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Jeff T Bowles
Best Selling Amazon Science Author with over 500,000 books sold.
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About Jeff T Bowles
Research Gate Link to Published Journal Articles>>
<a href=”https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Jt_Bowles”>JT Bowles on ResearchGate</a>
At first glance, you might think, why should I listen to Jeff Bowles about anything? He has no degree in any health field, in fact his only degrees are in real estate finance, a CPA, and an MBA from Northwestern University.
But what are degrees really? They are just letters behind one’s name, and a piece of paper to hang on the wall that suggest to those who are not educated enough or are too lazy to intelligently evaluate the degreed person’s knowledge in the field.
However, with the advent of the internet, those days are quickly coming to an end as the public has at its fingertips all the tools and information it needs to determine if a degreed or non-degreed health consultant is for real or a fraud.
Just to keep you interested, I’ll jump out of sequence here and tell you about my first published science journal article that was published in 1998. I submitted it to the journal Medical Hypothesis based out of the UK, where the editorial board over its recent existence shared 5 Nobel prizes between the editors who included Linus Pauling, as well as several scientists knighted by the Queen of England and including Sir Karl Popper and Sir James Black. It was 7X longer than their allowed length limit of 10 pages. When I submitted it I had to tell them I had no degrees in science and was not affiliated with any institution. They all read it and it was accepted “as is” for accelerated publication because they said it was extremely exciting and of major importance. Ok so much for degrees, the Nobel prize winners could not care less about one’s degree as compared to one’s knowledge and arguments.
In fact, in that first paper of mine “The Evolution of Aging-A New Look at an Old Problem of Biology, I was the first ever anywhere to predict that the post age-50 rise in Luteinizing Hormone (a reproduction related hormone) in women and men of 100’s to as much as 1,000% would be found to be the key driver of not only aging, but also Alzheimer’s disease. There was no evidence for this at the time except that ibuprofen use and smoking were both associated with a reduced level of LH, as well as reduced Alzheimer’s disease incidence-but this was all I needed as my theory pointed in this direction before I even stumbled upon these facts. Well it turns out that evidence started trickling in, and by the year 2005 a startup company named Voyager Pharmaceuticals spent $50 million testing Lupron in people with Alzheimer’s. Lupron suppresses LH. Well lo and behold it worked in a group of 50 women in a Phase II trial. Lupron injections prevented further decline from early Alzheimer’s while the control group declined 6 points on a special scale over the 6-month period it was tested. Finally, in 2010 the US government’s NIH jumped on the bandwagon and described how giving patients anti-gonadotropins (LH is known as a gonadotropin) directly reduced the amount of neurodegeneration seen…see-
CNS Neurol Disord Drug Targets. 2010 Nov;9(5):651-60.
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptor system: modulatory role in aging and neurodegeneration.
Another crazy prediction I made in that 1998 paper was that aging would be controlled at the cellular level by the action of little proteins and/or molecules that cover up your DNA when you are young (like insulation on a copper wire) but are lost with age, allowing expression of pro-aging genes that make you old and sick. I was mercilessly ridiculed for this prediction by the evolutionary biology community because it was well known at the time that aging could never have been selected for by evolution because it prevented the spread of one’s genes! Anyway, what happened? Yep- I was proven right again around 2010 when Stanford’s Thomas Rando published the first paper (after my 1998 paper) suggesting that aging was controlled by epigenetics (just a fancy term for the proteins and molecules that act like insulation and cover your DNA): see-
Exp Gerontol. 2010 Apr;45(4):253-4. doi: 10.1016/j.exger.2009.12.007. Epub 2009 Dec 23.
Epigenetics and aging.
Rando TA
So, the bottom line is that I have done so much research that I was making correct (and outlandish) predictions about 12 years ahead of everybody else considering the problems I was working on. I think that gives me a little street cred to make up for my lack of official credentials-don’t you?
Let’s get back to the timeline. Do I have a genetic propensity to do well in medicine and research? A quick look at my family tree reveals that my grandfather was a Stanford educated MD, Frank H. Bowles. And so were his three sons, Frank Jr., Joseph and William Bowles (my father), all Stanford educated MDs. So, it obviously runs through my blood and veins, and I really cannot get away from it even if I wanted to!
I tried in college to get away from medicine and follow in my other grandfather’s footsteps, a lawyer/real estate developer in St. Louis. And I made a good go of it. Getting a degree in real estate finance and passing the CPA exam and earning my MBA from the #1 MBA school in the country at the time, Northwestern University all by the age of 24. And I went right into real estate development in Chicago and stuck with it very hard for about 4 years and made quite a bit of money by starting my own company at age 25. But I felt something was missing and guess what, I want back to the University of Illinois to study biology with the specific goal in mind to find treatments for aging-related diseases and conditions. I guess genes are destiny after all! I took one class per semester so I could learn the material better than anyone else, and I set the curve in almost all my classes by a wide margin which were full of very hard-working premeds. They must have hated me!
I was about one class shy of getting my biochem degree and I dropped out! Why? Degrees were not important to me, I was after knowledge and results, and I was no longer learning anything I felt was as valuable as what I could learn on my own by reading medical journal articles at the Northwestern medical school library! At this point I was fully retired from real estate with plenty of money, so I spent the next 10 years working on my quest of defeating aging related diseases by often spending sometimes 7 days a week and 12 hours a day in the Northwestern med school library!
So yes, you can still ask what medical/science degree does Jeff Bowles have? And the answer is still none…but as you can see, I have done what likely no other doctor or researcher has ever done. I have spent 10 years in a fever, working on the big picture, the big puzzle of all the studies done and reported by scientists and doctors to try to put them all together into the REAL BIG PICTURE.
You see doctors get an MD behind their name and you think they know so much more than you but what do they learn really? Years of med school, and then most of them are off to work to earn and not learn. What do they learn? Many years ago, they would have learned that washing your hands before surgery was just quackery. And before that they would have learned that bloodletting was cure for almost anything. In modern days they learn that everyone should stay out of the sun and use sunscreen because it can give you skin cancer (this latest falsehood promoted by med schools has led to the many exploding epidemics we see in the population since 1980 such as autism, obesity, asthma MS, cancers, etc. etc.…). So, they get 4 years of some correct knowledge passed down to them along with knowledge that will in the future may be laughed at as superstition and ignorance.
By avoiding medical school and being extensively self-taught, I have developed into a medical consultant that harbors none of these superstitions or incorrect beliefs that are still promoted by med schols. There are very few out there like me, maybe just a handful such as Ray Peat, Ray Sahelian, Bill Sardi, Dr. Mercola, and Ward Dean. Each are experts with way more information than typical doctors or researchers in various areas, but in some important areas I have them all beat.
But don’t let my lack of a medical degree put you off, I have consulted with many doctors who have followed my advice to cure various problems that they were unable to cure themselves with their medical training and Big Pharma’s drugs. More on this later…
How about research scientists? Should you unquestioningly follow their advice and results of their research studies? I think of researchers as producers of small puzzle pieces of a tiny portion of the big picture. Studies take so much time that almost all researchers devote most of their time to creating a few puzzle pieces and then putting them up for show and tell at research conferences. It is an odd state of affairs; very few scientists work on theory, and many ridicule the idea of doing anything other than lab work. In fact there is really only one medical journal devoted to mainly theory called Medical Hypotheses- almost all the rest are dedicated to presenting research results from studies!
It is such a sad state of affairs in fact, that in my book about Vitamin D3 I made the bold claim that anyone could cure any disease in 30 minutes or less (or 30 days or less if it was a tough puzzle to solve) by simply reviewing all the data in the Pub Med medical study database. This database has abstracts (summaries) of almost all the medical research that has been conducted and written about in science journals since 1967. After years of researching this database I concluded that almost all the research has already been done to figure out almost any disease known to man. There just isn’t anybody looking at all the puzzle pieces and trying to put them together!
A few years back (2012) I was challenged to put up or shut up by a person with ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease). They had emailed me to ask if I thought high dose Vitamin D3 would help them. I did a little research and determined that it was not likely to help. I went a step further and decided to see if I could find a cure for ALS in 30 days or less, so I started reading all 14,000 or so abstracts that mentioned the term ALS, going back to the first one in the data base.
Now bear with me as I discuss what the search was like, as it has a successful ending…. I was able to go through about 300 per day, I would save the interesting ones by copying them into emails to myself. Maybe 10 or 15 per 100 were worth saving…The older abstracts discussed at length how there were very high levels of ALS in some Pacific islands, Guam, I think. At first they showed it was associated with eating fruit bats which the islanders like to put in a soup!! Then later they found the excess ALS was associated with eating certain fruits (Cycads) from a certain area. Then later it was suggested ALS might be contagious passing from husband to wife. And then even later abstracts stated that the excess ALS in the islands no longer existed!! It was quite a puzzle…because outside of the Pacific islands there were no real pockets of excess ALS to look at except for the cases of inherited familial ALS which only made up about 10% of ALS patients. Oh, and it tended to be seen in athletes more than other people. ALS remained mysterious and of unknown origin.
What is really bad about ALS is that it kills its victims on average 2 to 4 years after first diagnosis in about 90% of the cases. There are about 10% of ALS victims who can survive 10 years or more. So, after a few weeks of all day searching I was starting to think maybe ALS was insolvable. But one fact kept popping up every now and then which I found interesting but did not ponder too much initially – the sex ratio of ALS patients was 4 to 1 male to female. That should have been a big red alert!! But I think I was stuck on the idea ALS was triggered by an outside insult. Which indeed may be true…. I had come to the conclusion that there might be 1,000 different ways to injure your nerves so that someday you get ALS.
Finally, one day, about 3 weeks in, after I saw a certain fact pop up, maybe for the second time, after I had reviewed about 7,000 of the 14,000 abstracts.
THE KEY PUZZE PIECE!>>It was that the sex ratio of ALS patients changes from 4 to 1 male to female in the younger years, to 1 to 1 after age 60! BINGO! I had it solved, it had to be hormonally triggered by a reduction of one of the hormones that declines in women at the age of menopause. There were two obvious candidates, estrogen and progesterone. Because estrogen remains higher than progesterone levels (which crash to 0 in many cases after menopause) I focused on progesterone. It turns out that progesterone is the most neuroprotective substance known to man and women’s’ high progesterone levels explain why women recover from the same brain injury that a male may get at a much faster and better pace. Women have much higher lifetime progesterone levels than males, so if progesterone protects from ALS, this explained the 4 to1 M/F sex ratio. During menopause (age 50) a woman’s progesterone crashes to zero in many cases, this then would explain the changing sex ratio around age 60 (the sex ratio probably starts dropping after age 50 but really gets noticeable by age 60 when it hits 1 to 1).
So, I came up with the following conclusion about ALS- there might be 1,000’s of ways to damage your nerves enough to cause ALS, but there is only one way you are protected from such damage, by having sufficient levels of progesterone in your system. If this is true, it suggests a way that football players and other athletes might be able to protect themselves from traumatic brain injury syndrome. Football players should supplement with progesterone! Definity after a concussion and after retirement and maybe even all the time while playing!
Well is there any proof that this idea is correct?
At the time I came up with it no, so I wrote a “pseudo book” explaining the theory and many of the facts I considered to come up with the conclusion. It is still available on Amazon. Anyway, about a year after I published the book, some Korean researchers using a mouse model of ALS discovered that progesterone injections at the dose of 4mg per kg for the most part stopped ALS in its tracks and increased their lifespans from the mouse equivalent of 2 to 4 human years to the equivalent of 17 human years! Oddly a higher dose 8mg/kg, and a lower dose 2mg/kg had no effect-so this is an area for further study to find the right human dose.
So, it looks like my brag was true, after 3 weeks of research I had found what may be the cure or at least first effective treatment for ALS. Just checking Pub Med now there have been a few more studies concerning progesterone and ALS, and the most recent studies had success in stopping the progression of ALS with allopregnanolone (a reduced metabolite of progesterone) and another study identified 4 different substances that were expected to be helpful in treating ALS, progesterone, estradiol (estrogen), resveratrol, and acetaminophen (in addition to 13 different microRNA’s that have to be made in the lab).
And more recently, I found some old data that is very hard to find that there was found a latitude gradient in ALS. The number of cases tends to increase the further one moves from the equator where the sun is strongest. This suggests that there might also be a Viatmian D3 connection to ALS (your skin makes Vitamin D3 when exposed to sunlight) and that hgih dose Vitamin D3 might also be a valuable treatment in addition to progesterone.
And finally, a doctor Tim Ioaniddes, a dermatologist, contacted me and said he had read my book and took me up on the “a cure for any disease can be found by using the Pub Med database in 30 days or less”. He said he started looking for a cure for skin cancer and withibn a few weeks came up with the idea of treating skin acner with human HPV vaccine injections into the tumors. He tried it on 97 year old lady who had so many skin cancers on her leg that she was not a candidate for surgery. In 11 months after 4 courses of injections all of the tumors completely resolved!
Here is a video link about it
and here are some exceprts from Science Daily news>>>>
- July 3, 2018
- Source:
- University of Miami Miller School of Medicine
- Summary:
- In 2017, a case report by Dr. Anna Nichols showed the HPV vaccine Gardasil reduced the number of new basal and squamous cell skin cancers in two patients. Tim Ioannides, M.D., a voluntary faculty member at UM, suggested using the vaccine as an off-label treatment by directly injecting it into the tumors.
“I think we had a really reasonable expectation and good data that this was actually going to, at the very least, do no harm to this patient, and possibly provide some benefit,” said Dr. Ioannides. “To have this type of result in such an advanced patient I think was beyond all our expectations.”
The patient was first given two doses of the 9-valent HPV vaccine in her arm, six weeks apart. A few weeks later Dr. Nichols directly injected several but not all of the patient’s tumors. The direct intratumoral injections were given four times over 11 months.
“All of her tumors completely resolved 11 months after the first direct tumor injection, and she has had no recurrence,” Dr. Nichols said. “It has been about 24 months now since we started with the treatment.”
“They decided to try it and it worked. It killed them all off,” said the patient, who is now looking forward to celebrating her 100th birthday this fall.
So that’s about it for “about me” for now…I might add some more later.
Don’t Miss out on this!: >>> https://jefftbowles.com/how-to-save-90percent-on-any-supplement/