Getting vitamin D from our diet is very low, some experts suggest. For vegetarians, it is even more difficult in the absence of vitamin D from sunlight.
What Is Anxiety? Anxiety is now an increasing concern throughout the world. It is something that every person may…
Like a secret alchemist toiling at odd hours, not wanting to be seen, trying to transform common…
The studies revealed varied results however the researchers were able to determine that depending on the dose, increasing the levels of vitamin D did help reduce the fibromyalgia symptoms.
Want to Search Results of 1,000+ High Dose D3 Experiments?> COPD Is Incurable? Don’t tell that to HIGH-DOSE Vitamin…
Case Studies #8 – The Simple Vitamin D3/K2/Magnesium Cure for Depression-Case Studies #8 Depression/Anxiety disorders affect more than 40 million…