May. My LDL cholesterol went down 52 points to 55 and my cholesterol ratio went from 4.6 to 3.6. Total cholesterol level is now a low 105! What impressed me more was that my C-Reactive Protein (CRP) went from 1.5 (middle of the average risk of heart attack) down to 0.10 (near the bottom of the low risk range. Now I have been taking Vit C, Niacin, TMG, l-lysine, B-complex and a multiple Vit for over a year and I credit the daily 4 grams of Vit C for helping me to have my first cold and flu free Fall, Winter, and Spring seasons that I can remember (I usually had 5 to 10 sick days every year, but none since I started on the Vit C). However, raising my Vit D level really made a significant change to my blood test results. Great book with great advice.
Incredible Vitamin D!By Amazonaddict on May 26, 2014
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
I read this book then followed it to the letter and bought some Vitamin D3 spray I found on Amazon a few weeks later from Sprayvit. Just recently went to the doctors for a blood test and they advised me that my Vitamin D3 levels are now well up and I’m feeling the best I’ve felt for many years. Thanks Jeff!!!
5.0 out of 5 stars This book is eye-openingBy Gigi on May 21, 2014
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
I read this book a few months ago and got my vitamin D levels up over 100 and my blood pressure, cholesterol, skin, hair. allergies, asthma, and everything else is so much better. I just added a liquid magnesium and a knee injury from 2013 is remodeling and healing. I live in the Chicago area as well. Everything in this book DOES make sense. It really makes me mad that doctors want you to be sick. I really needed this book so that I wouldn’t feel scared to dose Vitamin D3 at 50,0000 iu.
5.0 out of 5 stars A very impressive and interesting book with practical information.By Tsang-Hsiung,Lin on June 6, 2014
Format: Paperback|Verified Purchase
The book is very attractive because it includes all the details that the author followed to improve his own health, so that we can follow easily.His hypothesis is quite impressive and reasonable that for a patient with low back pain like me, I am so eager to try his method(even though I am a doctor,I could not cure my low back pain).I find it works in the past few days and I will check my blood level and follow closely the result. It seems promising.
C Booth 2 years ago
Those of us who live in northern climates and suffer allergies that prevent us from spending significant time outside are not being told by our doctors the consequences of a Vitamin deficiency to our health. I suffered many health problems for YEARS that were a direct result of low Vit. D. All the blood work I’ve had done never showed that, and I was constantly being prescribed another pill that didn’t really help. After a nurse told me to try a high dose of Vit. D, I started to feel better within a week.
I won’t go through the list of all the health problems, but the one that clued the nurse in that I might be Vit D deficient was being sick all winter long. It would start with a cold at first frost that I couldn’t kick, and by Christmas it would be bronchitis that would require breathing treatments and rescue inhalers, (not to mention the numerous rounds of steroids and antibiotics that I would need to get through a winter) just in time for my grass allergy to kick in when the mowing started in Spring.
Within a week of taking 20,000 IU per day, my bronchitis was gone, and I felt better than I had in ages. While you may be able to spend enough time in the sun to get an adequate amount of Vit D, for those of us who are truly deficient in the vitamin, we would have to roast ourselves daily and still not get enough to repair the damage of years of deficiency.
While I am very cautious of taking mega doses of vitamins, I investigate the possible side effects and make an educated decision. No one will take my health and well being more seriously than I do, and it is ultimately my responsibility to. I am grateful for books like this that give me more information and tell me of others experiences to help me make those decisions.
5.0 out of 5 stars I feel great taking 10000By Terri L. Takacs on July 13, 2014
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
Very interesting! I feel great taking 10000. Kal vit D3 a day ~ it has improved my mood greatly!
5.0 out of 5 stars THE MIRACULOUS RESULTS OF NOTHING BUT MIRACLES!By ashley morgan on July 10, 2014
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
This is one of the best books I have ever read in my life. I suffered from horrible allergies my entire life. Around the end of January 2014 I took grasp and control of my own health and found a nutritional response test doctor. With her enthusiasm and amazingly keen knowledge it put me on the right path to do more research about nutrition and I stumbled across this book. My doctor gave me the proper vitamins and supplements and I felt great.i I came across this book through an amazon review and it caught my interest so I purchased it. It is a short easy read and after I was finished I immediately ordered vitamin d3 and k2.
I started at 8,000 iu and went up to 10,000 then 14,000 by the end of the week and then 20,000. I kept it at 18,000 iu for a few months and felt amazing! My allergies and hay fever were completely gone. I ran out of the vitamins over a month ago but felt okay. I guess the effects still lasted. 3 days ago I ordered more D3 and K2 from NutriGold and I am taking 14,000iu. I already see HUGE improvements in my mood and my outlook on things. I am happy. Very happy. My nose is not stopped up and congested, no itchy throat ears or eyes. My face is not puffy and swollen when I wake up and I have a lot more energy. Like a whole lot! Imagine how you felt during one of the best summers you had in your life as a kid. That’s how I feel right now. I also feel well balanced. I am so happy I read this book and to anyone reading this review please buy the book if you haven’t. It will be a blessing even of it does do more than increase you knowledge and awareness. I recommend this book to everyone!
wonderful readBy Osvaldo Dias dos Santos on July 5, 2014
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
I do feel better since I started taking vitamin D3 regularly, and just started recently.
My eyes are not so tired anymore, and I do not have much the sensation of the light aching when I roll them.
My mood is also better and I feel more positive.
I do not intend to take such high doses the author did, but definitely it is a book to have.
Genetic basis for low Vit D: VDR receptor mutations in methylation cycle.By CiCi on July 1, 2014
I’ve only just started reading Mr. Bowles’ book, so cannot make any comments about the content of his book. My reason for commenting is to ask the many people who have commented if they’ve had their DNA analyzed to see if they have VDR (vitamin D receptor) mutations that cause them to have low Vit D levels. This is a common cause of low Vit D levels, and I wonder how many of these people have issues with VDR mutations. I have a VDR mutation, and it causes me to have difficulty in maintaining Vit D levels without the use of supplementation. Maybe the people who have commented experienced such dramatic results because they have a VDR mutation, and could not maintain their Vit D levels without taking supplementation. It is worthwhile finding out the status of one’s methylation cycle, which includes the need for Vit D to work properly. Other methylation cycle mutations also have an affect on the Vit D receptors, and can affect how the receptors function.
I have to give a rating before submitting this review. Since I haven’t read the book in its entirety, I cannot give it an honest rating, so I’m opting for “average.” Maybe I’ll be able to give it 5 stars when I’ve completely read the book.
5.0 out of 5 stars Miraculous is Right!!!By B. Taylor on June 29, 2014
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
I ordered this book on kindle after reading a review about how the reviewers uncurable psoriasis was cured. I have been suffering from guttate psoriasis for over 30 years. I was a little skeptical. I’ve been to many dermatologists and tried almost all that they had to offer, but I refused to go the biologic immune suppressant route. I’ve tried all sorts of vitamins, herbs and home remedies.. Some helped a little, but nothing ever put it into total remission. I have been taking vitamin D3 for years, orally, topically and by tanning. One of my doctors checked my blood levels once and commented on how high it was… So I really did not think that info from this book would make a difference. Boy was I wrong!! I upped my dose of D3 to 20,000 IU per day and began taking vitamin k2, ( which I had never heard of).. And within four days there was a great improvement. ( I have pics if anyone wants to view them). Within six weeks… Totally, 100% gone!!!
I’ve also noticed a few other improvements. My eyes aren’t perpetually blood shot anymore, my face looks younger, those smile lines are not as deep, my skin is softer, and a couple of old zits that hardened and became a permanent feature on my face is softening and will hopefully go away for good.
I’m feeling some aches and pains in some of my previously injured and healed joints, so hopefully that is the remodeling process that Jeff speaks of. One big thing that I’ve noticed, that surprisingly, Jeff didn’t even mention is that either Mosquitos aren’t biting me anymore, or my body isn’t reacting with the swelling and itchiness anymore. They still land on me, but I have not had any signs of being bitten yet this year! And I was a mosquito magnet!!
About the book. I loved Jeff’s style of writing. It’s like reading an email from a friend with great news… You can just sense his excitement! It’s definitely contagious! I love that he jumps from point to point, it definitely makes you want to read the whole book… Otherwise, I would have probably only read key chapters. The only downside is that when you want to go back to re-read something, it can be hard to find. This is especially true for me since I accidentally ran my kindle over with my bus and must resort to reading it on my iPhone app. I’ll get another one someday.
But anyway, this book is awesome and ahead of its time. My son is a third year medical student and he hasn’t learned hardly anything about vitamins and natural treatments… So if you are looking for encouragement from your doctor, you probably won’t get it. Doctors learn about studies funded by drug companies, they won’t find a study on a treatment that they can’t make money from. Medical students sometimes do their own studies and publish their findings, but chances are that it won’t make headlines.
Thank you Jeff Bowles for writing this and making it so affordable! I still cannot believe that my psoriasis is gone!!! Yay!!! ?
carol zuk2 years ago
Hi… My husband and I have been on high dose Vit D3 for 3 weeks now. The first week we took 20,000 IU and the last 2 weeks 40,000 IU. He has not had any improvement in his psoriasis at all. Did you see a sudden improvement, or a gradual improvement over time until it eventually disappeared? Did you do anything else in conjunction that might have helped rid the psoriasis? Thank you!
5.0 out of 5 stars What are you waiting for?By Elizabeth Finch-Howell on June 29, 2014
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
After just a few days on high dose D3, I have come alive. My knees are remodeling, my energy level has risen tenfold.
Brilliant book! And, the author is readily available to help and advise.
5.0 out of 5 stars I would recommend it to everyoneBy Skydancer on July 17, 2014
I read through this book in less than a day, Has a lot of information in it about Vitamin D, that doctors would never tell you, I do take D with Vitamin K2, but apparently not enough, I have hypoglycemia and spider veins, I would have never guessed that these two nutrients would have anything to do with it, I all so got really sick from the flu the last two years (we were forced into getting the flu shot or our jobs were on the line) I haven’t had the flu in over 20 years, so I will be upping my vitamin D and k2, we will see what happens this year. I have all so read about this on Natural News, but not any where near the information that is in this little book, I would recommend it to everyone. I also borrowed it from the Amazon lending library, for Prime costumers.
A must read book! Little known benefits of Vitamin D.By Stephen Keleher on August 29, 2014
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
A radical method, but well-researched.
In the past 4 years, I have supplemented my Vitamin D intake. It started when one of my knees suddenly became weak and very painful. I had difficulty walking up stairs. I thought I would need a cane. I talked to a coach and he recommended glucosamine and an Ace bandage. I wore the bandage and I took the glucosamine, but it did nothing. I began taking Vitamin D. Within 2 months all pain was gone. I could not believe it. But it was true.
I began investigating and found more potential benefits. Thus I began taking more daily. At first it was 1,000 units and I upped that to 5,000. My soft teeth seemed to harden, were resistant to cavities, which I’ve been prone to since age 9. I stopped getting colds. I started telling friends and relatives. One of my relatives started to try it but stopped abruptly when her doctor warned her how dangerous Vitamin D could be (of course, it is no such thing).
Some of the issues covered in this book (e.g., the toenail fungus problem that many people suffer), are extremely intriguing to me. After rejecting the liver-damage $500 pills that big pharma has come up with as the solution to toenail fungus that many over-50 people have, I found a doctor who claimed that the cure would be to pull the toenail completely off and let a new one grow back again, fungus free. I had him pull 2 of my 5 infected toenails (one at a time over a period of 6 months). A third one fell off on its own after I hurt my toe. They have all now grown back. And there appears to be fungus. I look forward to seeing what large daily doses of Vitamin D may do to cure this condition as the author says it did for him.
I was also enlightened by the book’s explanations of the relation between D and K, and am taking measures to ensure a proper balance between these two nutrients. For all of these reasons, this book is an important addition to the knowledge of anyone who is looking for health.
5.0 out of 5 stars … and I am honestly blown away by how much better I feelBy Muddy on September 10, 2014
I am now on week 2 and I am honestly blown away by how much better I feel. The only problem is I have not been sleeping much at all since I went up to 40,000 IU with the super K’s. I’m also taking cytomel (low dose only 7.5 mg day) and I am wondering if I need to reduce it now that the D3 is kicking in. I tried once last week but I got very tired but maybe now I can try it again. If anyone has advice on this, I’d appreciate it. I started week 1 at 20,000 IUs with the super K as described in the book. My exhaustion quickly dissipated and now I have what seems to be my old energy back – amazing. I also have some back pain that has gotten a little bit better but it is not gone so I’m hoping that after a few weeks or so I will be feeling better in that respect also. I started 50,000 IUs today and will stay on that for one month before going back to a maintennace dose of either 25 or 30,000 IUs. I still need to figure out what is the best maintenance dose for me and will be getting my Vit D levels checked next week. Mr.T2 years ago
I too am on a journey to find right dosing! When you said you take cytomel(thyroid) you caught my interest! I had my thyroid removed a year ago, started taking 50mg of Levo
Went up to 75, then went up to 1mg(probably saying that wrong, but u get the picture)
My hair started falling out started getting fever blisters! So I went off of it. Started Iodine
I only take it off and on a few drops, take a Now Supplement everyday for thyroid, and d3 and k plus magnesium , large dose magnesium! Listen to your Body, read reviews, and definitely get LAB work done to see what’s working for you! And Read Read Read!
Thyroid or loss of one, or low acting one can make your whole body ache, just make you not really care! Find out about what foods support thyroid, online! Your Doctor won’t tell you! They have no idea! Didn’t help me At All! Took my Throid and sent me on my way!, without any Levo or anything! I’ve had to Read, and read some more! Good luck! I wish you well
1.0 out of 5 stars IGNORE THIS BOOK! IRRESPONSIBLE AND DANGEROUS ADVICE!!!!!By Barbara on September 1, 2014
The title of this book, along with the contents, are so beyond irresponsible I don’t know where to start. As someone who suffered the ill effects of taking 50,000 units of Vitamin D, I can attest to the fact that this is not a vitamin that should be ingested so freely. I was prescribed by a physician, and within a year endured over 5 surgeries because the D damaged my kidney and I developed a blockage that required having a catheter inserted from my back and it was a very invasive procedure and extremely painful. I needed additional surgeries to remove the blockage and complications from that. If not for taking this, I would have never had any issues, and now I have permanent damage. Vitamin D can be obtained from 15 minutes of sunshine daily, and the dosage from a pill can have serious effects on the kidney! DO NOT FOLLOW THIS ADVICE. TALK TO A QUALIFIED PHYSICIAN AND READ UP ON THIS!
Barbara1 year ago (Edited)In reply to an earlier post
I am proof of the fact that too much D is damaging. Even in Canada, they have dismissed dosing D to children of the adverse consequences. Vitamin D in small doses (2,000 mg) daily is fine for most people. but what I was given adversely affected me so much and what I went through was horrific. I had more than 10 doctors tell me the same thing – it was from too much D, and I believe them as I had never had an issue before.
Oh and you say no amount of D is toxic? Seriously? Guess you and the MAYO Clinic have differing views>
The main consequence of vitamin D toxicity is a buildup of calcium in your blood (hypercalcemia), which can cause poor appetite, nausea and vomiting. Weakness, frequent urination and kidney problems also may occur. Treatment includes the stopping of excessive vitamin D intake.
Vitamin D toxicity: What if you get too much? – Mayo Clinic
Vitamin D toxicity, also called hypervitaminosis D, is a potentially serious condition that occurs when you have excessive amounts of vitamin D in your body.
Vitamin D toxicity is usually caused by megadoses of vitamin D supplements – not by diet or sun exposure. That’s because your body regulates the amount of vitamin D produced by sun exposure, and even fortified foods don’t contain large amounts of vitamin D.
johnny chaney jr 1 year ago
A 10 year study headed by a President appointed Doctor concluded that, quote: “NO AMOUNT of vitamin D3 is toxic” end quote. You should at least say it did not help you, but hurt you, (which I am sorry to hear). But to say, “IGNORE THIS BOOK! IRRESPONSIBLE AND DANGEROUS ADVICE!!!!!” is abit extreme. There are more people that take D3 in large amounts whom it has help, than those whom it has hurt. I like yourself, take 50,000 IU’s per day with Coral Calcium. The D3 increases the absorption rate of the calcium. I do not trust doctors, who don’t have 5 minutes of training in nutrition. They follow the FDA approach with is drugs, drugs, drugs. My side effects at the age of 56 for taking 50,000 IU’s of D3 for the last 21 years are: no medications, I don’t need eye glasses, I have never been impotent one day in my life, only had the flu 2 times my entire life, the common cold virus may last 2 or 3 days, I have 14 grand children and none of them can keep up with me, I could go on and on but i’m sure you get my point, and why your comment caught my attention.
Tyler Zambori 1 year ago
Regarding your statement: “I did not take K2, but I am not sure it would have prevented this, but who knows?” Most likely it would have prevented this blockage you had. You said you consider yourself well informed, but clearly you aren’t. Vitamin K2 puts the calcium where it belongs, which is not in the soft tissues. The author of the book stated the importance of taking vitamin K2 over and over again. Did you even read it? There are many books about vitamin K2. Try reading one. I just hate seeing people not follow the advice correctly, have problems ,and then shout about it from the rooftops.
This book RUINED my life!!!! Beware!!!By Liz on September 20, 2014
Thanks to your idiotic book the last year of my life has been ruined. Vitamin D is not a vitamin. It’s a HORMONE!! Within a few days of taking 10,000iu of D a day with vitamin K I became weak and fatigued. Lost my appetite. Had massive insomnia and suffered major anxiety and depression. Get D from the sun. Not synthetic pills. I should bill you for the thousands of dollars of doctors apps etc trying to correct the mess of my life taking your advice has done.
Tony Clifton-almost everyone who has abad initial reaction to such a small amount of d3 10,000 iu’s was magnesium deficient when starting-all your symptoms described are the same as magnesium deficiency! D3 uses up magnesium and can aggravate underlyigh magnesium deficiencies-too bad your doctors could not recognize that fact or you didn’t read the book carefully! Charles Darwin2 years ago
it is possible that by taking d3 the reviewer aggravated an underlying magnesium deficiency which can cause mental issues. It is also possible the reviewer obtained an improperly dosed batch of D3 as there have been mistakes in pills of d3 noted in the literature where 1,000 IU pills actually contained 1 million Iu’s of d3…This can only be known through blood testing of D3 which apparently was not done. Taking 10,000 iu of d3 a day is tantamount to exposing one’s skin to the sun for about 10 minutes…hardly a dangerous undertaking.
Very Compelling and UsefulBy Randy Cousins on September 17, 2014
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
I am grateful to Jeff Bowles for the experimentation that he has done on his own body and the extensive research on vitamin D3 that he has compiled; not to mention his very compelling theory about Human Hibernation Syndrome. It is information like this that has enabled me to make large strides in overcoming a very severe asthmatic lung condition. If you are looking for miracles, this book may facilitate their happening. Additionally, Jeff has been responsive to questions by email that have arisen for me.
He could be the best thing to ever happen to my MS diagnosisBy Amazon Customer on October 16, 2014
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
Jeff T. Bowles has a heart of gold and years of experience to back up his words. I wish more people were willing to fearlessly speak the truth. Vitamin D3 can be of benefit to nearly everyone! He doesn’t have a particularly polished writing style, but he gets the information out there. And if anything isn’t clear, drop him an email and he’ll spell it out. He could be the best thing to ever happen to my MS diagnosis!
5.0 out of 5 stars Awesome Health advice.By Sheric on October 2, 2014
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
Should be subtitled, “how to get rid of aches and pains”. I loved Jeff’s enthusiasm. He is really on to something..
I have zero back pain, three years after a Lumbar Compression Fracture. I had plenty before starting a mission to increase my Vitamin D 3. I can tell the difference if I take less than 25,000 IU’s a day. My values doubled from too low to strong in four months. Be sure to also take Vitamin K, as he suggests. I also don’t catch colds, as I did in the past. All the Doctors are now jumping on this Bandwagon. Good for them.
fantastic!By LucyS on November 5, 2014
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
Well done, Jeff! I don’t mind the diary-like entries at all. The exuberance of the book is delightful. I started D3 by chance last Friday as I was feeling dreadful. I have hypothyroidism and after the summer heat goes I turn into a different person. This summer I quit smoking and symptoms of MS and diabetes started popping up! I took 1k of vit D3 before going out on Friday night and I noticed a dramatic improvement. My body has always been really sensitive. I feel awful quickly and great really quickly too.
A few days ago I got this book via kindle and been increasing my dose ever since. I will get tested on Saturday as I don’t know my base level and after a week it won’t be that much different. But my god, I do feel much better. I’ve only creeped up to 10k IUs as of yesterday and I will stay on that for now till I get the test results before experimenting further.
My grey hair is going brown again. Eyesight has improved. Bone aches gone. Shin splints from running gone. Water retention is receding and I am deflating. Energy levels up. Concentration up. Memory better. Sleep omg – amazing. Finger flexibility and dexterity has come back. I couldn’t untie things properly before or multi task or find my keys and open the front door quickly. Hair softer. My only mini wrinkle on my forehead is disappearing.
A boil that wouldn’t heal has gone. Suspicious looking skin tags have disappeared. An open pore on my forehead is closing. My spine is straightening – I have scoliosis too. My sinuses have cleared up. My snoring has receded remarkably lol! Self confidence has improved too! I no longer feel like I have to apologize for my mere presence.
In football the other day the ball was kicked to its exact target each time, just like I used to. Powerful kicks as well. Lung capacity much better, although that was always good regardless of my previous smoking habits and party lifestyle.
My ankles feel stronger and I haven’t tripped over them. My knuckles don’t crack at all. I feel I can take the cold better. My burning feet have gone. Less urination. Less thirst.
I think I was in a dire state before actually! Thank you Jeff! I will get tested and keep monitoring. But I feel so much better! Rather than a zombie. It’s only been a few days lol! Imagine a few weeks! Yaay!!
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5.0 out of 5 stars Everybody – especially those with Ailments – Should Read This Pioneering Book On Vitamin D3By Daniel Schenk on November 4, 2014
Great book! Easy reading. Very well researched and sources listed. What’s more, it’s an extremely relevant topic for all of us. Many of us have a vitamin D insufficiency that lies at the root of many ailments including fatigue, exhaution and burnout syndrome, let alone the many other medical conditions mentioned in this book. Jeff Bowles knows what he’s talking about, because he tested the effects of high doses of vitamin D on himself. I currently live in Europe and notice that books about the importance of Vitamin D3 are popping up even across the pond in Europe. One such example is a German physician, Raimund von Helden, who wrote a book about his successes of using high doses of Vitamin D therapeutically, thus going against mainstream medicine – all because it works! I can highly recommend Jeff Bowen’s book, because what he says is so true and works. I’ve seen it in myself, my family and in many others around me who have tried Vitamin D.
Powerful Therapy!!!!!By Colin on November 3, 2014
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase colds flu
I was taking very high doses of vitamin D3 a couple of years ago and what I experienced was a great strengthening of my teeth over a 6 month period. When I went to the dentist the first time my teeth were weak and sensitive. Then 6 months later, after taking the high dose vitamin d3 daily, I experienced a great strengthening of my teeth. They were very strong, no longer sensitive. Even aggressive poking caused no discomfort at all. This was probably effective in other bones in my body that I just wasn’t paying attention too. I am not taking these doses anymore. I dipped in for a 6 month period then dipped out. Lack of confidence I suppose. There is no absolute certainty with something like this. I am not an all knowing master of the human body who knows the consequences of every action that is taken. But I am willing to revisit this therapy because the effects were so positive and powerful! I never expected anything like that!
Also, I am basically totally fine, no major illness (Always room for improvement though). Consequently, having stopped, the strength that I had in my teeth has waned. My teeth are not pathologically weak , but they are definitely not at their optimum strength. Not where they were during that period.
Another thing to note is that I get sick at about 1/5 the rate I used to before taking vitamin D3. Even taking it at moderate doses. Every year, around winter time, I could count on the fact that I would get really sick for a week with the flu or something. Not so anymore. I attribute this to the vitamin D3. No doctor ever told me about this!!!!!!!
I purposely don’t list the doses I was taking, because I want people to take responsibility, and make up their minds based on the information in this book and other books, and with the cooperation of a doctor.
Hi Colin-
I have had dental issues with a specific tooth… probably need a root canal, but I refuse to go to the dentist. Trying to heal it naturally. I started Vit D two months ago and have experienced different pain in my gums and teeth. It fluctuates and moves from the upper gums to lower, and from one area to a whole side of the mouth. I feel my teeth are getting stronger as well. Did you experience pain in your mouth during the strengthening process? I’ve been taking 40,000 iu for 6 weeks now. Would you mind sharing your dosage and how long it took for the teeth strengthening to occur? Also, I’m taking NOW brand Vit. D. What brand did you take? Thanks so much for your input.
Read this book! Learn about D3 & K2. D3 & K2 can improve your geezer days immensely!By Douglas Malewicki on November 2, 2014
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
When I saw this eBook title I just HAD to read it. I have a history with what I “thought” was high doses of Vitamin D3 going back to August 2011. That August, Gordy Ainsleigh, DC was my “California Old Goats” team mate for the 6 day, 120 mile TransRockies trail race in Colorado (all between 8,000′ & 12,600′ elevation). I was 72 and Gordy 64. He is famous in the ultrarunning community for inadvertently starting 100 mile trail racing around the world. Google his name to learn how that happened. It turns out that Gordy was raffling off the race shirt he wore each day at TransRockies (unwashed and custom autographed) just before dinner each night to raise money for the Vitamin D Council. As his team mate, I had 6 to 8 hours on the trail each day to ask him what the heck is this Vitamin D Council. Gordy, a chiropractor, ends up telling me how he shakes his head regarding the FDA’s recommended 600 IU daily of D3 (not D2 – he taught me about that too). Quoted me some interesting studies as we trundled up and down through the Rockies. Told me about studies that showed everyone over 50 is deficient (I presume he meant everyone not taking D3 supplements) & needs at least 5,000 IU a day and that folks ending up in nursing homes are typically severely deficient in their vitamin D levels.
Got home and found out D3 is surprisingly quite inexpensive and started taking 5,000 IU a day. No instant magic, but all of a sudden the next January I noticed I no longer was getting up in the middle of the night to pee, which I had been doing for the last couple of years. I had mistakenly assumed that was just old age creeping up. This is now 2014 and that problem is still GONE. The additional D3 was the only change I made. It has to be the reason.
I bought Jeff T. Bowles “Extremely High Doses” D3 book in early September. His thorough research is most impressive. Read this book! After reading it twice, I cautiously decided to up my D3 to 12,000 IU. I am already feeling a bit more spry and now losing a bit of weight steadily without having to be super careful. From his book I am also learning the importance of proper vitamin K2 amounts to go with the D3 AND that it has to be the correct type of K2, namely Mk7 (menaquinone). Back in 2011, Gordy also told me that the minerals (Magnesium, Potassium, Calcium, etc.) are the key to the health of our immune systems and that D3 helps process those minerals to do their job. Sounds like the K2 is needed to in turn make sure that the D3 does its’ job? Being a bit of chicken, I intend to keep bringing my D3 & K2 up in careful steps rather than go whoosh & boldly jump up to Jeff’s super high dosages. Expect an update for my progress AND results here in 3 to 6 months.
Interesting that when looking at emails earlier today, I spotted that November 2nd is officially Vitamin D DAY per the Vitamin D Council newsletter!! Interesting. This past August 2014 was my 6th year of doing that TransRockies race. Side issue: I don’t have to take ANY prescription blood pressure or cholesterol drugs at age 75.5. My blood work numbers are very good. Life is good!
5.0 out of 5 stars Tooth with missing filling seems to be healing after 3 weeks of high dose Vit D3 & KBy carol zuk on October 30, 2014
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
My husband and I both started 20,000 IU of Vit D3 and Super K almost 3 weeks ago. We increased our dosage to 40,000 IU after one week. Have been on the 40,000 dosage for 11 days.
I have crackling knees due to arthritis but they do not hurt much, hypothyroidism (taking synthroid), and my arms ache when I sleep, I’ve had tennis elbow in the past. I have a bad tooth from a small filling which fell out, probably needing a root canal, but I’ve avoided that hoping to find a natural cure. I’ve tried oil pulling, chewing horsetail, MSM, oregano oil, and silver colloidal. All to no avail. My husband has psoriasis, a bone spur on his toe, overall body aches, weakness in his arms, inflexibility, stiffness, allergies, metabolic syndrome (insulin resistance), and rotator cuff soreness.
We are both 50 and probably 20 pounds overweight. On days 2-4 of the 40,000 dosage, we both experienced an increase in pain, just like the book said would happen. On the same days 2-3, my husband had all over body aches that increased a lot from his usual pain. For me, I had specific increased pain in my bad tooth. The next day, I had aching in my upper and lower gums on the side of the bad tooth. It was bad enough I had to take ibuprofen to sleep. The pain subsided after a few days back to my normal hot/cold sensitivity and pressure sensitivity when eating.
The last couple days I’ve noticed the pain to hot/cold is decreasing and a decrease in shooting pain when I chew and food hits that tooth. I actually feel like my tooth is healing itself which is really incredible. I’ve had this bad tooth for a year and have avoided the dentist.
My husband has been nauseous the last couple days, but hard to tell if it’s due to the Vitamins or if it’s something he ate. My husband has not had any improvements in his health issues, he is the same as when he started this regimen with all his health issues, but we are going to continue for another month or two to give it a chance to work for him. I will report back in another month with updated results at that time. At this point, for myself, I’m very hopeful for my tooth healing.
Helped remove my fear of vitamin D toxicityBy Mary D. on October 27, 2014
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
This book got me interested in Vitamin D3 therapy. It helped remove the fear of vitamin D toxicity which I learned about when taking classes in nursing many years ago. Written by a layman (as opposed to a medical professional) it is in easily understood language. I’ve been following a routine of 10,000 to 25,000 I.U. per day along with a good Vitamin K2 supplement for about 6 weeks. I’m pretty sure I’m D3 deficient because I have rarely have any sun exposure for about 25 years. I’m not sure if I’m seeing any beneficial results but will persevere for at least another 6 or more months. I suffer from IBS and for the past year the painful cramping episodes have been occurring once or twice a week. I have not experienced an episode for about 3 weeks now but since I am also taking a soluble fiber supplement I can’t really attribute this to D3 alone. When I know for sure that I’m getting the desired effects I’ll update this review.
5.0 out of 5 stars good bookBy Kathryn Romero on October 23, 2014
I have the kindle edition & just got the paperback copy, have been doing 20,000IU’S VIT D3 & 2000IU’S K2 for about a week. I have already noticed that a ganglion cyst on my foot has shrunk by over half the size it was. I have had less pain in my knees & shoulder and feet. I just ordered VIT A 1500iu & will start taking this with the vit D3 & k2. This is a very good book to read if you suffer alot with pain.
I thoroughly enjoyed this bookBy Ern on November 30, 2014
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
I thoroughly enjoyed this book, and am very glad that I bought it; I think Mr. Bowle’s went to a lot of effort and research to get this information out. He gives his own testimony and provides other testimonials too. In addition to learning about vitamin D3, I also learned a lot about vitamin K2, and how beneficial it is to take these two together. Since following the book’s philosophy for only four days, I notice my ankles are back to their smaller normal size. A family member has type 1 diabetes; I wonder if anyone with this condition has improved on D3 and K2 supplementation. I have always thought that natural therapies are desirable, as they usually have little or no side effects. Thank you for the great book, Jeff. Look forward to more research and new developments! May God bless you.
steven j schulman 2 years ago In reply to an earlier post
The writer does have an unusual style, but the information imparted is very easy to understand as well as extremely valuable. To casually throw around your irresponsible accusations is in bad taste. I had been taking 10,000 IU’s of D3 daily for several years. After I read the book, I increased it to 30,000 IU’s daily. For the past two weeks I have been taking 40,000 IU’s daily. For many years I have had a small quarter sized psoriasis rash about two inches below my left elbow. After taking these higher doses of the D3 for over a month it has almost entirely disappeared. I can assure you this is not a fake.
5.0 out of 5 stars Vitamin D? More Like Vitamin Dynamic!By Katral Jamerson on November 11, 2014
Like Mr. Bowles, I had heard all my life that consuming too much Vitamin D could be disastrous for your health. I had also started acquiring a few chronic health issues in my old age. My hands had started to become arthritic, I was suffering from near constant indigestion, and I’d started walking with a limp associated with a bad hip. In any case, I was starting to wear down and I thought it would only get worse from there. I found this book while looking through various self-help books on Amazon, and it has been a lifesaver. I hadn’t been taking a single ounce of Vitamin D, but a few months after reading this book, I was already up to 50,000 IU and I was experiencing positive results. I was gaining function back in my hands, my limp had gone away, and my stomach was feeling better than ever.
I guess I can also attribute some of my overall better health to Simple Natural Cures: Cheap & Effective Remedies for Everyday Common Ailments by Kevin Richardson. I also found it while perusing other Amazon ebooks, and I have to tell you that it is chock-full of valuable information. It has natural cures for everything from indigestion to eczema, and I use just about every one of them. While the consistent dosage of Vitamin D3 certainly helps, I still enjoy using some of the cures found in Richardson’s book. It has helped me combat headaches, coughs, and, of course, my nagging indigestion. I feel like I’m 20 again and it’s all thanks to these two books. My pain is minimal, my mobility is back, and I’m back to living life how I want to live it.
While it may seem a little crazy to take such a huge dosage of Vitamin D3, I have experienced no ill effects to speak of. My body feels like it’s in peak physical condition and it’s getting better every day. I’m even feeling happier and more energized with each passing day. I have Mr. Bowles’ book and Simple Natural Cures to thank for that. I can’t wait to see where these natural cures and my dosage of Vitamin D3 will take me next. I’ve already started playing basketball again which I never thought I’d do in a million years.
Lu says:
Sounds like you had an extreme aging deficiency, which we all will on some level. Now that you have found your optimal youth again, maybe you should consider cutting back to sustainment daily rather than risk overdose and kidney dysfunction. What a blessing that you discovered a way to get back. You have encouraged me to relax with my 2000-5000 level now. I was concerned that I was going overboard. My hands are becoming like yours, so I’ll be braver, but just don’t want the pendulum to swing too far to the other side. Blessings in your journey.Posted on Apr 6, 2016, 2:25:13 AM PDT
Shane says:
Cured my ms! The drugs for multiple sclerosis are a joke! VD3 and healthy eating is the cure!
Shane says:
Doctors are not as smart as people think.
Michelle (Shelley) Gienger says:
You gotta read the book. Keep the ratio of Vit D to Mk-7 that it talks about. Conventional doctors laugh, but I still have my uterus after one told me to take it out since I was done using it. There are three chemo treatments that are just 50,000 units of Vit D…in a capsule and patented to make the drug companies money. in the 1920s; 20 mgs was a regular dosage. The government changed the measurement and now that is 1,000,000 units. There are a lot of people with VDR mutations and it would be more of a concern I suppose if they took high levels by itself, but the Vit K2 MK-7 makes the receptors open to Vit D again and puts the resulting calcitriol into the bones and teeth not tissues. There is only one known case of Vit D toxicity documented. I keep my levels at 150 now and my doctor can’t believe that at 52 yo, my hormones are producing again.
Great informationBy tribeca221 on August 31, 2015
A wealth of information, I just started taking high dose vitamin D and I’ve noticed a huge difference in the way I sleep. After years of insomnia I’m finally able to sleep threw the night and I sleep like a rock. After reading this I definitely see a link between cancers and obesity do to low levels of vitamin D. But make sure you’re getting one from a whole food source/organic and not a synthetic pharmaceutical source as most vitamins are made that way. Taking a synthetic one in high doses can be dangerous.
useful information. Worth the experimentBy entelechy777 on February 4, 2016
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
Straightforward read. Useful information. Worth the experiment. I tried increasing my dosage and did not feel as much aches and pains. I was also prone to getting the flu every winter. Well I with my crazy hours and busy schedule I did not get sick once. Considering my 12 hour work days and I should have been sick by now and still I keep going. Now I’m taking a winter vacation so I won’t need it but I will be back on it to face the rest of winter. This is certainly going to be part of my winter arsenal.
Excellent boog written for lay man.By Richard K. Marcott Dpm on February 27, 2016
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
Well researched book with substantial bibliography to verify the claims made. Very informative and clerified many false ideas about Vit D3. I began taking 50000 iu daily and in 30 days saw major changes in skin, sinus allergies, and increased stamina. And in general feel much stronger and healthier.
Listen to the people who have tried this!By Amazon Customer on February 20, 2016
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
I read all the reviews before I even read the book. One of the reviewers said he got rid of his Plantar Fascitis using High Dose D3 with Super K. Since I had been dealing with that issue for 3 years (and it kept getting worse) I was interested. I loved the book, it reads like a good friend is excited about his experiments and is having a personal conversation with you about it. My level was at 35. Within a couple of weeks my pain level was down 90% and within a month it was gone. It hasn’t been back for a couple of years. I finally had my level tested again and it was high, 150 so I’ve stopped taking for a while to bring it down to the 80-100 level. Jeff, you totally changed my life, thank you so much! I find the people who give this book 1 or 2 reviews don’t try it, they think it sounds crazy and review without trying. Thank God I listened to all these Amazon reviewers who had open minds and tried it!
4.0 out of 5 stars Very thought provoking book. Make sure to get your …By Amazon Customer on March 19, 2016
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
Very thought provoking book. Make sure to get your vitamin D levels tested though. After tanning and adding supplementation I was in the toxic range
Michelle (Shelley) Gienger1 year ago
My levels were at 257 ng/ml for a while and I felt amazing. My MD said everything looked good!! No more sickness, abundant energy. I still keep them at 150 ng/ml which is high normal for PAML labs. Go for it!! I am religious about the Mk-7 ratio tho.
Tony Clifton 1 year ago
The only way D3 is toxic is if it causes your blood calcium to rise too high. If your calcium is in the normal range, how high the d3 level is. is irrelevant.
Thank you for the advice. I’ll stay with it. Do you take more than 10k a day? I started with 15k and experienced the roid rage the author described for a few days, then after 2 months I dropped to 10k. My blood count is 97 now. Doc wants me to back down to 5, but I really think 10k is therapeutic and 5 is not. Thoughts?
Michelle (Shelley) Gienger1 year ago
Just make sure you do the Vit K2,Mk-7 ratio. And the results happen over years. It cured my fibroid tumors. I have been doing it for two years and even more results happening…arthritis in knees and fingers gone etc.
I had been taking 5000 D3 daily plus sun whenever …By Nelson on March 13, 2016
Format: Paperback|Verified Purchase
I had been taking 5000 D3 daily plus sun whenever available, have in crease to 40M and K2 as per recommendations. Improving my arthritis, sleep, and urine discharge. Iam 75.
Easy to read book on Vitamin D and K2, with unique theoriesBy doesitmatter on March 4, 2016
Format: Paperback|Verified Purchase
This is my first Kindle book that I BOUGHT. I read it in a couple hours at most. Contrary to other reviewers, I didn’t find the writing style at 100 miles/minute or too fast paced, it was comfortable, but then I have already read a ton of books and websites and Amazon comments on Vitamin D and K2 and I am used to absorbing a lot of information at once.
I’m no stranger to the power of the sun and that we need MORE of it, not less of it. I ditched sunglasses 7-8 years ago. And almost never use sunscreen…less and less after identifying why we don’t absorb UV as well (Food related). On this point I agree with the author. The medical establishment is well….is lost in the fog of their own intellect. Watch enough food documentaries (Like Food, Inc, Forks Over Knives, King Corn, Genetic Roulette, World According to Monsanto, etc…) and you realize the FDA is a joke, just a revolving door of executives at drug/farming companies.
I’m already supplementing Vitamin D for a couple of months at 15-20,000/day and recently increasing to 30,000-40,000. Along with many other vitamins and minerals. Anyway, I’ve seen positive results already…healing gums is one, and better energy levels and more clear thinking. This book is giving me more confidence to up my dose. I accidentally took in 300,000 – 350,000 IU in 1 day when switching to a liquid D-3 (Thorne). That was a super energy day (Too much) with very little desire to eat (positive). Tested the day after for OH25(Was scheduled weeks earlier) and was at 56 ng/ml. Have a self-test kit to use soon.
5.0 out of 5 stars Very revealing. Following unsuccessful physical therapy, tried the …By Ted Kasperowicz on May 16, 2016
Format: Paperback|Verified Purchase
Very revealing. Following unsuccessful physical therapy, tried the D3 therapy for a frozen shoulder and it worked after one month of taking 30,000 IU per day.
Great information, but please proceed with cautionBy cmd on August 12, 2015
Format: Paperback|Verified Purchase
I believe there is much merit to the basic healing properties of Vit D in combination with Vit K2 for joints as indicated in this book, and I am so very thankful to Jeff Bowles for relaying his very positive outcome. I have suffered from severe osteoarthritis in both knees and left hip for about 12-15 years. After having one full knee replacement with an unsatisfactory outcome about a year ago at age 62, I was desperate to try most anything to hopefully gain some benefit to my other joints. I had already been taking doses of 5,000 units of Vit D for several years after finding my tested level to be very low. However, neither my rheumatologist, nor my primary care physician, ever mentioned taking K2 with it; therefore, I was not experiencing much joint benefit from these higher doses. After reading Jeff’s book and upon having my Vit D level tested now to be at 45, I decided to give this experimental protocol a try. I raised my Vit D to 10,000, then 20,000, and eventually 30,000 units within a short time (about 10 days) while supplementing with Jeff’s recommended K2 equivalent (one Super K per 10,000 units). I was already taking magnesium regularly but also increased that slightly more. I quickly began experiencing the increased pain from remodeling in my joints and had to back off to 20,000 units for several weeks because of it. After about 4-5 weeks into the trial, I started to experience intermittent ringing in my ears, but ignored it thinking perhaps my blood pressure was a bit high even though I generally have nearly perfect blood pressure readings. It went about 2 weeks until I got around to checking my BP and found it to be normal. By this time, the tinnitus became constant so I started searching the Internet to find answers. I read of one other person who experienced this side effect with high doses of Vit D. I also read that some medications can be toxic to the ears; therefore, I stopped the Vit D to see if the ringing would go away. It has been about 3 weeks now and the tinnitus is still constant. However, my joint pain has diminished about 15-20% since before starting the D/K2 regimen, for which I am most thankful. Also, my deeply ridged and brittle fingernails are much improved. I just wish that I could have continued with this trial longer or had known about this protocol years ago when I started taking high doses of Vit D. While it is most likely rare to have this annoying side effect of tinnitus from high doses of Vit D, I felt compelled to warn anyone trying this experiment to stop at the first sign of it and proceed ith caution because the consequences could be permanent. Best of luck to all.
UPDATE: Discovered that it may have been the Super K capsules from that caused my tinnitus because I switched to Vitacost MK7 for a few weeks without taking any Vit D3 and the tinnitus appeared to calm down a bit. I decided to start taking the Super K every other day just to use them up, and after taking just one capsule of Super K, the tinnitus came back with a vengeance. I was most likely getting too much K1 when I was taking 3 per day with the higher doses of Vit D3. As a side note, my sister developed an allergic rash from the Super K capsules and had to stop taking them. Sure wish they made Super K without the K1 since it doesn’t do anything for your bones or heart.
2.0 out of 5 stars I started mega dosing just like the authorBy HC on September 21, 2015
Format: Paperback|Verified Purchase
I was ever so hopeful that high doses of vitamin D would help me. I started mega dosing just like the author. But after a couple weeks, I began to get diarrhea from the high doses. I switched brands, thinking maybe that would get rid of the problem but it didn’t.
The author talks about buying vitamin D in bulk and I seriously wonder if there is something wrong with the vitamin D he’s buying. I bought ‘Vitamin D Complex’ by Designs for Health first. It has a mix of all the oil soluble vitamins (A, D, E, and K). I thought maybe the diarrhea was from another vitamin so next I bout Vitamin D from Intensive Nutrition and it only had vitamin D. But I still got diarrhea from it. Both of these brands are really good, which is why I question his source of D.The only other way I can make sense of how he can take such high doses continuously is to think his body has a problem absorbing it??? I have celiac disease (can’t eat gluten). Before being diagnosed, my hair mineral tests would continuously show I was low in sodium no matter how much salt I put on my foods. In the end, I came to find out that low sodium is very common for people with celiac disease who are eating gluten.
At any rate, I just thought peeps should know this may not be the cure all you’re looking for. And you may want to use a doctor quality vitamin D supplement (and not his source).
John Truitt1 year ago
Yes it sound like you took too much too fast. You can get herxheimer reactions with vitamin d as it ramps up your immune response which then kills a lot of disease microbes off quickly creating a lot of toxins in your system making you feel bad and have illness symptoms digestive, headache, fatigue. Look up herxheimer reaction. It is a medical term. I think there’s a wiki entry on it.
5.0 out of 5 stars Excellent book, very interesting insightsBy Amazon Customer on October 7, 2015
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
Excellent book, very interesting insights. I have followed Mr. Bowles advice and upped my Vit D and Vit K2 intake and feel better than I have in years.
Going to tryBy sam on October 22, 2015
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
Hip pain caused my a bone spur that shredded my hip socket. Had arthroscopic surgery 3 years ago. Pain much improved but hip,still acts up. Orthopedic surgeon recommended hip replacement. Fighting against surgery. So far, one week 30,000 a day, pain much less, and lost 5 lbs!!! If I am pain free, I can be more active, increase metabolism and decrease my arthritic pain. Hopeful for long term relief.
I am expecting good results in another month cause I am able to …By Imran on November 3, 2015
This book has helped me more than any health book I ever read.
4 months ago, when I read this book, I started taking 50K IU of vitamin D with Vitamin K. Also used transdermal magnesium.
My blood level of vitamin D was 10, before I started taking heavy dose of vitamin D. My doctor suggested to take 5000 IU for a day and then continue with 2000 IU daily until the next test.
I have been suffering from a persistent, nasty sinus infection for 10 years which would not heal. This infection was a result of sinus surgery to remove polyps from sinus area. Been treated with Antibiotics many times. I had tried almost everything out there including hydrogen peroxide and colloidal silver. 26 days of Vitamin D in 50k IU and I am already seeing improvements. I don’t get as much dried blood from my nose. This sinus infection is not 100% cured yet. I am expecting good results in another month cause I am able to walk now. To me, its a major achievement to walk. Something I have not been able to do for almost two years.
My second major issue has been severe Chronic Asthma and COPD for last 28 years. I was not able to walk, could not use stairs. Constant use of prednisone over the years destroyed my health. Repeated antibiotics have wiped out my gut flora. Though I am still using prednisone and my regular inhalers (albuterol and Advair 500/50), but for the first time in two years, I am able to walk without much shortness of breath. I don’t have acute wheezing as I always used to have. The only medication I don’t have to use any more after a month of D3 is nebulizer treatment. I don’t have to use Budesonide nebulizer and levalbuterol inhalations any more. This is a major improvement in my condition. My lungs capacity has improved significantly. I was at 45% lungs capacity at one point and was hardly able to walk. Now I am able to speed walk and lift weights.
Really appreciate Jeff T Bowles for sharing his experience with people.
5.0 out of 5 stars You gotta like this guyBy Pittsburgh kid on November 24, 2015
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
You gotta like this guy. His writing style doesn’t bother me one bit. If you’re looking for a novel like some reviewers apparently are, this ain’t it. I jumped in to the vitamin D mega dosing experiment with both feet. No problems at 50k iu’s .
Mood, skin, teeth all seem to be better. Maybe it does work.
5.0 out of 5 stars and I was not disappointed. I was taking 6000IU of Vitamin D with …By Lewis J. Berg on December 4, 2015
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
I sought out this book because I wanted to increase my vitamin D levels, and I was not disappointed. I was taking 6000IU of Vitamin D with K2, however, have recently increased it to 10,000 IU with K2. My plantar fasciitis is gone, and I have felt improvements in a systemic hip issue.
4.0 out of 5 stars Much Promise in High Dose D3/K2By All Are One on January 23, 2016
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
I have taken various supplements over the years. I am 63 years of age and have dealt with body pain in one form or another for over 42. All due to a serious traffic accident in 1972. I suffered several broken bones and a lot of tissue trauma. I have trigger points like nobody’s business. You learn to deal with almost constant pain. My motto became, “A day without pain is a good day.” On September 23rd of 2015 (4months ago at this writing) my two big dogs pulled me off the front steps. Long story short I ended up with a rod in my right femur. At the same time they removed some old hardware from the accident in1972.
My problem is the fracture isn’t healing like the ortho doc thinks it should be and is already thinking more surgery. The doc sent me out for blood tests. My D3 level was 44. He made me nervous with all of the talk of more surgery so… I took 8000 IU of D3 before I went in for the test… opps. The doc says 44 is a normal level. Whether I bumped it up artificially or not… 44 sounds like it’s not working for me.
So I have started out with 8000 IU. Today I received my Puritan Pride brand of D3 and K2. I took 30000 IU with 3000 mcg of K2.
I will post any successes as I go along. I will most likely bump it up to 50000 IU next week if I don’t die in my sleep from the 30000 IU 😉
We are going to Mexico for 10 days so that should increase it even more, since I plan on getting a lot of sun while we are there. I’m interested to see if I get a sunburn since I’m taking a good amount of D3.
The information in this book good, I am not a fan of the writing style. It really jumps around. However, I doubt you will find this much great information in one place anywhere else.I would
have given 5 stars except for the way the information is organized (or not organized in this case) …. still great information. Read the book.3/4/14
Update: I am currently taking 70,000 IU daily. I am also taking 7,000 mcg of K2 along with Vit’s A & E. I also read the book suggested for K2. I haven’t noticed too much change over all in the fractured femur re-knitting, although there is some minimal bone growth beginning. I do think the pain in my right shoulder joint is lessening (when I fell and broke the femur I jammed up my shoulder trying to break my fall). I also believe my immune system is improving. Two of my family members recently had a bout of the stomach flu that was going around and I did not.
Going with the suggested dose ratio of 1,000 mcgs of K2 to every 10,000 IU’s of D3 I find I’m consuming a lot of K2. I have purchased it at Puritan’s Pride, our local health food stores, and have recently purchased 4 bottles of K2 (500 mcg for each tablet) from Vitacost (you can google them for the web addy). Our local health food store has it from Country Life. I recently bought a single bottle of 60 tablets from them at $25. I bought the same Country Life product at just over $12 a bottle (which included $4 shipping). So they will definitely have my K2 business from now on.On another note: According to what I read in the K2 book suggested you need to be taking Vit A, too! D3, K2, and A form a triangle of support for each other. You must take all three of them together. There was also mention of Vit E but did not give any specifics. I added it just to be on the good side.I am waiting for my recent blood work results to see what my current level of D3 is in my blood.Update: I received my blood test results today. Initially when I was tested it came back at 44.0 ng/ml. My recent test has me at 147.0 ng/ml. I will be cutting down a bit to reach and maintain 100.0 ng/ml. I noticed this last week in the mirror the significant reduction in the size of a bony bump on my forehead. It has been there for at least 30 years. It is at least 1/2 the size that it was, it seems to be reducing a bit everydy. I also have noticed my banged up right shoulder joint is less painful with rotation movement.I came across this from a study the Cleveland Clinic had done: Vitamin D is a fat-soluble nutrient, so it’s important to take it with the largest meal of the day.A Cleveland Clinic Foundation study showed that when people take vitamin D with the largest meal of the day, blood levels increase over 50% compared to taking vitamin D on an empty stomach or with a light meal.11t is thus critical to not only take enough vitamin D, but to also take it with the meal that contains the most fat to ensure maximum absorption.
I do find it disturbing that there are so many potential health benefits from taking D3/K2 and our medical profession is not all over it.
5.0 out of 5 stars Listen to the people who have tried this!By Amazon Customer on February 20, 2016
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
I read all the reviews before I even read the book. One of the reviewers said he got rid of his Plantar Fascitis using High Dose D3 with Super K. Since I had been dealing with that issue for 3 years (and it kept getting worse) I was interested. I loved the book, it reads like a good friend is excited about his experiments and is having a personal conversation with you about it. My level was at 35. Within a couple of weeks my pain level was down 90% and within a month it was gone. It hasn’t been back for a couple of years. I finally had my level tested again and it was high, 150 so I’ve stopped taking for a while to bring it down to the 80-100 level. Jeff, you totally changed my life, thank you so much! I find the people who give this book 1 or 2 reviews don’t try it, they think it sounds crazy and review without trying. Thank God I listened to all these Amazon reviewers who had open minds and tried it!
John Truitt 1 year ago
I have tried taking many things and none of them have had the dramatic results in many areas that vitamin d3 had had. If I take 10,000 iu or more daily no ibs. I had this for many years and nothing else eradicated it. That tells me that my body needed high levels of vitamin d for my immune system to work properly. I’m sure it was some kind of infection causing inflammation in my intestines. One theory with a lot of evidence behind it is mycobacterium avium paratuberculosis. Lots of cattle are infected with this and it causes ibs or ibd symptoms in mammals. You are just wrong about vitamin d3 and I don’t think placebo is very powerful. It has short term effects but it doesn’t cure very bad diseases that are considered incurable.
1.0 out of 5 stars Proceed with Extreme Caution Bad resultsBy Bobbi Billard on February 9, 2016
Don’t believe everything you read! I may have done serious harm to myself doing what the author suggests. I took high doses of Vitamin D and was up to 10,000 IU. I just had some blood work done that came back with high calcium in my blood. Guess what causes that? High doses of Vitamin D or hyperparathyroidism. So now I’m sitting here stressing that I either have hyperparathyroidism or I caused high calcium to be in my blood by taking high doses of vitamin D. So yeah, I do not suggest doing this and hopefully I did not do serious damage to myself by having the misfortune of happening across this book and taking this advice. I can only imagine what could have happened to me if I had upped my dosage even further. Good lord! Moral of the story is do not experiment with your health and just because you read it on the Internet, doesn’t mean it’s necessarily true or a good idea for you. Good luck to you all out there.
4.0 out of 5 stars Useful information. Worth the experimentBy entelechy777 on February 4, 2016
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
Straightforward read. Useful information. Worth the experiment. I tried increasing my dosage and did not feel as much aches and pains. I was also prone to getting the flu every winter. Well I with my crazy hours and busy schedule I did not get sick once. Considering my 12 hour work days and I should have been sick by now and still I keep going. Now I’m taking a winter vacation so I won’t need it but I will be back on it to face the rest of winter. This is certainly going to be part of my winter arsenal.
1.0 out of 5 stars I’m taking megadoses, and have not had the same …By meap on April 3, 2016
I’m taking megadoses, and have not had the same results Jeff did. Perhaps he is exaggerating his cure all a little. After posting this 4 star review, Tony Clifton aka the author made some snarky remark rather than try to have an adult conversation about why I feel the way I do about the “novel.” Because of this I feel compelled to change my review score to 1 star.Thank you for the advice. I’ll stay with it. Do you take more than 10k a day? I started with 15k and experienced the roid rage the author described for a few days, then after 2 months I dropped to 10k. My blood count is 97 now. Doc wants me to back down to 5, but I really think 10k is therapeutic and 5 is not. Thoughts?
Michelle (Shelley) Gienger1 year ago
Just make sure you do the Vit K2,Mk-7 ratio. And the results happen over years. It cured my fibroid tumors. I have been doing it for two years and even more results happening…arthritis in knees and fingers gone etc.
5.0 out of 5 stars I had been taking 5000 D3 daily plus sun whenever …By Nelson on March 13, 2016
Format: Paperback|Verified Purchase
I had been taking 5000 D3 daily plus sun whenever available, have in crease to 40M and K2 as per recommendations. Improving my arthritis, sleep, and urine discharge. Iam 75Tony Clifton 1 year agoEdit | DeleteHowdy Nelson- If you really want to improve your arthitis go to Wal MArt and get some Hyaluronic is whaty your joints are made of and lubricated by and it declines to 25% of age 45 levels by age 75….you will get results in a week and maybe cured in a is the next big thing!! 500mg a day
Michelle (Shelley) Gienger1 year ago
My levels were at 257 ng/ml for a while and I felt amazing. My MD said everything looked good!! No more sickness, abundant energy. I still keep them at 150 ng/ml which is high normal for PAML labs. Go for it!! I am religious about the Mk-7 ratio tho. Tony Clifton 1 year agoEdit | Delete
The only way D3 is toxic is if it causes your blood calcium to rise too high. If your calcium is in the normal range, how high the d3 level is. is irrelevant.
Easy to read book on Vitamin D and K2, with unique theoriesBy doesitmatter on March 4, 2016
Format: Paperback|Verified Purchase
This is my first Kindle book that I BOUGHT. I read it in a couple hours at most. Contrary to other reviewers, I didn’t find the writing style at 100 miles/minute or too fast paced, it was comfortable, but then I have already read a ton of books and websites and Amazon comments on Vitamin D and K2 and I am used to absorbing a lot of information at once.
I’m no stranger to the power of the sun and that we need MORE of it, not less of it. I ditched sunglasses 7-8 years ago. And almost never use sunscreen…less and less after identifying why we don’t absorb UV as well (Food related). On this point I agree with the author. The medical establishment is well….is lost in the fog of their own intellect. Watch enough food documentaries (Like Food, Inc, Forks Over Knives, King Corn, Genetic Roulette, World According to Monsanto, etc…) and you realize the FDA is a joke, just a revolving door of executives at drug/farming companies.
I’m already supplementing Vitamin D for a couple of months at 15-20,000/day and recently increasing to 30,000-40,000. Along with many other vitamins and minerals. Anyway, I’ve seen positive results already…healing gums is one, and better energy levels and more clear thinking. This book is giving me more confidence to up my dose. I accidentally took in 300,000 – 350,000 IU in 1 day when switching to a liquid D-3 (Thorne). That was a super energy day (Too much) with very little desire to eat (positive). Tested the day after for OH25(Was scheduled weeks earlier) and was at 56 ng/ml. Have a self-test kit to use soon.
Well..anyway….I didn’t really write a review. But, I will say that if you enjoy reading this book and others on Vitamin D, watch (2) DVDs —
EAT THE SUN, and EXPLORING THE SPECTRUM, and video from Discovery Channel – THE BOY WITH DIVINE POWERS. Read a book called HEALTH and LIGHT by John Ott. Those pretty much refute all the silly skin doctors advice, and bolster the experience of the author.
So…the reason I am giving this book 4 stars instead of 5, is because one might get the impression that Vitamin D3 and K2 cure everything after reading this book. It doesn’t. At one point the author talks about Alzheimers. Well, alot of Alzheimer’s cases can most likely be traced to SILVER MERCURY fillings leaching out toxic mercury vapor. A new documentary called EVIDENCE OF HARM was just released. Excellent. Also, other toxic dental metals and plastics in our teeth causing electrical short circuits. Also, we are affected by EMFs from wi-fi,cell towers, and mobile phones, and touch screens, cordless phones, and even big car engines. Many foods we eat are not good for us over time. And drinks…like caffeine which is a pain-reliever, mask the pain.The author is very enthusiastic about D3, and shares his results in a straightforward way. I like the way he thinks out of the box vs the mainstream. I would probably give the book 4.25 stars. A part of me wants to give 5 stars, but a part of me is holding back.
Other books to check out — Vitamin D Revolution (quite insightful), Vitamin K and the Calcium Paradox (Noted by author), Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, Scurvy, and Vitamin Discoveries and Disasters (Awesome book on history of vitamin discovery).
5.0 out of 5 stars Excellent boog written for lay man.By Richard K. Marcott Dpm on February 27, 2016
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
Well researched book with substantial bibliography to verify the claims made. Very informative and clerified many false ideas about Vit D3. I began taking 50000 iu daily and in 30 days saw major changes in skin, sinus allergies, and increased stamina. And in general feel much stronger and healthier.
excellent informationBy Aquari63 on January 8, 2015
I had read much information throughout the internet regarding D3, this is the 2nd book I’ve bought on the subject. My husband was plagued with psoriasis since he was 20 (he’s now 44) and I started giving him D3 only 10,000iu’s daily within months time his skin was clearing up. I increased the dosage to 15,000iu’s daily and within another month his psoriasis cleared almost completely. He still has 2 spots on his back and after reading this book I feel more confident to increase the D3 to 30,000iu’s since he is a big man. What I’ve learned from this book was about the vitamin k’s which I will be purchasing to add with the D3 dosing, I had not known to add this vitamin until reading this book.
5.0 out of 5 stars Improving skin conditionBy David Lamale on February 5, 2015
What does anyone have to lose? This book is an eye opener, allowing the reader to get a grasp on what could assist their conditions. If you wish to gain some valuable insight, then I encourage you to make an investment in yourself. I have been taking vitamin d3 for years, recently bumped up to 30000 each day, along with vitamin k and have noticed my skin conditions are improving… especially the diagnosed eczema on my hand
5.0 out of 5 stars Medically AccurateBy Jon Tenzo on January 25, 2015
I have researched D in the past and everything in this book is accurate. I didn’t know about the Vitamin K Co-Factor dynamic so that was a welcome addition to my knowledge about nutrition.
I am now up to 50,000 IU daily (Jarrow Brand) with 200mcg of MK-7 from Vitamin Code Raw as well as Optimum Nutrition ZMA 4 capsules per day. I have reduced all other supplements to a minimum in an effort to tell the isolated effects of only increasing Vitamins (and not herbs). I feel the K helps me absorb the D more efficiently. I feel the difference compared to before I took K and was just taking ZMA.
I used to take cod liver oil in the Winter years ago but since it had too much Vitamin A I switched to just isolated D. Long story short a few years back I took too much D alone without magnesium and got a pretty bad backache which I thought was a stone but was just a muscle cramp. Another time I got a pretty bad jaw ache. Both took an Rx (low dose/strength) muscle relaxer to heal. So be VERY careful about your co-factors and other minerals when increasing D.
I am now paying very close attention to ALL of my mineral levels. Potassium I sometimes have to get from the citrate supplement form as it’s hard to eat enough bananas or drink coconut water which can be expensive (However, Soymilk has proven to be a recent good addition which also gives calcium, another mineral I don’t get from my diet because I avoid dairy). Potassium will also likely help prevent any muscle cramps caused by High D.
If you live away from the equator you need high D supplements period. Some need more than others.
The effects have mostly been better sleep along with better mood. I am waiting for my weather related asthma symptoms to subside. I have been gradually increasing from just 5,000 IU per day to 50,000 IU so hoping to see results in a few weeks. I have been at this for about a month or so. Getting my levels tested next week. My baseline level probably is 30 ng/dl right now and looking to get it to 100. I am 6’0 200lbs so it may take even more than I am taking now to get there. I will probably taper off once late May/early June comes to half of what I’m taking now since we’ll be in Summer solstice in the Northern Hemisphere. So far I have seen noticeable changes in muscle composition around the gut area. I am also waiting for some more significant weight loss even though I don’t have much fat, just around the love handle area.
Thanks to the book I know to be patient and these effects should come with more time of the higher dose. A deficiency in this hormone will not be corrected overnight. I am relatively young (28) so I don’t have any significant old injuries to heal but I am looking for muscle gains to be accelerated from my exercise program. Hopefully that will happen! If anyone has any experience at supplementing high D at my height/weight please let me know how long you took elevated doses (50,000-100,000IU daily) before seeing massive benefits.
Charles Darwin 2 years ago
You can tell when a reviewer has not read the book..If what is said here is true you would see a lot of reviews with complaints of adverse effects…..there arent any ..but there are quite a few amazing results and also at the end of the book. Also
Here is what Dr Mercola says about Vitamin A and why you should NOT take Cod Liver Oil or extra Vitamin A…This reviewer is dangerously ignorant of the facts
“There have been two recent meta-analyses done. The first one showed that people who took vitamin A supplements in cod liver oil, or in supplements, had an 18 percent increase in death rates. The other study showed that unlike third world countries where vitamin A supplementation appears to decrease infections, vitamin A supplementation in developed countries like the U.S. actually increases infections.
The researchers believe this is due to massive nutritional deficiencies in the third world because most of their calories are from grains and they simply donâ™t have an opportunity to consume as many fresh fruits, vegetables, butter, eggs and other vitamin A containing foods that those in the developed world do.
In fact current research could not find any vitamin A deficiency at all, but approximately 5% had vitamin A toxicity. The converse is true in the third world where vitamin A toxicity is virtually unheard of, yet vitamin A deficiency is pervasive.
Additionally new research has shown that vitamin D protects against cancer. But a paradox was found as those with higher vitamin D levels did not seem to have this benefit.
A bright Harvard researcher carefully analyzed the data in the study that showed this and found that when he removed the people with high vitamin A and vitamin D levels, those with normal vitamin A levels and high vitamin D levels continued to have reduced risk of colon cancer. So those that did not take vitamin A had the protective effect from higher levels of vitamin D.
Other research is now showing a connection between high levels of vitamin A and osteoporosis. In fact many Scandinavian countries that regularly supplement with cod liver oil have rampant osteoporosis even though they are getting adequate amounts of oral vitamin D.
This may also be related to the fact that high doses of vitamin D need to be taken with vitamin K2 (not K1) as they effectively balance each other’s toxicities. So this may have been another factor.”
5.0 out of 5 stars Excellent bookBy ms.nita on January 21, 2015
Format: Paperback|Verified Purchase
Learned a lot have not had a cold at all this winter since I started taking more vitamin D… I usually get a cold at least three times in the winter first cold usually hits In December and it’s already the end of January and I’m still good. But my allergies is kicking my butt
This book may heal your disease!!By johnp on March 3, 2015
Format: Paperback|Verified Purchase
I highly recommend reading this book, along with Abram Hoffer’s epic work, ‘Orthomolecular Medicine for Everyone’ in order to understand how to use vitamin D3 and other supplements for effective treatments of degenerative diseases safely. Hoffer and Linus Pauling established the powerful fields of orthomolecular medicine, orthomolecular nutrition and orthomolecular psychiatry, and were able to treat about 90 % of all degenerative and so called terminal diseases like cancer with it. Hoffer also claimed vitamin D3 was very safe, although typically he used doses of only around 10k-20k IU a day (then far greater than the 200-400 IU a day the medical establishment said was ‘safe” with larger doses of vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin b3, etc.
This book gives the author’s real time experience in using high doses of Vitamin D3/K2 to generate organic hormones for the body to effect self repair. He should be commended for his experimentation and making it available to help others.
Bowles uncovers a lot of the hidden history behind vitamin D, such that it is in fact a very safe vitamin and not ‘dangerous’ as oft claimed by the medical establishment. He also reveals up to 50k IU a day was used to treat cancer until the patent was overturned in the 1920s, then the Vitamin D, cancer treatment ‘disappeared’ from the medical establishment until Bowles rediscovered it for us all in this present age. Not even the great Abram Hoffer or Linus Pauling knew this. Hoffer wrote over 30 books on orthomolecular medicine, and psychiatry, nutrition and supplements, and wrote over 500 papers, so for Bowles to have advanced orthomolecular medicine further with his experimentation of high doses of Vitamin D3 is truly an outstanding feat.
I found by doing research at, that high doses of vitamin D3, reversed Crohns. So I found Jeff Book, when I was trying to determine how much vitamin d3 I should take . I ended up taking 40k IU of D3 and 2500 mcg of Vitamin K complex and reversed my Crohns in 90 days. This book gave me the confidence to go ahead with high doses of Vitamin D3.
FYI, for Crohn’s suffers, I also found in the research, Aloe Vera AMP supplements, Cannibis Oil, and Low dose Naltrexone are potentially effective treatments for Crohn’s.
This book is a must have for your orthomolecular medicine library.
3.0 out of 5 stars read this on your journey for more informationBy Vintage PowerReaderVINE VOICE on February 14, 2015
I am glad I did not buy a hard copy, its written in four days and rambles around a lot. I got the info I needed about dosing with Vit d3, just remember to use K2 mk7 with D3. ( amazon has a kindle for adroid app for free, it cost me 2$ to read on my phone, and its a short read)
First magazine for women ran an article that was much more detailed about dosing for weight loss and good health. weight x 25 = dose per week. It can take several months before your D3 levels are high enough to lose weight.
this book is just a personal story , and at times he way overdoses, and spends 14 hrs a day sleeping.
When I get past 40,000 units in 24 hrs I end up taking a long nap.
5.0 out of 5 stars I love the enthusiasm MrBy gonzolips on February 9, 2015
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I love the enthusiasm Mr. Bowles has for sharing this information with rest of us. Although, I do not believe in evolution, I have always felt that the advice to shun the sun has been wrong. But you know what they say about too much of a good thing. We need air and water too, in the right amounts. Too much of either of these would also be disastrous to our health. The sun is what sustains life on this planet and we were created to live here on the earth under the the sun. That being said, I was excited to read his theory about a hibernation-like syndrome. It makes perfect sense to me that many of the problems we have are due to vitamin d3 and k2 deficiency. We may not yet have the full picture but, thanks to Mr. Bowles things are a little clearer.
At the present, my husband and I are into the second week of our high dose vitamin D3 and K2 “experiment”. I am very intrigued by the ideas and information in this book. Though I am a registered nurse, I can’t say I know anything about this “remodeling” of old injuries. But, I can tell you that for a few days last week my knees and hip, which I had previous injuries, hurt like crap and this week I am completely pain free. My husband also has been unable to walk on one of his previously injured ankles and now it seems he is feeling better. He has also been dealing with a non healing venous stasis ulcer for more than six months now and it has, since starting high doses of vitamin D3, started showing some improvement. We have other ailments that I am hopeful will resolve as well. I may send an update in the future.
Even though we live in Florida, the sunshine state, we haven’t been taking advantage of the great outdoors as much as we should. Now, that may change if I can find vitamin that will help me get over my fear of lizards. I have high hopes that this information will greatly improve our lives and our health.
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
This book is THE gamechanger. It offers Truth (just let that sink in for a nanosecond…’Truth’.) In the face of what often feels like we are on some quixotic quest for liberation for ourselves,for our children from conditions we just KNOW are nutritionally mediated…but darn it
we strive and quest and still remain unsure if we have the proper nutrient in the proper dose,combined properly with the teas, perhaps, or the tinctures on offer from our trusty ‘nutritional counselor’at the Health Food Store. Or maybe the planets will align properly on the fifth Tuesday of the month.
What I find astonishing about this amazing book is that readers criticize the author’s writing style and other things going to his presentation. Am I the only incredibly grateful reader and applier of Mr.Bowles knowledge? Am I the only one who thinks he should be up there with Pfeiffer and Hoffer receiving the Nobel? Or is Jeff Bowles going to be consigned to the fate of Klenner, the prolific but unsung Healer for his never-ending work with Vitamin C in the height of the Orthomolecular Movement? Surely someone gets the humanity of this intrepid man, don’t they? I pray in time the accolades so overdue this author will descend upon him as wholeheartedly as he has descended his wholehearted Truths to us, the blessed and finally healthy doers of his protocols. With deep respect and gratitude, A Former MS Patient, cleared of other issues as well
5.0 out of 5 stars like her MotherBy,on March 8, 2015
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Just a brief note to say Thank You!, Jeff, for your ground-breaking work in Vitamin D3 Miracle on taking large doseage D3. My wife Sharon, like her Mother, has always had paper thin skin, especially on her hands and arms. So thin that her skin in these areas appeared somewhat translucent. Just “bumping” her arm or hand while doing gardening work which she loves has always produced massive bruises, several inches across and blood spots beneath her skin stretching 2-5 inches! It was awful and she hated it.
After just 2 months of 10,000 IU D3 & 400 mcg MK7 & 1 “smidgen” (1/32 tsp) MK4 10% powder per day, Sharon’s skin is no longer translucent but new looking with a normal white appearance. When Sharon bumps her arm or hand, there is no more widespread brusing or blood splotching! There is only a tiny bruised area which clears up in a day or two.
I’m on 50,000 IU D3 & 1800 mcg K2 MK7 & 2 smidgens (1/16 tsp) MK4 per day. I am seeing my 2 thumbnails grow out normallly for the first time in 5 years. They had developed deep, deep vertical furrows which were easily seen and felt. I feel certain that calcium is being removed out of my kidneys where it has caused me to have kidney stones over the past 20 years, 3 times having to have them removed by intraurethral surgical procedure. I take 10,000 IU/day Vitamin A to facilitate removal of the soft tissue kidney calcium (removed by K2-activated/carboxylated osteocalcin &/or MGP [marrix GLA protein] molecules, from the D3) from the kidneys. We can hardly believe it.
I call the high-dosage D3 with sufficient K2 MK4 & MK7 protocol the “Elixir of Life,” and have told many family members & friends about it, with about a dozen people to date going on it. One of those has MS. Another has been on antidepresseants (Dangerous!) for about 10 years. Both are already experiencing some results! A third person had teeth so sensitive that she could hardly eat. Just two weeks of 10,000 IU D plus sufficient K2 has removed all sensitivity! Thanks, Jeff, for your valuable work on D3 with K2.
By the way, Sharon is a medical professional, having taken an early retirement from the largest drug company as manager over most of the largest state in the U.S. I have found it very useful to also read Dr. Kate Rheaume-Bleue’s book, Vitamin K2 and The Calcium Paradox, which Jeff highly recommends in his book. Vitamin D3 Miracle by Jeff Bowles is MOST IMPORTANT for many, many reasons, beginning with the message that higher dose Hormone/Vitamin D3 is actually good for you, as long as you ingest sufficient amonts of Vitamin K2 with it. Our experience with high dosage D3 has been outstanding, as has many of our family members and friends.Jeff, Keep up the Great Work!Denny Ellis, CEO Kingdom Oil, Inc.
By Amazon Customer on April 8, 2015
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
Feeling better every day! An interesting point is that I went to see my doctor a couple of years ago because I just felt terrible most of the time, had difficulty recovering from work or exercise…..just really didn’t feel right at all. After all the blood tests she gave me a single prescription – 50,000 IU of D3! I continued to supplement at a much lower dose of maybe 2,000 IU but my joints have been achy and I started to feel lethargic again. After reading this book I have raised my daily dosage to 20,000 IU (so far) and also added K2……..joints are MUCH better, I sleep better and feel fabulous!!! READ THIS BOOK!!!
5.0 out of 5 stars Just started 20, 000 iu – will post a …By Bonnie Mathis on April 7, 2015
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Just started 20,000 iu – will post a follow up in a month. Fascinating information!
4/26/15 … 19 days of 20,000 iu per day (taken with K). I will get my level tested in August, hope to work up to optimum dose. So far, my carpal tunnel has almost disappeared; plantar fasciitis gives me NO problems, I’m back to wearing regular shoes again, though I still use my prescription orthotics; various aches are lessening; absolutely NO restless leg at night; and more…
As far as the writing style of this book, I use it for information – if I want a well-written book, I get a novel!
4.0 out of 5 stars True Words, Mr Bowles!! Thank You!By Funky Felines on April 16, 2015
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
Really interesting read! I’ve been reading about preventive health topics for years, but this one was fascinating, compelling, so much so that I have come to the conclusion that I have had a serious vitamin D deficiency my whole life which for me has been a huge factor in giving me crooked teeth, cavities, actinic keratosis and other health issues….it appears to me that Jeff Bowles is right on target with his research and who cares if he’s not a medical doctor? It’s so true that Big Pharma is trying to keep us all unhealthy and also charging exorbitant rates for drugs. I think if anyone got serious about prevention, they wouldn’t have to take any prescription drugs anyway.
4.0 out of 5 stars Rotator pain significantly helped by the D3By Barbara Kerr on June 17, 2015
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If you can get past the lack of editing in this book there are some real gems of information! Within ten days on 50,000 IU of D3, 5,000 K-2, & 2 calcium caps my rotator cuff pain was about 75% improved. Within 30 days it was 95% better. Hardly ever pinches now.?
5.0 out of 5 stars RA sufferer very encouraged!By Pam on May 31, 2015
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read this informative book a few days ago and immediately increased the amount of D3 I have been taking and added K2.
I was diagnosed with RA in April 2013. I had no previous symptoms, just went into a flare suffering from severe foot and ankle pain. Rheumatologist put me on prednisone, hydroxychloroquine, methotrexate and an NSAID all heavy duty drugs with serious side effects. The pain and inflammation subsided, but those drugs are toxic and my body cannot tolerate them. I decided to discontinue the prescribed therapy against the advise of my doctor in February 2015 . My liver has recovered , I am on an anti-inflammatory diet, manage stress, exercise regularly and manage pain and swelling with 1-2 mg of prednisone and low dose of NSAID as needed. Of course the doctor says this will never work and I will be back in his office begging for relief. Well, I intend to heal. I was taking 5000 mg of D3 and have been upping it every day. I added K2, but I am not clear how much I should be taking. I am sleeping better and I feel good. Pain is minimal, no redness or swelling. Had a full blood panel recently and it looked good. D3 level was 30, the bottom of “normal”. Next testing scheduled for August. I will update progress then. RA causes fatigue and depression and honestly, I feel more energetic and happier already. I have always been extremely health conscious, active, healthy and fit. RA is not going to rule my life and I have no intention of taking any of those toxic drugs on the market to treat it. I am very grateful for this book. Steve1 year ago
Hi Pam. I wish you all the best. 30 is terribly low. If you have RA, you want to get your D3 25 level up to 100-120. I suggest 20,000 to 30,000 per day until you reach your target. Then reduce down to 10,000 per day maintenance.
A REVEVOLTIONARY BREAKTHROUGH FOR US — The long suffering public.By Dan on May 20, 2015
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I found this book to be a quick and easy read with a light and easy conversational style that just pulled me along. Yes he did occasionally cover the same material more than once, but the content is so contrary to what we have been deliberately taught that this is well justified. Other consumer type research I’ve done seems to verify his major points. Including the need to also take vitamin K2.
I am currently obese and found that taking vitamin D3 at 15,000iu a day immediately reduced my apatite to something resembling a normal level — No more need to pig-out at every meal. YEHAA!!!I would really like to see a resources/products page at the end (Even if, it only recaps sources mentioned in the body of the text), and a strong comment as to how much vitamin D3 one should be able to take without side effects. (He does say, have your vitamin D level tested.) I will probably have more to say later.
Think you have a Thyroid condition. It’s really a Vitamin D deficiency.By Nora on May 9, 2015
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He seems to be on to something here. If you can get around his rambling ADHD writing style. I take 20,000iu Vitamin D daily, now. Had a tremendously positive impact on my life. Weight loss, increased energy. Cured my sons Acne. Cured my wives thyroid symptoms.
5.0 out of 5 stars My results R life changing!By Jennifer Fassinger on June 12, 2015
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
I learned so much from this book! I put the information to the test on my knees. Ever since I tore my tendon, ACL & MCL in each of my knees playing high school soccer over 25 years ago I’ve not been able to do a lot of sports I used to do. I started taking 20,000iu of D3 twice a day (if I could remember) many times I only remembered one dose. After a week or so my knees stopped ‘popping out of place’ and I began regaining strength & movement that I lost so long ago. It’s been over 2 years now, & recently I was able to take my kids to an indoor trampoline gym – they had to beg me to get off the trampolines b/c they were ready to go!!! Before the D3 one jump on flat ground could cause one or both knees to collapse! I can now ski again & have recently taken up surfing thanks to this AMAZING BOOK!
1.0 out of 5 stars D3 regimen certainly not for everyone Bad resultsBy Zeek73 on July 16, 2015
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I purchased this book approx 1 1/2 yrs ago from Amazon. I totally believed it. I followed this Man’s regimen and wound up in the hospital for a week where I was given multiple DXs including but not limited to cancer, diabetes and others. When the MD learned about the high doses of vitamin D3 they ran new tests and D/Cd the D3, within a week I was no longer falling down and hallucinating. I had to close my office for a month. I can only say, this regimen is not for everyone. Certainly not for me. Charles Darwin-Sounds like taking D3 aggravated an underlying magnesium deficiency-which was warned about in the book…..symptoms include dizziness anxiety confusion etc…APPARENTLY ZEEK HAD A MIRACLE THE NEXT MONTH FOUND THIS REVIEW OF HIS>>> 2 of 2 people found the following review helpful
Maybe a miracle is happening, August 18, 2015
Zeek73Verified Purchase(What’s this?)
This review is from: BioTree Labs Relax 180 – Magnesium and Potassium Supplement with Electrolytes that Relieves Muscle Pain, Spasms, and Tension and Provides Stress Relief (Health and Beauty)
I continue to take my magnezium however in the week or so that I have been using this product, I have not had the severe leg cramps that I have continued for the past several years. These cramps/charlie horses, have often forced me from a sound sleep to bound out of bed, in the dead of night, to walk it off! Hoping this product continues to bring me relief, it can be very disturbing. I would recommend this product to anyone who suffers leg/ankle cramps and I wish you the same success/miracle!!
THE MIRACULOUS RESULTS OF EXTREMELY HIGH DOSES… We will see …By Amazon Customer on July 11, 2015
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
Been using high doses like the book says now for 3+ months and I dont really feel anything different. Will update if I do : )
Healed!By Marie X on June 14, 2016
This info changed my life, like so many others. After increasing my d3 levels I started feeling better, allergies gone, heartburn gone, leg pains, headaches, and when I increased to high dose a subcutaneous cyst on my back that was walnut size just popped and is now completely gone. I can’t believe the energy, no aches and pains when I get up in the morning…I thought my mid-life was going to be awful, not anymore! Thanks to Jeff I gained the courage to go outside of my doctors advice.
put me in a better mood all the timeBy Fujibear on June 22, 2016
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30k for just under a month, and I already have a list of noticeable changes: Improved my vision, put me in a better mood all the time, SIGNIFICANTLY improved my acne, sleep better, and probably more I can’t think of right now. I’m trying to get my parents on it too.
Effortless Weight LossBy Anne Moo on June 29, 2016
This book is geniusly written. “The human hilbernation syndrome” and all the diseases which are actually the body’s survival modes make so much sense that I kept getting these “wow”-moments all the time while reading this book.
I have already lost 20 lb since taking first 10000 IU, then 20000 IU a day, that without any change in diet or exercise (which I haven’t done in a long time anyways). I always used to be naturally skinny, then gained 20 lb without any apparent reason to me. I got my Vitamin D Level tested and it was a deadly 5 ng/ml!
At 10000 IU and a blood level of 55 ng/ml, my weight loss was just starting slowly, but once I started 20000 IU a day, the number on the scale started climbing down every day! And there still is a downwards trend. The obesity epidemic in this country is more a lack of Vitamin D than anything else I believe now.
we Americans are very deficient in D3By Heather Stewart on July 31, 2016
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This book was very helpful in my study of therapeutically high doses of vitamin D3 to treat my reactive airway disease. I started here:(…) I was originally diagnosed as having obstructive bronchiolitis, as a result of having contracted H1N1. My PCP after some experience with what was going on with me first described it as more of a reactive airway disease. I take 12000 IUs per day of Carson’s Super D Omega 3 (2Tbsp). The improvement has been remarkable! Also however do also take extra magnesium. I take magnesium citrate for better bioavailability and no laxative effect. I found out a little later that this is necessary. You’ll have to do your own homework since I can’t make this a book. I have GREATLY reduced my dosages of inhaler and asthma meds. Also I have not had an episode requiring prednisone since taking this amount of D3. Personally I’ve concluded that, although I was not diagnosed with asthma, after much reading and research that asthma is basically a condition of malnutrition. But you get to decide for yourself. I just hope my discovery helps someone. Also you must be very careful about your cod liver oil choices if that’s how you’re going to take it. Carson’s is good, and there are better ones but of course they’re more expensive also. The Weston A. Price website has recommended brands of cod liver oil. I hope all of this helps someone. Also I only gave 4 stars since I haven’t finished the whole book.
Great!By Amazon Customer on August 10, 2016
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Its just a must to read!!! Really helped me with MS and my son with ASD!
Try It!!
Really boost immunology!
4.0 out of 5 stars Amazing information that has helped a chronic ankle injury clear …By ray nottle on August 14, 2016
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Amazing information that has helped a chronic ankle injury clear up.
5.0 out of 5 stars This is an incredible book. It is so informative …By Robbin Ortega on August 22, 2016
This is an incredible book. It is so informative about the effects of vitamin D in our system. I have battled fibromyalgia for many years and I have applied some of the advice in the this book and it has aided me in getting my body back on track
and I’m glad it didBy Francis McCovey Foster on August 28, 2016
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To the author, who I know reads his reviews: Outstanding title! Makes nothing but sense to use the cover of an e-book to give the reader the thesis. I’m not a chronic buyer of health books (most are pure rubbish) but your title pulled me in….and I’m glad it did!
I literally stopped reading halfway on and ordered 250 grams of Vitamin D3 powder from Amazon, and upon arrival made Coconut Oil suppositories of approx. 30,000IU per nightly dosage. Too soon to share any major effects but one minor one is I’m sleeping straight through the night now, whereas previously my sleep was fragmented and short. Looking forward to seeing what other changes this brings to me in the weeks to come.
Now for a small criticism, or maybe observation: tell the reader how much K2 you’re taking on your various megadose levels. Maybe I missed it, but I read through a couple times and never could find where you shared how much K2 you were using. Riordan Clinic suggests a ratio of 10,000IU:100mcg for D3/K2, so that’s how I’ve arrived at 300mcg per night for myself at my current dosage levels.To those who complain the author rambles, listen, the book was $3. Get over your pettiness. This is utterly vital information that Big Pharma and the incumbent medical industry refuse to share with the public and our author is really just sharing his own experiences with D3 megadosing
Life Saving…By sillylovesongs on September 25, 2016
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LIFE SAVING!!! Don’t walk run to buy this book by Jeff T. Bowles………. Got the book, read the book and have been healing ever since…….. I started Jeff’s vitamin D3 protocol a month ago and WOW health problems I’ve had for 15 years are going away……… I had systemic fungus that destroyed my immune system and nothing but problems since Jeff’s vitamin D3 protocol is kicking butt……….. More energy, sleep like a baby, Athletes foot clearing up when nothing else worked………. Bladder infection clearing up (the dumb doctors gave it a fancy shmancy name labeled it a disease with no cure), chronic sinus infection clearing up, and fibromyalgia symptons almost completely gone………. In one month I can’t wait to see how I feel as my vitamin d level goes up…….. The vitamin d3 is literally strengthening my immune system……… I eat paleo diet never killed the systemic infection the vitamin d3 is doing that but I stick with paleo diet I believe it helps the vitamin d because it keeps inflammation down so the vitamin d3 can do its job better and faster…….. Also noticed my skin seems stronger less wrinkles…………. I guess it will take months to completely heal but I noticed a significant difference in a few weeks big huge differences my body is now able to fight back……… Thanks Jeff your a brilliant man with a big heart thanks for helping so many who suffer unnecessarily……… Make sure you take the vitamin K2……. Hugs
Skin condition of 10 years curedBy Amazon Customer on October 22, 2016
This book is one of many examples that we NEED more than 400 i.u. of vitamin d. It gives a little bit of history of how we got into this mess of thinking thus little bit was ok. We learn how to safely megadose too. My Seborrheic dermatitis, cerebral dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis went away when I spent a month in the desert training with my unit, barely bathing, which made no sense to me until I read this. I megadosed and got a lot of summer sun and it went away. We ran out of k2 so I stopped using it the d too, but it’s barely come back. It’s hereditary, but it only showed up when I started growing up and stopped playing outside in the sun. I know that once I change my diet over to a Markus Rothkranz style AND keep using the vitamin d of at least 20,000 i.u. or higher it will stay gone. One person in the book took 2 months to get rid of their condition. I megadosed starting at 10 or 20,000 adding 10,000 each day until i reached 100,000 which is where I stayed unail we ran out of k2. My condition was gone in about 2 weeks. Not everyone may be able to go as quickly as I did though. I have done many deep cleanses of my body and I’m a vegetarian. Someone might get herx syndrome, but maybe not, it is just vitamin D. Don’t kill yourself with a treatment, but don’t be afraid to do stuff like this either. Do some research so you won’t have to be afraid. This book is an important addition to the things I use to keep my wife, friends, and parents healthy. Let me add you can eat total crap and this will still help you, I’ve been eating lots of junk food like fruit loops and french fries. I still barely have any flaking even though I haven’t taken the D or K2 in about a month now. Any questions [email protected] is my personal email
I think this book is amazing however I just wanted to warn people doing this …By Anonymous on October 24, 2016
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I think this book is amazing however I just wanted to warn people doing this to consider adding Vitamin A (actual A- not beta ceretine). I was taking 30,000 iu of D3 along with 3 “Super K” K2 pills from Life Extention however after a few months I started to develop hypothyroid problems.
After reading “The Calcium Paradox” by Dr. Kate-Rheume-Bleue I realized how important Vitamin A might be.
After researching a little more I found that all of the fat soluble vitamins D,A,K2 seem work together in equal amounts & that “toxicity” may be just a deficiency of the other. There have been studies to show that adding Vitamin A to Vitamin D prevents toxicity & even though it lowers Vitamin D level in the blood the positive effects of the action in the proteins & cells is even better than with D alone.Anyway I took a megadose of 40,000 iu of A & within 24 hours I felt great & I have been continuing to take equal amounts of D & A along with the correct balance of K2 & I feel amazing!I just wanted to put this out there in case this happens to anyone else. It seems that there are other people who have had this happen & they have all been women. I’m wondering if there is a connection since women seem to have more thyroid issues than men & that Vitamin A plays a huge role in thyroid hormones & reproduction.
1 comment|30 people found this helpful. Penelope5 months ago
Vitamin A can negate the benefits of vitamin D. In an article titled “Association between pre-diagnostic circulating vitamin D concentration and risk of colorectal cancer in European populations”, published in British Medical Journal, authors point out that while supplementing vitamin D3 lowers the risk of colorectal cancer in a dose dependent fashion, co-supplementing with retinol (vitamin A) dampens this effect: “The dose-response analysis of the interaction between circulating 25-(OH)D concentration and level of dietary retinol intake (P for interaction=0.030) indicates that the inverse colorectal cancer risk association of higher 25-(OH)D was stronger at lower intakes of retinol.”
I highly recommend that anyone with COPD give this a tryBy Roger Blood on January 14, 2017
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
I read the book. I took mass doses of D3 and K2. I am no longer on COPD meds. My lungs are clear. I am running on my treadmill to get my lungs breathing hard and keep them exercised. There is one more thing that I added to the D3 and K2 and that was a supplement called Bromelain. It is made from pineapples. It helped keep the mucus out of my lungs while the D3 was doing the healing. I highly recommend that anyone with COPD give this a try. It worked for me. I was on the COPD meds for five years.
Rheumatoid ArthritisBy Tbelle on January 16, 2017
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I have suffered from Arthritis for 28 yrs. Started high doses of Vit D and for the first time in 28 yrs I am off NSAIDS and pain free!
5.0 out of 5 stars It’s awesome !By Frank Callucci on February 17, 2017
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
I had clicking in my left knee for 20 years. It’s gone within a week at 50,000 IU a day. This is awesome. I wish I knew 20 years ago !!!
I am stunned!By mom2three on March 9, 2017
I have only been taking 15000 iu of vitamin d for four days and my crippling plantar faciitis is gone. Gone. i wish the book was easier to navigate, but the info is life changing!
will keep you posted
5.0 out of 5 stars Very Powerful Information…By Zo-On on March 13, 2017
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Uterine Fibroids and Endmometriosis Endometriosis
The information contained in this book is very power. Not because I read it, but because it actually helped me! I had a large fibroid tumor and the doctors (received 2 opinions) recommended surgery to remove my entire uterus. Well guess what? After remaining on a high dosage of vitamin D3 with the proper, K2, magnesium, zinc and calcium balance–and of course, changing my diet, my last MRI showed that the tumor is now in necrosis status. What’s ironic is that my doctor at Emory in Atlanta dropped me because I refused to have the surgery. My response? Deuces! If there were a law against them doing such a thing to me, I would have sued them.
5.0 out of 5 stars Be your own advocate for your healthBy tnative on April 21, 2017
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UPDATE 5/13/17 – back to my energy like I was in 2005. (That’s not a typo, I do mean 2005 and not 2015.) Drinking one cup of coffee in the morning, not 4 cups throughout the day. However, I am going to switch to decaf as I love the flavor, and sometimes like second cup simply for the flavor craving. I used to always have a cup of decaf in the evenings after work. I love the flavor, don’t want to be kept awake past bedtime! My big left toenail is growing back to normal. What took it 9 months of damaged growth has taken 5 weeks of megadosing to grow 1/3 in already. In fact, the D3/K2 combo are both helping my nails grow so fast. I don’t get my D-levels checked until July (after 12 weeks of D2 therapy at 50,000, was what I was supposed to do.) I have energy in the evenings to go out and do yard work after I am off work. I have less appetite now as well. I am down to 30,000 iu per day. I may eventually lower this in the future, or stick with this amount. Bottom line, megadoing worked to help me achieve in 2-3 weeks (5 mile hike in 2 weeks, less coffee in 3 weeks) what was supposed to be 12 weeks and then a follow-up. I’ve felt no ill effects from megadosing. I kept a journal, listened to my body, and reduced the D3 from 100K to 30K when I had felt 100% whole.
I’m megadosing. More on that. Excellent read. Highly recommended if you trust your own instinct to bring healing to your body. Jeff jam-packs this book with research. I don’t mind what others considered “disorganized” writing. I do research and writing all my life. So Jeff’s writing makes a lot of sense to me. Seeing updated notes in his “research journal” is what true research looks like. You get to see his updates so you know he did his research. I prefer to see his ‘a-ha!” moments so I can understand his journey. The book does flow like a conversation with a friend who is excited to share a great healing secret. Nice refreshers with his updates that have encouraged me to keep my own journal as I recover from level 16 of Vitamin D deficiency. I’m already having my own ‘a-ha!’ moments and not even two weeks in. I am using Vitamin K-2 (both K2-MK4 and K2-MK7) and magnesium. With my daily journal, I saw how I got worse before I got better – but just for a few days. I was daily doing at 30,000 or 20,000 and I even skipped a day. My body became more sluggish and I had uncontrollable nap crashes – the same symptoms I had prior to seeking help. (Weight gain, too.) By the 6th day of taking D3, I had my K2 and magnesium to add. In the next seven days, I only had one nap crash, which I think was related to when I take the K2. Still figuring that one out in my daily journal.) I have some weakness later in the evenings, but my body is already doing great in the mornings. After skipping my dose five days in, I went to 30K, then 50K, then 70K, and then decided to go at 100K for a few weeks before lowering it down. I have no side effects. The one side effect that I did, I learned from my journal it was too much magnesium. My colon cleared itself out the next morning, no stomach pains, just an inadvertent colon cleansing. I cut back on my magnesium, problem solved. I’m two weeks in today with megadosing. Just skipped one day of dosing five days in, and reading my journal, that was my worst day for naps and fatigue.I also have 50% bone loss in my teeth, but no cavities since 1992 and only one root canal. Well, I can’t wait to tell my dentists about the cause of this, having teeth of a 70-year old when I am in my low 40s. It’d be interesting to see if some of this repairs itself over the years. No worries if not, as I know the Vitamin D will stop it from getting worse. My left large toe nail has been twice removed. Not a fungus – it tested negative for that. It grows, dies off, then new growth pushes it, but it stops growing and I never have to trim this nail. Podiatrist stumped over the cause for second growth. First growth pattern was from an old injury. Second growth pattern same as the first, which confused him and he said my toe nail had a trauma to it again to kill it at the root and make a new one grow. Will – after two removals, he said if it grew back a third time like that, he’d have to remove it and burn off the roots so it never grew back again. Two weeks today on megadosing, and this ugly toe nail is looking better, healthier. I’ll keep watching to see what happens. But I want to say, megadosing appears to very well be a preventative technique so I can keep my toe nail, and not lose it forever.
So far, megadosing is helping me get my life back! You can see from my other reviews, I am one who loves to be physically active. Just check out my review of my bowflex for proof! I should have one of a speed bag wall mount as well. For someone who is anti-couch potato for her personal lifestyle, megadosing is helping me get my life back, sooner. I will cut back my daily dosing. I choose to megadose because it’s late April, in the best time of year is starting to be having fun with my dogs outdoors – and now I have the energy! I was not going to waste another 3-6 months of my life to get better and a slow overly-cautious pace.
You will do yourself a favor to read a few other books on Vitamin D. Not to eliminate megadosing. Read up about it to learn how important Vitamin D is as the cure for some many things! It even helps depression. I have no interest in seeing people take mental drugs for depression when the sunshine gives us the natural cure, or doing on D3 (10,000/day is safe if you just to that.) For others, with more serious illnesses, megadosing on 50,000/day is safe for 2-4 weeks. Just read up on the reviews of some of the D3 supplements offering 50,000, or the liquid form. Your life is worth it. Please – keep a journal! It’s an individual healing method, so you have to tailor it for yourself. Educate yourself on a few books for a better well-rounded understanding. Your example might save someone else from getting ill for a lack of Vitamin D. Do incorporate K2 and magnesium. Very important. I’m reading books on that as well, but have learned of the importance from Jeff’s book and from joining an online forum (not about Jeff’s book) with other members who had the deficiency, or use newbies who have it, and share stories of how we got better, and share valuable information of what to do.
Note – so far, no bone aches and pain from healing with megadosing – but for this. Extremely sore forearms the first 10 days. I used to have carpal tunnel-like pains, never diagnosed, but maybe the Vitamin D targeted that area, my third toe nail growing back, and my daily bouts with major fatigue. I will update as time goes on.Be your own advocate for your health. Listen to your body as you do. Keep that journal. It’s the best way to gauge your own healing. Read the testimonials here, and you’ll see Jeff is on to something!
5.0 out of 5 stars Indispensable Body Maintenance, Illness Prevention and Injury Repair ReferenceBy Dawn L. Whitehead on April 24, 2017
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
I am reading this book for the fourth time just to make sure I haven’t missed anything. I have been using the info it contains to address some symptoms. I am a very healthy 74 year old woman who does not use mainstream allopathic medicine for health maintenance. I have seen an MD 4-5 times in 47 years. Over the past two or so years I have used 20,000 iu vitamin d3 to address lingering pain in shoulders from rotator cuff injuries, 7 warts on the bottoms of my feet, left hip ache which would occur ahead of rain storms from barometric pressure changes, a few little scaly fungus patches on my face, and a malformed toenail on one of my feet. All these issues were completely resolved using the D3 and K2 therapy described in this book. I would then drop back to a maintenance dose of 10,000 iu per day. I am going to up my dose again to address a “trigger finger” situation in my right hand and a mild on again off again pain in my left knee. Needless to say, I HIGHLY recommend this book. It will save you time and money. No need to see doctors who haven’t a clue or buy expensive toxic pharmaceuticals that don’t work anyway. The only side effects from D3 are surprising and welcome improvements in some other part of your body that you weren’t even thinking about!! I am now going to start giving it to my elderly doggie who has been ill lately. BTW, I have not had a cold or flu in YEARS! Everyone should have this book handy for reference in treating day to day health maintenance.
Update: Additional and very recent (as in today) d3 experience to report: I had a situation with my right hand which received a minor injury at work last September. I did not report it to workmans comp as they typically hand out drugs and do useless physical therapy. So no mainstream medical treatment was sought or used. I was looking for alternative treatments for the resulting trigger finger on the middle finger of that hand. It was swollen from mid palm to the middle joint of the finger and in addition to the frequent painful trigger snapping events, I was totally unable to lay the finger flat with the rest of the fingers, nor could I make a closed fist. Also, I could not use the hand for things like opening a jar or cutting roses due to pain.
I found an article about using an exercise of squeezing a small semi-soft ball to heal it. No luck. I tried infra red light therapy and acupressure. No good. I used ibuprophen and arnica gel topical for temporary relief, but of course did not expect a healing from the temporary methods. I absolutely refused to consider surgery as it, too, is often only a temporary solution if it works at all. Besides, potential iatrogenic issues could be really bad.
On about April 25 it occurred to me to try d3 increase for painful and now quite chronic trigger finger issues. I had been taking 10,000 iu of d3 daily with one K2 cap from Life Extension. I upped it to 25,000 d3 daily with two k2s. Low and behold, when I was out cutting roses this morning, I was able to handle the clippers easily without pain. These are really thick and thorny tea roses with very sturdy stems. It requires a firm attack with clippers and considerable pressure to cut them. At lunch time I laid my hand on the table and was pleasantly surprised to note that I could lay hand and all fingers totally flat with no pain or swelling visible and could raise wrist forward with hand still flat and no pain resulted. I next attempted a fully closed fist which I have not been able to do since early September last year. I can now close it about 90% but the attempt to close it entirely still causes pain. Even at the 90% fist close, a trigger snap and pain occurs upon release of the fist.
I am certain that continuing the high dose d3 will result in 100% recovery. Additionally, during the entire time I have had this problem, it was accompanied by a sore, swollen bony bump just about mid palm under the middle finger. At present, the bump is still there, but MUCH smaller and the swelling is completely gone. Mid-finger there is still some pain, but greatly reduced from about a five on a 1-10 scale to about a 1 and swelling there is completely gone. Quite amazing since it has only been about 10 days!
By anon1 on May 15, 2017Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
I will do an update later. But the protocol really works. I have had horrid insomnia and depression for the past few years. I hopped on this regimen and I have improved dramatically. Increased energy, mental clarity, and focus. I came into this experiment/regimen with no real huge “health issues” but just a series of mental/physical issues I would love to improve. So far, I am doing 30k of vitamin d3 and 1 super k2 in the morning. 1 capsule magnesium at night. It works at waking me up. It also puts me in a better mood. I also notice my sleep improved quite a bit. I stay rested throughout the night and have more energy throughout the day. I plan on keeping up with it for a while. I would love to get some info of the dosages or dosage ranges that one would get if they sat in the sun all day
Its been less than a week. It was hard getting out of bed just a few days ago. I will update in a month or so. For now, only experiencing benefits
4-5 week UPDATE:
I kicked up my k2 dosages up to 5 capsules of the super k2, and 5 capsules of d3. after about 1.5 weeks of the experiment, I crashed. On the day of a huge job interview, my fingers began getting tingly and I got really tired, dizzy and pukey. luckily, I put a smile on and went in for the job interview. I did great on the interview, but decided to stop the protocol. After I stopped the protocol completely, my symptoms were absolutely horrid for a week or two. I had some sort of hypothyroid. I later got a blood test which confirmed that my tsh was slightly off and my t4 was WAY off. I felt way off. I had tons of gas, low energy. Headaches. Insanely dark/deep depression. low energy and my spatial awareness was way off.I got the job offer, my dream job, and I am done with school. So I spent the past week or so recuperating. Sleeping and watching netflix. I slowly have been getting better. my close friend had lunch with me and told me that I was acting “off”I tried to see what could improve to speed up this process. The same way that the author recommends supplementing d3 with k2, to ensure you don’t get toxic symptoms, it seems that vitamin a and many other minerals are needed too. As I began reading more and more I added things into my supp recovery stack one by one. Magnesium, calcium and zinc as one capsule before I slept helped my constipation and headaches. I added in brazil nuts as they are high in selenium. 1-2 nuts a day provides many nutrients needed for optimal thyroid health. Finally, I read another review of someone who had hypothyroid issues as well. They added in vitamin a and their symptoms started to clear within 24 hours. I will take 1 capsule vitamin a and 1 capsule of vitamin e and report back in a week or so
But overall, this protocol had immense benefits at first. Sadly, my thyroid tanked and I suffered horribly for the past few weeks. I think it had the potential to be beneficial. but I will not try it until this protocol has been better researched. most people in the review section have little to no issues. I had horrid/extreme hypothyroid (severe depression, fatigue, etc.)
If you choose to start this protocol, I strongly suggest supplementing 1 capsule of quality vitamin a, and a calcium, magnesium, zinc before bedtime. Brazil nuts won’t hurt either
1.0 out of 5 stars Do not Follow the Recommendations in this Book! Bad resultsBy Stargazer1111 on May 21, 2017
I am a biochemistry graduate student and someone who has experimented with high-dose vitamin D before. This book is full of pseudoscience and is irresponsibly written. One of the most important topics left out by Bowles is your calcium intake. How much calcium do you get? If you take very large doses of vitamin D and are someone who consumes a lot of dairy regularly, you may be in for an unpleasant surprise.
I had been taking 15,000 IU of D daily for a few months and felt fine. I also was eating a Ray Peat-inspired diet that contained a lot of milk which led to a daily calcium intake of between 1500 and 2000 mg. Before anyone tries to claim that the D led to a deficiency in magnesium or K2, I was taking both. About 1000 mg of magnesium and several mg of K2 daily.
I finally decided to up the dose to 30,000 IU daily on the advice of this book. Within in two days, I developed a serious tachycardia. My heart was beating about 190 beats per minute. I landed in the hospital where it was discovered that I had hypercalcemia (high blood calcium) and hypokalemia (low blood potassium). .
Vitamin D induces potassium wasting by the kidneys. Several studies have been done documenting this fact. Look it up.
I discontinued the D, stopped consuming the dairy, and am taking large doses of potassium citrate. Within 10 minutes of being given both potassium and magnesium, my heart rate went back to about 95 beats per minute.
Although this may not happen for everyone that consumes the amounts recommended in Bowles’s book, I recommend not risking it. You don’t know what might happen. I was lucky because I live across the street from a hospital.
Hi Jeff. I was wondering how long it would take you to post.
First of all, some of the healthiest cultures in the world have a high calcium intake and are in the sun a lot. The Maasai tribe and their large intake of milk comes to mind.
Second of all, vitamin D has been shown to induce potassium wasting irrespective of the blood calcium level.
Also, what little science you do cite, you have cherry picked. You ignore the science showing that a lower vitamin D level correlates to a greater longevity.
Well this reviewer better stay out of the sun because your body can make almost 30,000 IU’s of d3 just by sunbathing 1/2 hour… I believe the book suggests that people NOT take any extra calcium with high dose D3…And suggests one should test one’s D3 and blood calcium from time to time. Any rudimentary search of the web these days will quickly bring up advice NOT to take extra calcium with high dose D3 AND there are many sites where they tell you to avoid calcium and drink extra water. when taking d3 Likely it was taking that extra calcium that caused the problems, and it was likely a lot more that 1 to 2 grams of extra calcium per day.
Five StarsBy Amazon Customer on 8 March 2017
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Cold sores heal in less than half the time they used to. Only appear when not taking.
5.0 out of 5 stars Thanks Jeff, this is revolutionaryBy Inspector on 5 March 2017
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Too soon to see any concrete results but I generally feel much better in myself, after a week. Asthma, lower back pain, depression, arthritis, all seem to be less of a problem. A toe nail that I damaged months ago has come off. Is this a sign of repair starting? I’m taking 30,000 iu D3 and 1 gram (10 x 100mcg) of Mk7 K2 per day. I’m 70 in June 2017 and now feel some hope for my old age 😉 Rennie Tony Clifton 2 months agoIn reply toan earlier post
Edit | Deleteit’s kicking in get ready for blast off 10 9 8 7 …….heart racing is rare
Inspector2 months agoIn reply toan earlier postReport abuse
Yes, thanks for the correction. I’m not used with describing micrograms as mcg. I would normally use the Greek mu symbol. That confused me.
I ordered some Magnesium Orotate, which I just received today. I’ll be taking that from now on even though I haven’t experienced any heart racing so far.
The new toe-nail has appeared already. I don’t know if that’s a coincidence or the effect of the supplements. One other thing I noticed is that I was on my feet a lot more today, standing rather than walking, and this usually results in a lot of joint pain. However, I hardly noticed any discomfort this evening.
Tony Clifton 2 months agoHello there
I heard that in Germany there is a doctor who has his patients take 100,000 iu of d3 a day for 1 week to fill up the tank then they go to their maintenance dose of 10 to 20,000 iu a day
he also makes sure they take magnesium just to avoid the rare chance of aggravating a magnesium deficiency which can lead to heart racing in rare cases
I think his book is called healthy in 7 days
i bet that toenail is getting remodeled
and I think 10 x 100 mcg = 1 mg because 1000 mcg = 1mg keep us posted!
5.0 out of 5 stars AmazingBy Peter Neill on 21 February 2017
I’m really glad I decided to download this book. My son that has had really bad asthma since birth, along with really bad eczema has miraculously been cured by taking vitamin d3. We have been in and out of hospital, seen endless doctors for years telling us to up the asthma medication and steroid creams for his skin, none of which improved anything. The doctors are absolutely useless and myself and my wife now believe that if you get sick you do Your Own research. We started him on d3, his skin is completely clear of eczema and his asthma is gone. I can’t believe that the so called medical professionals would not know or even mention taking something as simple as vitamin d3. Anyway thanks for the great information in this book, easily the best thing I’ve read in years and I would recommend everyone give it a read..
5.0 out of 5 stars GOOD READBy Alison parsons on 14 November 2016
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Excellent book I learnt loads from reading this and now I take highest dose of vit 3 10,000 iu and k2 as explained in the book
It reads very well and by taking both vitamins I am now pain free ..
a must read and very interesting
Excellent improvement in rosaceaBy Janna Sigwart on 17 October 2016
I ordered this book upon noticing that each time I have been in the sun, my facial redness goes down the day after. And then I noticed the opposite effect as the sunless days string up one after another.
So I thought that there must be a link. I looked and found this book. Convinced by the evidence presented by the author and many reviewers here, I decided to give the D3/K2 therapy a try. I started with 5,000 IU and accelerated to 40,000 IU within three weeks, adding 10,000 every five to seven days or so. Like many people I saw my energy level increase dramatically. From being constantly tired I transformed into energetic and very productive. Number of hours needed for sleep reduced from 8-9 to 6. And of course, my rosacea has seen a big improvement. But I did not have it in a severe form to begin with. Mine was level 2 that is considered mild. Nevertheless permanent redness on cheeks, nose and chin bothered me enough to have to wear foundation to cover it.Since I started the therapy, I don’t wear anything – there is no need. Every morning I wake up, and find my face of normal colour. This feels like a great relief to me, if you know what I mean. Then as the day proceeds, especially with its stresses, I notice that some of the redness comes back. The more stress I have in a day, or if I have a glass of wine, the more redness comes back, but then it always quickly subsides. Before if I had a flair up, it’d take a few hours to settle. Now it takes under an hour. Skin in general is very clear, no acne.
Cautious after I read some reviews here, at three weeks I decided to have my D levels checked as well as serum calcium. And I am glad I did. The D level has just gone beyond the upper limit of the acceptable in the UK range. I got 175 nmol/l whereas the conventional range is 50-174 nmol/l. All other metrics, such as serum calcium and serum phosphate were absolutely normal. Fantastic. But now what do I do from here?? I can’t just continue loading up on the D or soon I will have at a toxicity risk, while rosacea is improved but not yet cured. Even if go by the American Vitamin D guidance, and by the author’s recommendation of 90-100 ng/ml which is 225-250 nmol/l, I will have reached this level very soon. No sure what to do after. To continue with a small maintenance dose keeping D serum at this high end of the normal range hoping that after some months the condition will be cured? I will write an update.
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Tony Clifton 6 months agoHello there
AS long as you keep checking your blood calcium level and it is normal you have nothing to fear you could have a d3 level of 1 million!! The only toxic risk is excess calcium in the blood that is why you take the K2 it puts the calcium back in your bones. D3 itself is completely non toxic
Lifeguards who do not use sunscreen often have d3 levels of 125 ng/ml which is about 325 nmol/l. One risk lifeguards suffer is a much higher risk of calcium kidney stones as compared to the general population>>but if they took k2 they would not have this problem>> Even if your calcium goes over the upper limit it is still very easy to correct just stop the d3 for awhile and keep taking k2>> as compared to drugs that BigPharma sells to you>>vitamin D3 is maybe 95% safer!!!! There really is very little risk if you are not stupid about it.
5.0 out of 5 stars I ordered this book recommended by a friend as I suffer from RA and …By Mrs. Adelheid Sharpe on 30 August 2016
Format: Paperback|Verified Purchase
I ordered this book recommended by a friend as I suffer from RA and am trying to find some natural way of dealing with this health issue. When I started reading the book, I could not put it down and read it within a few days. Absolutely fascinating and a true eye opener indeed, especially as I am quite knowledgeable when it comes to “Mother Nature’s” health benefits. I immediately embarked on an experiment with a high dose of D-3 and Super K. After only one week, my jaw click vanished, just amazing. I am on day 14 now, increased the dose to 70.000 iu plus 7 Super K and I already find a vast improvement of the neck and head pain which had me in more tears than I can remember before starting this experiment. Overall the pain in other parts of my body have also decreased. Not only have I stopped taking any pain medication, I also can already move my head more freely with only a little discomfort, just awesome! Cannot thank Jeff enough for studying this subject and letting the world know about it. Thank you so much
Its a well written book and the theories sound very …By RobinS on 5 August 2016
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
Its a well written book and the theories sound very plausible, however I took 20,000 iu D3 + K for a couple of months and it didn’t help my clicking shoulder so no miracles for me, I will stick to taking the D3 during the winter
Tony Clifton 9 months ago
I also heard if you are over the age of 40- In addition to d3 you need to take oral Hyaluronic Acid
to get rid of clicking joints as after age 40 our hyaluronic acid levels decline dramatically and HA makes up about 80% of our joints and lubricates them and is also in our tendons!
Tony Clifton 9 months ago (Edited)
I hear some people are very insensitive to d3 and need much higher amounts to boost their blood levels>>>>so take 20k again and GET A TEST
you should shoot for 125 ng/ml I hear iof you want to cure problems in the uk they multiply 100 ng/ ml by 2.5 to get 250 nmol/l
make sure you convert your test scores to ng/ml!
the only way to find out is by blood testing!!
5.0 out of 5 stars A Life Changer!!!By M Power on 19 May 2016
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia 3 years ago. I’ve spent countless hours travelling to and from specialist appointments trying to find a way of ‘coping’ with the pains and complications you get with Fibro. The only thing they could do was mask the pain with addictive pain killers.
I was already researching Vitamin D3 when I stumbled across this book and decided to give it a go. After reading it I decided to order some good quality Vit K2 Super and Vit D3. I had been tested a month or so before as being extremely deficient of D3. Being a big bloke I decided to jump straight in and took 60,000iu a day along with the relevant K2 dosage. 7 weeks in and I have more energy than I’ve had for at least 12 years. I sleep fairly well (sleep disruption is down to a dysplastic hip) but better than I have done for a long time. I have gone from falling asleep after getting home from work to spending a couple of hours gardening instead.
My weekends are full of finishing DIY jobs that haven’t moved for years, dog walking and taking the wife shopping. Not feeling sorry for myself on the sofa due to the pain I was in. I felt 67 not 47 years old.
My aim is to keep this up for another 2 weeks then drop down to 20,000iu for 3 months and see how I feel. Then maybe go back to 60,000iu for 2-3 months.
All doctors seem to want is to get you to a sufficient level of vitamin D3…not an optimal level.
I can’t recommend this book any more higher. Yes, it rambles in parts but stick with it because it all falls into place and is worth every penny of the £2.39 asking price. Its not the longest of books so just buy it!!
If you’re in the position I was in 6 weeks ago, you have nothing to lose and a life to gain back!
5.0 out of 5 stars Another good read and am following it’s guidelinesBy E. Thompson on 5 May 2016
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Another good read and am following it’s guidelines. I’m not taking a massive dose of vitamin D yet but I have been taking 5-10000iu a day for over a year now and haven’t succumbed to any illness that has swept through the office. I used to get colds a fair bit and always picked up whatever was going round so I’m convinced that vitamin D is the key. I added K2 about 3 weeks ago when I read the book but I haven’t noticed any difference yet.
So informative, but more questionsBy Susan on 12 February 2016
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This book is fascinating. Yes, the author jumps about a bit, and it would benefit from proper editing, but his enthusiasm for the subject shines out, and he has obviously extensively researched it. The book is very informative and he is clear on the need for balance with Vit K2. I have 2 questions that I hope someone can answer. 1 ~ Several people have referred to arthritis being cured. Do they mean rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis?
2 ~ After 10 days of 30,000 IUs Vit D3 and 3 daily softgels of Life Extension Super K, I notice my heart pounding fast each night when I lie down, and yesterday one thumb started twitching. Could this be the K2? Should I cut down or change brands? Susan1 year ago thank you Charles. I should have realised this myself, as I’ve been taking 2.5ml magnesium daily for the past 6 months to deal with pulsatile tinnitus. Along with the other things, this has now come back. I’ve found the page (116) in the book which addresses this. So, I took a double dose of magnesium this morning, and the thumb tremor stopped within minutes. I’ll take more tonight to see how that works, and monitor it over the next few days. Thanks again for pointing me in the right direction.
Also, hyaluronic acid ~ something else to check out! Charles Darwin1 year ago (Edited)
also d3 is good for RA and seems to lessen arthritis pains at lower doses but can temproarily increase pain at higher doses as the bones undergo remodeling
for people with cracking joints especially over age 40….500mg a day to 1000mg a day of hyaluronic acid should completely knock out all pains in achey itn is naturally made by your body and is found in your skin, joints and cartilage but starts decling after age 40 and is 75% lower by age 75!!Charles Darwin1 year ago It sounds like th d3 you are taking is aggravating an underlying magnesium deficiency-you should stop the d3 /k2 and high dose some magnesium for a few days then start taking a daily magnesium supplement forever /then add back the d3 and k2…..just a guess symptoms include both:Classic “Clinical” Symptoms. These physical signs of magnesium deficiency are clearly related to both its physiological role and its significant impact on the healthy balance of minerals such as calcium and potassium. Tics, muscle spasms and cramps, seizures, anxiety, and irregular heart rhythms are among the classic signs and symptoms of low magnesium. (A complete list of the symptoms of magnesium deficiency follows.)
“Sub-clinical” or “Latent” Symptoms. These symptoms are present but concealed by an inability to distinguish their signs from other disease states. Caused by low magnesium intake prevalent in nearly all industrialized nations, they can include migraine headaches, insomnia, depression, and chronic fatigue, among others. Painful muscle spasms?
Muscle cramping?
Facial tics?
Eye twitches, or involuntary eye movements?
Followed the advice in this book which leads you to …By samuel spaniel on 6 January 2016
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Followed the advice in this book which leads you to believe this is the answer to all your health problems. After several months I can confirm it has made no difference whatsoever.>>>
Both my wife and I had our levels checked once or twice a year. We got our levels to the high 70s but no improvement in health. We took 5,000 to 10,000 IUs a day for a number of years. For the past year we have taken none but are now applying Morley Robbins protocol to correct mineral imbalances and our health problems are improving. We haven’t even followed his protocol 100% yet.Tony Clifton 1 year ago (Edited)>>>>
I did a little research..there are a group of non responders to cholecalciferol (Vit D3) who cannot convert vitamin d3 into the active form of d3 whcih is calcitriol
So if you really want to get Vit D3 action and you are a non responder you need to get your hands on some calcitriol and take muich smaller dosages like 1 mcg or less/ it is much more potent….you can find calcitriol on the internet for your pets without a prescription sometimes
Tony Clifton 1 year agoyou likely did not get your blood levels tested for d3 levels….
you can tell if you have a bogus or mis-dosed product when after you take it for a month
your blood d3 levels do not change
if I were you I would
get a blood test
switch brands and boost the dose
then test again in a month
5.0 out of 5 stars This book really will change lives!By angel emma on 26 December 2015
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For about 3 or 4 years I had been experiencing some very strange symptoms in my health some severe some very slight. The first things I experienced was consistent tiredness and fatigue, this has been going on the longest but in all honesty I put this down to my less than perfect diet, the fact that I work long hours and my on and off trouble with sleeping. I also experienced a mild to severe depression on and off and a total lack of motivation to complete tasks or achieve anything as it were. Again I thought this was down to other cuases such as because I had been single for a while, and was not in my ideal job est. But about two years ago things started to get a lot worse, and I experienced the onset of two very worrying health conditions. Firstly my hair started to fall out, every time I washed it, it would come out in handfuls. I found this very stressful as I am only 31 years old and previously I had very long hair which was in great condition, and although it has never been thick it was thick enough to hold a style nicely. As time went on my hair started to look noticeably thinner and scraggly and I no longer dared dye it for fear of making things worse. I went to my GP about the hair loss but all the blood tests they did came back as normal, then after about 4months it just randomly stopped falling out as quickly as it started, I was over the moon! obviously I was still worried as to why it had started in the first place but was just so relieved that it appeared to have stopped and as the months went by my hair started to thicken up again.
Then last October time the hair loss randomly started again, but even worse than it had been the year before. On top of this I noticed that my vision was becoming blurry ay work and I was struggling to focus on people when I was speaking to them, almost like my eyes were wanting to go in opposite directions from were I wanted them to! I started to experience horrendous migraines which I had never suffered from before and then one day a couple of weeks after this had first started the muscle in my right eye simply seemed to give up the ghost and I was left with lazy eye! I would be looking at someone or something when all of a sudden my eye would start drifting around and there were absolutely nothing I could do about it. I went to my doctors who were useless, the doctor seemed very disinterested and simply said I would have to go to the opticians. By this point I had also developed what was called nystagmus in both eyes, which is were the eyes move either from side to side or up and down uncontrollably. it was extremely uncomfortable as my eyes became so sore and red as they were constantly moving around even when I was a sleep and it made it virtually impossible to focus on anything. I couldn’t even see the TV unless I was virtually sat on top of it! Writing this I have almost forgot how bad things were, but it really was one of the most difficult times of my life. I was terrified as I didn’t understand what was happening to me or if it would ever get better, and to top of it all my hair was still falling out as well. The opticians on the other hand were brilliant, and referred me to the hospital were eventually after several months I underwent an adult squint operation to correct the movement in my right eye, as the muscle I later learned literally had given way. Luckily this operation has sorted out the problem although my eye didn’t heal very well, as I have been left with scar tissue so when I am tired or stressed part of my eye turns very red and sore and I still suffer from mild nystagmus, although this is nowhere as bad as it was. I had also been suffering from reoccurring bouts of thrush for about 3 years and no matter what I tried I just couldn’t shift it, it made sex painful and uncomfortable and if nothing else was just a nuisance. In addition I started to suffer from reoccurring fungal nail infections which I would treat, new nails would grew then the fungus just seemed to return again.
Several months ago I also finally got to my wits end about my hair falling out, as again this year in October it once again started to fallt. I went back to the doctors again but still no joy, so I decided to make a consultation with a hair specialist (trichologist) at the Claremont hospital. The first thing he recommended was certain blood tests but in different reference ranges to what the doctors would normally measure with, he advised that apparently the levels doctors class as sufficient of certain vitamins a specialist would class as way under, so he wrote to my GP and off I went for my blood tests. When the results came back everything was ok other than MY VITAMIN D this was way, way under what it should be at 22ng/ml. I gave the specialist my results and he immediately said this was the problem, potentially together with my implant contraception which is progesterone based. Progesterone although a female hormone which is mainly used to support the development of a pregnancy, is derived from testosterone so if levels are too high it can result in hair loss. Because my vitamin D levels are so low the doctor has started me on 20,000 iu of vitamin D a day for 3 weeks, and it was this discovery in my deficiency that sparked my interest in reading this book.
After reading Jeff’s book I feel like I have stumbled upon a gold mine, absolutely everything I have been experiencing for the past few years finally makes sense. The chronic tiredness which I had pretty much wrote off “as one of those things” the mild to severe depression, the total lack of motivation to do anything or make any progress with things. My hair loss, the reoccurring bouts of thrush and fungal nail infections that I just couldn’t shift. I am even potentially putting my eye problems down to this as well, as vitamin D deficiency causes muscle weakness and although the surgeon suggested that I had probably always had an inherent weakness in my right eye, the fact that I have been vitamin D deficient for so long has probably caused the muscle to be pushed “over the edge” and finally given up the ghost in being able to function sufficiently. I have been taking the vitamin D prescribed by the doctor for about a week now, and in terms of energy levels I am already feeling better to the point were I am struggling to get to sleep at night as I am simply not tired! I had forgotten how it felt not to get to 9pm and be ready for bed when I am only 31years old! What I did find slightly worrying though was that the doctor did not recommend me taking any K2 vitamin to balance out the high levels of vitamin D she had prescribed for me. Whether she thought this wouldn’t matter as she only put me up a 3week course of 20,000 iu which was to be reduced to 800 iu for 2 further months after, or if this is because she simply doesn’t have the knowledge I don’t know! but I think it highlights how far behind the medical profession as a whole really are…
On reflection my vitamin D deficiency is not surprising. I work at a veterinary practice so work long hours, often 11hour shifts at a time and in winter I arrive at work in the dark and leave work in the dark, we do not get proper lunch brakes to enable me to go outside to get any fresh air and I have not been abroad the last couple of years to top up my levels. I agree with Jeff that probably the majority of the nation are vitamin D deficient and simply do not realise it. I will be telling everyone I know about the wonders of vitamin D and believe it is something which should be made common knowledge to people. I also definitely agree with Jeff that the big pharmaceutical companies have a lot to answer for and I do think he is at least partially right in that they do withhold certain information from the general public in order to make money. This has happened in many areas such as with St Johns wart, I know a lady who used to work for a big pharmaceutical company and she said as soon as they latched on to the effectiveness of St johns wart as an antidepressant they went out of their way to make it as difficult and expensive for people to get hold off as possible, as if used properly would likely leave the majority of antidepressants redundant. The more research I do the more I am starting to think that there is a natural alternative to virtually all medication and in order to ease all health conditions. I do believe we are kept in the dark “literally on purpose” as I am starting to put all the pieces together and have come to the conclusion that it is our modern day life styles that have created potentially most if not all of the health conditions we suffer from. We have lost the natural rhythms of life which used to work in tune with nature, as fresh air, sunshine and natural grown foods without the addition of additives and chemicals used to keep us healthy and happy. I am hopeful though that as time goes on more and more ancient knowledge will start to come back to help us and that eventually the self created “dark holes” we seem to have put ourselves in will be eradicated and we will once again return to nature.09.01.2016Just a quick update, I have been taking the 20,000iu vitamin D for around 3weeks now and started to run into a few problems sleeping at night, as I literally have too much energy now! but have since discovered that vitamin D should always be taken first thing in the morning as it temporally blocks the production of melatonin which is the hormone that helps us get a good nights sleep. I took it first thing yesterday and did seem a lot better last night so fingers crossed I’ve cracked it now 🙂
Am trying out the recommended high dose and at first I was very tired …By westberks on 14 December 2015
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Am trying out the recommended high dose and at first I was very tired am now gaining extra strength and little improvements all over my body.
5.0 out of 5 stars Great ReadBy Bycro on 9 December 2015
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Very interesting and informative.
What Jeff writes in this book makes for a lot of sense to me . Hats off to him for for bringing this information to all, written in an informative way. Personally I take 10,000 iu of vit D3 a day along with K2 & MK7 and magnesium, and have never felt better. I run a lot and this combination helps me better than anything else I have tried for muscle fatigue, stiffness and injury. Oh, nearly forgot to mention really helps with varicose veins.
4.0 out of 5 stars I want to try it for the aches and pains I get and husband bought some to try for his bad knees and back although the dose boughBy su48 on 5 November 2015
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Interesting and compelling seems to be a cure-all treatment, I want to try it for the aches and pains I get and husband bought some to try for his bad knees and back although the dose bought is not a mega dose. If you suffer with pain this seems a miracle cure and really is so tempting to try as although it’s not an instant cure the results are definitely worth giving it a try. Only issue may be the cost, for such mega doses it is probably quite an investment but if the results are what they say it would be worth it for sure
I felt great. Was not sick at all during the winter …By Mrs. K. Ancuta on 29 October 2015
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Interesting book. I have bought it a year ago. I have been on 5000 IU of vit D3 [with the addition of K2] for first 6 months. I felt great. Was not sick at all during the winter months, although I am commuting in a overcrowded train with many people always being sick. Then I thought of increasing the dosage just because I had a swollen foot. It was broken about 20 years ago and it never got healed properly. After being on 20,000IU of vit d3 and between 1000 to 2200 a day of K2 the swelling on my foot started visibly shrinking. It does not hurt any more [it used to because of the swelling] and I am not embarrassed to show it in sandals.
thank you!
5.0 out of 5 stars I can confirm that Jeff Bowless is into something. …By Stelucia on 17 October 2015
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I can confirm that Jeff Bowless is into something. Large doses of D3 ( between 80000-100000 IU) given 2-3 days make any cold disappear. I have chronic sinusitis and every winter I was getting serious colds with forehead and throat pains, cough and bronchitis. After reading Jeff’s book I decided to take 100000 IU D3 and 5mg K2 at the first sign of cold. The cold simply disappeared in 24 hours. A couple of weeks later, my son asked if I have something to give him against cold as he was feeling under the water. I gave him 80000 IU and the next day the cold was gone. In both cases I did not use any vitamin C.
Last week I got a streptococcus infection from a work colleague. He was in serious pain (throat abscess) and was given antibiotics. At the first sign of cold I took 100000 IU. The infection turned to be quite serious so I had to take this dose for three days along with vitamin K2. Although unpleasant, I did not have any throat or sinus pain, only a bit of pain in the nose area. Knowing that is was a streptococcus infection, I took also daily 2.5 grams of niacin (vitamin B3) who has antibiotics properties. By the fifth day I was completely healed.
This author and book will change your life forever.By A Haddonon 27 September 2015
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I read this book while on holiday in July 2015. This book has changed my life for good. We went on a cruise, mainly because I was unable to walk due to my condition fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. Jeff Bowles writes about high doses of vitamin d3. I’m a very pale skinned Welsh lady who never ever goes in the sun unless I’m protected. As soon as I got home I order the d3 supplement along with k2 as stated in the book. Within 3 days I was able to put my feet on the floor with out the pain, within one month I was able to get out of bed unaided and also clean my home without help. Since July I have bought a bike and I ride 13km daily, I walk my dogs 3km daily and I have been discharged from hospital. I have also lost 18lbs in weight. I’m 45 and I’m getting around like I did in my teens.My mum had cancer and was wasting away. You should see her now. I’ve also stared my dogs and friends dogs on it and it’s cured my friends dog of arthritis and my spaniel is now running like a pup. What an amazing book and a big thank you from a little village in Wales to Mr Jeff Bowles. He is amazing.
It does work!!By Amazon Customer on 12 August 2015
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Just started to try it, but I can attest that it does work. Vision is better, appetite has lessened massively , and I can feel weight loss actually working.
A Must Read in Conjunction with Orthomolecular Medicine For Everyone By Dr. Abram HofferBy johnp on 9 August 2015
Before reading this book, I highly suggest a ‘Must Read’ is “Orthomolecular Medicine for Everyone” by Dr. Abram Hoffer. It will make reading Jeff’s outstanding book, even more helpful to your health. PHD/MD Hoffer, and PHD/Nobel Laureate Linus Pauling developed the fields of Orthomolecular Medicine, Orthomolecular Psychiatry and Orthmolecular Nutrition. Orthomolecular Medicine uses nutrition and high doses of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes and sometimes natural hormones to treat diseases. Hoffer in fact used high doses of Vitamin D3 to treat lupus, cancer, etc in conjunction with other vitamins. However, he never really uncovered how high you might have to go, like Jeff did and the Vitamin K2 and Vitamin D3 paradox was not well understood when he developed Orthomolecular medicine in the 50s-80s. When Vitamin D3/K2 are used with other cofactor vitamins and minerals, I suspect the healing will be even greater than Jeff reported. Thanks to Mr. Bowles pioneering work, I took my Vitamin D3 dose from 10k IU a day to 40k IU and saw a remarkable healing of my Crohn’s condition.
M. W. Ellwood Hi, I see a fellow enthusiast for Hoffer/Pauling.
One question: did you ever experience headaches after increasing the D3 dose?
In the past, I have sometimes experienced this, and it sometimes, although not always, coincided with >10,000 IU / day doses.
5.0 out of 5 stars A note on the author the theory of this book makes perfect sense I am very big into nutrition and every …By brendan smith on 1 August 2015
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I have a slight twist to my upper spine due to being very right hand dominant growing up, I used the egoscue technique to try to straighten myself out so I could heal. But my muscles were always too strong or stiff. I am 37 and I was starting to feel very old! I have been taking high doses D3 with K2 (from Oxford vitality 1000 pills for £22) and after about two weeks my wrist started hurting then became more flexible after 4 weeks (I broke when I was 25 and had lees flexibility) then my elbows and shoulders and hips and area between shoulderblades which is where my twist seems to occur started hurting but the pain was probably 3/10 but the real miracle was that from about end of week 1 all my muscles started to become much more flexible and relaxed I think my overall muscular tension has gone from 8 to about 2/10. A note on the author the theory of this book makes perfect sense I am very big into nutrition and every page reveals a massive ahah moment, I’m kicking myself for not looking into D3 myself and joining up the dots… he is truely the Shirlock Holmes of Vitamin D and I like the jumping around from subject to subject as it seems to much my curious mind. Am telling everyone I know of this book 🙂 AMAZING….
Feeling great!By Amie on 22 June 2015
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I found the links that the author made between different conditions compelling and logical. I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes at 30 (which is young for type 2) and nobody could really tell me why. I’m relatively healthy and a little doughy around the edges, not obese.
I take loads of medication and a fair bit of it makes me feel pretty terrible from time to time. I felt thoroughly unhappy with my diagnosis and treatment, so I was looking for an alternative.
So I read this (and many others) and thought I would give it a go. I have taken a high dose of d3 for a few months now. I have more energy than ever!
It hasn’t done much to help my diabetes yet but I really feel that it is sorting out some of the other various niggles first before my body gets on with the biggie!! Even if it doesn’t do anything, the refreshing positivity and hope that this book gives you will perk you up.
Kudos to the author and his research. While I don’t especially agree with the conspiracies etc (I live in the UK so there would be no benefit to the NHS withholding the information) I do agree that the scientific and medical community don’t spend enough time looking at the evolutionarily natural options like d3.
I will most likely find other books by the same author to see what else he has for us!! Hello AMie
I have heard that for some things it takes longer than a few months…The author said it took 2 years to get rid of his adult onset allergies. SO it might take a few years to get rid of your high blood sugar…..please keep us posted!
5.0 out of 5 stars At 31, I was slowly dying without my doctor being able to do anything for me. This book has. READ IT.By Merima on 21 May 2015
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Originally from continental Europe, I live in the UK for the last 8 years now. I moved at the age of 22, initially to get a Bachelor degree and ended up staying here. Pretty much since I moved here my health started going down. I started having issues with my back, neck and knees amongst other, I had visited all sorts of doctors over the years to only be told I needed doing more exercise, rest etc. I did physio sessions which helped for two days or so and then the pain would come back. I did acupuncture and cupping which would both help for a week or so to again start having pains all over my body and particularly all over the back, neck and shoulders. I started having really low energy too, put on weight (72kgs vs. 58kgs when I first came here), having vertigo and just really feeling unwell and sick.
The situation got really bad last summer and I visited my GP twice and emergency services once due to severe heart palpitations. Three times I told them my condition and how I felt to just be sent back home saying I was tired and needed rest and exercise. I tried that but ended up being really really unwell still. What did not help at the time was that I worked a lot too and because I could not sustain the lifestyle no longer as literally felt dying, I quit my work and went back to France for a long vacation. This helped a little, as I was exposed to sun a little more but still not much as over the years I lost the habit to sit on the sun or if I did I often applied sun screen. I got back in October last year and the issues started back a couple of weeks into it. I got a new job again and started work. Within weeks, I started feeling really really ill again, I had pains all over my body, this time also started having severe pains in my knees and arms, some days I would have an entire part of my body go numb and I just couldn’t hold it together. I left that second job two months into it.
I spoke little about my issues around me, just pretending things were fine. The only people I spoke of it were my mum and my boyfriend. Being sick to hear me moan of how ill I was every single day, they both told me to go do a blood test and see what was going on. I did that and the results came fine, a part the vitamin D, which was ridiculously low. I had 13mg/L on the UK measuring scale (there seems to be various ones around).
My GP gave me a course of vitamin D3 supplements for 9 weeks, of 50,000uis per week. I got on it straight away and initially experienced issues as by body was “freaking out” with all of this vitamin being literately thrown at it at once. This went away gradually. I needed heaps of sleep as well at first for the first couple of weeks. I would sleep 12 to 14h a day and still feel tired.
At the same time, because I ignored what vitamin D was apart that it helped Calcium get into out bones, I started reading articles, and watching videos from experts on the topic. I then came across the video that Jeff did on a radio program (via Youtube) and it instantly made sense. I decided to buy a book and decided to get the vitamin K2 and additional vitamin D3, beyond the dose I got given by my GP.
I am currently a month and a half into it. I already feel so so so so much better. It’s indescribable. I still have joint pains, but I have lots of energy like I can’t remember I had last time. I feel a lot better generally speaking, my mood’s lifted, and my body functions a lot better overall. With years, I have stopped to eat many foods as I was intolerant to them, becoming almost vegetarian and for the last few weeks I can eat all sorts of food again.
It feels marvellous and I have bought worth of a couple of hundred pounds worth of vitamins to distribute around me to friends and family who I know suffer of similar problems. I think people will be more likely to get on it and try if they are being given the product and told the story. I can not thank Jeff enough for his amazing book and research and his insightful concept on the hibernation theory. It makes so much sense that it’s ridiculous we have all been fooled for so long.
I am spreading the word, have been sending links and articles to all my friends and I am just writing this up to recommend to other people to get on it as soon as they possibly can. I am 31 now and I am hopeful I have a healthy future ahead of me. I am just so thankful this all happened the way it has and I am able to spread the word now. Thanks again Jeff.
5.0 out of 5 stars great bookBy topsy on 9 April 2015
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Excellent book written with passion I had already ordered the Vit D3 before I got the book but the book has encouraged me to take a larger dose than I would have taken but I’m not brave enough at the moment to try larger dose. I’ve taken it for a week now and noticed the muscle pain in my left arm has gone. Expecting greater things than this though.
The information in this book is priceless!…buy it….read it…..and reap the rewards!By Pure on 8 April 2015
The information in this book is priceless.
At this stage i have just been taking a low dose of 2000 IU/day for approximately 2 months and have already seen dramatic benefits.
I had 2 rock-hard beneign cyst behind my right ear, (which i am convinced are from 15 years of talking on my mobile phone. I am right handed, and had a mobile phone from age 16, i was very undeveolped and i only weighed 6 1/2 stone, which i believe made me even more suscepable to the radiation they emit) even at this early stage the cysts have shrunk in size by 85%!!!
As with anything ground breaking or that goes against the commonly held beliefs, i viewed the book with excitement, open mindedness but also skepticism. However, this huge result at this early stage has given me even more confidence, belief an appreciation for the information and i am looking forward to my high dose experiment.
3.0 out of 5 stars Lots of interesting ideas.By mtse on 2 March 2015
I borrowed on Amazon Prime and read on my Kindle. Lots of interesting ideas.
I have started on 30k-40k per day along with life extension k2 (1 tablet per 10k). And not really noticed any difference except really tired. Will report back again.Happy Larey1 year ago
I found taking magnesium helped with the tiredness. Also, when your body is trying to heal it’s natural to feel a little more tired as your body is putting in more of your energy into this healing process.
5.0 out of 5 stars So far, so goodBy urs on 1 March 2015
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Very interesting. I used to take 1000iu per day in line with general suggestions mainly because I felt a little afraid of over dosing as medics will imply but now have started 10,000iu per day and after a couple of weeks I am aware that my hip doesn’t hurt after walking a few hundred yards and I am finding it easier to climb stairs. Hopefully things will improve further. My friends in Germany have also read this book and have been talking 10,000 per day for about 3 months including vit k and are convinced they are experiencing better health, well being and movement abilities.
5.0 out of 5 stars Very happy I stumbled upon this bookBy Mitthraw Nuruodo on 19 December 2014
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I agree with others that formatting of this book is terrible BUT what matters is that the message has been spread! It’s very quick to read and quite interesting. I can understand why author didn’t have time for nonsense like formatting, he was so excited about telling everything he knew about it as quick as possible.
I knew about the power of the Vitamin D3 before reading this book but I never considered it use for healing. I’ve seen some articles about high doses usages here and there but never got into doing it myself until now, so I have decided to give it a go, but first a little background. I moved from sunnier country to UK and for last 10y I worked mainly nights and see very little sun for months, in the area I live is mostly raining all the time so I started to feel really depressed about 6y ago, at the time I took 2 bottles of Vitamin D3 but only 400IU, never the less I felt massive difference in my mood from deep depression to very happy bunny, it shocked me but after finishing them I forgot for another few years about it. Until I stumbled upon this book.
I bought myself a bottle of each, SuperK and Solgar 10kiU and started from 10kIU/day for the first 3 days and then moved up to 20kIU as I wanted to move to healing part as soon as possible. It has only been two weeks so I can’t really say anything about the healing properties yet, although I noticed some positive effects but won’t say anything yet as it might be premature.
Here are some positive results I am getting from it now:
1) tremendous mood improvement
2) lots and lots of energy, normally I felt like “… eh I can’t be bothered, what’s the point…” and now I am more like “… sure, lets do it …” basically my lethargy (or hibernation as the author put it) is gone3) I used to feel cold, freezing all the time, but not anymore, even in a thin jacket when it in fact is cold outdoors I am fine.I didn’t find any negatives so that’s good.I will post an update after few months about the results
Tony Clifton 2 years ago
divide the UK measure by 2.5 to get the US measure
the Us refrence range is 30 to 100ng/ml considered normalsome seem to get psoriasis relief at higher levels up to 150..there has never been a case of vit d toxicity with levels under 200 ng/ml
so the upper range in the UK of 220 is just 88 on the US scale and your 194.5 measure is 77 on the US seem to have room to increase it
Warning!! After 5 weeks my D3 level is 642.8 nmol/L or 257.5ng/mlBy Alexander Dennehy on 21 November 2014
Format: Paperback|Verified Purchase
Warning!!! I have followed the advice in the book for about 5 weeks, I have been taking D3 50,000iu combined with 5,000mg of K2(super K) per day, for 5 weeks and have just a call from the NHS testing service saying that my D3 levels were dangerously high and what the hell was I doing to get them so high. I told them I had been supplementing with D3 they suggested I discontinue for at least 2-3 months and get my levels retested then. My level after 5 weeks was 642.8 nmol/L or 257.5ng/ml which is very high and potentially damaging to the kidneys.
So my advice is get tested before you start supplementing and get tested at least once a month if you are taking high doses.
After a year of taking D3 jeff got his level up to 168ng/ml which is surprising low to me considering how much he was taking, considering where mine where after 5 weeks, and I don’t get much sun at all.
Bottom line our bodies metabolise things differently, after a year of daily D3 doses Jeff ‘s max D3 levels were 168mg/ml and after only 5 weeks mine were 257.5ng/ml, If I would not have got tested and carried on taking 50,000iu a day for a year I would hate to think how high my reading would have been.Just be careful, too much of something can be as bad as too little. But as I told the lady from the NHS test centre I feel great, but that doesn’t mean I have not put myself at risk.
The NHS testing centre I used send out a testing kit and you draw blood and send it back to them in the post. A week later they give you the results.
You can order a testing kit from the website below. this helps. ony Clifton 2 years ago (Edited) Wow that’s high! That’s great that you still feel ok….I did read in the book the advice was to test from time to time…and the author regrets not having started testing up front…From what I understand is that the d3 level is actually irrelevant because it is only the excess calcium in the blood caused by d3 remodeling your bones that can be dangerous if it lodges in your soft tissues insrtead of going back into your bones….So you should probably get a blood calcium test and if it is in the normal probably have nothing to worry about…no matter how high your d3 level…I think the only way d3 can be harmful is if your blood calcium goes way up and it can then calcify your kidneys or cause kidney stones… I beleive the K2 is what makes taking high doses of d3 safer by charging up the hormone (osteocalcin?) that puts the calcium back into your bones…other signs of hypercalcemia are loss of appetite nausea weight loss…and one more thing I remember the author took 4000 a day for 10 years and then upped it to 25,000 a day for 3 months or so?? before trying those extreme doses..
5.0 out of 5 stars It is excellent and very practical bookBy Lincs9 on 16 November 2014
It is excellent and very practical book. After reading this book I got courage to take high dose of Vitamin D and it gave me new life. My condition was awful and according to my GP I was not having any disease. 9 years ago I moved to UK from India. After one year I started suffering from multiple health problems. I got tennis elbows; I got backache, headache, and lower abdominal pain. After investigating my consultant did not found anything wrong, I had been labelled as IBS. Diet restrictions and medication did not bring me any positive change, only my condition started getting worse. My knees started hurting. My consultant checked my vitamin D level, it came 30nmol (12ng), but my GP did not prescribe me any supplement for a year time. My knees started cracking, my backache and abdominal pain gone worse. My GP prescribed me Vitamin D 400iu+500calcium x twice a day and told me that he has given me very high dose of vitamin D3, I should not buy any addition vitamin preparation from market, I can get toxicity .These supplements did not do any good to me, I kept adding health problems. I had both knees arthroscopy surgery done which ended up in muscle wasting; I lost function of my knees and girth of my thighs. My stomach went very bad and barely tolerates few selected foods. I got non- healing, very painful mouth ulcers, chronic sinusitis, bad head ache, cervical spondylitis, violent leg cramps at night. I been rolling- stone between different consultants and dentist, no one could bring any relief to me.
My husband is a pharmacist; one day he forced me to take 60,000 IU vitamin D. It was miracle, that night I slept like a baby. I haven’t had any cramp at night. I did not get any muscle spasm at day time .I took 60,000iu vitamin D3 /week for six weeks then I remembered my GP’s toxicity advice .I went to GP to get my vitamin D level checked ,I told him my story ,he wasn’t impressed with it and did not look happy with me. Astonishingly my vitamin D level came 68nmol (27ng).My GP changed my prescription to vitamin D3 600 IU daily in place of 800 IU a day. But I started taking 5000 IU daily. I took it for 6 wks. My mouth ulcer started healing, no more cramps in legs, but still no difference in joint pain. I was trying to order vitamin D3 from amazon and I found Jeff T Bowles book, read some reviews and could not wait to read this book .I strait way purchased kinder addition and paperback. I finished this book in one night .I took vitamin D3 50.000 IU/day for 5 wks. With Vitamin K2 (MK4 and MK7) +Vitamin A+ magnesium citrate. I have reduced Vitamin D3 dose to 50.000 IU alternate day now.
I am feeling very well and full of energy. My knees are much better; I can run up and down stairs, I could not walk upstairs without help before. My stomach is much better (my so called IBS/food intolerance is gone). I can eat almost what I wanted .Mouth ulcers are healed. Sinusitis is gone. Now I am getting very less and mild flu attacks. I can see difference in my nail growth. New nails are smooth and shiny not dull and brittle as they were before. I have put- on some weight without increasing my body diameters. My leg muscles are developing well. I am feeling my body fat is changing into muscle mass which I could not believe. I am enjoying my life much better now. I will keep updating you.
I would like to thank Mr Jeff T Bowles for all his efforts, research and experimentation with high dosage of Vitamin D3 on himself which gave me new life.UPDATE ON 15/01/2015
After six weeks I have reduced Vit D dose to 50.000 units once a week.After three months I got my vit D level checked.Oops it came 636nmol/l,but my serum calcium and phosphate levels normal. I didn’t feel any symptom of toxicity.It means Vit K2 did its job ,kept calcium level normal by diverting it toward bones ,where it should be.But I do not advise any one to go to that extent. I have stopped taking Vit D,will start again when my serum Vit D level will fall below normal.Update On 27/02/2016I am taking Vit D 50,000 units/week and my Vit D serum level came 175 nmol/l.
5.0 out of 5 stars Best Book This YearBy B. Maver on 3 November 2014
I want to thank Jeff Bowles for writing this book.
I started taking vitamin D3 a couple of years ago but had lapsed during summer months and thought vaguely I should start again soon.
I am not ill like some of your readers but I had these feelings:
Tired a lot
Sore and aches
Not wanting to go out at night socially.
I put these feelings down to working night shifts and getting older but it started to fall into place. Hibernation.
I am back on the vits and have ordered more. How I came to this book was I was about to order The Calcium Paradox from Amazon and saw this book on the same page. I still bought The Calcium Paradox and am looking forward to reading it. Just wish my parents could have been alive at the time as I think this book could have saved them from a decline in later years.
Have ordered more vits for other people and also the K2.
Not sure how much to take of this.
5.0 out of 5 stars Amaizing book, a real gift!By zsuzsanna szalay on 20 September 2014
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
This book is a special gift! it is mazing and everybody has to read it full with essencial and very clear and important information.
The way the author is writing it is funny, light but very wise, special thanks for this from the readers!
For the motivation of this book we have started to give 1500IU D3 for our autistic son (instead of 500IU what he got already for years) after 2 weeks of giving him the triple dosage his stubborn asthma GONE!!!
Me and my husband started also the high dosage ( me 20.000IU my husband 25.000IU) per day.
We are so happy finding this book, since this book explains very well all the aspects on vitamin D3 and gives information I have never read other places or books.
Also special thanks for so many recommendations for other sites-pages in the book 🙂
Viva D3! 🙂 Viva Jeff T Bowles!
Thank You Thank You!
Read this book!By Jonster on 17 September 2014
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
I bought this book several months ago and it has been a real eye opener. Although a tad confused in its writing (hence the 4 stars), the author’s passion and knowledge about the subject shine through, inspiring and encouraging readers on their journeys to full health. I’ve read and re-read the book plus had email conversations with Jeff (thank you, Jeff, for your interest and wisdom).Living in the UK, not all the resources mentioned in the book are available however, alternatives can be found eg re Vit D testing I’ve persuaded my GP to test me regularly (I say 6 monthly, he’s starting with 3 months). By the way to convert the US measure of nanograms/ml to British nanomoles/L multiply by 2.5.Before starting my own Vitamin D3 high dose experiment, I listed every single symptom, glitch and twinge. I then bought my D3 and K2 through Amazon, beginning with 10,000iu per day along with the essential Vitamin K2. After a month I upped my dose to 20,000iu and now after 3 months I’ve just increased to 30,000iu with pro ratatouille increases in K2 as described in the book. Certainly, my energy and strength have increased, my teeth seem shinier and brighter (thanks to the K2), I recover from strenuous activities more easily and have avoided catching colds. The only one which I was coming down with was shaken off within 24 hours. Hurrah!I’ll return to update in the months to come.In the meantime, I highly, highly recommend this book.
5.0 out of 5 stars A must read!By Isabel Paterson on 7 September 2014
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
I don’t usually leave reviews but this one deserves it. A brilliant, thought-provoking and informative read, written in an easy to read and informal style that I loved. I felt almost out of breath at the pace of the book and enjoyed enormously the sheer energy and enthusiasm this guy has for his subject. I fortunately don’t suffer from any serious ailments but I’m getting to an age (mid 40’s) where I want ward off the usual age-related problems so have been reading a lot of health books. After reading this book about 4 weeks ago I started taking Vit. D and K (in the last week I’ve added Vit. A and magnesium – thinking I maybe get enough calcium in my diet) and have noticed improved energy, greater concentration and feeling generally happier and more confident. The skin on the back of my upper arms that used to be pimply is now soft and smooth, as are my elbows that used to be dry and rough. Finally, my thumb nails that for years were always splitting are now long and strong. Minor and insignificant changes I know but I am delighted none the less and it’s only been a month! I fully expect to notice more improvements and have compiled a list of every niggle and complaint I can think of and will monitor them over the coming months. So I will revisit this post if I have anything meaningful to add. I’m recommending this book to just about everyone I know, particularly those who have more serious health issues and I have been buying several copies to give out as Christmas presents this year. Might give my GP a copy too. Btw, Kindle version might be best as the author adds updates as and when he has new information whereas the printed version may not have these extras if it’s an older issue.
excellent- Thank you- Anyone looking for a cure should read this bookByEnglish ladyon 26 August 2014
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
Whole lot of excellent advice – definitely worth reading. Hard to put down. Well researched and easy to read – love your writing style- I must be on the same wavelength ! I’ve been interested in d3 for a while, but have not yet been tested. I’ve been takin 2 clo capsules every day for over 1 year and not had a single cold, and my asthma and allergic rhinitis have vanished as have the weird scratchy feeling in my throat when I ate pizza or crunchy bread. This has given me the motivation to get my d level tested and given me the courage to try higher doses . I’d like to loose some weight, see if I can reduce my ca125 score from 90 to 30 or 0 and see if I can remedy my extremely heavy periods. I love the authors attitude- you have to push the boundaries . I am very impressed with your hibernation theory- it rings true. And the advice to take k2 with d3 in ratio reminds me of the Nobel prize winner- dr bud wigs cure for cancer( she used flax oil and sauerkraut / quark)- she was the world expert on fats and used them to bring cancer patients back from the brink. She would even massage the oils into skin for fast absorption. I have also read of some South African ladies many years ago who were cured of heavy menstral bleeding by taking large quantities of clo but have been building up courage to try.
My d3 illness notable at 5 when I developed allergic rhinitis . In my 20’s I had a weird rash whenever I went out in the sun.Then 30 when I’d become a workaholic and suddenly developed chronic ashma( they mistook it for tab at first-and within a year I’d had a melanoma removed( luckily I was pregnant so no treatment just surgery).this troubled me for years as I was in the office 8 til 8 so no sunbathing..I also had 3 or 4 work colleagues with same thing! Last year I heard about a correlation with vit d deficiency and felt there must be something in it. I can sunbathe now without protection for about 30 min. I used to get very frequent cricked necks at work and bad back pain from an old coxicks injury but I don’t have that now thankfully but that’s just after taking 2 capsules. I’m hoping for better results with more so I’ll get tested order some vitamins and let you know. thank you for writing this book and sharing your findings
Magnesium instead of D3!!By J. Gardner on 11 August 2014
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
Interesting info BUT…it doesn’t cover absolutely everything there is to know. What you DO need to know before you read this book is that you should NOT take vitamin D unless you are also increasing your intake of magnesium. By taking lots of vitamin D3 I have hugely damaged my magnesium levels and caused myself a lot of health issues. Go see a practitioner, who can do a hair mineral analysis to see what is going on with your particular body. Also, look at for more info on D3 and Mag relationship.
Well worth a few quidBy Wood on 16 May 2014
I’ve started on 25000iu plus the vitamin K and within a few days noticed a lifting of mood and a sense of well being. The global med companies are obviously corrupt and it’s a frightening thought that vitamins may be controlled by governments who are sympathetic to Big Pharma making huge amounts of money from people not being able to acquire vitamin d3.
A breath of fresh air! depressionBy Purespirit7 on 26 February 2014
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
Once I started reading this (purchased ebook) I just could not stop! Yes, I understand the formatting concerns expressed by some, but I loved the way it makes you feel like your visiting, Jeff. It was like sitting in a chair in his home while he walks around the room in a passionate rant…ideas, theories, beliefs and truths bouncing off the walls!
This read is chock full of information, the right kind of sarcasm, scepticism and humour….even cryptic in places.I used to be taken in/brain washed by mainstream medicine but with the help of people like, Jeff T. Bowles I have cast off my rose tinted glasses and taken responsibility for my own health and stopped blindly following advice peddled by the majority of Doctors that are so indoctrinated by the system that they scoff and belittle all who question it!
Thank you, Jeff for your passion and dedication.
Update 22/1/15REMARKABLE RESULTS. My daughter is off anti depressants, I feel so much better, physically, mentally and emotionally.
My Mum feels so much better…less pain and has cut down on her medication. We have found the combination of D3/K2/Magnesium citrate a winnng combination in three generations. This book kick started all this.
Everybody needs to read this book.By Reemer 150 on 27 December 2013
Format: Paperback|Verified Purchase
If Jeff is correct in his findings,this book is a game changer.
I have been tracking various health issues over 15 years and kept on coming back to vitamin D deficiency no matter how hard I’ve tried to prove that it was something else.
Vitamin D deficiency is very scary because it is very complicated compared to other vitamins and minerals,and its not even a vitamin and there are three versions that we know of, that all interact so every time I tried to work out what was going on it ended in a contradictory mess.
Now along comes this book with a whole bunch of answers ready made.
Everything that is being suggested fits the jigsaw puzzle perfectly and that is very rare.
There is only one point that I feel I should make, there are a few references to calcium issues which I feel show a lack of understanding of the basic calcium operating system but this does not take anything away from his conclusions.
I am on this system and in a few weeks have already seen improvements in sleep pattern and anxiety which is very welcome.I recommend everybody give this a go but be warned its not cheap.
This book has changed my lifeBy kathylye on 12 December 2013
This book has changed my life. Before a friend gave me an article written by Jeff Bowles about vitamin D3 I was incapacitated with Arthritis, had difficulty moving and couldn’t even bear the weight of the bedclothes on my body. I had been a real sceptic but as I was so ill and my pain was increasing I thought ‘I have nothing to lose’ I really didn’t care whether I lived or died so fear of an overdose wasn’t an issue. I could hardly believe it. Within a week I could feel a big difference on only 5000iu. I quickly upped the dosage. That was 5 months ago and now I am taking 30000iu per day of D3 along with Vitamin K2. I am in my late seventies and am now on holiday having taken a plane journey of 12000 miles. In the whole of my life I have never felt so well. I only wish I had found out about this book and its author sooner. Why some people have been so negative is beyond me. I do not know Jeff Bowles from Adam apart from a couple of emails but I have found him to be extremely helpful and caring. I can only think the people with the adverse criticism had not taken Vitamin D because if they had and followed the instructions in this book they would have been helped. And does it really matter if some part of the book was repeated. This really works!! This has been proved by the many people who have taken it and found relief. I am delighted to find the book is now in a hard copy. I shall buy it to refer to as I feel comfortable with a book in my hand.
Thank you Jeff Bowles.
5.0 out of 5 stars An invaluable book from Jeff BowlesBy maggie on 8 December 2013
I cannot rate this book too highly. It is invaluable to me. I have now been taking large doses ofVit d3 along with vit K2 for 5 months. Thank heaven for Jeff Bowles and his years of study. I was in so much pain I could hardly walk but decided to vit d3 a try
Arthritis affected every joint, I had so much difficulty using my hands and I was extremely tired. That pain is now gone and I am about to travel to Australia for a long holiday Thank you Jeff Bowles for all your years of study. It has made so much difference to me.
InterestingBy Ms. Jacqueline Patersonon 9 November 2013
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
I read this book after noticing his last book about vitamin D3 curing Lupus.
I enjoyed the book and found it very interesting. I have been looking into natural cures for years after losing faith in medical doctors. I have Lupus and other immune disorders including fibromyalgia. I have been ill since my early 20’s, and now in my 40’s.
I can’t say what benefits I have received yet as I have only been taking it for a week, and taking relatively low doses to start with. I’m obviously really Hoping it will help.
I have tried other things but only got partial relief
I will definitely update my progress in the near future.Well worth a read.
UPDATEThis didn’t work for me at all. In fact I ended up with high calcium levels in my blood. Ad pains in my legs and bones. Be careful!!
5.0 out of 5 stars Crossing OffBy Susannah Carr on 14 October 2013
For six years the boxes I checked were growing in number. From arthritis to vertigo and dozens of other conditions in between my health questionnaires began to resemble a medical dictionary of ailments. I saw osteopaths, rheumatologists, gynaecologists, psychologists, then at long last an endocrinologist, who performed a simple blood test that revealed I was extremely deficient in vitamin d. All of those years spent chasing answers for the cause of my debilitating muscle and bone aches,tendinitis, fatigue, insomnia, high cholesterol and blood sugar results, plus unexplained weight gain just might be due to this deficiency. I have been prescribed 60,000iU of dekristol (d3) per week for 3 months and didn’t question the dose. After reading your book I decided to take an additional over the counter d3 dose of 5000iU each day as well as the weekly dose. I also take vitamin k2, cod liver oil and a vitamin b complex. I am going to use a uvb lamp. I was just diagnosed 5 days ago but I have had two good night’s sleep, Achilles pain and tendon pain in hands has diminished, I feel energised and happier. I’m not a dairy fan but have increased calcium intake. I would not have done this had I not discovered your studies and references. It makes sense to me. Docs have pumped me full of potentially addictive painkillers, stomach damaging anti-inflammatory drugs, anti-seizure drugs and appetite suppressants as well as cortisone injections and steroids to try to control (not cure) my health problems. I took them without question and in desperation took them all. They caused short and long term damage to me, so experimenting with vitamin d3 seems like a walk in the park in comparison – but with REAL results in a short space of time. Thank you for giving me to take my endocrinologist prescription just that little bit further with your excellent book and case studies and reassuring cross references about the importance of high doses of vitamin d for optimum health in a way that the lay person can understand. I’m really looking forward to crossing off all those ailments from my very long list of health problems that have stumped my doctors for years. Your book gets a huge tick of approval from me.
Worth its weight in goldBy Eco ChicaTOP 500 REVIEWER on 27 September 2013
Format: Kindle Edition| Verified Purchase
I think I only read about 5 pages of this book before adding D3 to my shopping list, first I bought the tablet form, now I take the liquid and the tablets.
I was already taking really good vitamin A (fermented fish oil) and vitamin K2 (raw liquid vitamin butter), as well as transdermal magnesium and 1 teaspoon per day of Mineral Blend Celtic sea salt.The only thing I won’t take in supplemental form is calcium. My feeling is there is enough calcium already in my body.
I started the regimen adopted in this book to tackle varicose veins, bone strength and healing (2 old fracture wounds) and strengthen my teeth.
It has worked for everything and MORE.Have to add, I’ve also flushed out (approx 150) gallbladder stones using the Moritz method (Kindle), addressed Essential Fatty Acid deficiency and ditched shop bought fruit juices, now juice my own for the full vitamin C complex, rather than just take ascorbic acid, which is what you get in Vit C supplements.
I feel I’ve turned my biological clock back and everyone I meet wants to know my secret. I tell them, it is no secret, the books are out there, go figure.
Trouble is a lot of people want the knowledge but they don’t want to put in the hours of reading, so I find myself providing synopses to friends in need.
The really fascinating thing about taking high doses of this nutrient is that you can see your body changing in response to it on a daily basis e.g. toe nails.
Most people’s toe nails are quite yellow and brittle. Once you start to address D3 deficiency, your toe nails grow out a really healthy pinkish colour and are extremely easy to file and cut. My finger nails too are now completely different and its virtually impossible to break them. If they do break, its not as messy as it used to be e.g. the break isn’t as sharp?
Apart from waking up your metabolism, having much more energy and reducing your appetite, I’ve also noticed my pain threshold has increased considerably.
This summer I endured a medical disaster. Basically, I had a raging tooth abscess that was undetected by 2 dentists and 2 doctors at A&E! My health had been improving for about 3 months prior to this, and I had only been taking high levels of D3 for about 6 weeks when the abscess struck. Well, you probably wont believe this, but I had 3 abscesses in the end, one on each root, and I did NOT take painkillers, not even once ! This is a pretty incredible fact and I’m still amazed at what happened, because I have had a lot of pain killers in the past and I also had a lot of pain. Pain and pain killers are just a thing of the past.
Varicose Veins
Mine were getting quite bad, started the D3, stared at them every day for a while, then forgot about them. Looked at them 2 months later and could see a major improvement. Basically what happens is that they reduce from the outer reaches inwards. They look like shrinking spiders? I really look forward to wearing shorts on holiday now, because they’re significantly reduced and improving by the minute.
Increased Tensile Strength
My bones are now very strong. All those aches and pains have ceased. I was noticing great improvements with Magnesium Oil and vitamin K2, but when I added this to the mix, things just took off. Basically it doesn’t hurt to lift things anymore. And when they tell you to strengthen your muscles and do exercise, I honestly think that’s a load of rubbish. If your bones are mineral deficient and you have been living in the dark for 10 months, there is no way you can exercise without huge amounts of pain. I can do what I like now and feel no pain. Yesterday I came back from the supermarket with 8 heavy bags of shopping. When I got home, I opened the boot and hooked all 8 bags on one arm and walked into the house. I do this all the time. I’m not even out of breath when I put them down. Its like they weigh less than they should? My husband, who used to think I was pretty unfit, hates that I can out-walk him, out run him and out lift him now.
I totally agree with the author’s hypothesis that we are all in a kind of technical hibernation unless we have large amounts of D3 or sunlight exposure. It doesn’t matter how hot your office/workplace or house is, unless you get enough sunlight (or D3) your body will just pack on fat and slow right down. His views on the evolutionary role of diabetes is mind-blowing!
Thank you Jeff Bowles !!
Update 01/11/13: At the same time as starting to take high doses of D3, I also gave up cow’s milk. The first milk alternative I consumed contained good amounts of calcium but the one I’ve switched to subsequently does not. I was thinking that perhaps I needed to supplement with calcium now? especially as my diet has become more Paleo. As luck would have it, it took me too long to make up mind, and my poor body has shown me just how imbalanced I am right now, by developing a dreaded kidney stone! So, I’m detoxing my kidneys for the next 7 days with magnesium sulphate (apparently Epsom Salts busts kidney stones in as little as 3 hours!). As painful as the mobile kidney stone was, I’m still determined to continue taking high doses of D3 but recognise that I will have to take more calcium now, to keep up. I should add, this is fully explained in the book. Personally, I knew I was taking a risk when I started high doses of D3, but part of my thinking at that time was that I desperately wanted to de-calcify my body, as I’ve been a BIG dairy eater. It would appear I’ve done that and now need to supplement with calcium.
Update 04/11/13: Well it turns out that my low calcium/high D3 diet status was made worse by my excessive consumption of vitamin C. because if that happens, you excrete more organic calcium. I was having 2 oranges and a grapefruit a day. I’ve dropped down now to only one large orange, as that contains enough. (A navel orange has 82.7mgs of Vit C and women my age only need 75mgs per day). This is interesting, because it might mean I wasn’t so low on calcium, perhaps? I don’t know, but to safeguard myself, I’ve decided to consume liquid calcium by Floradix for a while, because I just don’t have the time or desire to boil lots of cabbage/kale each day.
Update 13/11/13: Because my Floradix liquid calcium has not arrived yet, I’m having to take Calcium Carbonate as my needs for elemental calcium are more urgent because of a healing tooth socket. This cheap version inorganic calcium requires a highly acidic environment in which to break it down ready for absorption, so I melt my 600mg tablet first in pure lemon juice until it has frothed up and completely dissolved before consuming it. Its usually only 40% absorbed, so I’m hoping I will absorb more this way? I’ve spaced my doses throughout the day. The great thing that has happened as a result, is I no longer have to get up at night to pee. Which was so boring and been doing that for 3 years. The other thing I noticed since supplementing with lemon-melted calcium is that my symptoms of sensory overload – which I thought was part of my personality – have been corrected too? This is really weird and I’m still working out how useful that improvement is.
Update 03/12/13: I really miss taking my 10,000i.u. of D3 a day. I felt so good on that stuff. I look back and realise I felt better then than I had in years. I’ve reduced my calcium carbonate dose, as the Floradix arrived and I’m on my second bottle. The other thing that is worth noting is that my fixation on calcium and D3 left out a very important amino acid that is directly concerned with calcium absorption and that is Lysine. I’m now taking Lysine, Arginine and Glutamine, as they are the triumvirate of wound-healing. Gosh, I had only been taking them for about 4 days and my symptoms are vastly improved. Basically my jaw bone has to be ready for an implant in the New Year, so I must make as much tough, good quality bone as I can before then to avoid them having to build up the bone very much. There are contra-entries regarding Lysine, e.g. gallstones and kidney stones, but honestly, I think the benefits far outweigh them. Besides, I’ve flushed my gallstones and kidney stones out recently, so if I get more, I’m not bothered. I don’t know how much protein we are meant to eat to get 500mg of Lysine, but I am not a big protein eater, so I don’t think I will ever do it from dietary intake. Besides, you have to ideally eat red meat to get good quality Lysine into you and I’m not really eating a lot of red meat anymore. I’m taking 1,500i.u. of D3 now, which is OK, for now.
Update 24/01/14: I have recently found out that my hip pain was NOT osteo in origin!! This was fantastic news that I didn’t believe at first, but is correct. It turns out that my adrenal glands were grinding to a halt again, due to my car blowing up, the natural flood I had to deal with and the passing away of our darling dog. I thought I was coping OK, but now I realise (6 months on) that I had endured considerable muscle-wasting, which is a feature of high stress and low adrenal output. So the good news is that I have stepped up my D3 intake to 5,000i.u. a day again – and loving it! The other things I’m doing to help re-build my muscles and connective tissues, especially the main muscle that was giving me all the trouble called the Sartorious Muscle (which hugs the hip bone at its connection point and that’s where my pain was radiating from) is three important amino acids called: glycine, cysteine and proline. They are amazing and I’ve done separate reviews for those.
5.0 out of 5 stars All Doctors should be made to read this invaluable book. – ALSO SEE ADDITION 7 MONTHS LATERBy maggie on 23 June 2013
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
This book has helped me more than any health book I have ever read. For the last year I have had unbearable Arthritic pains resulting in swollen hands,fingers and wrists and pains in every joint and muscle. I could not sleep but was tired out all the time. I also have Crohn’s disease which I have managed with a diet for over 50 years. Two weeks ago a friend sent me an article on this book. It made sense. I had a blood test and it came back as being Adequate. I live in UK. Measurements are different in US. I thought that perhaps I didn’t need extra Vit D. I emailed Jeff who is extremely approachable and helpful and it appears that on the US scale my vitamin D levels were below even the reference range!! This is really criminal.
Immediately I started taking 4000 iu Vit D and also Vitk2. After 4 days I felt much better. On day 5 I took 12000iu and the pain dramatically decreased. I upped the dose to 16000 and again the same. I am now on 20000 and I have never felt so well and have only been taking it for just over a week. My energy is slowly increasing and I am now looking forward. I will write another review when I am further down the line to see if it helps with Crohns. I feel the research of this man has saved me.7 MONTHS DOWN THE LINEI have now been on Vit D3 & K2 for the last 7 months. My severe Arthritis has disappeared and my Crohns disease is being cured. I had not eaten bread for years and years so I decided to try some. I have been eating it for a month with no ill effects. If I did this before Vit.D I had debilitating pain. The depression I suffered from for years has gone. This is a big thing for me. I feel fantastic. In fact I feel better than I have done in my whole life. I only wish I had had Jeff Bowles book years ago.He then recommends reading `Vitamin K2 and the Calcium Paradox: How a Little-Known Vitamin Could save Your Life’HOWEVER, it’s worth noting that someone who reviewed the book `Vitamin K2 and the Calcium Paradox: How a Little-Known Vitamin Could save Your Life’ said that …
“the symptoms of too much K2 and hypocalcaemia are the same…heart racing and crazy blood pressure changes”Deotima1 year agoIn
It says in the book how much vit K to take. I took very high doses of vit D for about a year, but it did not help my arthritis and Fibromyalgia.
Seasoned Traveller 1 year agoIn reply to an earlier post
I supplement with magnsium citrate 300 mg per day. It is a natural anti inflamatory and has cured my IBS flare up. I imagine that it should be good for other inflamatory conditions.
Deotima 2 years agoIn reply to an earlier post
I am on high doses of magnesium as I was tested deficient. I don’t think taking Magnesium interferes with the Vit D. I have found, as Jeff says that High dose Vit D causes pain in old bone injuries. I’m hoping that it will repair them in time.
Charles Darwin 3 years ago (Edited)II have been looking into the heart palpitation thing….and there are two possible problems….the most likely is that high dose d3 and k2 use up magnesium in repairing your bones and joints….SO if you are already deficient in magnesium (most people are) then d3 and k2 exacerbates it big time..and severe magnesium deficiency often presents with heart rhthym abnormalities..and sometimes anxiety….just google it you will see…the other possibility is that humans prefer the MK-4 animal based type of K2..and not the MK7 bacteria based k2….in some switching to mk4 or at least to lef’s mk4/mk7 combo super k releived their symptoms
Honesty 3 years ago
Hello, I just wanted to ask if you are alright after taking high doses of D3 for so long. It can accumulate in your fat cells and cause major problem. I do know that Vitamin K2 is suppose to help use the D3 efficiently. I felt quite uncomfortable with palpitation and so I am stopping it for now to see if it improves and it is improving! We shouldn’t believe every thing we read but listen to our bodies. I would love to hear from you as to how you are getting on. Regards Katherine
Outstanding ResearchBy Music Lover on 22 February 2013
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
I read Jeff’s book and decided to try D3, starting at 10,000 iu a day. Within a few weeks i realized that my arthritis was disappearing. I had arthritis in my feet and wrists. Makes perfect sense, especially with the lack of sun we have in the UK. Give this a try, look at the data on the Pub Med website, you will be surprised.
Excellent work Jeff!!
Very informative from the author’s personal experienceBy Hels stuff on 7 January 2013
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
I found that this book provided very valuable information gained from personal experience in experimenting with dosage of Vitamin D3. Including the information that the dosage is weight-related. I had been experimenting with higher D3 doses (that are now the recommended levels!) and the book gave me confidence to continue. I found that after I increased the dose a hard lymph node on my neck that had been there for years disappeared to nothing. I am sure it was related to the D3. The book gives a very personal interpretation but the author provides all of the references for you to take further and convince yourself.
Excellent and thought provokingBy Booksmith on 25 November 2012
Format: Kindle Edition |Verified Purchase
A very detailed and professional work. The author has done his research on how high dosage vitamin D3 can help improve the health of many who suffer from a variety of compliants. It provides ample documentation that high dosages are not a problem and, if viewed without bias, even medical professionals should be convinced. There is a slight weekness in the book when the author makes a few conjectures about certain matters but this does not detract from the soundness of the work.
On a personal basis, I have found that vitamin D3 together with magnesium (see The Magnesium Miracle) has positively contributed towards controlling type 2 diabetes over a period of time.
5.0 out of 5 stars Excellent!By Indigo on 7 April 2012
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
This is an excellent book, lots of good information and confirmed my gut feeling that I need 20,000iu a day. Also that my dog needs more than the “recommended” amount although less dramatically so.
Supplementing with D3 has made a big difference to my pain and life and has I believe dissolved my dog’s bony spurs down her spine. She is far more active and agile than she’s been for years. 18 months ago her back legs totally “went”. Her spine locked and most people would have pts, I chose to treat naturally with herbs, energy work, supplements etc which got her walking again. The one thing I have continued is the D3. She will have it daily for the rest of her life as will I.
I did lots of research before deciding which D3 to get and chose this one as it has no nasty additives. I stab the capsule and add to food so we are not swallowing capsules. This is an excellent product and iherb are an excellent company, delivering worldwide for a nominal price. Use referral code UCI014 to get $5 off your first order.
I live in UK and we cannot get that size of tub here. That is twice the size we can buy here and half the price!